The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 18, 1909, Image 2

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, , Imu91 Dally, Except Sunday, by the
W. O. SMITH, Editor
Dally, by mail, oao year
Dally, by mall, six montba ,
Dally, by mall, three montba
Dally, by mall, one month. ,
Dally, delivered by carrier, one week ...
A Man Who Seemed Always to
Ready For Emergencies.
To be ready for emergencies nit one
of toe stria of Dr. Samuel OrMley
Howe, the great teacher of Ibc blind.
writes hi daughter. Mrs. Lnnra B.
Xkaards. who haa edited bla "Letters
ad JoarBals." Bbc gives several tn
staacea In which hit quick action pre
Teatrd serious accidents.
Oar at Oreen lYac my father was
goiM to drive with my mother and my
stater Florence In a closed carriage
with a large window In front.
. Aa the driver was mounting tbe box
be dropped bis whip and got down to
recover Ir. This startled the young
horses, and they boiled down tbe
My father tried to open tbe big win
dow, but It stuck ,ast. lie flashed
through tbe plate gins ns If It bad
been paper and. catching up the reins.
stopped tbe runaways In less time than
It takes to tell It.
When Thomas came running up.
white and breathless, he found "doc
tor" quietly shaking 11m Mis of glass
from his mat and bat nnd explaining
to my terrified mother that be "went
ao quick there was no time to get rut."
Will another memory or my mother's
shows his quickness In a different
way. lie was walking along Washing.
tea street one day wben a furious dog
rasbid at him and bit bis hand severe
ly. There waa no Pasteur Institute In
tbe routes. My father Instantly raised
p i se sain una nesa or iuc omen pan
ad. holding It Ormly. entered the
nearest apothecary's shop.
Vat this piece off." be said briefly.
The apothecary exclaimed In horror.
Hero-rie) wonld not. without a '
reeoa'a order. It was out of tbe
"I am a surgeon." said my father.
""and I command yon to cut It off."
It waa rtit off. My father dressed
Ike wound with bis other bnnd and
eat about bis business.
"Re wants to hare a plank demand
sag old age pensions for men In tbe
platform this year."
"Bat why this discrimination Would
ot the women need It as badly"
"Tea. they might need It. but they
weald never grow old enough to be
eatiUed to It. so what'a tbe use
I Helping the Town
By banking j nur aaoaey la a
My yea larreaae the ceaamaalty'a
eahetaatlal tamers waat to borrow aaoaey there m
loaa tbeaa. If yoa bank yovr money away froaa boaw
loaaeel to other farmers, merchants and maaafactarera.
year aoane people. Money hidden at hoaae helps ao
PUced In a baak It la pat to work la ways that help all.
f First National Bank
of Klamath Falls
Is a good llaak'to pal your, money lu safe mid reliable.
I An Added Joy to Xmas jj
Ilelong to lltoeo whose thrift
Hank' Account. Not only does It
i Clirlstaias expenses, but It gives a
peetefMoa which adda additional
area, of the season.
The First Trust and aUvlngs
. eail headaaartera aad YOU uro rordtally Invited to join the happy I
., ttyaac of aatleaed Oepoaltota.
ifrit Trmt and
f ' rAti.-i, A -rt. ,-- .
Ferocity Unbounded and Mia
Courage Invincible.
The weasel Is the most bloodthirsty
of all our native cnrulvors. Ills feroc
ity Is unbounded, his courage tnvlnc.
b'.e. lie Is one or tbe row British wild
animals from whom man has to fear
If you meet a group of weasels yoa
will do well not to Interfere with
them, for those who baro dono so have
occasionally suffered for their temer
ity. Ills dwarfish stzc rather accentu
ates than diminishes tbe detestation la
which he Is held, for there Is some
thing uncauny In tbe Idea of so muck
relentlcsanfess and cruelty being com
pressed into so small a frame.
Tho rabbit, who will tight a tierce
and bitter battle with one of bla own
kind. Is paralyzed with rear at tbe
mere sight ot this punr roe, whom bo
could protably pulrerUo could be
brace bis heart to the attempt Suucat
Ing with fear, bo bops stupidly about
until the little vampire springs upon
his neck and buries his fangs In an
Then tbe victim cither sinks to.tbe
ground and submits to bis fate or, aud
denly acquiring tbe use or bis muscles,
be speeds aimlessly along, tbe weasel
clinging to bts'iieck till bis work la
done. There are few more pitiful
aounds In nature than the panic strict
en cry or a rabbit wben be finds that
be la being stalked by a weasel. Ia
doo Answers.
