fcl taming t nvrrMicn mr tub xoiivmnnnM ov DNITKII I'llNM NMW RMVIOH iNTnwATioifAi mnra Kir id Vt-r .' M" KLAMATH KAI.LH, ORKflON. WUIINKMHAV, MAV 17, 1011 STREET RAILWAY CO. WOULD ENTER CITY $b Hrrali.. ASK FOR YEAR ptnaei mod h)' llm Alilmlcun AlitMloy. AllF TO APPI Y SOON'" """H-lntluti. of which the Iltichx I AM. IV Tri.1 'vvl"1Htovound llnngo tnniinuy Nidi Ionic it n iiu'IiiIiit. KAnTKIlN CAPITAL AORKKM TO IUII.ll LINK IV KOl'lt MO.NTHH IPIlUtYrK.ll A KHANCMIHK Hill M.M-ntH' street iiaii.wav ... ........ a....... -., ; ,, , ; Into aonnto by n voto of Ihlrty.four CmliT I ho name f Iho Klamath "' "'levwi today paaaed u resolution Kill Htrcet llallwny rotiiiany, or criticising Judgo I'ottli for his decl mm. liiilliir tltlo. a iiumbor of Kal- 'I"" " '"' Tllilon case, rin rapltallal will soon mako appll- rr.lim f..r flfl) )iars' franrhla., for ,,.- iurMllr n.UIUA the walnlenanr- ami operation of an 1M1TII IHC L PlWIlC .lirlr .irrot lar line III KlatnaHi'RUIs-Hill rlflllUL 11111110 Full. Tlil avndlrato owns ami !-, crates atieel car lino In sovernl Oro gun rllU-a nmt towns, ami hna riimlil." cialilo iiimioy behind It, llittint H Crane I allornoy for th(i .ymllmlr, ami to u Herald irpro imtatUo thla morning ho staled that lie, .....,...) will dopoall a i Chock for !M.O00 wlh tho city, which thoyw II til Ml If they do not complete Ihell lino and hno rara In oporatlon with. th four imnilha from tho time tho city rounrll crania a franrhlao, rune further ttatod that lie won 'll) fur tho franchlao at aa rnrly n dale u Haildo. Tho Kailern men Ittir it id Imto boon In Klamath Knlla fiifeernl daa liMklnir over tho field, iml I hey del that tho Kmwlh of thu loan Kill bo anrh na In demand tho Ifninllatoninttrncllon of a a! reel rar1 jatfin horo, ' MrTV NKW nmTAIi IIANKHTO UK OI'KNKII WARIIINOTON. May IT. I'oat.i maitrr-iteneral llltrhrnik will deal; nato Dfty imatal aavliiR banka Ihl eek. makliiK n total of 170 In of' Ittince Hereafter hotwvvn ISO audi :on iepoiorlo will bo dealanaled rwy mniiili. t r Hlichrork hopoa to havo more 1I..1U so.nofr rnnnliiKln tho nvit two' " He Intenila to atari una at een liuilie). order iifRm In tho conn H) If I'micreaa will approprlalo tho finida iim-aanry next )oar. .r.r,iiiiK 10 nRtiroa cornpiiw ai . A ,U). , n fl.arcl tnBl hp lie H.ial dopartmont I ho annual wo( no, v , w h,.r. 0. Rcd liH.lmaa of iho 60.000 banka would d. waa iitombcr of Iho bulldlns firm animini to moro than IS00.00O.00U. f fi r0CB whrh nM , Tin ae nmiroa aro baawl on tho ratio ,ronncnl , Northern California of iho banka In ollonro to lhi Ppii'!rr twonty-nvo yoaw. Doath waa duo I on of tho lowna In which thoy aro , ,nR H,njnK hort lroublo. to bo located , V I IVIL ACTION IIV l,l(MI,K(TOII.KIU.KI lll-CKH HTOVK (XIMl'ANV IIV UUNAWAV IIOIMR HT I.OUIH. May 17. Thn llucks OHOVII.I.K. May 17. Napoleon Rioo and llangu company will not In- Hlmmons, a piosoector of Newhope, llltiio civil action against Bamueliwas almost Instantly killed hero by 0itnpirs, John Mitchell and Frank) being thrown from n buggy. 