"K M "fftJ Ik rtafi. "- 'I rim Jtmi iiknt uii.v ot-K AiiVBirraiBm art THE BEST RESULT 4) m (-- A V asm re " n Etnmtm MITH 1 p-Jgg- - Ykar. No. l.aoa , KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JULY 0, 1910 Pbicb Cents HNY WITNESS PUBLIC WEDDING lMriM HX KIlVTHi: TAYUMl 'AWlMH.MAXMKXSl.tmilMi INT RACE E Hanrc I 'him Pnttrth lll T rVwiili nf Jul)' celebration ska Ike rnntmlllee had itiHril ftr Ik Bttllninrnl nf III eltlirns t(Kttftlh Kail unil Hie vlaltora Mts4cl ' IkI ' " hrllllnni Ultauaalfd parade nml u public wed ligMwrllaan war dance by n mini Ut of KUinilli Indiana near the iisr plat form on tin' riiurlhnuao f iitssas. TM Indiana lm KMik pail III till tir dtnro rre Mlaa While, Mrs. Hkllf. Mn Williams, Mra. Weeks, Mr, llirsila, Chief Mlnnoriiiu, I'rllil Vt'etki and Jock II) nil Tlit dance ll rtenilc.t I ln Klamath wnr iuct, and aim ili. Warm Hprliia In 4li din. Tie lull Kami' scheduled Cur the . inartoon ill'l mil lake place, the 8. I, ilw sot belli able tn he present At MO In tin Afternoon I ho sports n Uk Kauna Ix-kkm, iniilrr the ilrsrtlon nt II C T.lfnr.l. anil tin) iftfHitirrmiful n wan Hie carnival ttttt hla Siilitanr the night define. All Iho rsiea were oxer n three. all course, nml the hni1lrai rct iMan h)' llrr) Hoollor In 3 4 mill. net nd JJ irfdinU Thtr were lit raitlcs fur thin rare, Hurry fiartlrr, Alex Slnrtln Jr and Mr. fltrk The ram was for n rliallonKit tkH4 lr .Mm Mailln Jr. Ts free for all motor loat race, lltt) for 1 allver rnti. waa wnn litf 'wssr Telford In 30 minute and 30 (Midi. Jlr Clark n second. Tk ICfrmt motor Immi rare wm by the Trlfnrd boat, rirlvrn by 0. Arnold, In 33 niluiitm, tloellcr, Wscld anl W'hlllock were Iho ton Intuit, and W'hlllock not second l. ! lk tuli ran tin. rntrlMt wrro IJN Wjp nml Wilbur T-lfonl. and Trlford won, Tk mud in it,,. Rwimnilnc r " Jtrr Martin. Mr. CofTor. Jlr. km Mil Mr .'ralur Martin nt tint W tOBrr tiromi, TktlO.jraril ilath wa won liyi ' wmiM. im took the iirUe of Tl fat tiian'M rnco wia Wet) by nuy "tirtll. who rrrelvMt a Ra hat from "K.K.K.Htoic. f Dm prlio in iho bora' raw, a Wlrol ih from th PortUM More. n by Uui, HoaRiaad. Tho prln., no ronta. wna raiHurod V rikalo Kerr. Tka prlio fr , ,,.,.. rir0( $)( M o Karlo Mnntaoiurrr. J" ' ""Qtk the mrnibora of tho Klnmnih I'nlU hnml .t.-IUhtcMl thn Inrm. irnwil wlili nn farvllnnl pin. ttniiii of miinlrnl Mirtlona fiom tin. inml on I In- lonrthoiiki. Kriiiinila. nml nftor tin- iiiiidiialdii of thin tin. ilMirlim litnlfnrm n throiiRot until Iho IlluiiilnnlPil iiarmln atnrlid, nhoull U o'rliick, llnmlrr.U of mru nml ,.,,N I wiiii rnia'fnrw nml ri'ilflri' torclnm tliniln Iho atrrMa nf th.' ill)' look like (itt.VMMI, MIlVKMKAT TIIIIOUlll- " in ii aiwuiiriiinr n at. uml MAY PROHIBIT MOVING PICTURES KiaMATIIMTANTMO.V HKflVLAtt TIIIIH TOK.IV llooft mi .Unirjr UudlHR l FlnWiMl nml W'arvlioMne U .Vrarif f'otnplrtrtl when Iho final on ntlilih thn (loilitnu nf I.IIhmI) hml ilit.lrn thn ilti) hefore, hut whli h l Ills ilmo hore Mr. Ilanauu nml Mid Kil)the Taylor, the inuile who had olunteirri to hn marrloil In tmhlle for the linn liouaof urriUliliiar ntiint whlrh the lilrnhautu of ttilat til)' hail nilltrlhlltril, the crowila nl moat hlmk.