? lM ' V- ;t' m ' i" ..".v I " V m & IK -K. ,r. V tpp, ft'" :; t K Iff1- I hi .. rf h'r. M - 'o. "V fN. ?. -i , f i. k'Vt " r f ' I C: I:, ' ps" 'v . u. r f- I. ?' 'r l' - .' S' ' r- tA'V' , LK,'K -" IV'.r. ' .4 &'. ." ' . '!l? ' i it i V MARSH SO PO CMT. VKJITABL1 MATTWL THE EVENING HERALD & e v leaaai Dally, Kaeept Saedey, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. a SMITH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATI! Mtfin I yMn ft wf aMUl Stt SMMtES 9s4yiSB SMB'jBSM9fSMBHStS aMaVJaXa VSHV9PSS BJ1 SSTTMft OES WSSK KLAMATH FALLS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1909. EMMN.tLEANINM. Hat f aewsaepera to i Is 0aaay tkere u ereral klllllVMllMltlU. k uMrtttM at tatakfeiei IH.kaBt iWNlttlMI KlMlriNriMRMilkiMi triMHNW. Tke akakHeaBi f MM ansa iMit ta tka m aad jraaaa It 1 M( ki Oergftsa? k 0 be e ftm Okt aWMr at lb latsrksr. aaa toBOMBiBBO tBBt B laker. OBtoM Bk tkBMr BBtBmiy. BaB k B B J BBBtB day. laBirrlllMt BBBMtB, Bl tB la wkJek rka aasa ar a to far fill.. 0 BBBt IB lHshlag Natleaal l;BBaar la a MahO Tb eeatrtkatar la lax a feat a wW k rewarded wHa EMT0WAL FUNK. tdatara -Batt.Waaat It axBMtoi to. at a tot af aaBary la satlaf-Maaat whaaaw taaaaae BlaiBBBtaae wfll ka a BkNtaale Ob- U.B1 0ByaB1B tBBN Wff B KlOM (TteJtlag tka tb- -Watt, but ata maa. wkat da yaa da la acaaal al dayt' Tka Maat ftimtotog rpa-I watt tal Ka itogrtaatak f Helping the X: l rtaaatlaa Mlai bVbmbVRVbVbI AfVMVBU , JJOBBt mif MIBHilBM tfeat . efcaVPs) Mt SohVwSbMbI Sal S4MbT ftS ol MSt v .wSSSS bEw ojoHHMr IB CoNQtW SSWVE tPS4Bk BWo JVoWW mum 'aWawaato 1 afea. Oat Okay " ' a, ittirllka to Haw Tatav-BOMaV. aaaatoattol anaiira waat to kawaw waa eg ebr it aaara la toaa aaaaa. M yaa aaak yf aaaaay1 away toaai a at la yaar kaaaa yaaal. Maaay kMdaa at aaaaa katea aa aa. The nrst National Bank j i of'duangui! raiu ( d E"" aWf"a Pa1 ) JfBaT i l A Savings Account . 'V; ' ' toaiatoyViBCalla laaaraa yattty, a etok kaaada. a ;,'' .. laaaral Baaeat, aad aa aad ag paartaa. Taaea toaa torfaMai j; i' ; alaaaa ta tka aaaabBak, aai M la aadar Oka awaar'a aaatoal at IV '' " ' ' " mm' mt Um " atokMaa nMaaia far aai 1;,; jj awatoaAaatoamaOvBiWBVMBM tt. x ilkTgajitidjl i Btl m -aaaad.aatoaaBBadaan,et Ri,',. mag bI ham m hm aaea DsaNt , waa aaamay enaa m aa jwnya . fi ttjfw ; KV Tie - g" -" VT T L I ' ' U,i wif ' .a , 'f5iM .V4Mfc mm LANDS .11.00 . s.so a . l.M . 10 15 EASY FOB MOWPHY. "JOjCJT "0 VMwOb Wlwanasj BbiBBbSbw aassSBj 0b Paal Marpky. a at Tttt to fcJ1e mibbh, waa ta gaat ar a OBTaTB tao Bar. Mr. H. Oa Mi antral at B IB Ck M lak tka Narery, attaattaa waa at aaca attract Of a BtlBttat tB BMfttei. WBlk WB B aacaar ata c TkaartlatkBa Bletoi ta aetat to toa waa ai many ta aai ka biibiU Jaat to tfcat k kaa teat tkaaaaM, tfc atvay f aalr Bttoc akawa la'avary Mae at al Ikatana aai ttitaaa, wail to aarit freai ta oBpoaito al4a at tta ta bW gleataa ont Mm wltk Ufht TkaaaalttoBBttk a attorir koptaa far tk a4 Mr. K. aaU ka kaa aftea att tt aaa ataated ttwHkkU aai aH agratd tk yaa aua waacartatolr leat Mr. Maraky wattai ap to taa aktara aaa atadtoa It for Tral wata aaaQr. tacatoc to Mr. M, ka aM: "I caa wla tk gaa far tk yaag Mr. H. waa f coon Mtaalakia aai ata. "I H Baalblr Mr. Maraar rapltod. 