81m Morrlaon, according lo V. N. Oardoer. n ona with a follow prospector waa tliulrman of tho board. ( passing through Orovlllo on his way Ho said tho company and Iho ff4ito iho mountains. Whllo In tho very ration of Ubor wero on friendly . cvnlor of Iho business district tho an Icrui. Tho case derided by Iho su. Imal ho waa driving became frighten Pieinii court of thn United Statea was ed and started lo run. Rlmmoui waa Government Furnishes a Launch For Klamath Lake Game Protection I'OUTLAND, May 'if. Praaldontllt-ng tlmo In getting around lo It. but William I, Klnloy of tho Oregon Au- wllh l soiling asldo of tho Clear J-..,,, society, rocouod word WZZZtoX ""in iho ITnltod Slates dopartmont of. iunri, fr tho gamo warden wo KRflculturu that tho government hna "t iiMitio Goo for tho purchase of n Isitneh to ho used an Lower Klamath Uko reservation for tho gamo war den, "This I gratifying." said Mr. Kin y. "aa It la an Indication that tho lovernmont la beginning to reallio the Importance of gamo protection In (no I'oclfio Northwest, Tho co-opera-Ion or the government with Oregon id California will accomplish an nnrmous good In tho protection of theso vast breeding plaeea In tbe re lion of Klamath, Clear and Tula lakes, The government baa been a FIFTY FRANCHISE sury before tln government tan start dn-dglng thi' channel. ILI.INOIM HKKATOIIM l( ( lX,M(li., t lirtt die dredging of t CKVMI'HK JI'IHJK I'l-rrriTJih,. Mine lalnud channel will bo com- memod nt thu Mth tlmo thai llm United Proas Henrico i wrk In Hitn Pablo la houun. MIIMS.'IH.MI.'t.ll III. tv- ir TI.. tOINAIICE PASSEO 0. K. At Tnoaila) nlloriiiMin'a niiflnlj liicrllni: of tho til) rounrll the ordl naiiro prinlliiK for tho piuliiK of Klumalli iitomio Hiid tho iHirtloua of Cr( . -,,,, , pfUi HfBi ,.,,.,,, ,, NM , le.Mi Main at i eel unit Klamath ni mie. raino up for lli.nl rondlnx and tll(itMI MIDI II i--a- I tllU 11111111 ,M,",,,,W r ' lh" 1M """,rllm,,a I Mill ,-art, ' adoption, mid Ii paaaod by thu nnanl. ploaont. AiiDlliei mailer takoti up nt thla, meeting waa tho ralalmc of tho uraik of Main alreet near tho brldiio. Thla' h oiorliiliy aoiiKht by tho piuHrty' ownora on tho north aide of tho atrret. aa their proin-rty la at proaont quite a wa abtito tho alteet level. Kn kIiuit .iimwalt waa Inalrtirled to mako ohacrvatlona of what would bo advlaahlo In tho mailer, and to report M the neil moi-tlns of tho rounrll. iiJOY T SEEING DAUGHTER MUSES FATHER'S DEATH IIKDDINd. May 17 Oorjo)od at aooliiK hla fawirllo datiRhtor, Mia Inriotla Holt, student In Slnuford nnlreralty, who nrrlod hero thla ovo nlntt. Jaa. It. Holt dlod In her nnnn 'ii r.. mlnnlea nfter lior arrival. nro much encouraged. m 'war aao the National association of Audu bon societies, aeolng tho Imiiortanro oi protecting tho bird In this part of tho country, pieaontcti a iuw ibuhcu. hich haa boon usotl on Klamath Lake. Thla will now bo removed to Upper Klamath Lake. "With tho IntroduotJou of rail. raada and tho advanco of civilisation tho groat gamo proaorvca of tbla re gion would bo doomed It ome con ceited action such aa tho Audubon ooletlea bavo urged and tho govern, meat Ii now beginning to take up were not brought about." thrown headlong mini thorite. nd his akull n fractured. Ho wiih 53 years (if ligo. UOVI.'lt.VMKNT MCGINN THK HAN PAULO IIAV WORK MAKi: IHI.ANI), May 17. Tbo war depiutiiiiiil lian lit Inst sent cnglnocrs to Han I'"1'!" "y " nkn oundlDg mi11 "iafcu 'irw)s In ' vicinity of thn I'lnole aholc. This work isnrecs- Hail Ho Onylit lit Auto? I) II. Camph.MI lit'. J ii at iiiirchai.ui n l.'.odel 21" flto I'liraoiiRor RntcV ii'itomobllo, mil it 'mining haw nr-wt glim to the p.il.llc Hint hn will l'.:i login Inking Ii'm-tim In operatlni: thi) ear If joii koi mi) thing unuiiiiil ilhriiig on Mnlu or Klamath slr.