.) Ilsr, v Jl 1 J. k .,.?,--. y" r-..-'. r &. i-' EST & f -. HP'- t ' . 7 J yi . . it Vl 1 - V vc V -V y- 1 4 "U S' V " . AL ClAffiM I V" - wmuwn a bvuti r. OMPcUtwaBMc PMfci OM, N Btt, 4VA. PUMBO, Death AM war k graatead. Klamath peaaty Baa bldg., Ponrth ui Ihtaia.strccca, PkHi U. MW irti PaB, Ot. I- IJ. V. KUYKKXBAIX, Attorney at Law Office. Walte-Maddo Blag Pkeat 484. Klamath Fall, Or. I. JAT KXAPP BsaiNrnd Coaeicts aad Buildings n Specialty Rooms S0S-:04. Odd Fellow Bid. I MBCttAAXKOVB II yea waat your staff moved aad moved aalck. get Ramsbys Bbjiiss to' do R. Corner, fevaatt aad Mala rtmtt rfcas M OaH a (XMMTOCK. ME, II JM jPHI ; amy ktad of H3K.P. at tha OOMSTOCK U asafsaa WalAi SBsasBBkAmYVBaBasttsat TB WsBmTf VyaTCVh ARTHUR ft. WILSON aLUUtT Bv aBLLS IT 4 : Ink! Piiit lisirt : 1bj aV lRUiHf TTpHH Camtaag Oroaada of taatkLak. Best L rK" Bsttfla. 3 wa aad beata A X it steamsr of laaaen uanm nor wm WOOD 16 tack 4fMt Zf 630 Mfl f J Dtitorad !&it.AtMOLsrr BOMIUALTTCa PkOMtll erM s 1603 ACRES I Wall Improved farss, which has yleldedl 0,000 bushels af wkeat la oao seasaa. Placers thuseasta. Will sell la whole ar la tart at f 31 par acre. II care aader graTtty lav, aat m H. A. SUGAI, WMTI PlHl UibllDFIl W fcro the bMt qtippid miUlBthecHyaWd ;"' ' . 'if. .. tttvraofMsWpaMs work ' '"if,? .j V V5Vv a Vi II t Tafa aa M ''bbbbV i .-!",. r --r i-r- 9' A ,-v ltangswrnasVatr AW BICYCLES Pet? aa ap t date warel ska Craa Mat. Teats nasi Gaaa for aale ar fsrreat. Wo ears a faM Ikse of Gyjda. THE GUN STORK J.B.CHAMBKM BIIKRirrS BALK In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, tor tha Couaty of KliB' atkr 81io Bocquorat Co., a Corporation. Plaintiff, n. 3. II. Bevy and JoMph Hettlager, Partncra, Under the Name of Berrr A Hettinger, Defendants. Notice Is hereby flrea that hj Tlrtue of an execution and order of ale, dulr Inued out of tha abort ea- tltled court and eauae, oa tha 7th day of Beptembrr, 111, upon a judgment and order of aale made and enUred of record In said court and eaaaa aad la aid county aad atate oa the lth day of August. 1111, la favor of tha abate named plaintiff aad agataat tha abOTe named detendaata, J. H. Berry aad Joseph Hott!aor. aa partaera aader the name of Berry A Hetttager, aad each of then, directing tha aala of certain real proirty, to aatltfy the aura or 1797.50, with Interest thereon nt the'ratc. of per ceat per annum troh the 26th dar of August, ltll, and the further sum of f lf.10 costs and disbursements and tha expenses of sale. Now, by virtue of said ex ecution and In compliance with aalJ writ, I win on Saturday, October 7, 1911 at I o'clock p. ra. of said day. at tho front door of the- county court house, la Klamath Fall. Oregon, aeli &t public auction for cash In hand, to tho highest and best bidder, all the right, tltaad Interest of tha above named detendaata, J. H. Berry aud Joseph Hettinger, aa partaera aader the name at Berry A Hettlager, or either of them la aad to the fallow ing described real property, to-wit: All that portion of lota 8. and 10 In block 4, town of Beaaasa, Oregon, ac cording to the plat thereof on Wo la th oMee of the couatr clerk of Klam ath county, Oregon, eemmeaelag at pomt ffftr fast east of tha aortaweat corner and oa tha llae of lot It of btock 4 of said town of Boaaata; theact south parallel with tha wast llae of block 4, one hundred aad f ft feet; thenco. east paraded with the north line of lots 8, 0 and lO.lfty feet, lence cast parallel with the north lice ot Iota 8, 9 and 10, tfty ff.it. Uinro north, parallel with the vest "do of block 4 one hundred and ifty feet to the north line of lot 10, thente ttpt to tho place of beginning. Alro lot C, In the Rlrerflde tracts, accord ing to the duly recorded plat thereof, tortalnlng ten acres, all la township S9 8.. range 11 E.. W. Jl., la Klamath county, Oregon, duly attached la tho nl-oro entitled cauw on tha 14th day or July, 1911, as tho property of lti ebovo named defaceUnte Berry aad Hrttlngrr; also tha f blowing deaeih. eJ real jiupertr, to-wlt: The fat 100 feet of lots one ltd two aad t'i mat 100 fct of the nj.lh half of lot r, la block 8, of the In-va of Bomb, Oregon, duly attarbel In the abort entitled cause aa the property of de fendant J. H, Berry, together with the teaBemeatk, herldtameata aad appar tenanees thereunto belonging, or In any wise appertaining, or so mack thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy said execution. