laid. avrrumnnm XOtOMVBOHSV jjnmo nam vmvKm iSOTMfAnovAii raws pirth Vfii N" KLAMATH FALLS, OHRaOM. PltlDAY, MAV B, 1011 e f ton in a WORDEN HAS NAMED AN ADVISORY BOARD FULFILLS A PROMISE tHHKK MEN FROM KAl'M PRE rtxer in the couvrv have MKV NAMED TO CONSULT WITH OFFICIAL. Oaeol tlm campaign promltea made iy Willi'" H Worden when he waa ctadUttc fr County Judge, waa (hat If elected e would appoint an ad thery l"rii ,rom each, precinct In Ue'reunty to conault with aad ad riot of the board of the need of their trtlcsltr section. Campaign prom bet are not alwaya kept rule tst la the present cnen tho exception iMecnioven. i Jadie Worden U In rarneet In hlaj tawast of good for the county dur 14 kb term of office and la confine-1 el tktl hU plan will bring the board K cktftr lunch with Iho people and lit the following appointment as ember of the advisory hoard. Three nta are aelrtted from each precinct M folOWi! rort Klamath Jmet Polton, John' liter and lleo. W. Looley. . rite Orore V, T. Elliott, Janiei !4t and K. B. I'bllllp. HAI.KM, May J. The coutcmplated "Mtrrlll tleo. Offleld, H. i:. Maitlntrlp of the tnto and deeert land lad K. E. Fitch, board through Onttal Oregon for Ktt K. P. Henry Itabbe. K. T,the put of Impeding the Carey Mdermnand Prank Ira While. art and other luxation project ha West K. F.B. B. Beam, J. W.'becn prtnim from May 16th to Neawat and Marlon Hank. about June lt. The party, liicludlug Keao It. V. Tower, F. T, NoUomtbe governor, atatn ttcaautcr, ecrc. d II. II. VnValkenburg. tary of atale, attorney general and (Meu I'rank Courtadr, Jj T. Tot. i Male engineer, will go from Halem to tmsad M. II. Wampler. iLakvlew, and from there will pro. jBeotnu J. o. Hamaker, Walter ceed In a northerly direction through Rnadtword and J. T. Bradley. ' ln I'lne and lleiid, taking pauge for Laaoll Vallcr It. O. Hassev. Chnahnme over the Oregon Trunk at wtaile and Waller Campbell. fee Valley Cha. heater, Ellr..' wirth Moore and Cha. Picket. -Dairy A. I.. Michael, Jacob Iteuck night, wheie he he been In attend tad Wai. Welch. auce upon the conference of ilnle rn- Midland Chat Ager. Wm. Ilarktglneer. and where he went to makej ad Wm. Tlngley. provlalon for completing topographl' i Ij I), F. Dtlsroll, John Well nndical ro In co-operation with the fed. .'rue Parker. era I government, for which money No appointment have been miid.'M appropriated by the lait legl. m Icr Crixrent and I'okegama. , lature. The rnlnwlng letter haa been enl retlfylng each of ihoaa appointed mtMmm Mlaf um m Th County Court I creating an! 1HTD tfld Hit 115 adtlaery hoard, orltlag of Ihres nembei from each precinct In Iho cMaty, Thin ndvluiry board will MHt.wlth the county court nt varlou t.aa for the dlacuaalon of trailer of palley relative to the woMtr and lm. y. I.. Clapp of the Ukevlew onto IWtmcnt of Klamath Connty an lgug line, had a trenuoua time or It vhole. You have been etleetcd by Xr,nf (0 make hi rat trip to Uke. tat Court a a member of thla board, I V(W, e atarted, out Monday hlck will mt.. perhapH thiea or,m0rlng with everal paaaengcni. ar tine a yew and at Iho rail of .and made good tlnw till he W county court. Plea Inform the reached the Mount View or maty clerk by mail whether i'tti8osith ranch, ten mile beyond Dairy, MMpt thl appointment or Rot." 