5S ' V ;m' '.l'.. ifM !ffV. www. .? r-? Sf atain .titfntiiflitilMIti mansn innvHBii'ivra - irf'- jfrf. , , "TOYDIg u ji .xAtiMT -i r. - v "f r o SESTJ2Cr?Ktt .( ,t. .Trt'JH KHItMAW - J 7' . ?,T v-'wir -V'l S&tvirEjR jfcfff gUPFUKU iff VMS UNITMU MUSH NKWS SKHVICB '" She rtalik. UK 1o'-J .IhlnMJ, -Ul V J?l t .abiii iwoiin aau '. 1'lllXT Till! KVH. NOT MMTOHr O Fifth Year No. 1374 K MM ATM FALLS, OKKK)N, THCI1HHAV. OCTOItEK S, Iffll ullnl .OHK.AU . ,'. .;i(l I i .itj u;;u ii.j. '. iu jib u S. 0. JOHNSON HURT IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT HILL TO SPEND $1,000,000 TO EXTEND ROAD TO JOIN PACIFIC EASTERN AUTO HITS TREE AT CLINE FALLS H. (. JOHXMON, WITH PARTY HK Tt IIM.Ml TO I'HJNKVILLK WHIM li:.M. MF.K1H WITH NKHIOI'N At (HIKST HWtT OK PARTY lCAI'K IHJDMONI). Ore, Oct. 6. H. O. Jolmxin, the Ran Francisco lumber man, was srrlomly Injured In mi auto sccldonl U(t night at Cllns Falls, 'ir mllm south of here. Mr. Johnson n rcliirnltiR from lUnit wllli paity of I'rlnnvlllv ci (ile. Including Mis Kay Baldwin, dntiKhlrr of prominent banker of tho Crook county capital, when their automobile it rack a tree In a bend of the road. Tlio chauffeur and the nlliers wera unhurt. S. Very little Information of the acci dent rauld be learned today, and oven Hie Han Frunclaro office of the Klun nth Development company, of which Mr Johnaon la president, waa unahlo lo get any further facta la tlio raw Wire wera cent to Head and Tort hind, nnd the local oBc received n dispatch aaklag for anjr laformatlni they had received here. '" Mr. Johnaon and tiU brother, W. ! JMinion, were In a party which won'. from hero to attend 4he meeting of I bo Development l,esguo at Hum Alter the meeting at nurna lltey M leaded tho celebration of the comple tion of the railroad to Ilviid. Tho locnl ottire of the Klamath Dtvelopmt t;t conipnny received n tctciirniii from Mr Johnaon, atatlng Hint hn eipcct-vt tn bo homo tonight. Evidently Mr. Johnson was tnklnrt n pnrly of Prlnorllle peoplo hotn from (lend when the accident occur led. Cllne Falls, which la near lied inoml, la about half way hetwot-n lleml nnd PrlnTlll. A letter rvcolvol fiom llownrd r". ( Hlivphiird ua Hint hu U Kettlnx well, nnd recoverliiK from nu ntlnck of ty phoid r-iT. Hu Ih In n antilurlinn I at Hanltnrliiiu, Cnllf,, nenr Pan Kran-, claio, MATTY "SAYS REWARD ill I0TJ0ME TO HIM Dftmty Mnixlicl I'riiuk llenlty, hro from 1'iirtlniiil to it federal prlnon em, Immlm nl Hie feura on nnyone'n nail that Im limtlil get the ftno i wnrd If ho ruptured Thnrnrt, whom ho In niuliniM to rlmiio, He " he would not tcet It nvMi ' If ho lnailii tho riiiituro, a tint work of huniltiK the prUoner U In the ulrnlaht lino of hi duty, mid he ' would not h permitted to nrrept Hie money offcri m ntwnrd. ' SPECIAL GUARD OVER McMAHON AMI lll'lllHM J. II. CAItKOM, AMI HON'AtTINH AN WATt'll MAX AMI CHISOXKim t'AV Kilt VK1II, .MAINTAINKU UKEIIEN Ml TOWS mum, mm Hperlal to Tho Herald I.AKKVIHW, Oct. 6 Cobb llenktv, wll known over Lake, nnd Klamath coiintlea, haa returned fnnu a trip HiroiiRlr tho Northwent. In which he vlilted Beattlc, Portland, tho centeu Hint nt Aitorla, the round-up at Pen- .ii j, . ... . .. ... .. f-- ..in, un many inner piaren or I mod wCro 0"1'l. f Baiiilnruin. Pniuirllnion It. A. Alford Hu luoka younger, In conaoquence, , nnd Marlon llanka. Julian Kendrlck, a- friend of He Mchon. and nld lo bo connected with tho Hamo pavluc concern, haa been In frequent consultation with Attor ney Onolll, and nconis to bo doing all In hi power to befrltiid the two men. Hamuel A. McMahon and Jamra! Iluabei. who .ipcnt tho rim night j after Iliel rnrreet on a lirllifry rhnrKol In I hu county Jnll, did not hnvn tn ateep In tho county tmitllo Utt night. Throuah the Interreaolon of Attor ney ('. M. Onolll. their ctiuim, nu or rnui;o:iietit wa iimde ultli Blicrlff W. II. Ilarua to kIvo Hie prlom-r th