:.vi 'ii i f Mt tMk ffl P. OtK ADVERTISERS OsYT THK BUNT KaWULTS KLAMATH VShW KIKUT r-i I! foonTH Ykab. No. 1,211 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY. JULY 16. 1910 Price 5 Cents in 0. CO. BUYS WONT RANCH MAHXT HEAL THAT HAN IIKKN tVNHWMATKH Hill YEARN m MVttE INTO SMALL FMtMS the Coming of the Small Farm- m, Noliirlhlng Nr4rd for Ih trlopiiirttl of County Tbi KlaiDAtli lopmeni rnuipn tr hai ataln entered Urn market (or Kltnath muni property, and this Ha nude It"' blRRcat purchase that In ocrutti'l hern (or nr, II haa tottraitnl in tmy lliu Allainont raath. Tlil properly U recognised u bliK "i"1 "' '"' finest rami prop uiln In llii comity, nml Ha purchase tf thli ioiumn nicnna llic passing of the ititt Itnrl of laml under tho Prat unit of the Klamath ito)rcl. N'gotlatliin for the sale of the rotl) - wrro oHnrl yuMcrdny atoralDC anil tlm filial pnpera In tlio tttl wrrv signed tlili forenoon, None of tht parties Interested would atntu thill he luntlituratlim waa, lull It la stosa ttm itix owners havn been MdlfiC It In tin neighborhood of C,000 fm toitii Urn Tb AHamnnt rnnrh, which com jtltn alKitit l.roo arrca, la located bmt :i miles from the courthouse. It arts fur )i'ar owned anil operated or Judge Hmlih. Ou hla death tho arlti rrtanllril Hi Smith corpora Ilea far Hie maiingrment of the prop flly. Tlil corporation unlit tho iroi. my to Judgu Noland anil II. H. Hnilth Marth I, l7 On March I. tto, Mr, frulthV Interest In thn property arai wilil to tho Allainont Investment toaitn- of H'ntlle, nnil It It from IhU company nml Judge. Noland that lae Klamath Development company turthamt i ho trMriy today. When H. 0, Johnson waa seen by u rtprctcntailto of thin paper lu con Itmul the transaction and Mid: "In purrlmiln tho Altamont reach the Klanmth Ik'telopmrnl hai under taken another hranrh of development of Ihliicctlnii long contemplated. We Kate mn for snmctlnm that one of iTHOROUGllBRIf ns Newest Fall Styles are Here They are sure nifty. See west window K.K.K.' tlio urgent MiimU of ihl,, toiint) wna mill (i fiirnmik Ciiiiai.quciitly wo l. linn imikliiK iriurniliii,K fui tho liiliigliul In hero of farmer, nml with Hint vml In tw hegnu it unlet nml aytiumc liivintlxatliin Into tlm lii'nl iroitrllca for nnr inrpiii Tlm J Altninmii much ua noon docldud upon, nml li, nomrliiK li wo liollmu wo hno iiiiu of tint lumt to lie fimml In Hie iintlto toiiiit) IIh liin prox-, Unit) In llii' til) imiki'N it ,i,riiii. Imly iloalrnlild for atnall fnrnu Wo Inti'iiil to pint tlm irmt In Hid imnll iiiikIiih, nml Kill in f m muni on Ifinia that Hill innki' It pnrtlcularl)' Mtrnttlve to Hip linnipm.i'krr of mod. crnlo iiiranv," SOCIETY NEWS OF THE WEEK MIHK l.t'ia HTIIAM' K.STKIITAINH AT MVK HII.MIIIEIl Ml. V. II. Iti'll.'liMli 4iii-k n ltrc. lion In llipour nf Mr, riiix-hc U. Nharph-k MIm l.nlit HtritH I'litiTlnliiril nt &Qn In hrr Wral Kldc homo Tuoaday nf h'tiiMin I'rlic nt rnriln wr nwntil. tl Mi. W O Hnilth nmt Mr. V II . I.MIIIi Dalnt) irfroithmitiila wern. pcrvi-d ilurlim tho nfiiTiioon hy Mlaa. rllrnw. iiMUlcd hy .MIm MnrJoiH) lo. ('lore Tho itui'ata urrn llcjdatiiti. I.. I'. Wllllla, C H, Mix.tc. II I limit- f iiioml, I), T Mililtmn, i: J Murrn), Drn J .iiinxnll, V O Hnilth. Mel- ilnim. 0 HiltkiMii..r Jr. i: II Hall, V l llclloiiun, C P Hhvphcrd.'P. II, Mill, C. II, llvnr). I' It. Jcnnlngi, li, It. Itc(tmr. I Ward. J T llenly. C r Hiono, II V Murdoch, Mluei lc llaiiimoiiil. MrCownn, ArkIc lr. Mm W II, llrlli'inaii liiMti'i 'lliiirxlny nftrrnoon In rompllinnt 'o .Mra, rtioi'ho 0, Hharploix of Vaah liiRton, l. C wlm la taltliia; with rr doiiKhlor, Mm. W H, Wiley, for tho Mimmrr r-'he hundred a ilti)cd, nml the prlii a won hy Mlaa l.tiln Htraw ltefrihniinta were mrvrd mid tho isurnt were Men- ilnin.'n ( H Moore. Don J '.ilinwnlt, II, H. I'alnler. J (I. I'lerce. W O. Hmlth. tlw, Noland. K. J Murrn). C. II. Underwood, (I lleltki'inpcr Jr., II. r Hhepherd. I., I' Wllllla. It. II, Walker. II W Mnou, W. H Wor- den. Alex Mnriln Jr. Hurt. C I" Htune. W H, Wiley. I' ! Hhnrpleaa, H. Ohenrhnln, tleo C Mill, MIh Htraw If It'a lUfJil We Ran It STORE DANGER FROM FIRE IS 6REAT lIIV U'KATIIKIt HAN MAIIi: HIT!'