iimwmimmvmij i'V- rr 8e Pi nine MtMk nvrruwDtainm XOLVMTS OIB 09 DiHTioi riu tmntm INTERNATIONAL NEW! inMi Year No. . KLAMATH FALLS, OHRQUX, HATfllDAY, MAY , 111 fHMf VlV CONFLICTING TALES ABOUT ARMISTICE MADERO SAYS "NO" HBTOIIT TIIIIKNT AT Kli PASO (MVM AIIMIHTIt'K WAS KXTKXI- MI WH TIIIIKK WAYS A 1TM RXniMTION h Vilttd I'rw Hervlea JIKXKO CITY, May . Maiiutl MUI. president or Honduras, waa rwtlrrd by President Was today. In frtklni of thn iltiiatlon he aald: "Wai It a fighter. II told m hf 4m not llko the Idea or being vlr- lastly forrrd from oEce by the In-i Mn. 0.' A, Pi and ton Carrol or isrftil), and that be favored fighting Medford It iltltlng her sitters. Mn, for ht he believes are Kit rlfhttlc. C. Cnfer and Mra. Utile Rogers. tad Ik good of the Mexican people," I , rortlanrr rn leaving the city, and t H It feared lilt will not resign. I ArmUtlre KttrsHlrd I lilted Pre Hervle. Kl. PASO, Teia. May . Ocnersl . Carbsjal ha announced nnoErlsllyj (at Ike artnlillre between Dial and, Mtdear has been extended for Ihreo er df. l allow a more complete ttttnunlratlnn with Mexico City. It li Wind that Madern'a associate I III urea to tlil plan. A irHrt fullowcd that the unofll rial mention or tbo armistice wa' Base tt I o'clock, the tin of tho ex itratwn of the previous armistice, i Mistral llranlff and Obregon were lata at Mtdrro'a ramp, trying to rirt Ike ritcnln, It waa (ranted setsisc mminiinlcatlnn with Mexico CHy h Interrupted. Tie federal troop at Jaurea bo awe sctlve and lb tasurgeata pro land their nutpoata, but H ll kf fend thtre will be no Sghtlag until Ik armUtlr matter It definitely art tkd. "No Aratiatlce," Tttejr Kay Catted Prt4 Bervlc. n PAHO, Teiat, May C An un rrrlled report that the arailitlc baa ken officially declared off waa Made kt today lilai, It la aabt, refuted le treat further, lleaumptlon or the Btktln U eiierted Immediately. Madrid ronNnwa Ketwrt Ostfd Prnt Kervlce El. PAKO, Trxaa. May . Oencral Madtrn condrm the report that the nalitlre haa been declared of. II aid be will net attack Jaarea today, at did not atate what hla plana wer for Ike future. federal aoldlcra were again sta uoaed on the hnusotopa. In t reaches tad oeklnd barricades, whtlo th ref- i are leaving. 0-OUT m 18 REOPEN AT IWll Martin llroi. are arranging to opea Mlawa axaln In Msrrlll In a couplo f .. in fct, it can hardly b wd they hare been out of business J Ihclr store burned, for they BlVt handled an amount of ImalaMa their warehouse that would at( - any mores wna thalr atoelt oa ilm. Tk largo ttore room occupied by Rword printing plaat will bo rtlB Dro.' new locatloa, arrange- having been mad to leas tbo u. !! ,OWor noor ot Carioeh ""Ming. Just whtr tba prlatlag Uncle Johnnie" Simmons Meets Death from Spirited Horse's Heels '' "ImmoBi, batter knows aa j"W Johnnie," u data aa a reault M lng kicked by Harry Owlaa, a known rating sUllloa thla Mora- The accident occurred at the old "y ranch, a quarter ef a mil "we Olene, on the M eMe ef the nw, and from what dUlle eaa be "r4 It thaVHmmeaa wu 2",B ,h water, a4; way th spirited aalmal got " (roat hla, hlewad him amal j officii will be moved linn mil et liwn derided. Merrill Uncord, , THINK MCIIKXK t'AHK WILL UK ItMtTIHIM-ill United Prut Service- WIIKKI.INU, May 0. Tbo fltml dltputlllon or lh cae of Mn. Hchenk It It expected lenity will be pottponed jlo tilt Heptumber term, II In author 'Itatlvcly Mated that llio Indictment will lie quashed then. U. L. Hchnfleld of lied llliiff, Calif.,' waa one or the arrival In town taut evening. Mr I on tho lookout for a location, HAVEN OF REST FOR WILD BIRDS 111(1 I'llOTKCTIVK HHKHKIIVK IH TO NKT AHIDK OV TIIK KTATK C'AI'ITAI. IHUH'MM AT N.U.KM, (MiMMlX. Special In the