nrwu- J& v Y ,.", 5, W 'a' 1 " . . M VI 4 i i. s ? ''V3 fr.n t, f .' OUR ADVBRTBMM MT ? ' '" TRR IIIMT MM7MH Stye f taming rfalb. v Jfiirj!aurr if? i " V ,.. ..y - i-"" ii YitAR. No. 1,818 fcitTI ILL HAVE NEW I PHONE SYSTEM WM. UK fOMPl.KTF.l.i OVI.HMAUI.KM raw M ti im mm Htfctuanl Will Arnrtnmoitalr- HU- HM Msndrrd lnlrMmeJl WHI l Four '" l, 'Tjrtor H tb ell) niiiiirll should " I ho (rilMBtD srnitllnK n franchise In IM rfln Telephone unit Telegraph castr '" l",'l,fl' now owned by ikoBM Teleginph ahd Telephone f0f.r In HiIm rll) will N taken cm by lb t'urltlr ctininy ami tin liMK t inirn begin Ihe wRrk o( ttltkillutlnK the system In Klamaili nH anil make It oik "f ",0 mn,t t4o-tteln ih" west. Too fmnchUn doc mil becniiw klaiiu until thliiy (I)" 'After It possue sml r Hin a tho romtany te(thl Its request ha 'wen grant H Ike enalncerlng department will Wghi In make mi estimate of Iho rk in he .lone mill Iho material K4Mt)' (nr tin new sytom that ilH be ImtalM, and IhU estimate i ID r to ihe executive and the en lnlng board In Han Fraurlico (or iter luipectlon ami approval. When iMtU done Iho hcceary equipment to auk ih KUnuth Fall ayitein m otsoallall) modern one will be croMtd ami ns xmn a the switch sares ami Instrument nro made iker will t Installed. A great deal pf Us material will have lo be as ad loarser ami will take ome lime (or Ha preparation, tml the work of rrc atwlac lhi line wIIImi rushed m tst u possible. Tao now skltrhboard will accom odste l,ftn Instrument and llicro ilH U' four iiHrnlora all the lime 1 i llo mnro will lie ntlllied during Ik rmh liiiura If nrtecaary. , A loll llni from Montague in Mko tw, a illilomo of IPO mile, and txatlgi Ihnniuli ihl city, will be Ml rnon n MiMlble. tl U Iho liUallnn to bate IhU lino rnnitrurleil isf No, copper wire. The now rnuipnn) wlohra lo lako w tho priiMirt of iho Midway ttrny by iho Ut or Attaint and prtaipt action by iho council will Dozens are Taking Advantage of Big Clearance Sale of Udles' Muslin Underwear, Petti coatt, Knit Underwear, Embroid erlea, Lacea, Etc., Now in Full Nut at Startling Prices. Hurry! If It's light WtHwIt K.K.K. STORE Krenlly cxpodlto tho construction of t tit now h ntrni The imlliintiio ciuutlnu. u franchise In (In- iiiiw iiiniinii)' hiin liilroilnifil In lV ioiiiicII lam nliilil nmt timmuil lu Hi mtonil reading Mid will prob nlily he rrad for Hik Ifttt tlm nt jwk. . Hl'MS IH .MK.N'AI.'KII IIV NKmol'H IIKVOI.imo.V Hrrrrt HocIHIm In Mmtf Clllr Tlirfalni to (hrrllirow llw (loirrniwiil Unllnl I'rvmi Borvlcr, HAN HRnAHTIAN, Hpaln, July I 'J JtwrM of riots In which both tho pollr and Iho rlnlcri huvn Differed hoatllr nro awocplnx Hpnln. Tlimiic'i Iho dlnpnlrlini haro been mrlclly rote aorvtl It im'imh rrtlaln Hint Hpnln l on Iho H' o( n aroai rovnlnilnn. Mi, rrrl norlotlo nnlaKnnlallc lo Iho prt'wnt riilrrn hnvo boon omaiiliod In a ilmi'ii of Iho Inrxol rltloi, and lliolr nbjori l to ovorthrow Iho u. crninont. The)' Ihroalon lo iprend from Iho rule ihroimhoiu Iho ontlro rountr). It U bellovrd thai the kliiK and hi rulilnet bnto dorldod lo do rlaro umitliil Inw tlirniinliniit iho rn. Ilro niimtr)'. INH.ICK MKAIKH Hill fllllM'KX AMI lAII.Mori Itnllrd I'rra. Hortlro, Ni:V YOIIK Jul) It), Tho llnou Mlnni'lmika nnd ChlrARn hno boon toarcliod by tho wdlco fqr