A 1 $ iS The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties theilitta MtMh. SUPPLIED by TUB UNITED PRESS NEWS SERVICE EVENING NEWBPAF1 PRINT THB NEWS, NOT HMTOKY vl 1 Firth Yrur No. l,tlH7 KLAMATH PALLS. ORBOOX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER SI, 1911 IffCVt Vlw -i I Mt BEET TESTS WILL SOON BE HAD HERE CORVALLIS TO HELP HTATH KXI'KIIIMKNT MTATION WILL HKND CIIKMIHT WITH MX'KMHAIIY KQl'IPMKNT TO GIVE HWiUl.TH OP NEW CHOP . , . .. . .. . t Joseph Kahoiit. Karol Vavrcka, on. Within a fortnight, probably, there, Krlo, ol.n Hpolek. Vincent Jcllnek, Kill I.,. a tostlng Utlon established jin nrotam V. J. Spottk, Joseph hero under tht direction of thu Orc.HteJlknl, W.Wnstrrhlt, Krnnk Zumpfe. imi experiment station at Corvallls, Atl Kronpn. Joseph Jei, Joseph whlih Is conducted by tin. state, for, K,.ni y K. Vondrlcs, Joseph lfn. the iirpoiu of testing the sugar loots',,,,,,,,, lltlll Vincent Xiimr. alied this season by (armor In J , H. Huttnn of Dnlry Is another iwsmniii m 11 ii i jr wnu di ireo sugar) beet seed from the gorcrnmonl, ' William II, llellrmnn, of thu reels inntlon strvlrn nt this point, hnd tak en up tho tnattor with tho state au thorities, as thu government was un able to spare tho money needed to de fray the ex pen si of establishing n testing slntlon here. Jiut about tho time "Mr. Ilcllomnu was getting his plans toward securing the testing sta tion from Corvallls he was railed to .Washington, whore ho wilt probably rtmaln during the period that tho tests will bo made, so he has put tho matter Into the hnnds of Charles W. Khorlcln and others horo who will endtavor to see that tho plan Is car rled to u successful completion. Dr. James Wllhyrombe, director of the experimental ststton wroto to Mr. Hctletnau that one of the assist ant chemists could como for tho work, but that tht station has no fund to to the work with. Ho stated that tho station could gt transporalon as far ns Ashland, but that from 'there to Klamath Palls tho expense would Imvo to bu defrayed. Arrangements went msdo locally to tako caro of this expense, and the chemist, with his paraphernalia. Is expected hero beforo tho first of tho month. Owing to transportation of beets, some limes resulting In a consider able toss of moisture, tho promoters of tho Industry, aro particularly pleased at tho prospect of getting quirk testa on tho ground hero. To have sent tho sample to Washington with the consequent delay and loss of tltallty, to say nothing of the long wnlt on tho results, would Imvo boon much tuoro unsatisfactory than tho temporary establishment of n labora tory hem, which will be even much quicker and nioro certain than to send tho samples to Corvallls for test. A ifn Index of tho number of farm, era In this vicinity who hnve. thrauuh tho lustrumentnllty of Mr. Ilellemnn, been -made to son the Importance of sugar beets In this vicinity, and to grow the vegetables from seed fur nished by tho pntornnl government the following list of grower I given: W, W. Lawl, Joseph Stunipfhuhor, K. It. C. Williams, Hair ft Summer nuer, II, I.. Hoggs, George D. flrltxlo, H. (t. Falrclo, Almo Hhort, H. W. Hhort, Prod Nltseheln, M. I.. Pottand, Prank Ankeny, J, M. Kxell, E B. Phtlllpa Clarence Harris, Klamath Kails; If, II, Hoyt, N. 8. Merrill, Chas. LoomU, II, C. Pcttltt, II. F. Tolls. J. 8. McClellan, P. R. Stevenson of Merrill, and tho following In tho' now- ly established colony of Bohemians nt Mnlln, whoro a boet sugar factory la now bilng established to be ready to manufacture augar from tho product noxt year: John Ilontlk, Joseph Vic- Ingram Leaves After Getting Bailed Out Of Jail, Following Saloon Row LAKEVIBW, Oct. II. Former Poreat Supervisor Ouy M. Ingram, af tor creating much excitement and nearly firing a shot at a man In a sa loon with whom be bad became en raged In a quarrel, upon being balled out of tho town Jail, where he had boon placed to cool off, left (or other point Monday. An auto plowed the young man up and took him beyond the reach of tho ogtoara of the law. nffna)pOMlt eupervlsor of the rrwnt restart, established the (act liirln, Joseph Kutvra, Kuilolf Klsiun, Joseph Hmlill, Anton I'ollvk, Ches: I'whanco, Itudolph Kim, WultiT Hit ter, Joo Oloman, Krnnk Kotllk, AloU Kallim, I'm nk Kramorlk, Joseph Do vlitok, Jontpli p. Kamarad, Krnnk Jngyr. Igimc Oackn, Joseph Krojslvck, Krnnk Ailunick Joseph I'otusok, An ton Krupo, Mlko Dobry, Frank tfalas, Joseph Mlckn, Hluvu Ktldr, J. P. Pos IkihII, JmucN llavllna, J, J, Vskal, (,.