'""it sri V , V 'H I i , - V 'iM'' v ' -'- y A1 ' V , ,. tuning Befall J KkmtthF.lU'Flrit J wd BV D,,y' w Oar AsVWuMN QCt TteBwtt TWHTHVr.AK. No. 1.03B KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1909. PhcKCmti $k INDIANS HAVE FINECATTLE MMV pntmniu vmfKvr iiv IMtl'WW" AU MD DURHAM SIOCK I U'IImin Declare) TImI It llrait Money In the WrlMlml MUKk -XUI I lt beat-looking herd u( rattl. I bo cr seen," Mid Dr. Hm MkClur. wneii inspecting Hi" herd 111 Ked Durham belonging l Ik KUroth training school on ih lies rnrrtiilun last uuiair. Dr. McCUrs I H ,u,n InipMlor lu lUritol tho animal ludiialry, ami U loatfd 1 IVndlctnii. Iln U a man of 1 14 trlf nro In llila Hue. ami liU epltlM I valuable. lite Buparlnlondent Wilson took tUri of ( Indian reaervallon lie u mo a apeclslA fjort t( Improve lb. trtfd of the lien! belonging to tUichool until now ilioy hate one of Us test la the alale, II not on the tout, Tie best rcsl.twd bulla bare Wm ssrthsacd, ami all o( Iho scrub Math las been either sold )r atttlrrtd for the nu nf the 110 rissrlts and Iho employees. Ttf lard U nor compoard entirely f Rei Durham, ami rvvron U a perfect animal, and Iho liand make a ratty picture feeding In Iho pa tint. Dr. Harrison or I'ortland, also ron tset.4 with tho bureau of animal In laatrr. ai at Iho reservation la-t ask to tnako an Inapccllon of tho tod. A 'artful test waa made or Iho Wad, tho Umperalure being taken il tiatrtulln being ln)ictcl, ant sot oa uBMiund animal waa found Is the entire 176. Mr. Wllion. who li In Iho rllr lo sty. speaking or Iho rnattnr, atatrtl (bit la hi otilnlon cattlemen at the rrtsrst time gate too Utile atlontlon l Ikt Irred and quality or tho cattlo ralMd. Ho la drone advocate of Hull bred t at tit, and atmc Umt It li n aureeas from a niianclal at rtricl (xilnt. I- rotn thla inn) In) til tin In iiralliiK irwnmery wlilili kui1iIIcm tlm fiitlni ailiool and tuniilii) !., (itnalinutil- 300 people, In mtdllliili to thin Hut nclii.nl U auppllud with meat ami kiioiikIi anlmaU sold on tlm outalitu to kIvu n iihmI profit. GET EXPERT FROM PORTLAND I'lTKIt MKK MITIX Tho laleat la a tralnlliK achiiol it HliliiliiKton, Tho tunrhliiK.tiaR, thu randlinx. tr aro dally lirouxht Into lilay, and atiotlirr xtilbltloii may l eipi-cttxl whiii, A abort trip up Iho lak waa mado by tho Wlnxma on Monday, thn lc to tho contrary iiotwIlhatamlliiK Hh nnct'untirnl alMitit four Inrlica of lev In Minn placoa, Tho tftitiat Ijik" l.utnlinr compnny'a launch llim built by McDonald U mailiiK cotnpli.tlim, Hlio will bo n beauty, aa well na a Miwerful bonl, What! I MU on Klamath lako In ono aiimmerT Wow! Beat I A now dltri'ralun on wlnga of atrol A part) of Hhlpplnxtnn boa mmlo a flylntc trip to tlurk lilaml on akatot on Wi'dlira4lay inoriilnK, Tla aald Caiollnn boata nn not In It for x,-J romptrt with akati-a. , Captain John Totten la timklnx ex lonalvo lliiprotrint'iita at bla dock, ll-ili- itttnillliK tho dock bo will build a warehouao 30(00 ftH't, with peril a pa a wlrelraa atatlon nnd Unlit. I.oilao, Tho Uiincji Iturna Vlata la placed In winter nuartera, Tbo lluena Vlatn belonx to tho nunpany of tho aami niinii, and la, pcrhape, Iho flniiit launch In Klamath county. Hho waa built by I'eter Terry for tho company at a coat of 11,000 three )ara nun. NAVKIATOIt Why buy xaaollno Hulita from tra. elltiK airnta when you ran buy them cheaper at homo from a reliable firm. I.el ua quota )ou price. Ilaldwln Motor and Huply Co. Phono 911. A. K. A. M. Hpeclal cmmunlcatlon Krlday en nliiK. December I "lb. for ronfcrlnit Iho M. M. denreo. Ily order of tho V. M. O. II. tIATKH. Bec'y. 1'hone IS I for your