7 w?;$t& ? '6C t f "'fil .' ' ri CiJ TAe OiJLv Da(k Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties pe fUetiitta JUfato. ivmnDirm vntrm nam raws servich EVENING NEWSPAPER PRINT Tim mCWS, ROT HHJTORT Fifth Year No. I, MO KLAMATH PALLS, OKMOV, WEUNBBDAY, OCTOBER BS, 1011 GIANTS GET GAME FROM CONNIE MACK PHILLIES LOST ONE ONLY HAIR CROWD AWAITKII (XINTRBT HKTWKKX FAMOUS TEAMS THE SKKIH PAVOItM MACK'S) MEN UV ONE GAME United Press Service NEW YORK, Oct. IB. Tho (lUuU took tbe Sfth game today In tho world'i championship series with tho Philadelphia Athletics, Connie Mack's (ammie ball playing aggregation. Tho series now elands, Athletics a, tllanta games, In beat (our out or 7. Only a (air crowd awaited tho open ing o( tho bleeehore, and early pros lfts wero against tho crowd belli ft' n-conl breaker. Tho fact that tho tor lei atood 3 to I ao far, tbo Pbllllea Mm far In tho lead, atemed to put a damper on pub lic enthusiasm Tho result of tho miiio today will rnako tbo remaining two annual of tho serloa bare mora Interest to tbo fann aa It will make the contest leas one tided. Tbe llaeup waa unchanged today, whlto Coomb and lpp for tbe Ath letics, and Marquard and Meyer for tho plant wore tbo batterloa. Umpire Klem behind bat, Dlneon on bases, Ooaaelly In left field and lirennan la right tttd. Score by Innings: It. II. K. Athletlca .003 00 00000 3 7 1 tllnnt 000000103 14 3 WTIIIYCHfllWIIIK IY ElrlOSWII OF SHELL Thirty Mamhsrs of Hta Hwort IHr WMl Maw Whew Hoaab Hants Which to Near to Wale of BIIANOIIAt. Oct. IB. General Pens 8han. military commander of Canton, waa killed by a bomb. Thirty tnombera of bla oacort alao porlabed, and Canton la on tho verge of m rebellion. Kebola havo captured Tohen Chow, In tbe Hunan province, an Important atragetlo point. Pokln reporta thai tbe Imporlal court baa completed proparatlona to lea at a moment'a notice to Jebol. the Imperial palace, 110 mllea north of Peking. Kan Chu otBclala are fleeing from here to eecapo massacre. Chief WaheBeM Cleans Up Since Fire Chief Edward Wakefield bu beon changed from a votunteor to a paid oMcor ho baa cleaned up the Are quartan la old city hall until the appearance It vaatly Improved. Thoae uaed to aeelag cobweba In tbo old and hlatorlo temple of fire flghtera and former otlcoa of tbe city cannot And thorn now. It'a a chango for the bettor, decidedly. Will 8. Worden. county Judge, la expected back today from hie ranch at fort Kiaauta. Disastrous Fire At Burns Many Buildings, Fifty Horses LAKBV1BW, Oct. IB. A larga portion of tho buelneaa aoctlon of New Mae Creek, Ore., together with tfty honea In McNab'a atablea. waa coniumed by ire Sunday night. The loat la fully 110,000, with email In surMote Amona Ue bulldlaga buraed were Daa Boone'a atart, Mra. Hammeraley'a hop, Vlayar4'a blaekamlta ahop, Henry Waat'a ahotoataahlo gallary. harneaa ikon and maat shop. TheLake hotal caught tre, but waa aved. Auatla RUehart, who had freight at Now Mao Croak m Kb way to Lake rtew, MTOi ft atlar It had eawght tre '!' K. I. Gets Private Exchange In tho Klamath Development com pony's office building at Main and llroad itroeta a private branch tolo phono li doing Initallod by Manager l. It, Itoberlson of tho Pacific Tele phono and Telegraph company'! Klamath Folia office. Tho branch will havo about a dotun connocllona with varloua dopartmenta of (ho development company. V. II. luidwln. wlfo and family, and Karl Dowllng arrived here laat owning from fowler, Colo., and ex- xct to mako Klamath county their futiiro homo. They havo reviewed tho country from Portland down, topping at Halotn, Albany and Med ford, but Mr. tlaldwln iaa Klamath county look good to him. They aro at tho Oak street riHimlng home, Mlai l.ydla McCall of Anhland la