Buck Nix Mingles with Royalty on the Other Side By Sidney Smith (J? Suv!?naDW ( ewt wiiy MCMiuewA the knkuumcaucp " ' (kaw pot ywmn right I . i i ft " UJ l-KSWwroWAuMCC- '&Y$WZ&nZtfK Ml&.eTH Uosff uanms -v k i sZ ; bsJ liP; pyHpJ (l;1 ) t ( wusfN ,At - L I J. I -HfcYMtTlj I . 0000O ) TO Till: I'l'IIMC I A I L- R. c. SPINK, The Jeweler Agent for Creactat aad Jaa. Bow Filled Caica ' THE MEANING OP "COLD FILLED" lijr far the greater aaoaber of mm aad umn who bay gold M'stilie ttutom a eMMM raw. (iuM-Mled mu iww layer of mm guld stUrence! oUk a layer of rurtal aJluy between. It snake a flrtnrr rata ehaa oM aae, and rusts In. II Hit two plalea of gold am Itrarjr rnHili llirjf will wrer fur Hanjr ymrs. Hat, yew ami, Hid temptation lu Irn sponsible Ma. afecturrrs la lo rM th gel layers lu a tnrrp Mm awl larreaa the haw roclal. What K worse, IIm maker of ahoridy MM raw raa stamp II HiasniMlrrd JKI ur SB years," ami llirrr I no law to prevent hiss. Ilrmruibrr, when yea bay a ttalrh lu iaqalra about lhr raw. Ilrwrnilier, alio, lluit the gaaranlrr stamp la no salt-guide. Fortunately lhrrr la a waf J" r protect yourself n way ua tan lx urn uf the valev. Demand a ailed map made by the seuflr Mho make Ik Matt gntd-SIIrd raara la I be world. Thai mmiii a "Orarral" SHed raw or a "Ja. Iloaa" ftMed nur, bulli Bwde by the Kryeloae people, who nturr lltr Keystone willil sold raw. Thrw- raara are barhnl by SO year uf service. )) Tli toimnltie tint Hprnguo I'mt No, 40 cm ItiTorallon Kay obncrv !, ilnlrr Information hh lu IIkj Intt rrillnx flare of nny of iho rti-r uni of.thn Vltll Wnr. rltlior army nr navy, Hint nifty Im In thtf n-nivtory of Hi" city ur II linimMlntr vlrlnll)'. At irravnt Iml two mirh Krvr ant ktiottn, lint I how nr I). J, Duval of Company I, Orcjun Infantry, anil I Jiilmn llnrrlny of Company C, Ortnon Cavalry, arc, or xlioulil Ih, aomowhvro In I ho ir-fnl ciinclcrj. Tim former i wan I) ii r I til In Hi., old rcmrtcrv near I lie l'ri'b)ti'rlnu chiinli, and praium. ilily trlniirriMl In lhi prmrnt rrmr.' tuy. Aii)(inc poMmilnK Infnriiintlon m In llii' location of tlirou or other of till) Mlrrmu of tlm Clll War ullt nmfi-r n furor by Imparling that In formation cither to Iho committee, of which Iho illiilcmlcncil Ii rhalrman. or to l'ot Commandrr A, Krrthnrr of thin city. ItriixTtftilly, , O, A. HTKAHNS. , WEAR WHITE FLOWEI III KINY OF KOIKI Next HunUay, May Mth, la tot apart by Iho Grand Army of the Republic r.nd Iho yomn'a Itcllrf Corpa for the obivrtnnco of "Mothcr'a Day," In I'li-mory of the wire and mother of the Nolillrr who went to the front In thi ilayx of tho nation' trial. The ii'fmhcr of thoao order and the Bona of Vvtcrane nrt expected to wear white rnmatlon or other whlto lower n hiittonleron dnrlna; Iho day, and i rrMiRemvnta hav'o been made with Itev, (leomo Kot'M! of Oraco Mothodlat Kplnropal church to preach a lermon niiproprlate to Iho occasion at that church on Sunday evening. Member of tho poit, of tho relief corpa, the Bon of Veteran and othora who do dire to participate, arc expected to meet at Kit headquartera In the Ll brary bulldlnc, at 7 o'clock of that nrcnlnit. and march to the church In a body for that purpose. The Wise Young Couple tMaBjaBBajaajaBfjfBBBBafaa W'll hau a aajlnf hank book from tho very mart. Kvery de H)ll they make In n provliloa nxalnut the rainy day that i omen lo all at imiiiiu lime or an other. The I'lrat Trmt and HavliiRN bank ohiih joint ac counts by which elthnr huiband or wlfu caii withdraw money when needed, Metier open one I ml ii y nnd have aomethlnR In xfll hark on when (rouble i omen, The rlRnreltu mnnker ran And hi faxorlto brand at Iho Theater Cigar Htoro. Iibby of Spark theater. 