The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 14, 1909, Image 1

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' M
' If
Our Advirtkwn Ort
!d Beit Dully. I
Puck 5 Cents
el Law
pasM coiniy mors ir
UrtraMl Blerled by Pre" . '
liua llrrrtillr Hrltl at
Poor ol4 Orrson. which wire In-
(M4 M''r '" ""lrn ,"r,,,,
tit, lll " bo confined In Ilia
WIUBBrtlo taller. if Ibe many motif
eitll lor ! dllalou art. aurcoia
fiL prQol' h" '"" ''","1 '""
lif oa formation tif now ll
froa potlloni of Oregon, Washington
u4 Hio. I' reiirlwl that tho
trwprrt ' bright fur surer.
Jcl'" California want to lw !
inled from Northern California, nnd
h lilnt mutrliirnl U In rrrntn n
mv idle t be rnlliit Hlakl)iu mil
ol 8outkrti Oregon hiiiI Northern
At I mrrllnK ot Iho Jackson County
ITm tuttflitlon Ut i'k rmolit
llou r pasanl endorsInK "lh
noiraesl, tJ committee appointed
to co-oprte wild I tin prcsa and (mix
it of Ik Mvllnn Involved and rail a
miration ol ri'prcsrnlatlvn (lllirni
tt Hut ftrln(i, Yrrka, or umin
Mkrr California point, In Itm near fu
lire, aid formulate plan and out
Hi I course nf action to tiring tho
Muswat lo a iurrrifu culmln.
lloi. Common cauie wilt bo inadn
tllk lh promoters of llin li nw Male
li Biittrn Washington ami Southern
Il eommrnlliig on Iho itibjert llin
aMford Mall-Trlbune say:
"11; rormalljr Indorsing ihn movi
fcfit ot Ihn new Dale of Hlaklyoil
4 ipcolniltm rommlltoe lo launch
the raiupilgn lor iwolon, tho Jack
osCounly I'm .association atrurk a
lopilir rhonl and ono tl.-atlned to
U fir-reaching and beneficial re
Hi. To be mrc, no state haa over
Any time, and anywhere you can
war Mein-Blocl. f mart Clothei.
They will carry you through the
cloaaat Dulneea deal, or make
yon look dignified and atrioua at
your church. They are the high
eat cUea of ready-to-wear dothea
in AnMrica. They are priced no
ea to aeet your aeir-reapect more
than half way. Try them on:::::::
Thia More will
been divided after admission eicepl
VlrKlnlul .lint that la no rcinlon wliy
literal ahotild not lie, particularly
Ormnii, wlii'fn n iiisjurlly of iho mi.
illation inn iinrriiMr.vlalfim'd incif
Imika mid iiikM inimt of ili r I'liiTity
In liloiklriK iriKri',
"Hoiillii'in Orrmin lina iioIIiIiik In
Kiiutiioii with Woium Ori'Kon, n illf
formit ullmnli, illftiTi'iii ri'Miirici,
illffiri'iil ihiiii, our iikmIh itnil ilc
In nro not roiiiiruluiultl, mid no
llirllnntlnii la aliown lo rotiirhind
lliliii, Hiiulliiirii Ort'Kon, llko Nuiili.
rn Cnllforiiln, la ultirly litnored, '(
It whrn II num. to iayinK lai,
tkliliniit roiri'ai'iiuilnii In lulu or i
llnnnl yiivvriiiui-iil, u tat iinir.',
with iMvan hnrhora, mIUi Krcater na
tural rraoiirn-a, xrpali'r tlinbrr and
mineral wraith. and arciilc attractloui
than any aecllon on llm itlolio
.m,ii. niNTiucr itnw
lllda tri now Miik ndtertlaot for
ritrryhiK tho mall bpiwn.n Klatnaih
Kail and l.kttlw nnd Klani.ilh
I'nlla and Kort Klamath, lllda Mill
Im iih'Ih'iI on January 1, 19 10, r.i.d
art' for n term of four )eara from
July, 1910 until July. Ill. Th.i
Dral lontruit rotera a dllanr of 101
liillri, and thn irii'til ronlrart pay la
t&,t7r..& Tin. mall lo Port Klnin.
