WWW?WFI j- ',1 .. - 'i - U,1 1 : The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake" Counties '' f ( ttfititia litMb. r' vrruiD mr ma uNrrau hum news servicb EVENING NEWbTAPBM PIIINT TUB MEWS, WOT HMTOKV FifihYrar No. IJMO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THUHHDAY, OOTOIJKH IS, 1011 wrtW$ Wtfl gibe CHRONICLE AFTER PINE STREET PAY SHIVE ASKS COUNCIL IIIt'iIIH PLEA FAILH TO MOVK BODY TO ACTION COUNC1I, MAN WIIITK INItlCATKH MONEY MU, UOMK V, T. Bhlve, recent assignee of tho Chronicle, which has boen taken In hand I))1 Edward J. Murray, was bo luro lliu rouncll last night IryliiR to Kvt mttlsfactlou aa to whon tho Chron icle would gel III monoy (or printing uihcrlUltiK In connection with thn much mooted I'lno street paving, the fuiiilH for which U n vacuous affair. At previous iiicolliiK of tin' council arlou lillU of tho Chronlclo for Hid work ilmio by It In councctloii nlili ln 'I'lno Mrcet enterprise wrc-o "n. lowed" mid warrant ImiiciI nicnlnl tho fund for paving I'lno street, winch U n fund morn hy imuio than In fact. The total of tho warrant no imiumI lo tho Chronlclo wai 9331.80. "I'd llkti.to ask tho mayor and lion. I lemon of I ho council what you In tend to do with these lillUr" Mid .Mr. Shire, who hail turned tho non n.Kollublo paper hack at a former milling of the rouncll. "I paid out money for doing this work, and have not not anything for It. I hare Hold tho paper and tho con Urination of aalo ha In bo mdo hy court later. I'vo Kot to havo hill In nhapo for predentin- them to court. I In.Ut that you dispose of tho matter In one way or another. I've not been nblo to get the cart. You gave war inula on a fund that ha no monoy, nr.d that docs not pay tho bill. Tho hill hss been allowed. I don't think nny paper In the city would tako that kind of pay. Had I known tho con dition I would not havo taken tho work, "I moro that tho matter bo rcforred lo I lip flnanco committee," ald Coun illman Mcdowan. "A ono member of tho flnnnce ronimltteo I am ready to report now," mild Councilman a. W. White, who hewn to wrlto rapidly. Ho finally namicd over to City Recorded T. V. Nlchola a resolution that tho bill be paid In tho regular manner, saying I hat the work would proceed In tho xprlng. No action waa taken. On motion of Councilman Charles Mcdowan, tho Dig Baaln Lumber com pany'a bill of $11,06 waa poitponcd, ia It incliidod charge of aorao m.v .terlal at B0 per thoutand feet which tho councilman thought away too hlnh. "It seema like como pooplo around hero charge tho city Jtit about nil I hoy think they ran get out of It," Mid Mcdowan. "Some chargo Just a little more limn they can get," added Councilman Alton Btansbls. William Gilt's Bargain Btoro bill of 101.40 for ratting festoons of atreet light caused comment, aa the coun cllmen said the original equipment 'o ism than this bill. Mr. Oltt ex plained that tho former owner of tho business he now conduct had sold No Successor To Townsend Named And Body Leave.s For Missouri No successor to the late Kdward Townaend u police chief has been enosen by Mayor Fred T. Sanderson. Councilman Mcdowan at tho council meeting last night Inquired of the mayor as to tho situation, but the mayor said nothing eommltta1,.teUlng Mcdowan that it would be ttaed In a faw days, The body of the deceased oflcer was taken away yesterday evening on the Southern Facile on Ita way to Krhoka. Mo for Interment. Quite n escort attended the removal of the remalng from the Wbftlock ebapel at Blitfi and FJae streets to the depot, Including Mayor Fred T. Sanderson, Sheriff Wm, B. Barnes, Couaetlmen White, Wllklaa, Hanks, BtansWe wad Alford, D, B.Oemnbelt, Aetlag Follee l '.n city tliu stuff at fomlii ot tho -orl of tho material, Tho cotnicllmin .ild tho orlRlnal roil to the city h riiiilil 100. Tho bll will fioitimni-,1. A bill for fl2.li0 from tho Klamath Kloral company for a wreath furnlnli. oil for tho lata police chief, Kdwanl Tawnsond, waa allowed, Tho Innei-Clarko Lumbor coiupn !)' bill of I9S.N0, of which 131,1:1 va npproved by Htrcct HupiTlntcn-.