N u'i'! t, ;;j fbe rrato. be nine uri'MKii nv nm yi XOLVMVI ON Of iirnmir ATioirAJt nnn mbvkm VMTMU PIMM NW iWlVIOB Fifth Year N. M KLAMATH FALLS, OHKGOX. WEDNESDAY, MAV S4, 1911 trlM Wf Ossiss "U.S. TO INTERVENE" IS TOPIC AT JAUREZ MADERO IS SILENT sits hi: can makk .no htatk. Ml. NT I'NTII. IIK HKKH THE OK DUAL REPORT OF TIIK TOII-' IIION THOt'lll.K ttnliril Preas Service. Ill, PAHO, Toin, Mny 2 4. Uneon Hriui'l rumor of American Intorvon-. linn ni tin' "l' lllr "I dUcusalnnl to.l.i) In Madrm's ramp. Madoro nirikc no stntciimil regarding lit J Tm I "in Massacre, nml It Ii generally iih(ImI Ii.v nrin- mm hero and nl Hint Antonio Hint It I tin report nl Jspiiucnn being slain I conflllui'd the iiiUiiiIii will demand mi American In Icrw ntlon'ln guarantee) Iho and'ly of tin' Jnp. Tim limiirgonta nt Jniirot mo rent I ii Tlu.i- nnt itriiliirlnif I hit tiroai'iit . . . .1.1... fl... .-il.... .. .ft... li...'"" 11WI II. IIJ. Ill" biihui in iiii. ,i,irT-i Iran rintom nfllrlnl In permitting! ammunition nml nrin l rroa th' border l rrlllrlaed mi itrciinnt nt I tic ftii l tint thesn Hill ho Hint aRnlnst' llo AiiHTlcan iriMipn If Aiiiorlm In. tuv.iua. Madrro linn ilwllnril lo makn n inn mint n In tho iMMalhllliy of Aliii-rlinii liitorvi'iitlun until ho oo I lir niilrlnl roporl of Iho Tiirioon tuna- Hlnlo Olrott hna di-nnlloly dorldod lo iiur It la irolinhlft that n hiimiiImt innkp tiao of Iho 13,000 appropriated of lh" Mnitno fniully will kii lo Tor- by Iho lad li-Klilnlnro for tho llialnl t on let Ion n( n now olotor In tho cnpltol Mmli'to la nwnltliiK new from llio, ImllilliiK. mid will bt'itln iirvixrntlon inpiiol ii'KiirillnK Iho Ilia rvalmn to lour out Hm old mnrhlnor)' nnd t'on hlrh will Im Iho algnal for hi in In ili-patt (or tho capital. RERD TO RE SOUTHERN TFMMMII CM TMHHf ' Material I'OltTI.AND, May 34 fur Iho Crooked Ithor Inldao I now nnlvliiK (mm tho Kaal, and I'realdent . C It iirav..fih.nrl,. Trm.ii .i.im I t. (lrn of the Oron Trunk Mated' tlil ninrtilnR that tho Mtrncturo will Ii remly for tho opernllon of train In iiIhiiiI ullioiy ilii). Tho brldRo lll ho one of Iho IiIrIiikI In tho kinlil nml wilt bo nil utovl and run ('Ii Tho trnrk Im boon laid to I'io luldRo lownrd llenil. Ilonil will be the aoutheru fr n Innl of tho Oregon Trunk, nod we do imt plnn nny feeder for tho pre nit nld Mr, llrny Ihla niornliiR, but fi'i'ili'i and further oxtendon will bo it 1. 1 imai-ti when Inteiter lake n deep i'i Intoroat In railroad ronatritrllnn." 1ST LEAVE SUGAR . TRUST "CARTAGE" ALOW , of tho Indltutlon and aovernl red- dent ot iho city left thU mornliiR on Hulled Pre. BarvlM. ,n ,,,. winemn tor tho ttudonta' WAHIIINUTON, May 84 Tho newnnmml criil.o on Upper Klamath mint of commerce ha enjoined tho Lake. It I the Intention of the par coiiinieirit commltalnn for Interfering tiy to atop at llocky Point tor a picnic. lth the Sugar Truat arrangement i Theo ttxenralona are nlwa) highly llli rnllrond In New "York, whereby enjoyable, nnd nro looked lorwurd to It icrelvod an nllowance for "cart-1 during the entire nchool year. ro,". Thu Federal Sugar Itoflnlng1 mmpnny linn been (Ightlng tho raan IIKAITII OK AI'HTBIAN for )enrN, mid won before the com- lU'l.Wl VNHATIHKACTtmY inereo court. It I repotted Hint tho decl.lou Is VIKNNA. My 24. Notwllliatand nitn half n mliiinn onriv to thollint iho reauurlng oftlclil rcporta eon- trimt. i Federal Marshal Coming For Youth lo Stole the Hiiro Allbrlghl, tho youth who waa. nrreited by Deputy BhcrlR lUrry ' reni non of Keno Sunday, and bound over yeatorday for tho theft of niton. . .eh. aonnara m im in had