9e fttmittQ rralft. svrriiw nr no XOLVNVB CM OP vmnn mm wwmmot IXTaRKATIOffAL NSW Vf No. 1,4m KLAMATH PALM, OREGON. WKONKNDAY, MAY 10, 1911 Price, Pit Cents JUAREZ CAPTURED AFTER BLOODY TWODAYS' FIGHT mf im Hwmp?j-i REINFORCEMENTS ARRIVE IN TIME NAVARRO CAPTURED mm SK OK THK HIKHCWtT fKJHTri OF THK 1'AMI'AIUN, THK ISHt IUIM.TOM MTt'HMOHN' ATTACK PHOVIs srCCWtHFCL CaMei Pr Service. KL PASO, Tetss. Ma 10. Tho nfctte raptured the city o( Jaures istrtly atirr to o'clock Ihla morning. Tit bundled rrlnforeemeate. with OMnl Hlnncii commanding, arrived K II o'rolrk, toil etarmel lhf old tttrtk, the federal stronghold. 0n ml Osrlushtr men, with the Ainer iMMtMlitlnK. then donned the Jail, rtketed the prisoner and Ihrn burn- id la building. Tat Insurgents' flag, the tricolor, itaotil the Mcilran gray eagle, ai fee from Iho water tank on tho, aUr kill and a flagetafr near by. This M k alinal of tho rapture. vigorous opposition It will probably paaa In thn end, but only after a bard fight. Naturall) the conservatives are optioned to it. What la queerer, however, that liberals who hate talked with them aay tho "knieta" themselves do not seem to want their llbert) Tliry are so used to serfdom that they are afraid or any change In their rondltlon, The "kmeta" aro ,leaaanta attached to the land belong ing to we "begs," or feudal propri etors From each crop tho "kmets" pay flrit a tithe to the government and a third of the remainder to thu "begs." The bill contemplate itatu aid to enable the "kinrta" to buy their own farini. bo glum IJfiO n month or 12,000 jtnr, thn city to fuiulah hla help; eo ond, that he reteho t&00 i month Hint fiirnlih hl ok it help; third, thut he nil I vo a ci i lain per cent of tho iot or i he Improvemeni of nny street for, hla work there. The proposition caused u grcnt deal of debate, especially nflor moat of the council wcro In favor of paying. COUNT THIRD COURT E LETTER HOUS COUItT OFFICIALS HE- Judgo Leavltt then POUT THKIIt K1NIMNGH IN HK GAHU TO IHMIRABIUTY OP IIKNLKY BLOCK ii flat Hilary ialed a point that wa a puttier,, whvn he wanted to know how the eat-1 nry could be paid out of tho general fund when most of the work would be done on afreet liiiprou'mcnt work,. II would not In. right, ho aald, lo''' "'' Voter and Tatpn)era of Klain- force the whole city to pay for thn en. ath Count) : gliircrlng work done for the benefit of ,,.,.,,,,,., , ,he pro. the pro,M.rt) owner, on one atrn.t. u ,, ,. ,,, know .,, ai Bt na IIiji aha a lata, bj,k hafll 1-a ah & m-a, Henley lllock, which ha been aug 'getetl In tho column of the Chron when tho engineer will be almost ion eli.tttly einploed, C'aitel flually made n motion that the illy engineer be placed on n Ml- lile aa n suitable alte for the coastrac tlon of a now court houac, tho county i-ry oi r 0 monthly tho city to fur- ,, ,, ,,,,,, tn it mil ni in'iy, uiu i" mm irum tin tllflYicnt fund uccorillriK to tin STEAL A HORSE LEAVE COUNTRY rhnrncter of the work In which m wa rmplo)ed. County Judge Wordeu naked for crmlstlon to hulld n amnll extension to any: The selection of a alte for tho build ing of a county court houso la en tirely a county affair. Thli I not a city affair ,and any voter or taipayer ii img at rori Kiamatb, Merrill or more fund with which lo construct, (i building. The writer algned that petition hlmaolf, nnd wn In favor of I tho free alio The court doe not fel I that It (nn net othernlao In thli mat ter aline the wholo object In tho loca tion of n couit house Is to tare the, taxpayer a much money nn paaalblo.i and we know tunt n great percentage