nth II to hi. delivered by way of
Odewa and Klaiualh Aicenry all llmei
a week Tim Odeaaa mall In tm aup
piled only htwren April I and Uo
reinlirr St of each rnr. Thn preonl
rinitracl pay l t,
Tho Wmtern (tnlnn arc having
Milc hauled and distributed alons
(lie itrrel for Ihelr lelesrapll lino
Into tho city, Work will Kimnieiue
on Ihn eriTllon of tho Milea ant
alrhiRlnK of wln-a aa loon aa Ihn
fr.inrhl. la pnued by tho rlly coun
cil, Thn pole am lo bo placed on
Klaiualh atenue and for nnn lilork on
Main aUret,
Why buy Raaollno llghta from trav
eling agenta when ou ran buy them
cheaper at homo from a reliable firm.
Let III quolo )oil price. Ilaldwln
Motor and Huply Co. Plume VG1.
Ihicka and dreaard Kiultry any day
at thn Monarch Morcanlllo company.
Nupply Ktlrn Water for lwn Irriga
tion or for llin HiinklitiK of
I he Hlrnl
ludliallona nro that Iho old Ank-
en) canal iiuUnma I lo Imi abated lo
Hie of all parllea and thn
herinM ot Iho illy. Thn matter haa
Ixeii lieloro liiembora of Iho council
ami tho tevlamiitloti aervko ofnclal
for aoiun I lino, hut It waa only within
I lie lnt fnw daa that any deflulto
tiuileralaiidlng could b arrived at.
Maor Kiinderaou haa been pound
lug away nt the Koternmetit oMlclal
trying to gel Iho matter aoltled either
by llm government pulling In a plpo
linn or elan turning Iho dllrh over to
Iho city, and ha nt lnt met with itn
o-M In n letter received by llm
ma)or from HiimtvUIiir Knglneor
llopaou, ho atalea llial ho I willing lo
n commend to Iho Washington ofllco
that not lo excei-d two ond feet of
water bo furnUhed tho city, provided
Ihn city nuaumo the obligation of do-
llvering tho forty-ono liichca ownnl
liy realdent of iho rlly. nnd alao lay
thn pipe to replaro tho dllch.
In tlda cam the dllch can bo filled
nnd Iho right of way now owned !;'
iho government would revert lo the
original owner. Mr. Kanderion went
uter tho matter fully with Knglnrcr
I'alch Ihla morning, and an agrov
ment wa practically reatbed aa to a
fair propoaltlon lo bo iiibmltted.
According In Iho underalandlni:
lenlatlvely arrived at Iho propeity
nwnera along Iho dllch who aro af
fected aro to pay for Iho plpo an I
complelo filling Iho dllch after Iho
plpo li lain and entered. Whero tho
linn li ucroaa public thoroughfare
Iho rlly I In do thn nine. Tho gov
ernment I to Inipect and lay tho pipe
In consideration of paying for tho
plpo tho property now mod a a right
of way I In retort In Iho original
owner, and tho entlro city I to bo
furnUhed 100 miner' Inche of wal.T
during tho entlro ear. Tho city, in
turn, aumet tho obligation now
encumbent on Iho reclamation aervlco
In furnlih Iho forty-ono water right,
looting Iho city fifty-nine nilner'c
Inche ot perpetual water right.
Tho let tor from Knglneer llopaon li
a folewa:
Portland. Ore, Dec. 3. 10.
Hon. V. T. 8andoron, Mayor, KlanH
nth r'nll. Oregen:
Dear Sir Inferring to notlco
lorved by 0rnr I.. Carter, city mar
ahull and chief of police ot Klamuth
Fall, on Mr. W. W. 1'atch, project
engineer, In tho matter of tho Ankeny
ditch, I nolo a complaint by tho
health rommltteo ot tho common
council n follew:
"An liunvrtlon of tho Ankony ca
nal running through tho city now
owned nnd operated by Iho reclama
tion orvlco reveal a de
plorable .Into of filth and contaminat
ing matter and ubtance acrlouily
contaminating and menacing tho
health of tho pooplo of tho city
You may bo reauurod that the
reclamation aervlco will promptly
tuku top to romovo any filth or oth
er contaminating matter llablo to en
danger tho health ot tho community.
