e v'J& Jk 'fwrngmtm PV ' VI , 9S 4K TAe Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties "' rf u?-c J, p., v. v;; t'i limine Belaid. H ivrrumi mr tmr UNITED IWssSS NEWS SEHVICN evening nbwsp, PRINT TIIK NEWS, NOT " Hfth Vrr No. 1,5N1I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUKMDAV, OCTOIIEII IT, 1B11 mc SEVENTH SALOON'S I II I" llr LIVI IVJI WHITE PELICAN BAR JAMKM II. DIlDMIILL (IKTM I'Klt. MIT WITHOUT lOIULATI(N IIIIUTKMION AMI! WITH ONLY IINt'lb st night tlm loon llconmj In James II, cniil()o of I ho tlniimlh Dovoloimiont company. Tho question of whothT tho cou... ...in. -4.!- i i.i... rll wiu netlng within Iti right til her in In tho legality of n aetcnth saloon nr In rmlilnir fllirtitiuh Hit. ,iriiiialtlM " -"' ..,w.... ..... ,., ......... ...... . with only half tho iiiombcra ntlng fnvorAbly on tho proposition, was not I hroiiKht up. The charter provides! Hint ono nalonn llrcnan shall ln IhmiimI 1 to each 1,000 population or major frnrtlon llion-of. When tho McDonald A lliiunnktr satoou, tho sixth In tho city, got Ha Hcrnac only a fow wroks ngo, tho iimtlloii of population wni lirniiRht up, and when a document wan offered purporting to show that tho rlty find Increased sufficiently In population Inro the granting of tho fifth llrcnso the naloon wan made poaslbl)', with no contention worth talking ntiout, To hnvo seventh naloon lawfully tho population of tho city mutt lx (!,S0l, l,ail night tho matter of population wan not openly discussed, hut Drli Aill Iasj4 ! sissfIh.I . ulilaHiiPiul fjtn- sultatlon. with ilayo'r Krrd II. Han-1 '"l "r the Injury done to hla rn ,"" ' ;!" r1 demon and certain membera of the 0''"' "'. when tho lata Police iln v,uc' nft lhe 'muar.Uud ataesa .r.!. f!5.?S ' "A .. .J Chief iMward Town.end bemiu to ,fc'n.n.t should bo reduced to tho value rd to get tho fence fixed Just right. Judging by results That the company know It would gel the llronae, or, nt least, fell K. Ilhe or It, la ahown by tho fact that It hn ordered fixture and stock for Its barroom, and nxiirrts In Imrn nit of that equipment In thin city and In I"0" rkkin with tho dls-oe. which, plnco about tho last day of Novoiii-I111 l,u rn"''' l'rnl fatal, ber. Whllo Drlscotl Is tho licensee r- Maston naked 1500 dniungeu In his tho business will bo run under thejilll for Injunction and monetary hnlni, nomo of tho Whllo Pelican Hotel com- but Attornoy J. C. Hutcnlo argued for pany. $tsr. City Attorney K. I.. Klllott Tho bar will bo lu n room on the contributed vnrlety to tho estimates of northwest side of tho Kmilanadostrcot damngo b) considering 110 or $K inlrnnco.aml, It Usilil, will Imonoof tho most elegantly fitted up thlrs', nllaltig station In tho slnlo of Ore gon. Tho fitting will consist mulnly of mahogany, while leaded nrt glasn and fine mirrors will be Includod In tlm decoration. The floor will bo of elaborate tile. W, P. Johnson and D. O. Williams me bondsmen for DrUcoll as menace, and tho check for $1,500 to pay for tho llcrnso la drawn by W. P, John son, secretary of tho Klamath Dotel opniont company on (ho American Dank and Trust company, and p ahl to Drlscoll. Thoao who voted for tho sulnon last night woro Counrllmon M. Warner Valley Land Troubles Being Wound Up And Development Is Near Special to Tlia Herald I.AKKVIBW, Oct. I 17, Attornoy I Ueuoral A. If. Crawford Is hero from Balcni on business connected with tliu sottlemont of the Warner Valley land cases, that wero closed by tho Inter ested parties