-it the i.unxi. of the i-hlrle. DlrtHil) oi.iii. the lourthoiiM. I.', II, Hamuli), who wna ilihltin thn float. lo..r. Dm hnrii nml the rrnwil lm meillnlrly Jatnmnl lh ulri.tn from Third to Knurl Ii On the float wllh the hrlitat rnunle wete .MIm Horn Hhlve, Annea Marip, Until While nml Orttm Krlmllnck, hrlileamnlita, nml Kirk While, Arthur l.hermote nml ! Merrill, aroom. men, while Hie leremoil), the Ki.n. nl rlllK aervlre, wna H'rforiue Ii) Juallre , l Miller The rl kIow fiont the Ion lie nml Km Human ml of etlKrr fiid-a foriileit n aitiii, whlrh liillher the ii.iii nor Hie iiohiI nrouml the rlii.it will rwr fnrsil Whin Hie reremoii) wna owr ,f Ihlir l.hermore aim th tlrat to kln Hie hrlile, nml Jintlie Miller alnrleil awny wllbout 'roriiiliiK Hml luiHirt nut nit of hlaollUlnl itullea, bill (III)' Merrill inll.il him Imik uml Inforimd him of hU erior. when he lunile up for loat lllue ami plnie.l n genuine Klnlnntli fnlU rnrea on the llpa of Hie hlitaliliiR- hrlile, nml mime any he alnrled to aiihalltule one of thn pretty hllileamalila for the hrl.le, but ia la ajt error HIT lOlWTIIV ,HIKT TIIKM PtOKWTEHS MAY 10SE WW .Many llle ne nrfilhlliil Hm K- lill.ltl.in or Hie I'ldnre of Hie Ilia Klahi Clilteil I'reaa rU'rtlre, CIIICAdl), Jul) C A mutuiiifnt liMiklnii lounnl tuohlbltlnK the cxhl liltlon of llm motion plrturea of the JefTrlea.Johnaon fleht la ftweeplnR the louiilry lo.ln) Mnuy rlllea enat nml Kiuth hn nlruiil) prohlbltnl them li.'nii. ot tin. fenr of the recurremo of lb., rme rlola Hint oeiurriil fol IokIiik I he nniioiinfeiiii-ut of John win'a lrlor) WnahliiKto.il, HI liula, !) Mnlliea, l.lniolu, Detroit, llouatnn, Allnntn, ninliiuntl, lia Aniielea nn.l Jnhnte neahurti. Koulh Afrlrn, hnve pruhlb' ll.'.l the exhibition of the plcturea, nml Kmiana Cll) Denter nml Kan I'liiuilxo bnte refnae.1 lo ii I low the l.-eU to lie ahowu III the thentera of llm..' iltlea In ClilruKO Hie plrturea will be alum ii, hut there lire reMrlrtlniia The alarnr Klamath Maria on her ii'Kiilar run today, and will from now mi make ached ii led trip from thin rlly tn thn Aacncy landing Thn dock nt the landlnic at thn up ler end of tho lake U flnlahdd, and a new tturehoiiHO la alinoat complotcd. Connection will he made with tho auto line, which Ii lo run through lo Mcdtnrd by way of Crater lake, and tnurlata can complete taolr Journny from Han Kranrlaco lo Portland by boat and auto through Klamath Kalla, Inatvad nf jrolng the entlro dla lance by rail oter the prencat mnln line. Ily thla arranavment they will bo utile to obaorvo tho wonder of Crater lake nml toae but little lime In mo ilnlnK, LONDON PAPERS DEPLORE RIOTS JOII.VHO.VM IMOW MAY COMT JKKKIIIKH Utm Of IIIH KVK 0Hlc .Verve la HUH I'aHUIIy Para- lyzeri, lint Hortora Hop. It Will Krentnally lie fteatorrd The meinbera of lb., romiiil , turea to be ahown which had chnrKo of the celebration " "'" ,'"'"rU " Um Ul" ,,""ln are entitled In the Krente.t credit for "' ""' ,,u'' Ihr.iiiRhmit the dun lh. hlRh chntn.ler of Iho entertain. ,r' ar, ,',""'fl ''" " ' h iu.int pioMil.il. and Ihey In turn wlidi I'" ' "'"I "! Intereatod Ihoreln to Ihnnk nil who aided them In Ilie)'" ,n"' "" It n exiled work ua well na ,.,rIIni, hr thai the iirnfll frmii thla feature nf thnnka In Hi., realdenta of thla .uy'tli.M.inteat would be In the nelahbor and IhiMl.ltora whoahoe.l their np. I ,"H"1 "f n lnl,ll,m ''"". '"' " "' lireclallnn of the relebrnilon by ilulr'""""" '"'" Hw "K"f irtenre, '"' '"slerlally rwluced. In any caae. ' ' the proDta will hn areatly leaiened. .KWHV ITKMH PIIOM THK HPKIXO UKR OOtXTRY Homer llidwrt WIM llealu PwtHn l'. Hay July .1th