I requoit that you wll hnvo tuch mat
ter promptly pointed out to the prop
er official of tho crvlco.
Hoforrlng to Informal dlicunlon
between yourntdt and Mr. Patch roln
tlvo to a poailblo filling In of part
of thl canal and to' tho suggestion
advanced by you at tho public meet
ing ot November 8th, I bollove an ar
rangement of thl kind hould bo on
tored Into, Thl com to mo tho only
foaalblo nlan whoroby tho City ot
Klamath Kail can bo rolleved ot tho
open canal and tho obligation! of tho
government carried out.
You undoritaud, ot courio, that no
far aa tho official ot the reclamation
sorvlco aro concerned we would be
glad to discontinue tho portion ot the
canal which paiso tnrougn me mica-
y aettled part of the town. The only
reason why the canai i connaumi
through thl portion ot the city la to
deliver tho forty-one Inche ot water
which the government li obligated to
deliver, If tne elty cm and will take
upon lUolf thl obligation and lay a
plpo for tho purpoao I bellow nn ar
rangement can bo made whereby tho
water delivered Into tho plpo by tho
aervlco will bo aufllilcnt not only to
aupply tho forty-ono Indie before
mentioned, but aucti additional land
within the city limit aa will bo bono
fllod by water aervlco, to n total
amount not exceeding two sccon.l
feet during tho Irrigation season.
I bellovo an arrangement of thla
kind will bo satisfactory In every way.
Tho city will bo relieved or what It
consider a nuisance; It will further
ho nblo to utlllio tho space now occu
pied by the canal a a roadway, or tho
land ran bo permitted to revert to
Iho abullora lo their great advantage.
On Iho other hand, tho reclamation
aervlco will bo relieved of a aourco of
much troublo and tho cxpenao of
Mr. I'alch and I will be yery glad
lo hear that tho city desire lo no
ahead with some auch plan a iuq
gnated by )ou, and )ou man rely o.i
our ro-oprratlon.
Whenever Ihn city will submit a
definite nnd satisfactory proposition
Iho matter will bo referred to tin
Washington office nnd request mndo
for authorltallon. Itesnertfully,
K. a. IIOPriON.
Hupervlilng Knglneer.
Tho Herald I getting a special tela
graph aervlco. It come from Port
Klamath, and W. K. Ilowdoln. tho
popular Job printer. I knight of the
key at thl end of tho lino. Mr. How
doln ha a special attachment to bl
telephone, and by throwing a switch
he ran convert tho lino between thl
city and Port Klamath Into a tele
graph line. Dally ho sends and re
ceive mensage with the Port, and to
make It more real, ha lately been
receiving tho local new for the ben
efit ot the Herald lubscrlbcr. It
bear the distinction of being the
first telegraph now service In tho
county, a fact which history must re
cord, a It chronicle tho Important
fact of thl period.
A Chicago dispatch date th.t
probably tho most rcmarkablo loco
motlvo order In the history of rail
road I being delivered to the South
ern Pacific. It consist ot 33 freight
engine of tho Mallet compound tye
Twrnt)-ono of iheio nro ot tho same
site a two which nro now at work
on tho mountain division or tiu
tlouthern Pacific. Theso engine
weigh 200 ton, and aro In fact two
locomotive In one. A peculiar fact
I that wine ot tho railroad between
tho eastern work and tho western
destination refused lo haul them o"o
their track, feailng both for the
track and tho bridge. Despllo thl
fact, tho Southern Pacific ordered !"
locomotive of thl kind and weight.
knowing that they wore not especially
hard on track. Knch of the monitor
coat 130,000.
