"VS-fc" -J ' 4 "1 to ft . TAe Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties uxdm MtMb. supplied mr THB UNITED PRESS NEWS SERVICE EVENING NEWflPAFBM C2I r. INT THE NEWS, NOT HISTORY II fill Year No. l.fMMI Price. Five Oram KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, FRIDAY, OOTOIIKIl 90 1911 f&e MAYOR AND MURRAY HAVE A FIST FIGHT MAIN STREET SCENE rilK KMWVNTKH AHIHKM OVKH CHRONICLE AIITICI.K ALLUI I NO TO LATH POLICE CHIEF TOWMIKND, WHICH MAYOR HE. HKVTH WITH VICMIII ' When Mayor Fred T. Sanderson uiiil IMward J. Murray, owner of Itio I'hroiilrto, had a physical liatllu on Mnln street about II o'clock till morning It provrd nut only a very en tertaining spectacle for a largo num her of hoiIo on llio principal thur oiiRhfnrn of Iho city, but also en nlilnl the mayor's new clilwf of police. H.iiiiiicI Walker, to arrest bU nppotiit T ami the newspaper man, maklnR (lie moil notable approhenslon In po lice circles for somo lime. Neither prisoner showed any signs of resisting Ilia lawful autborlly of Hie police chief, and Walker howeil no signs of anything unusual going on at lie walked, calmly and Inimitably, town Main street to police court with til captive, one on either aide. I lorn the two men were confronted with the majesty of the law, and plrndrd Rullty to Pollen Judge T. F. Mrholai, who fined each man 110, which they paid. Tbey pleaded guilty, and It wna not iirrruaTy for any teatlntony to bo taken by outalde wltneaaea, although I hero were plrnty of people who fol lowed the arreal and taw the outcome of the battle. The trouble a rote over an article, appearing In Ihla morning's Issue if the Chronicle, which alluded to the late I'otlco Chief Rdward Towniond hi a way which offended the mayor, n h contended that It wai a plain n flection on the deceased officer, Townsend had bren connected with Hie pollen department for nearly all tlin tlino Mayor Sanderson had been In office until tho time of his death. Towntetid having been appointed pi tmlman by the mayor, who Inter pro moted him to be head of the force when that body wan enlarged. Tho two men, the mayor and the editor, met on Main street In front of tho candy store In tho new Wll Ills building, and tho mayor chlded Murray In a very vigorous way f(.r being responsible for the obnoxious writing. Murray replied to tho effect Hint ho was justified In the matter, and that what waa stated In the article was warrantrd by facta. Ills honor replied that such wna not tho rase, and In emphasising his position ha applied to hi argiment language that might melt type if iho tpn were not tempered to resist a high degree of heat. Somehow the two came Jo blows, but who ttruck the first nlow could not be teamed nor who stride tho last blow. Suflre It to say that hon ors were not terribly uneven, the mayor being the larger and heavlfr man, but Mnrrav the younger. During the melee there wm erle of "down In fronl" from auditor i who were unable to see the ml'l as well Bend In Chewauoan Project Is Furnished And Work To Be Pushed LAKEVIEW, Oct. 10. Tha North wost Townalto company, which has securod tha rights and holdings of thr Portland Irrigation company In tho Chowaucan project, covering 11,000 acreiv has filed with tho stato land board rv bond tarnished by the Amer ican Surety company for 150,000, to protect tha state against tha failure of the new owners of tha project to go ahead within a certain ipeclfled time and complete thu project. Tha representatives ot tho company doctored that they would have water on the land within ono yar II there ware no obstacles to securing tbs.rss is liny wlilied, Many of tho men who watched the doings ,vern In clined to Interpret Hie .incoiiuter more In tho light of it ok limn otherwlso. Wlion the struggle was all otvr neither man was badly damaged, ann the scratches Inflicted woro rot suf ficient to Justify putting thn patten! under tho rare of physicians. It Is claimed trial nicer Iho '.