visiting her brother, John McCall, and family. EVER-BEARING APPLE TREE SELLS FORHARDSOK SUM Malum. Frail at All Hcwaoaa, With linos, RIoMonia and Pralt oa lie llraachra at Ihr Han Tin -XWr-lthe cry Company Captarra the Mat Special to Tho Herald Al.tMMY, Oct. IB. An apple treo near Albany baa been aold for 1600. It la over-boarlng, maturing fruit at all acaaona of tbe growing period, with buda, bloaeoma and apples on tho trro nt the aame time. A nuraory company haa bought tbe tree and rill try to cetablleh a new ovcr-bcartng vnrloty. NO JURORS WITH OPINIONS TO SET JUIK1K IIOHDWKLL. IN McNAMARA CASK, HAYS ANY DOUBT OK FAIKNMBS WILL UK OIVKN TO THE DEFENSE United Preaa Service LOS ANQKI-ES. Oct. 38. That no luror may bo qualinea lo lry jonn McNamara merely becauae ne aaya no la willing to lay aalde hla precon ceived onlnlon waa made clear today hv Judao llordwell, wbo earn mat whero Ihvro waa tbe allghteat doubt of ability to bo fair he would give the de- fenao tbe benefit, ana excuee wo Juror. Thin oxprtuaton waa In connection with hta action In excuelng P. J. Hut tin after a challengo by the defenae. Multou aald he believed MONamara guilty, but would try to lay aalde the boiler. Today attornoya are examin ing Albort Dunlap, a farmor, wbo ad mitted that be bollovcd dynamlto do it royod the Tlmea building. New Pine Creek aovoral tlmea. Tho Warner vmioy Mercantile company, loat horses and frelaht. Walter Nylwanger or iaae- vlew, loat freight and aome horses, There were several tnriiung exper iences during the' Are. New Pine Creek la south of here, almost bathe California border. The N.-0.-O. exteaTrtaerocently reached It from Reao. war. Arthur Llvermore aad L. M. Mc Faddea are on a trip to Ian Francisco, whence they went to arrange for ax- turca for tbo now barroom of Uo Llv ermore hotel whea that business la transferred to tbo WlUrow-Molaasa bulldlag, at Fourth aad Mala streets. IHMitStM WIIKCKH MACHINK WMKN ABOUT T) FLY ALOFT United Preaa Service HI'OPKHItl), Tex., Oct. IB. Rod gcra wrecked "Vln III," bla flyer, when trying to Icavo hero today. Tho accident occurrod while tk mr.chlnn wm speeding over tbo Seld preparatory to rising. Itodgora waa unhurt. Haiti ItobPrtaon Improviag llattle. tho G-yoar-old daughter of Mr.nager ... It. Robortaon of the local branch of tho Pacific Tolophone and Telegraph company, who waa severely bitten by Tbomaa Draka'a dec Bruce ten daya ago, la out of hat and recov ering rapidly from th wbunda. Tbe dog waa killed. Horn Tuesday night, to Mr. and Mm. Jamca Dixon, who realde about seven mile aouth of tbo city, a eon. LEAVE FOK HOMES MKUTKNANT GOVERNOR BILBO AM J. G. NAPIBR GONE, AFTER GIVING DKPOBITIONB IK JCA. PIKH UIVORCK CASK HKRK Lieutenant Governor Theodore O. tlllbo of MlMlaalppI and J. O. Napier or Poplarvllle, Mlaa., tbe latter a brother of Attorney John II. Napier of firm of Mllla Napier, wbo have boon vlaltlng tho city for gome time, left tbla morning for their aonthera home. The throe men wero formerly In law practlco aa a firm In Poplarvllle, bat nro now noparatoly engaged. Meaare. Illlbo and J. O. Napier came hare to give their depoeltlona'In taeiart for Ulvorco brought by Joha H. Napier agalnat hla wife. The vlaltora were a conaldcrablo part of their tlmo the gueat of D. St. George Blahop at hla country place, the Cedara, forty intlw up Upper Klamath Lake. Por neweflt of Gelid Mra. Oeorgo T. Baldwin, aailit?d by Mra. Oarrott, Mra. I. Jay Knapp and Mra. Tbomaa Stcphena, will give a tea on Friday afternoon for the benefit of the Ladlea Ootid of the Kplacopal church, BONIFACES WILL MEETATPORTLAND PROGRAM NOW MADH UP FOR FIRST ANNUAL MBBT OF ORE. GON HOTEL MEN, WHO WOULD INCREASE TRAVEL TO OREGON Special to The Herald PORTLAND, Oct. IB. The pro