nttiiht. Sunday afternoon Allbrlghf wa for Ihla ovonlng a United SUtea mnr.!nrrMlcd by Pearaon for tho theft ot fnui i coming from Portland to tako "Im there for a trial on a ebarge of Puilolnlng government property. Huverai dayw ago Allbrlght atole Hi" watch of hit roommate and pawnod It at Motachenbacher'e aecond hand atore. He then dltappeared, nml Saturday he atole a government (IAN COMPAXV OKKI(-AI.H Wll.l. ARRIVE TOMORROW William Clarke Crittenden, tint ut tin hi' representing lint Itili'rcntH nt (li W I' lloarrtmnn i'(iiiiihiiv In Oil Ifoililii, some iithur ngtntH of the imnpnny unil poualbl)- V. P. Ilosril mini himself, will iirtlvo In Klamath Pull nn Inuioirnw iiIkIiI'n uisscui:ar In Inkit it Urn matter of thu fran ililse granted liy tli city tutinrll nil J approved liy M)(ir Sanderson I HEARST PREOICTS VICTORY FOR DEMOCRATS III 1912 United Pro Hervlrn NEW YOHK. Mny 21 Wllllnm llniiilnili 1 1 in rut today sailed fur Knii)iit, Ho wi) hi' hollo c thu democrat will win next )enr lirrnuae lot tin Reed record Iho home l mak- llinrt nlxi pralaod Wilson, llr tnnii nml Clark When itHkcil If Im would lnt n pioaldoutlnl candidate, tin iiillnl, "I ran'l say m In Hint," " NKW M.KVATOII Wll.li UK lU'lim IX HTATK IMU'HK'n HAI.KM, Mny 2t. Kcrretary 0r Im.tall the new I in onier to removo n mrit. air mni In iho baaement of ihn bulldliiK. Itl.,,.,1,,,, hpn ,,y Maor Sandemon In will bo nrea.ry lo iiur up n portion I . h nrdlnanf- ,B.B- . of tho lower floor, which will roat the lain In the nelxhborhood of 1200. Wlielhir II will ho ndvlubto to tear "l " floor for n I7S0 air tank la n iliteatlou with Iho awrelary. nnd hrl,., ,,,,, . ,hl, ,,. ..w....!.,, .nij limy di-cldo lo leavo 11 In poaltlon. fllhouKh nwlea. when the new elevn ir u in.ialled. JOI HAIWMIAX NAMKII ,,, .v,i.nianiiii.Hw I.OS ANdKI.KH, May 24. Job Hnrrltnnu, u well known attorney, ha been named na the aiMinliat inndldate for iiik)iir of Ihla rlly. A full tlrket of rniiillilnlo for ill) offlroa waa nn innl nttd Mtltlon will be Immmll Htely placed In rlrculatlnn, n re inlred by the prlmnry elofllon law. Mr. Ilnrrlman I one ot tho attor not emplo)ed by tho dofeno In the rnx iiRalnat John nnd Jnme McXa- main. He I alo the IcrbI rcpreien Iptho of several labor omanltatlona. ' lllf.ll SCHOOL HTl'IIKNTH OX ANXt'Ali KXCl'llHIOX Nearly till '( tho aludent o( tho liluh achool. member of tlio faculty .corning tho empernrV health, there la Government Horse how, aaddlo and Urldlo from Frltt KMil, who keep tho headgate for tho reclamation aorvico i onippma' the watch, and whon Sheriff Barnes phoned a description of the horso and aaddlo, boating tho "U. 8." brand, Pearson found that he had captured a double offender. As tho federal authorities Intend to prosocuto All bright, tho county will turn the prla onor over to the marahal. ii feeling (tint liU imidltloii Im less mil Ufiu lory than loportod. The new Hint I'rofi'HKor t'ousarr hud puld n inofcHNlotiiil visit lo thu emperor re-niiII'-iI In weakening of the houmo, MEXICANS PLAN TO BEAT BRYCE WHOLESALE EXTERMINATION' OK HKIIKIM AT TIA Jl'ANA 1H I'htN.MIIl IIV A PARTY OK MKX. H.'AXH AT HAN DIEGO United Pre Hcrrlee. HAN DIK'IO, Mny 34. It U report oil thut fifti) Mexican hero iiro ready to slip across tlio border over mtig KU'lV trull In attack tho roboU at Tin Jnnna under Oonurnl llr)ro. It In uld Ihoy ilan to rn-opcrnlo with a forco from tlio omt, and to nnnlhllntc the rcholH. Tlio Ktoninor Kan DIi'ko arrived to day from Knoonadn with right rfu koom, thu unmlli'M nutnlirr Rlncu tho wnr hcKiin, Knncnodn incrdinntH nrn mill atilipltiK their