Fooled Them.
Every Instructor at Chautauqua la
required to Oil out a paper answering
a number of necessary and unnecessa
ry nnestlona. One rear there was a
remarkably handsome male member of
tbe faculty In whom all tbe girl etu
denta were much Interested. "Is be
married or unmarried" became an all
absorbing question. Finally some of
tbem bad tbe courage to approach tbe
college secretary and ask if the Olea
might be looked over. And there the
handsome professor, anticipating per
haps some such Investigation, had re
corded bis matrimonial pretensions aa
follews: "Married or single Yea."
The Awaksner.
Romantic (Jlrl-Ou. George, what a
sweet dream Is love! Cynical Bus
Driver M'yes. and matrimony Is toe
alarm clock. Illustrated Bit.
baa la your owa coasa
power to do bailneao,
It is
Help i
and rare have given them m '
provide them itllh funds for
sense of tersonal safely ami X
-Joy to the comforts and picas
Baak la aa Ideal family aaau-
Savings Bank f
'f I of erJHrm 1 IV
Program, In "Punch and Jab" tnallsh,
as flood as the Show.
The sun never sets on the Ungllsh
language. This overdose of sunshine
sometimes wnrps It out of sbae. In
tbe Malaya It becomes "pigeon," In
the south seas It Is either "sandal
wood" or "beetle de uier," and aiming
the erudite along the witter tront at Yo
kohama It Is "Uiuxal." Here It u sam
ple or a brand soiticiliue called
"punch nnd Jab" English. It was cap
tured nllve by a Culctitla exchange ed
itor nruied Willi bis m-(Mir In tho Jun
gle or ndvcrtMng llter.i'tero llmt threw
Its shadow ahead' or n native Punjab
circus: jjfy
I'ltoaitAJaalK. S
Unjfi patronise of Mnysl Duke ot
Knaught.- K. C. ...c.
N. U-Thls Circus la the itry setter.
therefore ha mmM In wrt that ..
The performance preparation will com-
roonco at rt,im. sharp.
I. Rome hone mil inaks very good
1. The kIokii trill com and talk wltli
that hor. llirirforo auillcnc will laugh
lifclf lery much.
J. The laity will walk on horari back
and horse Is jumping cry much alto.
'' 4. Th klunn will makt a loklna words
and lady will tN-com tu angry therefore
klown will run dimwit away.
4. Ono hoy will fall a ball from topside,
then he can calcli that ball before that
t'. ran (all.
C 7hl' la iho lery bttttr lumping trick.
llctrrahmenla 19 minutes.
i'AItT II.
t. One n:i will make ao trl'ki ot
fapexe. Audlcnre will (raid hlmeilf very
5. Dose will jump nnJ roll In tho mud.
3. One lady will make hlmatlf ao bend,
Ifaen uer)boJ- he will think, that he la
th rubber laily.
i. Thla la II. r tery isrand dtaptay.
i. Thla la the ery better Ulmnaatlcs.
C One man will walk on wire tight, ho
Is doing lery nicely becauta he la a pro
tenor of that.
Itefreahments 10 minutes.
Then will com th ery good Dramatic.
No atlcks will bo allowed In tho spec
tator, and he anall not imoxe alao.
Chargea for Kn trance.
tat data IU. I
2nd clan its, I
Ird claaa annaa I
There la no any till claaa.
New York Tribune.
Lost Temper,
"Lost teojKT does great barm." said
a politician. "I once knew a man who
held tblrtetn trumps at wulst. and on
accouut of his partner's tcincr he took
only one trlik with that Ideal band."
"Impossible!" sneered a reporter who
conducted a weekly bridge columu.
"Impossible- Not at all," was the
politician's reply. "You see, as sooasai
this man trtiiucd bis partner's ace on
tbe first play bis partner In a rage
Jumped up nud kicked him out of tbe
Accounting Per Patrick Hsnry.
