. L "V... V ?tf V f ; A f ..,, -W ' V "f." ft" ' . r . (.J A aw. aW aJJsW.. " . Ai t.iV rlt- flje i ' ' Lt T "'l'll,,rt ' I 1MI V1I.IAI MV1T aV rinn i I .i.Vli IIKUT DAILY . a ,,l HWIT liflll. 1 h . I HrR ADVERTMBM tii r. rhkt hi j Mtttilk rovKTii Ykar. No. 1,211 J . ' MING BIDS OPENED TONIGHT 4(mtiii.n or iiKnrii nthkktm Ull.l, IIHHKTTMI tVCiwiiill tlrHlnjt TimkjhTww llv t sa ln'rianl One Pia Alam. if Nth FeMs HI'VATOII WF.F.D IH IX FIH8T lli.f'K """' ' Ihk Time l UkrtleM In III Amiii I Frnr Hour nnd FlfHTii Mlnulea Serinim WhmI now IioIiIh tlm nuto The hiiiiull Uiii'tlng tonight will ill n linpnrtaiit one for I ho rlty of ffiaiulh "'all. The hid fr In pav Is of th sirwts will he oxnt-it, nnrt kerfs. itiU luiHitm matter mi or sausto nl mllng llin fraiiihlao nf Ifcr MM)' Telephone rninpaii) will pmtebl)- Ixi Introduced. 1 A number nf onllnstin-. are rcail)' ler Ih lull rraillng, nnit altogether tasltkt'. lurrtlng mean n grrnt Wattolhorlt). Aa ftbjif Hun a nisdn In tlm one iprrltvstlnii ii ( luivlnjt Dim Imil hern Mkrtrd. unit nrt-urdlnitljr thi' lat kit. rallnl lor hid. on rii klut i anl.iiirr.rp paving. Tlil will al ia tulmi. nrint in mill in It pruposl. uta, an) rnn.rniicnlly will giro Ihf Hemlt imni-M llio rliolrr rf iTrr fit tirlrllfi nf pavlni. .NO llU.li (HNK Tkr liawkill kaiiio wlilrli In Htl-fn iU)imI Mwrrii thr KUlu Mk rll mill ihr Hun Kloic nlm-n XlffJ) ilM nut lakf ico. A few rif rri ifniii npiimrrtl mi iho iid. Inn ilicri- mi not rnnuali in Ik lull iinu fur flltnr nMc, no lkMmp rnlloil off. IMTFM hill lit) W. Of UtHKH Hl.T rirl Iiim, Tlnil i.r Minir i. Mum, Will rum,. ri r HiiirliiK Moiiilii) JinlKi- Niilnml iiimuiimI (in, iiockot In I III lilt lllllll lllla iiMiimux.u ....I .... .. 'l H I j" " M"I" Hill' tin ilnlr (in miti-nil imm'ii nlilrli xilr f1'"1"'' lr lln limtciit tlnm holwct-n " ' ' 'ii ni iiii It'llil nr lOllrt, Tim riimi of thn Hlnlu iiKitlimt Tim. mil) K'miiK, i iuiri.i kIHi na.niili uliii ii ill-lull) HrniMin, huh ki;( (or ni'xt Miiinlii) 'ni umi. u H.ro KkiiIh, wlilli' ilriink. ultiiiiii...l i.. hliiini i bn ilrlw-r unit n nmiiiK.r on llin Mirrlll ulnm-. Thn rn of I In- Hindi mi, llolihlo liiirn wiu wi for Jul) stilt. Iiiiriu Hi-Hi I) klllril hU pull hit, Otto (lrl, nl Kainl IIiiIIoh, Hiii'rn idrf Wero rhniiiiK wiwmI, Tlimlilriii York m III Im. trl-1 on Jul) SMIi for furKPr)', Im ImtlliK wi Ulliil nun.. ., 0011 from I'rril Mel. Im.. I) imnii of H forxKl mulilcr'n irltminli. of itrMM 'milk lllooiiiliiKdiinii'nrniii', lirrc. In Im U iliariiril h tlolniluK tl IiiihI oioii ii. viu ( for Jul)', SiMh Ho I rlmiRiil on Hiiko iimihn, ' Tim Hinli. n. II, r, l.llii'rl). lo on llm ilmrKi of vlulniliiK thn local op. lion lit, M'l (or llin miniP iIbIij, j Jul)- 3tMh, Tim rhiUKu ncnln.i Jomiili llrt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY. JULY 18, 1910 THIS CITY NEEDS ANOTHER TRAIN PWCK6CIN1 TIIIMTIIKMI, ( OMIM.W'N ' I'ltOfKHTV ATTACH Kl 'liwi Fiiriinr Mriiilicm f nlc TroHpc Hp I'niH-n on Hip Kmpln- " Hlorlc Companx llprr ri,KA.KI OUT ItOCKN WIOM (MIUNTV ICOl "Hroiil" ClMlnlirn anil W. II. I.cl lnk Omil Imintirrmrnl In lllKlmur Semr ylo TIip property of tho Empire Hlock I rnirthahii ii il.,iKA.i . -. .. i.i. I Klmnuih KulU uml Lbkotlow. hmlii tin ttmt n -it.