prlvllcKn of lii)liiK out of JMI under' u apeclnl nuuiil. Tho guitrdi clionfii nro J. IK Cur-J roll nnd lil on, I'orl. who are palili 13 per dny ach, llio expenno being I defrayed hy the r I orient. Tho men dm qimrtcrcd nt tho Ilnld win. I'rUonera In the Jnll claim to hnvo won $5u from one of the two alleged bribers In u- poktr gamo Tufa day night alter they were put In Jnll. and hwrlng that there waa $300 mom belonging to tho men I) lug mimewhero nround, were dlanppolnt ed Hint tho two wero not remanded to Jail ngnlu Inat night. Thoy had their wit nhtirpriKil In the hopo of getting n rhmico nt winning vornc of tho rcnmlnlng 300, A Hi no InformntloiiH wero filed nunlimt inch of tho ncruacd men, and Juntlco of the Peaco Chnrlea Oravca held tho prltoni-r In $3,000 ball on euch rhnrie, tho aum of their bond, It they wero to got freedom, would be l,000 eaeli. Tho three Inform&tlona mode by Mayor Krcd T. lljljljm '-i.H aBnBnBnBnanBnBnBnBnBnanH KanBnHBnBnBnam.L '' W BVanHHanBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnanV iiiiiiimmmmH . r iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB fBnanBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnanK bbbbbV JanBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBBBnBnBnBnBnH lrrYf - 8. O. JOII.NSO.V, WHO WAS IXJUKI3D IX AUTO ACCIDKXT AT CLIXB PALLS YE8TKRDAY No atatea that the way'thla" good old lat of Oregon la looming up on tho horizon la "caution to wlldcata, and the greateat change la In Portland, Kiigeno and Klwah Falln, outride of takuvlew, AttaGhmen Chronicle t Aoainst Not Pried Oft In Circuit Court BRIBE STORY TOLD ON STAND IN COIRTBYTHE IMAY0R TESTIFIES THAT McMAHON OFFERED TO LEAVE A THOUSAND DOLLARS ON MANTEL OR TABLE IN HIS H0USE - STREET RUMOR OF PAVING GRAFT ALLUDED TO (ment the mayor would aeo tlut the lroet waa paved In front of Shlvt'a nrvv aviafiwiva! TitiKit iMitldara or that the money would bo ' -.-"--- --.-.- - , ...i .... ti iiirnunoa o ucrray u mpinuioenuiVTniiiLi An attachment for IMS agalnat tho Chronlclo obtained In 'tho action of Mllla va. Klamath Publishing, com I'miy, was up hafora tha circuit eonrt todny. Motion waa made by attar iioh for tht atUched company to liovo the attaakmont pried loose, they asking Judge H. L. Benson to die wlvo It. The motion wu overrulod by tho ourt, and the attaehment will remain XBiost the concern; About $100 Is claimed by r.H. Mllle?fer sirvtow aa attorney, with ff smaJI amount of cash "ponded u Dtrt of'tbe elalm he bu , lMt thseempaay, Vt t'tK ' The Qesru R. Hum eethte haa $100 lu tho attachment, which Is clr.'.med for rent duo olllce In the Hum building nt Fifth nnd Halu street, used by tho publishing com-pnny. CHICKENS W! S101EI fini lis AiemoN Counollwan Btn Owens says '' reported theft of thjrty-soven prlxc winning chickens, (row J. D Witt. Mills addition, Is an error. Mr, Owens aaya-the'theft occurred at the poor farm. 4' ') .4'l HIP IIV TItAPl'IXH McMAHON In the circuit court room this af ternoon, before Justlro of tho Peace CharlcH llrnves wns continued .the urellmlnury hearing of Samuel A. Mc- Mulion nnd Jumcs lughei), charged with attempting lo bribe Mnor Fred T. Sanderson to ueo hln efforts for tho Introduction of grnnltnjd pavoment on streots of this city, Altornoy C, M. Onelll appeared for llin defondnnts, whllo Deputy Dis trict Attornoy Chance J. Ferguson and Horaco M. Manning acted for tho state. In his croaa-examlnntlon of the prosecuting witness (Mayor Bander eon) Mr. Onolll gnve public utterance to rumors that Ind been current on the st roots to tho effect that the mayor had been paid .117,000' by .the Warren Construction company, and that ho had dona all ItVcould to throt-tlo-any poHlbto competition with the bltullthlc pavement, The mayor denied auy such sura was paid him, as well 9s donlcd'thnt he; had tried to keep out, competi tion, Attorney Onelll asked, him If he had not