after ft legal battlo ex tending over twenty-six years, Warner la one of tho most (ertllo sections of I,ako county, with a cli mate different from any other por tion of the county, aa It la lower In elovatlon that moat valley, and haa other characteristics that mako It do slrable, though the litigation that tho early aottlara went through haa re tarded Ita development .for many year while the other portion of the couuty have been progressing right along, The Warner Valley Irrigating company'! segregation covers some thing In the neighborhood of 150,000 acre, that will he waterod from Honey Greek. Deep Creek, Twelve- Mile and other streams, will coat In the neighborhood of $1,000,000, ana Hart the work of development o long delayed' I ! A ll I I- I li'lowoitRnitofor 11.200 on an onglnn, lmrml I L.Lr ,,l,lt ,l0 l"Tlmcil from tho city, nndj 0. Wilkin, wlio prcsvntcd ttio lleiio niiu rrroiuiiiriiiirii IIH grnilli I . I,, I inurr. II. M, (ingsliy, A. 31. Aifortl and lion H. Owi'iiir. Counclliuon (1. V. While nml Chorion Mc(lonu voted Agnlnst tliu llri'imu being granted, FISHED, NO LICENSE. PLEADS GUILTY, FINED, Juitliu of (ho IVuco CharlcM (IrtvU'H today fined J. A, Dnru of tho Hhlp iIiiii(oii mill :r nml cost whim Daro tlll.tl itful llltl tt I L I flat- bj.a.i at... ,", " " V "' ' ' ," i, . '!"'' "Ivor October 8th, without llrciimt, n k rlmrgcd by Deputy On mo Warden C, O, llrown. HASTEN DAMAGE FIXED BY COURT TlllllTV-i IVK IKU.LAItH AW.tltD i:i AtlAINHT rlTV l. TIIK ('.INK WHICH WAK Ol'TCOMK OK AT TttMIT TO IIKMTItOV llAHX Jiidgo Henry I.. Ilensunof tlun.lr - cult rrnirl. who Is now slltlnu at I.nke. ilow, las decided that W. W. Hasten fi ..niiiie.1 iii aas ilmuaL-n nn rainnen. ''- '" W " ",h,,,"f!?J T "J-f ". ,,? in nn oruer oi inn ruy gnvernmcni io the effect Hint he abntu or remove the utilcflttco. Tho city claimed that tho barn hod glvven rlsu to raven of ty phoid fi'MT ninr by, and it Is colncl iliHilal Hint tho pnllco chief wn Mm abmil right. Kindly Judge llenson ( got In between thu various sums hint-, ed nt with nn official entlmnlo of $.15, as nbove stated, Tho derision endn wbnt was a lively episode for n time. When tho Injiinc- , Con null was started City Attorney Klllott nsktd to hnc Mnsten's $&nn 'oud, glien to Indcliinlfy tho city cost lu case tho city won, replnvcd n Us surety was Mr. Mnsten, who wna inriiMij B..n .. .....n...., n... ,l.?....l ... I. .1 I..1I.- l.,n,ln,.n. I """" " "". . V. ... " V.V: . .. Then It was sought to dismiss the In Junction and tills motion was denied. Finally tho arguments on tho Issue rnnie nml tho ultlmnto decision was wlhtheld until tho notes of Court tho end of tho costly litigation, or rather thoso that have boon gatno enough to hold on to their land, will receive their patent, and If thoy ao deslro muy bo ablo to aoll their prop erty at advantage. Tho final settling of tho claims and other mattors con nected with tho affair la tho work that brlnga Mr. Crawford to tho county at this tlmo. Humphreys KJectcU Director At a meeting of the stockholders of the Odd rellowg Hall Association held last evening, Qeorge L. Hum ph roy waa elected ft atockholdor nd director to aucceed the late Qeo. ft. Hum. The dlroctora of the associa tion are: W. O. Imltn, W. H. North, II, B. Momyor, n. W, Tower and Oeo. I, Humphrey. Election of oncers wbs postponed until a later meeting. YOUNO MAN, with good reference, deslrea position In any line for opening. Addresa A. U. Murray, gn- KlitiiKrnlxr It. M. Illrhurdson worn iixtunitcil, Hut tliu city Imi another innttnr Iik'IkIIiik with Mr. Mnaton In court. It lm miki-d for fortcloauro of it chat- I which. It Ik nllcfccil, In otcrduc and. unpaid. TIMBER PROTEST ASSESSMENT A HIGHER I Itepriiiontiitlven of all tho big tlm 'her owners In tho county called on tho I hoard of equnlliatlon thin morning to enter r.