-sc: rs ti r. ti 9 J 9e ftuitittQ rfali. Nupruw nut , MTKD rHMM NRWi MMVIOM xcLvami iof 1 mwmKATtoAh raws hryic in a( - jffif I mti Year No. MM KMMATIJ FALLS, OREGON, rill'IIHDAY, MAY II, 1911 frfee, Five Oast l REBEL GOVERNMENT IS NOW RECOGNIZED J of ilium pm ki i an do o to I;., pr.,. TAN RECEIVE ARMSi'" "' lnk" n" "ml,,,,,!,., CAn iilu.it i. nniuai . ,hi, iidwi )f u(r lion mut participating In th,. mnrih .mill ollirr feature. ,.r it HWIIIlMINKD TO KEEP NM'HKT All who csn should bilng flower, and K,'"'1' ' "' IncludliiK Ibu lava .11,1. INNlilHrXTO PLANS, OHO.. 'I on hand notni' at in n. ni., ., ''"' r"""'ry " the California lino. (II HAH Hr.MHr.lt TO HONOR ,, ,( (( u M) ((j fvu , o hnv.. Mm prcildent ct aildo In AW I'AHMW 'the place in Iw aligned lo thorn ml . ,'",1k "" ro,",, ,or m,,,, I he iirocetilon. ur,r nft wn fought by tho ugnlxed that greater protection wa i"i'(li'd lor I In- water (owl, Willi liroturtloii from tin- hunter, llm bird of the Clear Luke country iiia) lie expeitcil to multiply rapidly uml unlock lo a ronldorablo di-grao tunny of the well known hunllnit Mouml of tin, itatn. The action of Pnildent Tafl In tot IIiik mldu tho Clear Lake icsurvn I Mined to lc tho firm Mop toward tnhllihlng nn Itnmcntc game re ene In Southern Oregon noutb of' failed I'rrai Service WASHINGTON, May II. Ilecog alilon of the revolution!! In Mexico it belligerent It no nearer today lain before, despite the capture of Tla Juina and Jsurei, Madoro, how.' mm, will I able to Import armi and immunltlon, aa ho now control the railoim houe at Jaurei. The nil ttntltlr here declare 'that Madera will not ln rrcogulsed aa llm pretl- dent ol Meilro until hi force U tuf (cltntl) "trim to conduct the gov rrnment a nation. II)- Order of Kiecull Klamath Fall, Ore., Mi) THEY SEEM TO FAVOR CLOSING Committer. I !" T-'" U "" b,n con i) 10 1911. 'I,MW l Wablngton. ; huuiiik umi neciiou io ino (.tear l.akn reiervu one of llm flnnit kkiiio pieki(H in the lountry would hv vh- PLANING MILL NOW COMPLETE lll; IIAHI.V l.l'MIIRIt COMPANY C'.IX .OW Tl'HX OUT 60,000 I'KI-rr OK HMHIIKII I.I'MIIKK A DAY. Lumber manufaclurlni In Klamatb Kalli In Rradually aMumlng n broad er icopo and fait bcconilng out of ho a root Indintrlet of thin county. All of the proaent mllli are now run nlns full blaat and morn aro In court of lonitructln. That the lumbermen anticipate a heavy demand for lum lalillihed, and It In believed that It bvr and bulldlna- material la ovldenc. 'would do much to conic rvn the Rinio ed by the addition and Improvement! .lewmrcen of the Northwent. I being made to the plant now In nieratlon. XKW VOHK VAVfM A 'AMIK OK WATKII OIJVKII NYM TIIK lll'NI.VKMH MKX UK MAM INTKHVIKWKII Alii: UII.I.I.NO TO CUWi: NTOIIrM OX r.xi ritNiov hay To Keep Mana NerrH rolled I'remi Kervlce KU 1'AHO. Tea. May II. Deter- rained tint no Inkllnit Of the rebel .. ,.,.. ,,.. ., .. . . , . r ,. . .. Heirelary uller of the Chamber of pUm or reoiirce ahall rearh the ,. ..,.,. . .. ... "" L . . . Lommerrn linn ipent tho fnreuouii IMi (utetninent from Jauret, den- m . ... . . . . . calllpi on the builnei houiea of nl Oroico, who l In command of.,,,..' ifc ..... , . , " , .i . . , . ... iKIainath filli. learning tho vlena " :. "SLTlai! 2l" ' -i'"-- -..rd to " ' ' ' "T " ' " " 'icloi ng a wh In ou the 20th, when the anripuwr men and the Red Crow1., . ,, .... ... ittackei Merchanta Aaoclatlnn excunilon lll iklii'i. . i. ! . . ,bo here from Han Kranrlico for a twj While It U ImpoailbUi lo aacerUIn d .. .... XrrtltMn , ... n ,. !U".adh,,.boT r wtSJt'S trhiz 7 kMnart ! 