- t,iimr..i., .,., vnny, a Ihtalrlral irouno which to,i'i tluMllM.n.P In hU tilir Krank. ...v,.... '' "r'r'f" ' 'on ihnwIriK nl Hotuton'u opera 1 ! .!. .- I. M. . luaB.l. - i . . , ! , iiiiiiMfT in n i pi iv rnr iti nmi i ...... .. pwi V I'Ufll T VCR lln III four Iioiiih ii nil flftiii mlniiloH l,iiivliiu Kliiiiinth KhIIn nt 1 2 : 4 r. Tin-Mln)-nfii riinnii, lie reatliPil ,ki lcw ill fi: 16, ImvliiK nlopiwl fi mill. Iph nl llm num. Illy nml otlirr imlntK nlniiK llm loml, Tim IiIr mmilna Im IiiupiI upli-nillillv. ii nd nmn lutn Uiknpw runiiliiK mi mnoothl)' a an rircmr motor. Tim wnnlnr U of tho opinion thin Im inn Mill further rp linn llm limn, uml on hU rrturii It U mHip Hip foiipliour mark will l,e - - . '"1 lliclllcntnlly lircionllnir nn fti-nl 1OV0 0 l rm marur. ... ' ,Cnt nrrn' of ,nlcnl '" clicd on wiS S. r. FN MOTHER TWNI,c"Mlp,0'r,t of ,wo forn,cr ",m,cr " Iho company, who left Hie Irmipo nt , takerlcr, Ohjivi l Xm lottianin lrval Hrrr.l Acco',11" Iho atatomenr of Hip h: Hat to h .Motv Arrow. mnnnitcr of tho company tho two act. mn4afln. T" nil rcflincd to DOrform mnin work nilisncil, nnd.left :thout tho i worka' notice which Ihpy were urn i.'iiiiinhor of ('nniincicn la rnr. fl'iirrd liy tliclr rontract to do. mo Riioa nuaenca wcro later re loavo In Hon with tho train- that romo from M',r,' ,,,,lt', '" nwar tonight. , inn norm, tiio Idea not to Imv.. VAI.I'AIII.K NI.TTKII IMKI Iho llmo of thn prrwnt train thanpi1. CIIIITK.V I.N'QUKHT POST HTM IHHKOXKIt IUT " ,0 p hcer connoctlomt nl Weed l"OXKI) fon A MONTH llh thn train from tho north, roan 1 Mi. ViMriiriV"NmoBir"HuiMiiilMiii " "hvlati. llm promt lonK topocr , tauter Hay Mank-rrr Coulil Vol lit. pi.nMin' hip loupiioiir mark win i,e " t i rr. - 'n iu nathiil, for It Ii ronrPili-d that lMttcr ( rt,"l"ni' 'lh Ihn offlcInU of tlv, T,l W attached wcro ; llmo ran I iiinrto In that direction Hom,,l'rn I'Mlflr In an effort In n..t lind. and Iho playcra wilt (hnn In lomlim out Ukcvlow Kx. ",c '"l'1,",', '" wrvlro (onno.,,," morning for Weed, whi amltinr "on ' l'o iriUna that romo from "''N' ,,,,lt', '" "Wear lonlghi "Kroul" Chambera and W. II. r.yl. returned Bnturdny from the vltlnliv of Nn)lo(, where they had been for Hip pant week removing thn rort- from tho county road In the vicinity or mat place. They worked from about two mil.. above Naylox to flvo miles belr.tr that pince, nnd bealdca romovlns tho tone from the hlchway they hnllf four culverla. Tho work wai badlr needod. ih..v havlnu been told that one of the larger Monrn that had been r noved havlnic caiucd I1.S00 damage in ii'iiomobiica at tnrloua times. An McriReorslgautoxciiav pawd that