( miser, I'lilllp It. Hlnnott, former city ed Itor of thu Klamath Kails Kvenlng Herald, came to thu city Inst night f tnlm III., "all" fin Ihn I'ltlfieer Print vacated by J. Bcott Taylor, who went to the Chronicle. LAKE COUNIV RESOURCES Umi uiv np IMPRFSS NFVf YHfiK M;lILm" " K Cipiih-x on Visit to llsughter, aiiilj Pluih That Hlluation 'Aiirars Pa torable In Piling on a lllg Hobm' slead Will Art Accordlagly Special to Tho Herald I.AKKVIKW, Oct. 21. Upon a trip of Inspection to tako county, J. C. Wing of lllnghanton, N. Y., I visit' Ins hi daughter, Mrs. Olive Orayco. who en mo htro n short tlmo ago, and Is very murh Impressed with tho pot slbllltles that this part of tho country offers tho homeseekor. Mr. Wing has traveled throughout tho Northwest, and alter arriving within tho county felt that he was at homo. Though ho has seen hut llttlo of tl.o county, which Is ns largo as sev eral of tho counties In the Empire state, ha believe that ho ha en enough to warrant him In taking a claim of 3!0 acre a a homestead, FREE CARRIAGE FOR SHOW GOODS HltHTIIHItX PACIFIU TO ANMIHT KI.AMATII PAMJi TO OKT IT PAHM PKOia'CTH TO XKW YORK Klt MM) HIIOW Bocri'tnry C. T. Oliver of tho K(m- nth Kails Chamber of Commorco has received n letter from tho Southern Pacific road, which practically guar antees that Klamath Falls will bo represented at tho great land show shortly to bo held In-Now York. The railroad poopto havo offered to trans port tho exhibit ns far aa Omaha and tho Chicago and Northwestern will carry them to tho Windy City tree of charge. From thoro to Now York tho carriage may havo to bo paid for. Tho show I to open November 3, land In order to get tho Klamath Fall exhibit through In time for tho affair that he la one of the best posted men In the Wert along forestry lines. His knowledge of the various meth ods used throughout the forest re serve has often commended him to those able to appreciate bis wlds knowledge and' the thorough training that be bad to go 'through. As suporvltlngoffleer be made a record for his four years of service, and It lswRK reint that bla many friends formed thresh appreciation of bla ability have seen blm do un pleasant things, It will be necessary to sond tho cx , lilhlt as baggage, Secretary Oliver has gnthvrcd sumo flno sugar beets, potato s and wheat sample for ship ment to tho Kastorn display, and hopes Hint Hid grain, which ho will hnndplck beforo shipment, will win olio of the prises, which ran go from fnoo to 11,000. Potatoes to bo sent n r from the Svldon Oglu and Button fnrms. MAIN' HTIIKKT WOULD STAND CI.KANINO IP COULD GET IT Main street Is In such a condition Hint n denning would not hurt It any. Tho gutter between Fifth and Slith street Is In an especially unsanitary rondltlon, and tho bltullthle surface for which tho taxpayers put up good, linrd cash, Is completely hidden In rpots by tho filth. Miss Ilcsslo Helntt, a well known musician of this city, and the family, snvo hor father, have gono to Hon- cut, Cnllf,, for permanent residence. 