The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 15, 1909, Image 1

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    Swr?' ' WTnj
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touting Hcfali.
Our Admtkavs Gtt
Th. Bdtt RtMlM.
BttWir :
mw Ykak. No. 1,0:H
,ta ' uv ,,TV "vs'
immH Ah"' nM,Jr " Mrrtt,,n tm
Unlit lif the Main Hrwrr
fur the Illjr
m:v m iiinuiv mu haw mii.i,
I'pper lhe. Mill Inm-aae Capacity.
Hm Fhe-Year I'ontnirt.
Tlirilf council llt'hii a special
BHltI thli rrnln In t l
nnWr of ordlnanre wlitch Imvo
latroduccd ami l "III"
IW kxalloe tit the innln ltn f the
.ropal r, Tlicre l aomr. uiner
rttrt of o Inlon on the l"tt ' """"'
n at lb council whether tho main
t!p ibonM Imi laid on Klamath or
Milt itreeti.
II t concede .1 that If Hm aewaan It
tin lato the lake that Klamath vo
lt, ogU be the trilir lix-nllim for
lit !. It "ld rter ""r ,rr
rltorr. On th other hand II I argued
tail If lb main eer It Uld on thU
llmt lb (ml wntihl lie too low In
toHttt lth a Mir tank In raae II
audetlded lo tin ii r tli city waa
force' lo do o al m in o fulurn tlino.
Tat awwbcra of th rou nr 1 1 tnrt yea
lr4jr afternoon with City Knslneer
Ziatall aaii went over tho aiine)
of lb atrerl xrailii, and undoubted.
IjirttttliBed at In which Ii the boil
Cbatcllmtn Caitrl, of tho Kir',
vart.l lo ftrnr of getting tho advlco
tf aa additional wwrr cicit front
rprttaat Ufurr definite action U tak
a, Ht claim be I In favor of t'
tltf m mih adTlm on tho matter a
(omlVf, and lhn thrro will tin no
tiaac of miklnx a ttilataki. Thi
Ml)rbJtlon to thl nocrn to b the
iiUj It would cautu.
KOItT KI.AMATII, llir 16. (HK-
tlall Jiihli r Uioilv), rniwyiT for
Otter lliirn. ri'tiirmd trnm tint
rlly Monday ntrmiliiit, ImvltiK pur-
ilmm'il tnnt filnrrx for tin, taw mill,,
ronalalltiK tif an ftiKltii Ixillur, vtr,
nil iiiurti hcavlvr mnrhlnnry than U
now in u"ln tim mill,
Whrn Intlnlli'd tlm luirio liowcr
will In. tiirrcaiKil to IUO, mid tlm mill
will ri''iilu Iml flvn morn addlllonnt
limn In oMrnt It, Tlm rniarlty of
tho, mill will Imi ttntwroii 30,000 and
35,000 frvt iht ilny A tar lontnllc
Inc Ihn machinery will arrltrn at
Ktamalli Kail about Tlmriday of thin
wik. Tho romiany ha a flvp-yrnr
rout mil with thn Kovvrnment, nnd
oil nicotilil of thn Inrrrnxi In Ihn limr-
kct for lumber It wn lniiotibln to
meet Ihn demand mndn upon thn
mill with It pretent eulitnent.
tiller lliirn nrn (orated In a flno
belt of iiiKnr and )nlow lnn. Thny
wilt In nil probability mnkn eitenvlr
hliment of their flrnt Kradn lumber,
hatlnK only a lenmlln haul lo tlm
boat landlnx,
Wky buy Kollno light from tray
illif iicnti when you ran buy them
tbraprr at bumo from a rrllabln firm.
Ut ii quoin )ou prlrni, llaldwln
Motor and Huply Co. I'hono ICt.
KAHl:tlN NTAIt Oi'r-(:ilM
Tlm Kadern Hlnr olecled otnmr
a fiillown at their merllna lait inrii-
Iiik: Mlnnln K Ward, worthy mif
Irn; Cora Handerton, mwx-Ute ma
trot,; Win. Martin, worthy patron.
May Ankmy, rondurtreM; Mr. Ilren, aiorlaln fondurlre; l.ulu
Htrnw, ecri'tary: Mr. Atford, tru-
uter. The new tr inter aro Mr. II
llta, Mr. Murdock, Mra. Itennie.