'when hla trouble began. Croealng order of the Court. th0 divide Into the Hpraguo Hirer Vnl. W. 8. WORDKN, County Judge. I ,tt (h road became heavy In place. ' ' but be reached Illy without any nerl- KflHIIIIIITti MAMnWi" dlMculiy. Krom that point on tMWM.1 S GUiSv ". l expred It. "it waa m mmUr "TT.: h-H." through the Oevll'a Oarden. i KuTii Tint nfnm "' fpw mp ,ur,h,f n hp M BLVIIrll lm LIIPJIPjV 'compelled to atop, and turned over hi In Redmcn'a Hall thla evening, ll:e bera of tho vocal aid piano conducted by Mr. Don J. "wan, Klamath Valla1 gifted nu. m. will appear In recital, tag those ha havo leea fortunate enough to Turkish Perjury Syndicate Knocks Department of Justice to Pieces CONHrANUNOPUe! May G.7ho , ,l"J.hor,u'', irytaf t at t Ine Th "rnlng tho operations of it Hulnrly organlied perjury ayndl. hlcb, under both tha llamldlan JM the preaent regime, haa made 22J Juatloa a Joko tor year ihuK. w"atora of tho orgaalutloa aro m troubled by too little but too wjth evidence. Kvary member of ' aotiety ready u, tBrg mt,., mMo. Belag profaatUaal par. wtrj, howevar, thara la aaturall ""ffrabla fcaMUaayaaaaaralR (ha Taa aniiMta .w, . ... "' " M Nw r-'frlvo luvltatlonaare. eagorly lookluiti forward to Kin evening' program, Under lh Intlrurllon of Mr. Zutu. wait, a number of oron with Mimi cal laiont nave developed into tr Markably Reed muilrlan tun! vocal. l.t., and many have atnlne.1 note musical circle. I Tonight, Ihey will apt-par In recital nnd an except tonally Reed program I peeled by the mimic loving public. On account of the conceit given this evening by (he Klamath Kail Military Band, Mra. Zumwalfn recital will be. gig at 7:30 and le completed before the conceit rtart. IUND BOARD HAS POSTPONED VISIT TRII' TO THIS SECTION WILL MOT IIK fOMMKNCED BY OPPICIAUt I'.VflL AIMHT TIIK FIRST OK NEXT MONTH Madra. State. Engineer John II. Lewis re-1 turned home from Washington last Hill nn Bin SHME OF TMaKE 'paaaengera lo a man wlin n wagon. who took them on to MKeview. inerc the now waa atlll In plenty, and the mud. In place, wade locomotion at moat Impoaalble. Ho returned to town Wednesday evening. A continuance of the auto ataglng court. Having had oiteneive eiporl aaea la poata of truat tha member ara able to furnlah, not unintelligent perjury, but Juat tha right kind for any particular cae and of a aaturo appropriate to taa peculUrltlea of dlf. ferent Jurlea aad trUI Judge. The baalaaaa waa ao oitenalv that tho management waa aala to offer vary reasonabto rate. Diroro tettlmony coat tha moat, two medjldleb. or l.0, belag cbartH for each wltaaaa la aurt eata. aad aometlmea mora, ftcoordiai to tba taatlmoay. Tha ayadUate'a dlatruptloa raaalt ad fram a a,rral amoag taa aMav bar aaaearalag a lUlon t taa 'wn otjoniKl fur the present until IIki road Ret drier and better. IIOMAl-VOMllrMtaff Mra. A. B. Llvermore, who wltU her oiu conduct the well known hostalry binrlng the family name, returned to I bin city lait night from Ileddlnr, Cnl., where iho aptM a week viiltlug her brother, Ma or 0. II, (IronwoliH nnd A. II, Urouwoldt, proprietor Of the Oolden Kaglo lloti-l In that city, Hltc ri'tiort having a aolendld tlmo '. lulling relative nnd renewing old nc Im'wIi"m. THEY COONT ALL THE PIECES NOW MH'Ali l-UHTOKFICK MAKK KAIH HHOWINO OX KIIIMT HAY, IIK fITK THK IJUHT MAII, ItRCKIV Kl HKKK THAT DAY. Hlure May ftrt, the poiitofico at Klnmalh Kail, like other poatoSce throughout tha United Htate ha tieen kecplug lab on every piece of tuall handled, and will continue tlm count throughout the month. Tbl I being done by order of the Pnatofflco Depaitment. flu the flrt day of the count, when an eireplloMlly 'light mall' wu r mulled, the folowlng count wu mndii nt the local poetoStcv: Oiltgolng lller, I.I IT; Incoming letter.-. 1, K.:: city letter, 97: outgolns package. 33; outgoing paper. 