of tho peoplo In Klamath county are In favor of tho free tile. Tho Chronicle alio aj that If thn Henley block la aelectcd the alte oc cupied by tho preeont court houae will bo worth much moro money than a If tho new court houao wero constructed on the Hot Spring alto. Thla I sim ply a matter of opinion, and the court doe not bellovo that there will be any considerable difference In value In the present alte In that case. It I aald that tho court house would .then be rloo to the bualneaa center and much moro serviceable to the people of the city. Klamath Fall I young" yet, and U growing, and aa before luggettod, there I no reason why Mxf part of Klamath Fall xhould not bo good property, and It cannot be foretold at the present tlmo where thn exact cen ter of the town will be. However, It I the dealro of certain peoplo living lo REBELS PLAN TO ATTACK ENSENADA to tho rear of tho court houae, and , .,.,- m, ,. Ih ,,,,, ,. H thedealro of certain peoplo living lo thla brought to the front again tho " 1?" " fire limit matter. The permit wn1 , .,,..... : T... court houae to mako and hold mntcd in the end. There wero euTal i the Dorrl band a Instructor, Mr. Ncwnhain Is a first class musician, and tho music lovers of the bustling California- town feci greatly elated at the success of the band In securing his services. Dorrls ha a band Ibis year that any town would bo proud of, and It la the Intention of the players to give open air concerts during the summer months. A move I on foot to have thn town truatees erect a bandstand In thn town park. POE WUlf Y RESHKUT TAKER TO THE ASYLUM Attendant from the atato asylum for tho Insano came In last night from Salem and left this morning for thq capital, taking with them Thomas ordinances .which were to have come up for third .T J ...e i.Iii. i.il .. .7 urt hou" mXo and hold that capital, taking with them Tbomn ,? ,71, T' ,. i? Pft of the town as the business cen- Kobcrts, son of Hiram nobcrts. a well tree from ho court bous. site. Tho , known farmcr reridlnt , Po, w, county court In considering It, must, ! .r "- - '""" I inerefore, take thla Into consideration iiriuiMK aim nnl paaaaKO lam oiKni,-ani t0 their wish and desire, they should I lloberu has been subject to epllep- themselves contribute toward the ben-. "c "'a. but these bavo become worw it II o'clwk. half an hour after MKUHHHI IMIVH AMK 1'NHKIt AM- hut I'ollio judge lnvltt esplalned lo ."' ' ZZr'r k.l --..J.ul ofltl nd not Mk tnB C0UD"r ,0 do - nnd ai "mo w'nt by he bwame m0M "MT 'X AT ,,TV r,M'M'K o ' ' :Zd '" r - a1" ' "!" " -".CourVwin asv:.. eTm.-mpVopeaV t rte VouM .. L ..!.. . . .-.-. l,l,IUP, ,,mi iWHwwiBn ruuamun. ji.IaIv nH1 tfllllAI,a aaU.. MM....M. . miirf for Its tint I tat ri iatafiiint f fltin sirtftvt tin. ' HITII ITIIMH.N'IMJ HllHMK Hi: UN(1I.N(1 Til TOM MHIIItMICK h.lJMH tfWlg-taftJ r-'aSHM iW raptare, some firing was heard In Jisrri. but It waa believed to be per mm wko ill.l nni know the town had , ftllM. Ta Uiurgenls declared that Na nrra with hl whole command aban- MMdiaecIt) at 10:30, getagtowardi Hberlff W. II. Ilarne left till. Btsraonl. (Uurral lllaaco'a advance morning for Mcdfoid to get Frank cat sot fiercely reaUt4 etcept In the J and Will Poole of that clt, who were iiifSiali encounter at the church. arrested there, charged with stealing The reeU found two score of fed- a horse from Om McCormlck of i laejAarch roof. TliojDodd Hollow, north of Poe Valley. jbjbbjn in capiuroi Accoraing 10 mo siory mm oi me ai 'tear rtty ha been i fair, the hoy took the hnrjw iho lat- I to adsr ai recent rara. lei