: ?;,:&! .' .1 li,t - V i Hewitt Jleftlfe vrrtiRD lit THB UNITKU rnMM NKWB HKRVIOK F.VF.NINO NEWRfAPHM PIIINT THK NKWS, NOT HMTOttl Fifth Vw-No, 1,11711 KLAMATH PALLS, OfUMfOJf, hATlllDAY, (MTOHKIl 7, lU I'rlw, HwOt i She GET RESERVATION OPENED--EBERLEIN URGES SETTLEMENT pointh out that influx ok lanimtkkkkiih would dkvp.i.. OP TON N AUK AND MAKK ItAlf HAODM XtK Among thu recent iicurlonlst fiiini (liU city to llend lo help th "lieiiilern" opei ilia now railroad He r, ii Charlr Kberleln nt HiU rlly, piealdout of the Knterprlao Devi-lo,-. n nit company, Mr. Kberleln was mCply Inlewted In llm rolebrntl.in, erpeclally ht It limy ho tlin forerunner nf nn event sumo tllnu Inter to hum tl ii completion of a rnllront) from Hint vicinity lo thU city. "While Mr. Hill illil not commit hlimiKlf its to Just wlmt lie woiilil ilo, he ilhl nay that tlio rallroml would nut Mop Ihtro nt lleml," until Mr. Khorleln. "That It the part of Mr, II III' declaration! that U ImporlMil to it hero. I'eopln nit ho hotel at .1 t a .1. . tint' certainty a remarkably mre iiumlier. There I no rcaton to bo ll ire thnt the ntntruient U not true, for I ran think nf no rra.on any body would hnvo for clrculatlnn n reimrt nf that kind If It were without foundn. thin. When I made Inquiry n In hat they oeemrd to 1q doing there, and which way they woro worklnx, tie people replied that the crow eaed to bo worklnK off to the wet. "The fact of thu matter U thai thern U not enough nt lleml nor In It Immediate urrouudlnair to Juillfy the Hill peoplo In atepplni: there. Bend haa mpio nlro ngrlcultural product, to bo aure, but I think wo have bet tir one. Tou tuvro to go n conild 1 1 able dlitancc eait of llcnd lo get the bett land, taldtaw hnd a very nlcs exhibit at llend, ntnonK other town, and tho community ronltlnR of nend and It nelghborliiR lorrl tnry nnd towmr ha n let of lmller.( Tho parado thero at I ho celebration wn n good ono atid artlitlr. "Hut thero I no pnioll nt ellnd.t mid nil It niaet now, ou mlRht ay, are prnipertlvo. Thero U plent) of water ower there, turnlshcil by I the river that goea through the town, but thero U plenty of water power nt J loll of other town up In that terri tory, too. io thnt Rend U by no I means alono In that advantage, ... ... .., . .t.l,.t. I "I.. iin. anniuor iowii wiiim showed plenty of activity In tho llend I celebration nnd bad n good exhibit. Is actually at work already on an Irrl-, gntlon plant thnt w... water .0..0 - I aero. "Fort Klamath ami the Wood Itlver valley region of Klamath county hna'j certainly tho beat prospects n n dairy country of any other district In either Centrnl Oregon or tho coast counties. "You hear a great deal of Tilla mook nnd Cooa counties and their dairy products. Tho fnct li thnt tho condition for dairy production ns well m for cattle raising are far su perior In the country around Fort Klamath. Tillamook nnd Coo Hay aTO In tho wet, damp belt, and It I n fnct thnt hny la not easily cured In that region, and therefore largo quan titles of hay nro Imported from Port land Into both those localities. "Notwithstanding the colder dim nto of Port Klamath, tho feeding sea. son Is not over three month In aver ago year, nd It produces hay nnd l'irrni. wnero i uiquireii. ioi.i inr,nrr(l )f . nr( 30000 . wh,p . Jl at thlrty.l Hopl from tlio Booth.' , ow r.cllllle, mid cover.il wllli rm Pacific englnwrlnK department l,,M1fll nilln nnd iniailown. buy hid itoppe.1 (hero tn.t week, ""'tl.'mcv and farm bulldlnR. Young Ladies Musical Club Made Up Of Enthuiastic City Talent The latest social organisation to bo formed in the city Is musical club composed of Its youngest musician among the fair sox. Its very enthusi astic members have for their manager and Instructor Mrs. Blrdean Fraker Gambell, who la exceptionally