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 7th dsy ot September. 1911. W. B. BARNM, Sheriff. By It. 71. OUTHRIDOB, Deputy. 9-8-10-6 hf Are yon Interested In KLAMATH COUNTY! If so, sea the Stephen I Hunter Usaity co. Tey navo some (good bargitlns, WHOLESALE LUMBER MTAIL FfiONI 1381 niERed Fir and Pine Bark for Fuel ' LUMBER AND BOX COMPANY THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH, Editor m Proprietor J. M. STOWBMj, - City Bdltor Published dally except Jaaday at 115 Vourtfc Street KLAMATH PALLS, . OHBOON THt'KMDAV, OCTOnRK B, llt A MK1HTY SUM tlKLFXIATION r P IT IS a tact, ns reported, that that thcro Is some likelihood of James J. Hill building a raldroad through here from llend the news will bo most welcome. If not, then thu slim delegation which went from thin city, to ntlcml tho celebration which Is taking placo at that city to cele brate the completion of railroad con struction to that point la one ot the greatest mistakes that thla commun ity has ever msde. With Mr. Hill, who Is frequently termed the empire builder, there to drlvo the golden spike Into Its bed and a routing lot of boosters nround htm, that woald bo the tlmo to get the ear of tha railroad maker and Impress him with the needs and opportunities that are la the Klamath baala. Those who left from this alty In- eluded Judge Will 8. Wordea. Judge rjcorge T. Baldwin, Charles W. Kber- leln, C. T. Oliver, secretary ot the Chamber of Commerce, and a few other faithful leaders who are deeply Interested In the welfare of thla sec tion. They took the long auto trip, closo to 300 miles tha round trip. with the hope and purpose ot adding their best encouragement to make the Bend meeting both those of the Cen tral Oregon Development League and the railroad celebration successes and to speak sr good word for farther efforts by Mr. Hill to reach thla Hon. merely rea.dyaad waiting for a railroad to como In and harvest tho gain that Is to be had for the asking. But halt a dosen, or two doten, la a delegation at such aa opportune moment with the Interests ot this city and environs st stake Is not sutlelenL Two doscn might be a respectable number as an Index of tho Importance of the need of a railroad here, but the proper way to Impress a man of Mr. Hill's caliber, while It does aot aecessarlly depend on numbers oaly, woald be to have a rousing, fat dele gation, a hundred or so. Two hun dred would bo better. Portland sent delegation of aear- ly 71 men to 'this city la a special trala oa a hunt for commerce and In aa effort to bettor trade relalloas aud to understand better the conditions and outlook for the Klamath Basla la r material aense. If Portland, who doea not need expansion and an nutlet for producer la anything like the measnro this city aad territory ad Joining needs them, can afford to do such thing as a side line, this city can certainly afford to attempt something oa ar considerable scale when the en tire welfare of tho community, prac tically, depends on It. Last week there was n county fstr la Klamsth county, backed, we are In formed, by two men. Not enough men la the couaty took a sufficient Inter est In the event to give It the encour agameat of good organisation or sys tem. All the work fell on tho shoul ders o'f a precious few mighty few, at that. Oae of the sad features of thla laek of unity was the failure to collect all tho money due in admls sloaa. It's no nse to try tothrow the blame for this on any one or two people, for one or two people cannot handle a county fair unless they have a barrel of money to do It with, and there was no