'VKj'Vj h" . 1 !4l -J-. TAe Ow Dai Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties I J C elald. irrruBD by mra UNITW Wtm NKWH SKHVICB EVENING NBWBPAPKM I'llINT THE NEWS, NOT HISTORY, Fifth Vrr No. f.WH KLAMATH KALLH, OHUGON, TI'I.HHAi. OOTOIIKH ill, 1011 Pi, fir pbe Hi Miml Aijffea 41 A'. igfftuBfc dkw1 sfljVdlatft t4bb PEDAGOGIES HEAR FOREIGN METHODS ORAL WORK ABROAD MOKK l-OI'UI.AH THAN' IN U.WTKIl HTATKM TEACH KHM UIMKIi 1l HKK TO I'HYMICAL WKLF.tHK OF VVVllM IIF.FOHK MENTAL a , This inontlnK tbn cnttitli of tho tt-ni hrm' nniiual Institute for ICInm utli county was continued In tliii Cen tral school tiulldlnK with tlm same e- flint ntlundnucu which character lint )csterdny'a session, ( MIk Montana' Haitlngs of (he do imitiMi'tit u( ediiiutlon of Ihu Unlvcr lly of Oregon, ipoke on "Gllmpsm of HchooU of England and tlermiiuy " mill with her accustomed facility guvo tint hcurcr nh Insight n to what she liml observed wlilln nbroad. rthu remarked that In those two iiiuntrli'ii morn ornl work wan ilnno limn In llili roiinlry. Abroad (hey Id pictures tell mmiy of tho stories Hint nro used In develop tho iiilmU of I lie )oiiiik. Hho Illustrated tho Hug Huh system of thin detail of school work by tho mo of largo picture lirotiably two feet square, which are given to tho pupils In .English schools to work frniii. Tho teacher then glvea nu Idea of tho delalla of tint picture to tho pupils, who aro then called on to go deeper Into tint characteristics of the repreanntatlon and elaborate on the (tenia mentioned by tho In strurtor Whllo III the Unlttd Htatea there I great deal of written work, aurh as mi eaaay and roiniioiltlon, to tent the mind of tho pupil, whllo tho two for eign natlona mentioned above, think Hint better remlta aro attained by the inte of more apokon teats. Following Mill Hailing' address Ktptv 8uerlntendent L. It. Alderuinn spoko on tho now rouno of itmly and bore on poind that are prominent (nturcs of It. Ho urged upon the teachera tho nereulty of bringing the ihlld'a ph)ilral condition to tho proper point flrt of all, nnd then In glo tho itudy which would hojld It mentally. It wna nrcouary, he ar gtied, that tho child' health ahould bu good, nnd hi condition gcnorally fit for mental growth, before bo could properly aialmllato knowledge which tho ichool wero anilou to Impart to him. Tho ichool board convention wn held today under tho chalrmnnihlp of County Superintendent J, 0. Hwau, and thero worn 16 or 10 director prcsont to lliton to dliciiulona of the het mean of fncllllotlng board work. Iato In tho morning teacher divid ed Into group nnd llitencd to argu ment ai follew: "Debate and Literary Work," M. 1). Coatcs, Klamath County high ichool. "language In Advanced Grades," As Hlitant Stato Hiiierlntendent K. F. Carloton; "Primary Number," MU Maudo Laughead, Albany; "School noard Hound Table Conference," Btato Superintendent I.. II. Aldermnn. Mis llaatlngi related how, when called on In Germany to talk United State hlitory for a clan of young people, ho thought that they would got mnro quickly what they would llro to know by aiklng questions. Tho dominant quory waa about Nlagu ra Kail-, with the Indiana lecond and tho high mountain third, which mado Keep Chloride Of Water; Mayor Councilman M. a. Wilkin U strongly opposed to any chloride of lime being used by tho Klamath Falls Light and Water company for purifi cation purposes. "Lot's order them to stop the use. of It," bo told the council last night. "If you boll the atuf and It rum over on the store the sediment bolls up surprisingly, I got ahead of you on telling them to quit It, for I're al ready told then so," Mayor vytd T. Baaderaon said be would have a. talk with Manager Qeo. J. WaltM of the oompaay. He told tlio discussion In Hint nMiiiil moio geographical llinii liUlorlnil. Till nfteriiooti tint program wuh di vided a fullown; "High School Dis cipline," Assistant Hlutu Hiipurlnleml lit II. F. Cnilrtuii; "Heading In Up- tier uraues, .mish- .Molilalia' llnstlngs: "Hource or rrimnry Language) m terlnl," Mil Mnudii l.niiKhend: Dis cussion of topic iiiKKeMfd: "Tlitf School a ii Hod n I Outer," Htntu Hu perltituiduiit Aldermiiii; "How to I'm ii Con mo of Htudy," MImk Montann HniilliiKic Till eveiilni! Ilierti will bu iniiKlr and nddreiiicM at tho hlgli urboot iimll torliim for the Imtltiite nnd lltliiK ichool bnnril dvleKiite. mid the pub lic I lorillnlly Invited. Tlitre will bo opportunity for nil lutercnled In the vi IxmiI work to limped llio liyw- up pnrntu In llio miitiiinl trnliiliiK 'Ii pnrtmeiit iih will n llio equipment for the ilomcntle trnliiliiK atrtlou both of tlieoe being lllnlertnklllK HOW III f It In term of tlm high rhool, OPINIO)) BASED ON READING NOT TO OISOUALIFV JUROR Judge In MiNmimrii Trial Olie Klnt Hilling He Hu Mmlo AdveriH ki HifenMwTuii Nliite Cliallengei Allow el Ifnlted I'reaa Service I .OS ANOKI.CS, Oct. St. Judmt llordwell In thu McNnman'i(tJl ruled that an opinion n to the rail no of the Time cxplunlou vihlch would miulru evlilenru to remote, If frntuid from rending nownmpcr, not alone iufP dent to dliqunllfy n Juror. Thin I the tint Merlon ruling ad temct lo Hie drfuiiHC. Judge llordwell allowed chil' ttto by the Klnte HKnlual both llolilinon nnd .Mciulonh thl mornlnt; on nr count of their objection to cireum itnntlnl exlililice, EMERGENCY MEET FOR COUNCILMEN HI'tXIAL HKKHIO.V 1-41 UK HICMl1 TOMOItltOW MOHT IV HOPK OF CI.KANIN'd Ol.ll lll'HIN'l-XH OFF TIIK HUTF. Owing lo tho luck of sufficient councllmen nt Innt night' meeting jo pr.n emurgenry ordliinuce it number of these wero not taken up for final piiHsnge, It require olght council men lo get Ihlough Kiich IiiihIiics ulid tho hewn fnlthful who wero on deck wero Couutllmun M. 0. Wilkin. F. L. Fielder. 0. 11. Crlsler, (1. W. White. Hon S. Owen. Allen Slnmblo nnd Charles Mctlowun. Tlio absentee woro Councllmen Marlon llnnks, II. S. Oilgsby and It. A. Alford. On tlio suggeitlou of Mnor Fred T. Sandoraon It wn de cided to hold tho next meeting Wed nesday night, when a special effort will bo mndu to tnko up koiiio omer- Lime From City II See Company tho council that tho company uses chloride of lliuo to clean out tho res trvolrs only, and does not put It In tho water supply. The sontlment of tho council, with out any vote being taken, waa to keep tho chlorldo from the water Kwauua Lodge No. 1060, M, W. O. A., Inltlatod two flret and ono aecond doireo candidate last nlgbt and naa a suppor afterward. A committee has boon namod to arrange for a dance about Thanksgiving time. gonry Munition iimt get It out of tlm runil. All tlm uiiincllnru nt IiihI nlglit'a incutlng iigtecd to bo present tmmirriiw' ovcnlug, iitnl nt tlint lime ll In Imped to get llio decks clourcd of ii Kit nf ulil HlufT .MN Mlllltlltlll llimtlncH of llio (ill ViTHlly Of DlCgOII, CllgellO, llll lllinl liceu liern filleiiillni: llio t urln-i m Iii-( iiltiite, IniviH loiiioriiiw mornliiK. i .Mih, Wultor .1. Hcliurr. mid ilnugli' lor Until, uliii linu been vUltlng .Mr I. Jny Kniipp on the Went Hlile, for 1 1. it punt hIx week, left for tlielrj liiiimt In l.,iii AtiiFf.fon Mtimlnv mi tint I f.'.Ilu train. To IMnhlMi Heteiilli Hlrei't drutl.' Coiiiicllmnu M. 0. U'llklim lie! uUlit Inlrodiiri'd nu onllnnnn; In lle city council providing for thu ratio I' 'imeut of (bo grndo on Sovenlli 'nlffct, from tho north lino of lll.h ktrcet to tho north lino of thu ov cr.iment r.'innl. The nrdlnnnco to ( ttldlih the grade of lno Ktrevt paiul hviond rending. t FREE DELIVERY GOAL IS NEARER (Ot'Ntll, HAH Aiivi:itTisi:n nut srncirr hkjns. ami ai.i. that IthMAINH TO UK IHI.N'K IS t'l TO flTV I'ATIIKIM When I'red T. 9amlernmi lat night called on tho commltteu on free limit delivery, which commltteo connlit of Councllmen Charlr McOowan, 11. 