JA a d 'lifcOJJfi rf V eft;:AJ ; ;" 4 i c ''a VI S Ibe ttr nitta Jfeffcft. 'ijtito Pint Our Aifuiktn Oet Th Bet awte , Ej Bctt Dally. 4 ftKTMYlCAH, NO. 1,0Z KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER f, 1909. MciSCnn I.ttoL BVp wwy? Ihch LAND IN KLAMATH -Jx wmitm a msttkii to sisWMMX ahoiit it MW AN AW 10 FAKMING Mlffi Year Ago Front South. '"H, (MMMte Wrll I1eaart With Ibe Pn-prri d i ifiur U) ih Oregonlan Mr. -put, Southern California tnmi, ttetattix " " uw " KHMit cviiir and tinned ranching It M twiner proof that the set IIMI W pleased "' lan,i ""' ilu, art sd attention "" nccom iM aer l H r record eropi kf,lkia sJhere else. Tit trtlrlt ai appeared In Orsjttkm 4lKUlr.g Mr. Mailen' lrtrr4 Ik Ictirr Itself appear "" xi, Alttitnt rllinale, besutlfil Httnl wruunillniti. abundant mil KMtttl aster ui'ilr. '"! Ibe for IiMrdlU Mill on Did Klamath p m( It ..orthcrn California mi I feastr Orrfon tro proving attract, in Hetty farmers In other aectloi. tl that tlate. and a large Influx nf MeNHkrt hat begun. It IMt coanectlon It U especlald III a Still lo read tlio ciperlence f i turn farmer from the Imparl I tig ef California, who look up III' Mm m lbs Klamath rojoc( a little var year to. Mr, Matten' r. leiest It Houthern California, am Irritation It now practiced Ji tsMeaftlly, at doubtlest very val MMt to aim In hit new lioitie, but ta NHttt muit bo credited largely tslMtatartl idfantaget anil cllmaU tf Im KUeiath country. Mr, Mal lei siyif "Btrlag our residence of only one )icr li to Klamath valley wo have nM train, Including oati. barley u4 lint; alto alfalfa. Having a artel of four inontn In which to tvcropt, the farmer hat amplo ilmi ttl a mi,, outnt lo put In a largo Are For the SeMon'i K K . tcia-Bloch Smart aBBBkr taBaBinV wa bbTLbbbV. V crop, Wo miw wheat In Mnrili, April nail May, ami our )lild average 30 bushels ior acre Oata will iiihnu n aura rrop If sown at lain at July 1, Our average yield per aero thl year arn a follow! Wheat, 30 bushels, lit rln), (10 bushel, nml oat do to 75 bualiel. Our alfMlfa yielded four Inn to only Iwo cuIIIiiki, lliu male I UK tint labor on each wry auinll In comparison lo the yield. It mild for I2 to 116 per Ion baled, I'rlce re calved for other imp uro a follow; Wheal, 90 runt per buihel; oal, 11,60. ami barley, ,26 per hundred weight. The alfalfa yielded ut a grot of o per acre, and It I my utper lencn that I lie labor required lo farm Klamath land I about 10 per cent lea than In the majurlly of farming dlttrlct of California and eUuwhere, whore the tame crop are harveitrd. In till (ecllon tlie probable )ed t'f theMi crop wllliout water I a llttlo loa than half that on Dm Irrigate.! farm. The market valuo of Hie ranch on which our crop are grown I 170 per acre, and It I all under government ditch," Mr, Matten eipretae hlmtelf at being well pleaed with hi change nf location anj etpeft to do even bet. ler with hi land neil year fOt'ltT MKM The court room wa well nlled iliil lug the entire day during the progreiu of the Anderaon trial. The defenMi I preirnllng Ihelr nic, and It I probable that the trial will bo con eluded nnd Ihv ca given lo the Jury either thl evenlug or early tomor row. The wltueue for Hie defento were rigidly rro etamlned by the altorne) fur thn pnnecutlon. Ilemurrera were flle.1 In the l.lakey rate, which will bo argued In the morning. IIAYMAKKItK, MtTICK There will b,a meeting of the Mo doc Haymaker association No. 60 i at the IteJmrn hall Immediately after thn adjournment of the lledmen lodge tbli evening, limine of lm portancr demand the pretence o( t rvry memler. Ilefrnabment will be rervcil. I'lIltCIVAl, HIIOI.I.. Collector of Utraw. New Mettallne allk walit. K K K Blore. You Ready Swelleit Fundloni Soon to Take Place? Herea the Store for Stcln-Bloch Dress Suite Hanan Correct Footwear and all the trim mlngi In anappy up-to-date fur-niihiiila K STORE Ootliff. Hanan Shoet. RECEIPTS ARE INCREASING UH'.M, orril'K TAKM U,IHM.!ll HIM'K M)V. ill, tmm. $3,611.20 BY MARCH 31, '10 Mum Ileal Itecord vf lit Year by 9.IIH.NO or No r'rer Delivery. Kmniltt ConlMrtil l'otmater Kmmllt has Juat an roiinced the poital reclnta at the !,.. I unite for the ye.ir ending No keiiilHT 30, I'JU9, ,C3.:o were tin Krelpt up to that dati and for Iho 'Igl t month from March Hat o Novemtter 30 the receipt totaled 3 tu, in order that there mar be lite delivery In Ihlt city nil year the liial i-mlhl rccelplt fc the yiar eitendlng from March St.lbbt, lo March 