MARSH LANDS 50 Pit CHIT. VEGETABLE MATTER.; OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY KLAMATH'S 0REATB8T BARGAINS AT f 26 PER ACRE AMP UPWARDS. THE EVENING HERALD IMH My atasopt Sunday, at 111 8. Fourth St.. kg tte HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. a mm, Editor TIRING or ARMAMKNTH WoeJd Like lo Mop Growth of Naval Power the IDIIOKIPTION RATH: PBHpt iW wnsBHg Pkw PHtPi IV BftDt " MftM Ditty w II, NO BMttU . in . M ii KLAMATH FALLS. FRIDAY. JULY 22. 1910 torn, Am noHT Agree- INITRO RAILROAD UNARM IT srn Federal Jade lo lateift'U for the CINCINNATI. July II After all veers of eoMUat aad bitter warfare wltt the immtmm Federation of Back Move aad Range Of It. Lam hat catered agmmisl with organised tadoaed the oaaa akop pol ler. aa4 will kereefter employ only Tka asspilis of tka agreement la lass at tte Amsrlcaa rederetloa of lammMM sarka tka aad aaa of tka Voagsst lakor Sghts o( ia It aaa kaaa carried ap to caart. wkara coatempt an posdlag against the of tka federation. It waa la tka eaaraa of tkla coatro- company ob- aa taJaaoUoa forbidding to boyaott It or to print tka "unfair llat" la tka Tka laJaaetloB waa violated aad tka aaa year's flttMaMK HBMI OOiawpVW, aH aawtka. aad Joka Mitchell, alae Aa appeal easiest improvement waa takaa to tka OaMaa atataa se urease aaart sad a teal rallat la tka eeesRage, ' tkoask tka eooapaay aaa agreed to withdraw iu attoraeya fraaj tka aaae. TIM MttJMMftt Ol vlavtfVMS lol- tka daatk laat May of J. W. aa Ctaara. kead of tka Back of the tlx BesSs Mmnfs tni laws aMT rear struggts for aa oaaa akop. Hla It! till amy that ha kroke dowa usder tka atrala of the kght. His MMaMSaWes lai power vr aad tka acraeaieat avowee to eoatlaalag tka warfare. la tka raaalt. Of tka Back Store la St. Louie adailtted to day that tka opaa akop poller kaa t aatUlag tka Backa company igkt wltt la ao war aBaota tka Joka Mltokan. Fraak aad ssyoelf." aaM of tka of Ukar. wUlhatkat wlU drop oat of tka raa egrom aalaa lakor flenry Mvaea Road SAN FRANCISCO. July II. Wee ing to the federal courts for the a'.d which the atate court ret need. tre United railroada met with aa chilly a rcceptkia aa that given Horace O ' Piatt la hla endeavor to Work the worh of the const raetloa of the Oaai y atreet road. Judge Vaa Float of the United Btataa circuit aaart, having re (uaed to grant tka raaaaet of tke cor poral lou aad prohibit tka municipal ity from continuing with tka building of the road. Thoug be rata aad to tie tk haad of the city, he auto aat the aaual formal order commanding It to appear aad ahow caaee wky It aKouM aot be retrained The caae will be heard next Monday, aad la the menu time the aaperrlaora can proceed with the aale of the bond. No time la being lost by the super visor. Setting aside the aaual rou tine of buataaaa, the hoard at It meeting paasad the resolution author lilng the traaaurer to deliver the 111 bond bid for aad to accept payment for them. By a unanimous rote also the supervisors authorised the farther ale of tm.ooa worth of bond for which offers have beea received. They cloaed by calling for additional bids for I34S.000 snore of tke aacurltie. setting tka date for receiving tke bid at Aagast Id. Tke petiuoa of tka United railroads waa Hat la secret Friday evening. In asmuch aa Judge Vaa Float waa tkea oa tke point of leaving tka city k mm ii aaiae aad did aot tale it up aatll yesterday morning. After sev eral hours' consideration ha gave hit derision, aad the city gained soothes, victory la tka long-drawn-out aaM bitterly coataated flght for tke munic ipal ownership of tke Geary street road, MOT RNTtRBLT A PARAJHSC he waa greatly wttktke aaa af tka Backs Tka Amartaaa FalaratHa wlU aid tka atrtklag areatea aa tka Oraad Traak. kesaM. "Tka aaaa oa tka Oraad Traak kad to thorn aaaapt to Htrtkiag aat death aaa prevent their , wtasfag, aad death wttl aot eoese to aaa. great aeuahers" VUgajWawflategy. TB Josesk F. TaleaUae, a Baa Fraaehiiaa aad praalaeat of the la- saraUoaaj Uslos af Iroa Mawhter. 