271; Innnulng VHr, 8311 clly mailed pler. Ct. CHAMDER PLANS ENTERTAINMENT MAX r'RAXtlMCO lll'HIXKHM MK3CH YIHIT TO KI.MATH VAUM H'IMj MK OXK TMKY HILI. LOXO HKMtaiKER Plan for the entertainment of the Merchant' Aeeoclatlon excumlon. which will be hern May 20th, were dltcuned at lait night' meeting of the board of director of the Cham Iter of Commerce. When the excur lon arrive the vliltor will be met nt tbo depot by the cltlten of the town, and they will be taken to town In automobile. After they will epenil the day In railing at the local bualoeu hnute and making thcmewlve ac quainted with condition here. In the evening u reception and smoker will be held In the Irla the. ater. when apeeche will be made on aubjecta appropriate by local apeak er. and colored alidea of Klamath county ecene will be thrown on the screen. The Klamath Falla Mili tary band will alo aaalt. The following day an oxcuralon ou Upper Klamath Lake will be given In honor of tbo viaitor. nnd they will depart Monday. HPKCIAt. FKATURK XM1HT PROVKB A RM BUCCKSM The Spark theater waa crowded to Ita full capacity last night, waea tho first featuro bill waa presented, and those In attendance expreaa them selves as well pleased with tho pro gram readerod. The management will give those programs avary Friday night hereafter, and latead to lm prove the quality of tho bill aa much aa possible, Several wall known ama teurs took part in taa performance, and every number waa heartily en chored. Mint Nellager'a vocal aolo, tha duct by the Turner children and tha Illus trated song by Walter Kegerele, tho mandolin number and tho burletquo work by Shlpton and Kegerel all da servo special mention, hut the pie-eat lag contest between a quartet of haa gry kiddle waa full of merriment from tho atart till the winner, with blaekberry-etalaed vlaage, omsrged from tho remnaota of what had- oaoe been a pi. T. . Haameraley. Ualtad BUtoa dasuty marshal, arrived from Part' wad mat Bight, axpaeUag U taka wKh hla. Okarloa Brawa, taa aaaatartsUar arreated a faw day ago oa hla ratura la Portwat. MEMORIAL DAY ARRANGEMENTS CIVIC IIODIKH AMI NCIIOOL CMI UllfiM IIAVK VKRY WII.M.SGLY - AUIIKKI) TO TAKK K1IIT IX THK KXKIK1MKM PLANNKIt Following the caII liaued by County Judge Wm. B. Worden and Mayor V red T. Banderaon, a meeting partici pated in by a number of cltlten who Oiled the county eaatt' room in the court houie waa held lait evening, to concert nieaiure for a proper obaerv oiic of Memorial Day. County Judge Worden ptealded, and Albert R. Bidet wax choaea aecrotary. After aomo conaultatlon a commit tee of cltlten waa appointed to confer and act with committee from the tlrand Army nnd the Women' Relief Corp, already appointed, to mako KUllablo arrangement for the varlou feature of the Oceanian. Tba com mlttee applnted coaalated of Captain O. C. Applegate; A. B. Elder aad C. A. Howard, with power to appoint necee ary aub-commHtaa. A general dlficaaatoa followed, 'par ticipated In generally, denoting an earnet dcalro to bring about a gen eral obeervanco of the day In th4 aplrit of patriot Um. Prof. Danbor of the high achool gavo aMuraacea that the youth aad children -of tho public1 achool would participate, Including tho who hare been. drilled by Mr, Mder. and that the high school bead would take part and furnlth mutic. Mayor Baaderaon wan requpcted to wauo a proclama tion reuetlag taa bualneaa men lo ctnao their houae. ao that they and their help could Uke part In tho ex trrlse, aad aleo to .confer with the Klamath Falla Military hand; and. if IKMilble. aaeura, their attendance throaghout the wraaanaie. A geneeai maettag of aomaritteea waa arraaged for Saturday erealag nt taw-eoaaty court' oBeo la taa court house, when further detail will be talked over and arranged far. Aa outlined, on or tae member or the committee, appointed by the a rand Army, aald it waa probable there will be r.