trnro of fir Crlppen and Ml Lenor. Tho womrn paMonaon Mere evamlnrd, n a limlon rnbleiram had biim ro olu-d I list Crlppen inlahi dluulao hlniaolf a a woman nnd oo ai Ml lrfnovn'k mothnr. Yearn ago CrlpoA had hU faro cloioly thaven, and hU wlfo nude him up a a woman, de reltlnjt their rloteol frlondt. "uivH ..iTlliKNM' "llalio" llunaorl. who ramo hero Irnni Manarlllo, Calif., to work nl the Klnmnlh ohop home, died on the irnln nl Wood Monday, while on hi wa) bark homo, NJiti nrnvril lion' mil it iu i.' u nlnro a iok al tliv rhop homo, imt H( mkrn ulrk nnd ulnrted for M homo In Mar) Hie. Shortly atlor tho irrjln arrived nl Wood ho died from heart fnllnro nnd hU remain wore dent lo bU homo. Ho rarrled ILwi'i Inatiranro, but In hnl company could not tie learned. Wagner t Moorn'o clearance aal will conllmieMho rent of thli week, data :6c up. the KLAMATH COUNCIL ACTS ON PAVIN6 BIDS AIM'IT MIWIKIC.VriONH OK WAIL HKV COS'HTIirCTlOX CO. KCWE TO USE SITWITWC MATERIAL WIImmi, hiihio, Ohriirlialn and Kauglil 0,mm. tho AdMlon f the s Hiolflciillono. Tho udioiirnod miHdliig of Iho illy council wax cnllod in ordur at 2S0 IhU nflcriKHin, every member being pronenl. The upoclflrntlon of tho Hiiiiko). ('rummy company and the Wnrini t.'nntlrucilon company wcro r.'i), nnd ft4 duo "deliberation Iho Mo mention of tbo Warren Con Ktriirtlon rompiitiy, which mcam that .Main i rot i. irom tno nrmge lo Kiev-j otith lroot, nnd HUlli it reel from, Main trn't to Klnlock atonue will be paved, Tho vote thcruon wan n fo. lowui Yon - . Wllllit.. Waldron. Ilnnk. Hiiiniucni und Htantblo, No Hlono, nbenelinln, Paught, Wilkin. When the meeting wao called lo order and before iho council pro. coodi'd lo the consideration nf Iho reclflrailon, Mr. Crummy, who U hero repretenllni; tho Intercut of hi company, Hiked nnd wn granted tho prlvllego nf oddreMlna1 tho council.1 lie wtld: "I with lotatoat thU tlm thai wv, hate kecured advice on Ihl matter, ,ind I with in Inform tho council that (ho proceeding mj fnr aro null nnd void. If n contract I awarded under the promt proceeding It will not hi worth tho papoi II U written on. and iho MiccoMful contractor cannot col lect n dollar for hi work, If any prop er!) owner wUbrd lo enjoin lllm. IlH' ll'UPIIIl HIT III, BIHU'llll-'IU IU I the fnct thai )ou havu not .ronodt4 Tho ronton for my Mntomcnl 11 frmi-tllnir In law. IIni1i-r thrt nitprnf( : law. under which iherlilc In Okp CHKETEI) mu.t proceed when they de.lre ,n'hTlllKK im"K"!a .. pae ihelr ulreet with any hard-.ur-, WITH IHIKH OY scan faced pnwmcnt, prnlde Hint Aral , h .oirncll muM notify tho proporiy'1''1111 l'r'".rv'co1- ,. . . owner llml the .trect on which their "T ,l1"10 ' "r?1? ... ........ u . .. ......i -i.k 8cnl),, greeifd tho strike-breaker until U lo bo pated with pnemenl. lu the noilco of to pau mu.l be Included f ,..,,.. , i... i.irf n.i 1.. .'