morchandlro hnro, fonrlnK n robe) uttnek hourly, To Tnko l'i Wool ItrtUInn WAHIIINUTON, Mny 21. Con jxroaainnn lliirknon of TvxnH lim colloj rauriiH of Iho hoimo democrat for noon on Juno in, lo ronimer tne pro- poked rotlalnn of tho wool trhcdulc. BAND SEREMDES CUi md MYM mm T .hn ,h.,. n,lt,r.ri.iinn r ihn franrhlao lo the W. K. Doardman romimny for a aa plant In thla city, tho membem oftho Klamath Fall llllliitf I.bh.I lakt nliitit niarrhiul In llni,,.r, everil ,,endld nelectlonf. lTho)mh ,, took Mr, Sandenwn com- I.. .... .... .. .i. i pil'ieiy uy nuririitv. lie wna iiuuv ihu i t11K nppriatlve. and In n well word- ed Utile peech he exprcwed hi n,..v. llefoto roIiik to tho HanderHUi homo tho band hnd Korenated the re Idtnro of Herbert 8. Cinne, attorney for tho Rn Kople, who wa o In alruuieulnl In celling iho bill pned. Mr. (.'raiio nrrouipnnled Iho band to tho Sanderon home. POOLE IMEARTHS 010 TII PISTOL AT HOW While working ut hi placo on IIIrIi Mtnet, J. I.. I'oole, nn old rctl- dent of Klamalh Fall, dug up a relic that I decidedly unique. A Rlanco at the weapon would lead nno to bellovo thut a flint lock hnd been found, on nccount of the ahnpo of tho itock, bill ukiii examination one find that the weapon wn onco un old army Springfield, the barrel and stock of Hhlcli had been cuwed down nnd tho rear alRht moved to make n plitnl but of It. Tho old firearm la now at the KUmnth barber ahop, whero Mr. Poole ha neveral curio on oxhl bltlnn. KHA.IKIt'H OKKICK IH IN TIIK HKXATK CliOAKROOM HAI.KM, May 24. When C. 1) Fratlor, tho newly nppolnted atato ptirchailng ngent, called at the cap Itol tail Saturday ho wh vhown to hi new ofneo In a cloak room In tho rear of tho aennto chamber, with barely enniiRh ipnce to tnitnll n imnll deik. Thl I tho only nvallablo room in tho building, according to tho accrc tnry of mate. Mr, Fratlor line been promlaed largo quartom In the evont tho tate prlntor la compelled to va cate, but until that tlmp ho inuat make tho boat of hla aaalgnment. I'l-niHIXO KKAIIED IN LMUOXi TROOPS AND SHIPS SENT United Press Sesrtee WASHINGTON, May 14. Charge d'Analres Lorrllard at Lisbon cables that four warships' and two additional regiments aro to be sent to Northern Portugal Id anticipation of a mon archist le uprising. IMPORTANT BILLS PASS THE COUNCIL )4lKt-AI, MKKTINO VKHTKItllAY AITKIINfMlN WAH A lll'HY OXK. AMI .MANY XX.VT OVKIt MAT. TKIIH WKIIK L'liKANKII VV The ordinance providing (or a third aewer unit, the ono providing for tho liaiiniuc of 130,000 bond for a city hull uud llio oidluimcu for tho pur chaae of two garbage alien, all of which carried emergency ctaune. wen1 pnHed at the meeting of the city council held at 5:1.', )ettcrday afternoon. Tho matter of holding n .apcclal election lo voto on city hall and gar bage ltv queatloni, iilno on ihe pur chuao of two lot at the corner of Walnut nnd Fifth for a alto for the city hull tnme up, and tho ordinance placing the date nt June 10th wa iitinxl. Following aro the election officer appeinted: Kiel H'anl Judge O. A. Htenrn. P. Drloton- Meln, Jamea Straw. Clerk Frank Armstrong and F. K. Htahlman. Polling placo Navigation building. Hccom) Ward Judgoit John Fountain, Chai. Ient, J. I.. Fielder. Clerk Harry rjalarnraux and W. 8. Slough. Polling place City ball. Third Ward Judge J. A. Ilaydcn, W. T. Bhlve, A. A. MohafcTey. Clerk C. K. Brandenburg, D. S. Urlgaby. Polling place Oregory'a ofllce. FtwrtliWard Judgea C. W. Thoraai, E. B. Ramiby. W. S. Wiley. Clerk O. D. Frank. J. W. Roaa. Polling place Bath bouae. Frfeh Wafd Judgea Wm. Jamlion, I.. J. Rein- hart, M. R. Doty. Clcrka