-eyr. It v.inlld bo well to (all. lo the woiit', fur "CpmpliolU c:o finiltiK " THINGS MOVE AT RATTLESNAKE PT. HAWMII.I. IU-NNINO HU IIMHT, IIOl'HKH IIKINU IIUII.T. HTOIIK TO UK HTAIITKII, ANII HAH ItOAU NI'l'IIM I'lT IN I). II. Campbell returned yeatvrday fiom hla anwmlll ut Kattloanako Point or, aa It la printed on Iho new ma pa, Itallbrork I'olnl. CampboH'a new mill la now runulnn with n full force nnd U.tuttlnR botwtvn 20,000 and ::.,i)i)0 fwt of lumber dally. Thirty men nro emio)od at tho mill. Kiittlornakv I'olnt In becomlnK quite a aettlcmcnt. Mr. Campbell haa botwii'ti forty nnd fifty arroa along tbo Inko, whlrh la uacd for the mill alio, aide Irncka mid for tho piling of lumber. Tho uradlnK for 1,135 fret of railroad apura haa been completed, nnd la now ready for tho atool. Mr. Campbell Ik hnlliK lOVen houvea ii eel ed at tho mill, nnd n Kencral atoro will bo run under tho manage ment of C. II. Horry, tho gnporlntend eiit of tho plant. Tho eont ran waa let Tiiesdny to I'tmio limn forcuttlnR 8,000,000 !?rt or Iokh for the mill. Timber haa alao hna bocu purchased from tho Indian iraervnllon, nnd tho IokrIiir will hn dnuo by Joo Hall nnd Kirk. GOOD GOV'T LEAGUE IS STUDYING THE FRANCHISE At last night's meeting of tho Uood Government League, a copy of tho franchlso asked for by tho' W. K. Hoardman company for Iho operation of n gits plant horo waa read In full, and Iho different features wore dis cussed by tho mombora of tho league. A conmtltteo, consisting of C. C. Iliowor. W. II. Shaw and Mr. Town- send wero appointed by tho organlsn Hon lo mako a complete study of tho fianchlso and report Its findings to Iho league. Thla committee baa al ready taken up lis work, and tho membera havo boon engaged In loves tlgatlng Iho ordinance tho greater purt of tho day. GOVERttrEin NDERS MORE rOSTAL BANKS WABIIINOTON, May 17. Post master General Hitchcock haa an nounced the designation of forty-aov-on additional postals aavlaga depoa Uorlcs. making a total of 174 slneo January 2d. The new oftcea will be roadv to recolvo dopoalta June 19th Tbo forty-five offlcea announced n woek ago bavcroportea ium tney win be in readlnem for operation Juno let. Among the new offlcea are Medford and Pendleton. ANOTHER TRAIN IS. THE REPORT THOt'UH LOCAL AflENT HAH HK CKIVKI) NO OFFICIAL NOTICE. THK Itl'MOIt HAH (MINED COX. MHIKKAIILK CIRCULATION Tim report haa been rurront today Hint un extia pnaaenxer train wai to tm put on tho run between Weed and Klnlnnth Knlla, beglnnlnK Juno lhl. Tho report la to tho offert that an ex. Irn l to leave Wend about II o'clock, nfter No. IC arrlvoa, and reach Khun nth Knlla n little after 4. It will re turn Hut kamn evening. Tho time of No. .TH and in Ih to bo tho aaino aa at tirr-Hont. Tho local Routhorn Pacific offlco hna riot received any nfflclal notlro of tho intin train, although Agent Dnllcy Ihtnlea that ho heard the report from homo of tho employee who enmo up from Han Kr.incUco. V. J. No, ape rial mall clerk on tho Jocal, atatod laat i'enlng that an extra train waa to be I put on Juno lat. Mr. Noo Jutt camti from Ban Kranclacn, and he received hla Information there. ' It haa been expected for aomo time ,lhnt Klamath Falla would bo given miothrr train on tho branch, and tho matter waa directly dUcuaaed with tho paaacngcr department by n. number of lending men nt thla city. Home ihioo wecka ago Mr. H. O. Johnson, of tho Klamath Development compa ny, prevented nil tho facta and tho nrrvaally for better aervlcv, and waa promised that thn matter would bo Investigated. CUSSES FINISH STUDIES TODAY THK KKillTII fillAllKItM IIKCK1VK THKIH MPLOMAH, AND WOHK OK THK SCHOOL YKAH IH I'ltAC TICAI.LV COMPI.KTK.il Whoopee! School's out! About n dozen