!". J ....... ... '. ' .'H..., n,. . iipecllliil Intention tho kind of p.itcmcnt to bo laid nnd Iho cost. Thli )ou have not done. You called for bid for hurd.iurfaced pavement. No particular kind of pavement wn specified, nnd It I IhU fact that hn nullified )our work. Ii'i ou wUh to pave )our street you must now adopt n certain apeclnca-1 lion, either Iho ono we have aubmll led or lhal of iho Warren Conatruc linn coinpan), or nomo other; then I ohi )our noilco of Intention and tall for bid. Then )on will bo In n po. .In.. In n....M.I A nA.l.VttH, ll.ill .1, np.l, .. II.HII..H .MV-, W- . . jour contract, If awarded under the J pickont proceed Inn, will be valuelon nnd no contractor can accept It." Mr. Crummy' attention wa called to the fact lhal H wn Jut tfcl very IhltiK that tho council did aoveral week ago, and Ii waa hla conipan) that ralacd the question of Illegality. Considerable discussion followed n to whether thn city had proceeded legally nr not. Tho mayor staled that ever) thing wa done ontho advice of City Attoruoy Drake, nnd ho appealed to Councilman Rtouo for an opinion as In whether or not iho city waa aafo In Ita present position. Mr. Stono atated that while ho had not delved Into thn question legally, ho believed that thn city waa following tho right course, and should go ahead and car ry nut tho program under way. Ac fordlngly tho council thou took up Iho consideration of tho spoclflcn IIoiih nf tho two companies. NOTKR URIVRR W HMthY INJURED t'nltod Press Service. ORAND RAPID8. Mich., July 19 Ed doers, while warming up AI'mb, vas thrown from the sulkey and bad Iv Injured this morning. Mrs. Alex Martin Jr., kin, aid Mrs, n unuiu of Loa Anaele. ooa Mrs. Ooorgo T, naldwln will go to rfprlag creek; tomorrow morulng tor o week's outing. i ' A small timber fir Is burning near Aatalopo Valley. -v FALLS. OREGON, TUESDAY. MAXV KII.MH) IIV IIAII.BOAfW Oior IO,(MH) Met Death or Injury In One Vear Value or lliillmarl I Knnrmou United I'roia Hervlcc. WAHHINOTON, July Id. An no ulrnct of the Intcratatr Commorco rommUlon'n rcimrt Khnwa that, the railroad killed 8,72: and Injured fift,C2C diirlnK the enr ending June 30, 1 00V. Onn paenger wa killed for nvery .l.fiOO.QOO carried. Tho par talito of ouUtandlng rail tond ttock I I7,G00,000,000, and Iho total number of pamwngera car ried wa 891,000,000, MSItKENHMTMIIK XKAIII.V TKX THOVHAMI ABK AWKCTKH MKX No Train An Mlng Tfio I'nlon tin ihor 91,000,000 In the . ItefeaM- Fund I'iiIumI 1'rinH Hervlcc. TOIIONTO, July 19. Thorrf were no train on Iho a rand Trunk road IhU inoruInK on account of tho ilrlko. t-ort)-l)vo hundred mile of road aro i fleeted. Korty-tlvo hundred nrd men, trainmen, conductor and bag aceitieii, a well a S.000 shopmen .iro concerned In Iho otruggle. The iiiiIuii' dufento fund amount to l, .100, non, and 150,000 monthly aup port hn leen promlted them. UAII.IKMIt ntnuuEvr KXPJXTH TO WIS I'nlti-d Vre Hervlco. DETIIOIT. July 19. AatUtant I'rcildent Xtwater of the Grand Trunk ald today that hi road ex- peel to win, a I hoy will havo police protection and the uilllUa may be called If uecesiary. The trainmen re fining lo atrlko will got ar-lt par rent ncreaaa In tnair wagw. Tnia . . . . .. . .MJ.-I ". ',Md hcm PrM,d8nt 'c "" RfV rc-..rv. ,'" Onin funk here today. There " '' ,,U,or: 8he.r,,f 'sf0"' wt rcfu.e.1 the Plnkcrton'a requeat lo hwour lu u company of Plnkorton to protect the line. Six hundred shop men nre Idle. KIIOI'MKX ARK lKKKD OIT l'",,,?i'f?'' !?"'" I1ATTI.E CRBRK. Mich., July 17. Seven hundred Grand Trunk shop men have been locked out. They were lint I fled they would not he needed ilurlnK Iho atrlko. NO KltK.lf.UT TRAIXR RUNNING United l'resa 8ervlee. CIIICAOO, July 19. Tho