4a dae tte credit of briaglag ahoat Ota) peaee iBmsast hetweea the iamrlali Federatloa of Labor aad ttta Baaka Stave aad Raage eompa- ajr. wklek waa sbbssbsbI ky Bamael Weaagere. Joka L Rotas, eeeratary Usloa of Iroa to authority for tkla Ufor- aa sartor U July lech, aiaaaaHag tke tweaa ffragerlok Osraasr. wko la tka angaaaaar Tasaatlaa aloae earrlad aa tka BBgillBlloai la hehaif of the isabsrtasa raiaialloa uf tsbiii I Mk tka Manila at labor leaders Mas wRfiaar was aavar tkorougkly la ggagri with tka sstf galea poll mat dsT . (W, FlaB Oaaara. termer MHtHaaW P M eHLMkW 4tkV9amftJi aat ragaatJr. Ms taNtfteavaag awghrtteaetoaefthoiiajii BbssBsbB Baaas vstfe tka asleaa. Tahiti baa been described la boohs. magaslnea. newspapers ship circulars la such a to Induce the belief that the Island la a veritable paradise, aad aa a consequence many Inquiries are re ceived at thla consulate with regard to the advantages oflared to settlers ia these Islands. Tahiti. Moorea aad other mountainous Islands la tkla colony are Indeed very beautiful, aad tte climate, though warm. Is ful. No fuel to needed except cooking purposes, aad people live here wltt leas hard work tkaa la tka United Btataa. hat It akoald he added that there are practically ao openings la these ialaada far Americana. It la possible now aad then to bay land at high price, hat a settler oa unimproved property moat wait tea or twelve years for coooaaat trass to yield any proal la copra (the dried maal of tte aat), which raaka irat among tka three principal articles of export from this eetooy Of ska otter two. vaaflla Is cultivated ekJoar la Tahiti, aad eMtter-of-pearl shall is a prodact of the lagooaa af tka Taassata aad Oamgler ialaada. Ukar la saaiae aad ia likely to beeoate seareer wkoa tka phoephate developsnoats proceed further aa the IsJaad of Make tee, lid miles from Papists. Bvea gg TaklU. wkara lakor la than In the other Ulaads, a ror orainary worg oaly SS oeata a day without board aad lodging. At suck prleos a straaded Imerieaa kaa to work a good while lo make f 40 to par ateersge pasesge back to BBS Bnglaad la tiring of naval expenses, aad has made proposal to Germany for a curtailment of sea armaments, say tte Saa Francisco Chronicle In an editorial recently. It la high time, not only because there seems to be ao end to the im provemeata which make previous once obsolete, but because growing competition In trade le curtailing the ability of the people to pay the re- suiting taxee. If Bnglaad Is to maintain the two power stardard In Dreadnought she must add tremendous sums to -the naval budget. As the case now stands, she will have but twenty-live Dreadnought three years from now to Germany's twenty-one, while the two-power standard would require her to main tain forty-two. She la getting behind, and waata Germany to atop catching up. But Germany, having a naval law la force which requires certain out lay for cuattructlon aad a certain number of ships, will finish her pro gramme. This means that England will keep going, aad tkat other powers will have lo follow suit. Aad la the am war ettner submarines or per fected aeroplanes may send the Dreadnoughts to Davy Jones' locker. If the governments of the world would look ahead further than next year they would eee that tte piling of an Oaaa of taxee upon a Pellon of debt la certain to make trouble which Dreadnoughts cannot allay. Increasing national debts for non productive object are among the immediate causes of socialism. The socialistic Idea of a universal brotherhood, by which armies and navies would be of no further use la the world, draws vitality from every over-burdened budget for providing agenclea of destruction. If government want to allay the discontent which socialism expresses. the quicker they seek a remedy for force in an arbitration court of en larged powers, the better for them. Oppressive taxes caused the Amer ican aad French revolutions, aad tte same cauae may be depended upon la future to produce a like effect. England, by Insisting on ker two power standard, or oa keeping ahead of her principal rival, la much to blame If, instead of asking Oer many to atop naval ship-building, she would stop herself, something might be accomplished. Bat tte superstition that Britannia must rule the wavee keeps ker from leading the way to the economy she begins. mget acutely, to aaed. Better atop all around and agree on the policy of judicial settlements of International differences. By