j. V f ' "t h i . a-l i fc ! T . ft It tf,; tf- " M u J f c Kfi r'j- r, .a t; ...1 W t A I I .'nl ' r i r'K .i. t : 1 ii X v'- 1 'i MMaaT lt.ByH gtVkk .v v y VA. Ik T. BVnUMMIX,, V? .. - 4J4. Kktaaeta PaRe, Of , (.Ml l.5- rMtMtMMk SM-tte. 044 reUewa BM. - , jv, r- tea).. '&&?"'' IV cJx ,'. c-- - - l (fB 'awea, MMMK. KM Iff .i, .yfiTMUvMStTMUp. - s v A " " ' asmmaeBBwawmMi i J"; mi i ii ii - r a.,. . i ' , :1mj Piii! liart : " - immmmmmimmml ; . .W 0 4. wt J : gSSTuto. bm ; . -1- m rikfcl !! ill fc v ' ' -"----1- -'.!-' 1: ' . r ' , , l4'VMtt - ", v4) ' ' , j - ! . -- ;Crifarpw i',; BICYCLES MHllM nlrfwiMt. WiwviMllNit THE GUN StOlt . B. Im UmCIkiiH Cumrt t U IteU et OinH, fte U Omntr f KtaM U: Sha oMrM Oa., a OKHrltea. PhttatW, J. H.' Btrrr m JtNik IMUacw! hitun, DMw tk Nmm.sI wry IMUiiw, Mwkiti, KaUa to Kmkr kina ttet fcy trtM ( MMmthm ul aNtr et !, 4Jjr to 4 Mt U fttaT UtM CMrt m , m tka Ttk 4my oc StMiktr, itll, im laifjmat m orr T aal m4s a4 Mtrt4 af ratari la kM eaart u4 aM aai la mM mMr aa4 atataaa Ua Slik aajr t Aagaat. mt. la tavar at taa aaava M8w4 alalaUK aa4 afataat taa aaava aaaw4 iaNMaiU. 3. H. aa Mtuna taa mm tt trry A WaMlajar. aat aaek'af tb, 4lrtM taa aala at THE EVENING HERALD W. O. MttTtt, Utter aa Prearleter J. M. BTOWMLU ' . . City Miter raMlaaai 4aUr aaaiat 4aa4ar at 115 yattrta atraat RtAMATH WAUM. - . UtWQON HATI'HIIAY, OCTOMKH T, 111 OSK TIP ON MOW TO IN THR HeraM o(,Thtin4ay u a auwt Item about a uatau exhibit by the 8unny South In the Uktloaal capital. It waa worth coutldcrably raorv than a psulnx Interest to Klam. .. ,. ,. in rii mnu in neigaoon, wao nr thoy haro plenty el tlm on Hull hands on tho al4aantl uvp (lint tln to ata thy beautlrn and luloivsUni reatu'raa of the natloiml oplinl, Tii)' took about as nol Id iuIom hiiv-. thlat that wltht lint tvA tlm r,e im( the latoltaet. Thay ro back tit tholr houirn, whether It be la Mnlm Arknniin, Now Mexico. Porliiuiil, Uuaaltt or .In ixin, and ttt all about It. Thu thn facta are.aprcad nbrdAd (ii Ux K'-ut- NOTICK von t'tmi.uiAi ion word of month tnay ho nhtHlnnl. A dlnplny at Vnhlimtiin I nut lite only meona et ntliiiclliiK ottlcrir, but It U n mighty pocil tip (or tlila aco Hon. If rthtly. followed. A dleelty eartala real pravwty, to the aeat of t7t7.lt, wttk lataraat taareaa at the rate et t far eeat ear aaaaai fraa taa Mta 4ay et Aagoet JtH. aa4 taa fartaer aaai et tlt.tt eeeta aa4 aMabaraaieaU aat taa aaaeaaaa et aala. New. by rtrtee et aaM as- eewtlaa aad la eoaipHaaca wttb aaU writ. I will ea tatarday. Oatebar 7, 111. at t o'eleak p. a. of aaM 4ay. at the treat deer et taa eewaty eean boaee, la Xlaawth ralla. Oraajea. aali wt BBbtle aaettea for eaaa la bead, to th hfajbeet aad beat bidder, all taa riiht. title aad tataVaat et taa above MlaMV flMMalaHS, J He leeeeli Witt lager, aa eartaera i aaate at Berry A Hottlaear. or aKaer of taaaala aad te the taHew hw real areeerty. to-wM: All that aertlea of Iota 1. 1 aad t la MMek 4f pfff 6f BrMMHi OfMM I eerdtaer to tho Hat ttjwaat aa aV la tao eajea of the eeaatjr elerk at.ChM ath oaaaty, Oraaaa. eaoMBeaaloc at a aetat tfty feet oaat at tao aorbavM eoraer aad ea the Hae.otlot It at aa a or aaM towa of Beaaaaa: taoaee eevih parallel wtta Mm we Mae et Mack 4. eae kaadred aad Brty feet: thenee eeat paralled' wHb Ua V aertb Mae ef let 1. 