It la related Ibut Chief Justice
Salmon I', Cbuse on stopplug at tbe
birthplace of Patrick Henry In Vir
ginia exclaimed: "What an atmos
phere! What n view! What glorious
mountains! No wouder Ibut Patrick
Henry grew here!" Whereupon an
honest native dryly remarked that the
ntmospbere, the view and the moun
tains bad beeu there for ages, but
that only one Patrick Henry had been
produced. Macon Telegraph.
Pretty Hunt.
Elderly Lady-Doctor. I am troubled
with a hallucination that I am being
followed by n man. Wbnt sort of cure
would you suggest? Houest Phjslclau
-A mlrror.-Clevelnnd TVender.
The Amateur,
"Ycr," said the ierson who bad at.
tended tho party, "Mini Keepounder
wa there, nnd wo had to beg and beg
her lo play."
"And did fche piny"
"Ob. yes. I tbnuslit for n tlmo that
wo would hare to lx-g nnd beg her to
stop." Exchange.
No Pun.
Peter and John (seeing a largo plate
glass pane bolus put Ini-Wo may aa
well go home. They are not going to
let It fall.-Fllegende Blatter.
Kind words are the music of the
world. Fa ber.
Well Ired.
"That's a well bred child."
"You bet she Is. Never correcta
her parents publicly, no matter what
tbe exigencies of tbe eaae may be."-,
Flttsbnrg Poet.
Our Clerks "Smile" When You
Ask Them to Grind Your Coffee
We time liixtnllcd lti lnle-1 Model llnUirt Will lie I'olTiv Mill,
u lilt It liuikeM It nmio for n to grind )olir I'olTtv Jnl I.I'm'
Ymi Wniit It, nnd the pleasure l mr-. Two llilugi nn nin-l Im
portant for Hie milking tif ii good nip of I'olTee. (juiillt) mid
pnMT nrnnuliilloii. Wo rally the wry Ik'I gnidet ir I'linYe.
Ii'ctctl mill blended for their cup initio, nnd no Imio tho mill I"
grind It to milt tho xi )im nro u-dtig. Triiil lit illlli our (Vitro
Order?) nnd "see tho difference."
Ths Fltrc Brute Proved a Good Tem
perance Lecturer.
CoUTiior Jeiinlngi uf ttutliini ucd
to trll n story of til early electioneer
ing (lay In ulikli lie uM Hint u 111113 be Reed teniiemnie
lecturer. Colonel V. l. CocLrum re
M'at tlio story lu Ills "Pioneer History
or llnlLiuu," The Inclili'iit happened
when tloiernor Jenitliigt win tr.iU'lliij
over the thinly settled kill or Hour
born (ounty. electioneering for con
He' liiot n mall with wlmni lie win
el,l uciiuriliitiil, hy inline Tom O'tcv
by,' who wan Jiut gettln.' hut ii pro
traded dekiucli. Jcniilu!.'i Ik--iiii iik
ing Tom about lili i-olltlcnl vlewi.
The hair ober fellow liNikeil lit III til
aud mi Mi
'Jen, dou't ou think n in.iu Juxt out
of n panther fight otiglit to be elec
tioneered lu a different maimer from
this I am Juit from tin grine. I
nils awakened n little wlillo ngo ly n
panther putting Icaios ami ira- oier
me. It kept this up until 1 un entire
ly emeriti. I lay still for uwlillo mill
then rnUcd up nud' found Hie p.iutlirr
gone. I knew I was l:i il.inger, I
look my gun mid illinltl Inlo n tree
to see u hut the 'Kiiitlier lutemlcd tu do.
"Ill a short time 1 heard tier coming,
aud she had her kittens with her. I'v
cry few steps she would Jump ns If
catching sniiietliliig. nud the little ones
would go through Hie s.mie luiiueii
icr. Sue kept till up until she got
near to the bed of leaven she Imd cor
end over me uml then iniiile n'prlng
on the pile. Hlu- looked Jml ns I felt
wben I found that I wns coicrcd up
for dead. She tlicu started In to In
vestigate the cause or my dlaiippenr
uuce. uud before she located me I shot
Jennings, alter bearing thla, said;
"Well, Tom. 1 beliete I should treat
you as one from the ileml ami that you
should begin your life from this ltit.