part of the pat week, bought a tl Navarfft tala afternoon ur- buggy from Ham Olson, nnd drove to nadtrrd to lloneral R, J. Vlljoen, a'Medfurd, where thoy were arrested, Ban eteran, Colonel Tamooiiril , and are being held till the anltal of vat killed while fighting at the Jail. I "her Iff llaraes. Ta barrarks In which aoaM of tho , fJaBl fnliiHlaio. kiiaelat aiaaam ne.' wwvan iuiimiiii'in rfiiiif itMv rtadtrcd thU nfternoon, and the rMlsan iHriip) Hie quarters. I The rctx l nto lelehrallng the vie-' tftry by tlnslim boll, and shouting. The fighting was desultory last ilatt, and there wa nn appreciable ikaaie In tho situation. The final aa- aMlt of the Insurgent wa planned iiiniiaoo. m. airuumui iie.iiun liu- Th ,M-,r.,,. .-, .,,. ,h tic glu-n him or the preparation ,. ,de hercof M of the city hall bond ordlnahce. thou McnvM b). Mr q urn judge ..Id be wa. unable to prepare ThU rt woM taf 0 nc. II. a he w l.hed to have It correct lnLur htmM r o lh ten detail, and aave the city from KW, , ,info on, of (ho an Injunction aiilt uch aa Is now on;Iock wolu no, Ittgiciol,t ,0 for rC,,. . !I T'"10 "ln(1 of a building which ought to dlatelr and without delay, construct a court for aid. court houso upon the Henley block In case the people, who are In favor' .mtkumtwm aivasi sui thereof and are opposed to tho Hot I IRSIK T1IT IsTjT Springs site, will give to Klamath ! UHUIIIIWIHI IHIHII VWI EXPECTING RECRUITS TWENTY BOMM MAVB POUND ON THE aTTltaWni OP TIA 4UANA IIY THE SOMAI IIRTACHMBNTS. United Presa Serrloa TIA JUAN'A, May 10. Tk nkata, expect a hundred rtcralta froaa ta eattward today, aad at least ? from .Ait Angele. The couataodhst ccra bop by the aad of the wk to advance for an attack oa Baa4a. They eipect by that Uase to hav a forco of at least 600 mew. Twenty corpse were located thla morning, aad It la believed that will be thirty. Five rebel skd m a battlefield and one la aa .Aiarteaa hospital. The bodies of faartaa tad crals havo bees fonad ao tar. Tho rebel general, Pryce. la aaktag American asalsUace la fladlac th dead. The wounded are still Is th brush. American army men are lawdlag the determination of the rebels, who won by n hand-grlp'a ight. till Iho 15th to complete tho ordl nance, and the council adjourned till that time. !MIY MMTM KELLY FALLS TO HIS DEATH rtAN ANTONIO, Texas. May 10. ' Lieutenant K. M. Kelly, Thirtieth In- talsnernliig after the rebel wounded Uanlry. waa killed In an aviation exhl ltd been removed. Fifteen hundred '""ton this morning. He fell fifty feel rsWIs under Oroirn at daylight began h" aeroplane, landing on hla lieNa, lie UICU w lew noura laivr -, the hospital. tat assault, iho federala resisting rwaj the custoniM house aad the maaklpal building, and from th Ml ring, ihe cathedral, the Jail M the barrack. Otacrsl Natnrro'a force wero plen tidily supplied with ammualtloa. and sb oJIreni declared thai they would ( asie to hold oul for a week. Bev ITINERARIES FOR FLEET ANNOUNCED I'AIIT Wll.l, VISIT KI'ltOFKIX ItllMH, WHII.K IIKMAIXIHUt Wll.l. CIU'IHK AMINO THK !l'I.P AMI l'l THK MIHHIHHIPPI wl mine were exploded In thu I fti, canning great damage to the! tmn, i Th pottnfflce, four bualaeaa houae. I xHKIIK - MTuran uenirai ronno aouse ana say box cara were burned last night, u alto a part of the barracks. EN6INEER BETS ,250 A MONTH HI M SEtfS IB K filtENJKI UKITV "K4 Prea Bervlta. IARAJKVO. May 10. The bill In w" ,n, ,h0 Bommm legislature JWI Id for the liberation of tho ." or serfs, is meeting wtth WAN MICH TALK ANII I.ITTI: WORK AT THK MKKT INO IIKU MNT NIOHT BV THK CITY COUNaii At last