gram haa Juat been made up for the first annual convention of the Oregon State Hotel Mcn'a Aaaoclatloa, which will be held In the convention ball of tho Portland Commercial Club oa De cember 6th and Ith. Tbo hotel men will dlacuaa mattera of mutual Internet, aad aeek waya to Increaae tourlat travel to tbla atate from California and the Boat. A MISSISSIPPI mem Want Advertising in The Evening Herald ; I I HIM1 , ; ; ' Boats weM-mmoi aa4 hitilHtsBUr wrHw ilmMit iiiaaamj wil aaof oho hiiiHn hoaoo an. ; ; : I coMatohiawaoraark ahamt ALL OF Taf TjMaV. -. .. . . ! I 1;; Not many bQatahag hoaeea waa pay at raa at half eapacky. KetasqOQabtainaithwajaoeTor , , ' need ho raa at half eapacMy. t Hit I " ' ' ' a a MILITARY MEET AT COURT HOUSE i INFORMAL OATHKRINQ TONIOHT FOR BKNaVlT OF ALL WHO MAY BB INTKRaWTKI) IN FOR MATION OP OVARD0 HKRK Tonight at I o'clock at the court houae will bo aold aa Informal pablle meeting for the benott of all thoee kn ara lalrfatad In iha nranoaltlon to eaUbUab a eraVea of Ue etau gal- lltta la tbla cHy. Tbe petition circu lated by Dr. W. C. Hnnt toward hav ing a compear of gnardamon eatab- llahed In tbla dty baa been liberally algncd, and the eucceeg of tbe move- menl aeema to be in no doubt. Tbe eating toalght will be for tbe pur- poaeoljlv!naayone who wlabes In fonaatlon In regard to the dutlaa aad prlvllegea of the mlllUa, aad what quallfleatloaa are. neceeaary to eli gibility. Among tboae who have algned the petition are Captain J. C. Rutenle, tbe attorney, who la understood to have aeen aervlee la the mltlUry, and Arch ibald Y. Tlaiall. of the compoaltloa departmeat at Wie Herald, who waa formerly la the Oalted SUtoa army. Aaalataat DMbrlct Attoraey Cbarlea J. Fergana la an old mllltla and can give pelau oa tbe work AFTER WOKE FOR TRIAL LYCIKT4.JIeVTBV TO GET TBE Hl-MORHT FOK BATE TMAT WAS SLIPPED UP ON, BUT MAY HAVE SUBSTITUTE Edmund Vance Cooke, the auaoor-lat-lecturer wbo waa to have leetared Saturday algbt In the opealag of the Lyceum courae, but whoao trala waa dolayed, got here aloag toward mid night, and when met by Secretary B. L. Elliott and othera of the local or ganltatlon exprcaaed hla regret that tho Houaton opera houae bad aot been eecured for Sunday efteraooa or area in. It would have been Impoeelble to get tbo opera houae for Snaday even ing nnd the difficulty of gettlag a Sun day afternoon crowd would have prob ably caused the Klamath Falle organ Itora to balk. An unaucceaatul attempt waa made to get Into commualeatloa with Med- ford, whero be waa to appear Mob day night, to take Tneeday laatead it being an unfilled date aad let Mr. Cooke ertertaln hero that evening. While the opera houae waa takea that ovonlng, aome other hall could prob ably have been eecured. The Lyceum haa written to tbe Brltt Lyceum bureau, which la fur nishing tbe courae, to fnralah Cooke for nnotbor dato later. If tbla cannot bo dono probably aome other attrac tion will be oSered laatead. Mr. Cooko waa naturally dlaap- polnted In not filling hla dato hero, aa he euffera qulto a loea by not earning a lecture fee on that night Oa Sun day be waa given a ride about the city, and waa much pleaaod with hla local reception. Little "Campaign" "Ufa" Will Make Any Boarding House mm ' MROONO AUTOPSY ON BODY FAILS OF CLUB TO CYANIDE United Preaa Service BOSTON, Oct. 36. The aecond niitopey of Avia Llnnatl'a body waa performed today. A atarch of her bathrobo failed to dlacloae a vial or paper containing cyanide. Tbla wra the third time tbe corset haa been examined. Tbe flrtt was the autopay performed after finding tbe body In tbe bathroom and tbe aecond waa laat midnight, whea the eoBn waa opeaed. Perl Prnitt aad wife aad ehSdron arrived la tho elty tbla week treat Bacrameato, leteadlag