We were sclioolhoys together. I know
you are a inpiilile civil engineer nud
well educated, uml If you ceime itrluk
Ing I will M'o that you hnvo n good
sltlon on the surveying cons"
Tom Ogle-by did quit drinking. Jen
nings was elected nud kept bin prom
ise to bis old friend, who became one
or the well knowu cugluccrs or the
Uulted States.
The Way Rial Estate Is Divided Up In
Tho Portuguese nre nn extremely
conservative people. Hrery man fol
lows rigidly the method nupluycd by
bla father uml forefathers, lu ery
many parts of tho country tho old
wooden plows are still iimiI.
Wben a roan dies. Instead or one or
the heirs taking the whole property
and paying the remaining heirs fur
their parts the whole property Is di
vided Into as many part ns thero nro
bclrs. More than Ibis, each separate
part of tho proerty Is thui divided.
Thus, If tho property consists or ten
acres or pnsturo lurid, eighty or vine
yard uud ten or grain laud uml there
are ten heirs, each hrlr will receive
ono aero each of grain and p-ixture In'lid
aud eight noes of vlneyiiul. This proc
ess has been going on for u wry long
time, so that now In the most fertile
part of Portugal the laud l.i divided
Into incredibly small porllnun.
Tho Immediate result or this, accord
ing to tbo United rltntes roMsular re
ports, U that the product ot the land
U barely sulllclent ut bent to hiihIiiIii
Its owners. South of the river 'i'ligus,
on tbo other baud, thero nre enormous
tracts or excellent land lying unused,
but It has been round liupohKlblo to In
duce tbe farmers of the north to move
Into this region and Hike up large hold
ings. Philadelphia Impilrer.
Costly In Human Lives.
In ancient times tbo great engineer
Ing works wcro costly In human lives.
The rnaklug of the lied sea canal I
said to bavo Involved tho loss of no
fewer than 130,000 F.gyptlnns. Buc
kle's examination mado blm bcllove the
number to bavo been somewhat exag
gerated, but be gives It as still a guide
to tho euormous waste of human life
lo those days. Tho mou who kept 2.000
slaves engaged for three years bring
ing a single stono from Elephan
tine to the pyramids did not care a
great deal ao long aa In tbo twenty
years lo which one of the pyramids
waa building there were forthcoming
U saanaa .-.. .. 1fM j? j
Famous Cedars.
I'iio fiinioux niliiri of Liluinon nt'
cmw hi Imlla uml Atuorln. but their
liiimo U the I.okilioix of northern
Sirla. In nlirlelit limes the sides of
the whole inounliiln weroeoienil liu
.. ... ... . u-.. r.......l ti, ..ill.
IIICIII, inn II" w iin-y nil- n"
one simill hollow on the tnrlhweliTii
slope. 'I lii"" nre n-elirrly feiicnl In.
hut In spile of the ureal euro of the '
t.... .1... .ha, ,l.., inn., kii.rlti. will
swill die. und I he species will Iwoiue
Wlgg-What ii lioiuely fellow lljolies
1st Wngg-Yes, but he n-iilly has a
IhinilHime mug In the barber shop.
KichiiiiKe. llliitilm-IIe's a harmless fiwil Slohbs
There Is no such thing as a ii.iruilem
fixil. Illohtis-Thls one Is. He's ileml
-Philadelphia lleevrd
Not less than KO.lHW.mxi )cn (fl.'uil.
' ixii Is yearly sieul by foreign tlslion
111 JnHiu. rouie enllluiites pill the
amount ill lO.WJO.lim jen.
, Howcll-Afler nniille it man gels so
that he, doenu't cure fur an) thing
Powell-How long.lnie )oii been mar
rledj llichange.
Hjker llruiiixtiti tells tue he Is tuk
lug mud Imlhs now, Pker-Vhy, I
thought he mis out of pollllcs.-L'hlia
pi News.
Three hundred ions of tolueco nre
distributed annually among the sailors
of the llrlllsli navy. It Is sold to them
at coat.
A very simple remedy to cure a uart
Is to bailie It hctt-ml times cwry claj
with n stning soliilloii uf blcarli-malr
of soda.