Thn following offlcc-ra were elected
at the annual election of thn A. K.
A. M. hal) Monday errnlim: A. !..
I.ealtl. worahlpfiil maater; Win, Mar
tin, aenlnr warden: Oeoritn Noland,
Junior warden: K. It. Iteame, treas
urer: Hoy (I, Walker, ecretary.
V. (latea One of tlm Incorporator
anil IMrertora of Ihn New
Article of Incorporation havo been
fllvd at Han Kranclaco and Heddlac,
Cal , of Ihn Hhaata Tower Company.
The rompan) la organised to develop
electric xiwer on I'll river In Hhaata
county, and la capltallied al 11,000,-
000, Thn rompnny tin been formed
to taku over and combine the Inter
eat of a number of owner of water
ilahta on I'll river. Thoae moat large
ly Interfiled In tho project aro John
Coffee Hay of Vlaalla. William A
Cooper nnd II. C. Johnaon of Ban
Pranrltco, and II. V late of Mill
torn. It la pri.oaed to construct dam
and erect machinery for tho genera
tion of electricity. Probably 11,000.'
000 will be ripended In developing
the right taken over by the com
pany. The director betide llaya,
Cooper, Johnaon and Gate are Jee
A. Mllentbal. Albert Itaymond and
Archibald J. Treat.
A. V. A. M.
Hpeclal communication Krlday evc
nlngt December I7lh. for conferlng
tho M. M, degree. Ity order of tho
W. M. O. II. OATKB. Bec'y.
Any tint, and uywherc yov can
war McUi-Blocli fnart Clothca.
Taty wlU cany yoa throiih tac
cbaaat bvaiaaaa daal. or aka
yoa look dlgalftod and a-rloua at
yowchvrck. Tkay art tka klgk
at claaa of raady-to-wcar clotkaa
laAaurlca. Tfcay ara iprlcad ao
aa to aaat your aalf -rwpact atora
tkaikalfway. Try tata. on:::::::
What make tho land tlrcdT
Karmer Jonea la worried. Ill flelda
aro not nearly ao productive an they
uted'to be.' Ill corn doe not yield
o many buaheli to the acre, and even
Ihn potatoe nhow leavened crop.
Thl aort of thing tell on the banlt
account. Karmer Jone Judge, from
nil ho ran learn, that tho aoll la be.
coming eihauated In other word
that ao much ot the plant food It
originally contained ha been taken
out of It by ofl-ropcated cropping that
It I In a meaiuro uod up. To reaun
ply It with plant food he buya and
contribute to the land quantltle of
nxprnalve ferllllacr. They fall to
produro tho noped-for rcault, and
then the unhappy farmer come to
the melancholy conclusion that hU
ncre are "worn out" that I to any.
rendered Inrapablo for tho futuro or
jlelillng profitable return.
Such "worn out" land comprlae a
largo part of tho State of Virginia.
They cover extcMlve area In Nof
Knglaud and elaowhero In the Bait.
Ho hopelcu are they ronaldered fo.
ngrlrulluro that Ihcy can often be
tmrchaaod for a mere ong. Abau-
douetl farm tornakon merely bo
cauio they aro no longer productive
may bo found Mattered all over theau
aecilon of tho country.
And ec thvro I nothing really the
matter with thee farm at all
event nothing that ought to bo very
difficult to remedy. Their toll I Jut
ua good, and rapablo ot aa abundant n
frullfulnc, aa It ever waa aavo ror
tho fact that through lack of proper
uao and treatment chemical aub
Blancva ot a polaonou nature havo
accumulated In It. It la theao tub-
rtance that render the land unpro
Tho dUcovery ot theio "toll toxin"
aa they aro railed, represent one of
tho nowevt and moat Important addi
tion to scientific knowledge In rela
tion to agriculture It baa already
gone far onough to enable the expert
ot tho government bureau ot tolla to
point to certain doflnlte chemical
compound, reprwontod by actual
namplva contained In llttlo bottle, aa
the toxin In oueatlon. Theao aub-
atance not all ot which have boen
Itolatod aa yet, howovcr are known
poiltlvoly and beyond question to bo
the poison that causo "aoll fatigue."