wallpaper and linoleum. (OUNCII, WA.NTH MOIti: ADVIL'K ON Hi:Vi:it MK'ATKJ.NH PASS TELEGRAPH FRANCHISE THE TIME, THE PLACE SB CLOTHES Aay tlMt, and inywhere you can war tttla-Dlocli iMrt Clothe. Tkcy will cany yon throatfh the doaaat bulnfaa deal, or aaka yoa look dlgalflcd and arioa at your church. They are the high eat die of ready-to-wear clothea la Aawrtce. Thty are priced ao aa to .meet your eelNreapect More thai half way. Try the ena: I Tala STORE llnllnancr for luaUllIng HUty New Hydranta for Klrr I'rolPrtlon la Introduced At an adjourned mectlnic of tho city council lait evenlme Iho ordl nnnco waa paaaed urantlnR a fran chlatt to Ihv Wcatvrn Union Telegraph company tu erect poloa alonR Klam nth nteniiu to Third atre.it from Third to Main and eaal on Main to Second. An ordinance u Introduced by Councilman Wllklna for aupplylnR lb city with alxty now ftro b)dranta and rontrarlliiK with tho Klamath Kalla I.Ulit and Water company for laatall ItiK tbo h)dranta and tho acrvlco thereon, Thla ordinance la almllar to the ono paaaed by thu council aome lime nro, but never accepted by the water company. Tho matter wai re ferrtM to tbo flro and watvr commit tint to InvcatlRato whether tbo loca lion of tbo h)drnnla la In accordance with tbo recommendallona of tho Oru underwrltera. A report will bo mado at tbo rcRiilar mevtlnr next Monday evelilnR, On motion of Councilman Caatol tbo Toiler JudRo waa Initructed to write to Ma or Hltnon of I'ortland, aaklnR U he could recommend Reed newer eiiRlneer to conault with the city vnRlncor of thla city on tho plana alread) prepared for tho propoMd auwi r yatcm. Tho propoalllon for aecurlnR addi tional advlco on tho aowrr quoatlon waa dlacuaaed at aomo IcnRth. In r of thu ktrret Rradea and tbo fad that, In caao tho main pipe war located on Klamath aunue, It would lo too near tho aurfaco of tho atretit, Councilman Wllllta and llanka atato.l they were ready to favor Main atrcot Counrllmen Wllklna and Caatell, on the other hand, appeared to bo In to- tor of lonilliiK tho aewer main un Klamath avutiuo. Ma) or Sanderain atated Hint bo waa convinced that it would bo Impoaalblo to locato II on Ktamalh nvvnuo on account or tho RraJo bcInK ao near tho water level. WHO IH N1IK? It la at Hard Queatloa lo Aaawer, Iho lracWaj are Very Cloao aa Who li aheT la a quoatlon that It heard on every hand, and ono week from tomorrow ovenlng It will I nnawered. That the cloalng daya or tho contest aro to m marked by atrenuoua activity on tbo part or the conleaUnta and their frlendi la al ready bocomlnc evident. Tbe friends and aupportera of tbo various candU datra are now coming Into tbe open, tnd oro actively working their choice. All are determined tbat to their favorite ahall fall tbe honor or repro- aentlng thla city In the Oregon Roost or girls' party. Fall Itamora Now that the contest to about to close the candidate may eipect all sorts ol raise rumors. Tbe canul- date will hoar tbat someone else ha enough votes "up her sleeve" to win, nnd that It Is nil over but the shout Ing. Hut don't )ou believe It, no can didate could have an Irretrievable lead at thla stage of the contest. Tbe contest manager has boon through many contests, and thla promises to bo closer and Harder fought than any he has over bandied. One or two subacrlptlona Is very apt to decide th winner. Bo go In to win, and don't allow anything to discourage you. HprrUI Offer Cloara Hooa. Tbo candldatea bavo but two days left In which to get eitrn vote on new subscribers. There are n few people In the city yet wbo are not taking tho Herald, and If approached they would no doubt subscribe. Tbu Herald Is recognised by all to be tbo trading newipaper In tbo Klamnib country. It give the news every day aa It happens In a bright readablo manner, and to be without It la to mlaa tho Important happenings In and about tbe city. If )ou are not a sub scrlber this Is your opportunity. . Tho following table give tbe stand ing or tbe candidate i -" Flora Masten ... .. 