1 aad lt.Mty feet. dorcloplng tho country by tilling; thuJot ,n" Mmo ,Bl1 "" '' ,0 on sell aad ralalng Hro atock. which, bj the way, la tho grcateat way of db- vatoplag a couatry that la kaowa, aad the way which leada to the grcateat iHbetaaco aad the moat leattag aad atablo fouaaatlon tor a coatwuaHy. Tho eleco of aowa referred to waa la relation to the eatabtUhaieat at Washington ot a pcrmaaeat display et product ot the aautbera atatea te get the advaatage ot the laaaeettoa et people who visit the capital from all parte. Tao eeeeal reader might aot thlak that the Hem, particularly remtlag te aa eatcrprlaa la behalf ot atatea that are so remote from Or- wbkh Je aeat to the aorthweat eoraer ot the aattoa, waa worth more taaa a eaaaal ahvee. s But aucb a dlaplay la order to push progrcoa m the laterreted atatea la a very good thlag. The peraon or per- who thoaght of It had aa Idea that la going, apparently, to provo an eacolleat'oae tor attractlag atteatkin to what the South oScra to the Jt-tler. Seme may argue that Washlagton la aot a popaloaa elty, aad ,aot the placo to locate a display which la ds aired to get, the grcateat advertising by aeraoaal comment. They may my that New York, Chicago, Portland, bV. attic or 8aa Francisco It the right polat of vantage to get the moM re They may baae their coateatloa on the fact that there la a greater reg ular aepulatlaa aad a greater Seating popalatloa la a larger city, or one whose baste la afore made up ot butt aaaa, commerce, trade aad maaufsc tarlag taaa. the aeat of government, wacre IcgUlatJoa. admlaletratlea and JaSMal exerelae by the aatlona! ooarta are the baata of the papula- (Not coal IhikU) i (inrtmutt of tho interior, United Htnle LMtil Olllrv at I.Aknvltnv, (.iiC?()n, Septcinhcr 3!) 1911 N'tillcn Is liurch)' kIvcu ihnt llcrho.'l I, Amlit, Wlinno inmtnlllon pililft'e h I nliy, Orrgon, did on tlu 3 tut 'Iny u Mnj', toil, ni4 In tlHi nu Hworu rmtoincnt ttul npiillcntlon No, Olrtd. k l.iiriMic tl.e NRU SMU. BH Nl) ccl sense of the wont, jwiwoMcrtll ,, V fcclloii SI, Township 38 8, range forwlh a display l Wnshligtuu the l n, Vlltniintto Morldlnn, nnd the twatfii circulation f u tiulh in iiti ' r ( ci, tinder tl o vrovlslons , :. a mt of Juno 3, U7S, nnd nets ntiirndntarrt known n tho "Tlroli" nnd Htono Law," nt iiuch vstuo an might bo nxed li)' iv)i'tnlnoMK'nt, iiiul thnt, puraunnt to surli ndlintlim, tho Intid nnd tSmtior thfirou I n litH-n npimilscd nt n lotnl ot (310, th timber citlnmtod.r.t 1RO.00O bimrd feet at 1 H-r M nnd tho land nt $60; that said nppllcitnt will offer final proof In support of hit nppllrn Hon nnd sworn slntniucnt on tho 3d dny of December. 1911, hnfom C It, Dolip, county clerk of Klamntli county, at Klamntli Knlls, Oregon, Any person N nt liberty to protrst this purehntc before entry, or Initiate a rontcst nt nny tlmr boforo pntcnt liuucs, by flllnK n corioborntcd ntll davit tn thlt olttfti, nllcglnR furl which would dcrcat tho entry, A, W. OUTON. nrglnty, Klrnt pub..