Grand Trunk piiwcnger train wero an hour late lo.lny. .No freight trains are run iilng. U Ik believed jlhe striae ha not affected the American passenger I raffle. TKI.KOItAPMERs) PROBABLV i WILL NOT STRIKKl United TORONTO, July 19. Tho tolegra phera promised to striko, but proba bly will not. They demanded a stand ard scale tho same as tho Baltimore nnd Ohio and other Amerlcau road. The company refused the demand and offered an l per cent Increase goner- nlly, promising to establish a stand nrd scalo In 1913.Tho comany an- nouncosthat It will givo a proforouco to shopmen in filling trainmen's places, hoplug In this way to have ex perienced strike-breaker crows, WARD HUM BAN JOHNSON FOR SBsNOOU United Press Service. NEW YORK. July 18. John M. Ward, the ex-captain of the Giants, haa sued Ban Johnson for $$0,000, charging that' Johnson damaged bis reputation whllo Ward was a candi date for the oftee of National Leaguo president because ot Johnsoa'a aa nouaelag that ka would not serve with Ward oa the national commis sion. ' JULY 19. 1010 PAVING BIDS ARE OPENED OXI.V TWO KIHMH Hl'ltMIT llll-X I'Olt TIIK wonK FIO. TELmiME HUNGIIfSE ASKS Fti Ordluanrt tJovernlng Vehlcli- cm tho Hlreel I l'aeV OnuUag Hid Opened TonJfht Tho first Mlep In a new telephone yli'in In the city of Klamath Kail wa taken last night when the ordi nance which will grant n franchise to iho Pacific Telephone nnd Telegraph company tho right to erect polea and Instnl wlrcH and telephone Instru ment In this city for a period of twenO-Atn enr waa Introduced. The city, according to tho ordi nance, I to havo the right to uio the pntc of the company for a police or flm alarm system, and the company I to furnish Iho city five phones free of charge. The rates to lie charged for tho use of phones arc not to be Increased orer tbo present rates until 1,000 phones ihall bo In use, when a charge of SO tents for each additional COO phone installed mny bo made. The flnnl hearing on Ihl ordinance will come up aome time next week. Hereafter all vehicle pasting ovei tbo street of Klamath Fall will do so according to tho rules laid down In an ordinance pasod last night. Dy this ordinance all automobiles und other ehtclea must keep on, tho right side of the street. In iwsalng another vehicle going In tho same direction Ihe person nasalng does so on the left. If a borso appears fright ened Ihe automobile must stop. Tho fpecd In tho thickly settled districts shall not exceed eight mile an hour tiud in other part of tho city 'twelve miles nn hour Is tho limit of speed. The aucstlon of making Ihe speed 1 limit twclo or fifteen mile nn hour wn discussed, four of the council men vfanilng It ono way and four tho other. Ma) or Sanderson decided with the lesser limit. 'and It was accord ingly Axed at twelve mile an hour. Tho speed of an automobile on street crossing when anyone Is on Iho same shall not exceed four mtfes nn hour. The speed limit nt turn shall not exceed four miles an hour, and auto mobiles shall not go closer than four feet from tho curb. All auto are to have mufflers. All horses must be tied or fastened to a weight, nor can owners leave an animal standing on tho street In the business portion of the city In any ono place longer than two hours, whether the animal Is tied or not. No