well quallted to Interest and draw out tho beat offorta of even the youngest nvaieal puplhvi -j The art atshsifW tha olub took pbMtj thla artsjraooa, nnd Mist Beat- feed of nil kind fur nil prrHciit ih'ciIh, Wliiit wii should tin lit lo call ntleu. (Inn In rirt Klnmath u n dairy ronii try. The Wood llher Valley lum u superior for beauty In Dili wlioli muiitry, iiml It hiiiud IIcIiIk of tlni nth) anil rimer, dotted over with II i- stock, watered by ninuntittti streams mill Irrigating (iuwiIh, Id ,i sight worth kuIiik n long illalanru to I SOS. "Mr, Hill, In liU mtilri-M nt llend, lalil great stress liion tlin necessity of getting settler, mill getting them promptly, oven going mt fur ns lo snylf,,,,,, tu, many disadvantages which thnt the future development nf tin1 riiuntry by railroad rxlcnnloii uouM real entirely upon the trior In anil Jtilf re of th peoplo In KCitliiR Mellh-ri Into nil till Centrnt Onxon iirfii, "The Ihltiit thnt ntrlke a trnvelir mimt In mnkliiK thu trip from Klmr- I nth I'll Hi lo Hern! In thu vmt iiinoiinl ( iIKrU tilttirnl Inml nil reiuly for II .iiiow. extending from the eiml hur.ler (of the lake J ml nlinvii the rll) thnniKh the ititlre IriiRlli of the Indian re ervnllnii, ii illninure of, more lh,t forty mllen. Klnmntli iiiumb nlone I n- vut "Thu key to Klnmntli Pall ilnvriop. mint nt the preaunl limn I the opuu - Iiir of Klnmntli Indlnn rerrv.itlorM I which for (uvernl jcnm wn have been toht would ha thrown open by preM I dentin! proelnmatlnn. H.i fnr a know here alloument have nbuut bet u completed. There leem to be a lurk of Information, however, n Ic )ut where (he matter ntnnd nnd wb) nctlon l not Inken. HtAtlntlcH lio thnt the Klnmntli Indian nettled tiM)r our renennllon are the rlcjieat of ,il) tho ludlntiii under uiirdaliln of It Koveriiment Klnmntli Indian 1iu, , tCniiilnued on Pnite I) GERMAN TRUSTS ARE FOSTERED MrTHIXti IN LAWS OP PATH Kit lNI Ptllllllrt TltAIIK tXlMlll. NATIONS WHICH AUK Poll THK KP.KPINO IIMU" I'ltlliW United Press Sorvlce H.n.. .. ,. . . .,;;;",;; r'l.'v air. coiublim. I wr" ,0 ',0 ,om"1 'Mnii hl . 1 ar" 3, , .jlho work of Inculcating .mtrlotlsa on " '" "' "1 ' ' 1 " ?n.. I.mtloiml holldn). oftentlme. when 1.1. - " x"oZZ amVpubl: i., ....ir.iiiii, I,, nn Itititr.'Btlni? re. port madu by Consul (Itnernl Skinner, nt Hamburg. "There Is no Gorman law," snyn Bklnner, "whlih either expressly au thnrlie or forbids tho creation of the no-eullod trusts so numerous In this country. Tho law merely guarantor lo (he Individual (ho right to eiiRauo In (rude, hut doc not withhold from him tho rluht to combine with any orQ, tallows' cemetery. all of hi competitor, s "Tho theory eem to bo that the general Interest of tho public nt large aro protected by the resulting pros porlty of inch Interest, even though tho Immedlnto offect may ho, to en hance tho coat of the commodity coil trolled. In n recent Ulncusslon of tho sub ject, Albert HnlH.li, tho genornl dlrec. rlco Clondounlng, who was tbe guest of tho club, also entertained them with sovoral numbers on Ihe piano, Tho program consisted of piano solos, duels and vocal numbers. Tho followlug compose the club: Helen Hamilton. Chrlitlnb Murdoch, rwnthv Mnsten. Constanco Miller, Blrdean Ftese, Constance Fisher, Har riot Foster, RditU Monteiteuw, iria Tumor, Joaeplilno llpp "! Kntheryn lor of llui Hamburg-American line, KIllllS "'In Germany n tnllrntcH an pro lirltd by several lawn, imil therefore It. may arise very easily Hint tliu AiihtIi'mi Knturnmuiit would requite II it illiuiliitlon nf n syndlcnto, whllo llio dissolution, nccnrdliig to German It w, Itself would liPdiniu punishable,' "Tlin majority or Gorman buslnois tiii'ii iiml icnniiiiiUtK uro not opMed lo mali HyiiillciiIcK iiml lliu rrcatlon of lilfinjtiiiilli.u In tulil.lt (lit. (la Itmtktt uimelltnc participate In combination! villi piliatn iiriiiluii'iK, In lawful If I llii nt-ntur (iiininli mi Injurious act. I "Tim Orrtiian court hnvo repeated. I rulcil, according In IllrliarJ Calwcr, tlio norli.lliil writer, thnt tho Kyndl-i.