youngsters. Includ ing tho greater part of tho Herald') tarrler staff, hnvo been imparting tho above news to Tho Scribe today, but thoy do not forget lo add that tho term will not he closed till Friday. Today all studio for tho year coosed, and Krlduy tho oungstera will assem ble to got thotr report cards and learn whether or not they wero promote!. Although It Is u little bit early In tho game, several oungstora are talk ing Kerlously of going barefooted, while nearly all of them aro casting around to find a good swimming holn for tho summer. During the llm dn of spring tho boy felt them- aelvoa shamefully abused to think thai they had to stay In school and wero not given a chanco to go fishing iu often aa thoy desired, but now that tho form la completed they d6n't oeom to want to tako to old Isaac W.'it favorito pasttmo for a little bit. Tho pupils who woro auccooaful In passing the Eighth grado examina tions In thla city today aro receiving tbo diplomas that ontltlo them to en trance In any high school of tbe atato. Following nro tho successful pupils: Itlvcraldo school, Miss Edna Adams principal Loutso Donson.Viclor Dell, Oertrudo Reals, Hclon Forest,. Louis McCluro, Kenneth Murray and Paul Noel. Central school, Mtu Kelt Drew, principal Oliver Applegate, Estol Campbell, Hoy Orem, Marlon Pierian Itao Partln. Olen Remington and Hutrtley C, Smith. AMONG SECRET SOCIETIBS Tomorrow night Is "Woodmen's" night at Houston's opera house, and on that evening the Melrose company will present another of Hoyt'a great successes. "A Texas Steer." Membera of tin; V, O, W, nro aelllng many tlcketa for iho play, which la given as n bt nefll for tho order. At Ihm iilxlit'n inieilnK of Ewnuna Clrtlo No, tr,7, Women of Woodcrnft, tho follow ln ror'iia of oftlccrn was so lotted for tho enatilng lertnr I'nat (Itmrdlan Kttn M. Holler. (lunrdlan Neighbor Fninda John- I.OII. Advisor Delia llrcwbakor. Attendant Mm. Joo N. Taylor. Inside Bentlnel Clara McNeill. Outside Hentlncl Jos. McLaughlin. Magician Klltabeth Applcgate. Captain of the Guard Emma I.a 1'rnlrle. Musician Ituby Ureoly. Later In the evening a "Minstrel Hhow" was enjoyed nnd refreshments served, Tonight Is tho regular meeting night of Klamath todgo No. 99, Knights of P) thins, and Modoc Tribe No. fiO, Improved Order of Itodmcn. AMATEUR BIRDMAN FALLS TO DEATH MM ANUKI.KH AVIATOR IN HOMK. .MAIIK IUPI.AXK. IIROP8 A DIH. TANCK OK 900 FKCT WAS l.V. HTANTI.V KII.I.KD United Press Sorvlco LOS ANGELES. May 17. Addison llartle, an amntenr aviator, waa In Htnntly killed at Domlngucx Field this morning. Ho fell soventy-flvo feet, llartle was 25 years of ago. Hla rlsier Anna saw tho accident, and was thn first to reach her brother's aide. Hnrtlo went on the field this morn ing for nn experimental fight in a homo-made Curtlss biplane. Ho clr did iho field twice, each tlmo rising higher, until he nttnlned n height of 00 feet. When over thn judges' stand tho biplane swerved toward the ground. When hnlf way down It turned rudder upwnids, and tho machine becamo un manageable, careening to ono sldo and tnrnlug completely over. The unfortunate, aviator and tho wreckage struck the ground together. Hnrtlo cleared tho engine, but every bono In hU body was broken, death being Instantaneous. Hnrtlo was planning n. trip to Can ada with his marblno aa soon aa bo received permission to compoto In ex hibition. TENS GOVERNING THE SALE OF KENO SITE Several Inquiries made In regard to the terms to bo required by the gov ernment at tho auction sale