barrel within reach In thla Instance. The lack of organisation shown In pulling off tho county fair, which a a fair was a rousing success for which duo praise Is certalBly to be given the handful or less of men who accom plished what they did under great dif ficulties Is an Index of the general spirit In the city at this tlmo. It Is this same lack of pull-together la a tag-of-war style tbst gives tha eMy LONGTIMB1RS A .WECIALTT Vertical .trained nooring.Ceiliiil and Clear Natife Fir for finiah work, aleo Lath artf IhistlUet , such a small representation at Usnd on tho occasion ot the visit ot James J. Hill. Of course It would cost money to make the trip to llend. Kach man that took the trip might be out 100 for tho Journey It lio made It by auto and entertained now acquaintance whon he got thcro. Ho might figure that It waa too expensive for the chance he was taking. Hut it la only k chance In that to get n railroad through hero at once mlr.lit not b effected. Tho sureties of tho effort aa a means of ndvetllslnR the puiM and energy of KtamMh Pall would bo unquestioned. It would bo a Pep ping atono to tho accomplishment Inter of what Is needed at one. PRICE OF SHEEP ABNORMALLY LOW Sl'HPKIMlNfl MTATK OP MAKKKT POHMIRI.Y IWK TO CXHKTTI.KII TAKIKP NO IMHITV WITH TH K HKKP MAKKB7T Special to The Hern Id LAKBVIBW, Oct. 3. The price of sheep Is lower than It has been lor some time, prybably duo to tho un settled condition of tho tariff laws. While sheep are down, tho cattle buyers are paying tho highest price ever paid la the county for beer cat tle, and the range Is being cleaned up as never before In an attempt to gath er stock for shipment. There seoma to be no connection be tween tho price of b?cf and mutton In this part of tho country. Many welt laformed men engaged la the stock ladastry state that now Is a good time for Investors In tho In dustry to take hold of tho opportunity to secure awaa aad breeding stock at a low agure, for there seems to be no reason why the price should re mala dowa far any long period ot time. MANY LIVE ONES WENT TO BURNS LAKKVIKW DKLBGATfON WAS LAHCIRBT BUXCM OP BOOSIBJIS THAT KVKR WBNT PORTH TO HOOT FOR LAKE COUXTV Special to Tha Herat! LAKBVIBW. Oct. B. Lakevlew ser.t the largest delegation of "live w'r s" that ever cut loose from this section of tho state to tha Develop- rticnt League meeting at Burns thlv wwlr TIlA HAlttnn was tiraifMfl liv'kjil.B hn Amtm. .. .1.- .... .... ..- 1 M . .. I.. m .1- 4 . . . .' ..- ...v HW.w...wH . .......... .v r.. i. wiiivb oi mo voRimerciai t;iuo, mid contained such leading men as V Ijilr Thompson. O. W. Rice. Prank Light. Vint Snelllag. Jim Dodsnn, .1. X. Watson, M. B. Drlce and a host cl others that filled a number of autos. The spirit of progress has taken hold on the iieople here la a way that Is bound to mako this section or the state reach out nnd get Its share of tho good things that aro coming to the eople of Oregon. KEEP OUT SPIES IS AIM OF BILL ItKCKKT C'AVTL'RB OP OBRMAN I.NVKNTtOATOItS IN KXOLAND AKOt'HKH JOHX HILL TO MKK NKKI) OP PRHVKNTION United Press Service LONDON, Oct. 5, Recent captures of German spies In England have con vinced the authorities that far moro stringent measures ara needed. A bill has been latroduaed Into the house of commons which will provide severe penalties for anyone attempt ing to gain possession of national secrets. It will be regarded as oae ol tho first of the goverameat bills during the autumn session, aad an appotl will bo made to rush It through w'." tha utmost txpedltlca. BXHIBITCARSAIUI tTOOD ADVaWTHWJ That exhibit ears ars good advertis ing eras aaowa laat week wbsa forty men lateadlng to buy land visited Blllliiaa Mi ;."i Mated tin card of au atteadaat of aa zhlblt'car, and as result of tha visit of tha forty the Billings lms aad investment com psny eloaed als1 deals for Irrigated . x- r NOTICK POH PUBLICATION (Not coal lands) Department ot the Interior, United States Land omco'al Lakavletf) Oregon, September 13, 1911 Notlco Is hereby