-ili'i dn not tloUt llm prlnclplo of trniln llhcrtr an tlioy (onil to protect (lie Interest of (he whole nation ntiiilimt tlio acinntincAM of Individual iiiIkh fimii prke ruttlnR," Unlike the Amerlinti trust, Hklnnnr r t forth, lliu object In the (i.rmnti ermblniitloiiH In not to concentrate prlro i out nil ami production In n few I nml, Thu Herman plan U to ullow each meniber In rnmliut lila own bull n mi, hut iilno require hlin lo acwpt coiubltiu illelntlnn im to price unil th eitent of hln production ' JUSTICE BAYLEY GONE TO REWARD U'lOXHKK IIIXinHXT OP I.AKK CPXT'. I'lJACK OKKU'KIl AXI IMTItlOT. PAMH TO THK OIIKAT IIKVOHM Special to Tho Herald . iMi.-it. rv.. i,tni(ir,ni ii.i. i,- -The death Ihcro Tuenday of Wlnalow Ha) ley, Jim Hi of the peace nnd pioneer reildent of lnkn eounty, take from It mldit Icinj of thu men that him pla)ed nn ' 11 poriani pan in inr uuTeiuiunK i 'iIkk it t Ion of tho eounty from It turly condition, when tho' hill nnd VR le) wcro Riven over to the ante loii nod deer that roamed about, to nn agricultural nnd utork country, wl.h thousand of ncre of flno fruit Im da. ' Juatlco Hn)Iey hnd been re-elected frein tlmo lo time durlnR tho paat twehti yenr. Renernlly without oppo nlt'on, mid dlpentd juMlco a ho mi It, without fear or favor. I He cauio to the eounty many yennt uro, mid hn n family, of whom Harry He. ley, of the firm of Hnlcy & Mn dIiirIII, mid l.oren Ha) ley or ..akovlcw nro the heat known. Tlio aged plo uo'r wiib n cteran of tho Clll War, mul look nn nclhc Interest up lo tho Ilium of hi denth In matter thnt eon- iierniHl hi comrade, nnd nt nil time health vn hucIi that It was n severe effort. Tho funeral waa hold Thur. day, nnd wns attended by a largo linthcrltiK of people Inml hereabouts. The lmnknbuidiiet houses and tho pllhllc HCllOAlil of Ijikovlow cloned their door nnd mmpctidod business derlni; the fuiieril of Wnlslow Bsfjti") Tito fnneral sorvleM at tha Metho- illat iliitrch were conducted by Hoy. MOlvUlo T. Wlro, nnd wero very Im- prcfsHe. Interment took plnco In tho W. W Patch, engineer of the Klam- nth riclaniatlon project of the gov ernment, has boon nt nend attending the bcott conclave. CUT LINES OPEN OBJECT OF SUIT MTK1ATION TO DISHOLVH OOULO LINKS MKHQKH UNDBR ANTL Tltl'HT LAWS Tt) RK TAKKN Vl THIS MONTH United Preii Beivic ST. LOUIS. Oct. 7. Tho suits to dissolve tho allogod merger of aim Gould linos and other companies and tho ouster suit against sixteen rail- roada doing business In Missouri for alleged violation of the anti-trust lawi In combining to nx. passenger and frolght rate, will be taken up nt tho October term of the Missouri Isuprsiua oouU COURT SMOKING DONE AWAY WITH (,'IIU'UIT COVIIT PIIIVIItMiKH DR. Slf.lt ItV Jl'HTIt'K OK THK I'KACK CiHAVKM, TO HLKPIUHK OP AUIMTOM Hmoklng It n- privilege uiunlly In- ilulRid In In elrrulrt court by those who favor It. . Judge Henry I.. Deuon U fond of n r.lKnr, while United State Com! doner U occaalonnlly found nll'ed with it clgnrttt, both coniplrlng to n((nmpllh a amoke, which Ii not con trar) to the pcalv nnd dignity of the. itnlo of Oregon nor governed by any kl.'i.te In inch lw made nnd tiro-.M-.I. I ho court bnllff, CJnrence O Mor tun, I not abolu'.cl"y averse to th) vied, so thnt, taken by nnd wide the court la plainly Milling thnt unoklni; boiild be Induced In, and hla-honor unil the court .staff, a well a at lorneji nnd urcctMoric nro often found solacing (hetmelve with the Rcntlo fumes of imokablo articles. So, with everybody expecting to have Indulgence which