" t-"-S '-JmS. i'J55 ! TAe Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties omitta herald. irruKD nr tmb UNITED rRMW NEWS IKHVICB EVENING NEWSPArBM PRINT TUB NEWS, NOT HMTOftT Fifth Year No. ,MM KLAMATH FALLS. ORBOOW, THURSDAY, OCTOBER If, 111 PHm, aflvo Onto 1 "i t - .. "" mht ODELL MAY TO VALLEYS IN NEED tillllMTMAH AMI SILVER I.AKK HrXTIONH WANT IRRIGATION IN PMCBM, ANI MAV I'MK KMMATII COUNTY SUPPLY I.AKKVIKW. Oct. 19. A survey ing nrly, Including soma of ttio men lutiTimittl In large liottlltiKB nrouud Ijiki'Wcw Imre leon making a pre liminary survey of tho Lake Oitnlt xrllini of Klamath county, with thai .ii. I In view of bringing water from that placo tu Irrigate tlio Until In I Clirlnliimn Lake anil Bllvcr tako val leja. The men Interested statu that tlio Umla mentioned will b tlio garden init of Oregon when they havo sccur r,l tlio water, though there are many rttlora In Ilia vnllejs mentioned that will nut want Irrigation for the ordi nary product, ami would rcfino to purchase any water from the com pany. It Is atd that the Hunter tand company ha a right for a short period to Iho watcra of Laku Odell, nml It It presumed that cither Ilili iiitnpatiy or a siiccctaor will take over iIhtih righl and bring them through. While then It no doubt that It would be a costly proposition to bring water from OdHI to the Christmas l.nke country, there seems to bo no ilnuht about lit-being done, and If tlin 350,009 acre eon Id be alined up by the peoplo that aro holding down claims ther,ltwonld bo a project Hint would ran up Into tha mllllona of lollara. It la btHtred that 110,000,. 000 will be Invested In the project which will be tha greatest In Oregon. IMPERIALISTS RECORD A VICTORY AT LAST For Iho First Tlmo lh Royal Force of China Have) Outdone Iho Itebrls In Remit VirUlag Tim lttrr Huffi-r Ureal lumaea United I'reaa Bervtco HANKOW, Oct. 19. Tho Imperal- Itts won their first battle north of lure, Inflicting enormous lossca on rebels who wvro forced to retreat to Wu Chang. Tim rcbclu several times swept uncus tho open country and tried to Hike tho Imperial position at tho point of tho bayonet, Train loads of Imperial wounded nro arriving hero. Hluco dawn tiring baa been con lluuous on the north, where tho reb els nnd Imperialists aro engaged, Tho Imperialists aro atrongly on trenched. Itebels at aunrlse slmulta neously attacked tho Imporallsts and tho gunboats on tho river. The warships replied Ineffectively, nnd finally were forced to retire be hind a foreign flotilla. A rumor that tho robots havo cap turod Naklng and Klvklang la uncon firmed. Mrs. A. A, Thomas came In from ' her ranch on the Merrill road today, , and expects to return bono tomorrow. Sanitation Lacking In Lakeview And Disease Breeding Spots Plenty LAKBVIBW, Oct, 18. The health department here U being blamed (or allowing go many unsanitary garbage mm, aithy allsys, ly-breedlng ma nure pile and alatue breeding out house, if u wert ot (or tha (act that Laktvltw It located It the healtblett of cUmatea there might be a poetlltaet that would wipe out lives. Tbe ordinance regarding that tblaga ia paased up entirely It moat eaiea, and toast l the placet art a die- - SECTION GIVE WATER THE MKTHODIHTH IIOM) TIIKIH ANNUAL MEETING United I'rtaa Service 8A0HAMKNTO, Oct. !. Tlio nix. t) -first ronfereuco of tho California Molhudlst riilnlatcrs has commenced hero. Hlxly delegates are In from nil parts of the mntu north of Makers field, AsilgmncntK will bo kept secret until Hunday nlKhl. Illshop Water houso of Lo Anxoles Is presiding. INOICTEO MAN GETS FAVOR OF A SPECIAL CUSTODIAN I.AKKVIKW, Oct. 19. D. Illggar staff of Paisley, against whom thero nro many Indictments for violation of tho local option laws, I In custody of a bailiff pending trial. This seems an unnecessary vipense, and many aro objecting to playing favorite. If a man Is charged with a crime, thoy argue, why giro him preference over itomo ono rli charged with the aanio rime. "If he cannot pot uo tho ball." ' ,,"'J' '' ' ioc Mm u' '" ' doM ,,'" MUDDY