Herald. POIITI.ANH. May . Wild r'(iendant M all flrw. Chief Wakefield Ill have a refuge about tbe Htate Capital. A prnwrve Including about It, 000 arnt wilt be aat atldo where huntera will not Ihi allowed, and tblt protection will become effective May JO. Ijtnda aurroundlng thn stale Intll UUlon will he Included In tho pre ufM hv Governor Weal. Tho taw on thla tubjert, paaaed by the latt acaalon of tbe lglalature, provides that tho atale game warden may en ter Into contract with land owners to have tbelr farms Included. Hunt ing thereon may bo punUbcd with a Jail aenteuce at well a a fine. Thl I regarded aa the moat lm liortant atep ever taken for tho bird wilt bo raited on these lanut ana mai a few years Ihouiand or niru In a tow year inev win nirt 'over the Wlllsmetto Valley. Increas ing very largely tho present father ed population. William !.. rlnloy, protldent of tho Oregon Audubon Boelety, haa been ae tlye la securing tbe establishment of thla gamo refuge. Ho believes that education of tho farmers and land owners will accomplish morn In this direction than mere legltlature. He I hopes later to establlah almllar pre I serves In other parta of tho aUte where th same objects will be ae 'compltohcd. A big on near Roae Ik.... irdv nrolected. where a Urge land owner haa offered to aid tho plan. Mr. Plnley heads tho Hoard of Game aad Fish Commissioners. Other members named by tho governor are! M. J. Konney, Portland; C. V. Stone. Klamath Falla. and C. K. Crantton. Pendleton. Thcso four will seloet fifth member lo complete ths Board. Win. I.. Wilson will apeak on Prime Asslntt Criminals at lied- men's hall tomorrow night at 1 o'clock. The gathering will begin at a o'clock, and the ladle of Local Rwauna, soclallat party, will servo refreshments, consisting of sand wiches, coffee, Ico cream and cako. lor IGc, children 16c limes, and wangllag the body la a terrlblo manaer. Deputy Coroner Whltlock went out for tho body, but baa not yet returaed to Klamath rail, ftlmmona la an old resident of Klamath county, and aa "Uncle Johnnie" be la haowa to nearly ererybody. He waa otwua in Bad TS vaara of age. The dlaposl- Ilea ef the body baa not been eettled. a yet, but will be decided upon when Ooroaer Whltlock returns to tkaeMr. I DID LAST NIGHT u,vi.iiai, ihiiiivavikm iktwi. HMMIAL nilDINAMKM INTRO- ihvkd, ixcli'dixu ex: nm TIIK THIRD MKWKH UNIT AMU liTV HALL HOXD KLIXTIOX Present at laat night's adjourned nicotinic of the county were Council men Cattvl, Willlt. Hummers; llanha, Waldron and Htnnshle. llnlldteK IVrmltV I' O, llrretiwood. Iiomq and barn mi lot 054, block m, Mllla addltloa. (Inrrett Actaaon, one-story frMM building on lot , block 9, Klamath addition. An ordlnnnrn establishing the third sewer unit wat Introduced at thU meeting and patted to Ita acconj reading. Tho ordinandi declaring I for n special election, at which time tbo people will rote on the $30,001 j blind for a city ht.ll, waa alto Intro, 'iltirt-d at thl meeting. 1 he matter of tho condition of Btraw'n Dairy In Palrvlnw addition (ami up, and Health Intpcctor Dr. It II, Hamilton roxrted that thn Imrn and creamery were In taultary cundllloii. Ho ttated though, that the manure; thoutd b httiled away Irom the preinlie. ami drainage kept tree nt all timet. The barn of J. I'. Arnett on Eighth and I'lne waa declared to be a mil 'mine, and Police judge l.cavltt waa Imtriirted to order Ita removal. , jn or,cr lo ,t,,ate the confuilou of the toltinleer fire department re ijiieited the council to name a num ber of firemen to act as police during fires. Tbe following were appointed by Mayor Sandersen: Will W. Ilsldwln. Judd t-ow. Harry Cllllt. K. W. Wakefield. C. I. tlobert ron and Nell Campbell. following