night' meeting of tho city council there wero present Council MM Cattel, WIIIIU. Obeaehaln, Wal dron. Hanks, Faught and 8tanble. The first matter to come up lor at tention was Ihe regulating of the sal nry of City Engineer Don J. -urn-wait. Zumwalt mado Ihreo proposi tions to tho council. First, that be Stree t Car Track on Conger Avenue Is Deing Removed Jferk ..' w ataneg yesterday on 2f" UD ,h W raM car rails aad " OB fJnnA ....... a... Aa.. .a,l. - aiwaill, VJ 11 fMV 2" of tho Duena VWa addltloa JJ properly of th KUaMth wao aad TraasporUtloa com- 'a), k traoBB sr r - -. my will PHI B IW Bt t and th street will b lvld "Pot In good ahap. " ( th natural drlf. way to tho Upper bake, but on ac count of Ha narrownssB aad th oh- .trurtlnB of tho old trBCka BlOst Of th travel haa been compelled to fol low other roads. Th track war Mt Ib last year for th purpose of at lowing th paving contraclora to us the track in haullag travel for atrt work, but moat of th material this ysar will hav to be hauled from tho mw Buarry asroea th riTr, Itnllnd Press Service WASHINQTON, May lO.ltlner- urleo for the two dltlslon of the hat- lleahlp fleet which will cruise during May and June hate been announced. One division will visit Uuropv, while uother will go to Ihe Unlf of Mexico, one esel of which will go up the MlnslMlppI rher. Thn crulao lo tho gulf I In rriono to a demand from Southern slate that I In-) be given an opportunity to see what u modern battleship Is like. The second division of ihe Atlantic fleet, l.oullana, Kansas, New Hamp shire nnd South Carolina, will go to Kurope, urrhlng nt Copenhagen, Den mark, May ZSth. Tho warship will then llt Stockholm, Sweden: Revel, llussla, and Kiel, Germany, leaving thn last-named rt for the United State on Juno 30th. Tho Minnesota, Veunout and Miss issippi left Philadelphia for Penaa cola May lit. Thence they will go to Mobile and GaUeeton, returalag by wny of Pensacola In June, The warships will bo at Provlacetown tor summer maneuver in July. Tho Idaho leaves Philadelphia on May 7th, and will spend a weok at New Orleans, She will proceed up tho rlvor, stopping at Donaldavllle, llayou Sara, Palquemlno and Matches. If tho condition of tho river warrants tho Idaho will go from Natchea to Vlcksburg for threo days, probably arriving there May SSth. Nl'TTRR APPOINTED ON THE STOCKTON HOSPITAL BOARD SACRAMENTO, May 10. Gover nor Johnson today announced th i polatmeat of former- Superior Judgo W. B. Nutter of San Joae aa a napber at th board of managers of th etat hospital at Stockton, vice J. 0. Thompson, deesaaed. bo constructed. Th property la also crossed by what lajtnown as the An keny ditch, which belongs to tho gov oroment. and which up to this tlmo It aeem has been Impossible to remove. It would be Impracticable and Inad visable to construct a building with nn Irrigation ditch running through It. Tho court feels that In case a building Is constructed thereon, tho site should come to tho county with out cost, and that the obstacles such a i the adjacent property of Mr. Hum iind tho lirlgatlon ditch should be re lumed. The Klamath Development company has offered the five acres In tho Hot Spring tract absolutely free, and coupled thorewltb suaHclent he: water to heat tho building forever. This Is an admlrablo location, and ft would bo n good stroke of business policy for the county to secure It. Very likely tho Klamath Development company feels that by tho location of the court houso thereon, It adjacent property will be benefitted. The coun ty court believes that th taxpayer who nro opposed to