GROOROS CAUSE OEIAY OF BI6 GAIE rhlladrlpliU Athletic Hate Glaau With Their llarks m tho Wall, awl If Former Win Next (lame Will likely Take Merle. United Presa Service PHILADKLPIIIA. Oct. 1. To day's championship gamo Is off, ow ing to a muddy field. Tho (Hants am with their bncks to tho wall. If tho Athtetlca win (lie next gamo It Is be lieved they will surety win tho series. Tho Olants havo been hitting at the rnto of ,HC and tho Athletic at 200. Combs nnd Mothowson will likely pilch again tomorrow as tho weather Is rliarlng. J A PA N KHK I XT KIIKKII KNCK IN (-IIINA, IF NKC3UiAltV Itiillrd I'rrss Seivlce TOKIO. Oct. !. Tho war offlco lint completed preparation to send 70,000 men to China whenever asked by tho powers. Tim detro)ers Bhlklnanil and Ma klKiimo, with tho dfspatrh boat Chi- hoya, with provisions nnd a special land force has sailed for Hankow. FONIER, GETS THE FLYER, A HARD Tho Aviator at the City of Angle Meets With ft Mishap and He mage to Ilia Machine When Maktag n Hhort Trial Flight United Preaa Service 1.0 SANQELEB, Oct. 1. Fowler, the aviator, In completing ten min utes trial, smashed an upright, toro a wing ana oroKe ft earn, no may atart late this afternoon. grace to any community. It will be necessary (or the authorltlet to lattl tute an ordlnanco requiring ostt-poolo upon every Inhabited lot la town be fore thla matter It baadted tatlatac tory, unlet k aewtragt system with septic tankt Is Installed aett year. The rowa of bants aad tbe town cow are other (eaturee of medieval life that art bouad.to go at toon as reel deata bavt,viameneaa enough to tit complalata aittot theat nulsanset. WIMi EXAMINE IIAIIIIKRH On Instructions from tho slate board of barber examiners, Jat. K. Bwanson, doputy examiner for thl district, will hold an examination at tho Klamath bnrber shop In this city. on Thursday, October 28th. At this tltno It will bo noceasary for all those who aro working under a pormlt to lake tho vxamlnntlon. Following are tlio harbors who havo been Issued per mits until such tlmo as an examina tion was called: J. V, Rovoredgo n( Ijikiitlow, and II. I,, Fuller, Chu. Htrong, C. T. Komp, C. J. Elliott, Goo. Hllver, J. 11. Garvin, Frank oPteraon, B. I'. Uwery, Wm. llrookflold. C. K. Ilarnholt, O. W. Stuck, Floyd O. Landry II. T. Watklns, Will Dognp nnd M. S. Blinker of Klamath Falls. TWO INSANE MEN TAKEN TO SALEM AGED MAN, 1NMATK OF COUNTY INFIRMARY FOIl YEARS, IH FOUND TO IIK WITHOUT REA SON GOES WITH DUBLL Yesterday tho county court ad judged Insane Louis Emerson, who has been a charge on tho county at the county homo for several years. 'Tim man Is cloto to 80 yeara old, and for some tlmo baa been completely out of his rrason. He and Leon Ducll, tho young man who was found Insane by Justice of tho Peace Chas. tiraves a couple or days ago. were taken this morning to the state In ,"" ,5rum t Salem by two nurses rroni mat institution, C. Cameron and F. F. Bchram. Two lajarcd Me Retara II. E. Wlnnard of Lagged Valler. a rancher, and Dr. O. C. Mitchell, Us vctorlnarlan of this city, who were both accidentally had the sight of their right cyea destroyed, returned yesterday from Ban Francisco, where the ryes were removed. TROOPS RUSHED SOUTH TO FluTECTHHER War In One of the Provtere I De clared lo lie Imminent, and Sol. db-r Are Hurrying to Berate of the Insurrection Kejrr Hasperted) United Press Service MHXICO CITY, Oct. 1. It I re ported that war In Quatemala-, Mex ico, I Imminent. Troops havo been rushed south ward In order to protect tbe Mix Iran border. Cabrera Is reported to have com menced aiding Hcvyee In an Insurrec tion to control the republic ot Mexico, YOU CAN GET OYSIERS A half pint of olid' meats of tbe famous Boalshlpt Brand (or ISc. At Iho Hales Market," phone 15T1. It! IEMCAIRHEISHEADNAY REPORTED AS DECISIVE liuurrcrtloabta Clahwfld to Have Captared Two Big ClUe ia State ol ChlaiMM, aad nig Battle ot Reoelt aad Maderitta b oa. United Pre rvic MEXICO CITY. Oct. IP. It la re ported that Mexican rebels In the Clilnpas atato captured Cometan and