I permitted In tho regular circuit court snilont, n urprlo enme when Juitlce of the Peace Charles Crnves presided over tho prellmlnnry hearing of S. A. Mc Mahnn nnd James Hughes, chargrd with attempting to bribe. Tho case wn In progrei when tb J judgo called proceedings to n halt, and Deputy Sheriff John Schnlloeh to tho bar. Ho quietly Initructed the deputy, who went lo the rear of the room and carried out the court's or. drr, which was to suppress the put stilt of the habit In the court room, t.nter, when some one offended, the court ordered the imoher to deslv or leave tho room. r An, the tmokers pre ferred to-lenve Dnf-nthrr tnm lenve, tho Smoking itopped, which show thnt same caies In court are more In teresting to the auditor than the use of tho word. COURT SESSION WILL BE ACTIVE I.AKKYIKW TKHM IlKGINH MOV. DAY ItMIKIt JPIKiK ttKNSON, AMI WIK 1MPOHTANT CASKS, ON'K OP MP1UIKR, ARE ON Special to Tho Herald l,AKBVIKW, Oct. 7 Circuit Judge Henry L. Benson will convene court hero on October th. Thero aro many Important cases to b dlsposod or. Including the "boose" nuc, ailsliiR from tho whisky and other RoodH selrcd at Paisley; tho A. E. Follet manslaughter uute, Big Arrhe, thu Indian accused of murder ing hi squaw, nnd some more or less racy dlorci cm'. Tho grand Jury will meet Monday, nnd will be kept busy. REV. OWEN JONES IN SORRY STATE POUTLAM OHBQONIAN RKPORTS HIS AHKST FOR DRPNKKN-NalSS OK THK STKKRTS OV THK HOSK CITY THK OTIIKK 1AY Tho .Orcgonlan reports tbe ar rest In Portland for druakenaesa of Rev, Owon F. Jones, the missionary of the Bplicopal church, who waa hero for threo weeks, and held ser vices list Sunday before departing to report, nt he said, to hla bishop. Tho report of hla misfortune says that ha was found with but fl.tB In hla pocket annoying paawrrty at Fifth and Morrison street, and taken to Jail, from which, when sober, ha was released. While Jn Jail, with Ma arms around a druakea lumber jaek'i boulders. Rev. Jones gars aa im promptu sermon to those la Jail. JoaMoaea mtalatsrat la Grand Forks, N. D., and inter In Bafcer, Or. The alleged cplnode may havo some bearing on his being called to Grace church In thli city. Hl'ltO POIl IIAIITKB KTRPH PP AM) IKIW.V MAIN STflKCT A healthy looking burro was parad ed up and down Main itreet this nf turnoon bearing a lgn that Indicated that tho itecd w nubject to barter and sale. Thero was nothing In tho dftneanor of tho burro to Indlcato any tmtwaMnrnt ho might feel at hi stttiutlon, nnd ho looked tike a for gotten part of n ctrcui equipment. SPKIXa WATKU AT 8CHOOLM, HPKCIAI CVVH JHJft XKKDKII Tho three public school of the city are now supplied with purp drinking water. Principal Ounbar and the scnoolboard hnvo Installed tanks nt tho schools, and wator I hauled from the hot springs. Tbli'ls placed In the large tanks at night and allowed to eeol oyer night. Tho tanks sre con nected with tho sanitary drinking fountain .which were Installed at tho commencement of school this year, so that hsreafter thero will bo no nccisslt) for tho children bringing their own drinking cups. BUILDING ALIVE AT COUNTY SEAT NOTAM.K HTItl'CTl'llr PPT PI' THIH Ylttlt AT LAKKVIKW, IK. rlXDIKU ODD KKMiOHH, HIGH HCHOOli AMI CHUKCH Special to The Herald LAKKV1EW, Oct. 7. eratlons In Lakeview n..l,.tl I -uuiiuiub uf i .kl. ... u. cludo some of tho best buildings that have been erected In Its history. Tlio notable ones thnt are almost finished are the Odd Fellow' Temple, that covcrr the site of the old build ing, the new $40,000 high school of tone and brick, and tbe Catholic church, costing about 110,000. Tho Odd Fellows building I of) brick, I two stories In height and about fort) -fivo wide. The workman- .ship and material In the building Is iiuBiauiiai mm iuuiv inc Riviaav buildings