The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 08, 1911, Image 1

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    ftje tuning firfaUi.
tvrrum n tarn
mrKU I'lUH nmws urwiob
riftli Veer N lid)
escisl to The Herald
vl lililll Vlav Maviiral
red ihnti were exchanged thU mom. I
Ui by ihe rebel and federal outaldej
of Jium, nnd some of the bullet.
few to the American aide. The fed-1
rU ) (hi' liiaurgonl started the'
tattle, but l,l. ithe rebel, deny. ".IMMA!H:tt ,, UI MIMTAHV
4ro attempted to slop Ihe fighting,
! when he thought he had Ufts4.. POIU'KH (1IVIM OIT IIIM I'MX
td he lift the iireiie. but on hi leav" M,(t .h.NJ A MITPICIKXT
Ing Ihe buttle started unre more, nnd
t thlt time bold (Idea aro In action. "' KMKIMIKXt:i
, Two hundred rebel arc engaged, .
mbc of them getting within a hun-
rtd)sr.J.uf the federal tranche. UPrlght Hulled l'r.-s,
At J o'clock the federals-brought a Special to The lloralil
Mi lre In action and fired several' WAaillNIITOX, May K. How the
set it an adobe, lumie where score I'nltrd Slates could have &00.000 men
of rebel refugee wero In hiding. A ready for nn emergency call to t.rin
sua crr)lng n whlto flag wa hot'u rax- of need was outlined hire to-
from hU horse by tho federal.
TU Juan Attached
IAN' DIKOO, May I, A force of
awaated Insurreeto arrived at the
ostsklrt of Tla Juana thl morning
from Tecarto. The federal oulpoet
lr4 a few abota ai them and tben re
trailed toward the. tow.
At the announcement that the reb
tktwrr een aproachlng the town, all
tk women nnd children and motrablo'nf troops, and gave In detail hi rem-
firaltnre crowed to the American edy.
Me of Ihe border. The protection
by thl. Inl.lbl. Iln me.t ,j.n,Mnl W1M Leona.d
aotih guard, alihough Mauaer bul- ' H ,, v H A)
hU carry thr mlli-a. . .
A few eager .ourl.U who braved ' (f.'Drlghl. Ill. by the , Unite.) I'm,,
Ike wir rrare nptieared on the llnni Aoclatlon)
Ikk morning, demanding tn aee th. The mobllliatlon nt ftun Antonio
"cowle opera ar." They were turned Uliow IhM the regular troop of th
lu)t, Kvery More In Tla Juana it ' United 8late army are ready to leav.t
clowd, boltetj and nailed. Uielr garrlon equlpied for Ihe field
One hundred rebel who advanced 'nt h ahorleat notice. Thu Teuth In
toward Tla Juana at II o'clock wr.fnlry at Ft. Ilarrlion were entrained
wt by n party of mounted federal within eighteen hour after receWInt:
oath of Ihe town. A brief engage-1 their order. .Where there wa a do-
M mulled, and both aide wlthtly lu .iitrainini( ti w ur t in.- -
drtw. At noon the rebel were aialn .
wen advancing.
KOdAI.Rfl Arl tfavl a
lag an attack of Hermoolllo, apeclal
train of ten eara left to pick up fed
eral troop along the tin to relnforc
capital. Ilanrhera report the Her
motlllo rnad to be alive with rebel
bound for the capital, and Intending,
' ?"'.
It hm been omrlally admitted that
U rnd leading Into Nogale from
aoaor aro mined,
American aoldlor are moblllied
M thU iwilnt, expecting that th
attack on tho Mexican town of So
uIm may be almllar to the Agitn
Wla affair.
High Hchoel VMsHom
Saturday afternoon the hall leant
(ram tho Klamath County High
Urtooi crowed bala with the Bonania
eholaitlc team at Bonania, ant again
Jm vltllor wero vletorlon. Tho
rnrn wn io to S, and th loeal hoya
took advantage of th oecaalon to fat
10 their average, a they landed at
w at will on th bdr of th Bo
Mn twlrlor. Clair Arnold wa bav
Bandits Make An
Attempt tn
Vnlled Press NrtrlM
PORTLAND, May.!, A daring at
"Pt on the part of two man to held
P the Kart Bid hank thla afteraooi
mltd when th oMeers of th lastltu
"on put up a strong reelstaae. Th
Wt entered th hank and demaadsd
" funds, vbatly , lateadtog U
Inn o much fun nut of It tint ho hat.
tril Itiu ball lutu l.osl lllver, making
rlrnill of tint ack without any
trouble fur hi feat.