0t eat Oka bmb aaa kaaia aad let a teak at It" Tk aaHtloa waa art as, aaa to a tow raaM bmtm a daaatratoi a wla for ta roaac.i aad boh caajatoUjr aCact la okadtoaea ta tfc fact la kaawa aa tfc taw of tka attraa ttoa of gravity. It I tfc aatara of tklaga tkat tfc aaa aad saaa akaB m at to aartfc'a water, aad a ranker ttoa caa fca glraa. Wkea tfc ad aaaaa are paalag la Ha ta ar klgkart aad wkea paHlag otfcrr tka toweat. Tka aaaaa la a mack Bearer tka ana tkaa Oka aaa tkat It doe awet of tka patt ing, aotwttkftaadlBg ita greatly laCa Town V andSarlnis Bitt v. -" J '(WH'I f OREGON'S KLAMATH'S OlMlnt'. A aUldcnt looking aua from oa of 0k Mburb tppd up to tk ticket la oa of tk railway station la Ckkato and aikad tb maa tntld ta a kwltatlag way If b toM round trip tknbi to tk JamMtown cxpotitioa. -Tta. It." anawnvd tk tlekrt atltor. "OIt rdned ntr TT. &.- "I aappca tbr wUI b pclal day aow and tkenf -Undoubtrtly." Qola to b a Pocakoataa dayr Igaaai o.M "WI1. watt I waat to know la tbta," aid tk tnaflr. dMrinc bU threat: -WUI tbr b a John Smith dayr "I don't know aa to that" rarly taJobMd tk tlckt llr. "bat I am tocttatd to think aot Hotl accommo dation ta tk Btlgkbornood of tk x aaaitloa ar IUaltfd.H-Toatk'a Ooav faawa. . Maklnfl a aata. rar caa." rmarfcd tk aatoamaa Oa tk nlactaat caatoawr. wko aald ka waa la a rata. Mrattada'BM of a dog my aacl poaataatd oat oa tk raack. a woald tart maniac aroaad tk ato bamt vry lwly aad woald la araaaa ata apMd nattl ka waa aaally raaatog a fart that about eTry tfcM lap ka aad to lamp otot kbawlf ." r K cllacktd tk ala.-Joda'a U- brary. Taklaa Way. -1 BMt Oat popalar yoang doctor at mr aacttla tka tkr day, ut I cw totoly waa takra wltk tka way a act' ad." "What did a dor "H took aacla'a tmpratar, aazl a took aaafa word aboat paytag hi fctU. aad tarn a took bU lr." "Hampkl No woadtr b la wltk popl."-BalUmor Amtrlcaa I irVawMov "1 appo.M remarked Knox ear aaatkally. "that youT bosy with yoar eadrty ataata. aa anair "Ok. yaaa." npltod Ckolty wMrily, "bat rm ktglaatag to dUcortr. doa't y'kaow, tkat aoctoty If a dtoead bora." WU. well, moat of ui dlacorered tkat aboat yoar aoelety long ago." Oatkolle Standard aad Time. "V almeat aa wealthy aa ya are, OaVt ur aaked Jlgtoy. -Ta." replied Rlcaley, "bat be' aw. rally tight cheated." "Why. ka aald ka'd gW $W to tkat aaartty If yoa woald." "Btaetly. Tkat Jart akowa tkat ka deeart xpect to caatribat at att."- VEEvEoNcWW PfWS Ulbwatftalfla . Tbare la ao telling aow fame la go- t to be acqolrad," aald tka ambirJaaa "No." aaawarad tb aardoelc praea. It com from doing aom t aad aometlme from aytag rotlafc."-WaiBtagtaa Star. Fwpla talk aboat "dlaTereat ta." when they nelly t tempers. a are aa mean they Uka to take tfcetr wire adtfc as they caa m tfceai later kow worthleaa it waa. Tkat la tkla Important dlCaraaca ketwaaa a friend aad kla: Krry tkaa yaa aaa tka fitead yoa doa't kar to ajBlala ioantklag iMaw "rt" old peopl are la taak ! If aa elderly prraaa akeaM hi to ckaag kla aaat at tka takle. kaw tt woaM rattl klml rapl are art derated to year tote. Tea mart kar aatkad It Taera- are yea abaald glr yoar later a let at totettlgat atteatwa. Far tt yea it da tt ao oa wuiv-itehnaa Rspllait InrtrurtlMM. Two Nw York girl ncaatly ware ataarad by their mother to Jola kar to a mialag aamp