2-t: SiY.rt'ai'S- ir 'K 3- "' SXteTnooS TW. . rfi.iH.i.... i Halurda) will be tho day the blah " lo f" ,n,B the huilnea houwii clone In Ihe otter. ,noou, II will give many moro people an opiHirtunlty lo attend the game. I NBW YOHK. Ma 11. for lh flnt lime In more than n decade, thli mo troixilU farei a water famine. Maor (laynnr Raid tonight that the proaent mailable nupply li only r.:,O00,O0O,. 000 gallant, ai ngalnit 104,000,000.. 000 gallnmi a ear ago. A Dphold epidemic U feared. VENEZUELA EXPECTS AMOTHER REYOLUTIOII SV.W YOltK. May II. i'lana for n Veiietuelan rcolutlon to denote I'rcn. IJfUt llomei are tx'lng tuadn here hy Alejandro Vaiqtiet, a forinor cabinet oinrnr under Cnntro, whole hand N teen In the nchemo lo reitore bU nd hi'mit to (tower again. Vaiquet declarei that dome! hat utablUhed n dlrtatorhli In Venc meln more npprranive than wat tho regime of Caitm. He aitorta that One of the hlggeat changet and ad dltlonn that ha boon made thlt year hai J u lit been completed by the OU Ilailn Lumber Co. In tho erection of a big modern planning mill. At a rot lor machinery alono of f 10,000, thiN Company hai Inttalled a bl plant at their ardt along the Houth on I'nrinc track, for turning out flnUhcd lumber, with n dally capacity of C0.000 feet or three carload.' The mill It run with two CO M l. ti-ctrlc motort and It equipped w'tn oiio of tbo latctt Merchon band re towa. with tilting roll to that tho lumber can be aawtd at any angle. A Wood Inoldo moulder ha bean in nailed at a coat of $1,000, nud a rl.i mw, rut-ooT taw and a big planer, which will flnlih lumber up to and In cluding thirty laches wide. Tho com pany I now havlag lattalled a Mower and burner by tho Rett Olow Plpo Company. Tho burner will be plac ed acroaa thn railroad track and will rontume all the watte material from th mill. It will bo completely en doted and t.i being built of red brick Ifned throughout with, are brick. The Itlg Matia Company baa over ITS, 000 Inverted In their yardt and Kill-bed college The prenldcnt of inch of thexu privileged to name one graduate win; will lie given tho rank of lieutenant In tho United Hlat'M army without examination. l.imt )ear. Captain l.aubacb ),! tho report from O. A. C. to the war department wna ery flaltctlng, and tbl em the itudontt gate "a very grnilUInK exhibition .11 around," he ald. "It ihow mi earnuttnet on the pnrl of the Undent body In tho work that I worthy of lemark. They hate bad wircful training, and I hao noticed puitlculnrly their attention to xmnll 1etftl which often time et rae the notice of ordlnr.ry obierv- ert." He mentioned with appreciation the fact that tho erection of tho band ttnnd and flag polo on tbo camnua thowtd a general appreciation of mil Itary training by the atudent body at n whole and the alumni. Captain Laubach ha the Intpec tlon of the military work in college of tho Wettcru dlvlilon, Including Loulilana, Tcxa, Now Mexico, Colo rado, Wyoming, Montana, and all mate woHt'of thcte, tho largeit are of any of the Inspection dlitrlcta, con taining t went) -one Imtltute of mili tary training. Monday, May Sth, he Impeded the cadet at Seattle. Tho falling off of 30 per cent of the at tendance In iheno Institution tho pant car l not, he any, nn Indica tion of decline In the ncbnol. but a reflex of -economic condition. REBELS AGAIN TAKE CIT Y OF AGIJ A PRIETA pcnled to ii carpeulor, and ho, after, effectlnK an entrance through a win dow, opened tho door from lh Imlde. IS HEADQUARTERS flulld Meet Tomorrow Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, a