8-Ct ITS A FACT First Trait and Savings Bank KUTMATft VAUM, OHK. 0 I FRANK ROBERTS Contractor Cenent Sidewalks a Spadalty' Cement Carblatf, BaatMcat Floara All klndi or Coacrete Work 713 Mala St. AU Work Gaaraatasd KLAMATH FALLS Ffeoaa584 ! Wo admit It, that we have bay la rr4dearc aad vara! property that are below tbe aaarkrt la ami will make you moarj, . ON KlUIITII NTIIKKT. Xew 7 ' i lirniM. fial v 4 likirka rmai MlJki Mtfioul. Irim l,aooi oaly IIM rath, ItaUare very raay trnaa. NKW FOUR ROOM IICNOAIiOW and lialli nwmi rtectrlc llcht, cftjr waier, kill lira rablael, waaU Uatedt a roiy home. rke 91,500, part caah. TllltKK KOOM IIOIBK aear deaol. IVIce IftlMi oaly WN raah, halaace ao a atoalh. IN KAIHVIRW .MHrlTION, New B- room hoaar, large- lot. Price $7Mt lenaa. rXHU IIOOM HUNGAIiOW aad . bath: everytWan wiudira a balll. .Oi tenaa. I ON MNK KIVKR, 1 acta of 'hoaar, fratt Irrra, Nae for ceKry aad rrruhkw. Aak for arlce ea tala. IIIQH SCHOOL HII.U Weaarfa 'aaaiber of ftao view Iota aad the price aad trnaa are right. CMMK IN LOTH In Nlchola Addl. tloa, MM aad an. HAVR A BAKOAIN IN Hot attaga "Addlllaa lot, ftOaHOt reawwt walk, Igradrd atrrrt, aewrr, rmtrlcled d irkt. MBS, aboat half caah. 0OOI AI'ARTMKNT HTTK aear Firrt National hank. Price la right. eaay tenaa. MAIN RTRKKT. We bare as root front, MM ier froat foot; 'reaUl will pa ftftrea pn oa the la rratatrat. 1 0,000 raah wW haadki Has a Cbaiplcte Uae I.. V. Daley of Lea Angela, who recently opened a cigar aad confec tionery atand la tho Spark Theater lobby, baa Jut received hi full ahlp ment of good from "the wholesale house; --He bow baa oh hand one of the most complete line of cigar aad tobacco In Klamath county, and will cater especially to the type of mea who want tho best In smoking good, and who recognise the name when they get It. Who I TOMT Why TOM BTEPII KNB, of course. Don't forget TOM, tbe INfltm AN'CR MAN, before you burn. We havo some very desirable BIXTII street property FOR gAlR. TOM. Are you Interested In KLAMATH COUNTY? If no, see TOM. He has some good bargain. Men who want tho belt cigar and tobaccos In tho city always patronlie the Theater Cigar Store. 8t e nave INSURANCE for any thing. TOM. On MAIN K1RKRT, Optmtlt Ibo, COURT HOUSE. A full line of package candle kept constantly on hand at tho Theater Cigar Store. Spark theater loby. 8-6t Looking for u new, comfortable room for the summer? Better make a selection at the new Argrave. Strictly modem. On the hill across from the poatoflre, 2S-tf Herald Want Ads FOB BALK FOR SALE Fino matched, driving team; also harness and new rig. Apply to Will Baldwin. Imo. ANNOUNCEMENT Tho Toggery company having par chased tho Interest of Mr. McLeaa la tho Paatatorium, the bullae will b moved to the present site bf th Tog gery, and will be continued under tbe ealcient management of Parclval Sholl. The Toggery will collect all hilt owing to the Paatatorium and pay all outstanding liabilities. TUB TOQOERT CO., INC.. fly O. W. Robertson. Mgr. -t FOR SALE I have several dlrab!o residence lota for sal close la to