for Kmmrtl I'runk Hinlth vlaltcd IiIk frm In the Hprlna Lake dlatruct Thurfday Mr. and Mra. Hcott Harnea drove ti Miller laland Thuraday. Wm, llarka of Midland waa ii Ka!U laltor Haturday. Kinmett Itceaon ha let the coe. trnrt fnr putting up hla alfalfa, hay to Homei ItnberlK. work tn begin Jul; Oth. ! Mr. Ilannon. wife and ton drore to pin. e.i on their exhibition that are ( town Haturday. expecle.l lo rulnco Hie probability of trouble reailltltiK, I'hllndt Iphln, New York nml New Orlinna, buwi.tei, will nltow Hie pic- I'nlled Preaa gerWce. I 8ACIIAMENTO July C, (On TIIIXK THAT THK NWlllfJKH AHK board Jamta J. Jeffrlca apclal car)- TfK INftOI.KNT IClTfJatfl hiAa DaWT uajwaji tmili-tMiliMI - m mmm Itellere Tliat Conlrata I M wren lUack nml While Men HkotiM Vol Be- Permitted i:ClilrilH.V KTKAMKIt Ull.iXK IIIJ'I'III.IC lll'IIXK rtAN l-'ltANCIKCO. Jul) '). - . ciiuritimen ot una iny are propartt.t, CittrlM-a Kin- While ruining Throimli I" irotetd mtnlnat the exhibition of Hie Xmn.a PiiM-uuer ,n jlhc Jeffrlea-Joliuaou motion plcliir- Hat til 'hero, under the tmtnlilpnl onllnnncj K. II. C. Wllllama and daught-r were In Klamath Kalla Haturday. The following were vlaltora at tho county aeat Haturday: Mra. A. Tur lie, Mlaa Ktta Turner. Frank Wilton. Jn. It. Dixon and wife, I. A. McCoy. t-M.lt Uarnoa. Riley Myera, Cliar. A. i'uliidexter. JL UNCLE SAM IS AFTER HOUSTON IM K'OW WAXTKIi IX CIIICAUO ON A rilAIIOK OK PEIUl'llV United Pre Benrlee. IONDON, July 6. Deploring tho race rlota In America aa a reault of the Jeftrlci.Johnaon fight, London nn pera excuae the dltordera. The Olobc, aa)a: "Sympathy runa more to the man with tho rope than tn tho blatant blacka. It la agalnat human naturo to expect the whites to accept tho negroes' insolent asertlon that Johnson's victory has established the superiority of tho blacks. Tho itTho contest was the most Injudl clous ever permitted, and tho racial effects will probably continue for years to come. Americans aro trus tees of tho predominance of the whlto race over the blacks, we bellevo. We trust tho American papers will dt plnro the white agalntt black prlie fights." The Standard Is shocked at the presence of women at the fight. MANY PEOPUS 8KK aHORGK l. mice Although efforts nro madu to keep the fact a secret, tho blow Johnson dcllv ered in the second round of his fight with Jeffries at Reno Monday, para lyxed the optic nerve of Jeffries' right eye, and possibly wll permanently In jure the whlto man's sight. Jeffries made light of tho blow at Aral, but It was admitted today that the right side of his face Is still af fected, and the sight In his right ee Is deranged, the nerve Is still partly nalalyied. Jeffries can sec but Indis tinctly with bis right eye. The doc tors aro hoping that he may eventual ly recover his sight. STREET PAVING ILL START V ItKHOIATlOX TO THAT tmCT IXTIIOIHVKD IX COUNCIL mm if emu shot mme A Xarelarr of OreVaancea Have Been ITenarrd Which WJN Re Intra-' ilacrd at Meetksaj FHay , TWKXTV-OXE KILLED IX TRAJX WRECK United Press Service. MIDDLETOWN, Ohio, July 6. TwenlyKine Is the number of dead In the Dig Four Twentieth Century train wrecked Monday. One unidentified body was rccov ered csterday. Thirty were scrl outly Injured and aro lodged In hos pitals and hotels. The total fatali ties probably will be unknorn for days. The cause of Iho wrecl I tin known, but It Is bollew.