70,00 Helen Harris C8.000 Oolda Darnes 26,000 SURVEYORS DONE HERE NKMOX TKMJt HIM MK PIXIHH WOHK ON THK KLAMATH VALIM-XATHOX BRANCH HAVE DEPARTED FOR REDDING Engineer KaowMost Will Work tbe Pit River Harvrjr to ARaraa Eight men, the remainder of tbr surveying crew of Engineer B. r. Knowtton of tbe Southern Pacific company, left tnis morning lor Hea ding to Join their chief on the survey telng made up tbe Pit river to At turas to connect with tbe survoy ti nlamath Fall. Mr. Knowlton, who baa been on the Klamath Falls-Natron survey, baa completed his work there, and las: week left for Redding with fourteen cf his crew. The balance received Instructlona to leave for Redding thin morning. ItOHHIURa MAY TAX ATTORNEY Haprrnse Ooart I'eetoMe Charter Pro vfcfttac for "Pabllc Good" Rcvrasw PORT KLAMATH NOTES RKHOl.tTIONH OP CONIMLKNCK The Klamath Kalla Military Hand paaaed tho following resolutions of condolenco In respect to the memory of their Into member: Whereas, Tbo Or cat nnd Supremo Killer of tbo Universe has In Ills In finite w I ail o in removed from among us ono of our worthy and osteemed members, M. C. Market',; and, whoro- as. tho long and Intlmato relations bold with him In tbe faithful dW rbargo of bis duties In this organisa tion makes It eminently befitting that wo record our appreciation or hint; therefore. Resolved, That the wisdom and ability which bo has exercised In thu aid of our organisation by service and counsel will bo bold In grateful re membrance; Resolved, Tbat wltn deep sympa thy with tho bereaved relative of Iho deceased we express our hop' (hat oven ao great a loaa to ua all may bo overruled for good by Him who doeth all things well; Resolved. That a copy of thoso resolutions bo spread upon the re. ords of this organisation, a copy printed In tbo local papers, and a copy forwarded to tbo boreaved fam ily. Klamath Kails Military Band. QKOROB R. 1IURN, C. M. RAMBBY, J, 8. DODQB, Commltteo, PORT KLAMATH. Dec. 16. (Spe cial) Mercury 6 above thla morning. Davo Noah la getting around again, and la ablo to boas tbe Job at least. No work Is turned away, for he haa a first-class blacksmith In charge of his shop. Hud Parker'a smiling face may bo seen among us again. Ho la bappy to bo with ua also, although discon solate over the prospect of naviga tion. Ills trial trip waa futile. Ice la two Inchea thick on Agency lake, with an additional two Inchea over- crusted snow. Tho Matama Is back to the Weed landing, and awaiting tbe breaking up of the Ice. "Whero la Totten, and when la be coming?" Thto seem to to the leading question. Wllllo Liberty and Foster are cut ting wood In Seven Mile for the Ad ams' dredgor. They have quite a lot ot It to cut, and get timber from the reserve. C. E. Hot left a few daya ago for Klmlra, Cal., to visit hi father, wbo I dangerously III. Ill brother, doorge, Is riding on the Klamath In dlan reservation, and Is net awaro of the fact. ' Richard Molhase I bavlag Ms team shod today, and getting ready to go to Klamath Pall for freight' tomor row. Other may have to WH la line later, a provision are ruaaMg short, and It may be some time Mfora we will get another boat. .. Mr. Editor, these new Items must bo hot, as yesterday the Iln was ot bocause or the burning ot a