thl the council adjourn rd till neat Tuesday evening, when they will moet to consider further the p flair of the city. Nets Owl Many Trees It. W. Tower, a well known resi dent of Ktsmslh county, was la yes trnlay from hla fine ranch at Keno, attending to butlnett matters. Mr. Tower ha gonn In for fruit raising. and In addition tit bis already largu crrhstd he act out over 300 young spplo tree thl spring. Haloon for Crescent Kddlo Bantry ramo In cttcrda- af- tor noon to confer with tno county court relative to the granting of n liquor llcento to him for operating a saloon at Crescent. Mr. 8antry ar ranged for his bonds and left for Crercent this morning. lOfifiHY HIYS OUT IHMTMQtti A a rctult of a deal Just completed chsnges have been made In two well known butlnots eatabllthmoats of thlt city. The Pantatorlum. which tint been conducted by Shod A Mc-l-anc. haa been consolidated with tho Toggery, that, clothing arm purchas ing tho interest ot Q. V. MCLawe. The machinery aad cleaning and dye ing apparatus of the Pantatorlum will be moved to the Toggery, consider ablo new machinery and equipment uurchatod. and a strictly up-to-date cleaning and pressing department will bo conducted by th well known clothing firm undor the direct super vision and management of Perclval Hholl ol tho Pantatorlum. Mr, Sholl Is too well known In Klamath Fall to need an Introduction. Bufgee It to say that under his management thla tl prove ono of tbo best enterprise ot tho kind In Klamath county. Tho Toggery will also handle tbe Royal Tailoring company's sample books In addition to acting aa agents for th Ed. V. Prico company. Ha likes Klamath iWla Miss Uura Hoetlag, oouala of Henry Rabbes, tho well known auto dealer, arrived hero a few daya ago from Baa Prancltco to spend the sum mer aa the guest .of Mr. and Mrs. Rahbea. In the ahort time she haa beu her Miss Hoofler haa become a full-iedgod Klamath booster. She saya It'a tbo boat couatry ehe haa struck yet, and she Intends to write aad toll her Meade atjeut It. ' WHA COUNCIL IXTKIIVKNTION P1.AXNKD United I'rAa Service WASHINGTON', May 0 Aa a reault of Wllaon'a oMclal re iwrta, dctaila lor, United Btatet Intervention In Mexico harn been prepared, though President Taft will not ordor auch ttep except aa a laat roaort. Tho houao Ball Itary commltte la keeping In clot touch with the altuatlon. If Interrontloa comet, It will bo In the form of a double lava alon, from Texaa, by the army, and from Quaataaato by tho ma rine. . HOMESTEADERS WIN THE FIGHT DMIHION OV MKRVIKW LAND OKMCK COXCKRM.VfJ KLAM ATII COl'.XTY HOMK8TKADKRH l'1'IIKf.l) HV COMMIHHIOXRR Several decisions from the com missioner of tho general Isnd ode relative to rights of entry was re ceived yesterday by the local land office. The case are Irom Klamath county, wherein lands were opened to settlement last July, aad to entry thirty days later. Homesteadera made settlement on tho lands, but when tho same were open to entry a num ber ol persona preaeated Silage under the timber and atone act. The local Isnd oMctals lied a time aad place for a hearing between the Interested parties, and alter considering the tes timony decided In favor of the home steaders. Their decista'a to hM by the commissioner, but It Is presumed tbe cases will be tahen up to th sec retary of th laterler. Among the cases arc tho of OUv J. Carlton. Robert D. Perkbu, Paul Dogardus, Robert 1.. Pulkeraon and Louis L. 8teln, homestead claimant against Kathleen Garrison, R. II. Dunbar, W. P. Johnson aad Samb H. Gown, timber and stono claimants, the former gaining the decision. Lake County Examiner. GOUKN RULE DOEOT GO WITH NEU OF WErUTN IINIVRUSITY OF ORCQOM, May "If you are going to take th Gold en Rule Into