Watch this Space for
$aoO Two lino lots, ono corner
lino view; nothlui; better In the
city for tho money.
M.000 Two lots, cerner: lino rod
ilenro cecllon; hnlf rush, bnlniid'
on tluiti.
11,150 130-foot frent: corner: the
cream or tint illy lu the way of n
rtsldenca lot.
Onirc, Main 81. Phone Hit
VOli ISAI.K Mlsrellnm-ous.
For Balo Canaries, flno singers
Mrs. C. C. Low, Oak St., between
Fourth nnd Fifth.
VOll SAI.I3 or will exchnngo for
Klamath county property, small farm
In Mondoclno, near Uklahj well Im
proved! nlco location. For particulars
address II.- T. IIAIINKTT, Midland.
WANTKD Job tli'iiilng sago lirusli
Will work elthei by tho day ,r by
lioncro pplya Herald offlco
rOlt IIKNT 100 ncreHi I.angell vnl-
loyj nno wheat land; nearly nil l.i
ciiiuvuuon; 1-room houso, hum,
chicken houso. Inquire 203, Tho
"aiawin. 12.10-tf
WANTED A girl at thu Klatnatli
Falls Btcam laundry,
For Ilont Sulto or rooms in MIIU
block; can ho used tor light houso
keeping. Btlltu Dry OoodB Co.
WANTKD Hand Ironors at the
Klamath Falls Steam Laundry.
FOH HRNT Storeroom at cornor
7th and Main sta. Innnlrn ai n u
, .. .,.,, '
Harlow oo premises.
f-SS, Skates
For Men, Women and Children
Flexible Flyer nZ
Steel Coasting Sledi
Phone 173
I Ion J. Zi'uhait.
Mspi, run,
' .
Klamath County Abstract Go.
'Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
IKkT K WltHMm. 5ecrelsfv
Klamath Falls, Oregon
A Man is known by the Candy he gives.
A box of
Makes a suitable Christmas preient.
Large shipment just received at
Baldwin Motor and
ouppry vuinpany
Steam, Hot Air
NOTICi: Is hereby given tlml tit.
iinderilgned us iiilmlnlstriitor of thu
estnto of John II, Hall, deceased, liai
died In tho County Court of Klnttintli
County, Oregon, his I'luul Account of
tho iiilinliilstrntlou of tuld ealnle, nun
that thu court hns (lxcd Monday, tho
27th day of IHreinhur, 1909, nt Id
o'clock In tho forenoon of mid doy m
tho tlmo nud tho County CoiirthoiiHn
In Klamath County, Oregon, ns the
Idacu for tho hearing of objections, if
nny, to tali! account, and thu scti.
ment thereof.
Dated nt Klamntlt Foils. Oregon.
this 2Cth day of N'oromlmr. innn
As Administrator nf tho Kstnte of
John II, lla'l, Dcccaacd,
11-20 12.24
Surveying and Engineering
( Onho in llulldlng.
Guaranteed Public
land Script
Tho C. II. Towers Co,. Miles Cllv.
Mont., ogenta for tho Nortliorn 1'aclDe
Und Script will scloct for you any
vacant, non minoral government
land, Write thorn for particulars.
Main Street
K. M. Hiss,
l'lcf-1'tes, and'lirai
Blue trlnta, tie.
eoe44eM i m mm
Alt Work (Juaraiilcftf.
Main HI., Opposite lUldwIn Hani
ware Coniuny, KUnutlli l-'nlls, Orr.
Phone U.1,
and Hot Water 1
T-iarsoNs It
Attorney at Lw
Klamath .Falls. Or-gm
Dr. Amoa G. Gravea
Klnmalli Kails, Ore.
rnitofllco llldg,, Heennd and Main Rtl
Vhono 1081,
I'hono Kesldence 833, Offlco 1011
Dr. J. E. Taylor,
Poalottlce llulldlig.
Anmrlran Hank nnd Trust Co.'s llldl
"-V U'TJU'tsglss-M.WsWiIWgr";
House liaising,
House Moving,
General Jobbing
I'llo Driving a 8ieclalty.
Well equipped with Tools, Ma
terials, Etc.
Rsllmalos furnished upon Ap
plication, I'ostonUc ikn 8H.
' i.l