funs win at Klamath Palls central fmce, and aa a result will have to let them cool a llttlo before sending, or the lineman may undertake to cool the seal of our humble news rustler. ' Roaeburg may tax lawyers 110 a year for practicing In tbat city. So the Supreme Court ruled In nn opln Ion written by Associate Justice Mc Pride. Bute Senator Albert Abraham bad protested against the license as being unauthorised by law. but he was ruled against both la the lower court by Circuit Jndf J. W. Hamll ton and by the Supreme Court, which affirmed Judge Hamilton's decree. An set ot 1105, authorising munic ipalities to "license and regulate all such edlllnga, trade and employ ment as the public good may require to be licensed and regulated and aa are not prohibited by law." "Tbe 'public good' la a broad term. but II the city council of Roaeburg." say the court, "determine that It t tor the public good of tbat commun ity that lawyers be licensed and be compelled to pay a tax ot 110 each. such a tax Is legal and authorised by law." "If," aaya Judge. MeBrlde, "tbe law waa enacted for the purpose of rais ing revenue there would be no doubt a to tbe authority of the city to tax lawyers, and the term 'public good' has been held to Include the purpose ot raising revenue. Tbe court flnda that tbe charter ot the city ot Roae burg was copied from an old one of San Francisco, and that this charter waa expressly held to Include tho raising ot revenue within the term public good.' " John R. Nelson gavo tbe following Interview to tbe Herald In relation to tbe trouble between himself nnd wife, who formerly waa Grace Allen, n native or this county. Mr. Nelson states tbat be has been accused of many tblnga by bla wife, and aa at tempt made to have him arrested, and he wishes to tell the truth about tho matter, as be would do If he had to go Into court. "This trouble," said Mr. Nelson, began with tbe sale of some reser vation cattle belonging to my wife. which were part of tbe recent govern ment allotment I have been work ing with Cantrall A lluson, ruaalsg their cook bouse at the Long Lake mill. My wife wanted some money to go to her sister at Klamathon. I told her I didn't have It at tbe time, and she said 'yoa sell my goveramest cattle.' She came to. towa and saw Earl Bolton, wbo worked at the Ludtke market about It, and on Thursday I went with Roy Beck to tho reservation and drove three head of cattle as far as my wife's place on the reservation. I came oa to town that nlgbt. and told Beck If he didn't near from me to como on In. He came In and we took tbe cattle to Crlsler A Stilt's place. They were to buy these cattle for 146. 'She then went to see Bolton and Mr. Knope, who owns the puce. offered to give her 145, but wsnted a Mil of sale. I told her not to do It. as she would get Into trouble, bat to sell to Crlsler A Stilt. Mr. Stilt would not take them. We fell eat then, nnd I waa to take the horse aad buggy for $100 which she owed me, "She then went to Bolton aad said the cattle, aad went to Ladtke'e slaughter house with them, where they were butchered. Ska stayed there all night, aad Taoslsy moralag I saw Bolton at Wilson's old pVsee and he admitted that they had framed II up to scad me to the pea for driv ing the cattle off the lessiiatloa. The bides have been found aad Idealised. "She says I wanted her to come down town to meet a man. I tried lo get her to see Superlateadeat Wil son and straighten the matter ap. and told her I would confess If she did not. I do not want to have aay thing more to do with her, aad want to get rid ot the whole bunch. As to being guilty of blgsmy, my