told Hughes to go to W. T, Blve end say for him that If ShW. MUM ai Ightlng bltullthlc pave- When Attorney Onelll got this far Deputy District Attorney Ferguson objected, nnd tho objection waa aus tnlnicl. although Onelll Insisted that ho hod only begun his question nnd ought to have tho right to finish It. "I had conversations relating to puvlug with this gentlemitn ou tho 11th of September, nnd tho 1st or 3d of, October," tho mayor testified. In substance, referring to MaMahon. "The second tlino 1 saw him to have it 11 extended (nlk with htm was on tho 1st of October, although thero wero times In between, frequently, wheu wo spoko on tho street, or met without having any conversation of any extensive nature. "It was tho second tlmo I saw and talked with him, on October 1, when ho wax getting down to the 'real busi ness,' that I became convinced that he waa. a real criminal." Witness denied that, bo over wont to tho Hotel Baldwin to see McMahon, and said that he was In the. hotel to inquire ror ine ante on woicn. sc Mabon had registered there. He as sorted that he bad not hunted hint up. In prder to talk paving with, him at'aay time. ''I .did tall him to. come up to, tar nous uctooer 11, in reepenee to aw request- to me to m a time .wnen- ne could ace me and talk tnattere over. He had approached me brfore that asking to fix a time. During fair week he wanted me both Hughea and he to come to tbo Baldwin to talk things over, wanted to get me to go to a room there, and 1 said I waa too busy, and would have to see them later. "'McMahon said If It would suit me 'I'll coiuo to your houso ou Sunday morning I said, 'I'll sso you and lot. you know.' Later wo talked on the telephone, and l told htm It would bo all right to come on Sunday morn ing. "Ho camo along about 10 o'clock or, 10:30, I should Judge, nnd I think ne stayea aoout an nour or an nour and n'half. Hughea came a tow min utes bof ore ho left, and came: without having becu tnvtted. lie had been hunting Mr. McMahon; bad lost track of htm, and waa telephoning all over town trying to' get-him located, no came up to my house. Hughea waa there but v little while, probably only fifteen minutes. McMahon Just at this time was putting this money proposition up and getting H all. framed so that It would be In shape, Just a Hughea walked la. Mr, MoMahon said, Tons in;, you aught, to knock when you come. Into a place tike this.' It waa all right for Hughea-to oome.la, be cause ho hadr rung the beH'end ben admitted to tha honia;' V J ' what they had lie tier do about get I ting Drlscoll to frame up a new ordi nance lor paving tne streets around the White Pelican hotel that would knock out bltullthlc. Mr. McMahon nudged mo with his arm; as we all stood up and walked out toward the front door, and aald, 'You know what that means, to get that kind of pave ment knocked out. It means that there will be 2. per cent on all ?cit work. "He stated that hla Arm was going to get the paving of the boulevard that was to be put In by the Devel opment company. Hughea aald notb Ing of money, for tbo door was' left open and tho family were sitting In the other room. "They could have heard any con venation about It at thla time, which was as we were leaving the room and walking toward the front door, tho two men being on their way out. Money was not discussed la any (Continued on Page i) FOOD IS BURNED BY PRODUCE m ABOVE CHAHOK BABW OV FOMI HLK GRAND JURY IXVaWTKU ' TlOX HOIJHXO VP PRiCaW OV , NHCaWMTIMH PORTLAND, Oct! S. Mayor'Rueta light haa Joined .tho mo'vement for a public market under the clty'a control following publication of figures show. lag that 51,000 inlinds of food stuffs were burned In the Incln'rator In ten da a by commission men. It Is charged that thla Immense amount of food waa burned to keep up tho m&Tkct price, and It Is under stood that a complaint will be made to the grand