bulnex meeting of the Epltcopal Uutld will bo held at tho retldtnce of Mr. Morgan, In Hot Springs addi tion. A hero aro aovoral Important matter to bo considered, n full at luidance I roqitcitcd. IXHtllltHCTOS HILL MAKX TIIK TOH'.V A PROVMKMAL CAP. ITAL Of SOXORA--MAOOALC. Nt AWK) FALLS PIONEERS ACCEPT MX INVITATION! It McDnuald of Ban Kranrltco, rep resenting Trleit hat, and (I. V Kd twardi, traveling for the (I, It. Oar 'rett company of Mar)illlo. left thin morning for Kort Klamath und the Agmcy In the lulereit of their ro- - " inxtlve firm. 1MK KXHI-riVK. COMMITTKK MIC flMTHMKMIIMIMT4IIMIITItl.lMCII I IVC W vHflMf 1 i mm m MIH m wouir m m mm mm town I'ATt! AH AN OIKlA.VIItATfOX IV1 MrIO,, ).v (MMMflVAXrK1 To Hie I'loneer of Klamath Haaln OrtrtlnRYour executive committee, ning in )iir Itehalf, ha accepted ! Imlintlon of the committee of " 0. A. II. and aaaoclated eamnll t , purilrlpate aw an orgaatutlon in ine en rrUet of Decoration Kay In hltmith r'allt, on May 10, 191 1. Burtly no rlai of our clllioat can llr appreciate the labort and oac c of the early day, nor tho debt M fc-ratltnde which I alike due to " who rough! to proatrvo thn na "' '", " hoao who alruflilod, and 'J ge their Uvea, to rodoam tho iiitrnet from tho reign of prlml- condition and aavergy. In either lr gavo up their Uvea for their wwtry'. good, and w who aro tho wiflclirlei. ibould overlook no op WBBlty to ahow our appmlatlon w Imo noblo aacriaco. we Ihorcforo earnestly call upon " """wra and ona ana daughter UTrOKAl 6AK PtESEIVE Special to Ihe Herald. rOHTI.ANI), May II. Wild bird of the itale may hereafter tako ref uge In Clear l.ako and tho surround ing land, for I'reildent Taft hat de clared thli a government bird pro serve. Clear l-sko lie near the Cal ifornia line, and the reiervo Include 25,000 acre. It wa purchased by the government a a reaertolr llo five )cnr ago. Clfvr take ha been one of the Iteit known breeding npot for wild hint for ji'fir. and I aocoad only lo tho Lower Klamath take regions Million of ducka nest there each tprlng. Tho lako It from twelve to fifteen mllea aeross at It wldcit point. Illrd brssdlng there havo not been molested In tbcpsst to any groat extent except by stockman who rang their cattle and ahoep on tbo nearbv Und, but with the steadily growing population of tho country it was roe- patriotic Vencsuclant will take un arm again! Gome a toon a Ihe .,, and hiv. iw million tt t ulandard of revolt I raited. ,irt lumber .lomt in ih ,.rrf. a.M ,hhed a! Ihe present time, all of j which wa tawed last season. This Icnntltt of 'red wood, flr, pine, cednr aud other grades of lumber. Wm. Klh, tbo new manager of tho Iilg llaiiu Lumber Company, It well vitmhI lu Ihe lumber butlnet and un der hi management, tho big stock In ihe yard has been sorted ami graded to that there Is no delay In nilliiK either the largest or smallest order. Kxcellent drlvewaj are ail laid out connecting every portion of the ardif and shed and tho lumber wagon can reach any portion of the ilock without tho slightest Inconven ience. Four additional lots owned by Ihe company acrota tho couuty road will be lined In atoring new slock. In addition lo tho main dock and plant here, the company operates a yard rt Don I and will oon open anothe cl Merrill. m LMEL IS ASKEO . ON THE STATE Plilifi HALBM. May II. Secretary of State Olcolt has been requested by a letter written him by the Typograph ical Unlou lo lnltt upon tho union label being placed on all itato print ing. Tbo tecrotary of itato haa