W.M. heildo mini uj...n .... to U Hint ha been done by the' two ...ii - Krcauy nppr:n'.pfl liv all vhn hnvo had orra'oi lo travel that way. SEEK TO HAVE NAME ON BALLI NIMIAMHTH WAXT TO lUT KT IX THK KIKM a mm i. ni Ik-legale Arr KWtm to ibr fonrratlofi fa Be HeM Hetr Aaaat'lti IUH IjiIiI Oiii for ('Nl. Tim IiiuiiImiiiip (lorilon Metier iIok "Hmokrr," lidmiRlnK to Mr. Voor- llnurr ll tlnlatliiK Hm lornl ....Hon I '. "".' "." - ",U" ' w l,h Mr- law hi.. .11. ml..., 1. 1 It ,n. Invii Im. I "' -;"'l""'. r-elrd n do.o of M- MiMlbli. for II am to mt It. l..",:"11K-"",r:," ""1,:",K nl fi u'ct) i.,, , while mnkliiK n dellter) of rt-ioUblci l Ii iin. .... i. .... .. Ill ii parly en roiito hoinc. It I mi. , Mil, in " I j, lllivtlll' llllfl II, , . . . ... V KlDkrn.lnll for J II. farri.ll ,lff,"m"1 M,l"m ,,,,,, Ur' l' "' " rrsuhiif n iiiollon lii'fnri' JiiiIrp Nn. IniiiI HiU nllorniMiii, of twent).twn lioura nl that plarc, na i. mo rate at prracnl, Tho following leltora wcro wrltttm by the mmmlttec appointed by the i bnniber of commorcn to the oincInU of Iho Koiithern Pacific read: "Mr. .1. l. Dyer. Dlvlilon Sunerln. lendent Southern Paclfle Com. Winimiilr. Calif.: ('mlrtrd on the Evldrnrr Ho Par Heraird I'nltrd I'rma Servlrc, LONDON. July 18. Tho coroner, after he had heard tho (entlmony of the police, adjourned thc.Crlppen In-qm-iit for a month. Dr. Manhall, the police xiiruoon, created a aenaatlon tilt .M TIII'.NK H IT(lllt:.V !) Dear 8lrKnpinui - ... .... ... i .. .., u.,i ,,, . ....w.. ,,,,u i,m , ..I'liiiiiK inni n nrninnm mbmi. klllrnt., ami thi'doR aot llm bait and Klegram which Mr. Mill, ronrtpon.i.- nation r ii. HLm.m.i dlil In iniuiil.lon. In Ima than half '"'warded to )ou thla afternoon, nnd found In iho Crlppon home had not an hour. Thn iloK wnw a great pet,' n"M K o ronflrm. furnl.hed n tanglblo legal Identlflca. land highly prlied by Mr. Voorlme.. an' '"rl"' Klamath Chamber of Com- Hon of the body, and alio thcro wa B.n im in.. .iiiiiaiiM, ami iney "rair appreciayro of tb Proof of murder having bees com I mini. I tint liiiv. inlr,.. linn fn. i.Im. CiODeratlon thai in... amh... t ...i... ...- ... ,,".:"; " "" "" " ""iiiinii". nun uioy - . u.rrciayTo ot ihk' no proot or murder Having bees com. TIIIIMTI-..N Ttt NTIIIKhwnulil not have taken lino for him. woporntloii that our company ha (milted. Tho decompoiltlon of the ' HI lO I'HATKII MKt! I.J. II. Oliainoem, ML. Kmmn Uep lUjinniiil nnd Knilna M)era iif rauttlll'. Calif , wrnl lo Crntiir laka Tim) ilrore n team, and will lnne a wrek or ten da). Inngaf Ulrenny i,n rp n much n. the) apwi III I'OItT HtMlON, Jul) IS A mm. Millet ri'iririillnu Hm nultilinii'ii Mii.r tiitlniiirii of Hip (I mini Trunk rnltioail prc.i'tiii d nn ultimatum to miipni lln)!