tho acceptance, of tho Hot Spring site believe that a building on tho Henley site would bo Lno(lclal lo their property, and alncc It I a county affair, thn Court feel that It should do whatever la best for thn county at largo, aad that It ahould secure the best terms It can. It does not appear to be right that the county ahould pay 130,000 lo Mrs. llentoy and perhaps 110,000 to Mr. Hum, and relievo the property from thn Ankeny canal. If It Is noaslblo to do so, and turn the other alt down, Imply because some particular per son deslro tho court house to be con tiguous to their property ao that they may bavo tho benefit therefrom. Aa far a tho county court itself Is concerned, It does not care who la benefitted by tho location of Its court house. What tho county needa la ti suitable alte at tho least v possible ex penso and greatest saving to the lax payers. Aa tho Chronicle haa aald, tho writer favor tho Hot 8prlaga alto. However, tho court haa decided and la unanimous, that If tneso people who oppose tho Hot Springs sit will pur chase the llealey Mock, pojrchaso Mr, llurn'a Interest therein, aad re llovo the block from tho government ditch, It will construct 'thereon a suit- nble court houae without delay. As a precedeat th writer raters to the West Md school. A location was Oral selected on the hill near the Presbyterian church; afterward the Moore brothers offered a free site oa tho west sld of th river, aa against tho alt ob th hill, the prle of which naa thought to be excessive. The peo ple selected th free site, thus eavlag money to the taxpayers, aad havlag county a deed In fee simple to said uiock ana inc iiurn propeny, wun aii( conditions removed, and no string nt- inched thereto. i The court awaits your pleasure, Respectfully submitted, WM. 8. WORDRN, ConntyJudge, tly order of the county court. H. S. EXCURSION LEAVES FRIDAY 1WO II.IKKIUI.I, GAMKft WILL DK PlaAYKD IIY THR SCHOOL MNK WITH FAMT I'PPRIt LAKE AC-OHKGATIONH. OR TKR ION Tiff Promptly at 3 o'clock this after noon Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, tho Cal ifornia couple, started from Ihe court houscTon horseback, with tho Inten tion of reaching Portland by that mode of travel. They expect to spend the night at Keno. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson wilt visit all the newspaper offices on tho way and report their experiences. It la their Intention to reach Portland In tlmo to rldo In the parade at the note Fes tival next month. Taiawx Caaaat Wi A marriage llceas waa Issaed thl' afternoon to Stella Hood aad Am Klst, both wsll kaowa re Ideal of Yalnax. Tby were married shortly afterwards by Juatla of the Peace Graves. New Postal WASHINGTON. May 10. Ta es tablishment of thlrty-sig addtUoaal postal savings banks baa bees anther ttcd by tho poitoBce dopartmoat. In cluding a bank at La Grande, Or.. nnd one at Vancouver, Wa mm STOEET TO K . READY FOR PAKWIT The question of the beat day on which to hold tho annual high school excursion, was threshed out this morning by faculty and students at the Institution, and It was decided that it bo held on this Friday. Tho atudenta will leave here that morn ing, and will go by steamer to tho Klamath Agency, whore on th tamo nfternoon tho high school basebr.ll team will play n return gam with tho Klamath Stars, tho Indian team which met dofoat at the hands of the lecal school to the tune of 11 to 1. Tho Indiana havo strengthened their team, and aro determined to win thl time, but tho high school is equally confident of being victorious. After spending tho night at tho dormitory