A. Logan, N. Marahan. Polling place Falrviow ttorc. Knglnecr Zumwalt furnUhed a re- IHirt on the readjuatment of tho fewer aaeHment In the flrat unit. designating the property lo bo re leased from lien, on account of Ita being Impouillile to connect with tho Newer tcin. Tho council then In wtrucled the city recorder to collect the other outttandlng aueuments or ell the liens, In order to ralo nit the money poislblo for Third unit (onstructlon. Tho next meeting ot the council will be on Monday. Juno Sth. when tho now member of the council will Inke their weal. TAKT TAKES IP THK IIAXKKHH' PAKItOX HKOl'KHTH United Presa Sorvlco WASIIINUTON, Mny 24. Presi dent Tntt ha decided to tako final action on the pardon request of tho banker. John It. Walsh and Charles W. Morse. Ho I holding n confer ence with Attorney General Wicker ham today. The derision will be an nounced tomorrow. HERRV DUVEEH FIRED t15,000RY MRIR United Presa Service NEW YORK, May 24. Federal Judgo Martin today fined. Henry Du veen 116,000. llo waa not placed In Jail on account of III health. Tho Judgo positioned action la tho llenjamln Duvoen case, until tomor row, to permit tho counsel for the de fense lo file additional paper. HAIL ROUTE TO SNAR TO BE RESjHRED JULY 1 Congressman W. C. Hawley ot this district recently took up tho matter of resuming tho star mall service be tween Klamath Falls and 8wan, and tho postofflco department announces that the sorvlco will begin July 1st. Advertisements for bids for carrying the mall aro now posted. The program outlined for the carry ing the mall will give Swan weekly service with this city. Leaving Swan at 7:90 Friday mornings, tha mall carrier will arrive In Klamath Falls at noon. Two hour later he will leave on (iIh ictnrii trip, getting to LI destination nt 0:30 n. m. This neivlcn wn lined until u short tlmt? ago, when It wax 'discontinued. NINES CHEERED BY LOMBERMEN IIKChAIIKH IIIMHKXK IXXOCKNT OK. MlltlMK.lt CIIARflKH, AND IIOAHTH TIIK DAILY PAPKR8 KOIt HTATKMKXTH OX TREATY United Pros Service CIIICAOO, May 24 Edward IflnM wai cheered by the ninth convention of tho National Lumber Commission association today when he declared himself guiltless of tho Lorrlmer charge. In the opening address It. A. Long of Kansas City declared that bo wa suru of lllnea' vindication. He inti mated that lllnea wa not a candi date for re-election. lllnea in hi talk, said: "I absolutely deny tho charges. I nm innocent or tbeno wrongful acts. I liavu no apology to make for my conduct a an Individual or as an offi cer of this association. A special at tack has been made upon the lumber Interest regarding the reciprocity treaty by tho newspaper because the lumber Interests will not ndvertlne In tho dally press." iHfl Of SCHOOL MAW TrOtSEWHffPEO IT WOtUR OANEY. Kans.. May 34. Mrs. W. A. Haynev, wife of tho pastor of tho Christian church here, publicly borae w binned Daniel Plowman, a widely known dairyman and menber of the Cuney school board. Mr. Plowman sworo out a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Iln)ne and her son, who accom panied her. Tho trouble, grow out of a fight iivui- the election of school board. Mrs. linyne wrote a communication to . local paper concerning the elec tion. Plowmnn posted tho clipped eciiiiimnication In the window of his store. Mid appended the words, "Sho r;.y the I a religion woman." Mr llayne entered the Plowman store and demanded that tho clipping bo removed. Plowman refused. Then Mi. H.iyues nttacked him with n ilillu whip. IACCAIAURATE SERVICE AT HKH SCHOOL SHRBAY Sunday morning ut 1 1 