- protest against tho ralso made tills year. Tho following representatives wcro present: J. W. Alexander and J, F. ICii'ilmll of tho Wcyorhnuser Timber company, which owns 10C.G0O nrren of timber In the county; Alex Mcltao, Western raclfle Timber company, 43, 000 acres; W. II. Boilers, Bhovlln-Car-ponter company and K. H. Illxoo, 26, 000 niris; K. V, Plnkerton, Oshkoah l.nnd and Timber company; C. L. all l,nm, Day llrothcrs A Gilliam; I'aul Johnson, A. C. Hopkins tract. Alex Mcltao called the attention of tho board to tho fact that whllo the Increase In tho taxable property of tho county was something over $1,000, 000, that this Increase was wholly on tho proiierty of about eight of ths 'largo timber companies. In fact, Mr. Mcltao ntntid that tho Incrcaso In tho valuation of tho tlmpor lands wan even greater than that on tho entire property In tho county. He assorted I lint whlla all other lands and prop erty In the county had actually been imnmicd at n decrease In value of i'""olhlnK Hko 1200,000, that tho timber lands has been Increased, In I""1"" K"0". much co P0' " Therefore ho asked tluvt liiAtniuch After an explanation by tho county assessor ho board took the matter under advisement, and will give their decision later. HOTEL STAFF IS GATHERING HERE A I lit KOH MAX.U1KK IIIIOWKK OP Xi:W WIIITK 1'KIJCA.V. OKT TIM) Itl-UDV Ftllt OPKXIXG OP Xi:W IUMTKI.HY ' J, K. Ilrower, manager of tho now White Pelican Hotel, which It la ex pected to oprn with elaborate proceed- llugi, Including n banquet, haa been .t.,1,,,,,1 ,i.rn hv I JOIIICII Ier0 Dy his new chlff clerk, K. II. l-ouser; stoward. C. A. Hoffman. nnd n brother of tho last named, 11. I tollman, who will hnvo chargo of tbo tnglneerlng department of the new hostelry. Tho Hoffman brothers aro from the Palnro and Fairmont hotels, Ban Francisco. About 100 guests aro ex pected to come from Portland by a special train to nttond tho cerothonlea and Inaugural dinner, and Invitations ho-vo already been extended. Mr, Ilrowor haa a number of pennants to advertise Iho hotel, and these will be placed In conspicuous places. Edmund Vance At The Opera House .. . , SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 21 , UNDER AUSPICES OF , KLAHATH LYCEUM BUREAU . Season Tlcktts on mIc at the 5tr Drug Stort, f3.00 for five vnUrUlnmcnU. - Rottrvatlont can bt mado by hold ers of itaion tickets commencing tomorrow. Reserve your seats early, and avoid the rush t . MEASURE WATER F10W FOR POWER TWO OAt'CJW I'MCKD IN KKIO CA.VAIi HV HKCLAMATION HER VICK TO ''UtiTKIlMIKK AMOUNT OK HKRVICK IlKNDKItKD Two gauges for measuring power of the flow of water have boen placed In the government canal under orders of Project Engineer W. W. "Patch, In order to ascertain tbo exact pressure which Is bsfng contributed to the Klamath Falls Light snd water com pany's static. Bome tlmo ago tho company had,but a small wheel, capa ble of generating only about 600 horsopowor In tho 1,010 horsepower generator, and the 205 cubic feet of water flow per second, or about 1,200 minor's Inches, was not In danger of being exceeded. Dut the company In stalled v much