ij V ni I ' 3 hu'M atUnd Bargains W , j .11 ... JU.L TL 7a. Improved, all ai' -4. jTerre lf",, ' Uk' mU 7aar illlrli. "V' lllir m.'-. - -- --w Ulna iim .... Hu 41mm JJM, tinny wiih'iw. "" . nun "- - - -. - ,trl. ItKUM' ! 3rr.lll.li. Nrtlnnw,W. L7b airix. Inn"'' " Sim jawrtran DR. G. A. DKXTIRT jll wi'tk guaranteed. m....u iirtnk Hldg., 4th irftl I'd"". ' Klamath Ml Onto MIEF NEWS OF 1 DAY Klamath unit Main ' Dr.AniotC.On?M v A. n. o.-4NnrHorATn. , Klamath Wam, On. MioCco ltl.tr: . Hma aad Mais Sta Phone 1I1. Pwt.llr.li1ctic Kll. ' OBka 1881 ; Dr. J. E. Taylor, fflVHltiAN ANI RVMimN. Iv-tuSk HalMag- fwarevaa i D.V.KUYKINDALL Aiioraey tt Uw Klamath VWk, Oragw If. C P. MASON Deatlat ABtilrati lUnk an4 Trust Co.'s Hldg OFFER WANTE D M.blu(k 40, 41 anit 41 of Kaat RUnilli fall' I.. K. ATKINMOX, IMT Monad nock hldg,, gas Kraaelaro I 4 : Hay -Feed: I Uvery and read Stable MfM are - :a. p. hetchd: ! rhoac 1178 I a Charles II, lloilgklu or Dorrl In lit tint Laknaldo. , lloti Adams nf Merrill wm hro n hoalnea today, Dl. I.. I., Trnnx nf tliiiuinm Is ill I tin l.lvcrniore, Ureal reduction on Uhiih nnd xtlk H1KKK Htore, F. W, llroadsworil of lloiimitn In n Mvormor gueal, Henalnr Aimer Weed of Itm tilr In nt thu l.akcalilc. J. F. Ailmm Jr or Merrill limt liMalucua hero today M, Jurohaon of liitMMin. .Minn., nl lln l.nkoaldn Inn Jului KIIU iuiiio down from Klamalli on huiluei. I), V Peel wn down from I Iiq Klamiilh niKiir)' today, C. T. Silver or Dorrla wna regis. leroil nl I ho likeable. II. A. MmmiiIi. of t'orllnml U roU. irrril Ml Ihu l.lvrrtiiuro. O V Clarke or I'ortlNinl U rvu. (ii-il nl llu Ijikilili Inn, I. II. luiftiiuti ami wlfi- fir Antilnml wi'r.' nl Hid lik.nlio Inn, II. I. Ilotiliitiii or MliiiunpolU n li-Klittirtil at llm l.nkr.ldc. U. C I'rcvnlrr or t'rmronl Clly, Calif, U ni tdo Llvrrnioro, 0. A. Trolirr ranio down from tlio Klamalh axnry limt nlalit, I). J. Mutier of Crcwrnl City, Calif., I. realitvri'd nl lint l,rnuorr. Mr. and Mra. T. V Tufford wrnt to KarIo llldan tills tiinrnlna. II. V. Currfti nf Han ranrluro had hu.lnoM at Korl Klatimlh tmln) Mdl.' flu .iPoreloM voiIh 10c at crraiiri mI KKKK Hlorr, Mllka, napklna, latilv llnoiia nt rlcaranr.) auln irlr at K K K Htnrc. Trlplftt llrntlirm inino down from Mr rut )tair.la)' nnd wiMit Imrk Indifr. Hatprn and allk mtronU at your our irln nt rl-nranrr mtn nt K K K Htoro. All fthnrl llk gloTpa 50r; .Olxiw llitis&0r, Clcnranro nolo at K K K Hlorn, W M, WIImiii of Han t'rnuclaro, aarnt for the Ollwr Oi-rwrltrr. la nt tin- l,lirnmri', C K. Cml.r of Itun.imilr nrrltrd'N, U hvtf Inal iiIkIiI, nnd la rrKUtroil nl I ho I .ji kit Mo Inn. Tho watch of mndnrn IIiiim. Krrr 1004: boiler now, I ha lt Ilia aaw JI-JwU., Iflalir. Tho prlr la $76. I'd ho plrnHMl to hnw U'n merlta. Mcltallnn. HltL MAY TALKAT POUTl Alt ' lllvfvat aiut laaraal --- n l IMIMIOAII MAflXATK INVITKII TO I fl ffeMtitol by (lie Cbrrmtin-ni MAKK AS AllllltKMM forralrr AMorlall.m I" Maklnu , KfToH to Prrtml twin Knit flatnm N 0, Jacohmii), C'harJiNi Arthur and II. II. l'laraou went to,lktvlnw thin , inornliiK In Ihu Clapp auto, i Ijlitlua' Unll iinlnn aiilta II Itn ......... .. ..,.. M ,.,vv, nlnoH tCe nnd 05c, TIIr elaaranea mIh at K K K Rtore. (1, H. Allen