Jury now In session, asking the Jury to Investigate the commission houses to ascertain whether they are operating tn the re straint of trade. Much of the, food burned waa spoil, ed. but those In a position to know declare that commission men allowed' It to rot rather than place It on sale below the market price, which It la al leged they have been la tho habit of agreeing on aad atlcklag to, no mat ter how much the market glutted. Ul WHY KBITS I VRMTY OF KUUfATI United Press Service LAKEVIEW, Oct. 6. Dan P. Ma loy, well known stockman, rancher, ex-preacher, auto enthusiast and gen eral good fellow, la a visitor In Klam ath county, whore he went to attend the fair laat week. f Dan la also hcndllng a line of fine Imported bucks aa a trade-nuller, and will keep the Klamatb eheenmenion the more. 4mv ul fiui de-BUller, aad sheepasen'iot r OREGON TRUNK COMING SOUTH KMPIRK BULMCR AXXOVJfCM BXTENNON 0 LINK SOOTH TO CONNRCr WITH PACIFIC BAST KKX AT BCTO FALLS, IN JACR. SO.V COUNTY. BEND, Ore., Oct. 5. In his 1 here today 'at the eefebratlM the Oregon Trunk railroad to James J. Hill, the Empire BaUder. In timated that tLOOO.oaa was to be spent la the estenalon of tha .Hue south to connect .with the PaefSc. Eastern. The Pacltc A.BJaetera.M warn aeas pleted to Butte Falls,, la lailaisjs county, nnd accerdtog to Mr. MIH early connection letto'be the Oregon Trunk raaat. It Is gaeeteaV Jthat ti Trunk pill be la aaseaUen t Oree: cent, la KtauMtheeunty, neat auwt- P mm BETS II IllJlltmW"-! . . BnV'aaaaanBaa9Br' . hXU HnanBaanaBKU ' 'IJ'sBBTIaaTTXI SpecUl to The MeraM LAKEVIEW, Oct.. 5. Hon. A. W. Orton, of the United States land sale, Is taking his vacation touring over the, state, nnd Incidentally gsttlag ae-; qualnted with, matters In thla. bud district. Ho will be gone from here for about three weeks; mm l 4 Dr. Grant Lyman 'a broken ankle It reiorted to be In n serious condition, although the prisoner prefers' notto navo it treatea until no cm got awny from KlamathFalls and to acme ataee where ho can have steady attention ty th csame physician. Ills left ankle waa broken nt the time ho rst escaped from federal onVcers In San Fmneuwo, and this In jury was possibly to blame for his alow trip on the second getaway. , ,- It ho bad not beea'Iamo aad had to Indulge the left leg, be might not have been captured the second time, or he might have escaped from the . Klamath county Jail. Tbo Injured ankle Is running aewf ' and haa, been for several days. - Ferguson Gets Back Prosecutof .Inh Iftor Tomnnraru DoQinnotlnnl nun, miui ..uiimuiuij nuymiiuuuii , u Charles J,. Ferguson, whose ap pointment aa deputy.-dtatrlat attorney June 10,,19ll, and Bled' hi the eee of County Clerk C. R. DoLap, waa re voked by at telegram from District Attorney Dell V. Kuykendall Septem ber (th, the latter Mag away oa his vacation Js-back oa the Job. Ferguson lied another, appoiatnieat October lit, dated September Uh. The telegraphic revooatloa-waa seat by KuykaadalK bfsauas hla dapatr had balked at taking up thelmtaal oases on the ealeadar,Jan4 refuaed ,ta continue th oes'uaasr, tlwaaad' tloas, . Ferguson' s adaratad?.b hare aawuaad Ut;Kv(iaas4l arnaM Va baak'to.ukatif arlagsW mattan whea tbo September term of bogaa, but Kuykendall did not see to show up, evidently preferring '"'v.ywi, dole far nleite.V as ih Seeiah any; fct X So .whs .dWrtetWnsf 'ahwdfe':.-V'V'-- at the-;erlMvUafe.FatiwyaVi.X" quHfl promptlr, aa4 liafnpa&i' was apaoiated Ma fs' ' Ml ,. away reslaaed M. Manning sltton.; But, Ue.aKuatlem the. criminal work.dadtotlMaat that the Jairwaa fuiraad (t waa Ka-; aaaira.anajjisni-.aa.iarns FalU andth u ta work asnewhtah-;sttta?. 99i M.i' J !' ki" XwMZm ',,-"vTi'"r saw m isw 'iH -':.'r,' ' 611 ff r T . '" -Jwt 4 JW.J i'M,w"i m t-. 'J: ' -"?! r:t ? '31 .W ,V;( .'A. X VA v . .J - ', '- ft ' , fr trS V'ir m .-f H -v :lX.XS.-JV-JSiy 11 ,-iV-t. '"",. 5 r I T