-inflict tho men woro Jusl n good friends as they were before Just wlint drgrro of brotherly lovo lias existed hctwoon tho two Is not determinable at this writing, which seems to leiive tliu matter Up to tho I gentle reader to decide. In any erent. the city la tho gainer by Iho disorder In the aum of $20, and Judging by tho discount on city warrant Jiitt now tho finance W lie mndo lino of. Mr, llob't Hlonn Is spending n few days with old friends In llonanta1. Mrs. Mnry llasnett of Langcll Val ley Is visiting with Mrs. M. Iloagland for a few days. m governor mm DRINK WHEN IN PAISLEY ('mtriery Ovrr Dry I'rrrlnrt Give RIm lo Hlory That Male Kxpmllie Had Ctuinre to Irrigate Inlrrlor, Hat Did lli Accept? Special to Tho Herald I.AKKVIKW, Oct. 10. Governor Okwnld West may Ih drawn Into tho I'pUley controversy over tho salo of Iliiuor In n "dry" precinct, as It is silted that when a guest of the town recently he was offered by a promi nent member of tho committee trut wna entertaining tho delegation rep resenting the state land board an I desert land board. It Is not clear ar to whether ho accepted the drink or Hint he knew that It was n local op tion district, but there aro some peo ple trying to draw him Into tho front of tho argument. MORE INDICTMENTS BY THE UKEJIUNIY JURY duo Man Ha a Couple of True Rills for Alleged Violation of local Op tion Laws and a Hecond Is Cbanrrd With Deadly Assault Spoclal to Tho Herald I.AKKVIKW, Oct. 30 Two Indict monts ngnlnst It. II. Jackaoq of Pals ley for violation of tho local option luwa and ono against Tim O'Connell tor assault with Intent to kill havo been brought In by tho grand Jury. This completes tho work of tho body for tho present, and Is the largest re sult Unit has ever been brought In by an Inquisitorial body In thla coun ty. Assistant District Attornoy John Venator has accomplished a great doal by his hard work in these caaes. ervolr alto, though It they had to con demn the property they would tako two years to It. Tbo Chewaucan River, with an annual flow qf about 113,000 aero feet of water, will furnish the Irri gating necessary, though the conpn ny Intonds to build n plant that will hold sufficient water to Irrigate fully 30,000 seres, along with noma other holdings that are said to have been acquired by the old company through "scrlpplng" oortaln sections adjoin In (hn aeareaated lands. Tha rinnn fcoldlnsa are a part of the land purchased by the new com- t'miMi (III, Vou ()I1 Fellow Klamath Uidgo No. 137, 1. O. O. F will hold Its regular mectlnit at Odd I'Vllowa Temple, corner Fifth and Main Htieeta, tonight, commencing at 7s.1M sharp. Tliere will bu work In tho second drgroo, and all members nro urged to attend. Visiting broth era will bo given a cordial welcome. FINLAND AltMV KXKMITIONH COME 111(111, REACH MILLIONS United Press Service IIKUMNOFOIIR Finland, Oct. SO. It costs Finland 13,000,000 this your for exemption from military duty In the Russian army, Tho Finnish senate has Just au thorised tho state controller to pay half this sum Into the Russian treas ury, beng the first payment of the amount agreed upon. A Newcomer to the Miller Home Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. M. . Miller, of Seventh and Oak streets, a 10 ',4 pound boy, at 8 o'clock this morning. PNEUMONIA IS FATAL TO WIFE miih. minnik i Mcdonald sue (TMI18 TO DISEASE REMAINS ' tl'll.f. Ml? TAItlftt Tit MIRTH 114. KOTA FOR INTERMENT I . Mrs. Mlnnto P. McDonald died at J 3 o'clock this morning at the family , residence. Crescent avenue, of pneu monia, aged 33 .years. She waa the wife of Martin J. McDonald, who, with the baby, a well at a alater, sue Vive tho deceased. Mrs. McDonald was born June 1, 1 87 tJa .Ontario. Canada, and waa, therefore, a little out 33 years old. Undertaker Earl Whltlock has been making