;,.,.i, 2: "".,L . 1 1 -' '5i . I BJ v-; 1 t-.mrr F- Ai 1 1. Mf IK OF TIE DAY Kreeti fruit. and vegetables dally at Qeedrlehs. tf W. Mllier of tho Agrncy m in the city yesterday. Mr. J. D. Carroll arrived here Uit night to Join tier husband. Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Zutnwalt went to Aspen lake to pond the Fourth. Or. Patterson wife and children ware up from Merrill yesterday to take In the Fourth festivities. Mr. and Mrs. Drifts ot Holllster, Calif., are visiting Mrs. mint' par ents, Jndfo and Mrs. II. L. Benson. Mrs. White, wife ot the manager nf the Big Itasln Lumber company, spent the ronrth with her hnsband here. Dr. Sweeney and Mr. Gibbons of Ban Francisco, who arrived here a day or two ago, have gone to William hob river Ashing. Miss Wilma Waggencr of McMInn vllle, Ore., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. O. B. Gates. She wilt tx here a month or more. H. L. Holgatc, superintendent of water In the reclamation service, ar rived hero last night on business con nected with his department. "W. D. Mansfleld of San Francisco arrived here Saturday and went to Spring creek fishing. Mr. Maaafleld In the champion flycaster ot the world. Dearest they aro here with .the ad vent of summer. Pretty new line nf cottars and belt pins. . - At McHattea.s. It you want to buy or sell, soo Chll cote, 63! Main aircet., John Clrimth ot Eagle nidge la reg istered nl the Lakeside Inn. Chllcotu would Ilka to ahow you two fine lots on the HID; ISOO cash, for a few days only. Mrs. Hardin and daughtor Joseph Ine, who have been lsltlni Judge and Mrs. Ocorgo Noland, returned to thelrVJ home tn Astoria yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. llarnold and daughter, Marie, spent tho Fourth daughter. Marie, ot tlonanta spent the Fourth In this city, returning homo this afternoon. W. C. Nolf, chief ranger ot the Crater lake forest reserve, camo down from Odessa with his family Sunday to enjoy the Fourth. Ho returned this afternoon. A. T. Vogelsang, a prominent at torney ot San Francisco, waa hero Saturday on his way to tho northern part ot the county, where ho will spend his vacation. O. P. Morton, law examiner ot the reclamation service, headquarters in Portland, who has been hero on busi ness, and was also a participant In the tennis tournament, left this morn ing for Portland. Would the mother ot the little girl who picked up the purse In the park estcrday afternoon containing $10 In gold and soma silver please return same to this office and save further trouble, ns the parties aro known. ""The wntcb of modern times. Kver Rood;'bcltcr now. I havo It: the new Sl-JwU., 16 site. The price Is 1 7 if. I'd be pleased' to show It's merits. McHatton. X It Has To Be Done At Once Hrif the Store haf been rented to Mr.XL J. Heitnun to be occupied m a Drug Store. The Jewelry Stock HastoGoflf There cm be assay ki atvlaa; po-tssloa. so th stack at Jewel ry asset be atssweew et, ass) the oaJjr way to do M Is to prices so it wM ssere at oaee. , Mb aeed to call alt Uoatioa to the high re aek. le to ban yem call la aad see what aa tssryosr t of The stork waa sett by Referee I Banknotes', aad It's yowr chance to take a4va stage of tbejeooa things, offered. Ask those who have beogtit; they'll tell yoo. Aad there are Mtm lots of good tMaajs left. Get Busy. IUie;Advan Uaje of the leal Snap V " r HEITKEMPER'S i . : Stock of fine Jewelry at Tour Own Price - - corner or axcoia amd, juahi tntim Ray Anderson, who won tho saddlu at the riding contest yesterday, Is only 80 years old. Ho live near Olene. Mr. nud Mrst Seldon Oglo left thin morning tor Crater lake, where they will have charge of one ot the hotels at that resort. Virgil Noland rcturnod from