y. "J- i Sfcl FOH NKKtNO AT A MSTAffCH An woll nil for rending and othor pur ioei, Uidiu 1 nothing 10 convsnlsnt mi n pair of our double Ions glass. T'li'y ii ro prndlrnlly two pair In onn, If on linvn hpen iikIiik ln pair of Klr.CRpn for dUltnro nnd rloso reelng, and Killing l4ioiii mixed, r.n many do, net ii pnlr of our doulilu leiiacs nnd nnvn tmtli our tlmn nnd your totnuor. Jeweler H. J. WINTERS Opilc'm WOOD WOOD BLOCK WOOD PROM THE BOX FACTOR FOUR-FOOT IMII)V AND I.IMII WOOD !UT FROM I.1VK TIMIIKIt H1XTKKN INCH IMIDV AMI I.IMII WOOD IHIV HLAIi VIM)1 Delivered Anywhere in The City I.KAVH OIIIKIM AT O. K. TIIANHFKIt OFFICK, IMIONK N7I P. C. CARLSON WE SELL- TYPEWRITERS and SUPPLIES Underwood, Ulllt used, l7f Underwsod, rebuilt, 6o L. C. Smith, Hltls used $js L. C. 3mkh, rebuilt, 16a Smith Fremlt r,rcbullt,tso Smith Premier.rebullttjo Memlngton, llltlcused.f 40 Oliver, little used, f jo MULLBR MUSIC COMPANY Everything In Muilc WHITMAN'S FUSSY PACKAGE FOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKS A box of Selected Chocolates that touches top notch in candy making T smith & Mala UNDERWOOD'S Pharmacy ex MCTTKIW FROM TIIK I'KOl'LK ex Start An Account (Communication Mint to the Her ald for publication In thle depart ment hoiilit not cireed 300 worde In length nnd must he accompanied by llio iiuiiie nnd ndilreis of the aonder.1 Women Huffman and Vnv Trxt llooka Up to n fuw yenra oro tlili wai con. aliluri'd 0110 of the limit progressive alntca In tho Union n far aa legists Hon Ii concornod. Now, howorer, ihe la being outclaaaod by ono after tho othor of lior ilater itatca. Colorado lina hnd women Miffrngo for yeara. Mnlio likewise. Washington extend ed tho frnnchliro to womon about n yrnr nco, nnd nt tho recent olcctlon In California with ono fell iwoop they posited tho Inltlntlro and referendum, iv further rcachlnK and moro effcctlvo rcrnll of public official! than wo havo hern, and tho women suffrage. Ai you will nil remember, (ho pcoplo of thli Into voted down that mcasuro lait aprluR. That, I think, wai becaute thorn wai a Joker In tho mcaiuro, which road, In aubitance: "No tax payer, mnlo or fomale, shall be donled tho right to vote." .1 do not think Hint any honest woman will wish to votu aa long as her less fortunate sis ters aro denied tho same privilege. I hope, wo will have a chance to vote on n clean cut womon suffrage moasure, without nny property qualifications, at the next election, and I will trust to tho voters for the result. There Is ono moro measure I .would like to see brought before tho poople of this dis trict; that Is, free test books for the ichool children, and I hopo some pub-I'c-splrltrd eltlicn will circulate a pe tition so as to get It In shape to b? voted on at tho neit olectlon. The over-cllmhing cost of living, as meas ured by tho wages which tho average worker receives, together with the un certainty of steady employment. make the additional burden of pay ing for textbooks double hard. Espe- clnlly no If the family happens to be n largo as our strenuous Teddy would llko to sco thorn. In many cases the coat of tho school books has to be aU'd by cutting down on necessities food and clothing. It Is of vital In terest to all taxpayers whothcr they havo children of their own or not. to help mako the life of onr school chil dren as caro free and bappy as pos illilv, and If parenta aro relieved of paying for text booka they could pro vide better for then la other ways. The school board can get the booka at wholesale, which Is anywhere from 60 to 100 por cent leas than what the parents now have to pay at the book stores. I havo seen that measure voted oa In aovcral localities, but never heard of an Instance where It failed to pass, lly all rights and reasons It should be mado tho functions of the state to print and distribute text books for all ho schools In the state. That la being dono now In Wyoming and Utah. Our own stato will follow suit some day hut In thn meantime, let us set a good example by providing freo text books for our school children In Klamath Kails. JOHN AUSTAD. For our boy at this bank. It will tako only 11.00 to do It. and It may be the making of him. When ho loee how mac