of this class. The ground floor and lasonieut will be occupied by Auten Rlnchart as a hardware rtcre, with a balcony In tho rear that Is to be fitted up as a furnishing store and houso furnishing department. The upper floor'ls fitted for lodge purposes vlth reception nnd ante rooms, a large lodge room, kitchen nnd cooking outfit. The heavy sidewalk that surrounds the building on two sides Is of con crete, nnd built for special wear and service. In addition the fire eslti are made so thrt In case of a need being Immediate for tho emptying of tho building, sld and rear stairway open In aurli n manner that everyone can reach the sidewalk cislly. Tho total cost will approximate something over $15,000. and tho block will be road) for business within tho next few week, though the hardware firm la now mevlni: Inta its, quarters. TIm Vaanlcklva Have a Daaghter. . Dr. Whtto report! tho birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mn. B. H. Van sickle of Swan Lake, Friday evening. Mrs. Vnnslekle la at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bro. Jamison on Hlfh nnd Tenth street. LYMAN STARTED FOR PORTLAND UNITKU 8T.VTO8 MARSHAL SCOTT COMHH AN1I LKAVBS THW MORN1M1 WITH THK NOTOW. Ol'B KsM'APsaH Possible tha last chapter la Ue case of Dr. John Grant Lyman who does not work at It ban baa writ, ten, so far as Klamath rail la con cerned, tor last night Unite Btatea Marihal Leslie M. Soott of Portland arrived and left thla atoralag with the doctor, whosa allsfM prawtiaa w more on the order of ipeclallslng la extractlag nioaey without value re turned than la ateglaal Alraauaa, t Aeemnpanylng e marshal .waa an TYPHOID NEARLY DRIVEN FROM CITY f other prisoner, Ray Brown, charged with giving liquor to an Indian, Mike Weeks, and Patrolman Ed Wakaflsl of this city, who went as a' guard to nsslst tho marshal In taking car of tho prisoners. Deputy Marshal Frank Heatty, who Is breathing moro freely now thnt Ly. man Is out of his charge, remained here to hunt for Thornet, hoping to got trail of him In the neighborhood of Swan Lake. ItVHIPY FlMiAMl M PLAN, YOPXQ HCOLT8 DMOLVKD HEI.SINOFOHE, Finland. Oct. 7. Another step In the "Rnsl Beat Ion" of Finland, according to popular verdict, In an order juit txsued disbanding the 7,000 Hoy and Girl Scout, recently organised by General Baden-Powell of England, and hi assistant. MIL LAST M HELD IACK IY HLATED TRAM Owing to the mall train due hero at 4: 10 o'clock yesterday afternoon, being late, tho mall last night waa only distributed, tho general window not being opened by Postmaster Clyde' K. Brandenburg. Those who. owing to this fact,' failed to get their mall last night, i may console themselves with the fact. 1L.I l.a,wv .wait AtlAV Kllvfc kMM I :uv " -""" : y.n ZZ naa o gel it was MTro mew. av will probably bo able to gat their mall today, and kill two birds with ono atone. n. I. ., ,L AMAal J.IIV.H. i no wbii. m iu Kvavia, c...w ,j.. ..!. .Mh.l.lw Kj. mmfmS ,, '""""" vuu.u ,.'"""! " - some by the use of a pigeonhole hoxi .which has more, openings, thus I re quiring trail to ne more minaieiy av sorted, but handled less nt tho win dow.. In other words, It would be divided Into smaller piles fo bo looked through when callers ask for their mall. ' PEACE JUSTICE TO VACATE ROOM NKW TKMPLK NETK88AKY TO KX. KltCISK OP FUNCTIONS OF TKi: BUND tJODDHSS MAV GBT THK CITY HALL With tho passing of tho headquar ters of the city government from city hall to tho Page-Stratton building, official business nt the old stnnd msy not necessarily stop. Justlco of the Peace Charles Grave, who will leave tho Wltbrow-Melhaso building owing to the leasing of that building to tne Llvermore Hotel company, has hla cagto eye on the old city hall for a Justice temple, and may make an ar- tangement to make it