'Mr. Helntt Is employed on the White Pelican hotel and will Join the fam ily later, Horace llous, hi eon-ln law, has traded hi Klamath Falls lesldcnro property for an orange roTo ,n Dlc Cn '" '"u on" ,hero ,or ruldenee. PURMEU IN CITY rllJUOHT KN'OVOtr APPLICANTS NOW KMtOM.KII TO MAKK UP .NKCK8HAHY IUMITKR OP MEN POIt A COMPANY Dr. Warrrn C. Hunt la blatlng the .'trail horo for a Military company to bo organised In this city, and the ef fort up to thl time look strongly as though tho company would aoon be a reality. Dr. Hunt haw a list of applicant for admission to such a company In caso It Is formed which Include sow practically all tho name noceasary to nmko up a rotter, Tho company would consist of 56 privates, while half a doxen addi tional would bo enough, probably, to fill In tho staff of officer. Colonel Ocorgo O. Yoran of Eu gene, commanding tho Fourth regi ment has written to Wesley O. Smith of thl city, promising any assistance to tho local undertaking that he can rnmrr, nnd tho prospects aro that If tho company gets on a military foot ing It will be attached to the Fourth regiment. Halmoa, Lobatet)? Craba Constantly on Ico. Bealshlpt oyster. Thq Pulton Market. rain still Interferes with baseball 6aies United l'reas Service PHILADELPHIA, Oct. tl. Tor rential rain have made Shlve park a veritable lake, so that there can bo no game today between the Ath letic and tho New York Olanta. Pan hope to aee bat crossed Monday. Dr, C. P. Mason and Albert M. Worden havo returned from a hunt ing trip. 9tWm44ltMMMMMtMMMM4mM4t4IMIMMtHHIMm4m A Want Advertising in The Evening Herald j MHMMnMMMIMMIMMMMMIMMMMIIIMMIMnililUljl'lilirtMII j You couldn't of yours than who wants to 4v r(f'MTTTITTMIIMllvMMMIIMMMMMMIWMllMMIWjl z 4HMMHMMMM4tMtM4IMtMMMtMIMMIMMMIMIMtMMMIIMMI TIE TRUMP DIES VICTIM OF TRAIN HE AND COMPANION, DRUNK, MOT RY TRAIN UKLOW MID LAND, AND ONE TIUK8 TO SAVE OTHER, HUT PAILS Two drunken, track walker were making their way toward Weed along the Southern Pacific' ties last night when, Just beyond Midland, at 7:B, tbey encouLtered passenger train No. 40, headed (or this city. George Mil burn, one of tho men, got off the track In time, but was unable to get his companion, "Overcoat" Kelly, away from the oncoming train, and Kelly was Instantly killed. The two men were pals, and had tram pod the West together (or some years. They brd worked on .construction gangs laying railroad steel, and bad landed ,n Klamath Pall but a short time ago. Finally they decided to go out, anl Kit on foot, to follow the rail road. In Midland yesterday they got very badly Intoxicated, and when Coronor Earl Wbltlock Investigated tho accident last night bo found Mil burn was quite drunk, although able to toll hi story plainly onough. ' Mllburn aald that the engine whl tltd numerous time for them to get away and that he had no trouble In avoiding tho danger, but his greatest hatsrd was In trying to get Kelly off the track, which he wan unable to do, aa they were both to drunk. When the train stopped after kill ing Kelly Mllburn was lying by the track. The train crew put both the survivor and the victim aboard and brought them to Klamath Palls, notl- fln Cnroter Wbltlock. who nuns- tloaed Eegtneei'j.'L. Campbell, Fire man C. A. Pelford and Mllburn. Find ing that these three were the onlv wltnoisos to the accident he dis pensed with tho formality of an In quest at an unnecessary expense to the county. Kelly wa about 45 years old. PLACE GIRL IN JUDGE'S CUSTODY younq man SCHOOL MISS IS AIKII'IMIKD IIKUNQUBNT, AND WILL PROBABLY LATRR BR PLACED IN PRIVATE FAMILY Alice Q ray, aged 17 years, t who ha been living with Miss Tuttle, a teacher In the Klamath Pall high school, and who has been n pupil In tbe school, was adjudged a delinquent yesterday. The custody of tho child waa given to County Judge William 8. Worden that he may placo her In some good home, where she can have tb neces sary care. The girl waa brought here last August from Denver, where she hc" been In n reform school, from which she waa discharged. Tbe girl's fsther nnd mother were divorced some years since, anl ths rhlld and her brother glveu to the care of the (atber, who Uvea In the Queen City of the Rocky mountains. Little "Campaign" Will Awaken the Interest of a iloney-Owning Man in Your Plan be more easjer to tad "backing" In' la someone to Ind the right thing to If your proposition will stand analysis, you oar find, you, ' MnwMnwtui l ResoJatiotu of Sympathy Hall of Prosperity Rebekab Lodge No. 104, I. O. O. P., Klamath