deposited In the bank makes moro money In the ehape of In toreit ho will bo very apt to savo whero ho now spends often foolishly. You ca.i do no better servlco for your boy than to leach Inm the habit of saving Fint Trust and Savings Bank KLAMATH KAMA, OHK. " MTTMC LAKF.VIKW LOCALS 44) Attorney C. M. Onclll of Klamath falls Is hero attending court this week, being Interested In r.ome of tho roses being tried. Tho town of Paliley has come down en mosio to attend tno trial or tne "boote" cases, many bolng witnesses on ono side or the other. Many Silver Lake people arc at tending court this week, and say there nrn morn to follow. Krory hotel and lodging homo. In town Is taxod to full capacity during court week. Some prlvata homes even havo been thrown open to accommo date tho overflow.. BUY YOUR SUNDAY DINNER At tho big now sanitary Hales Mar ket. Spring "chicken, milk-fed veal, alfalfa-fed steer beef, spring lamb and barloy fed perk: Phone 1671. I9-Zt J. . HALES, Prop. v t WHY HESITATE? An Offer- That Involves Ne Money RMc If Yew Aseept It We are so posture uur remedy will completely relieve tuntlputlon. no astier bow chronic It amy be. met we offer to furnUh It free of nil mat If It falls. Constlpatloa la commonly cauiwd by weakness of the serve and mufle f tbe large Intestine. To vsMst u cure you must therefore lone up unil strengthen ibose unwus nml restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Ilexall Ordrrllm on our guarantee. They ore eaten like candy, and are particularly good for children. Tbey seem to set directly on the nerve and mascles of tbe bowels. Tbey apparently have a neutral action on the other organs. Tbey do not purge or cause other Inconvenience. We will refund your money If tbey do not overcome chroalc or habitual constipa tion and thus aid to relieve tbe myriads of associate sr dependent rbronlc all stents. Try Rtxall Orderlies at our rlak. Three site. Hk. ahc and BOr. Sold only at oar store Tbe Resell Store. The Star Dcsg Mora. cntlun, No. 04386, to purcbaae the BH NEK', NVt SEU, MClion It, townhlp 37 8., range 10 E., Willam ette Meridian, and tbe timber thereon under the provisions of the act of Juno 3, 1878, and acta amendatory, known as tbe "Timbsr .and Stone Law," at such value aa might be lied by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and tim ber thereon have been appraised at a total of $800, tbe timber estimated 800,000 board feet at 1.78 per thous and, and the land at 1100; that said applicant will offer Jaal proof .la sup port of his application and sworn statement on the 88th day of Octo ber. 1011, before W. D. West, United States commissioner at Silver Lake, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit ln this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. A. W. OKTON, 8-36-10-38 h Register. 4 4 fo vALunr news 44 0) 4 Losses Roes took a load of cream to thn Fails Tuesday. e e James Evaaa left for his homo la Orldlcy. Calif.. Tuesday. e e e Knglnoer Patch was la the valley ono day last week, securing the right of ways through Foe Valley for the ditch. e e e Rurroll 8hort and family and J B Shcrt and wife passed through tho valley Sunday In the former's auto. Mrs. Fred Egllngton left tor Los Gntos, Calif., Tuesday. She waa ac companied aa far aa Klamath Falls by Fred and Earl Egllngton nnd Mrs. Oscar Lee. e e e Mrs. Chas. Hlgglna and son, Vivian. NOTICE FOR BIM iNotlce Is hereby given that sealed bids, will he received by the street committee of the city of Klamath Falls up to Monday, October 80, 1911, at 8 p. m.. at which Urns they will be opened ssd considered, for furnishing sad erecting street posts and signs in accordance with the fol lowing specificatiens: Posts to be ten feet long, 4x4 alted, to be of red flr without sap, and to bo painted with two coats of lead and oil. Posts to he set thirty Inches In the ground. Sign boards to be lxB and 24 Inches long, to be freo of knots and painted with two coats of lead and oil, letters to be not less than 3 Inches high. Bids will also be considered for metal or other standard ana ap proved name boards. All bids to he addressed to the street committee, coto of city attorney. The right la reserved to roject any as4 all hlds. STREET COMMITTEE PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS la the Justice's Court, District of UskvUie, Klamath Couaty, Oregon. Ths Union Most Compos, a Corpor atism, Plaintiff, vs. O. W. Oramee. Defendant. To Q. W. Orames, ths share samed defendant' Is us same f ths stats of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaiat lied agalast you la tho above eaUtled court ssd cause on or before ths last day of ths time preecribed Is ths or der for puhliestlos nude herela to- wlt: The tth dsy of November. 