Im posing that rule upon their subject. governments put aa end to the set tlement of private grievances by force; aad the time Is not far ahead, ualeae the governments accept the ammo standards of civilisation for themaelrea, that ea raged subjects Bar aad a war to Impose the rule of erbltraUoa upon ttem. aad tkaa pat aa aad to tke disposal of public grievances by fore. stead, nnd it played Home. Home' till 3 In the morning. wret NO MAN Is willed aad haa a surely until he turn something tNwMes n mere salary to ttcprsxl npoM. or son otter cause may cat off that salary aay ilay. IVovkle for the future by mvoatlag In real estate. Have me well located lot. gAO lo gin rash, balance amall monthly paymcNt. See Geo. l. Rice, wllh rhllmtc. office adjoining American hotel. Phone 001. wkol IS while aa the grave of tat witt the sxoaptloa of two mllla, wklch supply the local demand far unrefined sugar, manufacturing Is dons oa a verr nail angle, aad tat wages of skilled lakor are muek lover tkaa la tka United States. Tka mercantile koaees already aajgL Itoked are la excess of tke needs of bustaees. Tke Chinees do moat df tte retail bualaese la Papeete aaJ throughout tte Ulead of Tahiti. wso are wllliag to of aa eoajr Ufo oa Iva or tea la this aetear, a day dream wklek u to be oksrlsksd or aa Isersag number of persbae la tke states. A No observer of mea Is shrewd aad accurate aa the old-time negro. He knows "quality folks" by eight; ssarsbsa them oat by a mysterious Intuition, aad never goes wrong. Aa adventurer may kappea along aad deceive tke master; but tte cook aad tke butler shake their ksada aad mumble to themselves. "Dat ako' Is one One geat'mun." remarked Uncle March, smacking bis lips In pleaaaat retrospection; "hej las' handed me ha glass to he'p my- self; den he looked outer do winder wkltot I war pourln' my drink True; tka gaattoaiaa knew that Uncle March would dislike to spear hog gish, aad ret would hate to sot dowa a decanter of good whiskey. Bo tte klad-kearted giver tarsal kto head aad thus relieved the old aegro's embarrassment an act wklek waa la aad tke pink of courtesy. Everybody's. A risk brown paint, practically per- t. to made by grinding the bones of mommies wltk bitumen. Joaee "dined oat" wltt as old snauBlatsaae tka otter evening. "Don't wait for me. dear." he said to kto wife. "I asir ho rather late, bat It out ho helped." At husk fool Boat morning ka was etonlly wrosg wltt that elosk. I wound It ap veatared st last "Mo," i I ass as BICYCLES For an up-to-date wheel get a Rambler, on tale at The Gun Store. Tents and Guns for sale or for rent. We carry a full line of Sporting Goods GUN STORE j. a. PLASTERING If yon wast the right man at th right time sad at the right price get 1 HUMAN to to your plaslerlnK All voik guaranteed lo lie first Msnt Res.: Mills Addition. Hum - -.l vitas"" We are now agents for the well known Victor Phonograph aad records. We have a nice line of up-to-date phonograph and records, needles and supplies Come In and hear some of the late records. We also have a large line of Rdlaon phono graph and records. Starr plnnos, sheet music and musical Instruments of all kinds. WINTERS l for MuUcsJ Instnunenis 000000000000000 SOOI PHONE 303 ASY TERMS tssssmnssssssssssooosoosoosososssssssisiisismxt The Prestige You Gain By bating aa account la sack aa last Hal Inn aa the PtRNT TRl'NT A BAV1XOH RANK ran never he ovrreatlmatedJ. Not oaly doe It facilitate your naaMraa, bat the additional power enjoyed la a social way ia snsnsthlag lo he reckoned with. Mtwali aecoBMU are made Jurt aa mliueai aa large SBSS sad a conserv ative aad cvpertenced directorate Is ready at all lisnea lo aslvter yoa oa mailer asuwrial. : i t I t t t t t i First Trust and Savings Bank KLAMATH PALL. ORB. oosssseeeoooooeoeooooooeooeooosooeeesossssoeooesooooi They Reach the People The Evening Herald and the KUm th Republican are the only paper. in Klamath County reaching the people. They have the circulation Juat what the buaineaa man who adfertiaea wanta. The readera of theae papera buy their gooda at home, and if yon want to fell to them yon ahould adrertiie in the Evening Herald rand the: H. RABBIS WM. WAONIR Home Realty Co. "THE FABM SPECIALISTS'' Phone 811 525 Mala