more powerful wheel, hence the government'a Installation of the measuring apparatus, It not being desired to furnish moro of a flow than the company's contract calls for. The gauges aro about 1,000 feet apart, midway In the Kcno canal. T PHILLIES TAKE THIRD OF SERIES KOOHK IIKTWEEN GIANTS AND MACK'H MKN STANDS TWO TO ONE IN KArW OF THKOAKMR CITY HALL TOWERS United Press Bervlee NEW YOKK. Oct. 17. Philadel phia's Athletics, pride of Connie Mack and all Quafcerdom, took the third game of the world's champion ship series from tho New York Qlants In a hotly contested 11 Inning game this afternoon, by a score of 3 to 2. Tho wlndup of the game was played In n drlxxllng rain, which did not dampen the cnthuslssm and Interest of tho fans In the least. There waa an enormous crowd of baseball "bug" -on hand to witness tho con test, which was lent especial Interest by tho fact that tho aeries when the gemo opened, was a tlo .each team having won a- game of the pair previ ously played. The game today makes the Athletic two games to the Olanta' one, and as the fourth game to be played tomorrow will be on tho grounds of tho Athletics at Philadel phia, If thcro Is aaythtng tallsmanlc In playing among home folks, the Athletics will have the atmosphere In their favor, nad tnay clinch the world'a scries by taking a third game on tholr own grounds. On tho other hand, If some of the dopesters sre to be believed, the score stands now as oven aa It Is possible to bavo It In threo games, from a strictly statistical standpoint, and they argue that the Olants have fully as good a chance tomorrow aa the men who fol low the leadership of the redoubtable Cornelius Mcatlllcuddy. Batteries today were Matthewson and Meyers, New Yorks star pair, and Coombs and Lapp for Philadelphia. The rest of tbo lineup waa unchanged. Hcore by Imlujs R.H.E. Athletic 0000000010 13 9 J Giant ..001000000012 3 6 CATTLE DIPPING THEIR SUBJECT OP1C1AL VKTERNAKIIM WIT CITY AND VICINmr TO EX. PLAIN THE REAL MKANINO OV RECENT ORDER Dr. J. P. Morrell, state veterinary, or Portland, and Dr. If. E. Plnkerton of the federal bureau of animal Indus try, with offlces at Pendleton, are In the city today conferring with County Judgo Worden relative to the quaran tine which has been placed on the cat tto of Lake and KJamath counties. These gentlemen have Just returned from a- trip through Lake county, whero they have been Investigating tho conditions among the cattle of that county. They expect to go to Klamath Agency today to look after the cattle on the reservation. Realising the effect that an order to dip all cattle In these counties would have on cattlemen who have al ways fed their cattle and procured their winter feed In this valley, Judgo Worden took the matter up with the representatives of tho stats and gov ornment. and was assured that the or der of Dr. Lytle was evidently nlsaa dcrstood, as It was not the wteatloa to fores the feeders to dip their beef cattle uales they were Infected with the scab. Beef cattle being fed for the market can be brought to the feeding grounds in tho Klamath Basin for winter feed, and will not have to be subjected to the dipping process. All stock cattle allowed to ran on the range with other herds will have to bo dipped, and preparations have al rendy been made to do this. Dipping tanks have already been built at Pals- t Continued on Page 4) HAVE GOOD TIME RESTORED THEM WESTERN I'NION ELECTRICALLY ItEOULATED CLOCKS WENT ON TOOT, AND MANAOER