. ATIO.V (IIITICAI. EYEXYNDY SHOULD EXERCISE CARE MiiiIi lk Will lb Hu.laliiMt L'nlraa Cart la Takrn In I'rf viml Kirro l-Vtuii Hlarlinn I'OIITI.ANK. July IC, 'Klro! I'liol Klro!" i "Thin la an nlulln of fire. "Do )dti hear It? "Will )o heed It? "If the llro haa not rnme jet It iHin will. "Von may prevont It, "You rati ararrrly atop It. 'Although July dan hardly ln'Kiin, n dry aprlnx followed hy hot wenthor lum rennltiil In terrlfle foreat flrea IhroiiKhnut thu ronat alntea. Thei tlnderllke condition of tho nooda1 mi enrly In the nrnnon thrrntena tin J with 'mo of the wort flro yeora In hlaior) With tho altuntlnn already vxtreinely torloua mid tho uauall) dryatuonlha mill to rome, the Pacific Northweat facet (treat iIuhrit of tin coiitrollaldo weeplriK Area, before which all effoit wilt he pownrleaa to prevent crent deKtrurtlon of rrtourccN If not of human Uvea. It It a time to appeal to every rltlten for rlall. mice to aert dlaaatvr and dlatrpaa to tho community." In In cue worda tho Wcatorn Kor ea! ry and Conaervallon anaoclatlnn heglna a atalemenl Uaued today aa' thu roault of rcporta upon the utually critical foroat Are situation received from Ita tubilillary llro flhtln or nanltatlona throiiRhout tho North w intern atatea, All nulhorltlea aureo Hint unusually enrly nrrlval of dan Keroua rotidltloua warrnnta xravc ap prehenalon. (I real detrurtlnn haa al ready resulted In Montana, Idaho and California, In Oregon And Wattling-, Inn many fire hnvo broken out, and nllhniiRh moat hnvo been aurceaafully1 handled, Mery day Ih Increaalng the" ilniiRcr of rondltlnna which prevont control, The niuoclntlon rnllt attention to the fact that ery deatructlvp foreat flrea come In odea, due to nhnormnl )eara. While In ordinary aeatona rountleKa flrea kiuoulder without aerl oim effect and even the more Import ant onea ran imially be checkod by aufflrlent effort, every few )enrn cornea n romhlnatlon of protracted dry weather and wind durlnK which any llro onro ttarted tiecomea almoat Inalnntaneoiialy he)ond Influence of human endeavor. Such flrea burn furlniisl) until checked by rain or lark of fuel, and aweep vnat ureas' with ureal rapidity. The Inat of' Hiono "fire enra" waa 190!, when many Uvea, IiokIcIok rewiuicea worth, nearly IKO.onn.onn, were (Uatroyed In OreRou nml Wnahlimton In n day or two. It N ii return of mich a cataa tropho which Ih feared If heavy rain doea not aoon relievo tho early dry IIOHHOf 1010, I In the meiinwhllo the aaaoclatlon nppcala to every travoler and real dent In forest reitlona tn oxerclao tho Kreateat precaution with lire, and to nil timber owner to maintain vigil nit patrol. In noido atatea tho gov ernor Iiiih legal powor to forbid hunt Iiik, flahliiK and ramping during peri od of great flro danger, but In the Northweat thero la no Inanrance but tho euro excrrjaod by tho Individual. KXI'KCT NTItlKK OS I'KNNHYIA'ANIA ROAIi United I'reaa florvleo. PIIII,ADRI.PIIIA, July 10. The Pcnn8)lvnnla offlclaU arc proparlnn for n Htrlko and n llnal break la ex pected nt any lunuiunt. Tho directors of tho road nro supporting tho execu tive olllcliila In their contention that tho domnmW of the men aro unrea. onublo and will not roccdo from their declaration not to accodo tQ tha ra quoata.of tho mon for higher wagea and auoiter houra. Chairman Oeorgo M. Smith of tha tralmnou'H grlovanco commlttoe aald teday: "Tho mon aro tired of wait lag, and I would uot bo aurprUcd If they Htrlko within forty-olght houra." 8, u, Crane of Reno, Navada, li MTKIIAIIV rONCEItT OIVKX NKXT MONHAV Ml.ll T l!