to auka tbla cUy their fature home. Mr. Praltt moved with hla family to the Saera mento Valley about a year ago, bat tho climate did not agree wRh thaaa. and the materia anally drove teem back to Orogoa. BUILDING STARTS ON NEW DEPOT SOUTHERN PACIFIC BUSY AND aWTABUaVMENT OF NEW CAMP rNBtCATBS WHTBat WORK ON OONeTTBUOTION Special to The Herald CHILOQUUf, Oct. II. A crow of Southern PaeUe mea baajaa work on Moaday oa tho foaadatloa for the new depot The building la to bo a comblaatloa paaaeager aad freight depot aad wUI ha two atorioa. The water taak haa been completed. aad mea aro bow Salahlag tho leyieg of pipe to carry the water froei the river to tho tank. The eagiae aaa maaa ara already hara.taa4.wlH ho laatalled aooa. It la reported hero that aa aaoa the water taak la ready for aaa that the work trala will make their atop at Chllooala. laatead of harlag to raa Into Klamath Falle every night Another railroad camp lo betes ee Ubllahed two mllea beyoad tho old campa. The new camp wUI ho twelve mllea north of Chllooala. Tbla would Indicate tbU work la to eoaUana thin winter oa the extenalon of the llae, County Commlaaloner C. Qny Mer rill la on a trip to Freaao, Calif. TEACHERS' MEET REACHES CLOSE LAST DAY Or KLAMATH COUNTY INSTITUTE DEVOTED TO LBV TENING TO PAPBRS ON PKRTI NEKT SUBJECTS This waa the concluding day of Ue Klamath County Teachers' annual la atltute In th i Central school building. Tbe session waa opeaod wlU aa ad drcra by Mlos Helea T. Koaaedy of tto Oregon library commlaaloa, oa Ue care of books ,aa well as their mean ing, after whle Stato Superiateadeat L. R. Alderman made aa address. F. F. Van Court of Uo Palmer Writlag eompaay, apoke oa "Bualaeoa Wr'tiag," after which Mug Campneii t Of . Good Pay Ml VOLUNTEERS EIX PUBLIC of the Prang Educational company, gavo a talk on trt education In tho advanced gradea. Mlaa Alice Poole of tbo loeal achoow gave tho taaeheri a loaaon oa pboalca la primary gradoe, with a demoaetraUoB, while Mlaa Maude Rlppey aad Mlaa Orace Hewett spoke oa. aaaombly addreaaea. Mr. Vaa Court apoke oa writlag In the gradea, aad Mlaa Jennie Caaaeroa of tho Mlltoa Bradley eompaay gave a a talk oa drawlag. CoadadUg waa the queetloa boa eoadaeted by SUte Snperlateadeat Allwmaa, Amoag the toptea which were dkv yeettrday by tho aehool board convention wero tho follewing: "School Equipment aad Sappllea," "How to Employ aad Keep a Teach er," 'TOoeaea bcbooi begiaiauon, "CoaaetldatloB," "School Tasatioa," "Courae of Study for Rural Element ary aad High School," "Wider Una of School Honaea," "The School aa a So da! Center." "How Can the School Be Made to Serve tho Dutrlct Better!" "School Board Meetlaga." "Stae of School AnWrKaWIETTll, wK USTTIIICATE Attorney C. E. Doming, a graduate of tho UalveraJty of Kaaaaa. who lo cated hero la tho early aaauaer. aad had aa otteo over the Klamath Cowaty bank, haa decided to go to Kaaaaa ai engage la the practice of hm profee- sloa there. Mr. Doming, shortly after coatlag to KhuaaU Falle. had Ue aUafortaao to Baler, a severe attack of typhoid fever, from which he haa praeticaHy recovered. He will probably locate at Manhattan, Kane. Hla law library haa boon parchaoed by W. H. Shaw, tho aodauat city attoraey. SOMEFINE WHEAT FROM POEVALLEY JOHN VAN METER, A PIONEER GRANGBK GROWS CROP WHICH YIELDS FORTY BUSHELS TO ACRE WJHEN hUKYJaVfa Joha Vaa Meter of Poe Valley, an old time reetdenter In this neighbor hood, belloveg ho Is entitled to Ue ebamploashlp aa a wheat grower la Ula eectloa of Uo country. Mr. Vaa Meter haa Just harvested a crop of wheat oa hta place which ran forty bushels to Uo acre, and weighed 138 pounds to Uo aack. It Uero la any rancher la ue KlamaU Baala who can beat Ula rec ord Mr. Van Meter would be glad to