Hfn : r.rtt 'Y?a it .. -. i ""-JtS1 Tbe f toning irMb. si'rruicn wr in mxctxwnuvmof nmmaAnonu, mm mrviob rjua rHM wwiwiviom r 3v rmh .-i x. M KLAMATH PALLS, OKKOOX, HATl'llDAV, MAY III, 1911 riki, Vita Cm If . DISCORD OROZCO NAVARRA MAIN CAUSE mMV t.VTH IIIM KXKCLTKII, AMI IIIM MKX HACK IIIM, AMI MtKti HKMAXH Nllt F4MHI A XII HllJIKV T OXCK (tiled Vttt Hervlre JAUIIK.. May 1 3. A rebellion In Um rB of Madero'a array today re tailed III Kranelern I. Madura, thn rtWonl prcaldent, being declared aterr an rat Tln demand, and ac rrstaice n( tin- demand for the reetg Mtloa ol Madero'a cabinet, for two tetra threatened i ln destruction of MtaWa nun) itH n fighting force. Tk rrbi'lllnii slatted In tho ranke efOeaeral Oroiin, Ilia command, had jilaurlf, wade a demand on Made- "ratMl nr tinman inoej snq mwr lor Mi ruxnl Hoops. Aa Madera waa .a.t a. tlIli llii .ItMnanilM lin . UMIff lU 4iiii f - u mpii, an- Ttmm i mt(H ' no m....r manually ...IM whn tn rniiipl) with th drmanda. I TWhori'lrrit. n( iiiutlnoua men Rath-, M4 about lnniiiiiulrra, dlaperaed at Ihe iMi aDnounrenicnt, RIotlnK la reorted IniMlneat laata the liuurnent chlofa otrar (he etjMalon of (ieneral Navarro. Orotro and Villa, It la reported, ttal to riecute Navarro for hit In ktaH treatment of the wounded brkeacra, Madern aaya they mutt taatt blm before he will allow Xavar M to be eirruted. i fMrlna: that Oroaro'a trnopa will wry o tlielr threat to eietata Na- wro, Madero haa conducted the mtntral to the river. wkiM hp lartM a atream Into H Paao, NXERS BEGIN TRAINING SOON MAMMON ,IIUI.H .NKXT KROM SAX t'UANtiHCI AC'K U.NKKMUt II M'11,1, fXIMNKXCril WIIIIKINO tT Tllt'HMIlAY ' Jack l.lnkrnbach, who la to flrtht I44le Madltim of Ban Kraaclaco hero a May 30th, hat received letter Iron the 'Krlarn lad, In which lie at) he. m ) here aoaso time neat tk lo romnienie training (or thn ont. ,. win have aa hi trainer "Puisui." Cove, a faat US.pouader fioai tin. California nutropolla. Upon tarlr arrival here the two will to to ork at once. and are afterwardt ulven a "feed" by l.lnkr'nlioch aaya he Intenda to be- the co-eda. tin preliminary work on Thursday" It la Interettlna; to notlco that Jun n'lirnmiii. t.tit ho haa not let an. ' lor day up to about alK yearn ago waa icuarisi hU trainer. Link la red M favorite here, and Rht workout HI draw quite crowd, A a piillmlnary In the main bout, Tattle" Cove, who la coralag with "JIioii, haa been matched with our wkble Allen for a ten-round go. tlnlh aflkMe bo)a are faat and clever, aud inod matt h la uiccled. Allen haa 'waed up everything he haa tackled Sons of Vetrans Meet Tomorrow Night to Try Organizing a Camp At 7 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. of tiiu mombora of the Son ol VHerana, and all of thota witHled to mberaliip n thla organliadon, will M'.M the Library Club building, to Pany thn fJrand Ary aid the womwa Hellof Corpa to tke Mothcra' "t Mcrclac at Oraoe Mel tod lit "w. a cordial Invitation la ex. ""a to all vetorani mm to bo In wndance. Another thing that will be taken P t tho tamo tine will be the qutt wn of orxanltlng a Sou of Veteran "JP wro. Suok a move la earantly !lra by the brave old boy ol the ""na Army, and already thirty-all BETWEEN & MADERO slimi tliititiliiK Hit1 mils, nnil tin I niu lou in iiy corirlnNlnriM with HiIk 'Priam kid. IMtk Hfil lite Jimrl II M, Klrhardson, lourl reporter for Lake, rouiity, rume over from Klamath Kail lam week with Judge llcnton. ( Mr, HUhardton a)a Klainalli fall! a uuimwg very rnpiuiy, and realty valuation In our alatrr city on thel WmI am conatanlly on thn mow. Iln i aaya I hat Klamath la mnio active now than ever before, and that thn build Inn movement promlao n new com mrrrlal era for that territory -Lake-' view llrrald. mm m mm m MVESTIGATEO