8. Owen nnd II. S. (Irlgihy, McUnwau ieortcd tbnl the ndvertlMng for bids for Htreet nlgn wn now being dono nnd Hint a oon as tho bliU wcro re ceived there would - be nniitcthlng doing. Mnor SAiidertion ald ho had had n talk jcuterday with I'oitmaitcr CI)duK, llrnndenburg, nnd Hint tho government oRlrlal had niuurCd him Hint nil tlmt wn .needed to get the free delivery wn for tho city to meet tint government requirement, which would be ronipnrntlvely cniy nnd ceo. nnmlcnl. "It wont rout ,u u cent," inld tho mayor. Kvldently (ho mayor forgot that tho ilrect 8lgn ncccwary to bo ei Inhllihrd for free delivery would havo lo be pnld for. butter and cheesemento HOLD ROSE CITY MEETING Hairy Product of All Kind to He lteireentecl by IMegate and Prise I l.b.1 In nn exceptional One WUI Me't In December Special to Tho Herald POUTLAND, Oct. St. Dairy mon and butter nnd cheeso maker will gether In Portland December 8, 7 nnd S for tho a'nnuul convention, nnd spo- tlnl plan ai'j under way to mako thl icnr'a gathering thu largest nnd most Important ever held. ' KxpcrU from tho Fast will bo In attondanco to Judge, tho different ex hibits, of which thero will bo many, and woll known authorities on vari ous topics of interest will deliver ad dressed. Thoro will bo moro nnd hot ter nrlies offered than over bofore. A Want Advertising in The Evening Herald ! ! Home well-timed aad Intelligently " mine up to high-water mark- ! Not nuiuy boarding houses . i . . . . w ui.. n " lieeu IM run v mnm ny, ,t9tottfT?ftsjftfteysjsjfsjsjrsjrfrisf himiiiiimimi immm BOOST AT CLUB I'oitriiAMt t.o.MMi.iiciAi, oiua.v. I.ATIO.V HAH rKAHT MKANH IOH ItHOAIIKMMl TltAltK KK liATIONH AUK IIIHUI'HSKH tinllci! Tress Service I'OHTLA'ND, Oct. 24. A p of licrmanent constructive) benefit ai tlir.t taken last Saturday night at tho Portland Commercial Club, when IjUhIih-8 men gathered nt a dinner to dUriiHx the benefit tof recent excur Mloni.to Klamath Knlli, Central Oro gon and Aberdeen, Wuili. Tlio big dining room waa filled by mon of af fair, nnd tho experience given and the policy outlined for futuro excur iloiii wero of great value. Thu meeting doveloped Into a ijrm. poilum on tho nttltudo of Portland litulnuii men to outllde territory In tho two vtntei, nnd wni n survey of cou'illHonB exlittlug from Aberdeen to Klamnth nnd In Centr.il Oregon. The remit will be a clorcr tlo between Portland and tho outlying country, and thl promlie to be of great aid In future development. The following wn tho program of nddreHc: "Portland at Aberdeen," E. F. West. "What Can We Do for More llmlncs In (ho Oroya Harbor Sec tion?" C. 0. Colt; "How Can We De velop More lluilneta In Klamath Knlli!" John F. Carroll. "Crook and Harney Counties, Tributary Territory of tho Trip " 8. C. I'lir. "Trade Po ilbllltlrx of Central Oregon." H. W. Mitchell. "Why Portland nustncia Men Should participate in tho Trade Bxcurslon nnd WhrA They Should Do fo Aulit in tlitl'Dcvclopment of tho Country," Wilfred P. Jone. "Tho Trip to Hums," Paul Delia. "What Wni .Accomplished at tho Southwent Washington Development Meeting nt Aberdren and High Light on the Vnrlou Kxcunlon," C. C. Chapman. Ijinrern slide of Aberdeen, Klam eth rails, nend and Durni, furnished by tho lllll nnd Hnrrlman line; mov ing picture of tho Portland Livestock show nnd tho statu fair at Salem, nev er hown before, were exhibited. GET ORDINANCES INTO SHIPSHAPE MAYOIl ANXI018 JXiB TUB CITr l'ATHi:it8 IX) PUT LOCAL LAWS IS AKHKMHLKD FOltM, HIT NO ACTION IS TAKKN "What about codifying tho ordi nances?" asked Mayor Fred T. San deroon of his worthy follow legisla tor In tho halls of tho municipal council Mouduy evening. Councllmen 0. W. Whllo and M. Q. Wllklns reported Hint nothing had been dono. "Why not hire a man to do It?" suggested tho ma) or. "Wo had a man ntnrted on It once, but ho waa paid and quit," ald Coun cilman C. 11. Crlslor. No nctlon was taken. Tho fact Is tlir.t AI Leavltt was en- gaxeel lomo tlmo ago by the council Little "Campaign" Will Make Any Boarding House 90ClOett66M I written classMed advertising will keep the txwrdsag house v ; ; about i ALL OF THE TIME., ', will pay If run at half capacity. Not any GOOD boarding noaee ,,; at a tlmo when It wag thought that tho work could ho dono for f 160. Out ten ttlmcH that nurn would bo nearer tho tost, 10 tho work wan not completed. It'n a big Job, and would not only tnko money, but wcokn of arduous labor. MORE VAUDEVILLE SHOWN AT