aboat a y"e Joaraay real tka City of Mexico. Tka girl ware to traral to Vra Craa by rteamar aad tkaa by rail to tka capita, wbtr tkalr fatfcar waa to meet them. Aa key arr aad been la tkat country kef or tky wrote to Uwlr mother ask lag wkat eart of clothe they akoald knag wltk them. By retura mall they raeeiTed a breatklew sort of aa Bltl toUlag tkaa to be ear and atart freaa Mew York by a certain date, bat aa to baa atotkaa qaertloo. tfc only reply waa, "Be ar aad hare yoar riding kaktto at tk eert of krowa tkat wlU haranakia wltk the atmoopber hare." Maw Tat Praaa. The Maart Man. "Akaat tka meaneat man I kaaw,1. aald an old time Clerclinder, fwaa a maa oat at tbo edge of town that I Bead to pick cherrlat for whea I wa a kid. ne-objtted to-the bay attag any of the cberrlca, and b uaad 0 orawl around under the tr' after wa get threogb aad gather up all tfc id he could And that ue bad dropped while ap la tb tret. Then a woald eharg aa ap with that many -4arlaad Plata Dealer. Adaatobta. A city aua went Into a vfUag ate ad aaked far a pair of eacka, alee tea. 9w alerk aald a waa orry, bat tfcey eytealyaelaaudtkatwatwh. Whatr aaM the ataa. "Teaaaaaly eat aaa to aay tkat arery eae la Ohm Tttlege weara tka aua atae aeekr --UB. a. ear. 'Sat V taayaayaea to ka aw leag tfcy palkJtfcaa IkHla. aadlf tfcey are toaa aaaa theai dewa at the to.' aaira, v- y - V ha Ont Mas tay aalla tfcaa ap at Oka aad If nay ar tea abort tfcey at tfc to." Itoato . V 7t RICHEST GREATEST BARGAINS TIIR COI.I.KUK 1IKHU Whether Tom Trotter wa a nuccce or aot In college OcixmuIh uikmi wlmt (ucceM la. Tom vent tlie oorct ito dent and tb best fellow at the mil rerslty. Be would haTe been popular anyway, but tb fact that he carried his college to rlctory on numerous oc casions on tb gridiron excited an en thusiasm which, hsd be lived among the aadent Qraeks or Romans, would kar lusurad hi worship as a god. Tom stood six feet two In his stock tags, was of gigantic frame and Iron muscle, rosslbly he might bar learn ed something from bis books bad ho pent any time orer them, but bow waa he to spend time orer hie bonks whea ka waa obliged to be head and front of erery athletic club at the unl rerslty? And bow was he to bo drop ped at failure to pass his examinations when be wss needed to run the college athletics and was constantly advertis ing tk college by tb famous victories be won for It? Tb truth la that tb facatty, realising the Importance of keeping him afloat oa the university curriculum, did mora worrying about hew to pall him through his exams than he did about pulling through thsm himself. A sailor to win an Important game would flit blm with despondency. A failure at examination never trou bled him at alt. "Ilowsoever these things be," as tb yaet says, by book or by crook Tom waa dragged along till be came to bis graduation examlnstloas. The words "by hook" or by crook" may be taken literally, for he made no pretense to walking a straight and narrow path at kla examinations, and be once actually used a win book on which he had sfruns a lot of special problems. These ke could pull up Into bis sleeve by a tring at a moment's notice. But now Tom's "finals" stared blm In the face, aot only htm, but the faculty and ev ery man In college. Aa tk