-Sept. St. La' jtuli , Nov. 30. r MliltlMltllMtttttMl JaAOAiDeci wvo javnaai l'. v ' I - V -J . tfj gTassaaaaagj opapagsajr. .WULaaU ktlvaale , ? e la aorta saMtaai ! c Si tleaea cast uersJial wMk tka snrfK iiae of tola I. t aad It. arty feat. Hi' ace aertb. aaiallel wMattha vm. Ifao efbteek. eae baadred aa4 Srty tc w isw aaw moe et sac le, laeece wcet to the ataee of boaiaaloaT. AJeo let t, la tao XrmaMe tratta.aaoar4 lag to the duly recorded Hat thereof, tectalalag tea'aerea,atl aa towaahle St 8.. raage 11 .. W. at. la Klamatb county, Oregoa, duly attaaaoi fca the above eatttlei aaaea eatae ttta dar ior, July, 1111, aa the prepsrty ot ttta f above aamed defeuUutav Berry aad U.ttteger: alee the t!lowte aea.at ad real weeerty, te-wU: Tao eaat itt feet of tote eae icd two aad U raat IN feet ot tao ao;th bait of lot .', la aloeit a. of tao tew t Boaaaw, Otogea, datr attaaa4l fca tao aaere. eatttKd oaaae'aa tao araoerty ot de- J, If . Berry, together vMb tao herldtamaeta aad aaaar- thoroeato aelaaglig, or ta aay warn aaaertalalag, or aa maeb thereof aa may be aooaaaary aatlefy aaM eaesatlect Dated at Klamath fata, Praise, tble Tttj 4ay of September, ltll. '' w. B. BABayam, BberlaT, , By B.'B. atmtXRXIB, Deooty. ' t-lt-l k f ' ' - . ttltMMtttttttltttltl yIow In eonio limiortiuu cllj of thn Wtit, en n modest conl i I 'c!i might provn well worth the trouhh; nnd ex ponttf. Remo good tilings nra rxompllitird tn this county which tin not got to tho enra of the pcopln on tho initsldc. Whfn the Portland dulcKntlon n here 'tea day since It nttomlo-1 tho fair glvea by the Klnmnth County Aq :lcaltura) AaaocUtlun, nnd nn exhibit made there ot dr forming miit.t li W.'W. Meadeahall wai ont of tho things which most ntonlshtd the VMltftTaa So muck waa ono of the visitor PTimed wHb what he saw- la thle exhibit that wkea ho made a speech at the Hoaatoa oactu houi? nt tho re ception before the party left he called atteatloB to what ho had seen. This geatleman waa A. C Callan, manager ot the Paetac Hardware nnd Steel compear, who said that tho display ought to bo tut la the big land show thle month at Chicago. Last ) ear's show had aearly 100,000 pnld admis sion, which deaioritrVM that thtl people who attend It nrt enougli In earnest about fading out what land offers na to pay for tho knowledge. Tho Imperial Valley, n newly open ed. nne-tlm California desert, n short dlstanco southeast of l.oi Angele, keep a dlaplay at the ln Angnlv Chamber of Commerce the year around to catch tho eye of tho tourist nnd settler. If also has a separate room where lecture, llltutrntrd with elldea on a eerern, are given sororal i ... """aBBaaj3sBas-.r. 1 ? wteaaaa Big Basin Lumber Go. laaaVJI Lumber and Building Material Urgeit Stock in Wtmith Falli Quick Service PLANING MILL IN CONNKCnON DRY SLABS FOR SALE $3.50 Per Cord Delivered PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW MJ11CK H)H I'l'llUUATlOX (Noi Coat lands) Dcpartmeiit of the Interior, United State Land Offlct nt Lakevlcw, August 17, 1911. . Notice Is hereby given that Rimed. Ilawihurst ot Klnmslh Kails, Oregon, vho, on December 2th, 1909, made timber and alono application No. 03KC. fpr 8H NWV4. NW NWK sccllou 31. NKK NKU section 33, township 37 8.. rango 9 K Wlllam cttn Meridian, ha filed notlro of lu tcntloB to make final proof to estab lish claim to tho land nhoto described beforo R, M. Itlchnrdcon, United State commissioner, nt Klnmnth Kails, Oregon, 'on tha 37th day of October. 1911. Claimant aamc n witnesses: tlmta In tho day to show what thel p. if, Rhnnnon. II, M. Whltelltie newcomer may expect to do In tbtU. P Sinlih. John .li-nsen. nil of "Klnrsnth Knllr, Orrgon. Imperial Vartey. Something alone this line for Klsm. ath county would bo a gond thlrnr. 