buatnets, you might aa well kits our hope ot wealth good bye, tor It Is practically Impossible lor a man to get n million dollars to day and atlll observe tho principles of honor and truth." This was th can did conclusion aa expressed by Mr. K. n. MrXaughton of Portland, who addressed a recent men's meetlnu or the Y. M. C. A. on the "Ooldeu Hulo In tho Business World." Un like many who assert that material success will followthe application ot tho highest Christian principles In business, this man, an experienced bualnesl man and one who la rec ognised as w leader In hla profession, waa honest enough to declare that, a ladustry Is today, the man who I determined to be absolutely true to hla highest principles need never hope tor wealth, unless as Mr. MacNaugh ton. expressed It, "his undo kicks the top out of a gold mine," NEST SIDE SCHOK NM6 EAST SNEER P r th flrst tlmo this season, the baseball teams representing the Riv erside and Central schools clashed oa tho diamond thla morning, aad at th end of tbe sixth Inning tbo score stood it to a in favor of the lade from over the river, so the gam waa called. Despite the lopsided acore aeveral exciting plays were executed by both ataee. Next Saturday they will play another game. 'Thla mere lag'a line-up: Riverside rviseo at, Remington p., Laadle lb. CHft ib.'af. HIRea lb. Plel as, P. Hilton If, IB. Hilton cf, Rltchl rf, r ( Ceatral K. Murray e. Hoagtand p, McMillan ib, Nolo lb, AraoM lb, Montgomery as, J. Murray 'If. Betha of, eHrtj ' a DAND CONCERT A GRAND SUCCESS MM.'AI, Ml'HICAIi OKOAXlSATtON WOltKII A (JRKAT HIT AXD WO.V MAXY NKW FMKXDH IIY Till! IIKXIUTIOX 1.AHT XIGHT It's all settled now. Klamath Palls ha a band of which any city In thi' United Htate could be proud of, and from this on there's nothing In the town thst I too good for the Klamath Falls Military Hand. The band rendered Its first con cert Isat night to n crowded houto, and the murmurs of approval that ran through the sndlcnce from the time the grand "Chicago Trubune" march had been played till th encore for tho last number wss finished, were or the most flattering kind. Di rector Snow and his muslclana hare demonstrated to all that they under hand and appreciate real mualc, and that they arc fully qualified to play oven the moat dllBcolt compositions In delightful harmony. While all of tho numbers were good, "The Story of a Flower," selec tion trom "Tho Bohemian Girl," scenes from "Tbo Burgomaster" aad tne "Swedish Wedding March" took the fancy of tbo audience especially. while the grand fantasia- "My Old Kentucky Home" at tbe conclusion of tbe program was followed by a verit able storm of applause. This was on or tbe prettiest seicct'ons of tho eve ning's entertainment, and Included in It were variations for all Instru ment. As n closing feature, the band stiuck up "Tbo Stur BpMigled Ban ker." aad whllo -ho vlralas of the Kiand old air Sited th boas aad th American flag waa lowered, the audi ence arose aa oao nun, and loudly itpplauded with true jut'lotlc fervor. following la tbo program; 1. March Chicago Tribune Chambers. 3. Overture "Orphean" Offenbach. 3. (a) Valse. , . .Prayer and Passion. Grim. (b) New Flower Song "Th Story of a Flower." Kneff. 4. Grand Selection.. Bohemian Girl. Balfe. C. Msrch Reglmontal Pride. Heed 6. Scenes from Tho Burgomaster. 