- parade In the forenoon, followed by n march to tho cemetery, where the grave of tbo departed aoldler and relative will bo decorated, the Grand Army ritual being followed, after hlch the procession will rcrarn to town. In the afternoon a Memorial Day D'-rvlcc will be Im'td, probably la tho court house ytrtl. with nddriatr. tcngs, music and prayer. It will lie In the nature of r. solemn service, rather than n celebration. TEMKR' SMI UY K ill TIB NWI County Superintendent Swan ha Just Isued n circular letter to tho teacher of the Covaty In rogard to a Hummer school ta aa aio prepare tory to' the Juno teachers' examina tion. A summer sesalaa wat held nt tho County High School last year and such a session will bo hM thla aum iter If I hero prove to bo auaVUat demnnd for It. Teachers Interested la a summer school aa wall aa eight grado pupils wishing to review for tbo September examination ara urged to confer with Superintendent 8wm or with W. E. Faught or C. A. Howard of the High School, ta order that tho extent of tho demand for a summer courao may be ascertained. If the courao If offered, work will begin May 39 and continue until June SI, on which dalo tho toachara' examination will begin. By holding school oa Saturday as wall as oa other week days, a full achool month' work can bo done before examina tion. The auninicr school last yoar proved to bo qulto a auccets and, If tho de mand Is aufteient to make a course advisable thla year, it la expected that a summer school will bocomo n permanent thing in Klamath county. IVaaGIH Dr. Wright report tho arrival at a H-poaad daughter at the horn of Mr. aad Mra. F. C. Olaaan of Hot Sprlags addition Wedaaaday. TlMf Was aa aar Or Fraak Sargaet. A. V. Wlaaard and L. C. WJaaard, led aad advised by that radauataala aaawr. "N.laay" O'Ooaaall. returaed Jo this eltyMatt night from n abort aojourn at Bpenccr Creek. The party report fine luck, nnd they brought In forty tront lo bow that they rcnly had been pull Ing 'em out of the water. Mrs. Wilson nnd daughter, Mr. nnd Mr. J. ikogglna, Mr. J. II. Durtt, Mr. I. Datla, Mr. Dan Van Brlmmor and Mr. mid Mr. James T. Henley are among the Merrill people who wore In Oil city last night In attendance nt the dUtrlct convention of the Rebekah lodges. They all stopped at tho Bald win. FOREIGNERS TO AID GOVERNMENT I.1HT OF AMi OUTSIDERS IK MEX ICO CITY IS REIXO PREPARED AND SERVICES WILL BE TEX IIKRED MAX United Press Service MUX ICO CITY. May S. The For eigner arc planning step for self protection, and acting upon the sug gestion of the French Club a list of nil able bodied foreigners I being pre pared. These will be armed and their service wilt be tendered the govern. ment If the garrison Is withdrawn from the city. Tho report curront that tho city of Matatlan haa fallon into the hand of the rebel ha been confirmed today. Mr. and Mrs. John McLnno of Scat tic were among last night's antral In Klamath Fall. CALL OF CITIES THE STRONGEST ORKOOX FARM t-OPCMTtOX HAD A VERY POOR IXCREAME Dl'lt IXG THE DECADE JtST HOI.M.D UY. AS HHOWX RY THE CEXSl'M Special in The Herald PORTLAND. May S. Analysis of Iho recent census figure by tho Com mercial Club, in regard the grorth of Oregon's rural population lit tht) .it decade, I not mmurlug. Tho cltlea nrc attracting three peoplo for every one that goes to the country. During the ast ten year tho cities have increased in population 101 pwr cent, while the rural districts show a gain of only 29 per cent'. The proportion between town and country population in thla state hm entirely changed In, the past 'decade. Ten years ago Oregon's people wcro about evenly distributed between town and country, the lattor leadtnrt by 31,673. Thla margin