-t to have been caused by a confusion of ordery. FORT WORTH PROHIBIT! EXHIBIT OF FIGHT PICTVRBS This Misrh.Waiae Mm Pays the City an I'nrxpectr Visit N'KW YORK. July d.The excur. alnu strainer (In nil Republic caught fire .-miilnc throimli the Narrows. TtlK nml plenaiire and fire boata rea died all the tiaaaeiiRers while the atraiuvr daahel for the shore luiumt Ing her alren. The flrand Repuhlle It a slater ship In ihv flenernl Hlocum, which burned n few months ngu while on her way to one of the Kaatern reaortf bcarliiR n largo number nf women and chil dren who were going to u flunday schnol picnic. It wns dlvcnvered that Iho life prcnerer on the Hlocum were navies, and there was n great denl nf innkltiR II n felony tn dlaplay plcturea ; of crime They hold that Governor Hlllelte prevented the fight nn tte Krounda thnt It was n felony, ami therefore, the reproduction through mnvliiK picture would lie displaying u ctlme. Undoubtedly Ma) or Mc Citrthy unit a majority of tho super xiaora will fm or the exhibition. Pl Irlcl Attorney Klckert will probablv contend Hint the picture simply dl piny n corneal which occurred In NV vndil, where It wns not a crime. Reprcnentathc of tho mayor toda; tinted Hint tho hoard of centorv. whoaii duty It I tn suppress movlni; Wm m AMI IMS EVENNK NherlnT Itercite a Tdeanwin From I'nHcd Htatea Dlarrkt Attorney Mass nf Chicago acnndnl nbnut the filling f the g0. I'l'" .. will probably net on rum and the tarloua excuralon boata ''" million. It nowr appears Ike'y Hint luoionMir "in oar mc luriureN, Hint ply the wnlerw In Hie xlrlnlty of Now York. Many lUes were loat when Iho Hlocum burned. IfUXgHESS iEW cB fT5 isssiA.1 1 Lsssfn Uress-ndWorkingStylc $uso to $10.00 fi222aj KKK STORE WANT I'UTTHK OF THK FIHIIT HTOPPKD Uulted Prcaa Hertlce. R08TON, July 6. The Christian l.'iulcavor officials here are sending telegrams to tho governors of the va rlous Htnles unit mayors of tho prin cipal ritlcH containing In substance the follewing: "Rare rlnts nml murders have al ready fnlowcd tho announcement of Jnbnson's victory. Tho moving pic ture will create more vlolonco. Will you Join In nn effort to prohibit tho exhibition of iho pictures nf tho fight? Ilolp havo the young people from n ilcmoHilltliiK Hlinw." AX K.XPLAXATIOX Tho luomhorH of tho Womou's Li brary club learn with regrot that tho Fourth nf July committee havo an Impression that tho erection ot a dancing piriform In courthouse park wna opposed or objectod to by the club. Tho exocutlvo commlttoo, lu behalf of tho membership as (ar aa la known, hereby dotty that any such objection on their part was expressed or oven felt. The mistaken Idea of their position I tho moro regrotabla and I thus noticed because the Fourth of July commlttoe la composed Pot aorno of the most valued friends and generous patrons ot the library, Deputy United Slates Marshal Grif fith Is on his way to Klamath Falls, and will arrive hero this evening, with him a warrant for tho arrest of T. K. Yorko, or, as ho la known hore, F. R. Houston. The charge on which ho Is wanted by Uncle Sam Is that of perjury. Sheriff Uarnoa has received u telegram from United Htatea Dis trict Attorney Sims, requesting him to hold Iho prisoner, but thla part ol tho Instructions was unnecessary, as ho I safe In the county Jail and Is likely to stay there for somo time to come. It Is quite evident that the United States authorities are laboring under tho Impression that