Tsy '' J S 'I" MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY 50 PH CKNT. VIGITABU MATtML THE EVENING HERALD v toned Dally Escept Bandar, at 115 8. Fourth 8t by the ' HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mir, by Mil, oh year 11.01 smiy. by mu, lit aMtti i.ie Dally, by mil. Urea mtli i. Dally, by matt, one mil to Dally, delivered h carrier, oaa week. ..... . .... is KLAMATH FALLS, WEDNESDAY. JULY 6. 1910 mm HAVE UNO MEET GATHERING AT OOVRTHOUSK 8QVARE ENTHUSIASTIC ONE MML CMP M jmaiY NEXT FAU Object la to Ftaractaate taa History of Hm Samara of This The tasetlng of the county ploaetrs at tba courthoaaa grouaga yesterday waa attended by a number of the old vi raaldaata of thai vtcialty. A num bar of thaw made excellent talks on subjects apaertalalag to tba early rtaya and tba cradlt that la due thr. tardy men aad women who crossed the plalaa to tattle In thla part of thr suta of Oregon. O. C. Applegate impressed on hit tloteaara the neceaatty for forming as orgaalaatioa and ruing a place of meeUag. aa wall aa collecting all thr data naaalMe of tba aarly eettleaMnt of tba county while the pioaeera warp still llvta Mra. P. J. Roberta thought that l was about time tba pioaeera were given eradlt for dhteoveriag thla coun try, and hollered that some mean abouM be taken to let people know that auch waa the eaae. J. D. Applegate atao "had rlewa similar to these heUhby Mra Robert. He aald that he bad been a pioneer all of bla Ufa. aad that thla waa tbt rat pioaeera' meeting he had ever 1 attaaded, but that R waa time that aaaaa eteaa ware takea to aee that I: waa made known that the pioneer bad a little to do with the nettling ol thla part of the atate. O. A. Stearaa waa of a slm'U. oplnloa. and that If the pioneers formed aa organisation It would thow that they atlll had a little of their old vitality left, even If othera did claim to have hewn thla country from a wUdaraaaa. Tba mala headquarter of the aeeo elatlea wttl be la Klamath Palla. aid tba Srat meeting wUl be in thla city thla fall. Arrangements will be made to bold other meeting aaaually at different place In the county, so that all tho member can hare an oDnor- tunlty to get together and talk orcr old time. The meeting will be held at sucb a time that they can camp out and talk orer pioneer day by the light of camp fire. The offlcer of tho aiaociatlon are: President O. A. Stearaa. Vice-president O. C. Applegate. Secretary-treasurer Mra, K. V. Cogswell. Executive committee J. O. Ham aker, Uonansa; Jacob Reuck. Dairy: Charles Keeter. Poe Valley: Steven Stukcl. Merrill. NOVICE AT ACTO WHEEL FVRXISHM AMISRMENT Dan Van Uriataser Ran Into Ditch While on Hm Way Home to Dan Van Brimmer of Merrill has purchased a new automobile, aad, in cidentally Is furnishing much amuse ment to himself as well as his ae miMntancts. But the Inn was all on the side of his friends yesterday. F. H. Brandenburg. J. V. Jones and Edwin P. Cos were driving to Merrill In a hay wagon yesterday. making their way at a leisurely gait. A short distance behind them waa a buggy. Mr. Van Brimmer had been to Klamath Falls to take In tho cele bration, and yesterday waa seemingly In a hurry to get home, for he camo along the road behind the two vehi cles at n merry pace. Ho caught up with them near the Altamont ranch, and without Blacking bla pace passed the buggy. He did not calculate the distance between the buggy and bay a-agon correctly, for when he started to turn out In order to avoid collld log with tho heavy wagon M machlno ran Into the ditch beside the road and aras stuck In the mud. Clay Cann or Merrill happened to pass that way at the time, and, of course, he offered some advice to the new chauffeur. Mr. Brandenburg, who was driving tho hay wagon, also observed that the autumoblllst needed some advice, which he proceeded to give, and told lOAMATTrS GREATEST BARGAINS AT S25 PER ACHE AND UPWARDS. ajammmmmmmaanBaaaBBmaBBBBBBBBjajmNmam iMamammmaBBaaammammamaj PHONE - - - 303 EASY TERMS Mr. Van Brimmer tho proper way to run an auto. After the owner of the machine had been sufficiently enlightened aa to tho proper way