tho ar rangements to ship the remains to Cortleton. N. D for burial. IIKAVKHS CHAMPS, ip signs Riatrr Special lo The Herald PORTLAND. Oct. 20 Tho Deawn clinched the coast league champion ship. They can lose tho Ave coming games to San Francisco and still havo a margin of lead over tho Vernon team. SETTLE STRIKE IS LATEST TALK IILACKHMrTIIH' BKCRKTARY SAYS HK HAH IT UNOFFICIALLY FROM ILLINOIS CENTRAL LA DOR LKADKRH United Press Service CIIICAQO, Oct. 30. Internnttonal Secretary Kramer of the blacksmiths declares he has been unoSclally In formed by atrlke leaders of the Illi nois Central thst a settlement of the strike Is Impending. He said It la only a question of threshing out concessions. mttti44MtHHtttlt A i Want Advertising in The Evening Herald j ' ' ' I ' ' II t Tou oouldat be more eager to and "backing" In that enterprise 1 ; ; I!;:;:: X I! " ot yours than is someone to tnd the right thing to "back." ; ; -, - ;;;;;;; X ;;! ! If your proposition will stand analysis, you can Sad the man. ; ; X .!;;!! .;,(. X . . ; ; who wants to tnd you, ' X ; ; ; ;j; i ;tVtTrifMTIIIIIIIIMIIMMIIMIMIHIMIIMH4444!4v444TTTTslniMMv I MIIIMIIHIIIIIIMMIHMMMIIIIIIIIMHIIIIMIIIIIt H HIIMIHHHIHIIMHHIHHHHIHHIHHHHHMHMHHHHIHUMMHUHi CHRISTMAS NAME OUGHT tO VANISH CAPTAIN O. C. APPLKOATR SAYS TKRIUTORY THAT HAH IIKKN t'HINO NAMJt tjf NOT KNTITLKD TO IT, AND HOMM FOR CHANOE Apropo to an article In the Dreeing Herald of Wednesday, whleh calls at tention of the wish of the settlers In Christmas Lake Valley In Lake coun ty to have the name ot their splen did country, which Is Just now com ing Into the limelight u an Impor tant agricultural section, chsngod to Pltasant Valley or to some other namo less suggestlvo of Christmas temperature. Captain O. 7. Apptcgate call attention to the fact that Christ mas Lake and hence Christmas Lake Valley are names that are historically Incorrect, and have been applied In tho belief that the llttto lake wbloh has for so many years boon known as Christmas Lake was so named by Captain John C. Fremont, the "path finder." In bis exploration of this region In 1843. Fremont's Journal of that expedi tion, and the map of his route pre pared by himself shows that Warner Lake la the body of water to which Fremont applied the name "Christ mas." because be made hl, discov ery of that lake and spent Ctsrletmaa day there In IMS, having reached It by way ot Lake Alert, Summer !..ike, Slcan Valley, 'Klamath Marsh ard the Deschutes pass from the Co lumbia, Hence his route did not touch the locality to which the name Christmas Is erroneously applied. Captain Ap- plegate says that he has for years heped to see thta'etrer of nomencla ture corrected, and he hopes the pres ent agitation will secure that result. whether the name Pleasant Valley, or some other appropriate designation be chosen for an extensive area, which Is now on the eve of very substantial development. CREDIT GIVEN TO REALTY OWNERS MADK TO APPLY TO APPLICANTS FOR LONG TKRM WHO WERE MISTAKENLY LEST OFF OF URN DOCKET In some Instances where property has been taxed for street Improve ments and owners who wished to have the advantage ot the ten-year payment plan Instead ot paring their entire share ot the assessment In ad vance, their applications to the city to bo allowed to defray their assess ment In Installments were through some oversight not extended on the lien docket. In ordor to give them the benefit of the plan for which they made ap plication Councilman Q. W. White presented a resolution to the council asking that all those whose applica tions bad thua been overlooked be allowed to havo tho advantage of the long term. The council waa agree able, so that those who failed to get Little "Campaign" Will Awaken the Interest of a Honey-Owning Man in Your Plan on tho official record and thought they would have to pay In advanco, wltl got tho benoflt of the Install