Technical World Magasine.
Ity Kttm WTott the Vote tUf Be
lUpMly lairrnMfu.
Tho double vole offer tor new tub-
crlbera Is meeting with favor ana
tho candidate are already reporting
a largo number of new ones. This
will bo tho last special offer ot any
kind to bo made during this content,
and the candidates havo signified
their Intention f putting forth evtrv
effort to secure a targe number before
It closes. Aa there seems to be some
contusion aa to the meaning of the
term "new aubscrlbor" we offer tho
following explanatien: Anyone who
at the time of making a payment I'
not receiving tho paper will be con
aldered new. People who havo been
taking the Herald but have discon
tinued at some previous timely ub
ncrlblng now will be eonlder4 new.
All persons who havo been added to
tho Hat slnco tho contest opened will
tie considered new until the cIom. Dyl
making another payment your favor
ite will receive the additional votos.
Candidate are not limited a to tho
rumber of subscriptions during thl
offer. Parties wishing may leave
their ubcrlptlon In the office and
thn vote will bo cait for their choice.
In making a canvas for new sub
scriber candidate should not over
look the old oae. Next Monday the
regular vote schedule wilt bo la force,
and will bo strictly adhered to until
tho close.
Hecond Fajrasrwta.
On your first visit a great many of
your frlenda gave you a throo-fsonths'
ubscrlptlon and asked you to call
at some futuro date and they would
ro-aubscrlbo. Don't overlook any ot
Ihem. You will get more vote on
tho second payment than you did on
the first. It oa your Irat trip thoy
gave you throo-moaths' aatojrtptloB
rou received 300 votos. It on your
next call they give you an additional
thr month it will entitle you to
C00 vote, totaling 00 vote tor the
clx months. Or It they paid you for
a year you would receive 3,000 Vote
lesa the three hundred already count
ed, or 1.700 votos for a M.76 pay
Remember, you havo only 'a few
days In which to ooe twopoopl who
havo promised to kelp you. Start in
tedav: If you wait for tho iat tew
days you are bound to overlook some
of them.
The candidate and how they stand
Helen Harris 5.000
Flora Maaten 1,000
Qolda Same 13,000
IMtch CoaM Be Pilled) aad R1U of
Way Revert to the Porsaer
Mayor Sanderson 1 anxious to se
cure a correct list of tho present own
ers of tho water rights along the old
Ankeny canal, a arrangement are
now under way with tho reclamation
service whereby the city Is to take
over the canal from tho Leavltt place
south. Tho arrangements call for a
pipe lino to bo put la aad tho ditch
filled. In thl case the land now
owned at a right of way I to be
transferred to the original owner or
ih.i abutting property. It is very
nceesaary that tho present owner ot
the water right bo known, so that
the arrangements with the govern
ment can bo completed early In the
3 ear.
The following list ha been secured
but It I not known If It Is correct or
not, and tho requeet Is made that all
owner of water right hand their
name to Police Judge Leavltt al
once, ao that action In tho matter will
not bo delayed.
Following la a list ot those who are
supposed to own water right:
C. D. Wilson, A. L. Leavttt.-R. A
Alford, B. R. Roam. J. W. SiemanaJ
J. 0. Pierce, Charles Robert. George
T. Baldwin. Mra. Margaret McMillan.
lb Brick Store (Van Sycle). Prod
Noel, C. H. Wtthrow. H. M. Briatoll,
John Uerllng. Mra. B. B. Hodrick.
Roy Hamakor. Alas Martin Jr., O. W.
White, County Court House, Mra. 8.
8. Henley, Dr. P. M. White. 3. C.
Moagold. L. P. WtllltU. Roy Walker.
J. D. Fountain. Mr. E. B. Wis. Fred
Mang. P. T. Sandorson, W. T. Shire.
S. T. Summer. Mr. E. V. Cogswell,
Mra. B. B. Van Brimmer, J. M. Brans.
Mrs. J. V. Brandenburg, Mra. 8. Tay
lor, Oscar North, J. W. Bryant, J. H.
Farrar, C. R. DeLap.
FOIIT KLAMATH. Dec. 16. (Spe
cial) The Long Lake Lumber com
pany Is hauling baled bay from here
to their camp near Pelican bay.