1811, and If you fall to so saswer, for want thereof plalatIC will take judgment against you aa demanded la his com plaint oa Sis herela, to-wit: For the sum of II8.IS, thj asms belag upon an express costrsct for ths payment of mosey and for ptalatlff's costs ssd disbursements herein. This sum mons Is served upon you by order of tho Honorable Charles Oravee, Jus tics of ths Peato of ths sbov eaU tled cocrt, dated September 8 tth, ltll.Asd ths date of Us ffrst publi cation bttng ths 38th day of Septem ber. 1811, nnd ths date of Us last publleaUoa will expire oa ths 8U dsy of November, 1811. JOHN IRWIN. hU Attorney for Flalatlff. A LITTLE "CAMPAIGN OP Want Advertising in the Herald WILL SELL YOUR USEFUL "SECOND-HAND" THINQS TO PEOPLE WHO NEED THEM There's a notion, pertaining to most articles of use, that SS as tbey bocoms "second-hand" they, In some mysterious way, tsss St least one-belt of their market value. And one hour's use makes things, such as vehicles, mschlsery, articles of clothing, etc' band." A campaign of classified advertising will sell your lit'.! your much-used things to people who NEED TEHM ssd whs wtt pay a' FAIR price. . 4 f e Herald Want Ads MIMTKLLANROl'S CARD READINO, EO cent. Room 4, St. Francis Hotel. lf-Sw Temple theater, Matinee dally, 8:30 p. m. Evening, Srst performance 7:16, continuous. ISaiRUCT10.SS.tavoa.on all. brass In struments. Mustc furnished for sll occasions. A. T. Tlndall, Herald sales. MONET TO LOAN I can get money for you on first mortgage security on irrigated ranch land. Arthur R. Wilson, E17 Main street. f4-t KODAK FINISHING Flnrt class sad prompt results by Frank Duneaa, over First National bank, or leave or ders st Little Book store, two doors west of postoasce. FOR RENT FOR RENT Six-room modem house for two families. 648 8th. 14-tf J FOR MLB FOR SALE A good late edttlea en cyclopedia and a good eompntmg scale, cheap. Sea 8. B. Evsns, Tenth and Mala streets. 14-8tw Are yon Isterestsd la KI.AMATH COUNTTt If ss. sen U Hunter Realty Co. They havs good bargains. NINE Typewriters la choice of ssy msks; payments; $3 moattly rant. Msttsr Music Co., Everything In mast. 11-st I NOTICE FOR PUMJCATJON (Not coal lanes) Department of the Interior. United State Land Omos at Laksvtow, Oregon, October 11, 1811 Notice Is Lereby given that Ralph L. Carter, whose poetesses address la Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on tho 34th day of April. 1811, Sis la tale office sworn statement aad application No. 04840, to purchase Us WH SW. U.NBK BWU.Sectloa7.aadXWtt of the NWH Section 18, township 37 south, range 10 east, Willam ette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under tho provisions of ths act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known aa tbe "Timber and Stone Law," at auch value as might be Sxed by ap- PUBUCATtON OF SUMMONS la Us Justine's Court,' District of LlakvUle, KUmaU County, Ore gon. John A. Holer. Ftatatta?, vs. O. W. arsmss, Defendant. To O. W. Oramee. Ue above named defendant: la Ue nana of Us state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear aad answer Ue complaiat filed against you In ths shove entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the or der for publication made herein to- wit: The 9th day of November, 1811 and It you fall to so answer, for want thereof plaintiff will take Judgment asalast you as demsnded la his com plaiat on fits herein, to-wit: For Us sum of 170.80, Us sums seine upon an express costrsct for Us payment of mosey ssd for nwlaUrs costs aad disbursements herein. This sum mans Is served upon yon hy order of tho Honorable Charles Oravee, Jus tice of Us Penes of ths above eaU tled eourt, dated September 38U. 1911, nnd the date of Us first publi cation being tho 38th dsy of Septem ber. 1911, sad Us date of ths last publication will expire on Us 8th day of November. 