ment scheme. In order to take cam of tho sums which sre thus provided for In yearly payments, the next Issue of Improve ment bond will be sufficiently en larged to cover tho amounts. For Instanco, In case an Improvement to cost $100,000 was proposed and 13,000 worth of assessments appar ently wanted to pay cash, only f 97, 000 worth ot bonds were Issued, as the 13,000 would be, ' theoretically, paid In, and there would be a- debt of only IB7,U00. But when It appears that the 13,000 In ssscssments rep resents people who were erroneously supposed to wish to psy cash, and who In fact wanted the ten years In which to pay, In order to give them credit Instead It Is necessary to take care of the debt In a succeeding bond Issue. Whatever amounts are found to be given credit Instead of cash will be figured up and when the next bond Issue for Improvements Is msdo. they will be computed as a part of It. BOSTON PASTOR IS A MURDERER ACCUSED OF GIVING GIRL MUSIC STUDENT POISON, TO GET RID OF HER IB CAUGHT AT HOME OF FIANCEE United Press Service BOSTON. Oct.-30. Rev. Clarence Rlcheeon, sged 33 yearn pastor ot Immanuel Baptist church of Cam bridge, was arrested .here and charged with the murder ot Avis Ltnnell. sged 1 yearsT a Conservatory of Music student, who was found dying of cyanide potassium on Saturday night last. Richie was arrested at the home ot an heiress, Viola Edmands, whom he Intended to marry October 31st. The police say Rlcheeon bought the poison of a Newton drflgglst and gave It to the girl for medicine. In order to get rid ot her. At tho preliminary hearing he pleaded not guilty. Ills trial was set for tile lest day of October, which was to have been his wedding day. NO CHAMP. GAME OWING TO RAIN GOSSIP ON BLAB EXPERT FOR FOURTH GAME. POSSIBLY -TO MORROW. DOES NOT DETER MINE WHO WILL PITCH Speclsl to The Herald PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 30. No game will be played today, owing to rain. This makes It possible that Mathsw- aon will pitch tomorrow. Bender may get another creek ot the Giants, but It Is believed Mack will use Plank on the slab. Of COUNTY CRUISED STANDING TIMBER JAPANESE FORCES CONCENTRATE TOKIO, Oct. 20. Orest forces aro In concentration at Kyoshu, os tensibly for grand maneuvers on the Eleventh of November. Four destroyers are rushing to China. AUTO ROAD TO EAGLE RIDGE Daniel M. Orlfflth and his wife, Mrs. Mary Orlfflth, who operate the tavern at Eagle Ridge, are very much pleased over the completion of the road to that resort which mskes au tomobile travel feasible. LYMAN STARTED RACK TO FRISCO Deputy Marshal Frank Beatty was to leave Porttsnd last night for San Francisco with Dr. John Grant Ly man, who has been returned to the Northern California Jurisdiction of the national department of Justice by the Oregon division. Lyman's es cape gave him three weeks' respite, and cost the government a nice lot wot money to chase and catch htm. CUTTLE LARCENY GASES NOW KTOIE JUDGE SSver Lake Man em Trial osi Clsarge of Hartal Appropriated Bovtaee Which Were Property of Another Ranchman la Lake Coaaty Speclsl to Tho Herald LAKEVIEW. Oct. 3 P. The trial of W. O.CUft of -Silver Lake, for the alleged larceny of some cattle belong ing to HI. Adams of the same place Is going on In the circuit court here before Judge Henry L. Benson. W. Lair Thompson and H. P. Welsh rep resent the detendant, while District Attorney Dell V. KuykendalL assist ed by C. M. Onelll Is handling matters for the state. A Jury has been select ed and the case will probably last a couple ot days. NEW MILITARY AIRSHIP SOON TO FLY IN GLOODS Aaotaer ZeppeUa Aircraft of Warlike Tendency to Take to Osoae, aad Will Be Equipped With a Modern surra Gam United Press Sarviee FRIEDERICH8HAFBN. Germany, Oct. 20. The military Zeppelin air ship will take the air In a few days. It will carry a machine gun at the stera. Pioneers, Attention