-. Oil. nflernoon, In whlrh Hm thrcalencil In Mrlko uu. Ir. tlm ili'iiinnit. mnilp for a mn.ni'. kiamlaril unl.' worn granli'd, IIAILKOAD DIKE 18 NOW ALMOST COMPLETED lrrtrr Have Xrarijr Pinlabed the none net wren Modor ana lUtflrwnkr Point At iho meeting of Local KUaaata Pall, of the aoclallat party Saasay, night In Hodmen' hall a ptUtlea re quextlng that the aocialbt Uekai a placed oa the official ballot at tho election lo be held oa November Sth wa. prepared and the tollowlaf aar noni were elected to circulate the a, tition for slgnatiirea: K. W. Muller J. P. Day. Wa. gear. The following delesatM to tl (county convention to be held kar Jon Friday. Augu.t I2tb. were eleeUd: Thp Ittf flrrnr wlilli. !.. I... . .nv, n..,,.., HVU UTII making a'dlko for tho roadbed for ir.c southern Pacific railroad between' Modoc and Kattlcanako nolnu har nearly flntihcd tho work, and the dike will oon be completed. The di.tancq between the two nolnta I about Him mile and the dredger, have been woVklng from cither aide and ant nnar only about 100 yard apart. The workwof laying the rail will Mr. ami Mrs. Heorgo Wllaon and Alm.i WIImiii Hero up from Mer W loUr, ami wrrn gumla of Hip UrermoiP hotel ""sr '' ' ni 1 1 i ii I. j ii 1 I' MHHIK.NEUN Tln I'nuliM iiic.il innlglil A l Hm uniting of Klaiiinll; lo.ln No. !!, K. of I'., there will ho work i Hm ihlrd rank Kwry knlalil nlinnlil bo ihorn Wrilntmln) nlglit Mini Hrkrl, IS.S0 for I.. Klamnlli Coffii llntup, Main, near 8ertil!i, ili"iir-llkn rooking r"" i'inti hip puiwin nan ; i" "ioannc. and wo nooy nn made It imnoaalb lo in fail .ei'ii the agon) of tlm HMir dying dog J10" ,f dvlao that the additional erv. h" raimo of death. Lawyers hero I npl" In n abort time. Bllll ill.' nrlnf nf ll.n.n In wlinn. Ika Im reOUeitpd I. I.rn,l.. ...-. . UI... !... . . ... . . ' - " " ." --- nM.v ucairca oy " taimui conriri unppen Iff dog liulnnKed. their rnn.clence would "ni,r I'Ple, most of whom have per- ''c ' captured. ha vp In n touched. ..Ulenlly Inililed unon an lmn.d r . ' train aorvlcn. Tho layover at Weed MAXV lA'fntHIOMMTH ' Wo pamengem from the north la 'inqucatlonably a commercial handl. Aliuiit Ut) ierionN wont on tho ra t0 Klamath Pall, a well as ex flxiiir.lon on the steamer Klamath to . Penlv and disagreeable to alt classes iiorfc)- mini jpHierun), and oer)nno " "--ir. 1011 nro entirely famll- fi. A It. POST TO ) .- in,r.ir.niM, MAXV JACK RAHBIT WKRB KILLED HUXDAV C.A. Bdler. J. A. 1 lance, , J. A. Sllvle. P. W. Johnson. W. W. Waketeld. A. C. Hills. Win. Bears. Day. Tbey More Mrinbrra WW He AMrd to V. J II. Kprague Vm This Week. Plftren Mesaoers Now 'nrly Prom This City Go on a Drive ana may Aboat 17s of the Peats j A party contlttlng of Jack Pry, M. I L. Allison, W. II. Wood. C. P. Blrk. At Hm meeting of the P. U. Spraguo 1 ,1--'. W. P. Manchester. C. 8. Stono I'ost No. 46. 