HODSTON'S THEATRE A good audlcnco assembled last iilglit at Houston' opera house, whero tho J. W. Flood company begad a three nights' engagement with vaude- llio numbers. Tho company in clude La Hello Marie, contontlo.iiit, who Is agjlmbcr as can bo; Flood and H.iys In a comedy akctch, "Jimmy James," and Lois James, tylophono manipulator, as well as the sudden c'longo act of the Hay sitters and "Jumping Jack" Flood, whose aerial hops aro unique and Interesting. OAK AVENUE BAD WHERE TRACK IS CITY KNHINKKIl HAYS CHOSSIXO KHTA1ILISI1KI) THKHK WOULD ItK DANGKHOUS, AND HE CON DKMX8 PltOPOHKD OPENINQ City Engineer Don J. Zumwalt re ported to tho council last night against tho proposed extension of Oak avenuo across tho Southern Pacific tracks, as It would go through where tho passenger trains stop, is so close to tho depot that teamsters could not sco.tralns approaching from the south and frequent switching at the spot would hold up traile -most of the time. Ho said his men and himself wero delayed n" long tlmo by trains tho morning they went to look over tho grourd. Councilman Owens said that It the people of Mills addition had to go to Wantland avenue It would mean much out of tno way travel ror meiu to get to and from tho main part of tho city, tho distance from Oak to Wantland being 2 600 feet. On tho mayor's recommendation that all tho councllmen who could take a look at tho proposed crossing beforo tho next 1 meeting tho subject waa doforrcd. City Engineer Zumwnlt reported that ho had surveyed, staked nnd plat ted tho proposed extension of Want- laud avenuo ncrom tho tracks, wnten will Involve 8-10 of on acre ownod by tho railroad and 72-100 of an ncre owned by tho Klamath Develop ment company. PANAMA TOMIAGE SHOWS' INCREASE Jl RAILROAD Government (MHclala Be Forerajwer of lllg Canal Huslnces In TraJac ost Kteam Line. Which Nov.- Htodera Canal Irogre" United Press Service WAHtnvnTON. D. C. Oct. 14. Government officials see a forerun ner of tho hugo traffic to be handled chrnush the Panama canal In the In creaso of through freight handled by tho Panama railroad. In tho last year there has been an : Of - Good Pay , , ' REDEEM WARRANTS BY ISSUE OF BONDS Increaso of 23.04 per cent In the ton nage handled by the railroad for rev enue purposes. This Increase has taken place In tho absence of any systematic effort upon tho part of the road to Increaso Its business. In fact tho:o In charge of tho canal construc tion aro already complaining that tho rovenuo trr.ffle interferes seriously with the use of tho road In connec tion with tho work on the canal; On tho Pacific coast this freight Is handled by two competing steamship lines, who deposit their cargoes at Panama. The Panama railroad trans ports it across tho Isthmus, to Colon, whence It Is taken' up the coast by steamship owned by tho railroad company. On westbound freight (bis process is simply reversed. Peter Cravettl is tho now chef for tbo White Pelican Hotel, and will be here In tlmo to undcrtako to fur nish good things for the Inner man when tho hotel opens. He Is f'om the Hotel Drcslln. Now York. GREAT BIB, JUICY APPLES WLLBfSHOWKATEUGEME Cemlaa: Skovr of King of Orchard Prodactt WIU EcHper AU Float Ms deavors That Towa Ha Made te That Uae Special to The Herald EUGENE, Oct. 34. Eugene will hold iU biggest apple show on No vember 3 and f, the 'coming exhfMt throwing all previous shows far In tbo shade. Tho annual fruit exhibi tion la growing all the tlmo In Im portance because- of Increasing orch ard acreage around Eugene, and this year tho festival will tako on moro then local interest. Prlzea have been offered that make It an obiect for fruit growers to com- I nete. CHARTER PEEVES ONE COUNCILMAN O. W. WHITE SPEAKS SLIGHTING LY OF MAGNA CHARTA RY WHICH PEOPLE OF KLAMATH FALLS SHOULD DE GOVERNED "It I may say .it our fool charter doea not provide for the city engineer to keep a record book for surveys." said Councilman O. W. White, when ho brought up the fact that the charter provides that tho police judge, who Is T. F. 