MUNICH, llavarla, May I.I. Th ovrnmrnt I. InvratUatlnic Incomu,, , J.ifcJ i..a .. '"". """" "" """ "" '" nZ ? J Z?ln 'rn "",". . , . , " :"','"" ?,"""' " I member of the llatarlan cabinet, ho on Ilia death left 9IO.flllfl.000. r'nr wentyKarayie return made h) hlm,,nnw1(. ,,, ,rlbu, Rna ,ov,. , tolheKovernmentamiuntcdonlylor',, lnulhcnt.an(1 , ,n,. rocmor. . ,:?,'?,!: v"r)lnK "' '"" "lihMi. bnu women who remained nt 000 lo 11.000,000. lilt helra are Ha ible for 1400,000 back taneo i'TUMimi if jwm HKCaf CMbI nMrirMa) 14th. forthlapurpoao. WEEK EM UlkHRlCUl The people. andeapeclBythom.n ,ol Klamath Paid, I feel auro, will fed-lnpiai Tnt rd. UMVrtBITY OK OKKOON. May J 13. The celebration of the Junior Week Knd, which ha become one of Ihe atrongeat tradltlona In the, eta dent life of the Inatllullon, la on at the unlvertlty. Cloae lo S00 vlaltom land guvata, compoaed moally of proa ! pectlve atudenta, alumni and track I athlete from the high nchooU of Ore J gnn and the unlremllli-a of Waahlng ton and Idaho, are In Kiiki'do to wit- nee and take rt In the foatlvltlca. ' Kour uuiiaiial feature mark Ihe WKKKrelihratlnn thla )ear. They an-: Tho interacnoiattic irarg ann nciu meet, In which twenD-elglit hlgli and preparatory arhoota of Oregon com- Mtei the Notthweat triangular track meet between the unlvemltlc of Ore gon. Waahlngton and Idahe: two baau ball Ramea with the Unlvertlty of Idaho, and a canoe carnival and re gatta on the hlatorlr mill rare and the Willamette Hirer, with a carnival ueen, ranoo race,"awlmmlng rant, tub rarea, diving- rontrtta, water polo and water baarball. In addition there U the utual principal feature of Jun ior Day, when all the men of the unl- veralty work Improving the rampua, for 'many rara thn occaalon for a data con teal, which ocurred annually between the Junior and Sophomore. The conte! very often bore the nan Rulnary mark of a battle. Head were tomotlmea broken and much en ergy watted. In the reform which waa Inttltuicd the aupcrfluoua ehcr glea of the rombatanta were directed Into uarful channel, and conatruct- hnvn romo forward and algnlflod lliclr Intention of joining. Thero aro tnai.y othera who havo not been reacbml. and they aro aaked to commuulcato aa toon aa poaaiblo with Harney Cbambera at the Oun Store, who In nctlve In Iho movemont. Kapeclal Plana aro being made for tho obaerv aace ot MemorUI day, and It la tho Intention ol thoee behind tho move ment for a camp to be organised by that Wno, and to participate In the tixerclaea and parade aa a body. Mr. Ckambera baa the badge and other paraphernalia neceaaary Cor the ot gaalektloa, and the badge will be worn tomorrow evening to church. h wmk on tlio ('ampuM by all tho mil n Inaugurated In place of the! i'iitmnnry acriip. .... AAllOX lllitlt'tt MAXHIOX I A MX IIKPOHK PltOUItKHH NKW YOIIK, May 'la. Anothor New York Inndniark, tho famoue Anion llurr msnalon on fllvoraldo' drive, la to ko before thn advancing llin' of modern apartment liouaoa. I Tlii mmialon, Hi) ycara old, haa bi-cu aold ut unction lo a builder, and will hit lorn down nl oiicu. Jamim Madl-. sou, President of thn Unltod States onnpled It from IHQt lo I HOC, TOMORROW IS MOWS DAY MAY HIM, UK OIINKItYKII IX KITTIXO MAXKII HY MKMI1KIM tK (JIIAMt AllMY, Tllti IIKURF fOltlt4 AXI HOXH OP VKTKIIAXH W'rar a wlillu flower tomorrow. Tomorrow la Mothcra' Day through ,,, n(f1 g,,, nnil , ,cftr,, n,r win, thU, Mayor Handeraon h.ia 'M ",0 ",,,0W",K "'n""B: Muy 13,1911 The cuato mof atltlim aaldo one day of caih )ear on which lo unite In horiii while their luubanda and broth- era wire nt Ihe front nabtlng for the'r count ry, la itmlnx Into Kitieral o'i- aervonre In thl country. The Rowrnor of thla atato haa, U .lila proclamation, dealgnatod Sunday, Kladly do all In