7. (a) Swedish Weddlag March. Soderman. (b "Idlyl. Tho Olow Worm." Llnckc S. "Grand Fantasia" Old Kentucky Home. Dahlbey (With vsrlatlons tor all Instruments) LOMKIMnTEE SETS k SEVERE NIP United Press Bervlc. CHICAQO, May o. Judge Petit has granted habeas corpus writs to Edward Tilden, George Benedict and William Cummlngs. As n rsault ot tho rultdg, Tltden will not appear be fore the stat senate to answer, to th charge ot contempt because be re fused, to produce bis bank books be fore the Lorlmer Investigating com mittee. In case Petlt's ruling Is upheld, It Is believed the Lorlmer committee will b disbanded. Attornoys for the state have died a bill ot exceptions, there being no appeal trom the cir cuit court's mandate. Protlsasatiosi by Governor West Following Is the proclamation ot Governor Weit, relative to Klamath nud Lake ceunties: "Whereas, I have been advised by h atttn board of health aad the state veterinarian aad, through them, by the United Btatee bureau ot animal iii.iu.irv. thst a lane number of cat tle In Lake and Klamath mantles hav become affect with a comma Icable skin dbteaa known aa aeablea or mans, aad that unleea estaeUve quarantine regulations are promul gated and eatereed by the state au thorities, It will become teewmbMi udob tbe federal government' te take action in th matter: Now. tharslars. I. Oswald West. governor ot th state ot Oreirea, anon auch information ana recommenan tleM, do hereby order that no cattle 160 PUPILS ARE EXPECTED IN FALL now within the boundsrle of the counties of lake and Klamath, In the statu of Oregon, be removed from aald counties Into other counties ot thl statn until thn tamo shall have been duly Inspected, found free from disease and permit for tbelr removal granted as provided by Isw, or until such tlmo aa thla proclamation Is an nulled. And cattlo shall be moved from ono locality to another within tho boundaries of said counties only after permission granted by proper atate or federal authority. "All persons and railroad compa nies are "hereby ordered and warned not to handle or remove any cattle from tbe atoovo described territory unlets accompanied by a permit or certlflcato ot Inspection Issued by th proper federal or state authorities, or until such time as this proclamation It annulled." WANT GOOD LAND AT LOW PRICE KAHTKRX PROMOTER WRtTRS GOYKRXOK vVIMT THAT HE CAX ni'ILD AXD POPULATF. 9M XtCW CITIK8 IX OREOOX SALEM, May 6. Governor West has received a letter from William H. Sloan of Cincinnati, Ohio, la which the state of Oregon Is offered a propo sition whereby it is assured n big In crease in populatien: "I have Just completed the orgaa Itatlon ot the United State Immigra tion and Steamship company to se cure, hnadlo and locate th over flowing population of Europe, Can ada, and the United Bute, amounting to 15,000.000 persons a year. In cities of our own building aad on farms. "Wo will operat our steamships 8,000 and 10,000 tons bringing me chanics, merchants, farmers, scholars, schools all of the best class, only charging 110 In steerage and I5 In cabin. If you and your legislature will favor a proposition like this. Oregon to lease or purchase 200 tracts ot 10,000 acrea each, twenty miles apart, with privilege of pur chaae within ten year, we will pro ceed to build 300 eltlea, each of about S.000 persons, on these tracts. and will bring enougn factories ana other Interests to support these eltte. Within ten years wo will buy aad pay for every aero of these lands, 310,000 sere at tli 500.000 acres at 14, 500,000 aero at 15, and 500.000 acros at ft. It is likely that we can pay every cent ot It within four years, but we want n margin for safety. It Is not necessary to pay aay high prices for lands en tho raireadt, but go out six to ten mile and let tho railroad build to the cities they will do so. You can find mil lions ot acre of government land at f 1.35 an acre In most of your coun ties, and our building of cltlee will bring rallroada to reach them. We must ask for level aad rich valley lands. We can add about 1,000,000 people within n few yeara, and tho ttate'a ahare