Main street. Will build house oa same to salt purchaser. Term. In quire Horatio Orem, corner 10th and Plae atraeta. FOR 8ALC, by owner, cheap Choice located lake front property at Ship plngton; all dyked and dredged. In quire Herald oflce. J-Ot FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS IS a month up. Tranaclent and houcekeeplng room. St. Fraaci. Mala St. near bridge. (t. FOR RENT Cottage, S rooms, closet nnd pantry: partly furnished; ft month; loaated oa th Hill and Sixth ttrett. nouaaevell Orpcratloa. 3-(i FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with bath, for one or two gentle men. 1113 Mala street. S-tf Furnished Rooms Reasonable rate. 118 Walnut, or Inquire at passen ger depot. B-t f. HBLPWi WANTED Man aad wife for raach or good woman cook. Apply Laka alde Inn Wednesday afteraooa. Mrs. . P. W. Sayder. d-lt DR :nra Tailoring aad lng drum a ipeetaKy. oaabl. Mlsa L. M. Lyoa. oar. Fifth and Plae.' VlT-tf. TO EXCHANGE l lot la Seattle, Watfw for acreage, or raeeat some caah dlfeteae. scriptloa and prlea to P. IVlM MT, City. 4-eVUstW The Argrave Steaas heat, hat aad . cold ruaalag water la ovary room. Elegaatty fnrakaed. Tho yaltow buUdlag oa tho hUl aareaa fiom th pottoflc. Rate hy th day, weak or moath. l-tt Lou oa Sixth atreet, aear grkvt mill. Thla la faat hecemlag tho host bulla street. Priee wlU aH yaa. Pettlt, owner, Llrermor Hotel a few day. -It thM hsrd alght coaghs of th cbiktrcnt wku .hail h aive shsm Jast whsl year mewsr v yoa, aad t what hr aethtrgtvahtrl laoariaiUM,Avtr' u T . a a... B.aa aaVaa Attlaff dMhilslB 0y foraiWM JXrZS mEhjmtikl far matr'ynr. OtK la t :f'- " , tgJtaillrlltT. Krcpit u IVnti asOOMINa MOUSR. other haabtr aaarfaltlra. WE WRITE FIRE AND AUTOMO. niLK INHVRANUK OHILCOTR RICK, Neit to th Aaasrieaa Hotel Pheae Ml For Klamath Home-Builders THE DKUCIOI'S APPLE Highest quality apple and therefore has steadily brought tho hight price by far, of any apple grown. Sells regularly in Portland for IS and 16. per bos and ft to $15 la Now York. THE MAYFLOWER PEACH Highest quality peach known aad the earliest, yet It bloom th latest, hardy, a freestone, red to th pit and the best for th heate. THE CLIMAX PLOT Uadoubtedly th moat beautiful, fra grant and moat delicious plam growa. Mr. Burbank's Baeat pit fruit and equally valuable fresh or canned. THE PHENOMINAL MMRi This baa been called Barhaaka greatest triumph a eroaa hetweca deuberry aad red raspberry. It la the best small fruit grown. Bear the Srst year. laelad a few la this year planting. THE KLAMATH NURSERIES O. K. KHLK, Proprteter. P. O. Reg MS, KLAMATH FALM. ORE. Ghico CSonstruction Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Concrete Construction a Specialty Office. Wlthrow-MelliMe BW, r. O. Box 07 Room 6 WHITMAN'S v JVfc v &W. VKlZirjrStf-i: 1V4 ?r3C -; -.ir-t&2 aWJK'aut touches top notch in candy making ScTcat. ft Mala UNDERWOODS Pharmacy DON I. XUMWALT, Prasldsat. E. M. BUBB, VlccPrea. aad Treae. BERT K. W1THKOW, sVcreUry Klamatli County Abstract Co. ABST1ACTLNG Sarvayora aad IrridKl Eajlaaani MAPS. PLANS, BLUEPRINTS, ETC. KlaBUth FsUla, OfifOB First Addition Lots on High School Hill Low Prices, Easy Terms. Over One Hundred Lots to Select From vr -a ' n Jf l ?& gmCE MAIN STSIIT . 0PP0SIT1 T1MPL1 THIAT1U. THE ROUNSEVELL CORPORATION SiSif" 5- &. - "f Vt r m w. : ..rjA h mm -.'.At .i"v- " irii '-'"f1 i ri ;aaaai