of land near Konn to bo held on May Jth at tho local offlco of tho reclamation ser vice, ahow that further information Is desired regarding the term to be re quired at tho sale. Tho water right permit will bo as signed to tho purchaser by tbo United Statea, and 30 per cent of the pur. chaoo price will bo required In cash at Iho tlmo of sale, tho balanco to bo paid In thirty days, It satisfactory se curity for such payment la supplied by tho purchaser. Yours truly, W. W. PATCH, Project Engineer. DREGDN CITY MAN IS IMPRESSED HITN TOW) Chauncey B, Ramsby, for four yvara county recorder of Clackamas county, arrived In thu city last night fiom Oregon City to visit his undo, E. B. Ramsby, and to look over Klam ath county, with a view to locating. Under the guldanco of hla unete he Is seeing tbe town and letting the glad hand from our cltlsena today. Mr. Ramsay la favorably Impressed with Klamath Falls, and aayataat he WaKron, the other rouadlssa prvs Is thinking very serlouily of locating, ent, cast a distorting. tote;, .H. Mated CARROLL ACQUITTED BY LAKE CO. JURY During tbo remulndcr of the week he I Intends to got out and see tho country. I ONG DELIBERATION I.lakejr Can RctMrn Hherlff W. II. Darnes I In rtedpt of a letter from Governor WMt, In regard to Charles Ltskey, who was sent to tho penitentiary from thli county, and who wag later pardoned with the understanding that ha was rot to return to Klamath county, la Mr letter tho gorernor grants LIskoy toil days to return hero to attend to poisonnl affairs. BULLET IN HEART STOPS lAN'S ATTACK ON WtFi HAN DERNAKDINO, May 17 Just cs a hatchot In tho upraised hand of Arncl Bcdam, a mechanic in tho em ploy of tho Santa Fc railroad was about to descend upon the head of his wlfo his heart was pierced by two bul lets from tbo revolver of his son-in-law, William Brown. Sedam, seized suddenly by homi cidal mania, grasped the hatchet and leaped at his wife. Brown, bearing her screams, rushed to her rescue. Ho 11 red onco to frighten tho maniac, and when this failed to stay him in bis murderous purpose turned the revol ver upon him. Scdam's head was Injured five mouths ago, and it Ik believed that this affected bis brain. W. 11. Whitney and F. B. Blair, two well known San Francisco travel ing men, arc among Wednesday's vis itors In Klamath Falls. DIGGER DRIVES A PICK INTO DYNAMITE CACHE SACRAMENTO. May 17. Twenty five stlcka of dynamite wero uncov ered by workmen employed in exca vating for tho throe-story bnlldlng to bo erected by John Koet at Seven teenth and J streets. Ono of tbe. men broko Into the cacbo of dynamite with hla shovel after having driven hla pick through it. How tho explosive came to bo bidden where a dwelling onco stood, how long It had been there, and who placed it there aro questions which aro baffling tho police. COOK KILLS RANCH FOREMAN' ANI TAKES TO THE HILLH , SACRAMENTO. May 17 Myron Board, foreman of a ranch owned by Mrs. Josle Flight, north of this city. was shot and killed this morning by a cook employed on tho rnuch of George F. Wlttenbrock. The shooting occur red after a quarrel. Tho cook fled af ter the tragedy, and has not been seen since. Ordinance tor Gas Franchise Has Yet to Bo to Its Second Reading Tho matter of granting a gas (run-1 that If the motto.