Srst wife secured .a decree oa April 18. ItOS. and I waa married here oa April t9, UPPER PROJECT MAY LOSE OUT MODOC WANTS WA' aM,MACI WW. MANE ST mtr Land OwtMSW la Vpper Prsjest Net AM Heavy woolen gloves, only tie, at the a Da. MORE LIGHT CHBAPMt UOHT I1UY8 DAVENPORT CAPE Mrs. Chas. Adams has bought the Davonport reataurant from the mortageos, and will open a flrst-claas short ordor houso Saturday morning, Mrs. Adams Is assured of success from the start, on account ot her wldo acquaintance and known ability la thla line, A good short order house near thla location Is sadly noeded, and the opening of the place will be wolcomed by a host pf thou who are compelled to patronise ptil llo eating plsees. Have ua Install aw electric aaeser for jrasj aad aces-nils!. Ike above TheTwagatesi Is THK WHITE Uaht,aadMcosjamdtoswlletM ONLY sawpasacd by tM ELECTRIC ARO Clean, SAFE, aad where row want K, laformatloa that there are apsroilmatsfy M.tw acres la Modae eottaty wktsk at bm beea demonstrated aaa tw Irfisatsd by the water from Clear lake, aad steps have already keen takea h aha supervisors to secure tbe water far these lands. It to qK sresakle that tke Calirerala congraasmsa wlH Mac the matter before eoagresa at tarn aisslon. It to kaowa that there wM ealy he sufficient water la Clear lake te sever tk land la the tieeer project la Klamath county. Aa ealy afeeat lt 000 acres la tke aeeer erajset hare teea signed ap te tke aawraasset, to feared that tke reelsmalssa serrtoe will be compelled te eee safe water la Modoe eonaty aataea tke laad i la Oregoa comely wMk tke of tks government at ease, .aad all tke leads are stamen1 aa. It eaa readily he esse what tke re salt will ke If tke laad ewasra sea uaae la tkelr attKade. as there la set eaoagk water far ketk California la ready aad water, aad K Is esrtala that a I tght will ke pat ap by tke p sepia at that state. Then sa)sM to ke ae as surance, simply kesaass tke meat ken pjeae tke Clear lake will be assd ea tke ditches have keen heist pat la ssettoa, aad K weald he aa eej eoastraet them la Msdse aa la atk coaaty. Tale Is a asrleaa for this sseUea. aad sometkta he does at one. CATHOLIC CHURCH NOTICE Next Sunday, December II, there will he no mass or Sunday school at the Catholic church, Klamath Palls, as the pastor will be at Merrill ea that day. Me. All styles, all designs aad all qualities of wallpaper aad Useless, window shsdes aad rnge at Bamber A Peatrs, exclusive Deleters aad paper bsnters. Phone 114. Christmas Is coming clean kens and have it don ky Mongold's vac uum cleaner. It saves backache, car rets, patience, aad dose the work right. THREATENS THE I Sharif Barnes received tke tatlew lag threat through tke mall. It ' dated at Dorrls. Cat: "It yoa doat tot Sea I will bring a chares deputy of carrying whisky I to Klamath Palls against the law. "A Mr. Barnes says that be hasat scea aay at the wkasky pat k doesat teal Mke tke reaaeet. Tke believes It Is wltkle tke aewer el ska shsrtf te tara leese aay prisaasrs ke might have eoaSasd wKhla tke ty Jail, aad tke writer Is aot aware of tke tact that ke committed a federal crime la tke mails for tale parses. Bsa Aakeland. wke to msattoaed, Is aow servtag a seateae la JaH far selling whisky. He rto. IT DOBS NOT Raise peer lasaraac T Toys are Given Away Oa doilart wort wHk . f5 WOrt Of attalM. ksWftsVMd At The, Portland Store Ideal Perfumes 44 44 I e d Ideal in Naune " Delicacy Luting Quality Bottle Beauty PleaiinrtAppewaiu in Price lltdliAUi&uAiiimvrtto Christmas Packages 25c to $4 St$r Drug Co l it I'O I i Vr- "They Ha?e IT j MMIUIMIIIMIM.IsiMMIII ft O ' 4h . r -r J .H -; ,i'i