Yautepro thla morning, the latter af ter k three hours' battle. Colonel Rojai, commanding 7,000 troop, left lut night (or Otumba, forty mile aouth, to try to atop the rebels' victorious march. It I reported that a decisive battle between Maderletai and rebel la pro gressing. A party ot Klamath Development company guest are eaojylag tbt day on Upper Lake In tbe White Pelican launch. A. Q. Wrenn of the Plonr Preaa I In the south oa a bualnett trip. NOISE MAKER IS FOUND At LAST TALK OF LOST RAM HORN, WHICH HAD IIKKN "HOCKJED" TOIl LOAN, AND WHICH WAS ItKDKKMRD BY PBOPRIhTTORM Tho big baa born lsffound. No longer do the whearabout of thu bombardlno pusxle the bandsmen. It hat been located. The loving care of the former cus todian I one more shed for the benefit of the aforesaid musical In strument. It had been nocked. The hock was not the kind that I told of In "In hoc algno vlnccs." It was the bock that Is a levarage for raising tbe monoy, the "cusb," the cash, the "epondullcka" or tbe "dough." "In hoc eigne vlnccs,' wo are told we who nover lived In a Latin country mean "by this sign we con quer. " We have lo take for It tbe word of those who tetl us, because Itomo I a long way off, and there Is not time, before going to pre, to send a reporter to Rome to Investi gate. So the "In hoc alngo vlncra" prop osition should be eliminated now, onoo for all la thla matter. The hock that thl seek to tell of mean "by thla algn we concur," That Is, two people concur fcn the nature and amount of a loan to be made on a chattle that It plodgtd (or the Iota, The bock la thlt cast wu under taken without the knowledge or con sent of tbe owner of tb chattel The chattel aforementioned la a rath er noisy one, wnea properly ap proached, at Indicated, t.y Ha being a bora. -" - It belonged to the Klamath Fall Military band. It bad been played upon a number of times by Ray Brown, baa bora manipulator, before ht wat arrested oa a charge of giving lltuor to aa Indian, which la penalised by a fed eral law. When he wa taken Into custody for the alleged presentation to Mlko Week, an Indian from tbe reaerratlon who waa being sued here for divorce by hi wife, It waa necea aary for him to be taken to Portland for trial, and ho went with United States Marshal Leslie M. Scott of the Rose City, and Fire Cbltf Edward Wakefield, when tho two oScera went up with Dr. John Qrant Lyman. But that has nothing la particular to do with the bombardlno, anil la merely Inserted herein aa a matter of newa for thoso who like to know what la going on. Incidentally might be dovetailed the fact that Judgo Henry L. Benson, In the divorce case of Mr. Week, which mado necessary In Klamath Falls the presence of the husband, Mike Weeks at tho time be la alleged to have been given the liquor, handed down a decree declining to give Mr. Week the legal separation from her husband that aho askfd (or. Returning to the bombardlno, let It be related that tho great aad thunderous horn, the right and title therein vested In tbe Klamath Fall military band, a aforesaid, waa not available at one ot band rehearsals. A lit sound product la of a whole sale order and calculated to fill many a void that aches for sound. It wat Imperative that It be found. Marion Barnes, treasurer of tbt organisation, went on a still bunt (or the noisy bombardlno. It wu found la tbt custody of a second-hand man, who bad made a loan on It, according to tbe story, to Brown. It wu accessary, In order to re deem the born, to pay IS. BO tq tho second-hand man. Thla wu don. The born la onco more In the ten der band of the band. Requlscat ta pace. A. O. Wlaaard expect to return hit Langelt Valley home tomorrow. IF1 YOU WANT TO SEE A Market (ull ot choice tteer bee aad other prime maatt vlalt tbt HaltT Sanitary Market to s morrow, Phont 1BT1. tl-lt J. J. Halt, Prtp. Anaoar Plata Gaareataai Met far , weatea aad caUdrtw. 