1 BIG BASIN LUMBER COMPANY eeM ooe)4eoooee4eeeeW w A. W. tl-SMO-tt OIITO.V, llrglstT, Are yeiMetrad la XUttfATH 00JMTTVYIt ao. Heater Realty Co. aee taeyBtepbeaa Tbeba ve eeeae Coatraryto thle argument ahouH be reaaarked tao fact that the people who arc la the large eitlea are nnaly away people aagaged la their owa tn- eranoaa aaa aot laterev.ed in a "aow" eowatry, Tao eae who aref aat baey may have aoSklrnt mean te aero aothlag for what la offered In the way of a future by a recently tapped arra. The SoatMg iwpulettoa of moat of the large ettlee la aot one leaking' for loeatlea. ae a rule, but fa aether traveler tor pleasure, or those waaderlag about without gaaek aim la Hfe. u y Bat at Waaalagtea, which haa aot gaeh of a Saatlag peeelatiee, aad wfelek eRy la eat of the oath of coat!-aeat-wM travel, taa character of tha latiea le marled fca a. way that no ether otty la the VaKed Statoa k. There, are ssaatsra and reereeeata- ttveo there aH the thoe.from all part ot the VaMed Statoa. There are dalsgarlea heat ea pub. Ma kttsraet gehag ta Waehtagtea from aR entmaa of the eowatry when eoa area to ta aoaeleo. There are eaaveatloaa ofteo held there of aatleaal haportaaet,'aad to day tberel oa there a Oermea eon veatlea of latereet aot eoly la thle avowtry, aat Baraoo. Bvery aatlon of aay Imaertaace aader the aaa haa rproatotlv w waaalaajtoa at all tlmeo, aad Ma aetlvee who roach as aH waat.to aaa Waablag- tea. It they arr teerleta.'aad aauet go If they .are dWally 'eoaaeeted VVNl UM sVaTuWBaTMaW "WhHo aR ''are .there, aa js rale,tea v-evaeae kiadior' ALKALI BORAX. BEST KNOWN V JtJ HVaBaaflLdmi Baal VsVaBaaffaPVaaP mm W- '- V in '. .t 'V r -S K "wmrA ll . . c ' . lli w1,'i?r - - JH-- ni.vtH? Iff aaMVI-MtC . y tj r .. A.7f ' -t-t kl.VJ , u I T' ' ill- Oa: ! WHOUSAltV . YttTtlcsUgnOjied h f . UTTTTwyfRFl? I aBgotB W!XwXaaBTJXm.mi IT 'I n ,2'l. u: p &xnl . -y, v ?t -' yi & ,. V r; '?& iJi frl'h Hit, MV rj V L., J At T. . iF' aaaBsi OaTdSl MgltiVe . aBjBBBgaaga) bbubjbbbjbjjbji aaTseaaraaBgi aj ajar r .f i.' v - . - I'lHHllXT TAfctMl KrWMt IxtKB HHOWH OOtUIBsK-IAl. Kt'PRMM. MJY, ASB MAY MKAN.OMCAT "iXWHTRV Rlicclat tn The Herald' L.AKRVIEYY, Oct. 4. Sample of tht soda mined by the Oregoa Borax company at Alkali Lake have been brought Into towa by traveler look ing over the property, aid It ahowa the purest product kaowa commer cially, or' 99 per eaat parr. The coxoany having sharaa ot the work hiiro million of doUere' worth ot the" product la sight, amd with the aomtafa of railroad facllltlea'wlll ahtp a large order to San rrnaclaea Srme. Till will inenn the employai n largo force of mea aad toai the InstallatloB of mueh mach haadle tha produM atwaertr. StWfONS 1 airr ps and laery to T i. FEEL LIKE: SWING UP? ;. Jth county, state ot Oregon, by order i. la th Circuit Court of tho Slate of Oregon, for Klamath County. r. R. fltirsceagh, PMntlff, , va. J. at. Haseer. Defends nt. To J. M. Saaarr, tho nbnvc named defendant la th name of thn steto of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint tied against you In tho aboro untitled ac tion on or nciore. Thursday, the 9th day of November A. D, 1911. that bclne Ibo dale of tho Inst publication ,of tho summons In this action and the last into in which you, tbo defendant, are required to answer aald complaint, a Died by tho order of the court for publication of thl aummons, and If you fall to nppear aad aaswor. aa nforeaald the plalatlf will apply In the court for tho relief prayed for and demanded In the comptalat. lo-wtt: A Judgment agalast you for the sum of one hundred dollar, together with interact fneraaa at the rate of per cent per aaaaai from August to, A. D.