their power to eatab lUh and maintain thla cuatom. I would aiutaeat that on thla day every mau and boy In Klamath FalM wear n white lower In honor tt hU mother, und that public obaeraee lw alon by attendloK avrrlcn at om of Ihe rhurchea of the city. K. T. 8ANOKKHOX. Mayor. A apcclal Mother' Day service It to U" held tomorrow night at Oraco Methodlat church, at which time Hpraguo I'nat, (Irund Army of the He liubllr, Hpramie Chapter, Women' i llellef forpa, and the Bona of Voter una will he tbo Riieata of honor. Tho member of theae orcanliatlona will itieot at the Library nt 7 o'clock to morrow evening, and from thero will march In n body to tho Methodlat church to hear the aermou by Itcv. (leu. Feeae. In addition to the mem ber of theae three organltatlon. the public I Invited, and It la hoped that every man In town will ace fit to honor tho memory of bit mother by wearing n white flower. KIFIEID'S DEIS ME tt6lfr THE HE OR EC6S Thero has been considerable uolng tho round of tho Mate pre regard ing the egg laid by an Albany hen, but there's one man in Klamath Knlla who doesn't ten anything so startling about tho story. "Pop" Redneld, tho popcorn merchant who 1 ao familiar to realdenta of thla city, read tho arti cle yesterday evening, and waa think ing "pretty good" to himaelf, when In ramo bis bettor half with (our egaa weighing altogetbor thirteen ounrcH. Theae egg are no slouches, either, when It cornea to else, and ono of them lacka but a half ounce ot weigh lug a quarter of a pound, "Pop" aaya that It la no uuromroo t occurrence for hi bona to lay tuch big cRgi, aa ho and hla wlfo have boon gathering them off and on for quite u whtlo In tho dally round of tho ncaU. If rackleborrlea will bring aa much i pound on tho' market aa othor fruit, ho aaya ho will apeclallto thla alxn of henfrult, but whether they will or not. ho aaya ho la auro tnat ata towta havo got tho drop on that piece of poultry at Albany, ha they lay not ono, but many, and don't even try to nun Into tho paper. The four egga gath ered last night aro at the Chamber of Commerce and Secretary Cale la con vineing the skoptlca at a great rate. O. O. Anderson and A. L. Michael, two sromlnont residents ot Dairy, aro In thla city on bttslneaa, AAIIAAI AAlaTTA VI'UIIIII I'lllLIV itllllllllll III lil ARE IMPROVING! IXHTHl'CTOII KMKJt IIKI.ll AM KXAMIXATIOX imil.li YKNTKK HA1 ArTMIXl. HOVH TO MAIICII OX IIHCOIIATIOX l)A' , Inttructor Albert B. Klder of the Department of Tactic of the gram mar tcboola. held a drill at both building yetterday aftorooon, aud on tho ahowlng made by tho younca ter. their atandlng In military (ruin ing will be graded by City Superin tendent Dunbar. The followlne wcro the flrtt five from each achool, '.lulr rtandlng being tho order named: Itlvoralde, Kloyd McMillan, first; Cecil Arteaon, second; Itosroo Ileln, tlilld; Varo Ileal, fourth; Itobert Kl llott, fifth, Central schoel: Richard Cadwell, first; CwlnR fllttlager, sec ond; Hunter I'ell, third; Iiaweronce Mnttchenbarher. feurth: Tom''Arnett, fifth. Considering the fact that tho pupil have been receiving military train ing fur only two month, the howlnj they made )eterday waa exceptional ly good, and Major Cider I to be highly complimented for hi lucceea fill effort In toachlng the lada the rudiments of warfare. Ily tliia time next )enr, the boy will be highly efficient, and will make nemo of the college cadet companies alt up and take notice. , Krlday afternoon Prof. Dunbar and Major Klder broaohed to the boys the question of marching In the Memorial Day parade and acting a an escort to the veterans, and the youngster were nearly unanlmoua In their hearty approval of aurh a atep. The week before tho exercises, the cadet will receive drill every evening on the Central