given that Herbort l Arntit, whose postoMca mldross 1 Pnlry, Oregon, did on the 31st day n Mny, 1911, file In this office sworn rtntoment and application No. 040RA, it imrrhna tha NBU BBU. 8H NC Hi Section 24, Township 98 8, range 10 R, Wlltnmott Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provision of tho act of Juno 3, 1878, and acta nmrndalory, known as tho "Tlmbtr and Btono Law," at such value a might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, uuriusnt lit uch ntmllrntlon. tho land and timber thcrcuu havo't been appraised at a total ot IS 10. tho timber estimated at 350,000 board feet at II per M and th land at 160; that aatd applicant will offer final proof In aupport ot hi applica tion and aworn statement on the Id day ot December, 1911, beforo U. R. DeLap, county clerk of Klamath county, at Klamath Palts, Oregon, Any person .la at liberty to protect this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time beforo patent Issues, by flllag a corroborated affi davit In this office, alleging farts which would defeat the entry. A. W. ORTON, Register. Pint pub., Sept. II. I.rnt pub., Nov. 30. r .NOTICK POH PUUUCATIOK (Nov Coal Lands) Department ot the Interior, United State Land Offlco at Lakovlow, August 17, 1911. Notlco is hen by given that Klmeda llawxhurst of Klamath Palls, Oregon, bo. on December S7lh, 1909, msde timber" and stone application No. 0188C, for SH NWU. NWU NWU section 34. NKK NKU section 33, township 37 B range 9 K Willam ette Morldlan, has Died notice of In tsallon to make final proof to estab lish claim to tho land above described beforo R. M. Itlchardson, United States commissioner, at Klsmath Palls, Oregon, oa tho 37lh day of October 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: r. If. Shannon. II. M. Whllcllue. J. C. Smith. John Jensen, all of Klamnlh Falls, Oregon. A. W. ORTON. S-2t.t0.J6 ' Register. SUMMONS la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, far Klamath County. P. R. Barsaaagk. Plaintiff, fa, J. at. Saaasr, Dsfaadaat. To J. M. Saater, the above named defeadaat la tha name of the atate ot Orrgoa, you arc hereby required to appear aad answer tho complslnt filed sgalnst you la the above entitled ac tion on or before Thursday, the 9th day of November, A. D. 1911, that in,.. ,w utV U IIIO IMIUIICailUH or tne summons in this action and the , last data la which you, tho defendant, - ... are required to anawsr said complalat, ns Ssed by the order of tho court for publication of this aammoas, and If you fall to appear aad answer, aa (foresaid tha plalatlff will apply to the court for tho relief prayed for and demaaded la the complalat, to-wlt: A Judgmeat against yon for tho sum of one hundred dollars, together with Interest thersea at tha rata of I per ceat per aaaum from August 30, A. D. till, and for ths farther sun of 1164. IS, and for 1100 attorney fee and for tha costs aad disbursements of this actio. This summoas Is psbllsbsd In tho Klamath Repuhlleaa, a weekly news paper printed and published at tha jelly of Klamath Palls, la said Klam- atn count)', state of Oregon, by order of the Hon. Henry L. Beacon, judge of the above named court, such order being dsted tho tlth day of Septem ber, A. D. 1911, tha first publication of this summons to be made aad la made on tha 88th day of September, A. D. 1911, aad tha last publication thereof Is to be made oa tho 9th day of November, A. D. 111, HORACB M. MANNING, r Attorney for Plaintiff. Klamath PalbJ. Ore. BALK OP TIMRKR Portland, Ore, Sept. 11, 1111. Scaled bid marked outslds "Bid. Timber Br.lo Application, August II, iu, urater," and addrossed to the District lorcstor, Portland, Oregon, Will ha received up to nnd Includlnd tho 19th day of October, 1911, for all t:.o llvo timber marked for cutting by tho forest officer, looatad oa aa arc to be doflnltoi) designated by tha for- ei oncer before cutthg, begins oa npnroslmatcly 1,341 acres oa tkt watershed of Oedssa Creek la SWU HWK. section 14; SW.H BU Md swu etc. lis NBH NWU aad "dim-TtfJi 1, nnnsm ana am NBU, MUIWU aad IU NBU HWU, and all tha SBU ssctlon II; EU NWU. WU N1U. NWU WU nd SVi of tho SWU. WIH taajH aas SWH-SBU sKaslag 18) aaaaaMaoMora Big Basin Lumber Go. Lumber and Building Material Urfeit Stock in Klamath Fallt Quick Sendee PLANING MILL IN CONNECTION DRY SLABS FOR SALE $3.50 PLACE YOUR BIG BASIN LUMBER COMPANY MMMM0MM XU HWU, Stt NKU. aud all the SKU section 14. T. I(S.. R. IB, W. M.. within tha Crater National Purest, Oregon, estimated to be 7. 