examinations were coming oa. there came also a champion game of baseball with the University of T. Ev erybody knew tbst Tom must tar the whole weight of the game himself. One accident after another hud hap pened to deprive the team of good men, to b replaced by Inferior ones. When tb game came off. Tom was tfcere In all hi glory. Stimulated by tk work before him. be surpassed any tfctag be aad ever done on any Held. He would send tk ball far up Into the sky, then keep oa running as long as tfcere were runs to make. When the earn waa finished, with a crashing de feat to the esemy, Tom was carried to trlamah oa the shoulder of the team to his room, where be held a re ception for tb rest of the day. The next morning "Linden saw an other slgkh" Tom was sitting In au examination room. II bad been struck by a ball tbe day before on the fore kaad aad ta making a sliding run bad rubbed tb skin off bis leg. No record waa made of these mishaps at the time, and a few students (traitors to college glory) hinted that tbey bad never occurred. Be this as It may, Tom's head was bonnd up with a cloth, and a pair of crutches reposed In the est next to him. Behind a table on n raised dale sat a professor, Krcry oc cupation bss Its disagreeable features, aad the man who waa wrapped In the subject be endeavored to engraft Into other was obliged at examinations to make a spy of himself. lie kept bis eye on tbe window Initead of tbe students, where tbey should have been, nd Tom kept his eyes on sou sheets of psper between which some of the problem In tb list were solved. Bat Tom found It difficult even with tbe solutions before him to get them Into blsownexamlnatlonpaperwllboutcopy. lag them figure far figure. No sleight of hand would enable blm to do this without detection. Tbe professor who could see the transaction plainly, or rather would not see It at all, finally gave way to qualms of conscience, and getting up from his chair walked slow ly down to Tom's sest, giving blm am ple time to cover up anything to In criminate blm. Tom laid a largo square blotter on tbe "pony." Others were ob ervsnt of what wa going on, and tb professor bad no choice but to demand to see what waa under tb blotter. Tom looked embarrassed. "I'd rather not abow you that, pro for," he aald. "For what reason r "Modesty." Tfc tudnU sitting about snickered. "Karertbel I mast Insist on see ing It Tom beared a great slgb from his Bormoua chest which sounded like tb wind coming from tb cava of Eolus aad lifted the blotter. The picture of a woman In a decol lete drew wltk a wealth of black, whirlpool hair and flaring eye only this and nothing more. "Professor," said Tom in an Injured tone, "you have compelled me to expos tfceplctareof the girl I love. I can't get ap my paper without being Inspired oy an occasional glance at bar, ao I kroagkt kr." ' Tk professor apologized and retired. He kaaw well tkat tbe photograph had beta purchaaad from a shop window, aad beneath It lay a "pony." But be fcad done the letter If not the spirit of kla da ty. Tkat evening tfcere wa a more from tka campua to Toa'a room. A crowd of atodMta kavlag heard 'that he bad natasd hi Saal xaalnatloa-tbe' one that waa regarded impaasable-wsnt, a nighty tfcraag, to do kla, honor. Tom ea