Lake, view, whero ho accompanied his fath er a tow days ago. Mrs. Francis J. Bowno Is entertain Ins the Did Whist club this afternoon i-il the homo of Mrs.'Umls Oerber. At the meeting of the socialist en campment here last week locals were organised In Kcno, Dorrts.and Caloro. Ono hundred and six members were added tn the Klamath local, and many more arc expected to Join before long. Vincent Yaden, a popular member ot the local tennis club, leaves today with an engineering force for tho lower project to remain most of the summer. Ho will return to Klamath Falls In time to report to the State University at- Kugene for tho fall term. C. J. O'Kcll and M. II. Illgglns of San Francisco were here Sunday on their way to Spring creek and Crater lake. They hnn Just returned from a trip to Europe, and having heard of the wonders ot Crater lako, they con cluded to stop here and nee tho fa mous resort before returning home. Kim Baldwin and wife, J. A. Gor don and wife returned from Crater lako today, where they spent the Fourth. They say that the snow Is almost gone from tho park, and woro It not for a few drifts near the lake an auto could go to tho rim nf the crater. GEORGE L. PRICE HAS RETURNED SKVKKAI, PKOPLK ChUM TO IIAVR HKX HIM IN THK CITY ME Tl KM IS MIR KUHA1KH m SUCCESS (Continued from Page 1) quested to call at tho Portland store between 6 and 7 this evening and get falscfaces and take part In tho pa rade, which starts at 9 o'clock. All auto owners arc also requested to aid In the last suecesa of the Illumi nated parade. About 350 redDrc torches have also been provided. Tho public wedding will take place this evening from 'the float, and nil are expected to see the ceremony. Tho committee, sonslstlag ot K. Sagarman, chairman: Arthur Liver more, secretary: Mr. Bwaason. direct or; O. M. Hector, treasurer, and Fred Houston and Cale Oliver, di rectors ot sports, deserve the utmost credit for the success of tho celebration. WOMEN OV WOODCRAFT HAVE EXJOVABUE MEETING One of the moat Interesting meet ings In the history of the Women of Woodcraft took place In the Red Mena hall, last Friday evening. Tho wood was then thrown open for an hour of pleasure and pastime. The parody on tho Fourth of July was u side-bursting affair, and one long to bo rembered. We must say this troop is "dead noxt to their Job." Tho parts were well cast and did credit to themselves and their camp. Especially was this truo In the Hod dees of Liberty. Her manner and dross caused each ono to bo proud they lived, moved and bad their be ing under the atara'and stripes (?). Tho regret that It waa not posslblo for some of our neighbors to bo pres ent. We alone ran realise what they missed. On July l will bejaetallallon of new officers. 'Aside from this 'tho en tertainment committee Is to make yoa glad you aro a neighbor and pre sent nnd'nblo to laugh and cat. (Fresh homemade bread slally at .fl a. mVat WMglnftrcet? , ' , i- MR8.WM. LINKBNHACKI Alleged That He (Vim Hark for the lnrNM of .Making It Warm for Home People Clcorge 1.. Price has returned to Klamath Fnlls. At least thnt Ii the rtfttemcnl thnt has been made by sev oral people who claim to hnvo neon I.Im within, the past twenty-four 1 ours. When Iho statement was made titnt Price was returning to Klamath Fnlls everyone laughed nt It. Hut he Is hero, and Is going tn stay. As soon ns It was learned that ho was In tho city u telegram was sent to Ban Kranclsro advising the authorities thero thnt Price had been located, and asking If they wanted him. A reply came to the effect that tho par ties there would not put up any moro money for his nrrpMt, and stating that ii letter was following containing fur ther particulars. It would seem, therefore, that San