The Klamath Shoe toro ha a salo
on tor December ISth, for one day
Have mh Install an electric snetrr for
you and accomplish the above
The Tungsten la
Light, and aa compared to sna light I
ONLY surpassed by the
Clean, HAPK, and where iron want It,
Raise your Insurance
Toys are Given Away
Oi dollar! wort wit cadi
95 worth of mIm. iwrchMod
At The Portland Store
Only Nino Working Day Left,
Knur of Which HpecUl Offer
I Good
Nino more working day will tell
the tale. If you havo a favorite In
Iho Herald' great popularity content
on have but a short time In which to
mat-o your payment. The candidate
will need every tubscrlptlon, md If
your favorllo I In tho lead now dnn't
bllutv )our?lf to think that she I
col iig lo win without a hard fight.
Koine rival lower down In thi Hit m.iy
hnvo a largo reserve vote. If you have
promised our lubtcrlptlon to either
of tho randldate now I the time to
make good. There I no advanlogo
In waiting until Iho lait, and you
uipport at thM time will crcouraK?
)our favorite a great deal.
HirrUI Offer for .New Habucrlhrr.
In view of tho unuiual Intcrnit
Moused by cur lost special offer wc
I lave decided to make ono more for
tho benefit of tew lubtcrlbor. Till
crffr w rcnn , foxo for (o r
days only,, closing Saturday night.
at 6 o clock There are probably a
fow of your friends who are not tak
ing tho Herald at the present time
tec them ana navo tnem suoacrioo
during this offer. Remember, It close
Saturday night.
Tho Hprclal Offer.
For each now subscriber handed In
by or for any of tho contestant with
In the next four days the Herald will
luuo doublo vote as follew:
On each three Months' Mhsrriptio.i
lld In advance, GOO vetes: on rath
i( mondia', l,HOO votes; on each
yearly, 4,000 votes. Candidates nr
cot limited as to the number of sub'
scrlptlon they may get during thl
offer. Work hard; seo tho people!
who are not getting the Herald r.t
tho prcaont tlmo and tho remit will
surprlio you. Remember, this offer
npplles to now subscriber only, the
regular vote will be Issued on old
Candidate ihould poll a fow votes
every day to let their friend know
they aro still In the race. Every can
didate I working hard to win out
md tho retcrvo votes are piling nx
You rnuit work to win. Do not bo
como over-confident: tho other can II-
dates are working Just as hard aa you
are, and probably have enough votes
pledged to take the lead If they were
all handed In.
Following Is the standing of tho
Helen Harris 60,000
Flora Mastcn GT.700
Qolda Uarne ..'. 33,000
down nnd 110 per month will buy you
a new cosy two-room cottage, fur
nlshed complete If you wish, largi
closet and pantry, electric lights, cltj
water, stdowalk, lot 50x130. In "Hot
Spring Addition." Three nnd four
room house on equally attractive
term. Seo the owner, Nelson Rounse-
veil, at Gillette Flats, evenings, or at
tho home every day.
Annual election of officers Tuesday
evening. December 14. All members
aro requested to be present. By order
ot tho Worthy Matron.
LULU STRAW, Secretary.
Thrco year ago as tho Overland
Limited dashed through the night In
tho bad lands forty-five mile wct
of Cheyenne, Wyo., a rail broke in
two and catno up through tho bottom
of tho baggage car. In an Instant tho
train of nlno cars was piled thirty
feet high, whllo about and beneath
the wreckago wero moro than ICO
dead or Injured human being. A
frightful sleet (torm with biting cold
was raging, and to this the hurt and
dying lay exposed.
Tho locomotive wa wrecked, so
that It was Impossible to cut Ioom
and raco ahead to the nearest set
tlement with word of the disaster,
and It seemed a If nothing could be
dono to savo the sufferers except to
flag tho next train, due In Ave boar,
when, from under the wreck, on hi
hands and kneo stumps, came an ap
parition leaving a red trail behind. It
proved to be Frank Bhaley, a tele
graph lineman, who has been sent up
tho road to locate wire trouble and
ho had his satchel of Instrument
strapped aero bis shoulder and bad
been In tho baggago car when the
crash came. Clutching the precious
ratchet, ho dragged himself forward,
but his leg had been mahcd off nt
the knee and ho wa bleeding fright
"Tho telegraph! Cut In on the
telegraph!" ho shouted, but not a
man there knew which ono of the
rcore or wires to cut, and Shaley him
self could not tell without testing.