auto or vehicle can be left on the street In such a position as to ob struct travel or remain on a business street In ono place more than two hours. No lumber, boxes or goods can be left on the streets so as to cause ob struction. But builders are permit ted to use halt or the street In front of the building being erected. Nor can two or mora persons oc cuny tho sidewalk In such a manner I aa to obstruct the free passage over the same The penalty for the violation of this ordlnanco Is a fine ot not less than $6 nor moro than $19. or by Im prisonment for not less than one day nor more than ame, or both such fine and Imprisonment. Councilman Castel was In favor of paving Main street from the bridge to Eleventh street with bltullthle. pav ing, and also Sixth street from Main street to Klt,toch avenue. Ills mo tion was lost from lack ot a second. The bids on the street grading will be opened tonight. Councllmon Wllklns. Castel, Hants. Stone. Wllllta, Obeaehaln. StaasWe and Summsrs were present when Major Sanderson called the meeting to order, RWsAaleweol. The following bllia were allowed! Virgil Bon, oaalrs ..." 114.11 J. B. peek, salary eteetHeel V laspeetor tor seven months TMt Riley- Masking, labor, ....'...k' Charles Benton, labor B.I0 Ja. Hoffman, laser IMI '1.11 MO 14.1 J. M, Sasser, meals F, R. Matt, drayage Express, printing, ste. K. K. I.. Xr W. Co., water and light Water for hydrant 75. If, "Vator, firemen' quarter 2.00 Water, city pound . ... 1.00 Water, street iprlnkllng 30.C0 Meter ront . .76 Light for street 10.u Water for building . 14.70 Total H07.4G Permit araatrtl. The following building permits wcro Introduced and allewed: John X. Hamilton To erect dwell ing 28x30, ,cornr of Ninth and Franklin, approximate cost $1,800, A. O. Miller To erect a five-room hoiue on lot 21, block 40, Hot Springs fiddltlon. J. Q. Pierce To build boathouse 10x30 foot O. 1). Matthew To erect a store building, 20x(0 feet, three stories, on lot S, corner of Fourth and Pine, ap proximate cost $2,000. J. A. Sharp To build a four room house on block 12. Ninth street Nelson Rounserell To erect a one-story bungalow, 24x30 feet, four room, on lot 4, block 44, First ad dition to Klamath Falls, approximate cost $600. ' C, W. Harlow To erect two five room houses on lots 2 and 3, block tl3, Nichols addition. George R. Hum To erect one- Mory hrlek warehouse with concrete floor, 36x36 feet, at rear of his store, corner Fifth and Main, approximate xt $1,600. Odd Fellows' Hall association To erect a three-story brick and stone building at thn corner or Fifth and Main street, cost $41,250. The mat ter of granting tho association prlvll ego to build a stairway In the side walk next to the building was refer red lo the street committee. Tho street committee reported that It the Odd Fellows' Hall association would agree to lay the sidewalk to the curb lino the council would allow the use of Ihe street as desired. The associa tion agreed to do this, and the permit was granted. The application of Wm. Tlmms to erect n barn on tot 2, block 34, was referred to the street committee. G. A. Schnocker, owner of lot 2, and Mile I.lppert, owner of lot 3, block IS, Rwauna Height addition, asked that a aldewalk be laid on Jef ferson street, beginning at the corner of