Krnnrlico In not ns noxious Jo secure Mr. Price ns It nt first appeared. A friend ot Price's" stated today that If he has returned to tho city It is for tho purpose of securing redress for the manner In which ho was rail roaded from the city. This friend states that liefore leaving Prlre stntcd that he would come hark to Klamath Falls and secure satisfaction for his wrongs, and should this prove true it may possibly lead to further strug gles In the courts of this county. HUT AHIIKH CACHED HKK Carelessness In throwing a lot of ashes near tho shed In tho rear of the Central cafe this morning caused an alarm of fire to be sent In. When the department responded It was found that the blato was under con trol. It was started by somo one throwing ashes which contained live coals on somo Inflamablo material, and for a timo It looked ns though a serious fire would result. Tho dnm ago was slight. KVEReWKAXODE Kd C. Even, one ot Iho linotype operators on tho Klamath Chronicle, and Miss Otlro M. Kanodo of Sacra mento, Calif., woro married at the parsonage of the Baptist church at 7:30 8unday evening, Rev. M. M. Btedsoo officiating. They will make their homo hero In the future. Lodge .Votes Tonight Is tho regnlar meeting of tho Woodmen of tho World. Klamath Lodgo No. 99, Knights of Pythias, will havo Installation of offi cers and refreshments at tho meeting tomorrow night. HERALD WANT ADS MMCBIXANBOfTlt. BOY WANTED To carry papers; must be good strong boy. Inquire at News Stand near poetoffice. S 8-st GET READY FOURTH OF JULY The d.y for picnics, excursions lJff!Sa!l dote It kind: are you ready? Perhaps you wll want aome tW eg-to Clot lad. Haaerdaakery, or Headwear..You will want the beat to tcMM for your . meney: then come to ua Nothing better, nor as good, in Clothing titan Hart Schaf fner & Marx; nothing better in Haberdashery thnn the line we carry: nothing better, nor as good ...... ,. w .-- --' .. " ... - W tt for the money, in Headwear man me ooycr a.i . 9 .- .M essaasmasiswaK M J Hat. Then, too, we must remind you 01 y tnr van will need a stood Dair of Shoes for We have the best, the "Florsheim Shoe, Klaaatti Falla la ajoliui to have the teateat celebration on the ronrth of July she haa ever had. We will outdo them all. Come, conte, coaac and have the time of your life. Everybody welcome at The Portland Store Klamath Falls, Oregon Bay, "heavenly lirentli," Jut what )ou look for hns iirrlu-tl. A wifely hut pin clutch. If )m hate n ulro hnt pin niut don't wlih lo loone It, Kit one, four hits. ' At Mcllnttmrn. IIRIKK MKNTIO.1 DR. C. A. RAMBO DKNTIHT All "ink Kimrnnteoil. Klnmnth County ll.ink lllitR., Ill) nml Mnlu olrcets. I'honc C2fi. Klamath rails, Oregon Ivu Cream sorved oolly nt the Knit Km! Kami)' Kitchen. Tho Owl Peel Itoom tor Iri' crcntn rones and soft drinks. If Just received, at the Ouu rtloro i full lino ot baseball goods. I7u Wo have a limited amount ot money to loan. Ilolcumli Itealty Co. Garoutto . Campbell, sole agent for lots In Crrsrent City. RIO Main St. . tt The Owl Peel ftoout lias Installed i new snnltnry porcelain Ire, create Mcker. If Kor n good place lo cat go to thi Northern Cufo. Open day and night. Clt Main street. If R. Madsen, Jbe piano tuner, hut re turned, taavn orders for him nt Vir gil's furnlluro store. Phono 7.16. If City Transfer for all klndswf pas senger traffic and freight. Telephone 10(1. Good 18-Inch wood for salo. tf O F F E R WA N T E D mi blnrks to. It utul 13 of Cast Klamath Palls. I.. K. .VTKISrtON. 1 107 Monndnock lildg., Han I'rsncliro j Hay-Feedj Livery ni Feed Stable Prices arc RtMonable ! A. P. HUTCHINS : : Pkonc 1173 V - Ox- lords ti -jp-W? fprdg JUNE SALE LADES' OXFORDS M tjMtt to Klect frem: ererj iho a uwtee4 Tiilau B4n lliNdneiday, June 22, uiimn$ until Stturday, My 2910 'laWsJea'' vH.76 lino patent kid. wn aucdo tics: reic. 76 value: salo nrlce MAI laidlsi' tan ankle Puwd. ; light or heavy sole; rg. i ana f i.