o'clock, tho Senior i-liu will hold Ita baccalau reate service in thu assembly room of tho high school. Following is the program nvranged fer: Music Song Congregation Scripture Reading . . Rev.J.II.Everett Prayer Rev. Geo. Foeso Song ..., Congregation Music Qirls' Glee Club Sermon "A Voice or an. Echo, WhlchT" .,.. Rev. C. II. Hlltou Song Congregation Benediction Has Ooae to Salt Lake A. L. Stanley, who for some time has been holding down tha llaetyae niacbtno on tbo Chronicle, left this morning for Salt Lake City to tako chnrgo of tho machlnea In a Job oflce In that city. Mr. Stanley baa made many friend whllo living In Klam ath Falls, and promisee to come back to visit them some tlmo during tho summer, when ho will also take In tho beauties ot Crater Lake ahd Other points ot Interest In the county dur ing ft nionts outing trip. i Ills placo on the Chrlnodo ataf haa been filled by Miss Bee Weyman of Sacramento. " FORMER HKSIDKNT OF TOWN IH HERE FOR SHORT VISIT J. B. Auten. at one time a hotel man In this city, but who' la now a well known Lakevlow hardware mar chant, came in today with hla family from the Lake county metrbpolta to attend to bitalaaaa. mattara.and-vlalt for a few days.'He sees many, chaagea aad la greatly Impressed with the nav- Ing work outllaedT CONNORS BEFORE GRAND JURY IIROOMIIAXDLK FACTORY U DKHTROYKD IIY FLAMES MAKSHFIELD, Ore., May 24. Tho broom handle factor)' at Ban don ha been entirely destroyed by lire. The plant was owned by O. A. Trowbridge and A. McNair. Two horses In a ahed adjoining tho building were cremated In the Arc. Tlicro wan llttlo Insurance on the building, and the Iom U about lio.eoo: FATAL RESULT OF RJiVRtU OVER A POKER 6AK UNIONTOWN, Peon.. May 14. A quarrel over a pokor game resulted la one man being killed and another Do ing wounded at tho Sunshine Coko works. Three brothers named Log wabaca were playing with Frank Pe can and Frank Rinlte. The latter charged one of tho brothers with holding out cards, and It Is alleged Logwabaca drew a revolver nnd killed Pecan and shot Rinlte In tho right leg. The brothers escaped. Ml'ICIDU FAILURE WITH ROPE. DRVO. FILE. RAZOR DENVER, May 24. Three times within as many hours, and for thu fourth time In a week, Warren Cross, a carpenter, SO years old, tried to take his life. llo Is at the county hospital where, It is said, he will recover. Cross slashed his wrist with a rator, soon nfter drank a quantity ot llnlmeat bo supposed was 'poisonous, aad then tubbed himself with a lie. A week ago he attempted to baag himself la the city Jail, bat jaraa cat down before bo had succeeded In tak ing his life. Despondency over tho fact that his wife had commenced suit for divorce against him is given na the reason for Cross' disinclina tion to live. Shaft llrokrn on Irrcdms J. Frank Adams, the well known Merrill ranchman nnd horseman, was called to tho city thi morning by an accident on hta dredge, which I working on the extensive improve ments bolng niado on Senator Weed's property on the Upper Lake. A couple ot days ago a shaft was broken on the dredge, and In Mr. Adam absence a new one waa or dered by freight from San Francisco, Nut this morning Mr. Adams ordm-ed tho necessary piece, weighing about 300 pounds, by telegraph, to como by tpn-s, and in a couple of days tbo piece will be here and work will bo r'Mimed. J. II. Ilobb. T. F. McLaughlin sud II. II. Iloyt were among tha Mer rill people who were registered at the Lakeside Inn Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Thomas and daughter or Colvllle". Wash., aro among today' guests nt thu Liver