no authority lo iniUt upon iho label on printing tubniltlod by ihe printing de partment other than that which comes to hi own offlce, but ho nccedod to tho request a far aa bit oflce wa concerned by ndvliiug tbo ttate print er to attach tbo label hereafter. CHAMBERLAIN'S SPEECH DEMAND HIH EXHAUSTIVE TREATISE ON THE INITIATIVE AND REFER. KNDVM IS WANTED IN MANY' OTHER STATES United Press Service ftOUOLAS. Aria., May II. A force or rebels under Colonel Otroa marak ed mio Agva PrieU today aM awhi look formal possession of tk towa, which hereafter will bo tbo provision al capital of Soaora. Tho eaatpslgii aicalntt Hermoallla. tko rogalar cap IUI, Is to be dlractoa frosa Agna Prleta. ImmodUtely after Uo towa was tsken rebel soldlora wsro pot on aty a polio, and aotless of otaetlon for the town'a ottcars wtro nostoi. Tie federals who dsoortsd Aa Prlou aro on routs to tho roilof of Iho k Icagnred ltermoolllo garrison. Frank Dpp, Local Jeweler, Makes a match Without Using a Hairspring AtUnsarary haa just bew mad by V " clly Houg (ho line to ""'."'"PwoBgoirt that bid fair J !litat tho Runtifgcturo of tt. m.' V?P,rt i,wrt .' a. h ? k,, th "iMovary. asd l'Mf m PPllwtlog to Uo patsat "for protoeUon for his lavsatloa. of wl;.?pp hw im eossolots not L" "ch . rom which tha hair Raw? f"B!.Mt"' " b II. th rovriM to attasasd .JJ watehaa rsvolvsa la m -I-23"' 'tt4 of .oaorlblaf halt '" U UlMial mt II. -"-" of tho hairspring, tho watch can bo aubjectsd to severe jolt and Jam without foar of Injury, aa there la no halraprlag to become entangled nor any roller Jewel to break. The model watch which Mr. Upp hag completed waa nearly all the work of hla own hand, and while the wtteb runs well and keeps per fect time, he says that It I a crude afalr, aid he intends to Improve on It aa aeon aa he can do to, The watch la sow oa display a the window of the tflak eeUsllsbmsnt on Main aM Seeoaf streets. Md la attracting ao IHtle attention from naaiershy, llrXNI), Mny ll.Ilcnd U to hnc n hlg woolen mill Immediately upon the completion of the railroad. Dr. J. V. Ilaltey of the Union VYoolon Mill company of Wathougal and Union, has tigned a contract for the erection of a $150,000 mill, which will employ from 300 to 100 work men dally. Ilend will furnish four acres of ault able land free, the city rebate taxe lo Ihe amount of IIG.000 and 300 hortcnower I anpplled for a term of ear on reaionable term. The mill will bo tlmllar to tho one operated at Oregon City, and all ma chinery employed will bo entirely modern. It will bo a alx-aot mill, with fifty complcto loom and C.000 tplndle, and will have a rapacity of 13,000 pound on n ten-hour ahlft Tho chief output will be blanket. Theie will bo a scouring plant Inatalt od In connection with tbo mill. SnEaNK MIS CMSE NIECK ON MO GMJUtK UKO CLIFF. Colo., May 11. Mr. Katherlns Martin of Albany, N. Y., and an unidentified child were killed and twenty poraons were seriously In jured when tho engine, chair car and tourist car of a Rio Orando train plungod Into Eaglo River, two miles west of thli clly, lait night. Spread ing rail caused the catastrophe. Tho Injured were all In tho tourltt car. All wore taken to tho hospital at Sallda thla morning. rmmvsoN's library HERE PROM PENDLETON Charles J. Ferguson, tho attorney who recently formed a law partner ship with Dlttrlct Attorney D. V. Kuyksndall, la a busy man tbtos day. hla library and other appurtenances have arrived hero from Pendleton, and while Kuykendall la at Lakovlow eaadtaetlag tho Carroll ease proaecu. tts, hla partner to