fertfc, toed;a tk aaal steps, hewed profoundly aad anaoaaced that a weald he eatend at tfc Best far a gSfi0) coara. . a sear a SOIL AT $25 PER ACRE Nsw Frsneh ArC Trssaure. With the new territories In eW. Frauco has acquired n timKulfloent col. Icctlou of uionuiiienls l dd t those already possessed lu Cambodia and Annam. Among this crowd of edlllces attesting the splendor of the ancient civilisation of Indo China Hie temples of Angkor take their place. Ilk" the rarthenon. I.tixor ami the Tajtuahal. among the architectural man els of the world. Depository of these treas ure, France has the duty of preserv ing them. Btlll standing after ten ecu turle of existence, they ere threatened by tho ravages of time, the climate and by vegotatlon.-l'arls Temos. Batter Csitls Th ' .rns. 1 find the . unties In the air that vere cm'.' piled far Is-tter for comfort and for use than the dun geons lu the nlr that are dally dug and caverncd tt by KriiniMlne. discontent ed people.-Ilatph Waldo Kmcrson. An tndorttmsnt elioWlmt uM )ii think of tho min ister1.. e:.:ies!oi of itte belief that the world would soon some te ta end I n-I was rather Inclined to think M i would before ho got throne" wlttt at sermon. HOME REALTY CO. Watch this Space for "REAL SNAPS" Kor Sale 13,000; six lots; street on both sides; 300x100 ft.; fenced; planted In joiing fruit trees; good 4-room home; very flno barn; fln-i chicken house; tlrcwood shed nnd Morsgo barn; oil painted; bargnln for tho money. Kor Sale Wood claim, close In; will pay big money on Investment. For Sale $900. Tt'o choice city lo'.i, view; well located; corner; worth 11,000. TIMIIKH VUMMH IIOMKHTKA08 , "TIIK lti:i KIIONT" Offlee. Main HI. I'hone Ml t WANT ADS. FOIt MALE Mlscrllanrous. For Sale Canaries, flno singers. Mrs. C. C. Ixiw, Oak it., between Fourth and Fifth. FOIt SAI.K Or will exchango for Klamath county property, small farm In Mendocino, near Uklah; well Im proved; nice location. For particulars address II. T. HAHNKTT. Midland. MISCKIiliANKOl'b. For Kent Sulto of rooms In Stltta block; can bo used for light house keeping. Stilts Dry Hoods Co. WANTED Hand Ironurs at thu Klamath Falls Steam laundry. FOR KENT Storeroom at corner 7th and Main sts. Inqulro of C, W. Harlow on premises. NOTICE OK H1,E OK IIKAI. KST.TK In tho County Cow.t of the Stato of Orogon, for tho i ounty of Klamath In tho matter of th. estate and guar dianship of Cbk.-lcs Hughes and Mary F, Hughes, minors. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, guardian of the persons and estates of Charles Hughes and Mary F. Hughes, will sell at private salo an undivided one-sixth Interest tach of said minors In and te: l.ots S, fi, 7 nnd 8 of section twenty (20); Stt of SWU and lots 6, 8, and 9 of section twenty-one (21); N'H of NW',4 and lot 4 of section twenty- olght (28); KU of EH and NWV of NKU of section twonty-nluo (29), all In township tblrty-nlno (39) south of range eleven and a half (ll'j) E. W. M., all In Klamath county, Oro gon, containing (75 acres, more or lea:. Oa or after tb Sth day of Dccomber, 1909, for cash, pursuant to order of said court made and entered In the above proceeding on tbe Itb day of November, 1909, Dated a Klamath Falls, Oregon, November tb. 1101. FRANCS HDOHK8, Guardian of th person and es tate of Chart Hugkta aad Mary F, ABEL ADY AND UPWARDS. 