- aim left to the peo chlso o tho W. F. Boardman company pin he did not Ih'.nk tbe council had seems to bo about as far along as It any ,-lght to pass the ordinance. Thrc was lioforo It was Introduced In tho council by Councilman Marion Hanks. At jtstorday's special meeting of tho couucll Attorney Herbert u. craao in troduced an amendment to thVfrsn chlM to bo known aa section in, in which it was ttated that the matter Khmild be left to -the vote of tbe peo ple at a apodal election, and that tho franchise should become effective only after their approval. Mayor Sanderson suggested that the ordinance he passed to its second reading, and Caatel, Wlllets, Hanks Obenchaln and Stansble voted' favor ably on the motion. Mom and Faught-had loit-Juu before this, and HKCONII TRIAL OK CKLKMUTKH CAHK ItfSl'LTH IN A VICTORY KOIt THK DEKKNDANT IN THK NOTKO HHEKP-HTKALlXa CAHK Special to Tbe Herald LAKEV1EW, Mar 17. After being in court for several days, the case of tbo State of Oregon against John I). Carroll of Klamath Fall waa decided when the Jury returned at 9 o'clock lost night, after twenty-three noun or deliberation, with a verdict of not guilty to the charge of larceny by bailee. The case was tho first tried before Judgo Benson at this term of the cir cuit court, and It attracted a great deal of attention. The prosecution was conducted by District Attoraey D. V. Kuykendall and L. F. Conn. whllo C. M. O'Neill of Klamath Falls and W. I.nlr Thompson appeared for Carroll. Tho following, jurors ren dered the verdict: C. D. Hardesty. Joseph Reed, John Araser. J. F. Mayfleld, Oeorge Jammertbal, Wan. Vincent Jr.. James McDeraott, R. A. Hawkins, George Hahaer, D. F. Amlck, J. W. Harvey and J. W. Mlkel. Tho verdict of tho Jury at Lakevlew last night puts aa end tsowef'tba bitterest legal fights In tho history of Klamath county. The mala fight Is between J. Frank Adams of Merrill and John F. Carroll, and Adams charges Carroll with taking a nam .her of sheep and selling them. Ad ams took tho matter up with District I Attorney Kuykendsll, and at the Do cember session of the grand Jury an Indictment was returned against Car roll, charging him with larceny by bailee. To this charge Carroll plead not Kullty. and the case, after being set back several times, came up for trial February 27th before Circuit Judge Benson. A long list of witnesses wero Introduced by tho two sides, and it was a week before the case went to the iury. Tl.o talesmen, nfter dellt orating for thirty-seven hours , re turned to the court room without n verdict. The next phaso in the case came to light a few days later, when Attorney O'Neill, In behalf of Carroll, pet!- 't toned for a change of venue from Klamath to Lake county, claiming that on account of tbo prominence ind Influence of tbe complaining wit ness. J. Frank Adams, It would be Ini--.osslblo to secure a Jury la Klamath Falls that would bo impartial. Thin petition, after two days of arguing, was granted by Judgo Benson. B. M. Bartlett is hero from Port land on a business trip. was some argument on tho matter, uiul Waldron '.V.cn tujrgteted that tho nmtier bo left lu Ihci handa of Him pew coundl. As there wero live votes In favor of lusting, Mayor Sanderson held, as he did Monday night, that the mottcu van lost, as bo maintains that n ma jority of the membors of the whom council must veto favorably en,.t!e l iissase of aa ordinance from ita first to its second rewllnr,. Nearly ttt'or th membera of the rnundl disagreed .,.,. v- .... ,k-.l, '- ti la.. r,.t.ha. iUviiuIui aillHSl ISlt ' . Jt l l.uirned to mitre MaadBlr -hiatal- i,.. TJy tacklt tho frfWM-JpailiiejfiV'f view to settnag -- jm j .... . i s & '-,.. '(teiy$$& V. Ii . .. -. JflWirr- : j- MJ HtTWk$ti $ K C i"' , . $" yt skv lift