school ground, In addition to the ten boy men tioned above, tho following lad aro members of the cerps: BlsvaSkaaaattadW SmsWaskekl Maurice Graves. Roy Delhn, Wayne Itcesee, Harold Wrenn. Kltowovth Me CUre, Batlll Wiru. Clarence Will lams, James Murray, Walter 'Ward, John Houston, Hon Klllott, Horatio (Irave. Kdcn Cofer, Ernest Steams, Kd Keudurcr. Will McMillan, Rd. Drlaroll, Wilbur Arnold, Clarenrc Montgomery, Harry Richardson, Earl Kverelt, Theodore Ward, Robert Turner and tleorgo Clough. Central Krhool Muhlu Landla, Laurence Sanderson, Karl Ritchie, Henry lloey, Lester Henderson, Will Melhaae, Joe Avery, Tom Owen, Karl Moume, Graham Klehl, Kred lngell, Garner Luady, Karl Hilton. Philip Jackson, Ed Cain, Donald Gllstrsp, Leo Deck, Lafe Dry- don, Arthur Meaner, Irwin Cain, Har old Uourley, Karl Humphrey, Ernest Nltsrhelm, teatcr Spark. John Mc- Andrew, Clarence Tollofaon, Ira Orem, Martin llyor. Leslie Voder, Adolph Nltachelm. Alfred Potcrson, Kugene Llukenbach, Donald Ooodrlch, loud Thomas, Kloyd Sparks, Allen Sevor, Howard Orem, Leo Johnson, Alfred Auated and Dannie Shorey. SCALP TOM) FIM HA! OF FACTORY FOft WOMI IIOBOKKN, N. J., May II. Mia Margaret Walah, a forewoman in the American Lead Pencil company's factory, la dying today of Injuries re ceived when she waa caught by the hair In a fly wheel and whirled a dot en tlmea around tho abaft. Itoforo tho machine could bo atopped It tore off her scalp and threw her uncon- kclou to the door. Mlaa Walah bad been noted for her luxuriant hair, which reached nearlv to her anklea. At tho request of aov- eral girl employee sho conaented to let down her hair for tho Inipoctlon tif hor companion during thn lunch hour. Aa aho toaaed hor hsad to freo th long strands the ends were caught by the bin- wheel and she waa carried ureamlnK nround and around th shaft. POOLE BOYS' HEARING IS CWmNl'ED TUX WlSDNsWAY Prank and Will Poole, the lada who wero arrested at Modtord and brought to this city on a chargo of stealing a' horse, were given a bearing bororo Juvenile Judge Worden this morning land while tbu story they told nbout bti)lnK I lie borne Ik believed by tho officer, they will appear before Judge' 'Worden again Widnitiduy. when wlt( inissea from Podd Hollow will bo I prcacnt. i Jildgo Worden aoyn tho bo) have realded In that section for over a! tntkt .,LIm fna tl.nl. iiwii Killiniir'l ;v,l, nifinillK m ,.,'., unil nH)lnill and that they lire apokrn of wry hlhn ly. It In iiioim than probable that the bo)H will bo aakid to iciiort at rcKiitnr ,,wiN to II probation. iilflfcr. ' II. C, Iln rt lil I la hi-n fruin Port land on n IiiikIimkm trip. FOREST REVENUE MONEY RECEIVED THKAHl'IIKII DAOtlKITOKTHTHO TIIOl'HAXD AM KLAMATH COfl. MHAIIK OF KOHKHT KARXIXOS FOR tate. County Treasurer C, II. Daggett haa received from State Trcaaurer Tom Kay, IS.438.5R, Klamath coun ty's .apportionment of the money re ceived from revenu derived from the national forest reserves. This fund amounting In all lo t3,63S.I7, rn present 25 per cent of the amount the government collected In thl state In 1910. The distribution of the fund waa made according to the num ber of acre of foreat. In each county. Half of the money la' to bo uaed for road Improvements in the national forest, and tho remainder goes into Ihe school fund. The amount received by the var ious countlca ot tho state follew: Dakcr county. . .. Uenton county. . . , 1,178.13 . t.JJl.lt 414.01 4.0SC.7I l,34.x x.107.41 I.IM.40 l,Jl.0 (46.0 1.619.31 I.S2I.39 i, 411.63 S.SIO.GS 3.I89.1S S26.G4 1.SS6.G3 4.6G 484.60 371.27 180.17 27.9 233.3d 1,033.43 1,441.48 3,297.09 '142.71 433.3S 68.34 Clackamas county. Coo county Crook county Curry count) Douglas county. . , Grant county Harney county Hood River Ja Lake eewwy-. Lane county Lincoln county I. Inn county i Malheur county ... Marlon county Morrow county Multnomah county . Polk county Tillamook county . Umatilla county . . . Itnlon county Wallowa county . . , Wasco county Wheeler county Yamhill county . . Total ,.