'tttttn , Goodrich's Cash Store C. I:. GOODRICH, Proprietor iicnlcr in Dry flooil, Clotlilnjr. Shoes, lints, U Carpets. Kuru, Wall lpcr nnd (lrocericM Kl.,0 Table Sail, no hiiiihIs for Hf,,I (snap S.m UX lr '',,r li '. ' "? J-.. ft.... lu.l IMlllIld ,,,,,,,,,,,, iK" III ,IV Ten, per pound """' hlnr TotiiH-iii, l'r l'l"t Horseshoe ToIumso, icr plug HH-r Mend ToImiho, Pr plug . . llhe, per nmiimI 'Jjr " ., .... .u.v .Hltllllt ... .. ...a,,, HNl.ll CiilnmliU tMI Hakes, ple.0 eatll imtknge Violet OMs, i ksge Violet I'liiu ke Hour Ilolletl s, In hulk, in Drlrsl I'ruiies. Bl hiuihi lor Hiiirnr. mr saik (iold Hust H Idlest Price Paid for aose Have You Had Any Trouble With Your Heater? No, or course not, If you have one of our "CHEERFULS" WITH CAST LINING That don't have to be replaced every season. They burn for years without repairs. We slio have s fine line of medium snd cheap healers st prices which are right ROBERTS & HANKS, S" sss--Ma a Don J. Zcmwai.t, l'nildcnt Abftrtctin Mapa, Plana, Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers lUhT K Wrtiti.osr, Secrrtsrr Klamath Falls, Oregon eae-esvovaAAA4v "JfHT WHAT THE IKHTOIl OIIIIEHV1 llrltrr IUulpprd UNDERWOOD PHARMACY CltlHW.KII A HTII.TH III.Du. I'llE. HCIIIITIIINH ACCC KATEI.Y KIM.KII I test Hrnlm NOTICE KOH I'l'IILICAIIO.V ucpartment or thu interior, U. R Ijind Offlco at l.akevlow, Oregon, October C, 1909. ftuiiCE Is ueroby glvon llmt James II. Humphrey, whoso pastortlco address la Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on tho 23d day of April, I90U, fllu In this ofllco sworn stutomon nrd application, No. 01827, to purchase nu d-j ui jr.-,i, w',j or Hfiu cc- tlon 23, Township 37 South, Itungu 9 i.njt, wiiiamctto morlillan, nnd tho limber thereon, under tho provision nf thu nit of Juno 3, 1878, and nets amendatory, known as tho "Tlmbor and Stono I.uw," nt such value as might bo fixed by nppralsomont, and hat, pursuant to such application, tho land and tlmbor thereon tiavo boon appralicd, Juno 11, 1909, the tlmtor estimated at 640.000 board ft t 0.75 per M. and tho land 1190.80; 'hat tald applicant must offer final Proof In support of bis application and sworn statomont on the 9th day ef December, 1909, before n. M. nich- ardson, United States commissioner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Aay persoa I at liberty ta nrnii tkU vurekaa b(or atry, or latitat PHONE - - - 303 EASY TERMS " w .ftll .IA .4.1 .40 .11 .OT fo hlimWMer lu. pounds for .IM .in .in 1. 041 I, INI a.n .IM Hides and Produce eooeee K. M. Ilrss, v'lce-rre. and Tress Slat rttata, Ktc. eseeeeeaeaeaeeee WE NKVKU I'HKA Ht'HHTt. Time Tlisn Kvrr Ol'lt htn:k 114 NEW AND KrlKHII lo Customera a contest at any llmo before patent Isniies, y filing a corroborated afl davit In this offlee, alleging facts which would defeat tho entry. AUTIIUK W. OKTON, 10-9-12-1 Register. I'hono Hosldenc 111. Offlr 1091 Dr. J. E. Taylor. I'HYHICIAN AMI) HUIU1KO.V. I'osloMce tlalldng. DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Hank and Trust Co.' nidf- TlLSmuNB If D. V. KUTKENDAU Attorney at Law Klaaaatk raU. Orageu Dr. Asioa C, Graf m A. S. O.--OaTaOFATH. KlaBwUi Valla, Ota. PostoBc Bldg., SmobS aad Mala ft raaM' Hit.