of thlt additional taxa Hon will pay all your troublo twenty tlmea over, besides this, w are par log you 13 for government laad cost ing but f 1.15, an acre, so you aee you do not lose In tbe deal." "The Great Alburtus" Is In The Toils For His Hatpin Stunts United Press Servtee. TACOMA. May . On eotnpWlnt ot Earl Aahford, a yoatb ot II yeatsr a" warrant far th arrest ot Abartua, a hypaottot ahowlag bar, has been hawed. Aahford waa used aa sub ject teat Bight, aad hatpins were passed through hla toagu. chseks. ear, last) under the Jaws, and. tws through th ansa. Th hyaeaHtot led Aahford through the audi de ctorlng the lad waa a a traae. v Aahford aaya that he waa aMwawer, amy toluenes, hut that thf Imtfta i BIGGAINATK.CH.S. OX ACCOl'XT OF THE IXCRRADE IX ATTRXDAXCE, COUXTT MIOtI SCHOOL BOARD TALKS OF PIT TIXO ADIHTIOX TO SCHOOL A meeting of the county school board waa held thla forraooa at tho court house, at which time many Important matters In connec tion with tho high school, Ita maaage- mvnt and welfare, came up for thalr share of attention. The current bills or the Institution were audited at this time, and ordered, paid. In discussing the present aad fu ture atendane of th county high school, it came to light that aa at tendance of at least 1(0 paplls to ea pected next year, aad a still greater one during th succeeding ysers. The subject of such aa increase brought on the subject of accommodation fat th pupils, aad It Is th Ira belief at th members of the board that K will be necessary to build aa addition to the structure befor loag for th la flux of students. When the high school building waa rected a few years ago, many people eomplelaed over what they termed to be rank ex travagance In bnUdtag no tors structure, declaring that the attend ance would never Jastlfy each aa enormous atrnctur. It haa takes but a comparatively abort time to demonstrate to them the tar sighted ness of th me In charge ef the work ot bulldlag. It to possible that the aaasmbty hail of the school may be changed late aa Immeus etady room for all esaaeea aa the result of a suggestion made. At present the paplls, 'after attend ing chapel, report to th principal, and then leav for thalr claaa reeass. It Is thus made possible for theaa to play truant after reporting. aa a remedy, th altering of the aaeembly room Into n study hall waa suggested. Tbe superintendent haa been author ized to order the aeeeaaarjr famltar, and In case th chaag to made soma other room would be used aa a chapel. Service nt the 8uaday school at 10 a. m. C. R. De Lap. superintendent. Sorvtce at 11 a. m. and p. m. Rev. J. H. Everett. Prayer meeting every Wedaesday ovealag at 8 o'clock. Well wishers are cordially Invited to attend the service. TNEHY-TN CHSKI mm m The paving company's new 40,000 pouad rock crusher arrived from Cal ifornia last night, and will be stored to the hill southwest of town aad pat In place t rapidly as possible. The company expects to be able to pat the machine together and begin crashtag reck by Tuesday next. It will be a sight worth seelag to observe th method ot assembling th parta of. tbe big machine once they get It oa the ground. E. W. Roberts, a prosperous ranch man from Poa Valley, waa la towa on business today. through his toagu prevented him from yeltlag "If h wanted to," A crlmlaal charge baa been nana against Alburtt tar th vtolaUe ef the state Ian; whleh preMbRa tbo staging mlaera. 'Aahford centres hla Intention of entas civilly. taWac 150 tor sBa thrust. , "Alburtua" will be iimimhitdtar' th rauju mm whe she'ls'tawf eltr a few'ssen'tbe je.'.asst.aags M ' W aelw hypnotised hlaMesf Jjg IwerteBa to hla ,., - A - tt -as V-VMC "- m. Vc?i -IbbsTsI fisssssssssl Mi - T i -