has not only been wiped out by tho fast growled cities, but they havo piled more than 100,000 on top of this gain, while tbo rural population haa Increased ovor tho total of ten years ago by but CS.7S9. Tho stato a a whole haa gained 2(0.239 people In tho past tea-yoar period, an Increaso of over .! per cent. Leas than Ct.000 of thla new population haa gono to tho country, while almost 300.000 peoplo have set tied In tho cltlea. Throe peoplo havo goo to tho title for every oae that baa aettled In tbo couatry. "Wo aro faclag tba gravest problem of tho geaeraUon." aald Manager C. C. Chapaua of taa Commercial Club, "for la we can gat more people oa tbo oil, many of our other trouble will settlo tbomselvs. How to gat tho landless man on the maalaaa land It the groat work to which tbo Oregon Development League and tha Port land Commercial Club havo set them selves. The figure aaow there Is dlro ueed of It. The man who can devlat a way to offset tao turo or tae wane lights of tho city aad get man to aet their feet on the ground Instead of treading asphalt ail their Uvea, de serves woll of bis country." AGRICULTURAL DIPT. to mavLAT flsXAsnro WABHINOTON, May B.Tb United sXatse.Sapreme Court today sustained. the taa BiwaUry of Agriculture ta regulate, tbe granlng of aheap and' aattle en foraat reeerve land, The oplalea was read ay Judge MANY INDICTMENTS RETURNED BY JURY Lamar;- It covered three test case appealed to the hlgboat court in an effort to settle a great mass of liti gation that ha arisen over the right to grate on tho reserve. John II. Faught, the Yonna Valley farmer, came to town last erealag for a load of freight for one of tha Do- nnnttv merchant. He Is the champion rabbit hunter of his neighborhood. C. A. Itcnorf and A. Bock, well known resident of Sprague River, spent Thursday In tbo county seat at tending to business mattors. SPOKANE MAY HAVE A STRIKE BREWERS. BOTTLERS AXD DRJV ERS HAVE ASKED FOR A RAISE OF FROM TWO TO FOUR DOL I.ARS A WEEK. SPOKANE, May 0, Unless tba la la wage asked for by mem ber of the local Brewers', Dottier' nnd Drivers' union aro granted aeon by the brewery and bottling owner (. walkout which will effect over 300 men will be called. A ibryer con tract with 'the owner expired Mon day, and at a meeting Sunday after noon the employe decided apaa a demand for an lacrcaao of $4 a week for tho driven, .13 a week far the brewery workers, aad IS a weak for the bottler. The employes have expressed themaolvM aa. belag .wlllhsgtj asm promltc with tho men on their de- mtiid. but will not meet t!iem In fuli. while the union men are equally decided that tb-y must receive their u quested raises in full. Claudo C. Rafter, aa spokesman of nn arbitration committee represent ing the unions, will go before tho owner Monday afternoon nt which time nn ultimatum will be delivered. YES, TIB IS THE HIT Fill THE III CHCEIT Yesterd&r morning, the seat aale for the Srat concert to bo given by the Klamath Military Band opened at the Doaboalere, and ever sine that tlmo the proprietor, Harry Menard son, haa been on' the Jump attending to tho unprecedented ruah for seats. The aale of seata has been remark able, and a crowded houae la assured this evening, when the big program will be rendered. All of tho member havo been practicing faithfully to mako this, their initial bow to the peoplo of Klamath Falls an event long to bo remembered, and the pro gram that has been arranged con vince oven tho moat skeptic that tho concert cannot be missed by any lover of music. Charlca B. Drew, the Yonna Valley horso aad cattle ranchman, waa a bualneaa visitor in town yesterday. Hotel Hygienist Discusses The Many Virtues of Course