of tho CrcKcmiMleiid nolo linn, (iiniu down ycalorday and ruiirm-il thla mornlnK. Whlln duck riklrtn, valnea up to I3.2S, now f 1,00 oth. Croat clear nii.o into at K K K Htoro. I'enlval Hlioll wont to Han Kran .,,.., ,.r, ,rninK. wii-ro or i ,.0iTl.ASD, July IK-I'ortland'a "hi ri'innin ioi auvrrai uaya. i , . , . , . , . l)oar.l lhay aro hare with lha ad- A",mn" 'intock nnd "" vt-iit of mimiuor. Prnlly new linn nf "l,,! '" IB Country Cluli grounda , rollnra nnd Imlt pin a. will ho known aa tho llarvrat Keatlral ' At Mellatton.a, nnd tho blKRoat purao over offered In nirll wiwaramiimi.il or uorMl-y.prnu tho ,.,cino N0rthwt for a alniilo lilcnt or im- Hchliilul ronatrurtlnn . . . ,. , , ... . .otnpany. I. nl ll.o l.akmld-. r,c" wl" " hMn" ,,p' II W,U ,,0 C. II. Iluiiklim or Hun Knrlau ". and will bo known aa tho bank- . w.ini in KuKlt- I tl.l i! j thla mornliiK to. era' iure. Another, offered by the . .injo) the lieiiniicacf i,nt fnniotia ri-.iolel men. will' ho 15.000. Many I "rl- ' Ntiinllt r prlien will bo offered, nnd It ' it. Miinoii in nnn rrnnciMO m liellcveil Ihu. fonllval will attract a went In l.'Kle IIIiIkk lhln mornliia, I UrKr aalherlOB than any almllar whero ho will .pond n fnw dnja nt I meet held In thla unit of tho country. TKMMHtATURB VOR.THK MONTH OP JfliV TftfaVOIIt) HON Uoat hulldera, aro making; a ipeclalty of rxctirnlona to fllrd Inland and nolnta on tho rlvnr. Ilonta for char ter for aonelal tiartljw flnw lwj I for rent. Halt at twin, lintiu n, hkAM Tho followlnx (Ifurca giro the hitch, fur parllculnri. .... ..... . ,.,-... .-. HAO C4IM1 1 1 V' - Jli a. J, h, jardlaa la prapart,, anufactare raRiMrpeta iMttil rrjer. Will farnWi rai If 'm Prices reaaonable. teoall ruga. Drop a ; Addra. Klamath SpeeMltriM t a pwMI torM f'alla. Om 4 an 'corded by the ttorernment durlnic tho I month rf July: Day, Mat. Mln. 17 87 48 18 . 8 44 16 81 45 1 4.t4.itttr.'. 'n 52 13 94 59 12fMta t ( 93 00 II 90 81 10 92 80 8 . 88 66 I ( 99 BO 8 88 83 ''(. v IS 4 70 37 3 88 40 J .'. 88 48 I 74 46 g AUCTION AUCTION t the Hint luaullful place. jmt.. j, Hill will probably be tho J. I.. Mooro and wlfo nnd K. I.. I .KKitt attraction of tho featlval. A Klnaabury of Hacramnnto left forjalrotiR telegram of Invitation haa thulr homo In Ihelr auto Httpday, aflor Im-cii aent hlmwhlch It la bellnvad he n few dna' amy hero. will accept. It la planned to 'put tho Tho ladle, that don't Wilt the Ureal empire builder on the program uraat clearance aalu at the K K K I for an addreea. TO COVrilACTOIIM AMI lll'll.ltKIU Htoru will aurv ml. the greateat PiI(-kIIdk event of tho aeaaon. II K Ciirreii of Han Kranclaco went to the Upper lako thla morn Inat. where, he will enjoy the beautlea ol Hint Rtenl plraaurn around for a abort time. T. J. ltom Jr., wlfo nnd daughter returned lo thilr home In Oanard, Calif,, thla mornlnK after a few da) a' klny here. Inking In Ihe beautiful re. koita on the Upier take. I)r W I' Uitegrotn and wife re turned to their home In Han Kran clam cateriln), going In their nolo by wny of Hhitatn Hprlngx. Mm. Letlaton nnd Mlaa Margery Kotegrovc went Imrk b) trnln Inateail of the pulo. InllT AKMIMTANT MA KINO llrXXIN'MIIHANCK Jn.