nu otnee. One thing he would like to hnve Is n roomier piace in which iu i,u... tho blind goddesa to exercise her away and balance the stales of right and fivtrntss, as hla present court room hardly affords space to be fair, much lesa llbbral, as it were. In tbe dis trict of Link River, which Is the offl clal denomination of Justice Qravea' territory, tho Justlco has to pay for tho rent of his own quarters, while In somo of tho other districts the law provides that Justice quartera be lur nlshed the official by the taxpayers. Sberitf Barnes Purchases A Hot. Springs' BhorlC W. B. Barnes baa purchased. one of tha ana new bungalows, recent ly built by W. N. Woods la the Hot Springs addition. Tha house la locat ed on Bl Dorado avenue, Just of the Esplanade, it contains six rooms aud basement, and the Interior to talshad In elegant style, aad baa all of tbe aooessorlea of a moasra.hosae. Tfco Milaeratoa waa, M.TM.? s ,v Mr. Barnes will more hla family lo f x "., r i,. Tv .ifiW I TWO CASES ARE NEW HIT UKXKHAt, HITPATfOK I THAT PHYMaAM HAVal IT OK IKB CONTROL ALL PATIMm ' ARK MCTTMI With the strennoM eort that, ibavo been mad the paat sasiHi la fighting the typhoid feter, the taakkiy has been almost drlvssi awt of ta city. White Dr. U W. CalKom. as sistant city pbyslelaa, report tw more cases of the disease taring de veloped In the past twenty-fenr kean, he says their location la not sseh go tl give rise to any doubt that the sit uation Is practically under eowtrol. Of the twenty or so oases which bare been keeping the nietHeos of the city busy for some time past all of tbe number are either convalescent or at least out of danger. Tho Klamath Fall Light Water company believes that the water of tho system will shortly be flt for every body to uso Indiscriminately, IfV in deed, It la not so already, as It has already been explained In the Herald bow tbe undesirable matter la the ground waa stirred up by tho rains which started sines taken to clean the supply, thkv want vr in county ov.iun .Special to Tha Herald .ASrsnrirV rv T-Tkulii " ..... , w,t .. w .. ,v -i f.fc u, . . --, .ua club recently, organised, la murii tflifl iSM'The gaVw'nau af ( states, tho letters asking abaat' taa many opportunities tbnt Lnko coaaty has to effer to tho stttler. ospeclaHr (In the matter of free government jhorceattads, of which the coutrty ,ls so well supplied. Mr. FN la Islanding the strain very nicely, nnd sajs ho likes the Idea of doubling the population of tho county during the next year or two. I lOWNHKND IM IMPROVING WITH TKMPHRA1TRR LOWKR I Chief of Police Edward Towaatnd, J" " 111 yesterday aad last turn for the batter during the night, nnd Dr. L. W. CMt lou this morning spoke eneouragwgly for tbe recovery of his patleat from hii attack of typhoid fever. H a improvement rroaa taa criwi which seeiuer; inevitable yesterday has been very marked witun taa par twenty-four bourn. His reeplratloj has declined to f.unty per mlaute. It bti bi-ei: i high a forty-four, while the rate oxistlng now la wKkla two of normal, which Is elgateea. HU temperature, which haa run arouad 10f. Is now 100, and hla pulse, whleh got up from 110 to ISO, haa worked back to 1. STMTS to off i menu cut Judge Henry L. Benson of the" cir cuit court and R. M. Rkharaasa. court stenographer., left taaar lor Lakovlow, where court will open on Monday, The graad Jury la to awet at that time, and It Is expected that sovoral Indictments may be returned. their aew Imm the arst mm week, 'Zrix-r-)- -' . t f'ST" gamabody twisted therHugi .aft M a w "'tS). water itaadatne of the,Kkasl I Llgat' ana water- mmtm. tad.Hlfh etreets.aaai today. v and a' une-.Httl down Into'.'lhe tarklMt AbbMrfiaaaiyawi ssarTi 3t6j?ped,itMiw. - z:Jpxy - - : "" UawmTDawtaa w& . A'c-: - i M 5 " Of i.IBP't, 4--' '"