Palls, Oregon, October 19, 1911. To tho OOlcer and Members of Pros perity Rebekab Lodge No. 104, I. O. O. P.: Whereas, The Angel of Death ha again vlsltod thl lodgo and removed from our midst our beloved alster, Lulu Straw, to that great beyond from which no traveler returns; even as the grass wltheretb and the flowers fadeth snd the rose dleth but to bloom again, our sister hss gone to her long homo In tho better Isnd, Therefore, be It Resolved, That we, your commit tee, with the entire lodge, do extend to the bereaved family our deepest ympatby In the hour of their great loss, that a faithful member and con scientious officer hse gone forever. Resolved, That our charter be draped In mourning for thirty days; that those resolution be spread upon tbe minutes of the lodge, n copy under sesl of the lodge be sent to tho bereaved family and a copy be sent to the Pacific Odd Follow and the local paper for publication. Fraternally lubmltted, ALICE Z. OOELLER, ' MARY R. HOaUE, CHARMION JOHNSON, Committee. VAUDEVILLE ACTS AT OPERA HOUSE HOUSTON'S TEMPLB OF THBBPIB TO HAVE VARIED PROGRAM OF TALENT FOOT BOARDS THREE NIGHTS NEXT WEEK At' Houston' opera hW on Mon day evening n three night's engage ment of the J. W. Flood company will begin. Thl company I a vaudeville attraction, and haa been highly rec ommended as a strong aggregation of talent. The troupe haa showed n number of large cities on tbe way to Klamath Falls, and Includes La Belle Marie, whose attractive cognomen Is under stood to be exceeded In drawing powers by her contortions, whllo Flood and Hays will contribute their comedy sketch, "Jlmmle James." Lois James Is a zylophono artiste whose manipulation of the hammer on the steel bar Is understood to be the acme of harmonious deftness. A lightning change act Is to be In dulged In by the Hsys sisters and the program Is to conclude with "Jumping Jack" Flood, claimed aa tho champion high hopper of the two hemispheres. Tho admission will be n quarter for adults, with IS cents for children. COOKE LECTURE 111 IE PRECEDED RY DR. SMITH This Is the night tor tbe opening of tbe Lyceum course at the Houston opera bouse, when Edmund Vance Cooke will lecture. As Mr, Cooke's trsln will arrive at S o'clock, and It ! desired to atve him ample tlmo to got to the hall, Dr. Andrew C. Smith, of the state board of health, Portland, whn I. nreoldant of the good roads association of thl atate, will make a Of yyiyi ; that enterprise "back." ml' lad tho nun Hi SCHOOL TEACHERS HOLD CONVENTION short address to tbe audience prelim inary to tho lecture Tho hour 1 to be 8:30 p. m. FREEZING REACHED LAST NIGHT; COLDEST IN WEEK Last night was tbe coldest for a week at least so far as the minimum drop of tho mercury Is concerned. Tbe thermometer reached (reeslag. 32 degress, st 6 a. m., 3 degree lower than the record for low the previous night. At 8 a. m. It was 38, pgalnst 40 yesterdsy. Last night at 8 o'clock 4S was the reading, a degree higher than tbe night before. The high yesttfday waa 60, against 68 Thursday. JT8T IN We received ye.terday the finest shipment of winter apples tbst has they are beauties tds ruuon Market. REV.STOINiHElDCOIES TO PRESRYTERIMI PULPIT CKy Mhslster Arrtvee la KlasaaU. Falls, and WHI Ogsciate at Both Chnrch Meetiac at Thai KeVSca Toassrtow Rev. J. S. Btubbleleld, who has bet n in tbo pulpit of the Immaauel Presbyterian church, Kansas City, ar rived last ovenlng In Klamath Falls to supply the pastorate of the Link vino "Presbyterian ehafch far "a (ew week, nnd will preach both morning and evening, as Indicated in the reg ular church announcements la an other column. L. F. Anderson, who haa been su perintending the erection of the. new Arthur Arlctt business block on Main street, across from the White Pelican hotel, Is through with his work la this city, and haa gone to San Fran cisco. THREE WEEKS DY COUNTY TAX MEN MORE TIME GIVEN TAXPAYERS TO TELL WHY THEIR VALUA TIONS SHOULD BE AWAY BE IOW INTENDED SUMS Three weeks more the board ot equalisation will alt la the