-iiImmi (htrn to lkrvkw to Make Ma and Do Trchnlral Work In Kirmont Korral -H. READING-i AMttoR latei wiictji la own or coaatry. Office P. C. LAVIY ft CO. list Car.Jgfftaa MlaeggggtrtgaMM FOR SALE WKI.I, IMI'KOVKD KAMM ol l am, lu isIIm toaUweet el Klamath Valla.' Will Mil M a U!u or lu part. TenM, Iwrt down, ihe Immibm l to rr-ri paymeMt. I. A. UOOTT f at W MMMMIMMMH IM.R.DOTY: lloiiaa Mania, X a ". nwaip jk CUe IMf ta amlallF. Wall equipped wHk TMIg, Mt tortato. Btc Kttlmatee furalake) pm A- plhmtlM. raatotv. Hog M. HBHALD WANT AM MINCKIXANHOt-k. POIt BAI.K (loori milch row, geatle and gool milker. Inquire nf P. B. ttoulhworth. St WANTKD Kor llm I'lihllr Library, 8 corda of four-foot wood. Apply to Mm. T. 1), Talbot nl Ihe reading mom, utlernoona and cenlug. ni BAI.lToit IIKNT Hewing ma chlnea and phonograph, at Mul- l.r'a. riiouo :ot. tr NOTIRK Hr. K. II. Hlraw, e)e, ear, none nnd lhro.it apeclallit, 'of Mnrabflvld, Ore,, will bo at Dr. Whlle'a offlre from July snih In Aug ust Sib. N. 0. Jnrobaon of Miuneapolls. Minn,, one of the IT nlted Statea for rat na.latnnta, hna lieeu aent hero by Ihe government to mako a reconnola wtneo of tho Krrmont foreat, and he left here for l.akorlow thla morning lo rommeiiru hla work, lit will draw limp nnd do other engineering work, so Hint uti nrcurnto knowledge nf the Fremont foreat will lie available. Work of n almllar unturq haa been done for tho Crater foreat reaenre, ImiI thla la the tlr.t work of that klad that hn lieen done In Ihe Fremont reaerve. AWAIIIIKM MKIAI HMt ItKHCt'lXO A MAX WAHIIINOTON, Jul) I8.A mod al haa been nwardeit lo Guy W. Ilreck, n limy quartornuutor, for rescuing ii drowning man In San Cranclaro Im) on August !, Itoa, Dates of tho featlval aro Boptember 6-10, Tho amusement end of tho feslhnt will be far moro prominent than t'vor before. The attractions will bn selected with a view to meet ing tho varied, taalea of the multl- , lude In attendance, and It la prom-' laed thero will be a good time fnr all? Tho Western Forestry and Conser vation Association, which cmbracea the state of Oregon, California, Washington, Montana and Idaho, la tarrying on a campaign to save the foresta from tho usual Are loasea that occur each summer. This organiza tion represents thirteen minor asso rts! Ions. Printed matter, flro warn ings and circulars, are being aent out to timber owners, mlllmen, fa'rmcra and olhera directly concerned. In Ita ' literature tho aaeoclatloe atatee that half the merchantable timber In tho United Hiatva'la contained In the flro atatea In the association, and that thulr production of lumber la one fifth of the tplaljn the country. ' What la said' to bo the biggest! event in tho history of Coo county! will be tho carnival to be held by Marshfleld and North Bend In the week beginning August IS. A clam , bake, the largest ever held on the roast, la one of the feature. Thar wilt be many amuaomeata for the j lieopte and big Illuminations of the) Con bay el tie and harbor. The ar rangements now being made are on a larger arato than waa ever attempted In the Cooa Day country. Wo aro now prepared to fnrr.lali l you with plats or prism glaaa.an) ' clde, on abort notice. Also plain or fancy glass. Call and get our prices, j Itamber A