kaow about It. He brought la a load of It Tuesday, and disposed of It to Martin Brothers, at tho Klamath Falls Roller Mills. I. D. Applcgate haa returned from a visit to Ashland, and left Ula mora- Ing for Ue lava bods to look after his sheep bualaosa. Sheep Sales Made Showing Decided Life In Like Special U Tho Herald LAKBVIBW. Oat . A large Bumher of ahaoo havo chaagod heads hero dnriag Ue past few days. Among Uo aalea made to outside buyers aro Uo feUewtag: Charles Baorlock to Loalo oorber, 1,9 weUers at IM0, for delivery at Tata Lake; Charles Sherlock to Herbert Osoraw, l.0 lambs at II. for delivery at Dawa Croak. The tot ter wero lava hot stock, aad antra !,. aad Dalaa amona Uo Saost la the coaatry thoV brought the top price. " I III I-yoar-old -Jirrr.; Ts..a aW.. wwwn .... ii n. . HIGHWAYS CITIZENS SHOVELING DDtT AND ROCK AT FBSwJ KLAMV ATH IN ORDER TO GET ROAM IN BETTER SHAPE FOR HAND UNO LARGE TRAFFIC County Judge Will S. Worden la to day at Fort KhuaaU, where ha foaad Ue aptrit of tho people decidedly la favor of good roade, ao much ao that tweaty voluateera with teama were working to tho end of Improviag the highways la tbe town. Since August 1st Ue county haa.' bad aa oatlt working eel Ue road loading late Fort KlamaU, and the laat BU mllea golag to tho towa haa been made Into a perawaeat road of' good character. In grading nnd making Ue road, a lot of pumice stone waa dag ap, aad tbla waa hauled Into Fort KlamaU town nnd distributed on streets which needed Slllng la spots. As fast as a load waa damped near the desired spot Ue workers followed aad leveled Ue highway with It Tbe people at Fort Klaaaath aro aa aaxiooa for good roade that Uey did not wait for aome one to do Ue work for them, bat tackled tho baetaeas eada of ehovsls aad other Implements. aad gavo tbe work a practical lav potaa. i SCUT KAN WO, otTttti A United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C Oct . A asStonal movement to erect a aUtae of tho late Roar Admiral Wlalcld Scott Schley Is already talked of, aad It has now developed that because of objections of the widow .no doaU mask of the admiral' face waa made. Tbla la regretted by artists aad Us friends of tho Into admiral, aa ue making of a death maak would have Insured an exact aad true reproduc tion of the admiral's head aad fea tures In aay statue cast from It. Soon after the arrival of the body In Washington from New York Mat week a naval oMcer la Waehlagtea suggested to Dr. Wlnaeld Schley, sea of the admiral, that a death maak no mado. The admiral's son approved of the suggestion, aad ao did hta slater. The consent of Mrs. Schley, the Widow, was secured, aad preparatloaa begun for making Uo maak. Mrs: Schley changed her mlad. however, before Ue proparatloaa wore complete. Her wishes were rospaetod. Will Brotbortoa waa la Ue cUy yse tordar from hla Poo Valley place, bringing In a load of grata. Mr. Broth ortoa la highly pleased with the re sult of tbla year's work, harlag av eraged atH buehcte of wheat to Uo aero. i And Market " (or delivery at Davia ureea. waue O. T. McKeadree purchased aaoUer buaeh of 190 lambs from Turner at Merrill, for delivery Udre. at II; MeKendroe also goVlt l-yoar-ow wethera from Bel Chi Iter at ff. aad Daa Chandler aoM 1 j a -iwjf AeanlraPa Beat asl aaotev AaaiifH Measures to Preserve FealMas for Statae Use, Bat am. Sehlsp Oh J0CWb9b1 IO MaWao taOerhor fHVikl Mosa'amMaBl;, lambs at .!. Li of S00 wethen to which he reesrred uo muo? nwmo , - i .. . .. ' . Ta . "I . kk .. .. S'-l mixes oaa i V?ZiLiy'A The market i '"i'iT"Pi s:- with more sales hell mAm J-V .aJ O, T. McKeadree tUeafleoa of men .to got Ue, hoaght of Dave Wm k. aad at leerfhaVrfV ' ;v. ,, T : '-, . ifw jizi - ,rmw$z. .:' i.aaY . IS: & tyfShi' m I, V