-Mil Chnrle Woodard, was ne: deter mined on a a whole, being referred n thn nnnnco cnmmlttiv Councilman . W While ntkod rx in wnciner mo mur or pollco wiul city poumlmnsUr to wh'rn the mn(ir I tvplli-d afrirmslholy. "l)oe taw's 1 sr. j, month Inrlud"! HHiiidliig up ritrayaT" "No," ntiHwered the tun) or, "Then I tiiiite )ou that It lo undo, In Include II," tnld Whlto. "You'll K(iin ho cui-'iu 13S off lili toy nnywwny," dy.'lnr'd the m.nor In nhuiit n inont'i ha won't need n homo, and Hint will hrliiR tho bill down 120 n month," No nrtlon wg Inken on the inotlot. Mr. nml Mrs. K. It. Cnrdwell, wlii wero ni the Mvermuro on their way frnni tliltliiK relntlent Ashland, loft yesterday for their homo nt Merrill. PERFECT GROOM WOULD BE MODEL HI.KH WITH IXIUNTY IIMXIIUIKH afAHANTKK Tt UK AH NKAM.Y IIIK.1. AM lllMANI.Y rOMIIIM. IIIH I'lUMiltAM CHICAGO, Oct. 13. Kdward Matt, who married Mis flcrtrude Kill, soiiKht to avoid future domestic In felicity hy niliiR with tho county re corder a Kuarantec to bo a nearly the model husband n possible Th gunrantec, signed and witnessed by u notary, promlses: "Hlio may do a aho pleases. Slio U freo to go and como when sho likes, to go with whom sho chooses, and I will not bo Jealous. I will not go gun ning tor a rollow berauso ho admires her beauty and because sho smiles when ho apeak to her. I will not In terfere with nny of her plan. "I will bo kind and good to her. I will give her nil my earnings, and It will ho her privilege to do with my In- como n sho likes, o long n (ho feeds mo well. "When wo havo a surplus, and It room to tho bank, 1 nRreo not to hold tho key. Tho check may bo atgnod by either of us. I agree to como homo at a proper hour each night or giro her a valid excuse. "And I further agree thnt I will let hvr got a dlvorco If I fall to behavvo n n kind, loving, goutlo, conaldorato husband should." When tho guarantee had been duly placed on record the couplo sought a minister and wero mauled. Chlof Samuel L,. Walker. Patrolman William Halt, Mounted omcor O. O. Low and tho Knlghta ot Pythias Lodge No. 99, Albort Rider, chancel lor commander, John H. Townsend ot Pocatollo, Idaho, a brother ot the deceased, ac companied the remains on their last earthly Journey, Deputy Marshal Frank Beatty of Portland, who Is here trying to get Into communication with L. B. Taor not, formerly a resident of the Klam ath county Jail, but who left without giving a forwarding address, shot a goose yesterday, The goose resented Mr. Beaty'a action, but had to submit to the Inevitable. U'OI.UMIIl'H DAY, LKGAL HOLIDAY, IH OIMKHVKD October 13, MI)2, arcordlng to tho historic, I tho day that Columbus, whouo firm iiiiiiio wam ChrUtophcr, first I niiil od on tin no shore from sun ny. Hpnlu. Tho country ha grown no proud or It development In tho yearn ensuing, that In honor of tho finder of the land of the free and tho homo or tho luavo, It ha Icglilatod that Octoliei 12th or ench jcar bo a legal holiday. In consequence tho post olhco wiiN ctoied for tho day save from 6 to 7 o'clock this owning. Tho county ofllefti wero deserted and locked. Kd Hubert Is at tho Llvermore from Qrantt Pass. PAVING MEN ARE 00T UNDER BOND AIIIIANdKII Hilt MUHCTY Y)MPA NY T( INHl'IIK TIIKIIl I'HHH KXt.'K AT Till AM ANtl I.KAVK