Henry Imw I installing a clgnr
eland In the front window of hi pop
uUr barber hop on Main street, 1-.
tween Fifth and MUlli.
day In a tatement to the United
I'reM by Lieutenant General Leonard
Wood, chief of atalf, U. H. A.
I tleneral Wood broached for tho first
'lime detail of hU plan In dlscuulng
I tho mobllliatlon at Han Antonio, and
tho rrltlclim thereof msdo In ration
quatler. He pointed out tho present
Inefficient atate of tho United Htate-i
army In raae an emergency should
arlMi which would call for a big body
ability of me rauroaa
to auppiy
The Hwcnteenth In-
'fantry wa under canva within three
and a half daj after receiving tneir
order, and all the troop wero under
canvaa wllhln teu daya of thu time th
original order to proceed to tho bor
der wa hutied. Tho entire regular
mini- could have been ruoblllied lu
I. la aatilM ttfrlaA. I
In the Han Anlonlo mobllliatlon tnei
in., nral lime. Thl hould not DC,
llrlgade and dlvUlon ihould bo n
art of thu uriiiv'it peace, organlxatlon.
Aa thu organlted each dlvUlon won I J
bo about half It war trengtb.
A It I, approximately about 10,
000 men aro needed to complete tho
dlvUlon. Had thoo been prdfldo.1
they would have) boon raw recrulta.
requiring weoka of training. In for
eign countrle thla Increment I ob
tained from orgaulied reaorvea, which
are absolutely eoaentlal for our army
to Inrniro a speedy change of It unit
from a pcaco to n war tooting.
The total lack of reaorvea I tho
greatest weakness of our army ays
tent. Thl was clearly lllustratod by
tho mobilisation In Texaa. Should wo
bo forced to moblllso a hlg force many
Rnb Portland Bank
mako a quick gotnway, but a revolver
duol resulted. One of the bandits
waa arrested. tl gavo the name ot
August Kkart, and say he la a ma
flkiaut. That th money waa noUak
a from th bank Is due largely to
President Nwhalluwho guarded th
fuada with revolver.
iwc-ka muat elapae bvfore .undor thu
prcst-m plan, our arm)' organization
rould take the Hold with their full
Ht rt'iiicth. I'uhllc opinion probably
would not aland for such delay. Thu
.ti-Milt would buthat tho organisation!
would Inkv thu fluid at tliolr reduced
Mrcngth, or, If at the Increased
trength, with large number of men
poorly liutructed In their dull and
unfitted lo endure the exposure of a
We ran oriinultc auch a reserve u
I needed If we timkp tho enlistments
In the icgutar army and the Mllltln
ten years, two or three yrara with tho
colors and tho remaining wivon or
eight ear absolutely free of ohllcv
tlon to como to the color except' In
rr of war. Thu men thould bo free
from riot duty or local atate duty, but
hould be obliged to attend maneu
ver every other )ear for eight day".
Now wo are lining from 30,000 to
10.000 men )varly from our mllllla
and tegular army combined, only
nlxiut one-third In each service being
roH'tilUtmcntH. If wo wero to glvo
these men tl.HO monthly, or whatever.
rongres might think wan wlo, no
would accumulate SHO.OOO men In
eight )ers.
Theao would lx Initrurted men.
who hnit pnurd through the regular
'iirmy or mllllla. ThU plan would giro
im ISO, 000 men islanding right be
hind thu regular army of appro!-
iiately 100.000, and with mllllla of
probably l&, would give u
rfiiotit r.ou.non men Immediately fcvall
iible. The only obligation thtM men
nould have. In addition to their er
vice obligation, would be to keep the
piljulant general of tho nrmy and Ihe
adjutant general of the different
tlali Informed a to their1 where-
HAI.KM, May S. The itatc depart
ment of fUherle will maintain an ex-
,tenlu exhibit In Attorla during thu
Centennial eeleiiraliou, vnowing m ue
tall thu method of the propagation of
fUh and nalmon In particular. A num
ber of aquarium tank, allowing Ihe
many pecle of live flh native to tho
date of Oregon, a well a n fliti
linliher) In actUe operation, will
muke thl uxhlblt complete and au ed
ucational feature of grent Intercut tn
all centennial vliltorn.
m cumkes urn
The IrU theater, tho popufar mo
tion picture how houao on Sixth
triH-t, haa again changed hand. A.
V. nnd L. C. Wlahard being tho new
owner. They aro rocent arrival
Kllembiirg, Waah., ana are
brother of A. L. Wlihard, on of the
The new owner, will take charged
Ihu theater tho first of next week.
