' -"'$gK$r" i ' yv 1""'t!fl!j" Wl' ? A Yj, Jt, IP "f ft AV rfalb. tjettittil Our Amtknri Ot J IhmiihFalto'nnt J Tito Seat : " Ik sal Law mumYicAK. No. 1,030 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1909. FaW3 6CZNTS TIMBER HERE INDUCEMENT .asm TKI'ItK KIM i:K TO lirMJUl' 1.1'MIIKII WIHWHV maiYWILLBCHRMINUS That '- Will End Men' lata hnrii Time a Hill Rsild m 'Waco Ai latfreitlng artlclo In tho Or. Htlu ImiJ" ut'liulil Ilia belief lilt KUmtlh Fall I I" be H"1 "t" jjm potato! the Hill road through CMinl Omon. Tttr U nu lunicnr any doubt thai .lUckJtttlt H" "' '" "," rH"' W Ikroutb Ida Diwchuli't Itiutill) It IM iwal x1'1 S'tnn timber region c( XkMlh county, mill that Ktan ilk rtlli h ba Hi" termlnu until ixl tin m Hi" nwil I puahed on t Im rrinclKo, Two crown of n llin tato been engaged In ttm wrtkrrs part i'( tll taunt)', nnn mIIh preliminary nrvcy of tho wllrt ml to the rait rlilo of Upper KUatU Uie, and going out over tl totihtrn pacific from here, au4 ltretli!f that ttm party wn n Wi4 of timber rrulaera ttrlven out lit Uf food by Ilia heavy mows of IktpMtfaw vreks, Brsjsalag nrsrly four year ago ika lis arijulilllon of tho Klamath Uktreltrosd, ritendlng from Thrall t.Ftsasuta, and aoine 30,000 acre tuskrUn4 tbat had been brought tits Us koldlag of that company by IWm; Uadlojr, tho We)erhuuer TlaWr roaipany ha bought other sole) of the Jeuny Creek plateau ill tkroigbuul tho chutcrat belts of tt mat KUmath forests, until tho tteJutsot tb big irndlcato now ap ratlMtt J,000 acre. Thli reu- trmtU the Uvcatuienl of several mil. IIom of capital by thU on company. BtMlIn a Cariwntrr. heavy oper Mora, sate recently mado eilcnitvo, (CoalKturO oa Page I) Two tliuuiiitid fin't of ni'w picture at tho Opnra llouae tonight "Her lluay liny" Id oim n tlmxi ilollKhtful romeille full of Urn untupecteil, A wonderful HloKtnpli nt ft), acted nnd pri'MUltnil In III)) liana) oitellcnt Hinti tier whlrh lina become nliiiiml ayiion- nniou with their liitinn U tho "Tragic 1.0 vt." A very mmitliig rotnedy I tho rlevor llttla ak.ll, "My Wife' (lonu to tho Country,", while hubby performs tho usual foolish nnll at tributed to tlm whilom harhelur "Tho Tricky Druiiumrn" and "Tim Klddlu and the Kan" am two other eiually IntereatliiK fllun ahowu tonight. MAY ASSESS A DRAINAGE TAX j.tnm HKi'i'K katii:ii oy vks NIMIiait TO IIK.NHOM'M A LC1UR IROM BALUNGCR lu U'hlfh tlte Hnrrfarr That a Tat May lk Intlntate I'arl It ha romo to light rerently Hint the HeiiMinllrlgga Idea relative to the aaln of the beU of the lakei M quite old, having originated nlxiu. four yoara ago with Jarob llcutk. Mr. Ileurk conrelveil the Idea that thojandownnr of the project ihoull recelro Miiim benefit from thU land, and accordingly wroln the pecrriar,- of the Interior, luggratltiK that n drainage tax lo applliil to theo land. During the pad four yean there ha heon more ir leu corre pondrnra between Mr. Ileuck and the department, resulting In the end lug of a petition to tho iwcri'tary em lMd)lng the rrqnet. When the petition waa prenrnted, Kerrclary llalllnger armwerod that tin waa unacquainted with tho condition prevailing here, and that he had re ferred tho matter to tho reclamation aervlre, Aa oon a tho nercitary SATURDAY ENDS SPECIAL OFFER OITCIt NOT TO UK IIHI'i:.TKI IH'HIMJ fONTT FLORA MASTCN IN THE LEAD Nutnrrlplliina May ll I'ald Now ami l'irr Hlartrtl at Hime Future lh)te The big apeclal offer mado to tlm ronteitanta will cIomi tomorrow night at II ii. m.. All auhtcrllitlon to annlr on thl lifter muni bo received at thU ntnie beforu that tlmv. Candldateit hould makn an eitra effort to rlomi all of llulr promUea tomorrow, lie member, thl offer will not bo re-pi-htiil during tho conteat, If )our friend really want to help you they will do It now, when their help count moit, A largo reiervo voto now will mean a stent deal to the contestant. If you hnvo promised to help either of the young ladle, now I tho tltu-j to fulfill your pledge. Them I no advantage whatever In waiting until thn