- 1911, aad for the further 'aum of tMf.lt. and for ltt attorney fee and for the coeta aad disbursement wt this aetloa. Tale aommoaa I, published la the Klamath ReaubHeaa, a weekly aewa- paper prlatcd aad published at the city of, Klamath Fall, In aald Klam Si SWVS, 8U MRU, and all tho HHU icclloii 31, T. 3B., R. V, M within the Crater National Korrt, Oregon, cutlmntf.l to be 7,- SSC.000 tcot II. M. ot western jbllow plno; 3,8(0,000 feet 11, Mrof Douglas Mr; l.Gir.HQu feet II. M. of auger pine nnd 1,110,000 feet II. M. of white Br, live saw timber, and 371,- 000 fret U. M. of dtad saw timber, log Kale, moro or lew. No hid of lea than 13. IS per M. feel II, M. fur live western yellow plno and sugar plno! 13,80 for lire Dougls fir; tl.SB for live white Sr nnd dead timber will be coasldered, aad a do posit ot fl.000, payable to the order of the rtrst National bank of Port land, Oregon, must bo scat to that hank for tech bid aubmtltcd lo tho District Korester, Timber upoa valid claims U exempted from sale. The right to reject nny nnd all hide I re served. Kor further Informatloo aad rcRiilstlons governing salesaddrc I'orcit 8upcrvlsir, Mcdford, Oregon. OCO. II, CKCII,, 9-11-1010 r Dlitrlct rareetet Where? AND MrTlt'U t'OH I'CHUCATIOM Many VaHa People on a f nHaaaam aam aajBajBaampwan i t i . 4 . ' ' ..'. i- i ? .lv.v, ,rtrm 'n Klamatli Vcrgu' 5Ir '1 laaBrl'' 'J' S S' -vJ I ' ' lllith ft. r tl Mi ft J 7v . i . . r T . -a tor 'jri; SrXi-'l ' aa a f.Dark day ,fdae- whew the kMaeya are.ekk. , " ilAibad back tiiakee veamlaerable tfUi.'.li'l li'ii' t.ts ' , 'Lamp overy r.miltgi acre all day. It hurt jo utoep R'hurt- to straighten. , . . '' What wMh headache Stacy spells, urlaaryr waakaeaa, j' ; No wendtr peoptearedloeeuragad Who'donotkaeir'thekedaeVaeauae it all. t:r' f- 01 to the weakeaed khteeya needful i help. hW ' . H cUae a tested ;.aa4 ' preyea kidney remedy. u: rf, itoae eadoraetfllke Ooaa'a XMuey " . ". .'.VlV E 'AB. Seaild. "atiAaHaad Ort., aayat !'U;gtv.'me plsaaaro'to oa 4orae 'poaa'akldsai Iale.Tliy braaght reltet iteaar a atfere attack of of the Hon. 'lleary L. Beaaon., Judae of tho above aamed court, each order betag dated the Itth day of Septem ber, A, p. 1911, the Srat publication oi mi aummoaa to be made aad la mhde oa the Itth day of September, A. O, ltll, aad tho Mat paWleaMea thereof la to he made ea tho tth day of November, A. O. 111. HORACB M. MANNING, r j , Atteraey tor Plalatlf. Vr 1f . tfUMail, Walla' fW ,-f - wmw . .v (Not Coal Und) IKpnrtiucnt of the Interior, Halted State land Office at Ukovlew, Oregou, August!, 1911. Nollto If hereby given that Mark T. Howard, whoso postoUco address Is Klamath Falls, Oregon, did on the 17th day of February, 1911, tie lu this offlco sworn staUiiuiit nnd appll ration, No, 04310, tn purchase the 8 NKU. NV 8KU. action ISi township 37 8., range 10 B., Wlllam Hto