Houston la simply being held hero to await the arrival ot an officer to take him elsewhere. Tho mission of Deputy Marshal Grif fith Is doomed to failure, tor Sheriff llartlc Is not going to let Houston go unless he has to, nnd under present conditions ho cannot surrender him to any one, Houston has been asked If hn desired to havo a hearing beforo a Justice, and he Informed tho officials that ho was In no hurry, that he was qulto comfortablo where he was and hnd nothing to spend but his time, Therefore, the fact that ho has been held longer than twouty-four houra without a hearing will have no effect on hla case, for he has stated that he did not want a hearing at thla time. Ah the matter stands ho Is a prisoner of the state' of Oregon, and under such condition ke will not be sur rendered to aaywao until this slate Is through wltk (a ease, The couatyvaa; met this morning and "transacted' Ike refalar routine bualneaa. Nothing ot 4 importance waa done. "Have you seen Ueorgo L. Price?" This Is the question that haa been naked today times without number, but the general reply has been In the negative. Several men have seen him. umong Ihcm some of the offlcers of the county, but they had no war rant for hi arrest, and slnco San Francisco advised that no money would be forthcoming for his return. Price was permitted to go his way unmolested. Thcro Is a letter on Its way from Ban Francisco that Is awaited with' considerable Interest. Whether It will contain any request fnr Prion's detention or not U problematical, but if the Han Francisco chief of pollen xhoold request that Price be held it would raise a question that may bo far reaching In Its results. When Price was re-arrested on thn charge of selling lottery tlckots and Attorney O'Neill walked Into the of. flee of Iho district attorney and In formed that gentleman and the po lice officers nnd sheriff that If they undertook to kidnap Price ho would prosecute every last man, even It he "had to go under the bed to get them," It caused some of them to hes itate. After Price's deportation and It was rumored that Mr. O'Neill was going to mako good hs statement of tho night before, an Investigation wai made, when It was discovered that he waa standing on pretty solid ground. Tho news ot Price's escape and his subsequent return to thla city la be lieved to be a part ot O'Neill's plan of campaign. Should Price be again arrested tho question that arises Is, will the officers pursue the same course as before, or will they hold him to await the action ot the grand Jury? If Attorney O'Nolil Is tgurlng on using Price to prosecute the offi cers that he threatened to "go after" it will mean a fight that will shake the city, and may kick up a disturb ance that will be fsr-reachlng In Ita effects. United Preaa Service. FORT WORTJI. Tex., July . Fearing riots as the result of aa ex hibition of the Jeffries fight pictures here', the city commission has direct cd the corporation counsel to prepare an ordinance prohibiting the showing of the reds In Fort Worth. LOIIOK XKWK At the council meeting last night tho ordinance extending Canal street so that the sewer system could be completed was passed, and the land necessary for that purpose will be condemned. A resolution authorising the adver tising for bids for the street paving was Introduced and pa seed and sev eral other ordinances relating to the paving and other subjects which had been prepared by City Attorney Drake will be presented at the meet log next Friday night. 