ft, near Oth laerop. goo an IIKNT IN KMMATM ftM'NTV So. I ir.i acres; very near I mile boot, River met; A new house, partly cleared aad la crop. nothing finer In the country r'AKM I.ANIM ANIi SJTOCK RANCHKH . I 10 acrea 3 mile aoutbeaat ol Mldlaml II iii'ii In sagebrush, :i' acrea under ditch, II mre tit cultivation. ITudured ll buahela ol wheat mrosto Sswi i,i uijhi 'uaeg ti o.ut m 01 No. 11 iso acre homestead reliafutohmeat, l miles nut; good house, large bare, wladmlll; It, sere In potatoes: good team All for... Sl.Ooo.ot' . a isn acre s miles from Klamath rails; ion nre In crop; l-toom house; good barn aad out i-ulldings; S mile from school aad I mllea front church; 4 mile, from Midland Wltt crop. r per acre, without crop, per sere . gaa.ou No. ISO acres la I'oe Volley, 10 mllea from Klamath Fall. I 'v mllea from school; amall house and barn; SS acre, cleared. Terms: 1 1 000 rasli. balance S per cent. Per acre... SIS.Oo . a no acrea with 41 rode of Rwauna Lake wale front; 30 nrrea of reclaimed Tale laud; 3.. acres under Oovernment system; email houas and harn; good well. Terms Per acre. jMssw Nn. a ill acres. 117 aerea meadow. 60 acre tillable and 111 acrea tlmberr S mllea from Klam atb Falls, hnuae .' room., large barn: Sue Mock liropoaltinn Term fl.inni ensb, lialaare s per rent aVOUO.iM u. T ISO acrea, is mllea from Klamath rails aad 3 mile, from Midland; SO acrea la cultivation mall mm, ami bare, good well; all fee cad; lis ncre under goveratuent rnnnl. Price. Ill per acre. under trie dllrli. hnuae. harn. well, fenced ; la i term Sag sere No. a ISO acre., sagebrush: SS acrea under '.he ditch, corner of county road; cleee to school house; mile-from lit . term Per acre BST.Sn No. a 310 acre, all under tke ditek; I mile in I, all in agebrtth: Sue mII; mala coualy read. im'OM awe j.mI s.jou iit ' (j.iiii.ieaiui term Per sere . ... .JMAo Nn. lit ten sere nesr Merrill; over IIS acre No. II 330 acre.. Hi under cultivation, all above ditch, all under fence; a mile, from Klam sib Fall: 4-room house, large barn. I wells. Term 3.ooe rash, balance 7 per cent. Per acre No. IB I CO acres 7 miles from Klamatk Kails, on Ijikevlew road; 3 mllea from Oleae, good house uad harn; place was horn eat aodad IS years ago; well Improved In ever) reaped. Per acre Sa7.Au No. ia ISS.73 acrea. all la ssgekruah eseept .i limit in acres In pine limber; lie acre, fenced. uh litigation. 13 miles from Klamath yells an J 3 nilln. from Olene Term Per acre SSA.iNt Nn. II KO sere t nillr from Klamaln ia sll under dllrli and In eultlvailon, well lmprove.1 l-ih.,1 hoMe, good lint n. windmill, etc Rscepllon nil v gfMHl prnpert I'eim. Per acre O'O.uti No. IS-so acre no Ust River. II mllea from Klamath Falls: Ail arte under ditch; nil cleared slid in cultivation, under fence No better null In Klamath basla. Termn It. iash, balance S per icnt Per acre gSn.lW The aiM.n- l only a unrtial liat nf ihr assay (arm and ranrhc we hove for vie. If ti 1 gmid. ue har H. IIOMF OH AN INVNMTMKNT New. i in. I loom inii. ilnael, bathroom: i in int.. .i inmpleie, tub. toilet, lavatory; hot water In kill hi-.; plsslered: three coats of paint; perfect laterlor a.l.h. donble gnov ; Bae lecllOOT easSOOtd icw. Nt.Miiiijf iM-tter in the cit for quality or price ..nn- or caaa l ITI ' HIMMCMTY IMHftOgWl lo- I Six large Iota. Ana new souse, new barn two large bow kaa bouse.. fruH treeo. modera la provemenu. all for little morn than niat of build inga; Falrvlew Addition .. . Nw. av Lot f.Ss0 in f.lrvtew Addition: aew J room houee. city water. Terms . xil laoiMppw aiaaeikt ut asaou meei S S -ok lot; good locstlon A sptoadld Invasuaenl Trms SI.Aaw.Oii No. a- Kino f. iikiiii bungalow on Pine Street. new r.nd modern In every respect. One of tbe bea: ii i in .it). Terms. ". ,6 ' as Mala aHroet; frame building runted for ir.ii par month. Term. No. io ti-roma souse oa Calitorala Avea'.. excellent home; house new and on ear line. lerro. If We have M. y do not see a a th. HOME REALTY CO. AuctioneeraGet Our Term "THE RID FRONT" Dos J. BoaLt, Abatracting B.M o-rres V lae-fres. sadTreai Klamath Republican Mots. sic. Klamath County Abstract Go. atanre yors aad Irrigstioo IbfgUPeftri Hoatt Wiraaow. faersrv J . . Uaatath Falls, Orgoa tmm. sp