TIIK CITY After being under arrest for eight iln) on charges of attempting to hrlli Judicial afflrers of ;thU city. Huimiel A. McMahon and Jas. Hughe of tho Itudolph 8. Illomo Paving com pany of Chicago, who have been at the llaldwln Hotel under a special Kuard, consisting of J. D. Carroll and his son, Perl, wero released on bond lnnt night. McMahon'a bond I 110.000. whlln 'HurIics' Is 17,500, furnished by tho National Surety company of New York. Tho mon had spent one night In Jail, that being tho night ot Tues day, October 3, when they wore ar rested. The next day Sheriff Wm. B. Ilarue, at tho Instance of Attorney C. M. Ouvlll and Julian Kcndrlck of McMahon'a company, furnished a special guard, which tho accused men paid 'or at tho rato of $3 per day per man. Tho bond offered, arranged for by .tho Illomo company, was approved Inut nlRht by County Judgo Will S. Warden and Deputy District Attorney Charles J. Kerguron, who took up the rnso aRnlnst tho men while District Attorney Kuykendall was on his va cation, and about 9:30 p. m. Deputy Sheriff John Schsllock, undor Instruc tions from Ferguson, let the men dls ptnso with their guard. McMahon and Hughes loft tho city this morning, presumably for Port land. I,. B. Krlckson of Chlloquln Is reg istered at tho Baldwin. J. K. Ivory Is nt tho Llvormore from Silver Lake, CURB PAYMENTS TO BE REFUNDED j MAIN BTIIKKT PROPERTY OWN KIM WHO PAID INDIVIDUAL IIILLH, ALSO IN PAVING, WILL (IKT HKBATK8 On suggestion by Councilman O. W. White, property owners on Matu stre't who put In curbing Individually and wero then charged up with the sanio In tho Main atreet paving, will bo rebatod the coat of the curbing, which, as the matter now stands, they have had to pay twice. The Whlte-Maddox property at the corner of Fourth and Mala, bad Ita robato arranged at the meeting of tbe council last week, and last night Mr. Whlto handed In a list of other prop erty owners who are entitle to credit for curbing, which, with tbi atae ot the frontage, la feet, and coat, fol lews: Al Melhase, 80 feot,,S19.IOi Amer ican Bank and Trust company, It feet, $19.90: Crlsler BtllU, BO.OS feet, $11.81: O. L. Kelsey, 40 feet, 116; B. F. Bhephsrd, II feet. $11.10: deorge B. Hum estate, 41 feet, $17.30; Page Investment company, 81 feet, $10.16; First National bank, 16 feet, $11.40; H. F. Murdoch, 66 feet, $41.16; Page Investment com pany, l feet, $11.40. Total, $161.11. HEILEMAN GOES TO WASHINGTON MAINTKNANCK MAN OP ItECLA. MATIO.V 8KRVICK KXPKCT8 TO HOON KNOW MKHULTH OK THK Hl'tJAK KKBT GROWTH William If. Helleman, who has charge of tbe maintenance depart ment ot the Klamath Falls branch of tho United State reclamation service, and who has Just returned from a trip to Sacramento and the Sacramento Valley on government work, will leave In a few days for Washington, ac companied by Mrs. Helleman, nnd ex pect to be gone two month on spe cial work. Mr, Helleman la one ot tho chief advocate of tho sugar beet In dustry In this region,' and expects shortly to be in possession of reports showing Just what results the farm- tra havo had thu season. He bas been notified by Washington author ities that ho necessary paraffined packets and franks for farmers to send their sample beets In to tho chemist at tbe national capital have been distributed to tho farmers In Klamath county and near by, and ex pects when be gets, to Washington to oo tho result of tho official inspec tion at clone range. Some time ago Mr. Helleman hoped to have the department of agricul ture establish a culture station here which would give quicker results to tho farmers, bnt tbe department could not spar the money to estab lish It at present. He