working like a beaver to got hla furniture la shape and hla extensive library la 0. A. C. TRAINING IS COMPLETED MILITARY OFFICER SAYS COL. LHQE CADET STAND VERY HIGH IN DISCIPLINE AND IN EFFICIENCY Special to the Herald CORVALLI8. May 11. The. earn estness of the O. A. C. student cadets In their work, their careful training, and particularly their attention to small details which often escape the attention of the ordinary observer, wore matter which Captain H. L. Laubach of the United States general army ata complimented Major Mac- Alexander, the college commandment, at tho aunual Inspection day tourna ment Friday. According to tho Morroll act of 18IS, setting aside land for the agri cultural and mechanical science and taatlca must be Included la the curricula". Tho war department has aa educa tional committee, four osteon of which compose the oollege luipeotlon board, and during April and May of each year they must visit each of tbo 100 ooUogso giving salutary traalag. They report to tbo war dspartm eat, TWt1, svk TOO MUCH PXEY IS CAUSE OF GIXUPSE SALKM, Mny 11. It. M. Thorn burg, a former patient In the Iniana iKjIum. who wn dltcbsrgod but n few weckK ago, wa found lying In the mud aud water along Iho county road eight mile eat of Salem yen terday in u ttate of utter collspie cattted by an atiofk of delirium tre mens at tho rcault of uiing whiskey to excett. When found Thornburg wss half dead from cold, and hit mind wa a blank. Ho wa brought to Sheriff Miuto' office and at first It wa thought It would be ncceaatr.t' to re-commit him to the aiylum, but after treatment tho patient gained iticngtb, and la In a lit condition to day to bo ditcbarged from tbo Jail. Thornburg explalnod to Sheriff Mlnto that ho bad been cutting wood eaat of Salem, and had often sent to town for largo quantities of whiskey, which he drank continually. WASHINGTON, May II. The de mand for tho ipeecb of Senator Chamberlain of April 17th In the sea- ate on the Initiative and referendum grows apace. Requests have come from New York. Now Jersey. Ohio. Mlnnesots, Aritona, District of Co lumbia. Michigan. Aritona, Maryland, Indiana and Washington for copies of the address, and plan are formed for the dUtribution of large numbers In addition by supporters of the populsr government i) items of law. A feature of the Increasing demand for thla ipeech I the largo number of lawyer who are asking for It- Sen ator Chamberlain gave months to a study of tho subject, and followed tha development of the republic from thn beginning, tracing through It all tho etientlal principles thst aro at thn bate of the present syitom referred to a popular government laws. The Important citation which ho made of conttltutlont and laws of luu.i-i uui r.auera naiet ana or mo i iruerai initiative ana referendum and recall In practically all of them have attracted the attention of the bar of the nation, and members of it aro tending for the Chamberlain apeerh. which bid fair to prove to be the accepted text-book on the law of the movement. United Pros Service NOOALM. May 11 Magdalene lo Sonora was captured by tbo reborn to day. Tho town is forty-tve south of thla city. H. M.I H. M. Bristol returned toot ovenlng from California, where he haa keen tbo past few months. Mr. Bristol Is here to attend to having sldowalka built In front of hla new concrete buildings constructed last fall. He U alto contemplating the ereetleo of n throe-story building on tbo corner of Sixth and Main streets, -neat to the O. K. Transfer company's i RECALL CLAUSE COMING AGAIN