of tho Agsncy school, the excursionists will agaltt embark on the steamer for Fort Kiamatb. where Saturday afternoon they will line up against the strong Fort Klamath alno. The Fort haa somo exceptionally fast ball players wearing tho town uni form thla ear, and tho high school lad roallto tho fact that they hava their work cut out for them, Tho high school excursion m ont of tho biggest eventa of tho school year, and these ptoasur trips up the laho are among the most enjoyable outings imaginable. School spirit ta running high at' the K, C. II. 8. this term, and practically the entire en rollment of ytiidenta will tak tho trip and root for the wearers of the rod and white. Tho big steam rollor of the Stranse j Magulre Paving company ha been ut work on Main street today, getting thlngH in readiness for the work oi la Ing bitulltblc pavement, which will be commenced In a abort time. Tho city is soon to replace the rock ou portions of Main street, and a man Is to be appointed by Mayor Saador- aon to koep tab on the amouat of crushed rock put Is, and to se that It I apread In the required thickness. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Martin and John Martin returned to Merrill today. after a short visit with frlenda and attending to somo business matters. GsUMMeetaas The ladles of the Episcopal Ootid will meet Saturday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Morgan in Hot Springs addition. J. X. Dyar was in from Dorrls last evening. MM. USE Mil I ' fvflfWW VffWwW ffVflfiV iff! TK.MME CUT The case of Johnnie Amos wa la the Jmenllo court again this moralag. when Attorney Elliott appeared la be half of the lad's father to hav re scinded, If possible, the order a th court giving O. A. Stearns the ear of the lad. Attorney Ferguson appeared for 8tearna, and tho case waa argued this morning, but bo action was take to tako the lad from Iho custody of Stcaras. "Booster Prince" Makes Some Suggestions That Are Opportune liiUI TI iSTWCT II WAT 00MB James A, NswBham, solo eeratUet In tho Klamath Falls afitltary baad, haa been selected by the member of To tho Editor On Saturday. May 20th, the wholesale dealers of 8ui Francisco will visit this city. la thl party thero will bo moro than 100 very wealthy dealera, representing many millions of money. Thee, deal ers are oa aa eight-day trip; aad-are vlsltlag flfty towaa. " They are giving Klamath rail twenty-four hours, more time than any other city oa the route. This certainly la. a great honor. And try aa we will, wo cannot ahow too much appreciation. From aa advertising standpoint thia la certainly n great chance. We feel that it la the duty of all busi ness house la this city to at least close their plac of business tar a couple ot hours, aad everyoas ta to th depot aad welcome our dwtla- gulahed visitors. Every oa owalng a good turaout of any daaenptiOB should bavo It bitched up aad ataad- Ing In a Use aear the daaat, where the visitors can Inspect them as they Ther Is ao better advertlslag than aa array oi gooa. wti-Bai horses .' (aad Klamath Falls haa got theaa). Thla ahould apply to th tamers, aa many of them havo splendid farm horse. '"' Let us make this reospMa'a a svaad one. Let every one eoase'out. We 1 expect to have our baad and yuag ; t Boosters, two orgaalaatloaa wo thlak ; . a great deal of. W f eel that a oa la aaav laat tar thaw shatha. aad that & (every on will b p4lj enough to clos for at laet twa a go t) asm sw m ., ibis eaeuraiM. Kpsssw..,i'j w jis ttT.'OUYlaV .y .. ti .!.--. $&:?. fBs5ikv.,; -.;'.. . ". , ,.VV -j-,'Jrf f, r2. V irf",",fc