will probably later take up the question of co-operation from the taU, agricultural col lege ai vorvaiiMk Joe Korn Is Sacramento man stopping at the Baldwin. D. Montgomery, registering from Weed, Is a Baldwin guest. George Chandler, sr Redding man, la at tho Baldwin. IS TO BE VOTED ON DATE BET HY COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS FOR LAND OWNHRS UNDKH TIIK HORSEFLY Pl HCT TO BALLOT Deputy District Attorney ChaTles J. Ferguson late yesterday got all the papers In shape for the proponents of tbe planned Horesfly Irrigation dis trict, and took them before County Judgo Will S. Worden and County Commissioners Sam T. Summers and duy Merrill, who approved them offi cially. The vote on tho question of the proposed district will be held Tues day, November 31. It la proposed to get water from the Horsely dam to Irrlgato part of tbe Yonna, Laagell and Lost River valleys, wbtcb havo so long been trying to get the gov- trnmont to help tbem. Upon the government falling to undertake the matter, tbe land own- era planned their own district under tho law created by the last Oregon legislature, which permits landowners to establish their own Irrigation dis trict. About 80,000 acres would be irri gated by tho proposed district, and it is expected that owners ot all this land will voto bonds o get water In tho Bonani' section. They figure that tho cost will bo about $80 per acre, and that this is about 60 per cent of what ' government Irrigation would cost tbem. TELEPHONE MAN WBDDHD TO GIRL FROM OLD HOME Fay L. Corey, an employe ot the Paelflo States Telephone and Tele graph company for several months past, aad a 'former resident of Ian Joss, Calif., waa married last evening tc Miss Oeorgle L. Bonner of the California city, The ceremony was performed by Rer, Oeorg H. Fee, pastor of Grace M. B. church, aad the bride and groom are guests of the Llvermore hotel, RRIGATIN llMPItOVK IiniOOK , I 8TOKET, IB PIAH An ordinance to nil and grade (not pavo) Urldgo street from the west lino of Main to tho west lino of High street, went through council last night undor an emergency clause. Accord ing to tho estimates made the work will bo dono and assessed against each pleco of property for tho work dono In front of It, instead of lumping and then pro rating. Tbe cost wilt be about $927.48, according to the fig ure offered by City Engineer Don J. Zumwalt. The principal paymonts sro to bo made by L.D.Ward, $356.33, and Rufus S. Moore, 466.01. Tho or dinance was handed In by Councilman R. A. Alford of the First ward. FEAST FOR TAFT A FINE FEATURE "FRIDAY, THB THIRTEENTH," P1CKKD FOR BANQUET TO THE PRESIDENT, THUS DKFYINQ IIOGIE OF SUPERSTITION . Special to Tbe Herald BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 18. The banquet to be tendered President Taft at tho Palace Hotel tomorrow, will be the largest ever given In this city, ft I believed tbnt 1,000 cltitens will at tend. The decorations will be a fea ture ot tbe banquet Albert Lands- burgh has chargo ot this work aad It being assisted by Edgar Walter, a San Franciscan, who bas won fame as a sculptor, and who Is visiting this city at this time. He bas modeled espe cial figure for tbe occasion, and those who bar seen R deemretBM tt rankal .wlth'some of bis beet work. I TtlA lfl r Wnrn tiav ttmrmm nt the floral and table decorations. Tbe plan of decoration Is not only uniqae, but will surpass anything of its kind ever done In the United States. Spe cial souvenirs snd handsome menus will bo given each guest. The committee on bsnquet consist of M. J. Brandemteln, chairman: Bruce Bonny, John Rothschild, F. J. Koster and W. E. Avery. The speakers at the banquet will be President Taft, Chas. C. Moore. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, W. U. Bourn and; Hon. W. W. Morrow. W. B. Sellers ot Bend is a recent arrival at the Baldwin. Two Medford men at the Baldwin are J. W. Keys and F. II. Cain. Charles J. Paley Is at the Llvermore from .Ashland. Mrs. E. O. Beardtley and her broth er, Horace Looseley, havo returned from a few days' trip to Medford. DEAD ENGINES OWINGTO STRIKE MOTIVE POWER CRIPPLED AND SIDINGS FULL PICKETS BEING PHOTOGRAPHED, PRESUMABLY FOR BLACKLIST United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 18. Re ports to strike hewdquartera here say that Los Angoles and Portland sid ings are fiilod with dead engines and cars. At Laramie seven engines nre dead. Sacramento railroads are photo graphing pickets, supposedly for a blacklist. At Fresno all trains are late, At Mojavo the railroad Pinkerton forco Is reduced. No violence Is reported. PRBSIDKNTS RMCshWION IN1 BALBM FOUTICALLY COOL Ualted Press Service SALEM, Oct. 11. President .Taft at 11 o'clock, started for California. Ho will travel until 11 o'clock tamor- row without a stop. Politically bla reception here was cool, Democrats arc tickled, ndaay that It Wilson la nominated Oregon Wlli be for him. GIVE ONE PAPER CITY'S PRINTING WTERINa DITCH IS UNEXPLAINED Why $31.60 worth of work In "ir rigating tho Ankeny ditch" was done by Klamath Falls Light Water com pany, which Included the item In a bill put to the council-some time ago. has net: yet been solved. Anything that aounds like a Sow of wator In the Ankony ditch I calculated to make tho mayor wish for Information, add when tbo dotalls of tho bill were read It was held up, and last night was not allowed. The total Is $397.33, but why tho ditch, which Is for the purpose of Ir rigation, should havo to be Irrigated, It tho mystery as yet unsolved. The finance committee, which hss had the bill In Its keeping. ror some time, had tho bill beforo council last night, wuii pencil Dumuon oroucung ino ii.du, who mo eviaoni iaea oi oar ing tho bill as reduced to 1375.81, al lowed, but Chairman Whlto of the committee thought It would be well to giro tho Items more consideration, so the claim was not allowed. Mrs. M. Sullivan of Portland la n gueat of tbe Baldwin. T. K. Stateler, general agent for the passenger department ot the Northorn Pacific, with headquarters at San Francisco ,1 in tbe city. OFFER HALF PAY FOR HALL PLANS COUNCIL VOTES TO GIVE M. J. IUNEHART LESS THAN THB COMPROMISE PRICE HE HAS ASKED FOR M. J. Rlnehart's architect bill for work dono on plana for tho city ball. amounting to $300, was up before council last night. Mr. Rlnchart, in consideration of the fact that the bail waa never built and he bad no super intendence duty to do, had expressed a willingness to tako $181.76 la cask or a city warrant' for $336. This shows thst tbo market for discount ing city wsrrnsU is now 17 per cent The finance committee handed hi a recommendation that Rlaeaart bo paid $160, but did not say whether It be in warrants or coin of tho realm. Tbo council voted favorably on this, and when tho mayor asked Rlaebart If he had anything to say, he said that whatever action he would take would bo taken today, when he would see about It. It was not proper for blm to aay anything last night, he stated. MAGUIRE TO MISSOULA, . WHERE HE HAS CONTRACT J. C. Magutre, bead Magulre Paving oo been laying bltullt! city, Is on a trip to,' where his company. contract. t' fc thfte&Mo- hMiiitkt; vMKI NvlfH ft VS"" Mull. ni.-.l n....u.. n..o..