lat day to pay your auhicrlptlon, and b paying now you will help your fnvorlla to get a large number of eitra vote. Don't delay do It now, whllo you think of It. If you am paid In advance for omn other local paper, and don't with to have both at tho amo lime, the can didate am author lied to accept fu ture ttart. I'ay for It now and tho naiier will be itarted on tho data yon designate, and your receipt will bo dated from that time. Thl give you an opiwrtunlty to help your fav orite, even If you are taking aomo other paper. Following I tho utandlng of tho candidate: Flora Maalen 36,300 Helen llarrl 33.600 tlolda llarne ..1.300 (Coatlaard on I'age 4.) OTKV COMTKHT C'AHK Commlaalouer of Hie lnd Office Hnv lalna Orllaal Itrclalon. I! 0 llrowvr, who with M. fur red, tho Oorrla lawyer, defended Al bert Oti'i, In tho contoat brounh'. iiKuliiDt hi homoatead by John II Vollmer, la received r.otlio of tho (SecUlfin by the corumluloner of the tloneral land offlco In favor of Mr. Otny, affirming tho declalon of tho Ukovlow office, from which Vollmer had aptiealod. Tho following eiproaalon from tho itcclilon aeema to Indicate Mr. Otey'a full compliance with the homeatead iiqulromonla, at leaat from the com inlimliiner'a vlow of the matter. "Comlderlng the entire record of the testimony In thla caao, defend ant'a good faith a a homestead en trytnan I apparent from flrt to laat. Kvcry charge In the conteat affidavit land disproved by the overwhelm lie reght of the teatlmony aubmlt-ted." M. C. MARKKK INJIRKD While at work thl afternoon at the Houthcrn Pacific freight depot, engaged In loading boxe filled with Plato glaaa, M. C. Markoo waa faulty Injured, one of the largo raaea falling upon him. Ha waa (landing at tho tide of tho wagon tbat wai being loaded when tho tram attached t It atarted up, caualng the men to loan control of the caae and precipitating It on top of Mr, Markee. Medical aid waa aummonrd Immediately, put there I no hope entertained for )il eeorcry. Mrs. Markee Is at the aide of her Injured husband. All Xmai prrsenta wrapped In nlco (Kite and handsomely engraved free at Winter'. ORDINANCE IS ASKED FOR COL'.VLTI, AHKK MIIT 41 WATKH COMI'ANV TO IIK-HVIIMIT IT IF MEANS MORE HYDRANTS And m Itedartlon of Inssjraajce Rates. More Hose Carts WtoaM Re IToeMed December 31st, New Year's eve, there will be a masquerade ball given at the opera house. This Is the four teenth annual mask ball given by Mr. Houston, and as each year they are more ana more anenaea ana seem to be moro successful, this year the ball should be an extraordinary success. Three prltes of $10 each will be awarded to those whose cos tumes are considered either the not comical, the most original, or thn best sustained. District superintendent R. E. Dan lap and the Rev. O. H. Fesae will dedicate the new MetaodbK church at Merrill this coming Sunday. Toys Free with Cash Purchases Tomorrow i.t Vi aSBBBPoW ISA ammmmmvarnmamv t t j7 MHnlaWarlal n-awl' - l 7v DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING HERE t Tm wHl ftad approprittc gifts for the Urgeit and the wilt; wctal pNMiti tilt will gladdei the hetrU of the you aid old. Tojs. Dolls, Neckwear, lhawlf. Corract Footwear, Wppera, aothliig lwetr &h Ua4mear, Uatbrellaa, f ult Cwea, Trunks. . Mo troaala to find jut what you want for hint or her at this store, free deli-ery to any part of the city Naw atock Nap-a-Tan Ihoea juit arrived for Mai, Women and Children KKK STORE t Boat Forget tha Oand FrosdnjM to be Often Away Ciurittnus tUUKK MKMTION Bpratt Wells Is down from Dly. II. 8. Newton Is In the city from kU ranch. Vbono G4 for your wallpaper and linoleum. Jack Johnson Is In the city from Tulo Lake. Prank Cutter of Dairy Is a visitor In tho city. Don't miss the specials at the Brick Store Saturday. J. K. Drlscoll Is down from bis homo at Ilonanu. Special salo on ladles' bats at thtt Ilrlck Storo Saturday. Up-to-date ornaments at the Stilts Dry Goods Company. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merrill arc stop ping at tho Llvermore. Quy Merrill has returned from his trip to Ban Francisco. See the now line of Kornek brass. Winter's Jewelry store. 18 and 14 K. gold wedding rings. Winter's Jewelry store. We pack, label and ship all pres ents free. Star Drug Co. W. L. Mitchell Is visiting In the city from his ranch at Lorella. Hand Dags, latest patterns, nobby; at tho Stilts Dry Goods Co. lumber ft Pealrs, painters and panehangers. Phone tS4. Progressive supper, Whlte-Maddox building, Friday, December 10th. Camber ft Pealrs for wall paper. Send for samples and prices. Phone S4. The action of the city council last ovcnlng In appointing Councilman Wilkin as a committee of one to re quest the Light and Water company to again submit Its ordinance for the Installation of hydrants Is the flrjt step taken In the matter of securing for the city the reduction In Insurance rates that Is so urgently desired by tho buslneas men of the city. The offer of the underwriters to make the cut of 23 per rent has stirred every bualneas man to urgo the Immediate psasage of tne ordinance. The mem bers of tho council and Mayor Sander son are equally as anxious to secure for tho city tho best possible rating, and since the ordinance has already been passed twice and signed, there seems to be nothing In the way af meeting the demands of the Insur ance people. Under the provision of the ordi nance heretofore passed, and which the Light and Water company fallod to accept, seventy hydrants will Installed. This will place hydrants throughout the city so located that one nnd one-half blocks will be the farthest point from any one hydrant. The rapid growth la population of the city and consequent Increaee la the number of homes makes It necer ary for the matter of additional hy dranta to receive the early and care ful consideration of the city oBclats. Under present conditions there are a number of sections of the city that aro practically unprotected, and If a tiro should start at night would re sult In n property loss of thousands of dollars. In the district where Are protection Is Inadequate the attentlou of property owners has for some tlm been directed townrds securing some chnnge In conditions, so as to afford them ample protection. They feel that their homes. In which many of them have every cent Invested, should receive the same protection as do the blocks and business houses on Main street, nnd the demand for hy drants throughout the city is grow ing dally. If the original ordinance la re passed by the council it will settle the question of securing water for use In case of Ore. The nest matter that should receive the attention of the council Is the locating of one pr two hose houses on the hills nnd the or ganisation of emergoncy Are compa nies In the neighborhood where the hose carts are located. With these precautions there would remain nn reason why any conflagration should not be quickly subdued. OREGON A. 0. 1. W. WITHDRAWS JO tVOXORR A MEMBER OF THE HUPRKME LODOR UNFAJKNCSS IS IHC CAUSE Ref oral to Rear aw I'aesjaal for the Retseflt of Other Mates SPECIAL COUN CIL MEETING CITY DAM IM OOKanMtJfCK OVRR WESTERN VMiOlf ALLOW POLES ON KLAMATH Relieve Mala Be Ovs Street Won (VOwVBaai WiaNB TFMMy MyBJaTjB A. F. 41 A- M. SPECIAL Monday night, the 13th. will be stated communication and election of officers. All members should make a special effort to be present. All vis itors are cordially Invited. By orderi of the W. M. O. B. GATES. Secretary. Rather than submit longer to what It regarded as an Inequitable and un just Imposition of Uses for the bene fit of other Jurisdictions by the au preme lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the grand lodge of Oregon has seceded and Itself become sovereign body. Not only has tko grand lodge by this drastic action re nounced Its allegiance and severed all connections with the supreme lodge. bat It has revised IU coasttutlon and bylaws no tbat all reference to the supreme lodge has been omitted. ThU step waa taken at a