Richard Dreltensteln and Mr. Rich
ardson arrived Monday for hay from
the Pelton k Slsemore ranch. Tim
othy hay Is f IS per ton.
On account of the lake being frown
over people on tbo West Side aro be
coming abort of supplies, aad are "up
against It" for tho mall.
Mercury 4 above at Sbattuck' thl
morning, and the dogs aad coyote
run on and port on the crusted snow.
Loosley aad Ryan Slsemore. Jno.
Knott. Cbas. Zomboom aad Ja. oOr
doa were on a auccoatful Btblag aad
huntlag trip at the bead of Wood
river today.
Willie Norrla I not Improving a bit
from hi two-week' spell of sleknos.
Dr. White may bo called tomorrow If
be doe not Improve.
Mr. Spink la now taking advantage
of the good sleighing, aad Is haullaj
hi hay from the McCoy ranch to the
Wheeler Is bobsleighing hi barn
full of hay from tho Richard Melhaai
The Adam' dredger Ii near the
Weed bridge. Intend to cut a canal
west from the bridge to Boron Mile.
Water aaLsfco to
Arthur 8. Benton, ton of H. L.
Benson, and deputy clerk of tho Si
promo Court at 8alem. aad Ml
EaUe May Kin;, clerk to Aaoodato
Justice McBride, aro collaboraUag on
n digest which la to bo supplementary
lo Montagu' Oregon digest. Aa
Moatatuo'a lct laaladea only 43
volume ot tka Orosjaa report K t
fast boeomlac out of data.
Tko.aow will ka
boaad. ard t intended to aorro a
temporary parpoa only, aad until a
now aad rovtaod digest caa k com
riled. The supplementary digest will
coatala tka doctoloa ot tka Oregon
Supreme Court eoatalaed la tka Oro-
goa report from tka 43d to tk BJd
volume, inclusive. Tho latter volume
will soon bo off the pi
May Not Be
Tk board ot auttorriaors ot Mad
county will at oae take a wKk Caa
groaamaa EagUbrigkt of California
tka mattor of aretaetlac tka rifMa
ot Modoc couaty to tka water t
Clear Lak.
At a peelal meotlag of tka kaara
recently held E. C. Boaaer appeared
aad asked that Modoc county pro
tect her right la tka kady ac waaar
Known a Clear take, wklek la aRj
atod la tka couaty. aad wklek waltr
supply Is to be ued to Irrtgat toad
la tke Klamatk project la Orogoa.
It It claimed that tkoro to a vast
stretch of land !a Modoc en
which could bo irrigated front tk.
water ot the lak. aad tka wpervte
crs believe Modoc ahontd kav kor
rights la tk mattor.
Supervising Eagtaeer patch at tk4
Ktomatk project I oat of tke etty to
day, aad It to not known wkat tka
coadlUoaa ara from taa ataadaalat ot
tho reclamation sarrtoo, tat it It
kaowa tkat tka ovaraatont tagtaitr
havo boon la tkat seMa raoaatty av
voeUgatlac U auttar. K daatatsat
baa yot koaa roaekod. aad R la ko
Ueved to ba a aueotloa wkotkor thir
will be auJIetoct water la Clear lake
to Irrigate tk toad la
akfaaatlea at
down and 110 par month will buy you
a new coy two-room cottage, fur
nished complete If you wish, large
closet and pantry, electric lights, city
water, sidewalk, lot 80x130. In "Hot
Spring Addition." Threo and four
room house on equally attractive
term. Seo tbo owner, Nelson Rounse
cll, at Qlllette Flats, evenings, or at
the house every day.
Have Install aa electric ateter for
yoa aad) accompllsk tk above
The Twagstea to
Ltojht, aad a compared to mm Ufjkt to
ONLY mrpaascd by tke
Clean, SAKE, aad whore yoa
Raise yoar laaaraaca
Bertha Evan t vlr to W. P. Aran.
several lota la blk. (S Nicola addition
to Klamath Fall: f 10.
A. Patterwa et us to L. Oerber.
3tt aero of 8WH ot 8W ec 1.
twp. 41 8. r. 10 hi; 110.
Loul Qerber et us to Mablo J. Pat-
tsrson. blk 4 of Terwllllger addlUoa
to city of Merrill: 110.