$39,635.87 SOKNDY Nil BET $1,500 RESIKIICE FOR $5 Most real estate men have tho imp utation of being very shrewd men, und they are, if they remain In busi ness very long. Thl can truthfully bo said of both members of the Arm ot Ward ft Kelson, yet theae gentle men ramo very near making a costly blunder within tho laat few days. Ward ft Kelson have Jutt platted an addition ot 139 lota to the residence section of Klamath Falls on tho south. rney ngurea mat to ptaco tneso tot on tho market In the usual way would cost about $3,000 In commissions, ex Itcnaea, etc. It tho regular plan waa udopted thla expense would necessar ily have to bo added to tho price of tho Iota, so they determined on a novel method. '" They planned to give those desir ing a location for a home a week In which to go over the property and bocomo acquainted with Ita desira bility, and then soil the whole bunch at ono tlmo. The 12,000 that It would have cost them to carry on a lengthy selling campaign they decided to pro sent to purchasers of lots la four prlte. The Irat prlso waa to be a house and lot valued at $1,600. Tho easiest of terms wero made oa tho lota or $B down and $1 week. Aa there are only 140 lots la the addition the Irat paymenU would amount to oaly $695, for whleh tho owners would ha compelled to dettver prises worth fl.000. It, would have boon a snap for aomeon has! aot the ,e mfaUJa -tj' MBflBHMnBanflBinBM t KWsnwJWBsmBPevv. . NO POWDER BURNED IN TAKING CAN ANED4 owners ut almost tho last minute looked at thu proposition from the'lC CTDATrl DAJIUT cuttomer'a view. As tho owners are desirous of making only bonl fldo ales, and must soil to thoao who will keep up thclf payments, they decided tb ncll not more than four lota to any ono person. Otherwlto ono or two men could havo bought'the entlro ad dition, and after sjW0( tno flnt pa)' ment secured nearrF three time the nmount Invested. Pive Haadrrt Party Mm. J. A. Thompson and Mr. B. W. Glllett entertained a number of friend at the former' home last Araetlnaa 1ea fmhlsMa wvaiawt tilfVA4 PrlxeaVwcro awarded, and MfrP,h: ments served. ' FmflnH I LfllltlV If'tWeWt KATEN IY MKrl SCHOOt Ily the acoro of 10 to 6, the Klam ath 8tar went down to defeat at tho hand of the local high achool team for tho second time thl season. The game was played at the Agency, and although the Indiana strengthened their team, they were unable to stop tho winning streak of tho atudeats. The high school team left the Agen cy thla morning for tho Fort, aad this afternoon they will play the Fort Klamath nine. TO IMfE THE 1HREE HURT HHHS ssjs a llaraflBJ BjllsjfiajllSjW CHATTANOOOA, Tenn.. May 13. The Joint committee representing the Methodist ptaconal church, tho Methodist Prstistgnt church aad the Methodist Rr4eeal church south, ap-i pointed to -consider' the report of the( siid- committee on a pian ror ronton datluiAhcxc three branches of Meth odism In this country, resumed It session hern today. The first Item of the report of thn sub eomtnltlc-t deal with tho name of tho proposed consolidated church, "The Methodlat Episcopal Church In America" and "The Methodlat Church-" have been suggested. This Item wilt bo taken up again Inter. C-OOK IKT8 PROM 16 TO fl.1 TR..R IX PtIMOX PASCO. May 13. Without a sign of emotion. Cbarlea C. Cook, who on January 25 last, shot and killed James Walker, n rnloonkceper ot Kahlotus, Waah.. received a sentenca of from 10 to 65 years In the peni tentiary, at tho hand of Judge O. H. Ilolcomb, after Cook had pleaded guilty to murder In tho