('lli'iit Knlcrfainmrnl for tho lo air faitm of Klamath Path An exrollcut cutcrtalnmont rnr tho i hihIc lovora of Klmnath FalU noxt Monday night haa been prepmul iy tho Womne'a Library club. Ilolnnd M. Petiae, n noted baritone dinner cf Ht. I'iiiiI, Minn, and the Hhnkei-.rl iiiiirliit, with Mra. Don J. Zuuiwal'. nml Mra. O. II. Uatea, aecompanlal. ivlll furnlth a delightful mtialcal nre ulng. The following la the pregram: I. "Itobln Adair" (lluck), "Thua Halth the IOrd" (Buck). I. "nut Who May Ahlde"(llandel."Melah"l Hhnketpearo quartet. "Kvcn Braveat Heart" (Gounod, "Valentlnn'a Song In Kautt"): Wld luting: "Hark, Hark, the Urk," (Kchubert), Mr. I'caao. .1. "Spring" (Hcnachel). Mra. Don J. Kumwalt. I. "Hoot a and Saddlea" (Buck), "Irlah r'olk Song" (Kooto)."The Qlp. ay dlrl" (Oallowny), "O Heart of Mine." "A Tragic Tale" (Slater). "Iledouln live Song" (Plnautl). "A llary o' Dow" (lladloy)."Torenclor Hong" (llliet), Mr. Peaac. Tlcktta on aalo nt tho Public Li brary, the Star Drug atom and Tho Wella. At Tho Wella, flint door raat of thn opera houae, reaerved teata wilt bo checked without charge. In order of application upon purchaa lug or allowing tlckot. NEW 10D6E IS INSIOTED omCKIlH OF KLAMATH CHAP TEH NO. SS INSTALLED (Vn-maay Waa the First OaVlal Art i.r il.M ih.iMi.1 riiaa liii 1 The Masonic ball latt ulgbt waa thu acciiu of impreitlvo reremonlea when Grand High Prleat Prank J. Milter of Albany. Ore., conatltuled Klamath Chapter No. 3B, Itoyal Arch Maont, of tho atato of Oregon, and gave, them full power to Initiate can didates nnd confer tho degrees upon I hem, Urund High Prleat Miller wua dotted to tho office which h now bnliU latt month at tho mectluK of the grand lodgn In Portland, and the (ouatltutlon of Klamath lodge lait iilKht wn tho Aral official act nnd .Kit he haa made alncc he took hla oltlce, Tho oncers of tha lodgs am: High Prleat Alex' Martin Ji, King V. A. Leonard Scribe A. II. Berry. Captain of the Hoat T. W. 8t I liena. Principal Sojourner F. -W. Klgg. Koyal Arch Captain P. V Jen niuga. Secretary C. II. Wlthrow. Treaaurer E. It. Reames. Matter of tho Third Veil K. L. CCIott. Maater of tho Second Vail K. D. I'enry. Mnntr of the Third Veil I. P. W lllii. Sentinel A. L. Ltarltt. Attor the ceremonies ware ovur tho Maaona present feasted at a banquot that had been prepared by t!u Ladioa' Aid society of the Christian church. Tho proapecta for tho growth of thn new chapter are excellent, and It bids fair to bo one of tha atrongoai In tho atatc. n. J. Roberta and wife of Olene hml huKlnesa here today. U. Alex Patterson waa a delegate at tho county convention today. V. P. Sedge was a delegate to tho county convention from Dairy today. John and navo Shook are putting up about l.fiOO tons of hay at present. George Looaeley waa a delegate to tho county republican convention to day. C. A. Bunting waa up from Merrill today to attend tho county conven tion, v J. H. Hobba waa up from Merrill today attending the republican coun ty convention. Prank Hedrick was ono of the re publican delegates to the county con vention Saturday. . P. Oardnar waa down from tha Port teday aa a deleajaU to the coun ty republican convention. T. R. Hoyt waa a visitor at the county convention today. He la one REPUBLICANS HOLD SESSION Kl,i:-r IIKI'HKHK.NTATIVKH TO HTttTK )XVKXTIOX KEMMMEM KETIN6 AH6IJST 20 IK-k-Kalea Here From Klamath Path, Merrill, Fort Klamath and Dairy The county republican aaacmbly met at the courthouao today, and thu delegates elected representatives deltgatea to tho atato aaambly and prpard for a mooting to be held AtiRiiat 30th, nt which time auggca tlona will bo made aa to the beat can didates for office. The delegates arc: . Klamath Falls Frank Ira White. W. II. Slmpaon, C. S. Moore. C. It. Do Lap, Hcrt Wlthrow, A. L. Leavllt. II. M. Mnnnlng, Thomaa Drake. O. C. Applcaatc, W. O. Smith, C. T. Oliver nnd John Schallock. Merrill C. A. Dunlins. J. II. Hobba, Frank Hedrick, Alex Patter ami and K. K. Fitch. Fort Klamath J. II. Wheeler. T. K. tlojt. 