to operate an automobllo Mr. Brandenburg kindly fastened n rope to the machine In the ditch, and with his team pulled tho vehicle out of tho mud. Mr. Van Brammer lays tho trouble all to laeiperlence. REAL ESTATE TRANRFRRN Famished Dally by Abstract Hrn of Mason Moagh Frank Ward to Charles Woodard. lot t, blk. 94, Klamath addition to Klamath Falls: 110. Klamath Development ciPtpnh to Alphonse Funke.'lot ?, blk. S3, town of Werden: 110. Joel McCulloch to F. 8. Itobblns. Xtt of NE and EH of NR4 sec. 3-3S-lS; $10. Lcnora E. M linger to F. BxRobblns, EH of 9VVi and SWi of NEH and SEV, of NV sec. SS-38-lfij 110. W. R. Jackson to F. 8. Bobbins. EH of NEH and SWU of NEH sec. 38-33-1C; 91,000. Lewis B. Munger to F. 8. Robblns, 8H of SEH kec 26, and NH of NEH sec. I6.SS..16; 91.000. Roland Tillotson to Arthur Ander son. NH of NW and VH of XEH aee. S7-S5-1S; 91. J. L. Peel to Howard T. Lewis, WH of VH sec. 20-3-S $5,600. C. E. Cox of Merrill was n guest at the Llvermore Tuesday. The July Bride Now shares her bapplaees and ahlnes resplendent, along with our line of SPARKLING CUT GLASS, HAKD-PAINTBD CHTNA AND HECK SaXVEft, KARNACK BRASS. All are appropriate wed ding preaeata .and aha will not be happy uatll she gets them. " You Know that We Mean It by Now " BETTER YET We are Going to Stick to It , Better Goodi f Lett Money I WILUS FURNITURE COMPANY One Block East of Public School iGET OUR LOW I WINTERS For Weddlag fteeeata aaaeaaaaaaaaagaaaaaaaaa YOUR OUTING WUl be Complete with a KODAK Full line of up-to-date Kodaks : Cameras : Supplies Seventh S Mala?! UNDERWOOD'S Pharmacy aaeeeeMMMl Extraordinary Announcement Personally Conducted Pullman Train Excursion to Oregon, Washington and British Columbia Leaves fan Francisco July 20, 1010 Daylight trip through Urn faaaoaa Shasta realoa. Stepovan aad ea. ijtertalaaasat at Portlaad, Taceaaa aad Seattle. DeUgfcifal stsamsr trip i threaga Paget Soaad, Inrladlag atapa at Victaria aad Vaaoaaver. Rail aad steamer traaaportatioa over the great aceaJc roata of the Canadian PacMc, via Reveleteke aad the charming Kooteaay Lake i retamtag via Saokaae aad PorUaad. ' 1 i -4 The Prestige You Gain Ily having " acrouut In utli mi Itislltatiun the KIHMT Tltl'HT MA VINOS II INK tail never In iivrrnilliiMtrsl. 2 11:: Nut ouly dura it facilitate yuur hHslaesa, hut I ho additions! Miner eajoyed in a aortal way Is soesethlag lo bo irrkonctl Willi. Small account art made Just a welcome aa large one ami a nner alive and cvperleaccd directorate is ready at all tlmra in nillv )imi mi matters gaaarlal. 11:1111111 I Fint Truit and Savings Bank KLAMATH VMAM, OIIK. Wf Don J. JSchwalt, Preaident Abstracting hfaaj, Flaaa, Stac Prlata, Etc. K. M. Hum.. v'lce-l'rr. ami Tress I Klamath County Abatract Go. Sanreyora aad Irrigation Eaglaeera Hsat S V miaow, Secretarv KUautk Fills,' Orefjoa Kound Trip Tickets Gaad for three moaths from date, SgajM, Wbkh corera transaorta- Uea far aba eatlra trip, alee piag ear mu naamedaUaai, meals aad 1 trips aa raata to Seattle. at iff i s 1&&- -IfiiSml or AaVaTtdw aay Agaat of the k :j Sonthtrn Fadflc Company We are headquarters tor up-to-date clothing Select your Clothes from the Largest V Stock in Klamath County In tho Men's Clothing line you can select from 400 naw Sum mer Suits from fl.05 to 0. Big line of Neckwear from 25c to 76c. Our Shoe Una I com plete beautiful Una of Men's Oxford from $1.60 to S6.G0 Boys' Short Pants Suits ono half price. Just think of It! One-half price for Hoys' Cloth Ing loss than wholesale cash I Why do we do ItT Docause we havo too many and must clean them up quickly In same way. Big list of Woswa's Gloves, Neckwear, Delta, Usgcrk Dreeaee, Sklrtwalats, Separate Skirts, Llaea sUtaEtc. Do your trading here aad nuke omr ttore yow aeadqmarteri. We aave everytaiag" yoa aeed at price ao blgker taaa yoa are asked to pay la large cltle H. RABBES WM. WAONEK Home Realty Co. "THE FARM SPECIALISTS" Fhoncjai 1 525 Mala St., aear 6th. 5sl Boston Store S O. M . mcioK :, 1 IIKHT IN KLAMATH nWNTV Nn. I Kt ncies; very near I mile Lost Hlver frent: A new lionsn; partly cleared and In crop; nnllihiR nmr In the rountry. IMIIM l.t.MW AM HTtMK IIANI'IIKM No. I 1110 irir a miles soulhesit of 7f. ncren In sagebrush, 30 acres uniier arret In cu lhallon. rrmiuceii ai misnei lo lint aero last jrnr Terms l'r acre, V... ilit0.nrrn huiiiiuteail rtllnaiilih itiii.