aecond de gree. Ill plea of guilty had been ar ranged for by Prosecuting Attorney Charles M. O'Drlen. and Cook was prepared for whatever aentenco might bo handed to him. The atatutca In Waahlngton prescribe a minimum penalty ot 10 year for second dogrce murder, but no maximum penalty. Attorney II. D. Kolad appeared for Cook, while C. M. O'Brien represent ed tho atato. United States Geological Survey Issues Bulletin On Crater Lake Tho following la taken from tbo latoat bulletin Issued by the United States Geological Survey: Many thouaands of years ago among the majestic volcano ot tho Caaeade raage towered one, perhaps the lent est of thorn all, which has now dfsap. poared. After the cataclysm which swallowed this huge mountain there remained, however, aa enormous cra ter, a ealdera, whleh more than com pensates In Interest for th,e lots ot the mountain. There are thouaands of craters" in the United States, but there is only one great ealdera, .ana that contains Crater Lake, truly one ot the wanders of America. Itera tor Lake were situated In the hoaem HIJPI'IXM INTO THK CITY, THK IXHURHBCTOH Ql'IKTLY TOOK POfMKMlOX OP THE TOW.V OP CAXAXHA United Press Service DOUOLA8, Arts., May IS. Cans nea, tho stragetle pout la Northern Sonora, waa captured by the rebels to day without tho flrlaaH a hot. The rcoei incased into tne city, ousnersM the federal, and hoisted the rebel flag over Ihe public buildings. Canaacn li toa- uaed by the rebel an a base for furthor operatloas la that section. Xosjale Threatewea NOOALES. Arlt., May 13. Three hundred armed rebels aboard a cap tured S, P. train left Canaaea thla morning. They announced their dee tlnatlon as Kogales, Mex. 'With the attack expecte dthls af ternoon, the residents ot Xogales arc panic stricken, and an exodus across tho line la on. Federal are not ex pected to make much resistance. Mr. Frank Jennings haa returned from Honolulu on a visit to her par ent. Mr. and Mrs. Reamea ot Conger avenue. Mr. aad Mr. Jeaalage apeat several weeka traveling la the Orient, and on their return Mr. Jeaalage entered business In the Hawaiian Inland. C. E. Welkert. a weH kaowa real- dent of Dairy, la ameac tedey'a ( nt the Baldwin. , MAYOR AND JUD6E SI6NED THE BONDS HAXDKRHOX AND LEAVITT Af TACIIKD THEIR OFFICIAL "JOHX IIKXHVS" TO 9M Df PltOVKMKXT HOXDH TODAY Thl morning at the city ball Mayor Sanderson and Police Judge A. I.. Lcavlti got In some good practice In flourishing their names, aa they placed their signatures to $124.' Si 8.66. These bonds are the ones for the paving ot Main, Spring and Sixth streets. They were bid In some time ago by the Warren Construction company. There arc 250 bonds In the lot, and they are In threo aerie. Series A cov er the work from the bridge to Elev enth street; series B, tho work from Eleventh to the Southern Padflo do pot; series C, the work on Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kellum of Spo kane, arrived here last night for a visit ot several days' duration. They are giietts at the Llvormore. K. S. Tcrwllllger came In on last night's train, from Yreka, and left this morning for his home In Merrill. of tho Appalachian thousands ot people would visit annually; It It Iwore an Alpine crater, many Amer icana would rave ovor It aa tha ahak cat gem of European scenery. As It I, although the Crater Lake region hss been a national park alnaa If 01, the people who have visited It num ber 6nly a fow thousands. But aa awakening Is at hand; the railroad ta building a line cloae to the nark, tho government la planning roads aad trails, and within a short time K will bo the fault only ot the people thorn selves If they fall to visit tbla,wM derful region and receive hsirsssin . fCoaUnwd Miftsjtftpf T$7 i iu r . Tf , O-v -..v atteSttr?! f'r