Second. The petition was granted. Ordinances. A number of ordinance were taken up and acted upon. Tho ordinance establishing tho of' flee of electrical Inspector and fixing hi salary and the feea for Inspection was passed. The salary of the In spector was fixed at $25 a month. The ordinance adopting the law of the road and regulating the running of automobiles and other vehicles and also prohibiting the leaving of horses lu tbo streets without tlelng them wa read the third time and passed. The ordinance approving the plat of block SO, Nnchots addition, was passed. An ordinance granting the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company a franchise to place poles and wires In the streets ot this city and Instal In strumenta necessary for the conduct , of Its business, for a period of 2fj years, tho city in have the right to (Continued on Page 3) BETTER 1 Jie -DCS Pumps and Half Shoei 1ifllUIWtamllf7MI. W roginrarmsTmBgw Wfjrli . HD GMmpSO. CATOS, iMitfkttiBiH sfrwltri PiAMATirS : EXCLU83V1 SHOE f? -,;U' Hft.jfav mf --e fcjw.- Price s Cents GRAND JURY TOMORROW IMPORTANT CASED ARC TO CONK RRFORRTHRM MAY INK MTI 11 VM fcffl Miook Ftre WHI Prehehly Be tefMII led Jack Heary Case M Also Prntasfces- Ceme l The grand Jury will convene agala tomorrow and several Importa'eaawa will probably come before that fcedy. The case of ThaoMeaa York, wits la charged with securing aome fi.tie from Fred Melhase by mesne" of a forgid cashier's certificate of deeeeM. will probably bo looked Into, ejsa It le expected that the bnrnlar of the Shook bouse and barn near Dairy will be Investigated. Jack Henry, who stole some teeh from the house on the comer of Mala and Ninth street last week aad sold them to DnFaatt'a second hand etere for $I.7S, may also come before that' body, as well as a mam named Ranter. who took a suit of clothes) from the Comet lodging house. LKAVE FOR RRPTUJCAX rOXYEXTfOX AT FORTLAXft IMrgatre Freea TkJa WMAI. lewd the A number.of the delegates te the republican assembly left fer FertM4 this atoralag to attend the meeting of the state eenveatlea. which will be held In that city Thnrsday ef tale, week. ' These who weal ware C. . Moore. Judge Beaeea, Or. Merryaaaa. Thomas Drake. 0. W. WhRe, K. D. North, H. U Hohjete. Dr. Alex Pat terson of Merrill aad James Wheeler of Fort Klamath. Thla Is the Srst assembly held staev. the direct primary taw wewt wto ef fect, and the action of the assembly N problematical. . GKXF.RAI, WOOD I curler OP STAFF Expected 10 Start Reform la Iho Army lmaatUIHy Oeweral Carter Ms AislKawt United Press Service. WASHINGTON, D. C. July It. General Leonard Wood became ehle! of itaff of the army today, aad It b opected that ko will start reform Immediately. It U believed that the .physlcal tests' will be made v harder and an effort to establish dees rela tions between the army aad the mili tia will be made. aVlgadier Oeaeral Carter becomes aasJetaat to the new chief, succeeding General Bliss, who will command the Presidio at San Fmncisco. Oeaeral Barry win vt msde coTOnuadggt at West Point. HtU al Wagner A Moore's mlHi- no store, 25c aad STORE itft&'&flk.; ? Wi (SBBBBBSBfJBSJBSBJBSJSBSJSSJ lll H" IL .lai.HSBfc. a AOT,;;vrr7T' : - - i 1 7 . A." 1 i. 5 j. J W, l'2a. ..4X. m....b .i v5 AxhJv iXstitt a ,W W,, "-!