Dinner 1 "T '" LONDON, May S. Tbe InatRteaaC bygleno met at a banquet rsosatly. It was qulto a formal banquet, and tbo result was that several of t,be byglen Istj M-csent lacllaed eomewbnt to criticise it, aa not axaetly tbo kind of bantjuat that hygienlata ought to eat. Bo .many courses, they argued:, were Hanaeessaryaan put a premium oa over eaasumption. whereat, at, tha close of tbe meal, up rose Hi. J. Btricklaad Ooodall. and told tha hanaaetera some nln trntbs. "Course dianers," he sua, "we not ttnbygwnta. tney are salsatWo dam oaatratleaa, 'Tbe hoc d'oenvrea." tbe doeter efntlnnsd, "atlmulat tg a. tatory ataehantsm aad start tag aeere 22 THIS MORNING ItOOHRVEIr, RY HIS fOHTOMAIJi. HAH AROl'SED THE ENMITY OP THE KXTIRE ffOCTAIiSTfC PRESS PROTEST PLAXXED United Pros Seme. LOS ANOXUM. May 6 Tba graad Jury reconvened at 10 o'clock ta earn plcto tho work commenced yeatarday. Judgo Walter Berdwetl, waa, R f unnoouecd.'will try tba McNamataa. Is wnttlag here to bo available. Tweaty-twa Indictment war re turned by tba grand Jury at 1 1 aataak today, twenty-oa at watab named vie tlma of tha Tbaea aaplaalaa. Tba twoaty eaosad ladleuaeat referred ta the Llewellyn' explaaloa. Tho name of tao agalaat, whom they ware returned ware not given. P. U believed that tba Srat twsnty-ana ara against tba MeNaasarn hiatal, and the twenty-ascend agalaat Jaavte McVanfara and Ortee McMaalgal. tr CHICAGO. May G. Seemllst are aroused at Roosevelt' editorial an tba McN'amara case. The entire asalaHstlc pros of the couatry ta to laaagnrnte a campaign of "protest. Tbe Dally Socialist, la aa editorial, aayt: "Roosevelt butted lata tbe Meyer Haywood case, aad htaamslafamau, referring to tbe kldaapped'mlaera aa 'uadealrableeitlesee.' Me la new bat tlag late tbe McMasanrn eaaa, drying to 'shoo tbe workers away trasa thstr boanden duty to rosea tbetr tmprt oaed feUow-workers."' Defemw to Cse AMMs LOS ANOELRS. May 6. Volley at allbia will ae thVdefense assd by Jan. McN'amara'a attorney, who are bend Ing all effort to show that It waa lm-' possible for him to have been ber within twslve hours of tbe time when the Times building waa blown up. Tho Bums men nre ataklag effort to combat this. They are hssglng a close watch on the wHnaaaaa aupnosed to hare seen McN'amara the night of the explosion or Immediately prior to It. CXCLR SAM HAS AX EVEN CHAXCE: XO MORE WASHINGTON'. May C Ossslala of tho department of tbe Interior say that the government has aa even chance, no more, of retaining tba S0.090 worth of land eemprleed In the Alaskan Cunningham elalnu. It la atated that- the oaaa of proof of fraud In connection wKb the. slat raa Is on tho government, and It stay be Impossible to aaow'deSnlte eollualoa. LWM SINKS IHU: HnjpwJT WfBajrJW saf wHMVsrvfJ fii ir jwe mm Complaint waa Sled thla morning before Justice Grave, eaarglaf Dan iel Wick, an Indian. wHh nmmlt ting aasaalt and battery by striWac an Indian woman. Wkka Bleed gnttty. aad waa Saed IS and coots, watsb be paid, and waa aet free. tlon of saliva aad gastrin aad paaare- atlc Juice. Olives clean tbo month. Soup haa little nutritive value, but la rich in gastrin, saaMers. A free Saw " of Juices la thna tnanrad far tae Sab. a food rich In' pretald. Tha entree, by name, appearance and taate, a cures a Sow of Jalee ta digest tbe v Jolat and. sti tme, fends. Tn. atvory malatalaa the Saw, Sjwaata and daaaart, with their pleasant taste -r and attractive aVfjagfigM, are ahlMS ' after actual hueger baa boas' as. -IV . eaanae R oftbagaatric a word waa' aald UdntkattWaaikn)a-,u ,.,. jBjjSjBaBSsl njjgjajajjanmTmjn va aantna Sliajtlllt" BJkhf ? ,,-,; tMmimtmt'r-h .'-"i vi i', s. ,: '.t,&l aWfe 4& f "C i'r 'k j