8. P. Gardner, Ocorge Loot ley ancTltalph Moon. Hairy John Shook and W. P. Hedge. Kcno waa not reprcaented although four delogatcs had been elected in that precinct. Tho meeting waa called to order at 5:30 by C. T. Oliver. Dr. Patterson of Merrill nominated C. 8. Moore for chairman, and he waa unanlmoutly elected. A. L. Leavltt waa nominated for secretary by O. C. Applegate, and he nlao was unanlmoutly elected. Chnlrmnn Moore made a brief talk on tho object of tho convention. In which he tinted that he believed It would result in great good to the par ty. although the democrats might not think that the procedure waa legal. On motion tho chair appointed a com mittee on credential, ronalatlng of (!. T. Oliver. B. B. Fitch aud John Shook. Home one aaked If tho re publicans of Dairy had elected Mr. Shook n .delegate, nnd ho stated that ho waa the only republican who took time enough to go to the meeting, nnd ho waa declared the delegate from that city and placed on the com mittee amid great applause. Alex Pattoawn did not believe that i ticket ahould be named at the pres ent time, because It would convey the Impreatlon that the convention wna trying to-toltt candldatea upon tho iwrty, and moved that the naming of n ticket bo pottponcd until later In the year. The motion waa car iled. A committee on platform conaltt Ing ot C. A. Bunting ot Merrill. Frank lin White and W. O. Smith waa ap pointed. Tho committee on resolutions re ported aa follews: Tho republican parly, in Klamath county, unrcecrvedly approves tho Taft admlntatratlon of national at fairs and the Benton administration In Oregon. Wo also commend the efficient aorvlro rendered by Hon. W. C. Hawloy, our representative In con great. Wo bellevo In representative gov ornment; In tho form ot government adopted by tho builders of our na tion and under which tho nation haa brcomo tho greatest on earth. Political Ills cannot be cured by quack remedies. Bxperlmenta In thla state with schemes proposing to conduct government afalra by the unorganised and uninformed acta of thn doctorate, aro failures. Because of tho lack of any scrutinising body elections for state officers have de generated to a guesslug contest. Instead ot political campaigns' con ducted upon political Issuea and prin ciple!, we have endured a mere scramble tor offices by self-nominated aspirants. We heartily favor open conferences ot accredited party delegatea, and are opposed to secret combinations' ot pol iticians serving unknown Internta Campaign expenditures) and the va garies of the, alphabet nave supsr- seded dtneaa and merit aa eoaUwlllas factors la election remits. The remedy for these coadltlMi will promulgate plat forma of princi ple nnd consider tho fltncaa of can dldatca. Public Intercut demand po litical orgnnliatlon Inatead of polit ical chaoa. The republican party In Oregon haa begun tho work d? re-ea-(abllahlng our atatc In tho Intelligent regard of tho nation. No apology la j needed for returrlng to aane methods, j We warmly endorao tho attltudo , of tho leglalatlro delegation from thla , county and dlatrlct In voting only for a republican for United Stale aen ator. We recommend that tho leglalaturo I Incroaae the number of namea requlr ,ed for Initiative leglalatlon, to the (Continued on Page 4) tm mm mm HPfCAKKR OF HOl'SE NAYS THE J RlTLRa) ARE ALL RIGHT Calls the Inaargciits "Ignorant Pub licity Seekers," and Hays They Aid the Detoocrata United Prctn Service. WINFIELD. Kant.. July 16. In nn address to the Chautauqua assem bly that la In actalon hero. "Uncle Joe" Cannon, speaker of the houte of repreaentathes, defended himself pgalntt the charges that had been mnde against him. He declared that tho tariff was safo and sound, and that tho rules governing the houae of representatives were not the Iniquitous menturcs which It Is claimed they arc by those who sought to change them. Speaking of tha In surgents, and referring partlealarly tn Representative Murdoch ot Kan