There will be a meeting of the Klamath County Pioneers st the court house on Saturday, October 31st, at o'clock p. m to determine the time and place of our annual reunion. All are Invited tp attend. O. A. STEARNS. President A. CASTEL. Secretary. If Sidkwalk Is Put In As Ordered Must Disturb Stone Crusher Pit At the last meeting of the council I n resolution was adopted ordering In n large number of sidewalks, and It' remains to he setn just how soon sll of the walks as ordered really go In or down. To lead variation to the directions, some of the property own ers are said to he "up In the air' over tho sltnatlam. In ons Instance wbsre siduwalks ware ordered there are claimed tc lo a very tsw houses or Inhabitants that would ha benefited, and thla Is In the First addition, particularly regurdlug blocks IS, 14, 33 and IP. between Rooeevolt. Grant, Third and Fifth streets. There Is a great deal of rocky formation here ot a .vary for- ESTIMATED VALUE, IN PAST YEARS TEE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ARRIVED AT VALUES WITHOUT INSPBOTIOst BUT CHANGED THJS YEAJt In paat seasons the county board of equalisation has baatd values on tim ber that was taxed without karlag tho timber lands cruised and the de cided raise In values which the hoard adopted this year and stood to re gardless of the protests of the ownrrs of the timber, Is due to the fact that the custom was radically changed. In order to get at a reasonable Men of Just how much timber was ! the county and what It was worth -the county board employed ereleers to so over the timber lands and say Jest ci.iil they found. Mike Deeher. Jsmes Ryan and J. Minor were picked to do the woods on ths west side of Upper Klamath Lake, while Byron Crawford and the Btlndt brothers of Bonanza were engaged to make Inves tigations around Bly. After thla work was done by the above cruising teams the eoanty bad Oscar North, who Is ths oEclal cruis ing Inspector for Klamath eoanty. so over the work aa done by the erule- ers aad check It up to sea It the Mat her was there as reported, and look for surplus or shortage. Aeeerdag to the results of the timber cruisers snd ths Inspector the Iscreese la val uation wna Juatlled.y.Tbo property is assessed oa a valuation of ft per 1,000 fett, steading timber. mm mmm PAY VISIT TO lAKEIKV Special to Tbo Herald , LAKEVIEW, Oct. 30. A partyeOf Portland people, among whom Were J. B. Yeon, H. L. Keats, E. B. Coov ert and Ray Goldman, registered at the Hotel Lakevlew thla week. The party wcro here on land matters aad remained n couple of days. Mr. Tee Is the owner of the .building of the same namVln Portland, while rMr. Coovert Is hlVnttorep la the matters that brought tWm here. LAST TKNTY4MI HNS It waa slightly warmer last night," the low point for the governmeafs tbormometer showing on the piper disk at 35, which was recorded at a. m against a low of 31 degress the night before. At 8 o'clock this morning It was 0, against SO yes terday. Last night at S o'clock, 44, as compared with 13 tho previeue night, snd yesterday's high was at 4 p. ra against 1 ths previous day. mldable character, aad comparatively few dwellings. There is no road, H Is stated, on the street line of Me Klnley street, whleh runs between Grant and Roosevelt, aad seaelder able ot tbo territory la given over la the rock crushing plant la eloeh ItV the stone area-. ruasJag across Orals strstt Into block II. - It Is claimed' that la order to pat ,v In sidewalk through one Bortlea et '-V H ltnv th tMAlra a rnawosr'Off a ?; the stone crusher plant wUI aifa Wfifctk -j u. MtU4t,i iisiiismtIv iMif la ''rVJV1 UU CV IVUi VRW peariTV weeasrsssr wwr-fj the neighborhood Is Ntlsoa Bi vail anil It la uiadansead 'that 1 ,..., - .. . w -- . . ' -k n ;i -T tlmates th cost of putting an tMiavr M: foot, weede,sldtwalka.sdero ;;,; hi. 9"w.::9bmw7;r,nk V "i i vi J?A1 ".r i