1911. JOHN IRWIN, h th Attorney for Flalatlff. Temple theater. Matinee dally, 3:31, p. m. Evening, first performance, 7:15, continuous. MOTSCHENDACHER'S Sreond-hMid Store, cor. of 7tb snd Mafo; buys. sills and trades household goods, rlothlng, shoes, tool; guns, ote. Ljave our order for expert sewing machine and organ reps' work. SatUisctloa f-uaraateed. well. Phone's 18 T: -tf WANTED I sen In the market for a five or ten aero tract of good land, not over two mllea from city. What have you to offer and at what price? Address 632, cars JSienlng Herald. i-it WOOD FOR SALE 16-laeh slabs, 83.88 per esrd. deltvsred. Phone 871, or lesv ders st,0. K. Transfer Co., P. (arisen. 18tf We havs asms very deesraMs 6U street property for sals Stephens. Hunter Realty Co. Ill III ! r ST ELF WAXTKb WANTED Housekeeper snd essk at Samaritan hospital. 18-8t WANTED Toung girl as probation er; good opportunity to train. An pty to Mies Bassos. Samaritan nss pitaL -tt WANTED Bay 16 years eld I seager. flood ehanss U learn tel egraphy. Apply at. ths Western lUalsn OesmCt IS liHi PHONE 1221 Before having your Plumbing dome First clan work at low prices 4 4) 4) CLYDE E. WITTER MAIN IITRIR .snumnmnmnt' a Jmanm stttV n---TWmw'llUl',ll!!)til!l Vi a fow days In Us valley, visiting old friends and neighbors. A. Mark aad Fred Meeham went to Klamath Falls Monday after a loat of household furalturs for Mr. Meeham e e e Samuel Porter went4o Falls Saturday. e e e Mra. H. II. Roberta aad daughter, Mlsa Myrtlo went to Klamath Falls Saturday. Wm. McClure took a load of grsta to the Falls Tuesday. - j.. 1. ih. n.v. vuittu oiiThPPlleatlon. ths land aad timbsr OYSTERS PAVILION D I Fourth and Klamath Ava r Oteiiig Night, SKiriiy, Octikf 28th ROLLER SKATING FRon 7:30 to 10 p. n. Crosby & Klein, Proprietors Boat Owners Attention o , V44444'4 All Boat BsIMers td owners arc lurMsm It catt ImjpeCtMjfUAC hROf Blsnl BOn fllUshla sMMl l M)plka. It wlUbetoyow wtnmwtt m. . a CHAS. KAUFMANN A SAISAGE That will maks KlamaU; Vnlla famous. Ths Hales All-Pork Brealrinst Ian. sat. .' It oosU you 90 eentl a pound, ,hut you can't buy silk for eaiieo prist. I also have tho ealleo brand at 11 sssts per pound. ' Ths big, up-to-dats Market. J. J. HALM, Prop. lMt Phsn 18T1. thereon have been appratasd at a tout of f 445, ths timbsr estimated at 840,600 hoard feat at 71 seats per M., and ths land 140; that said appll cant will offer final proof In aupport of hla. application and sworn state ment oa Ue 97th day of December, 1911, before R. M. Rlehardsoa. Ualt- sd States Commissioner, at Kiamatn Falls, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protect thus purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated aa- davit In this oSlce. alleging facta which would defeat ths entry. A. W. ORTON. 10-17-13-36 h Register The Ofater aaaaoa la aaw opra. BhJ aaip- wat of faaa laatani MaUOysman aow oi aala at the At Greeley! riuabUi IMap . For That Trip EAST P-j xonca for publicatioh (Nst Osal Unas) DeHrimsst of Us Intsrisr. United States Land Cdsee nt Laksfriew, , Orsren, Augnstt, 1811. Nottos Is hsrsby that Mark T. Howard, whsss sstsass sddrsss Is Klamath Falls. Oregon, did, on Us 87U day of Fshruary, 1811, file is Palace Grill Call or write aa for fall UWratiUa ra lardiigattrtarosMjfi sleep4ai car aartlca to Boatoa. Chicago, St. toals, Now Or laaaa, Oauhs, Kaaaaa City aad Ocavar wlthoat chaage, erery aay la taa year. Wa caa alao route you via Loa Aagalaa aad 11 P-ioj via Ogdea taad the Caatral roateorvla Portland tad the Nertaera rcHBtawithoitaddltloaalfara. Caamfarl- ahlt aad coavaalaat aad wtsatid, hy. p aatimmatic alanala. - JL . i. t. -sfB Coiitlasarn PaffW- ; ;if ns.-mnmi aimm mm amnrn. gnt BfamuntMBkemV ammmmV V fseTUjsr sj mn n jmmTenm.esns' ,, JAMIS VGAJRA; G.r.ftP. Agt. 801 K StSswraaieBto, . '.! X.'&L W ev-.t-,! mmsjSJSjsjrajmnfJmWssSl . sSmifaBaBSBaajjnj, $l Vt rr il &s r if r . J A Xi Ss 5 -" IjJ'I, ,m i&v '.. '-; y 1; nmt . -MShtV ' '4)444)S) V4Vdf awaalsW AA k ,'jru.