- mu; amiil huiiii. Isrse harn. wind arret In pnlatoes; nixxl team. All for. . Sle,00 . :-ir,ft nrrcu miles from Klamath Kails; ion nrreM In nep: a-rmim Iioiinc. anod barn and out liulltllnKi ' mill' (turn srhixil and S miles from church; I ml I ok (mm Midland. With crop, SS r arris wlllmut rrop, per acre , 94A.OO Sn, I mo aciet In Too Valley, 30'mllo from Klnmaih Kali. IH miles from school; small hou ami barn; iii acre cleared. Terms: 11000 cash, batamo M per rent IVr arre, .... SIA.On So, ASO aciet Mlth 45 rods o( Kwauna Lake water frent: 30 am of reclaimed Title land; 35 acres under (lowrniimnt ilem; small house ami li.trn; kimxI well Termi IVr arm. ., ato.oo Nn. l 392 acres, 117 acres meadow, GO arret tillable ami !:.' acres Umber; H miles from Klam ath I'tilli; liotite f riHium, lame barn; fine slock proportion Termf 3,000 rash, halanco per lent aa,mm.mi u. 7 mo nrri'n. i'i miles from Klamath 1811 ami : miles from .Midland; no acres In cultivation; in:ill Iioimii ami barn, koo'I well; all fenced; UK ncio uiiiter sovrriiiiicnl canal. Price, 135 Iter acre, wllli nun bluer.; mIIIi dork, ier arre. gtin.lNi .Nn. n ti'.o iicrrs, sanebrutli; CO acres under the Hub. dirtier o( roiinly road; close to school heuse; mil en from rlt); terms. IVr acre . .... .. BSTJm .Nn. tt asrt arm, all uudor the ditch; I miles in t; nil In mKKbrusb; tine soil; main county road; term. IVr nrre ........ . .M........SM,aw Xm. in itin iicrcs near Merrill; over 100 acres under Ibu itllrb; linuse, barn, well, fenced; la crop; terms. cr nrre .. ........ ......SM.aw Nn. II 3:n acres. I7i under culllvatliin; all abiivu silts li. ull nriilcr frnru; .14 miles from Klam it t li 1'iills; 4-ioom Iiiiiio, am nam, 3 wells. Terms fz.min i and, b.il.inn 7 pit rent. I'er arm ..gtjn.mi .No. li. till) nrrrs 7 mites from Klamath Kails, mi l.nkcnli'u- rivnil : 3 nillen from Olrne, good homo rinil bam, plate was liimicsleadeil 20 jesrs ago; ni'll lniiroi'il In eery resM'rl, IVr arre MT.MI .No. lit -mi 73 unit, nil In saKebrusli escept nbiiiit 10 acres In pint; Umber: ISO acres fenced: snb-lrrlKatliui; I: inlli-s from Klamath .'alls and 3 iiiIIi-h from Ok'iio Terms. Per nrre taVl.lMl .Nn. I R0 acres !i mllm from Klamath Kails; nil iiiiiIit illlrh nml In rulilvstlen: well Improved; i;oo. biiiise, rothI mni, windmill, ete. Kirepllon ally r"od pniperly Terms. Per nrre STB.0 Xii. 13 SO sries on Lost Hlver. 13 miles from Klamath 1'alls; fin arres under ditch; all cleared ami In eiilthutlnn; iimler funre. No belter soil In Klnmatli bntln. 'IVr inn: $ I, Mill rash, balance R per eril. IVr mm SM.SO 'I In oIhii.. U only u iarlial list of the luauy fiirius anil ram Ins we lme for sale. If It la good, i hate It. A IIOMK Oil AN INVrMTMK.Vr New, modern, l-room, pantry, closet, bathroom; Plumbed complote, tub. toilet, laalory; hot water In kltclic!.; plastered; llireo coats of paint; perfect Interior finish: double Moor; fine location; splendid Ui'W. NnibliiK better In the city for quality or price. Terms or rash , ,. SBJWO fITV I'llOPKItTV IMI'IIOVKII No. I 8lK Israe lots, fln n hnnu ni lrn to largo new hen houses, fruit trcos, modern Im provemonts. all for iitii mnm ih.n m r khii.i. Inas: Pnlrvlcw Addltlnn 9JUm.90 No. B IM COxCO in Falrvlow Addition; new ' 3-room house, city water. Terms gTaa.00 ii. 7Tt,,roo",11,0,,, lu Nichols Addition; largo lot, good location. A splendid Investment. 1or,l", SI3M.M u,!: ?rv B0 rrf00m himgalow on Pine Street; i.diV,odj;n "' ov,,r, rMpect. One of tba beet buy In city. Terms SMSSfifi r..l?,i i?,Veel on MMn 8,rect building, rented for f 50 per month, Terms 94.wM.UO p,.i!'ii,,:J0r6'ro0".' I""" "n 'Jaliromla Avemi p.. nt hou,0! ,,0,"M, ",,w ni on " ' or,n" SI.SM.mi Wo ha?eUl? m" W " "" ,hU ,l",, b0"1 "' HOME REALTY CO. AurttoncersQet Our Terns , "THE RED FRONT" amVflBETsV.I. I a jbh u usVuta i Y SUslSEHHHBfl 'emmmmrJSJSjHTtSPml Wnwnwu I I sssl - -u