Pealrs, opposite Baldwin Im nl ware. Phone 864. ' itAMmim RXPittaw If you want yoar staff moved and n-Qved qulck, get Ramaby'a Ki press to do It. Ofltee, The Smoke, phone m. NOTICE FOR PCHUCATION Depnrtmont of the Interior, United State Land Offlce, Lakerlew, Orgcon, July 9, 1910.. Notice la hereby given that George II. Allen of Keno, Oregon, who, on July 3, 1908, niado homestead entry aerial No.024, for NWU or BEV. sec tion 30, township 40 8., range 8 E., Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of. Intention to mako final commuta tion proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before County Clery C. It. DeLap. at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on Jho 30th day of August, 1910. Claimant nameaaa wit aeaaea: Chea ter Wllaoa of Kmo. Orogoa; Tom Wilson, of Keno, Oregon; Jim New banka, of Keao, Oregon; R.W. Tower, i of Keno, Oregon. ARTHUR W. ORTON, 71 1-8-19 . Regtster. Goodrich Cash Store We will wliid up our Mccettful to of ft $10,000 itock of Dry Goodt, aoUdMg. Booti, Shoet, Hfttt. Ladfet and Gemti' Funiiahinga, Groceriea. etc by ctomjmi'jomt the balance of my atock of merchandlae at Auction Froai 2 to 4 la tae afteraooaaasl froai 7:30 to 9:30 ia the ercalai Everything will be sold i Regardless of Cost Special Price on . Lumber , ,On Mt.ouut of ahoHage of tram lu haul, we Hill make a apei-Ml low prite .NO WITNKaWKN AIIK KX. AMINUI IIV OOVKRXMKNT CIIICAUO, July is. Thero were no wllneiisea examined by the gov ernment In Its, suit against the pack ers. Tho hourlng line been adjourned until Monday. New Restaurant aBlBrc?aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl "aaaHsaaaaami W .taw paickaaad ; thft OaMBB ataaataiss VSLJH-mm asrsrsrsh JK, RaaamlaW mli9lL iaort orftara a ; Ml . , nelson a CO.! Thv M oar enllre atock of rommoa lamber Uuvn or PU M aa up per l" ai uw mim.nm Clover Crerk all H.ile fr.nn Klamalh Falls. (i.NMl roaU . Call up I'loter Crw-k for rcra .mm oilier gra4ea, or oraVrw taa lie left at Want 41 Oliearhala'a for lamhrr lo be Mlveml. LARCH LUMBER CO. BBsaasaBaaaaaaaaaWaaTaTaimaa8aMssBBW Xoihlag to Loee wero Impecunious "penny-a-and they lived together, part. ly becautq thoy didn't mind each oth er much, but principally becautn they were about tho aaam alae and on" best suit of cloUaa did tar, both. In the silent watch of tha night tne of them awoke lo hear a autpl- tloua creaking In the room. It was r- bungling burglar, who had mistak en tholr room for an adjoining jutte, , crctipled by a wealthy llshmoager. "aeorgo." he shrieked, "there's a I 'irglar In tho room." "Ton blundering Id lot I" roared hla led mate. "Why tho dickens couldn't ou keep quiet. He might have iiropped something." Answer. Wo aro now agonta for tho well known Victor Phonograph and records. We have a nice line of up-to-date phonograph and record, needle and aupplla. Come In and hear some of the lato records. We also have a large line of Kdlaon phono graphs and records. Starr piano, sheet music and mualaal Instruments of all kloda. WINTERS! ase- M a am XOTICK OV ADMINISTRATOR'S KINAI ACCOUNT Notice la hereby given that Jam II. Wheeler, administrator of the -Into ot acsslno Wheeler, deceased, has filed his final account of tho