county court room to hear tbe reasons as signed by property owners why their assessment Is burdensome and exces sive Then, having completed listen. Ing to the troublea of the downtrod den owner of soil and tho appurten ance thereon and thereto, the board will proceed to compile Its amended figures on valuation and levy aa as sessmont. Tbe aaseasment Is collectible In Fobruary, together with tho city's levy, which Is to be added to the county mlllage. Disorderly Resort Heavily For Breaking Liquor tit As an who ot last Monday .night's council meeting, whoa Mayor Trod T. Sanderson promised, at tho Instnneo ot Councilman RuhV Or Igsby nnd O. W. Whits, to look Into alleged main tenance ot disorderly, houses and tho sale ot liquor Illegally In such placos, waa audible yesterday, This wasswhsa'thrse out of. (our of tho proprietresses of tho resorta wore arrested on the strength o( won rants sworn, out-by Chief of 'Felloe lamusl L, Walker, and appealed be fore Folios Judge T. p. NtnboUs, Tat ANNUAL INSTITUTE SCHOOLS HAVE HOLIDAY TMRBB DAYS OF NEXT WEEK TO UtVB TEACHERS CHANCE TO STORE KNOWLEDGE Next Monday, Tuesday sad Wed nesday are to be holidays la the high snd grammar schools of the city, ow ing to tbe teachers' annua! lasUtste which la to be la sssloa on Umm dnj and which will demand the pres onco of tbe pedagogues at tho meet ings. One of the principal features la connection with tho eonveatiea of In structors will be a school board sow ventlon on Tuesday, at whlea H Is hoped that every school board an Klamath county wilt bo rsprsasnlsd. Every delegate to this school beard gathering who stars all day wHI sot 12 from the county's general fuad, and Suptrlntendent J. O. Swan of tho county schools has urged pea tho boards tho Importance of being rep resented. Program for Monday nwralag: "Course of Study," B. F. Cartoon; "Teachers' Opportunity (or Imi ment. Miss Hastlaga; High secUoa.tople, Mr. Garletoa; .'CossntaJ tlou la Upper Oradcs." M "Primary Reading,'. How Mies Lasghead. "7 Program tot Monday, "High School Instruction Methods," Mlas.Hasttngs; "lttoarp ta'Atmassd Grades." Mr. Caslcvswf "New Primary Readers aad Methods" and ptetaro study, Miss Laucaead; sswassseae aad .questions. Bvealng. genera! re ception nt Riverside school auditor ium, with music sad short adirsssss. Program (or Tuesday nternlag. "Glimpses of School ot Baglaad aad Germany," Miss Hsstrngs; "Now Course of Study," Stats Ssperlataad ent Aldtrmsn; "High School Debate snd Literary Work." M. D. Coateo: "Language Advanced Grades," E. F. Carleton; "Primary Numbers," Miss Laughead; school board round tact. Superintendent Alderman. Tuesdsy nfttrnoea: "High School Discipline." E. F Carleton; "Reading Upper Qwlrj." Miss Hastings; "Prlmary-Somcos of Laagaage Ma terial." Miss Laughead: dlseassUa'of school board topics suggested; "Tho School aa a Social Center." Mr. Alder man; "How to Use a Course 'of Study," Miss Hastlags. Evening, music nnd adCreMcs by Mr. Ald-rma and Miss Hastings at high schoo! au ditorium. Program fur Wedaeeday merning: "Care and MtLdlng of Books,' MUs Kennedy; address, Mr. Alderman: "High School Business Wrttlng.".F. F. Van Court; "Art Education "Ad vanced Grades," Miss Campbell; "Pri mary Phonics Dmonstrntien,M Mess Poole. Wedaeeday afternoon, assembly addresess. Miss Rlppey, Miss Howe; "Writing In tbe Grades." F. F. Ya Court; "Drawing." Miss question bos, Mr. Alderman. Call this evening liuuiiry, iur duiw. . -roe ruKon Msrnec. Women Aro Fined X n warraatn shsrgsd sag 'wejsjsagjj alllnc liana aa amnsiaad ia tha and City AtWrsJK,u;Mss Assistant City Attetwar ass BnsanVflh appeared for tho onr, Tho women plead sd were sack tasd lH,wawki paid. - . ,. It Is understood that tbsr Bat Informed by tho city-tests that l( they wished to MM. two other .ersrgss would. o agalast each etjUiesBwao 1 their sseettnc gw sswSM sjgaa yi. Camsasn; I sdAM nhf4ook-at,Mr sgJlPBSB'S"Bl wSiBJBmtts - A fvi. r - i i L riW 1 3 PI Q -. (I annnfsr. ,.:? asm -.ja.y. ttmjir'' S V'.4 ;iffc,-iyifcA,. ih'Vt---'r'''-t