AVaTriN ON HUNT Manager Austin of the Western Union has completed a hard chase. He waa In need of time, or, at least. a lot of others were, so he took time to get tlmo and get It right. The Western Union haa a coupto of doxen or ao of electrically regulated clocks from Washington used by Its friends and patrons In this city, ana all of a sudden the good work they had been doing la keeping their cus todians on time for meals, aa well aa to pay debts, ceased. Folks that had relied on the mod ern clocks did not know when It was time to eat, or whether they really owed money. They called on the Western Union Cooke AVAILABLE FOUND BY EMMITT snd notified It of the conditions of things. Manager Austin began the hunt. All the clocks ate regulated by a uniform system and on one wire, and It was ft long chase to locate the trouble, which waa Anally found to be at the old location of the First Trust and Savings bank, which, la moving out, had displaced the wire which con nects tho clock, thus grounding the current, which nlready had a regular grounding" station elsewhero on the vine of chronometers. It took oslr sr fow minutes to repair what bad taken hours to find. The Indies of the Episcopal GutlJ wli meet with Mrs. A. D. Miller on Frldsy afternoon at 2:30. SOCIAL EVIL TO BE LOOKED INTO WHEN WALKHR IS TO BE Al. POINTED CHIKr OP POLICE RE. SrONHIfllLlTY OP OFFICIALS H NOTED BY COUNCILMAN WBTTB Patrolman Samuel L. Walkekr, who has been acting chief of peUee since the beginning of the Illness wh'le caused toe death of the kvte chief, Ed ward Townsend, waa appointed ealef of police last night by Mayor Prod T. ewadenosT.'M'Indlcnts) an the Herald some days alacs would be done The council rattled the appointment read ily, Wllklns seconding the proposition. The mayor started to Ulk about having a paid man for the Are de partment, when Councilman B. 8. Orlgsby wantod to stay on the police force long enough to know If there was not whisker being sold In the city without license. "I don't believe that there Is a man In this council but believes that It Is being sold In these disorderly houses, and after he hour of midnight," ssld Orlgshy. "Just In this connection I wish to say that while I voted for the mayor's uppolntcc for the chief of police, and would have voted for any other man tho mayor had named who was proper to be put la the otace, we still hold the mayor and his oKscers responsible for the enforcement of the law," de clared Councilman O. W. White. "These things aro In his hands through his appointments, and he's responsible." "I nm here to uphold the laws, gentlemen, and I'll do so," answered the mayor. "I'll see to It that there Is an lnveatlcatlon of the subleet at once, and will Instructor. Walker to look Into It." Third Artesian Well With Three Flows Struck Special to Tho Herald LAKEVIEW. Oet 17. Por.tbi third tlmo .within two weeks aa ar tesian Sow water haa been struck oa the Henry Lehman place, three mllea west of town, by George Eds. tha well driller, who started the drill 'oa a tarts of no water ao pay. At 10 feet the first low waa found, thsa at 480 feet the well agala began to Dow, and again at B0 feat ft third flow waa found, showing that there art at least three strong Sown of wa ter la Oooaa Lake Taller . Tka walla ware all drllted aa a kill aad ahovs the vatley Soar. Importaaee of artesian walls to at moat any country art aaarked, bat sspeclally ao here, whets hoMlagsj In tha valley are cut up late small tracts. many