'Nicholas, shall keep such a record. It r.ppcared that the police Judge bad no aucb tome in the official archives, .vd City Engineer Don J Zumwalt volunteered the Information Hint ho had such a book In his office, and bad boon using It to enter a survey. "I think It Belongs to the city any way," said he. "All right, It'll save us buying one, anyway," said tho councilman. Mercantile Tax Proposed By Mayor And City Attorney Mayor Fred T. Sanderson has In mind the raising of revenues for the city by tho Installation of regulations which will reuulre taxes from" people la the various trades and occupations, and as a result of bts mention of the proposition at the council meeting last nlgbt It waa determined to put tho matter into the hands of tbo city attorney, E. L. Elliott, to draw up an ordinance which will provide tor such fees. Council will fa tho amount of taxes lntsr.. ' r "There art iota of psoffU here do- - IXCa tW ,,HU. TO BETTER CREDIT OK MUNICIPALITY COUWCIL OR DBRH CITY ATTORNBT TO DRAW HI ORDINANCES NBCRsV HARY FOR SPECIAL KLBCTION Dills of the Big Basin Lumber com pany for $11.05 aad the Iaaes-Ctarke company for 96.80, which had beea held up by the council for a couple of weeks, were the subject of a spe cial report by the finance committee, Councilman O. W. White, chairman, last night. r The committee found that the for mer bill should be cut 1 6.60 and the balanco of 64.45 allowed. On tbo second bill the committee roportcd that It had traced all feat one of the Items to the use of the city after being ordered by persons accustomed to ordering same. The enc particular Item not traceable waa evidently ordered by D. H. Qool when 1 o was street commissioner and used on the government canal Bear the Samaritan hospital. The committee retorted that the parties famishing It goods added 10 per cent to prlees at which like goods were furnished to other parties. ' "We believe the city Is toetag hesrv- !'y by paying these bills la depreciated warrants, aad most respectfully rec ommend that the council refund out- standing warrants by the tone of bonds to run thirty years, payable at any Interest bearing period after fifteen years," said tie retort- - "We tad thac fhe-Intnres-Ctark goods were ordered as far back as June. We do not recommend pay ment or non-payment," stated Mr. White. Councilman F. L. Fielder's motion to pay the bills was seconded by Councilman Charles McOowan, and pi o vailed. Then Councilman White moved thu .City Attorney E. L. Elliott bo instructed to draw necessary ordi nance to provide for a special elec tion to Issue refunding bonds for the outstanding debt of the city, which motion was seconded by Councilman. C. n. Crlsler, and prevailed without n dissenting voto. The floating debt amounts to 146. 000, approximately, while tho legal limit Is fSO.000. Rov. George H. Feeee, pastor of Grace M. E. church,- has boon made the recipient of a unique gift by his congregation. He Is the donee of a trip to Seattle, where he goes to hear the series of evangelical meetings be ing held by "Gypsy" Smith, tbo Eng lish revivalist, who Is probably the foremost revivalist of any Christian denomination In the world today, Seml-Annual Aakeajr Report Mayor Fred T. Sanderson last sight called on the committee on acquire ment of the Ankeny canal, consisting of Councllmen O. W. White, O. B. Crlsler and B. S. Qrigsby, to report at the next mooting. "We cannot report tor three months," said Councilman White. "This Is a' slow proposition aad oaa not be rushed." , "Semi-annual reports." suggested Crlsler, and a laugh came forth. .. Will Draw Ordinance log, business, not paying any rent or taxes either." said nil aoaor. in a- , dressing the city paters. "Tho ro . 1 cordor hero says ho is surarlaM M . the number of peopW that ntf;ls Jh J hit ofdee asking what the llesaso foea ' f. are for various things, and tumTto he ,-' ft v told that thero art no taMg MMstwd, - -' on thorn. Wo havo a oapr.ol fC&T burg act tnat im.pm.-IP: tor." . - v-' ViPr..-".; 'TIB llu ISTH pt JS.TWT7 nww--. bouse la town paying H.'',I ."-! 1T a.sii tl - -- J "TMVa stfj