0. A. It., several mcm.'"lW. II. Dremer. left this city Sun. bora will add their names to the roll la" morning on a rabbit drive near nml will bo muMcrcd Into tho corps. thu Merrill road, and about 176 of I lilt 11 mil iiAit nlinnt MS.A .tJ a ' I llrt ldnif.Ana.kJ ha.i. ! a. . a a . ..v. ,v hwh uuwiii iiiii'vn um hui""j riit.u iivsib ivii wiore incir Taking Advanti oftke !t Big Clearance i assaaW (saasL JsL BSaf I '' nf i, bdlei' Muslin Underwear, Petti tta Knit Underwear. Einbroid- crtci, Lacea. Etc., Now in Full Mt at Startling Prices. Hurry! nn hoiint hiul n .plemlld tims lnr Iho Inadequacy of hotel ac- Only one man complained, and he. ""nodallora at that point that works though) that Hiitp should hae been n '"irdahlp nn many, lorklng halm. mfa riuhloni, pink " number of complaint, havo re It'inonailu ami a inlnreil boy 10 keep f0"'IJ' hen made by persons who al um nica nwa), ivgp'iiiai mo present train has been nirt' nH "0,v nbout fifteen old sol. "' long-enrod pests fell before I I'olourl Wilkin. promUeil to haeV"m,,l ' delher their baircam n. 'Iters who hau signed the roll. aad''l"'- They nil had a jolly time. all H101.0 roiiti'iilcneea for his especial Mmo ,,n' hey ramo through, and one 1 " ,H Ml'ccted that tliero will bo four , he went nn tho In.lnnce has been brought to our nt.'or fl,ro mnre J,n ,nl" wk. Tho " " "' "IATKII L.KK lentlon In which It is claimed thai . . meeting will be held In tho liascment ' rotumerrlal man from the north. ar I "f he library, and all old wearers! J--Ho. Keneral manager of the r of ono day at Weed, faiiad 7&"' ''" hlue are requested to attend I "rrcn Conduction eonipaay af nil of his samnlo tmnv. ...ilthe meeting. (Pertland: II. C. WyckoK of Table Hock nnd N. W. Scharn of nram. Pnss, arrived here last night on tbelr D. K. Uurrell. N. Marschand. E. W. Miiller. It. L. Riddle. J. P. Day, J. W. Ilawxbiirst, Samuel nines. J. P. Pive Alternates were elected. are: James Hutu B. M. Chlleete. Perclval Sholl, John RoMna. J, W. Tamil. After the business of the local was transacted a general Hinilna or various questlOBs appertatatac to present economic eoadlUoaa taek place, and the remarks were listened to closely by those preaaat. .tMKRIOAX ARTMTH APPEAR IX OERMAX-V laninrv Trio Play Before Paiafiiii William and Receive Hla Praise hemrll Hi bout. iii-xt I Imp hi1 HF.I.rX'.lTKX AIIIHVIXO POH IIIIIPItMAV COWKXTIOX United Press Hon Ire. POItTLAND. July IS. Delegates to llm National Contention of I liber- nl.iiiH mo filling Hi It dty. Kvery train I. rniwilpd, All natlnunl oIBihth hate nrrhiit, nml imt) thing l In readl nea. for Hm nienliig nf Hip conven-Hon. e delay of ono dav at Wood r.n "T4 rerelxe nil of hla samplo trunks, and 'lm' mwilng, wn under the necessity of losing an ' oljicr day here. You will understand I'XITKD MTATKM WILL thl is related, not In a spirit ot fault- KLL Hint TIMHRfl niuiuc. mil SB a innan. nt . J. I.. l --.. ,.u. vl natismg 011 or tho nature of the' Individual I U'llted Press Sertlcc, complaints rnnrornlnir ih. ...