&o; Mie prtce....ajw ladles' Parop same as above, . la patant leather; reg. 13 and fS.SO; price ...M.4B, imni Ladles' dark green Oxford - Tie, extra short vamp; reg. " 11.76; salo price iB.Ml X KKW OK OUR MAKaAINM UHTKH kMUVOWt l.ndles' enamel calf two-eyelet Tic, perforated vamp lino; ior. I2.no; sale price Ml fill Ladles'' weit""chocoiato"' kid lilnthtr Oxford; reg. 13 value; salo lirlcc MAS Ladles' tan twosyelet Tie, wing cap tee: reg. 13.76: uaio price Ladles' black suede Tie, wise cap toe, perforated vamp Jlne; reg. 3.7JJ;-sale price ewJIS ladles' grey. anode blaehar - Oxford; re. f3.S0; sale . price :. 4 f.ndles' pat. blucher Oxford, mot can top; ug. fi.oo; sale prico ..". fAtM ladles' gun metal two-eyelet Tie, perforated vamp; reg. I.JO; sals price. Jfl.W POK BALE Cheap., good piano. In quire of Or. Rambo, Klamath coun- t) Uank building. f 8,8 7-7-2 POK iALE Will soli 14 acres tin- ber land, at base of Bogle Point, adjoining Griffith's aaamer resert: lake fronPon eaat aldo extending to Shoal bay on west aide. 6-23-tf H. JIRWNHAM. jCOR 8ALK OR HBNJ newlng ma" '."chines and phonographs, at Mul jtr'a,. Phone 364. , tf KXBROET1C 8ALBSMAN wanted hr sen reliable nuraerjr stock; expeaae money advanced weekly. No previ ous experience necessary; oan make ISO per week. Write Albany Nurse ries, Inc., Albany, Ore. 8-10-7-10 Prion took n Jump for freedom. It was an awful fall, but It was nothing tn the full In prices of women's nnd Infants' shoes. Just think ot women's hand mndo shoes that aro tho very latest, selling nt 13.00. It's chnnco that tho women of Oregon will nover get again. If you haven't time to como to the storn, order by mall. Our telephone Is No. 1411. Wo pay strict attention to out-of-town order. " Klamath's Kxclnslvo Shoe Storo, 212 Main fltreet, SHIPLEY TRANSFER Prepared to do all claaaea of kaillag. Pltnoi and heavy freight. Pricea reasonable. 16-Inch wood for tale X ' K. C. SHIPLEY, Phone 503, Rea. 674 i eeaoeeeeeeeeeeoooa mmmwmm IIA CAnPKTH Mrs. J. Ii. jardtne Is prepared to anufacture rag carpets and rugs to erder. Will furnish rags If desired. Prices reasonable. Specialty mado ot aaall rugs. Drop n postal for prices. Address. Klamath rails. Ore dw-tf At above aw only a vary few of oar wumy baraalna in oar shot daaartaMit gjm. firs, Taw and Patet tumy for f aad l.79CMidreii'a ad IntaiiU' on sale at' fl, ftM, 1M '- PACKARD SHOU r OR M1N i tfVV asfBlA. '.ncw.aiorc? rammt'h tomum If yon want' your stuC moved and u.ored quick, get Ramsby's Express to do it. Office, The Bmoke, phone iff. BICYCLES Toe an up-to-date what 1 gat a Rambler, on aakat The Gun Store. Tanta and Gum for aalaor lar rant: The Jilnie Bride Now shares her happiness and shines resplendent, 'along with our line of M'ARKMNQ CUT QIMM, If ANO-PAINTKU CHINA AND RBCK sULVBR, KARNACK RRAM. All are appropriate wed ding presents , and she wlll not be happy until y she gets them. imum sjm piucii 2 OIT GRAIN-HAY-W( Delivered to Tou Barley, Wheat; Oats, Mill Feed, Alfalfa Meal BALED 2&SP HAY Quality Beit Service Prompt Get Our Pricea O. K. Transfer Go. Phone 871 M OMOOOOOMWMMOOOOe THE CASH MARKET Pure Lard JMSttu Bacon iS&m'- . BoUi Ibeie are oar ipc(ti, nS'tut bctett. . . rsUUnotfmli,isstr ' '. K i ii e : e e 7 i Br IT wH " JWW lOCK KwTodg rvionflrt-!ri mere. rat. mvsiw ana awuyafea WINTERS for Wssdlag rntssti . j Tia otm STORE m iiii bj vwoapw rwe ..esaTSjwswsBS -W 'mmw J. W. HAWXHURST nf. jaooM jaocK. none wn Proprietor , w.ainii-; l !i 4 FfcOMM V. ,'l MI4MMMIHMMMMM) , g. - .f-- n r ,rV .?.