17-t At K. K. K. Stat STATIC AID NERDS FOR OnKOON GOOD ROADS LAKEVIEW, Oct. 19 Senator An. drcd C. Smith Is here oa a visit, re lating to tbo good road movement. The Lakeview Commercial Club will entertain him at an Informal smoker on Friday ovonlng In the court bouse, when addresses will be made by a number of tho leading cltltens. The good roads movement will receive a hearty reception here because there is a feeling that with stato aid the coun ties of Eastern Oregon with their Mat tered population, will be ablo to get what they need most communication by ran and otherwise with the larger shlpplngaadcommerclal centers or the state. - HOLDUP SUSPECT UNDER ARREST DEPUTY SHERIFF 8CHALLOCK TAKES INTO CUSTODY YOUNG MAN THOUGHT TO BE IMPLI CATED IN HIGHWAY ROBBERY Deputy Sheriff John Scballock at noon today arrrated on suspicion of being a holdup man, a young man about 2S yeara of age, known a "Shorty," who claim to have been working on tbe new White Pelican hotel, but who refused to tell hi name or anything about himself. The accused wu pointed out to Scballock on Main strett In the Hot Spring addition shortly after the noon whistle blew, and wu oa hla way to dinner. The man, who would not give his name, ia claimed to an swer the description of one of the people who held up J. W. Baata on Monday night oa Sixth street, Just rut of tbe railroad track. Banta It a carpenter, and hu been boarding at tbe house of Rev. 3. H. Brown, a representative of tbe Meth odist Church South, who bu been mlnUterlng In thl city. ri)0T0FSmV6REETSTAFT til NOtUAMA COPPER CITY PrraJdrnt Hu Malatlnal Meal, Ride Throagh CMjr la Baxa Wagea, Hpraks to Maltltadc of Popalace, Then Hits Onward. United Pre Service BUTTE Mont., Oct. 19. A foot of snow covered the streets when Presi dent Taft arrived. Ho breakfuted at the Silver Bow Hotel and later automoblled about the city. He made an address at the Broad way theater, and then left for Boie man, Livingston and Billing, where he will completo tho day' program. AT THt HALES MARKET Fresh fish nnd". oysters all the time, every day but Sunday. Call up 1$71, 19-Jty J. J. HALE8, Prop. MANY MANCHUS KN1E0; CHINA'S TORIOILGROWS Shipload of Haakow Refageet De scribe Frightful Sceaet ta Yarigtee River Near Shanghai Mas mere ot Fearful Character United Presa Servict SHANGHAI. Oct. 19. The rebel lion la spreading. It la reported that every man, wo man and child of tbt Maachu race wu butchered whta tbt rebel cap tured Wuchang. Six shipload of European Haakow refugees bavt arrived, aad describe frightful seen on tbt Taagtw Rlvtr abort Sought! Thty tay tbt Ohlattt art buatlag tbt Maaehue Ilk animals, killing hundred ot thtm. Thty believe tbt rebellion la to formidable that It will nevre bt quelled. Mr. and Mr. A. D. Harpold havo returned to their Boaaata homo. VALUATION RISE A MATERIAL ONE WILD HUMORS OF DEFEAT OF IMPERAUST FORCES United Press Service PBKIN, Oct. 19. Communication with Hankow hu been suddenly broken off. The overwhelming de feat of the Imperialist Is wildly rumored. Serlout dlisatlsfsctlon In tho army Is whispered u existing. WEATHER CONTINUES TO IE MILD AID RATIONAL Last night the weather grew con siderable cooler, and the mercury de scended to 33 at C a. m., within one degreo ot tho frcetlng point. Thla wu the low notch for the night, while 37 wu tbe depth reached the previous night. At 8 o'clock tbta morning It wu 38, Ave degrees below tbe tem perature at the corresponding hour yesterday. Last night at 8 it wu S3 against 49 at tbe like hour of the pre vious night. Yesterday'a high point wu 61 at 4 p. m., the high point the previous day being 67 at a similar hour. SECOND TIDAL WAVE SAID TO RAVE DAMAGED NEXKO Two Well Kaowa Towa Alleged to Have Bera Destroyed la Fierce Ba galaag Water Cntaaianlratlna Inipostluls Many Urea Leet Ualted' Preaa Service MEXICO CITY, Oct 19. It I re ported that another tidal ware bu destroyed Ban Blu and Slhuataaejo. well known town in tbe state ot Tepic. Communication with them hu been aevered. Many people are reported to bare lost their lives In the watery dis aster. VIATOR ELY KILLED BY FALL AT FAIR GROUNDS MACON, Oa.. Oct. 19. Eugene Ely, the celebrated aviator, fell at tho fair ground thla