sas, he called them "Ignorant fa llrlty seekers." and tald that their conduct was paving the way for democratic congressional victory. "The rules have never been par tisan," aald Speaker Cannon. "Some of the members of congress have al wa)s been attacking the rules, which thuy do not, study, aa the easiest way to attract attention to themselves and nt the tame tlmo cause their de ficiency In general legislative work to be overlooked. We have Just had an other season of hysteria over the rules which abounded more with Ig norance than with knowledge." PLEAHVKE TRIP TO CPPER LAKE POINTS .V iarty of Klamath Falls people. contlttlng of Mr. and Mra. Brubaker. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dolbeer, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mc Millan. Mr. and Mrs. O.M.Hector.MIss Nellie Morey, Miss Juno Wilson, Ed Vanlro and Charles Wilson will spend Sunday on the Upper lake. They have chartered tho Curlew and will go to Rocky Point for lunch, and after enjoying a pleasant afternoon they will stop nt Eagle Ridge for dinner on their way back. The beautiful resorts on the Up per lake aro attracting more atten tion every year, and tho residents ot this city aro beginning to appreciate the opporttmltlo for recreation that aro offered hy tho many beautiful places surrounding Klamath Falls. iTheBest Pumps and Half Shoes W rl have them rotTErs world OTar. HID CROO.PIHJ. CATOK; aUataUgajJrdcowrs KLAMATH'S EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE WIFE MURDERER SHORT OF FUNDS MIII'I'KX IH IIKUKVKD TO HAVE HIT THE HUM HUCE MCE STIPI Hakl lo Have PracUraHy Wansed I FnaiHve as to ' of Hla Oattt United Press Service. LONDON, July 16. The Scotland Ysrd officials believe that Dr. Crlp IKn, tho man who Is enapected ot hav Inc murdered bis wife and the cov ered tho body with quicklime to con ceal the evidence ot hla criaw, haa but Utile money la hla possession. They do not think that he baa over 1230 In cash, but that he haa about 125,000 In Jewelry that betoaged to hit wife, and that he will be toreed to dlaposo or this In a short time. In that case they think that he will soon be captured. r the )volry can be readily Identified. The people and newspapers here charge tho Scotland Yard men wKh being bunglers. They assort that the police practically warned Crippea that ho was suspected, and than gave him ap opportunity to make his es cape. It la believed hero that Mies Lcnove haa gone to Franco, where the police are searching for her. A dressmaker here declared that shortly after February 2d Mlaa Le ncve brought a hamper of clothtaaj to her to be altered which waa later Identified aa having belonged to Mrs. Crlppcn. At that time she aald that the waa going to marry the doctor. The Inquest over the remains of tho murdered woman has been jasot noned until Monday. The Scotland Yard oaVor. through tho English newspaper have ap lealcd to Miss Leaevo to reveal the whereabouts of Doctor Crippea. say ing that she has everythlag to gala and nothing to lose. MANY VOTERS FROM RILL SEND IX THBIR XAMKN Kctenty-Fonr Are Begtatrrtd by thr County Clerk Today -Kept the Cterks staay Tho clerks in the county clerk's nicc wero more than busy today on uccount of seventy-four voters hav !nr sent In their names from Merrill for registration. The names were sent in on blanxs vhlch had been provided, and each Mime waa algaed throe times. Two of the signatures wore to bat cut frvm tho blank and pasted In the registration books, one in tho Tnle Uike book and one In the general election register. The other remains on tho blank, which la tied away. Tho bunch ot namea kept the cltrks busy the greater part ot the lay, and they will be glad when the namea have been nil cut out aad pasted In the proper.books. ia the ver msT ntoxuw . t . rA.j ,W'. 'V-Ju ,, rcglitered at tho Uvermore. ot the delegates from Ma preelaet. lias tn open party aatenbllea that V t. ,,iwi j,. v.. 1