ARIZONA MAY VOTE AGAIN ON THE MATTER OF OUSTING THEIR Jl'DGBB FROM OFFICK lY THE NEW METHOD OPIUM MMEEMENT IS SKID OY UIKiS United Press Service. . PEKING, May 11. Agreement be tween China and O rest Brltalu for the immediate reduction nnd tnal abolition of the exportation of ladiau opium to Chlua wa ilgnod hero to day hy representatives of the two governments. An imperial edict nbol- lahlng tho Chinese grand council and creating In Its stead a constitutions! cabinet of ton members waa Issued today. HAVE YOU RAN ACROSS THE MBRARY KEYS YET? If anybody happens to oaple a bunch of attoitod keya on a rlag to which Is attached a nickel chain, they will win a wam'pleee in the besot of Mrs. Talbot tko genial librarian, It they return taoat to her at tho Libra, ry Ctub bnlllau Oao of tho keys flta tbs door of Uo library, tho olhssw west 'Mrs. TalboTVwaaU . i the others 'are At i. nwn -M ' !.- -?-:. ...f x t i :--m . t. j m ' ,k - -v ' JsawnawNf' wOawkjLJOoJi!wrse MRhM-jRsf MBfJRafRf ijmmk aaai WjmXmm wmW VSmJXmmm. ttr.aietm ...- ?A rI "iV.'y? JjSv-HrrT ..ioy-" .: ELOER ill TAKE OP THE PMCTICE OF UN Albert K. Elder, the etficleut secre tary of the Klamath Water User' association, Intends to commence again the practice of law, and has a an addition to hla present library to day received a shipment of over 100 volumes of tho Pacific Reporter, mak ing thl sot right up to the minute. Mr. Elder has had n grout deal of legal experience, aa he woj n Bom ber of tho state and federal bar of Iowa, and waa considered an nblo at torney In that state. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Pettlt of Seattle, who have been here for the past month, loft this morning for Rocky Point, where they will spsnd a oouple of day Ashing for trout. The Pet tits, since coming hero, have become greatly Impressed with Klamath Falls and Klamath county. United Press Service WASHINGTON, May 11. The bouse territories committee today to report favorably on tho resolution, providing that Aritona ahall vote again on the recall of Judges elaase In tbslr constitution, aad that New1 Mexico ahall vote again oa tho amsnd ment which they say will make It caaler for them to aaead their cea itltutlon. The house will consider the report Tuesday. Mrs. Honey! Mrs. J. Hoxey returned last even ing from -Long Beach aad Oaklaad, when she went for the benett of her health. Oa accouat of tko eeldaead of tho weather la tho Sooth Mrs. Hoxey concluded that she would b Jutt nn welt off la Klamath Falls, known George Eagrokht. a well realdeat of Dnasmulr, la t registered at the Uvermere today. Mr. Eugrclcht is hero oa a buelaeu trip. County Court Issues Statement Concerning County Poor Fan To tbo Voters aad Tax Payors of Hiamata ueaaty: Qentlsmsn There haa bees oon- alderable discussion, la the columns of the Klamath Chrealele relative to the purchaa;of a. poor' farm by tke County CokrtKThe iCpft, bag been, severely ortttolaod by tko editor there: oc aac ay a-gAspsSAMat mmm oy Pj tko! stttJavgoni !?; W t raw I aad by a-sgmspHtlog .stgeftd by borhood of sixty aaraa ova tksrhlli on the west stdef tko river wore , purchased for a.MaW-tam. Tfce?; waa aa old lti4o as barajBptss the 4J property at the Uase. aid tko ksad h 5 all above Uo dUoh, wKk m koto of v U- Irritntton -aUkaMl fMta sha i - i at f ""' "T grosw,a-sBa ' J. i KlasMrtk River.- a lonilloiohk. Ht, taaeoaway. About tea .asswoj rl load onasasti'of mea.lto'boK aaap to hlsjh(hd.-'-or;irfiA to'ossm-;-- Maty gBaora.aa bssi'bhw, vgojam a sm'ssiiSBSKsV'BaaaatjSL sW.-'J t y-- i tw? '"- ivV .