'When the council waa called to or der at 8 o'clock last night by Mayor Sanderson there were present Conn cllmcn Wllklns. Caste!. Waldrum. Hunks. Summers. Stone. Obenchaln and Btanable. Faught came In late. The following bills were allewed: W T. Shepherd, labor I S.oe P.rrry DeLap, clerical work . D. J. Zumwall. eag'r work.. ' en W. H. North, Inspector.. .. Itl.IS It. A. Atherton, police S.e Riley Hasklns. police....;.. .. 7.5 Wm. Hall, police 76.v E. C. Townaend, pollee . .$ fC. C. Low, police lee.eft Geo. Salder. police. M0 A. L. Lanvltt. salary .. . Thos. Drake, salary city atty 74 17 Ackley Bros., lumber lxsJ5 Chlco Const. Co.. labor . ,IM.7ft OPERA HOUSE TONIQHT Montgomery Lloyd are the moat clever singing and talking comedian ever seen In this city. Their singing Is remarkably good and their Joke nro tho newest. Last evening they made a big hit, receiving tremendous applause and several encore. Be side those great coraedlana and stag er will be a good bill ot picture, aa follews: A beautiful vltagraph pic ture. "The Olrl and the Barrack," "The Flower of the Ranch," n Beauti ful Western drama, and "Roanaace In the Western Hill," will ateo prove la- tereatlag. The music will ke fur aleked by tk Opera House orchestra. ' aa T J, Every Knight of Pythias In the county Is Invited to attend tho in stallation of offlcers of Klamath Lodge So. 99. In Red Men's hall to night. Tho members of Cascade Tem ple. No. SI. Pythian Sisters, have been Invited, and tho committee In chargo have made arrangement for refreshments. A most enjoyable evening Is promised, and every mem ber of the order Is urged to be pres ent. Tomorrow night Modoc Tribe, No. 50. will Install Its officers. All Red Men are cordially Invited to be pres ent. Prosperity Kc.bek'ah lodge. No. 104, I. O. O. F.. will Install their officers tomorrow night. DIOOIXG HEWER TRENCH The trench for the sewer ou Third street between Main and Pine Is rap idly nearlng completion, and the lay log of pipes will begin soon. Thn ditch Is now down several feet, anJ us many men as can be used are now nt work there. Total f 3,167.25 The bill of the Chlco Coastructlor. CLmpany was referred to the city en gineer, and If ronnd correct by his: was ordered paid. The bill of Don J. Zumwalt for services as city engineer was referred to the finance committee. There were no pretest on the sewer and paving proposal. Ortthaancee A resolution was introduced rela the to the paving of certain streets la this city and Instructing the city recorder to advertise for bids for such work. It was adopted aa read. The ordinance relating to the ex tension of Canal street waa read and passed. This extension of Canal street Is for the purpose ot providing saeaas for the extending of the sewor sys em. An ordinance providing for the con necting of house sewer with the main sewer, the costs thereof to be assessed against the property, was read aad passed. An ordinance adopting the plat ot Hollster addition waa passed to the second reading and read by title. Adjourned to Friday, June 8th. ssTheBest Pumps and Half Shoes lATl luvt the). 1b U very butt WW FOfTIirarijMTFlUBUM wwii tiftr, HD CBXHLWM CATOK; ill iftis(TtMfa Mqoiliri KLAMATH'S EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE V i Hf y i ii ' AM? mu . ' i LIS V VwMM. , V -, Vfesv- - &t4$r. SiT,