of them under the O. V. L. Co ' targe Irrigation system that la Mag constructed, aad others that are above tne oiteBj as is las ease wnn tat man place. t Wbsa water la turned oa tha land there Is no 'doubt that It will support hundreds of ptnplf kafa sra ara: l'seaUsrs; at praatat will o ttteltsw iodaattea af WATER INSPECTION REPORT RELIETRSStTN PROM PRINCIPAL POINTS, WRI stWNassaoofTsf R. A. saatltt. whe waa hv Mayor Fred T. Sandwaan M look over the sRaaUsw wttk.nsjard to arallaMUty of water sappUas far this city a moath or so ago, sassaHtsd last night to the eonaell a revert which was reeelved witkfst aetlsm m the conclusions e the larssliBMsr.f -. Whlla CoansltBwa P. sV." PWdar was reported to have Emmltt, no mention C made in the report. It curslon for whisk the, etty paid Use major's warraat of ttSt.SI at irn meeting two weeks at. Tho repast follews: -? , - Being employed kp tko'Ssaysr of Klamath Falls to make aa.la tlon as to attitude i quality of aU the i adjacent to the city, wttk a flaw a securing a perassaeat water ssjagiy for domestic aasVetker xwrssssntsr Klamath FaHi, Oresjsa, I ksrskf ss. mit this, my repert: - In this ressKt all altttseWaro smsIs aad reckons! smd'isUasalsd trass surface level "of tlHTwater sVSpsir KJamath Lake Tki water taat wan plles the ettr aTtlw' ssass tssns to 157tWaWtai9rJaft7'' Barc,y Spr1ns-r AHHadsj feet. pure, clesr -.sold .water. Saw 1,800 gallons per day C. ti I Too low without pswaptogrFlpa'sas be laid la lake la aJsssst;HreetsiM to the city; distance akawt 1H aallai. Utah Sprlags Two 'miles asist of Spring Creek oa oaat side of WHNaav aon River. Altitude 87 feet, tea tew without pumping, belag 70 fast lower tbaa present water taak. Clearwater. little sulphur, all runs out of one bow. Flows Into Williamson Rlvsr ako 5,000,000 gallon per day.. Uaapprav prlated; distance 31 HstvPtaoSMlt be laid down the bank of WttHassaoa River to Klamath Lake oa ground, free from rock. Spring Creek Clear, pars. water. Altitude 1 feat, or M lest below the present water supply; tea low without pumping. Unappraprtat ed. Flow about Si4.fM.att gallons per day. Distance about 34 H miles, with good ground free from reek to lay pipe almost' direct llae. Short Creek About two Bailee north of Klamath Agency, altitude ST feet, or 130 feet below present teak. Clear, cold water; Sow about II ,. 000 gallons per dap. Too tew. with out pumping. Unappropriated. 'Dla- (fttoaWwTrwsaTT West Of Laknrim " Sat fruit, otkora will prodaea hay. vtgetsMts, ate., will have their little tea) aart traal and keep a cow, coupte'st spa.'swi mako a living' from. tkeir paaRry. These tends la tka vtolaky s wast the artesian wslla bavo be;erasli aro now to be purchased at very reas onable prlets. . t-ti Thers will, m? doubt. M aa laapsttjt to the value of the laad waa Uw. asssssislst jT1MW WSS was uts sst- N.-C.-O, railway u esssfettsi an, tamj-, point next month. Thin widely separated arteataa bsste wbtta:, , , ,. !!.- I lbi AttaAto atlAMC.fM ?. VB1VT m WWS tmmw mm hn I ar'iiiV- , that tvary valteyla XUmmjmmX tho posalMUtr, Th LssMteft west My ,7 wermer tana oat mhii oar,vss iv ,. . j m w ------a.-m- sum Ssi"-.' fimt mmm wi w,fpn l mmmw - irrlgauoa aa wi aa ssosa gwpjsnjs. The Summer Lake waNa gtrtjsk m ausamar Saw at a Sheath' sit xtOSB llBU 150 fast, with an avanatf tf H Mvsral.dMrtreat Sawt taafwMta9aaak the oouatyjl 88 test, and mftssbaiati ," niimmji l fci r ""(.V A 4H , f tJ V&M .5W 1 rtWJJ.5 - te; i oral delivery.. IMt -