They plan many now features for
tliolr how, which will make It one of
tho beat In Klamath Palls. The very
latest and best In motion' pictures are
to bo secured, and will bo shown on
thu screen by Carl Schenecker, while
In tho musical llnu a real treat l to
be given the patrons of tho ahow. As
sociated with their orchestra wilt be
Miss Allison, Joseph Ward, Prof. R.
K. Orlfflth, A. Y. Ttndall and A. U
Wlsbard, all of whom are wall knswn
feature here and musician of too
first class.
Other features aro to bo added
from tlmo to time, and undor the
management of tho Wlsbards, the lJ
bid fair to becomo mora popular than
A. A. Mitchell, that renowned ex
nonont of tho virtues of M. J. II , l
here from San Francisco making his
regular call on the merchant. He
I a guest at'tho Lakeside Inn.
B. II, Wheeler, rrank Crouch and
j. M. stonhenson at among th Port-
landers, who aro spending tho day In
Klamath Palls
n. Oliver, a well known resident of
Redding, California, la among today's
guest In Klamath ran.
I. S. Davis of Merrill -was among
Saturday's, visiters In th eauaty seat.
Kdltor Herald: U Utt week'a pa-
r, undor the heading "Cora Beaton
Ii (liven Her Llberay," 1 notice an
attnehv of the ahcrlt'a olBco aaya tho
reason for thla action waa that two
ginnd Jurlc toad tailed to Indict
her, when tho facta or the matter aro
that I ho iao ha never been brought
before u grand Jury, and latareitH
purl le don't daio bring It before one,
an the evidence I too concluilvc, and
they are afraid there might be a
Into bill, whlrli would place nine In
leretUtt partlea In an unenviable por
tion. Conequenlly they would rath
er let one of tho moal daatardly erlniej
ever committed In Klamath county,
one thht enuited n property loa of
$1.1,000, Including eleven head of
l.orvc and tho haatenlng of the pat
lug of ono human life, go nnpunbvhed,
thnti take thu chance.
The would-be attempted prosecu
tion ha been one of thu grandext
fuici-a ever pulled off at tbo expense
of the over-burdened taxpayer, and
Im cot them ooveral hundred doll
am, erhap eloae to tho thouafcnl
uiark, and one of the Interested par
Hen ha got to tnko a nice little plea
lire trip, I believe at the expense of
tho uppoaeVto-bunoborvlng pub-
liic, in which lory navw nevn raiaumi-n,
the Job Haa oeongatrcmoiy.cearae.
One of thnao grand Juror.
United I'rcsa Service.
KL I'ASO, Texaa, May 8.
During thu engagement between
the federals- and rebel, Anto
nio (lanlu was shot In tho head
and killed and LouU ilernsndet
was shot In the arm. Doth men
were on tho American aide of
the line, watching the engage
ment. Olenn S. Cheesman, a railroad
clerk, was shot in the leg while
standing In front of th West
ern Coffee company' warehouse
In the manufacturing district la
thl city. Ilia wouad I serious.
Several bullets have atruck th
American customs house In th
heart of Ihe city.
Saturday evening the members ot
tho three committee appolated by
Sprague Post, Q. A. H.. Bprague Chap.
tor, W. R. C, and th cltlseaa met In
tho chamber of tbo couaty court to
consider t f urthor arrangements for
tho observance ot Memorial Day. The
meeting waa called to order by Cap
tain O. C. Applegate, and O.A.Stmns
was selected aa chairman of the com
bined committee. Albert B. Elder
waa chosen aecretary.t
Several members mad talka aa to
the purpose ot tho meeting and many
hilplul plana and Mggentlon etm
to light. The following sut com
mittees were named: Music, Mrs. Ella
Nelhon, Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Robert
son, Mrs. Prod Houston end othor;
flag. Mrs. Schatlock, Mrs. Crawford
and Mrs. Cashow; program, C. W.
f hermaa Sr O. C. Applegate and Mrs.
C, K. Selts.
Tho program committee waa In
structed to Interview th various civic
organisation, and neeertala what
oart they would take la the eaaretse.
Captain Auppthxbgk. .o O.xk.T T T
C. M. Sherman mad a muon
that Cantata Applegate. aa chairman
wait upon Mayor Baadersoa to set
what can be dose la regard to hav
in- (ha eematarv nut In better shape
before Decoration day, when the Mr. and Mrs. J. ThtMUlr return
ritualistic eserelse of th mmKtltJ1 Saturday evatng frem-IR with
will be held at tho cemetery at II
o'clock, Saturday. .
Another meeting of tho committer I
will be held.