- . niv i'mvoisnn "" 4l'iini:ill sen lev. "Tho Chamber of rnnnnr. ,.. been adilsed that tho volume of tiafflc - uannieit on tho Klamath Pall lino Is li.l IHI.WA crtN'nitKMMMAX . proimrllonnloly ver much greater PAWtKM A WAV than on branch lines of the Southern 1 farine. nnd upon this ground wo feel Hiilteil I'roi. rVrvlie. NKW OliLKANH. Jith 18 Con. grctiiunn tlllmnrn died at hi home nt Alhlmi Springs this morning nfier 11 long Illness. CHIIINIIAX HCIE.NCE LKADKH KKHITV.XIXK YKMIH OLD United I'le.s Service. IIHOOKI.INK, Mas.., Jnlv IN Mrs. Kddy quletl) relehrnuit lier SOih birthday hero Saturday. 1; uir tight "ll A W' 4 f K.K.K. STORE Kiiimlll lloi'Mou 11 tid family lufi this morning for Talent, Oregon, where I hoy will iikuIii resumo their reil denco. Mr. Uceion's Interests In Jack.on county wore so great that It. ...u ll.lli,.uulliln m l.ln. n... ukKH .nn iii.rp.iu.v ' inni iu au niinii llmni iih to ndmlt of his living In thU iltv npiiniiiicntly. u fnct which will be itreutly legrettcd by his mauy frlonds. John Irwin left thlu mnrnlnir lnr Llvcrmoie, Pu.', whoro ho will visit wlih hla mother for four or Ira weeks. Mr. Irwlu makos an annual pllgiluuiKo lo his old homo to hold the hand Hint rockod his cradla and moulded a ilia racier that mtit4n her declining years nil her heart with pride. Mih. 0. L. Carter retunird gatuV. day ovonliiK from a vlilt of nveral weeks wun tnenaa ana relatives la the Willamette valley. ' r---r4 -. v , Mrs. Steve'Stukel and Mlsa Qoldlo Stukel were registered at the Liver moro today, that the rommnnltv servod i .niuu 10 a moro frequent and bettor train nervleo. "We beg to urgo that this matter bo itl.,i as prompt consideration ns possible, and hopo .hat within a few lays It may bo poislble to give assur ance of some favorabto conclusion of officials as lo establishing tho bettor lervleo desired. Yours very truly, "R. H. DUNDAR. Bec;y." "J. H, D)'or, Superintendent, Duns miilr. Calif. July 8, ifio. "Tho Klamath Chamber of com. mcrco requests on bohalf of tho clt- isons ana business men of Klamath Fall H at thn Diinamnlr r.i. k. ... .7 " "" " ...... ...im era ,uu throliifh to Klamath Palls, thereby Kiving a inrough tirst-class train, and obviating tho long delay nt Weed for passengora from tho north. Does not Iho business of tho Klamath Palls lino Justify a second train with Pull man accommodations for travelers? "W. A. DBLZBLL, Pres. "R. H. DUNBAR, Seo'y," Superintendent Dyer of the Booth. tm PaelBo has statod that ho will probably be here the first of this weak nnd talk the Matter over with the persons Interested. A petition la being circulated and extensively algnad, asking that the time of the trains be not chanrad. Tho signers are not oppoeed to the action of the Chamber of Commerce In, any war. out hey do not wait a change In the train service to such an otteat that It will necessitate the meeting of trains here at a late hour. way to Crater Lake. They aro over in an auto, and will probably leave tomorrow, Mr. Iloyt will be at the sax Pinvniar-n 1..1.. . B,.. uncn meeting tonight, as ho Is man- relary of Agriculture Wilson ha. dc "V J n P,n "" th" wb dared that he will offer