called meeting of the grand lodge Monday. November tt, over the protest of S preme Master W. M. Narvts. who came to Portland from Muscatine. In., to endeavor to ward of what he fore saw would be a solar plesaa blow to the national organisation. So far as possible a cloak of se crecy was thrown about the afalr, with such success that beyond thoee vitally interested the facta connected with the step placing the grand lodge of Oregon on an Independent plane hnve not become known until sixteen days after the called meeting was held. Not only do grand lodge oil clals declare that the action waa per fectly Justified. In fact. Inevitable un less the Oregon Jurisdiction was will log to bow IU neck under the yoke of taxation and watch a consUat stream of IU coin tow oat of the sute. but they assert that since the secession a livelier Interest has been awakened la lodge affairs la this sUte. and the outlook for the future on na Independent basis isToeeate. MORE UOHT CHKAI'Mt LK1HT Why aot bay your suits, from us and save 30 per ceatT, rUe aaad tailored satu aad overcoats. Good' rich's Cash Store. A special meeting of the aK dl waa called last night te the proposed ordinance allewtas; Um Western Ualea Telegraph mmnny to eater the eHy aad erect petes aa4 strlag sack wires as may be aeaesaary to carry oa their business, asiaialu amendments to the ordinance which. had beea paesed nt a provtoaa meet lag on IU second reading were ha traduced by the mayor aad of the conadL It ' dleat to set a time UaUt of tweaty-tve years oa the fraaehlee, to he five the company aad to allow tacts a rlghU to the poles already iriKsd if the ulepneae company, ameadmeat to curb their shoald they hay eat the era of the local company. amendment stated that they ah M clear the streeU aad rcbaJM all navo meau, leaviag the etreeU la as sjacs) condition after they crest thcer or change the posHIca of aay i erected, as the they commsaesd The orders rsscived hy the Isssi of the telegraph ecsnsaay. who Is i la the city with a sjaac e t to commence work, were sheaM erect petes cat the side of Mala street to cheat has bbssV die of the alack fat which tB),M?n mora hotel steads. The ceuaell agreed that with the wires already oa thoee that the trolley have to erect whoa they iasnaat the electric ear system, the street wsM have as many poles as weald he aeV vtaable. The recorder directed to notify the of the company at Baa Fraaileis that the council waa wUUag to attsw them to build their line ap Klamath ave nue to a point opposite or sear their oface oa Mala street, aad theses ap cae of tho side streets to Mala. After the council atet laat Monday a aaw bid for the sewer heads waa re ceived hy Recorder LeavKt MM at pec eeat, with a premlam sf 150. It was agreed that the rhoald meet toabjht at CRy Zumwalt's etnee aad lack aver the smape aad surveys of the cRy, to ac termlae whether It woaM ha advis able to lay the sewer oa Mala street or Klamath aveaae. Bay a piece of Kornek brass for Xmas at Wleter's. Yoa shoald make It a poiat af salt lag at Gillette's Furniture stars aad looking over the lac aseortmeat of rugs aad earpeU before investing la your Christmas gifts. Have h Install an electric nseter for yoa aad accoasnteth the above VOTE SCHEDULE Yates. Dally HeraM, S naes., f MaS IO0 Dally Herald, nos., sB-IM. 100 Dally HeraM, t jr., f8.ee .,000 Dally Herald, 9 yrs., ttlDdO 4,00') The Twng4ea la THE WHITE Light, aad as cosnpered to saa light la ONLY aarpaased hy the KLRCTRIO ARO fleaa, aAVB. aad where yoa waat It. IT DOBB NOT Raise yoar Inearaare Some Things in Leather Cigar Caeca Ctosrcttc Casss fthavtagSetc " CeeVnr Bcsss CaaTBocee TcttetSets MaaJeaasSets $250 To be rtiven away : Something Doing Dec. 11th : It will pay you weU to wait and iee Otovc recto Traveckac Watch thla space for SnsastloM Star Drug Co. t Tfliey Ha?e IT y w & ? v., 55 T "7" '. ?'.. ., ' .TK r,1 -,N. ri-n-. mmm I S I S 7 I tK 1 l v - rf -. " w. r r vl ' fl '4,', 4miiiiitiiiiiiiiiisis4i4 4 0 0 ', . 4J4.4 4 4 4 O 4 4 . ti" ' m'