Mieeta Will llemala Here
It. J. Sheet, who for the past twa
snd a half yeara ha been eonnectt-J
with the Klamath Palls Light and
Water company, has sevcrod bis con
nection with that company. Mr.
Sheet saa be Intend to remain In
Klamath Pall, and that he mar de-
cldo to go Into business here, though
be la not certain a to what lino he
III enter. Mr. Sheets, during his
nervlce with tho light and water com
pany, waa practically In charge of tho
0eratlona ot the company under the
Moore, and he I well and favorably
known In thl city.
Meeara. J. Prank Adams, L. 8.
Robinson, A. M. Pinney of Medfotd
and Scott Daniel of Idaho, left In n
rig for Lakevlew this afternoon.
County Commissioner C. C. Merrill
and I). V. Kuykendatl. district at
torney, will leave In the former' auti
to attend court at Lakevlew In the
P. W. KgUngton, the Poe Vail..'
ranchman. In company with tomi
friends waa In the county seat today.
J. W. Stephenson of Ilaker, Ore.,
arrived Irjit night. He is a friend. of
llakowskl, the photographer who I
presumed to have lost his life oa the
shore of Crater Lake last winter.
Mr. Stephenson will Join the Arant-
loineycr party which expect to leavu
hero Thursday ot this woek to maVo
mother search for the missing man.
It's a mistake! The Monarch ha
not sold out, but I furnishing to lis
customers the best of goods at tbo
most attractive price. The volumo
of It delivery I so great that somo
people Imagine It had sold out.
C. II. Freeman, representing thu
Irwin llodson company of Portland,
blank book manufacturers, waa la tbo
city today, Interviewing the county
cflcera and taking order for book,
etc. He I n guest of the Baldwin.
C. M. O'Neill, tho attorney, depart
ed for Lakev'ow today, being one ot
tho attorneys In the Adams-Carroll
case, and also in a case for one of the
big cattle companies ot Lnk" fountv.
P. A. Johnson of Sacramento wa
among last night' arrivals In Klam
ath Pall.
cirrMiwy latum
There ha been an enormous In
crease In the demand for money In
this city, and the banks have not only
found it Impossible to supply the de
mand, but have found It niciaasar?
to refuse to purchase any city or coun
ty warrants for tho present at least
At a meetlag ot the banking Interests
held last week, this step was decided
The reason given for retuslag to
purchase additional city ana county
warrants Is that the bank ot th city
have not the money now to uso tn
this manner. It Is estimated that tbo
banks aro now carrying something
like 1150,000 In city and count)' war
rant, and In. addition one of tho
bank ha lit.000 In city Improve
ment bonds. Aa they have a demand
for all tho money they can loan at
10 tier cent Interest, they feel that
they cannot afford to carry any addl
tlonal warrants, which draw 0 per
cent Interest.
Efforts aro being made to place
some ot tho county warrants for road
work with outside financial Institu
tions, and It I believed that this can
bo done, In case th warranta can
not bo placed It Is probable that the
extcnslvo road Improvement work
which has boen planned for the coun
ty, will have to be postponed.
It Is stated that the refusal of th
baukw to buyaddUlonal warranta doe
not mean that tho valuo of th city
and county paper. U ta any way Im
paired, but waa eaused by th hart-
age ot money du to th great demand
caused by th ataiv hulMMK p
e rations MM improvements whtet are
olanned by the property owner and
friend snd relstlve In Salt Lake aad
Ogdcn. Mr. Magulr Is th asaaager
of the company which haa the saving
contract in thl city.
Captain J. P. Lee, county assessor,
leaves for Dly and way points this
evening, Intending to return via fort
Klamath, making assessment while
en route.
Manager Cato Oliver ot tbe Klam
ath Palls baseball team la trytag to
arrango a second gam with tho
Klamath BUts, to bo played Baaday
In thl city, to see It .bis boys eaanot
even up matters for the drubbing they
were given by the player from up
atound the Agency. Mr. Oliver i also
endeavoring to bring Dorrls here on
thu 2 1st for a game.