for sale l,!"1 h , '' T" ,b" "" P'!,n" 000.000.000 foet of timber 011 the lor-1 ?, ,h CO"ncU nc,w on n ,hort eu reacrvo In Trlnlfy county, Calif. w' this camo about through tho appltca Hon of tho Humboldt nnd Eastern Itnllroad. which proposes to build a lino from Kurokn to' Red Bluff. The inllroad official desired tbavassur mice of enough business to warrant tho construction of the road?' It la understood that the work on the line will soon be begun. MAHOXIU HALL NEARLY OX NEW LOCATION Workmen lleaaevtaa: Dirt Where Odd Fellows' Temple Is to Stand Mr. and Mrs. Dert With row and little daughter, accompanied by Mrs. W. 11. Ilelleman and son and Miss Inn Mnckoy. went to Pelican bay and Crystal creek yesterday. The ladles of tho party remained there, and will Iho a llfo of rarest Ion for the nut two or three weeks. Few American artists can boast such a reception as that accorded the Pasmoro trio upon their recent visit to Berlin. Tticse sifted artists nlavad thirty-four concerts In the Oeratan ' capital an achievement never before accomplished by any group of Amer ican musicians. One of the raataat of their .triumphs waa the hvst re cital given at the memorial chareh of Kaiser Wllhelm the First, which was attended by the royal famllr. it was at thut recital that the Oirmn emperor delegated one of hla minis ters to formally thank Mary Paaasore for tho pleasure derived front her vio lin solos. Tho Oerman critics have been as high In their praise as the American press. Tho Pasmore plan to tour Germany, Autrla and Russia next season. In the Austrian capital tl.ey will be the guests of the noted virtuoso and court pianist, Xavter Schwarenka, with whom Suaaan Pasmore studied some years ago. They will be hre July Ifttb. Tho old Masonic temolo has been moved from Its former location on Mnln street, and is now about In place on Ha new location on Fifth street. Workmen aro at work removing Hm dirt from the lot where the new Odd Fellow tomple Is to stand at the corner of Fifth and Main atraat. and It. B. Wattenburg. the contractor, will atnrt to work ou the foundation about llm middle of the week. KpllKHT FIRBS ARK RAGING NEAR LAKEV1BW Pln Wardens skunmoned Proa Here to He! right the Flaiaea Near That Ctr - - II. H. Plerson. state tra wardaa. who Uvea near Keao, waa summoned to Lakevlaw today to aid lp Sghtlu a number of foreat Area that are hirraJar oa tha snutli nnd north fnjVa ot'Siiragua river.. .Thare have bna six fires within tha oast weeks, and the mountains are haty with the UMMasa, VusH 4aaa& "kHtatklssiaH Aleasklaaksa TheBest Pumps and Half Shoes f ATI hive thc Ih the vcr wakmm vmcT raRi! tk world OTwT. MD CM6U.FBQ. CATOIeglJt.ll, lOAMATirS KCLTJWVi ai v, t t fivrnn mnwm? &'& SirslsnaaalsT BkaTak 'SaaTaaaBafMl , i . .--f ... . . ,..r t , 'v. J .si ft ' ' ' .i.-4- i I 7& A yM d '.. - . nn iM ! . - f r " f ' trwrn' ? JL.1 iTh irTu ifiilHi r-r,--lli,V m nf VJssa-aai,r , v v' . '. v r7-. " 'J ' " '' ..'