854.000 feet II. M. ot western yellow pine; S. 850,000 feet II. M. ot Douglaa fir; 1,618,800 feet It. M. of sugsr pine and 1,110,100 feet U. M. ot white fir, live saw timber, nnd 378, 000 feel II. M. of dead saw timber, tug irate, more or lc,, No bid of less than I3.3& per M. feet II. M. for live westurn yollow pine and augar plno; II, CO for live Douglaa Art 1.3d tor live white fir aad dead timber will be considered, aad a de posit of 13,000, payable to the order of the Pint National bank of Port land, Oregon, must be sent to that bank for each bid submitted to Ihe District Porester. Timber upon valid claims Is exempted from sals. The right to reject any and all bids Is re served. For further Information aad regulations governing tales addres4 IV.rest Supervisor, Medford, Oregon ORO. II. CKCIL, 9-14-1019 r District Porestst NOTICK POR PURUCATIOX (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Interior, United Stales Land Office at Lakovlow, Oregon, August4, 1911, Notice lc hereby given that Mark T. Howard, whose poatoUen addreas Is Klamath Palls, Oregon, did, on the 37th day of Pebruary, 1911, lie lb this oOlco aworn statement and appli cation, No. 04388, to purchase the BM NBU, Ntt SKU. section 13. township 37 8., range 10 K.. Wlltam 'tto Meridian, and the timber thereon under the provisions of the act ol June 1, 1178, and acts ameadatory, known as tho "Timber and Stone Uv." nt such value aa might bo Ssed by appralsemont, and that, pursuant lo such appllratloa, the land nnd tim ber thereon hsva been 'appraised at a total ot IO0, tha limber estimated 800.000 board fce at 1.76 per thous and, and tho land at J00j that said applicant will offer final proof la sup port of his application and aworn statement on the 18th day of Octo ber, 1911, before W. D. West, United Slates commlsstoasr at Stlvsr Lake, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry or Initiate a contest at any time beforo patent Issues, by Sling a corroborated affi davit la this office, aliening facts which would defeat the eatry. A. W. ORTON, 8-II-10-II h Register. I BBBBaBWtflBal aaal ntttiBBamfi arjaMBBj aaaa IjajgaaBjgasajj I Bmhalmm fat thfmial I apeclalty. Uaj caB Ko. Sstt, I Xlght Call UM. New itwfa Cart H mi. mm mm SSJ I k. wHnidcT I wvntamaw .w pffij STasmaaasBtaam fffimaaBsVsissakBB m? ! vaTvajvai mUUQmQH$MMtt90) I ."1.. "" fwaasas 4t4J an M I Offke aaJ fiasl fotmm 4MB aa, Per Cord Delivered ORDER NOW ttltlttlltfOOOM tU Where? AND Why? lint- Wlirrr ftmr (irurrrh-a? Hrrtwd Why them Ihrrr? ihi yiu buy it you bay If row aro ant anting the hrai at tho right rlrr )ihi are not usir rartuaor. t VAN RIPER BROS. : ,s WOOD Good SUb Wood ta.Tl 4-foot Hody Wood 19.80 . . Delivered . . Leave Orders at CUy lUkrry S4I W.E.Seahorn M lfiiyJaBBBlramVWBWCTs X -Bffima C7BHsBBBBffii T tlWamaV Baaf - - -TffiJaW SBBBBl S , fesJHffif Fancy Pastry When cosafiaMjr cosara you sboaM have aasaa iasty aactry wkhout work m jraaw kaacl sT. Let as supply taJ ncL Wa have fresh cakes every skut ar cm snake la yoar special or 4ter aaysklag hi atata or, fancy l"T Layer Oaksa,' Plata Cakes, Cookks of all katds, Posajiaats, Pies sad RoKs always on Iwad and fresh every V. Mocha aad Chocolate layer cakes Angel Pood cake ? plea Cakat ial Coffee Wreath , Marhla Cake " Cream PafM (wrgs) each .. Cream plea . , . , JJf Mlasc Pica ' Aaala Plea ,.fac Posy Oraiidaaa , ", CookUa, If ! JHrnbata, , . i ! f Xlssc ... ... "JJT ,. aaeea ..... r VfffiAt ffiffO WKI, vm t The Monarch Grocei '' ' Am mmmnm M A. . I-sTWli, fret. , . ', "T.