A big quantity of earth wa hauled
to tho grounds during tbo past week.
and after It was spread In th low
place the diamond was rollod thor
oughly. Oliver thlaka that thai rain
In alt that will bo needed to pkwe the
grounds In tiptop shape for the re
mainder of the season. A number of
the players turned out early yester
day afternoon, nnd held u rattling
good practice. It I tho Intention of
the members ot tho team to practlco
a much aa possible this week, to bo
In shape for putting up a fast gamn
At the Iris Theater
Tho program at the IrU theater .to
night wll be as fallew: "The Old
Curiosity Saop,'!va, bcautlfat
hauser drama: "Man orA
clever Imp drama, la wMeks,Llttl
Mary." the old favorite takes tbo
leading part: "Bertlo'a Bandit." the
prettiest comedy drama that haa been
abown In this city for some weeks,
and tbe "Emperor's Lunch." 4,000
feet of picture la alt. and a beautiful
Th price ot admission tonight will
be 10 cents for ndulta and S cents for
children. A coupon Is gtvea with
each admlsswa which entitles th pat
ron to a cbaace la th drawing for IS
In gold given away each Tuesday an I
Saturday night-
8. C. Hamaher, proprietor ot the
Model Bakery, returned from Port
land and way point Saturday even
Thomas O. Wllsoa, a well known
Merrllllte. came la yesterday, aad la
here today attending to buetaeaa mat
W. C. Hill and, family of MoaUxne
were among Saturdays gueata in mis
Ed droggln U here from .Oakland,
California, attending to business mat
ters. v
John A. Durst ot Marysvtll waa
here the later part of the week.
Mexican Money Received at Sub-
Treasury Said
NBW YORK, May 8.-014 ballloa
valued at 110.080.000 ha been re
ceived at Ue sub treasury throMb th
IntereaUeaat banking arm tera
Frers. The metai Is la tho tana, at
newly minted Meglcaameaey, a the
sub treasury has. been reaaesaai to
tary of th Interior haa authorised th
reclamation service to seH, oa May
lth, at 3 o'cloak p. aa.. at
auction, a tract of land asa
about tl acres lying abaat.ea mil
northwest of Keao, Or,, aad taaatasl
la section' 30, tswaaat 1 aawta.
range 7 east. Willamette meridUa.
The sale wlU be held at th f
the reclamation rvtc at Klamath
Palls, Or. Preliminary t the sat
the secretary has authorised th ap
pointment of the follow! psraaa to
uct a appraisers: J. Praak Adaam,
Merrill, Ore.: Frank Ira Waft, Klam
ath Falls, Ore.; O. A. Stearns, Klam
ath Falls, Ore. v
Tbo aale or thl land Isclade the
appurtenance thereunto beloaaiag."
which embrace a water rtaht-t too
second feet of water at th head t
tho gorge oa the Klamath Rlvar, be
low Keno. with th possibility at In
creasing that water right t the ex
tent of 3.000 second feet, which, la the
minimum gnaa of th water at tho
entire river, aad th asetloa ot a
aeveaty-Sv feet la heiaat. R ham
a proposition ot vast Importaa to
tho person or corporation which aaay
toy tbe property and develop R.
So far as the government i con
cerned tho history-of th matter amy
tg summed up thus: la 105, while
the reclamation aervlco wa intend
ing to put in the Keno eaaal, tho oaV
rial of that service boaght th land
involved and Sled n water right, un
der tho old Oregon law on 4,000 sec
ond feet ot water, proposing to use it
for various purposes, including the
installation of a plant for electric
lighting aadfuralhlag power for
tha;waer abava the ditches
'bwirmawsaaaat. e4V. Later
nnd In November; llOOVsaaaw aaWato
niade a Sling under th mw' water
code of Oregon, covering only 00
second feet, and propoelag to saUC a
dam forty feet high, which would
furnish power to the ameaat of 1,70
horse power. This minimum amoaat
v. as selected because of th fact that
th new law required th aayataat ot
fees la proportloa to th aawuat ot
power desired, for th reasoa that
they were limited la fuada to h used
tor auch uses expecting after they
were ready to go to work Installing
tbe plant to Sle for additional water
trat might be needed or mad use of
Sine then the omelals ot th gevera
ment service hav fouad that there
were no funds prceurabl for lastall
Ing aay plaat whatever there, aad
have aow araagef fr th aale of the
adjacent lead, kwluelag th aewer
Sled upon.
Oae ot the reaaaaa why It ha a
value far In eases ot th aiue ot
the bar land la that th holder ot the
water right haa eoatrol ot H aatll
1014 three yeara bene la which
to complete the ereeUea aad opera
tion of the plaat. aad the'moment hi
buys it he can lie aa aaettteaa! water
right (o th exteat ot aaaalrlag a
rtO.OOO hone power to fair
(CoatlaueJ oa Page-4)
to Be Diaz fprtp
melt It lata bars, aad held jl-mm
in isnavr vnrar.
k , J"" rf
4 llsalBatettftte.i &'.!?
thl lathe fortua f
.- It I. kallaaakBrSMBS'SSmBBati'ri
.... .. T?T.. jTZjr'-rzfZ.
thl method
tf Jl.HV
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