- win ''i-S4 mm dUNU nupGiiT uwmns nm Connect Sewers Froperty owners living en Sixth street have been given permtcslen by tho council to put In a private sewer to connect with the nahlle' system, aa they cannot bcserTod through the clty'n sewer enterprises bolero neat spring. ' - Tbo work Is to be done under tbe supervision of Don J. Znmyalt at tbe expense of tbe people who' will benelt thereby, nil of whom have their pri vate property equipped, tor sewage outlet, but no city mala. Tho arrangement made by the dty will permit tho pooplo to, got tbo boa It of tbe sewage without watting until next spring, when the next sewer unit will probably be pat In. 'i The sewer oonaceUoM pat la'ander 'this plan will become tho wmfrtr of WHITE NOTES IDEA BEFORE MEETING OT COVNCJI TO DO AWAY WITH JrHatfCaVa 8EUKTIONS, BUT NO ACTIO IB TAKEN Maybe bids for city advertising aad printing will be Invited by the ettr councll, so aa to do away with Iks delicate feelings that the eosneUasea have about frequently choosing from among tbe three Klamath Falls dallies for the work. i Councilman O. W. White brought the suggestion before the body at tho mottug last night, bnt no dlspsslU wai mMle o( t M lt wu BOt m the form of motion or resolstlos. The question came np In eonneetle with the ordinnaee for filling and grading Bridge street, which will have to bo advertised, aad tbe query was propounded aa to which Baser should have the advertising. There was a dead silence until Colonel M. O. Wll klns suggested that It be given te "Murray, tbe new man," who ban tak en hold of tbe Chronicle This sug gestion met with favor, anff tho Chronicle was picked. "Why not get tbe papers to bid on all tb city' work, aad then wo will' not bav to taho.the question up every , time tker Is aay advertkdagT" asked Mr. White. '.They can let as knew what they will' do aad wo can akw arrangements with oWef theaato do theitr'oJws.""-T-?: w ., Mr. Whlto will probably bring tho proposition before the council at aav other meeting. Tbe neat meeting will bo next Monday night "BILLY" ROWDOIir In mentioning the proprietorship of tho Chronicle as passing to Edward 3. Murray from Asslgnco W. T. Salve, the fact that William B. Bowdeta bad been general manager ot th paper,, under tho 8hlvo regime waa over looked. Mr. Bowdoln Is nn old-time Klasn-, ath Falls newspaper man so far aa experience nnd service I concerned. well known nnd deservedly liked. It Is much to his credit that the, Chronicle baa weathered sense hard knocks, aad failure to Include aha as, prominent nowspaper ffgnro la v!vd la the chaage of tho Chronicle control ws Inadvertent SANITARIUM FtsOaWBOTB HffoHB BBfNG COH Mrs. M. Sullivan of Portland, Ore.. who l slntcrested In a saaHeriaa la, tho Bos City, Is a visiter to Klamath,. Falls., K understood that tho nnr-J pose of jar visit nt this time to to . took Intel) advantages that snar be offered'otrthls city for tho osUhhwhv ment of a sanitarium. . Charles Loomur, formerly attorns nnd later a rsaebmaa, waa at the Ut-i ermore yesterday from MerrtU. $ I. 1 i ? 71 Under City Enfltoeii tne cur m soot, m tomvmmLMm w ,n T;v .. .. : r-i.. MdT not have to stand aa tho next unit tattooed., , , offset tbe property owi . .. ... - sear i 'i ownevo-iwenw '... Those interested in tte nsevo, wea.-., their ownership, are aa tsUewsj t. S!'; &x ' wiieer wane, sow unu os swwj - t. . on east side of High Seneet Moost . 'a '- B. smith, lot foot on Watt street anj' strip on sw?ecmsM bleck: L. All., WW,, J . 1-.L' 4," te, First addition; Herbert1 L,'i part of Meek. 41, about . Sixth street;, Oeorgo'It.'j of block 1,nbont"fll streetW. D Oder, lot t, I Fim , iaeWMJiM 'aiw. UlfswW I k shifts! - -' I! i : l "-IS it V.., wlMWliVl.Tli :fS3 yM tAiJBF. t txr --v 1 i?. J5i sMnnrissanl ansmawjsi v OViw.