They threw a rope across an arm of
one of tho poles, passed a sling about
the dying man, and hoisted blm up.
Then be cut aid groaaded tba win
and connected his telegraph key.
Tenderly propped by anxious hands,
he began to send the call for the
Cheyenne operator, meanwhile gating
etolcally at the pool where hla lite
blood ebbed away. At that unusual
hour of the night be found trouble
In raising bla man, and he pounded
his key for ten minutes before he got
an aniwerlng dick.
"Ne: 17 terlble wrecked forty ailci
west of Cheyenne. Send hospital
train," he said. Then they pillowed
his head on the satchel and an arm
ful of waste, while forty miles away
a whistle shrieked through the night
and brought engineer, fireman and
300 Japanese tumbled onto the
wrecking train, followed by the hos
pital train with doctors and nurses.
Out Shaley was gone when they came.
Not a line In the ashen taco betrayed
tho Inhuman torture bo must havo
undergone, nor the strain ot turning
his mind from his own agony and Im
pending doom to the little bras in
strument with which he bad saved
scores of Uvea, A. W. Rolker, la
Everybody's. '
Alt styles, all designs and all
qualities of wallpaper and llBoleum,
window shade and ruga at Bamber ft
Pealrs, exclusive painters and paper
hangers. Phone as.
Christmas Is coming clean home
and havo It done by Mongold's vac
uum cleaner. It safes backache, ca'
rcts, patience, nnd doea the work
Elegant 6
Cut Glass
What you will in
Cat GUm it it
here. Wthaveit
and want to ahow
it to yon. May we?
r nA
ConstrnrUe of TMa
Plant to Be
The contract has been approved tor
the purchase by the reclasaaUon serv
ice of about sixty feet of tho Leavttt
pMco on which they hold an option.
The ratisfer win he made before U
end of the yar or Just aa boo h tho
abstrurts are paired apon.
Thl ptoperty Is to ho nsd by the
service ns n location for a power
plant, which will bave a capacity of
over ZOO horse power. The ptaat to
l erected on the Wert BMe will be
v'OH horse power, an1 the two aill
be (onnrct.-'d and run with on crew.
In speaking of the matter Project
Engineer Patch atnfd that R had
been planned to commence tho trac
tion of both planta.early thla swrlag.
but that recently tho plana had been
changed,, and work would not bo
started ' until probably later la thn
summer. It la the desire of tlM do
partment to Irst settle the maltar be
tween themselves and thn Water
Users' aseoclatloa relative to tho In
crease In the capital stock.
The Irst association of
Roosevelt with tho paras "th hat
stick" date from a is nek deliver d
by blm nt Chicago la IMI, Oa that
occasion said: 'There la a haaaalf
old adage which run. 'Speak afUr
and carry a big stick, aad jaa wkH
go far.' "
The New York World la aa idHsr
lal published September SO, liM. re
vived the ipeecb. contrasting H, la
parallel columns with Boos trait pa
cific speech to tho delegate of tho
Inter-parliamentary Peace Ualeaea
September , 1104.
The first cartoon embodying "th
big stick" Idea waa published la th
World ot October It, 1104. It rep
resented Roosevelt mounted oa a
fiery steed, throwing n laaeo areand
tho flying Angel ot Peace aad earry
lng a cudgel bearing th word "big
stick" upon It.
The member of th sea! board
teld their regular meeting last va
ing, and after th regular roaUa of
business waa transacted, a dlscaartaa
waa entered Into relative to th Bw
school building. Th matter now be
fore the board la the seleetlen'of th
best system ot beatlag. '
Heavy woolen glove, only lie at ,
the D Deal.
Standard holow wire lighting sys
tems nt Baldwin Motor aad Bnpply
company. Phone Itl.
P 'VVk vf-Ffw
Hw ft" .'A
Have It
$.JWtyy- . -ytti
' ' .