more. John Clnnton and V. O. Kiwln, two Bonanza residents; wcro. visitor In the city today. P. I.. Carlson, a well known resi dent of Odessa waa among yester day's visitors In Klamath Falls. Kuykendall Investigating Case of Murderous Mexican Carver District Attorney D. V. Kuykendall, SHslsted by Chief ot Police Towneand, U today making an Investigation; into tho carving attray 01 yeateraay aiwr noon, When J. vicuna ana juan reres were slashed up by Nlaclo Verreco, who wielded a butcher knife. The particulars of the cause ot tha case are hard to get, but Kuykendall la working like a Trojan. Tha cause of the melee la said to have been a game of cards at the Mex ican teats on Klamath avenue, near Seventh treat, and n few toe many Jelta of meacal, or some other com- APPEARS DID HE CONFESS? NO DKFIXITK MTATKMEXT IN ItK OAKD TO THIS CAN HE M AUK. AH NO OXK WILL CONFIRM TIIK REPORT United Presa Service i LOS ANOELE8, May 24. Conaer waa taken before the grand Jury to day. Despite the fact that he U raid to have confessed, no oaa eaa be found who will say the report la true. Deputy District Attorney Horton, who did tbo quitting, will aot aay. Thai Conners could sot have possi bly have taken any part la the wreck ing of the Times bulldlag was proved, a bo waa Jailed from September tth to October Sltb, aad the Times hand ing was wrecked during the fret of October. The fact that Connors and Parkn :rr. sis hours before the grand Jan and Ortle McMaalgal oaly thirty min utes, makes tho Interested laborlt" hellevo that McManlgal made ao iron fcsslon. Mrs. Ella Musgrave, who. It Is al leged, waa preparing to accompany Connors to Seattle when arrested, wilt be quitted this afternoon. LotsisTHlr Is Xest United Press Sarriee ATLANTA CITY. N. J.. May . Louisville waa today choeem aa the next city for the Northern Presby terian Assembly. J. F. Hlckey aad C. C. Weadel! of Duasmulr are among today's vietters In Klamath Falla. MRU SELL KERR SITE TO WATERJBERS ASS1 WASHINGTON. May 24. Retre scntatlvo Hawley Is urging tho later lor department to sell to the Klamath Water Users' Association a tract of the Klamath project on which la lo cated a valuable power site. Thl land was ordored sold at public auc tion, but the settlers protested, and the Water Users' Association ofered to buy It back at Ihe price which waa originally paid for it by the govern ment, with Interest. The government has na use for this power, bat the settlers believe la time it may be es sential for pumping water on to high lands, and if sold now to some private parly may not be available. 0L0 RAR'S ASSA1ART ROT RARLY PRRSRR LAKEVIEW. May 24. Circuit, Judgo Henry L. Benson seateaeed James (Bud) Graves, who pleaded stilly of assault on Jamea Methane, an elderly man, some time ago, to pay a lino of ISO and serve sis moatka In Jail, after paroling tho prisoner dur ing good behavior. The assault was a most brutal one. and the Injured raau claims that the defendant used bras knuckles on him, Inflicting Injuries that aro al leged to be permanent. l pound, under tho belt of Verreco, who Is considered somewhat of a bad man by mombera of tho eatoay. Wlthout any apparent eauee Ver reco Is said to have ordered hla two. companions from the teat, and aa they ( seemed to want to reason tne btmhmt wlth him, he atUcked them with a butchor knife In lieu ot a sUletto. aVK fore they could Sea to aatety, VldaMaj waa gashed deeply la tho aeak Md the c. left eheek of Peres waa aiaaaty ,tbij, -x authorities were noUSed. aad tho a! WV allant Wm6.$t. ' .'' His hearing naa not, yst smvs, v - i,,r'Si 'H '&l M wV :'. fn"'