aftoraooa' aad afterward died la a local hospital to which he had been taken. He waa a Callforalan, with hla homo in Corte Madera. Tho accident occurred when he was making hla first dip after rising over the crowd. He lived only a few minutes after being Injured. HAS "TAMA JIT DOIT A6RUnP0RTF0ll0? Widely Spread Story That Iowa Fa moa Old Farmer Secretary, So Long ta Job at Waahiagtoa, It Aboat to Drop ReU of Coatrol United Pres Borvlce WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 19. A report that Secretary ..Wilson has submitted his resignation, effective No ember 15th, to President Taft la widely circulated here today- City To Take Mills And Give City Warrants For Same On recommendation of tbe finance committee ot tbt council, consisting ot Councllmtn O. W. White, chalr- in. M. O. Wllklna and F. L. Fielder, tbt -city hu decided to take advant age o( a peculiar method of dbtainlng from Attorney Fred H. Mill tbe title to hla two lota at Walnut and Fifth streets, which tbe city want to get for a tltt for a new city hall. Tbt prlct wu agreed oa at $4,500 some tlmt ago, but tha delay 'la get- INCREASE IN CITY LOTS OVER SSO.OM AND IN M PROVEMENTS ABOUT WIO.III. LATTER BEING ABOUT TWO THIRDS OUTSIDE rKJURa Figure on the assessment book of Klamath county u prepared by County Assessor J. P, Lee show tha valuation of all the lota within tha city to be 1,191,679, against II, 328,771, an Increase of flft.lOI, while Improvement oa tbt property ar9 placed at 1507,480, agalatt 1308,275 an Increase of 1199.111. The total faj 13,199,009, agalatt 1. 695,34, Increase f03,IU. In the towns In Klamath conaty outside of Klamath Falle there It a decrease In the Improvement u against a year ago of 13.(10, tbt be ing the only decrease shown ta aay of the flguros of Klamath Fall or tho outsldo towns. Outside txnru la Klamath county are givea lot ralaa- tlon ot $242,089, against 17 414. an Increase ot 874,05: Improve ments 978.35S, against $79,991, de- create 13,910: tout, $111,414, against $289,129, Increase $19,191. OFFICIAL VETERINARia IN 8PBCT IN LAKB COUNTY LAKEVIEW, Oct. 19. H. B. Piak- ertoa aad J. T. Morell ot tat ttata and national bureaut of aalnul ta ipcctlon were rleltora bert wtt week. leaving by auto, (or Klamath, wat they came, laveattgatlag tha Uoa aad dipptag at aalmtlt by tha two crew of mea at work la MHrtr Lake and Cbowaacaa ralleya, taoagh they did not think It assissary ta go to those point u they were too 9ar out of their way. LAKEWEIir PASTOR SCORES VIOLATORS Of THE UI Methodist Minister Takea Vp the I Ject of Iafractloa of Local Optica ..RrgaUtioa la a Moat Vlgoroa Maaaer facial to Tnt- Herald LAKEVIEW. Oct. Iff la oae of the best sermons delivered since hit pcatorato here, Kor. Melville T. Wire ot the M. E. Church, hitting straight from the shoulder, ihandlod the viola tion ot the local option lawn for which Indictment have been found aad the dance hall nuisance that hu mado la- roadt against tha morality of tbt com munity. The public, bora It stirred to the dangers of allowing the thlagt to go on, aa ftw placet have beta stirred, and there Is m strong moral wave that will tend to abolish thee detriments to a clean towa. Tbt Klamath"""!! Rvealng Herald It re ceiving muchrajs (or briagtag thl matter to the attdatlea of tho father and mothert of tha community. Mr. H. E. Richardson leave ait ovonlng tor San Diego, Calif., to poia her husband, who hu entered bni- nets in the southern city. Mr. Rich ardson wu formerly la tba palat aad Wall paper bualnett here, with F. R. Old. City J ting tbe bond boatt which Md tae cesttully for tbt elty hall bead to accept and pay (or tha tamt baa ktft tbe city out ot funat for atw ettr hall purposes. Mr. Mill hu arranced wkh -i men to furnish tbt cub to tbt tshyj- Ha Site ,! daktatA allu aaamwateatadal Asaam. aaaadh ! SHU aV itJ WasMa m mama- . $4,500. tht people aeeeptlag tat af-iiVu'lt, raatt to take bonda Instead whta NM .-? & bonds 'art tented, aad, U tbtrt to W(??$ evaa ie, w ay " ?;, ', " t v. rsi ra -.', ',; nV i4..T. m V'teXl