Wn. Tobla et us to F. P. Hlsoa,
WH and 8EK of NEH nnd NEH Jt
&R aec. 36, twp. 37 8. r. 11 E; $10
Edward Anderson et us to F. P,
lllson. WH ot NEK aec. 3, twp. 7 S
nnd 8WU of BE aec. 34, twp. 3 H.
r. 10 Ei $1,600.
A. Hatch to Chat. P. Bray NWK
kcc. 34, twp. 3 8, r. S E: $10.
Emma L. Gardner to John Irwin,
iota C. 7, 10 and 11 in aec. 3, twp. 40
3, r. HE; $10.
N. 8. Men ill to J. P. Harter, blk.
14. towa of Merrill: $400.
Howard Shepherd to B. F. Shep
herd. 100x18 foot la lot 3, blk. 14,
Klamath Falls: $10 and other.
Katherlao L. Hull to Blooming-
camp Bros., lots 1 and 3, blk. 44.
Cowne addition' to Bonanta; $10.
American Bank nnd Trust to T. J.
Jackson, lot 3, blk. 7, Lakeside addi
tion to Klamath Fall: $1.
George C. Hill to Netha H. Hill, lot
1, blk. 37. Hot Spring addttloa to
Klamath Falls: $10,
Joseph Bennett to Bertha Evans,
lot 1. blk. 64. Nichols addition to
Klamath Falls; $10.
Cattle aad Moatgomary will appear
toalght In aa Intense dramatic sketch.
"Sowing nnd Reaping." taken from
tk groat English play. "Sporting
Ufa." Castle aad Montgomery pro
duced this Interesting sketch for two
season on th Orpheum circuit.
Tk pictures "Modern Algeria."
"Tka.Now Footman." "The Unexpect
ed Ouett." "Famine, or a Mother'
It will raaalra twa oartoada at aa-
per to yrtat Ortojea'a aw eada. Tka
cod will constat ot two Tataaaaa. aad
tber wUI ha printed S.MI aota, ar a
total of 10.006 volume, a rpU
bly largo library. 8taU Prtatar Daa
Iway eotlmato that Ua prlaUag will
Uke 70,000 pound of book paper.
The first volum has already boon
compiled, aad the copy to being plaeei.
In tk head of the printer rapidly.
William P. Lord. Jamas B. Moatasao,
Jam Godfrey aad William P. Lard
Jr. compose tho comml tea eraaUd
by th last leglslatur far eomplUas; a
new cod. It wUI k ready far dto
trlbuttoa la November, lilt.
All atylM. all designs aad all
qualltle ot wallpaper aad linoleum,
window shade aad ruga at Bambor
Pealr, exclusive palators aad paper
hanger. Pfcoao $14.
Christmas Is coming clean house
aad nave It dona by Moagold'a vac
uum cleaner. It save backacko, car
rels, patience, aad doe tk work
Tk tMtlmoay la tka ease at Patau
or vs. tk Klamatk Fall Lead aad
Transportation company wag ffatohad
thl afternoon, aad at 4 o'etaak tka
arguments ot tka attorney ksgaa It
to expected that tho aaaa will aa strea
to tke Jury thl ovoalng.
Standard kolow wire llgktUf aya
tems at Baldwla Motor aad laaaly
company. Pkoae IS1.
Heavy wooloa glevat. aaly tie. at
tke D Deal.
The following officer wore elected
tor tke ensuing term oy a. u. u.
W, Lodge last evening: Harry
Ooeller. M. W.: F. Sim Baldwla, lore
man: J. B. Swanseu, overseen Ed
mund Qowen, guide; J. W. Stomeas,
recorder; Ales Martin Jr.. ffaaaeier;
Oeort T. Baldwin, receiver.
The Klamath Shoe store baa a sal
on, for December Itth, tor oae day
Toys are Given Away
Oaa dollart wortk wltk aack
f5 wortk of amdaa. vHwckaaad
At The Portland Store
Ideal Perfumes
iaeai in aune
u Delicacy
Laiting Quality
Bottle Beauty
in Price
! In ihort, ldMl in each and every paiticikr
Christmas Packages
25c. to $4
Star Drug Co.
"1HCT XMVV uv-
A - frc '1 l.
At .
f mi
ri t