Mirldlan and tho timber tbcrcon under tho provision of the act of no 3, IS7H, aud ncta amendato hnouu as tha "Timber and Stnnt l.nw, ' nt such taltio a might be Sxed by nptirnlseniont, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and tint let thVccn have been appraised at a total or 1800, thu (Imbor estimated ItOO.OOO board feci at 1.76 per thou mid, nnd tho land nt 1300; that aald nppllrantiwlll offer final proof In tup port of hi application nnd aware statement on tho 3Sh day ot Oeto bar. 1911, bsforo W. D. Went. United 8laM commissioner at Sliver Lake, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry or Initiate a contest at any time bofora eateut issues, by Bllng a, corroborated all davit la thl oMee, alleaiag facU which would defeat the entry. A. W, ORTON, MI-10-llh Regleter. Why? t a a t t t iy lu jiiu bejr . t If yoa are not gtiilng th A lc4 al ike right prtrr yuu an do tint Where your Oromtra? HrrutHl Hhr lli'ia there? ua uor cawtumei s. you t VAN UPU BROS. J ritMt 051 a,s 4S ttttMv WOOD Otiod Stab Wood 1.71 e-rooTtVio: wood tzzo . . DfUf MBd . . Iwve ordere aCCMy lUkrry Ml W.E.Seahorn I HALR.'OV TDfRttR 9 A VBZ? i " - 47BBJBawemBwjmf aaa',ajmm nBJBJ BBJBjm rBBrJMBBJ!i.', W: J CV? aTaU V" jHSfid j cAi " '! (.'); i,4 v ' ,t 'lV".... vl-fw ii7 ' J y .mtmmi UMB AMD BO COttt AXY Itlrely free fraaa tha IroaMo, Ooan'a jKiaaey PHI eaaba.relM iiaog to lttepoae otrbMkaeba, ad,':dUBeulty iwua tae uaaey giar,iea.vu,t bw ay oh oaimre. rxiceia.M . Basalo, Tarh. gala afNitaylor. thetUnit;d "V . WZ PPtlland, Ore., Sept. 11, ltll. Sealed bid marked oatslda "Bid. Timber Sr.lo Application, August It, ii, urnier, ' aaa aaarossea to the Wetrlct lorostor, Portland, Oregoa,' wiU'bc received up, to aad laeludlag tba 19th day of Oetoher, ltll. for all ii.e lire timber marked for euttlaa- bv tho forest ogteer, located, oa aa area to be deflnltely deelgaated by the for ft oSJccr beforo, cutting, boala on miproxlraately ,.i,, tt aerea oajtha waieraaea ot oeoaaa Greek la 'SWU W, stle TiiiWM BBH aad eeiii NRHNWH aad H',S!4NWtt, WNBWead.8RK NK, HBHIWU; aad'.B.'NHU PWi.nd aD'tb SBH'aeetlea'tl: NKLNWUBWT4 JNBU' NWU afeawlBBBBeaBBDBBBBBBBBll sGgaaarl 'UBBtlaaUjM jt m . JSS3,lsggraaaaaaW SbbbbbbbbbbbT " tiwmeflum KjaagafgM dgm aAimaaBi C '''BaJ aTaaay ptsgaaBBBBBBBBBBj k aaerlaUy. Da eaN R, BaS. Right Call lisd. ' t m FuhWCtnm IE. wmrabetf I I tMtaJjBf-.rsihllslKlB h ' BTiTMgaWBM. .., ' aH Fancy Pastry .Wham eoaaamajr eeasre yoa sheeJd latVe aaaea taat paairy wMaoat wert aacyeawheaeleeT. U aa wpely aeei. Wo hava freah rake every aay, or aaa aaake te year apeclal an ar aaathlaat la adala or fancy paattT 1 i AaM "-- im Larar Clahea, Plata Cake, CosalM aH kaada. Beaahaal. Ilea aadf BottoaavwawealMHMIaadfrceli ever? ,v Maaha'aad OaaaeJata layer cakes Sat It Aagel Feed eake-....' ",-' MaOahag,.M..,.t ? VPy tlrtwll?r' t t 'tIwT ft atarhle CMu 1 J ,f, . m a " k a. IBB k'L T.rjrii - Oreaat aaw: large) each , ', waat Plea .,..,..,..,. Jfj Mlaee Mm .Vfa " Aaala" Mea .,'. W "wjBtaBjft, ,,,, !21 Hi,n Baaaa . s,,, 3i ''. J" Ml 1st SSI w waeaBaamwfVBgti svjjemi a---'- e 'riP'faHBWC. B.1 m -Jl 1 1 y. I -.r'aMRIl-imma,:';!- I -ja-lT Uf- y.yf . v.l la'a-raud jWtf, aadclH'at the IWH? NHH BEEBBBKiZOa Mem-r -?; "'. . SB la h: BBf4 taatttral' ti; ,"' Vj f-w ; , &.' U.i i V . i. i. Jli t A 1 -. V