ad- f ministration of aald eatate with the clork of tho county court or Klamath County, Oregon, and that aald court ha appointed the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of Monday, tha IH day of August, 1910, aa tha Urn tar hearing of objection, If any tatra t. to such final account, and tht.'aett! ment thereof, at tho courtroom ot said court In the county courthouse, In the city of Klamath rail, county and state aforesaid. Thla notlco la publlahed by oar of saM county court, -mada aad a tarad la the raarda,ttMaat on tho llth day of July, 11. Jt JAMM H. WRiaUDR, Admlalatrator of the of Oea- PmsMl of Ilia laaoaaaia Apropos of Hall Calne'a recent law-' anil a New York playwright aald: "llnll Calno la always talking about hla health, his ruined nerve, Insom nia, and so forth. He la aa proud of r his Invalidism n Kandow I or hla ' muscles. "Tho last time I aaw .Hall Calne wa In hi bedroom in tho Hotel Wal-1 ton In Philadelphia. The little thin I man with hla domelike forhead aadj weak, wispy Jjrown whlaker. looked moro like Shakeenearo than ever. " 'Mr. Hall Cnlne,' I uld. 'I hope t yon are welt.' . .V.HMI1S, ... .wa. wen. i aavont aiept for two weak.' " 'Then,' aald I. 'you are ever ao much better, for tha laat time! aaw you )ou hadn't slept for a month '" l.onlsvlllo Time. LUMBER... llaageroa Matt K. M. Wharry waa telllag om friends about a proposed flahlag trip to a lake in Colorado he had la con tent pint taa. "Aro they any trout out there?" asked one friend. ' "Thousands of 'em," replied Mr. Wharry. "Will thoy bite easily?" asked aa other friend. "Will they?" aald Wharry, "Why. they'er absolutely vicious. A man haa to hide behind a tree to bait hla hook." Denver Poet. RRIKP MKNTMN Frrsh fruit and vegetables dally at Qoodileh'a. tf lea Cream served oatly at the Kast End Kaady Kitchen. The Owl Peel Room for Ire cream rone and soft drink. tf Just received, at tho Ouu Htore -, full, line ot baaaball goods. 1 7a We have a limited amount of moaer to loan. Holcomb Realty Co. Qareatta a Campbell, sole agents for lota In Crescent City, 810 Mala at u The Owl Peel Room haa Installed qW unitary porcelain Ice cream packer.' tf Por a good placet to ear go to tho Northara Cafav Open day and night. tllMataatreat. tt City Traaanr tor all kind of paa waaer traJle aad freight. Tlhot toil. -(Jaai K-laeh wood for aal. U R, Maiaaa, tho plaao tuner, haa rc- Our yarda now contain a complete atock of Lumber, ShJfttflea, Lath and ; Building SuppUea. We muidle Yellow File. Cedar, led and Yellow Fir. Lart eat atock of Rough and Finiah Lumber In .the dty. You can get Red Cedar and . v Redwood Shingles from ua : : " rs We also carry Cement Cement Platter and Lime Complete atock of Maaury'a Painta, Varaiahea and Oils. Doora. Wlndowa and Mouldlnga. Malthoid Roofing and Building Papers: IT We are equipped to get out your order completely and promptly : : : : : f r ,. r C Bid Basin Lumber co. t irr j- s nf .V 5-fc .&$& 1 l ffl . lN 1 m Ml .fOT liaawai umnmmmm sin Wheeler, id. , . turned tIMZX Wit lav order for him nt Vlr- ' .' - " aA " .waiA .'-! ioS ifinaumMiaaaiiiaai'ia MM.1I, - - ktl'araraRNraatora. PhotiaTM. tt -ir. ii." SI IJIJTJCT" & wi"ii"iy rr 6 .si' J A 'ih ji$. M Vtaajj