31, 1110, must reach at leal tio.oro. Ibli meant that In the tint four month the recslpU must I.e. 3,CII.30. That mean thnt tho number of stamps aold and other moke) taken In at thn local postoniro must reach fSIC.VO mnro than tiio nmoiint taken In for tho tamo period of Iho prevlou year. The average monthly iccelpt for the pa', eight month wilt have to be Increased by I lol 20 during tho coming four moi.th. Postmaster Kmmltt I coti tldrnt that thl will bo accomplished julte easily, since tho receipt f.T the (hrlstmn mailing aio unt anally large each year, nnd lend to ale tho nverago of the month aeveral dollar V'hen the 110,000 mark I reached then Klamath Kail will have freo de livery throughout lhi city. This will t.etessliatu the numbering ct all tl.o boiui- and the putting up nf ilio tame of the various atreou at each corner Too much care and thought cannot be taken In the carrying o it ot this work. Tluoughout the couu f) varlou clllet are now auffcrlug iicim Inconvenience and anno)anro cwlng to tho careleta manner In which the house on the varloui block were numbered, making It Dutehtai Trouatra kaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaawf alKF iaB in ! well-nigh Impotaible to Sa4 cortaln numlM-r unltaa one walka the entlto oi sib of Iht riraet. Tbif, matter should be taken up by thoeajntoreit ed In thn welfare of Ike cKy at the earliest poatlblo time. TWO HTKK.WOt ClAMKH t'artfteal IWeat IlkfJi Wrfcail Tram. Mwaailkaa Defeat MraitaWa Wednerday night at thai opera koiwe there were played two very fact batketball ganea, Tlst Jlwastl laa aad the Olyntalaaa, twt) teamt corpoeed of girl attMwiaf tie High School, played a brllllaat jrfatiulnary game, In wbch the laal aeorewat -.2 to 4, In favor of tba fonter. bcuvla Arntlt did the beat all-rMad ilaylog, roaaldtrlng tbo terrible otMa k favor of the wlnnlag teaat, wbo. ga com pletely overwhelmed her tatam mate4. Tor the victor Pearl Hardtng an-) Marjorle McClure made aeveral direr play, thoagn the entire team dli ery excellent work. The laal acore Id I ha big game be tween the High School aad Ike Car dlnal waa 14 to 11 la faror cf the Cardinal la the flrat bait tba aeon wa S to In favor ot yio Cardinal, but the High School team material!' strengthened when George Du Fault nd John Slomone were tubatltulod In the second half. The gam waa ci cellently played throughout, eatlrely free from rough and unaporttaantikr work, and waa a splendid encourage ment to all, thowlng the value of Just tuch athlotlca. The feature of tro game wat the brilliant playing of On Fault and Btcphenton for the High School and of llaydea for tba Car dlnalt. KANK SOt COMING Mr. llouttoa regreta very much tbo ceceealty of announcing that Mr. Keane wll be uaable to appear here at the opera bouae, aa bad We an nounced. Mr. Keane a booked to play at the Orpheum theater la San Francisco during tho holiday, and a ho I now playing In Albany will b unablo to play here, owing to tbo long delay encountered at Weed, which would neeeetltate hit belnj late at the Bay City. , I. if. A. V. A. M. PEC1AX Monday night. Ua ISth, will be stated communication and election of officer. All member abould make a peclal effort to be preaent. All tril lion are cordially Invited. By order) of tho W. M. O. B. OATE8, Secretary. L. llesalg, the gcnal partner of lleaalg A Co. of Fort Klamath, la vltltor In the city. He report that tome twelve Inchca of anow havo fallen In that country and that tho thermometer baa already registered aa low aa three degree above aero. Mr. Hcwlg It a real pioneer, having come to the coaat away back la 'ft 4 landing at San Francisco on June 4th of that year, living In thl country In those early daya when lour waa worth $t a pound and aa ounce of alt wna considered of more value than an ounce of gold. The University of Oregon, eipect lo it ue, iw a aupplement to the Fel ruary number of the University Bul letin, a complete directory of all Ore gon high tchoolt. It will contain the name of the teacher, the subjects taught b) each, their preparation, the number it year In tbJ Van school oume, dr., aad I to bi aeut fre of charge A. O. Miller, J. B. Chamber. Qeo Gregory and Chat. Bchucklotch of Tort land wont out toward Lost rlvif thla afternoon, and expect to return in tho evening with all the ducks Id Ibat vicinity. $250 To be tUen away : Something Dolus; Dec 11th : I It will pay youweUtowaitandsee ; a. LEADER HAS 34,300 VOTES PMJKKKCI-: NAHTKN MCA DM, WITH HKMCX HAKRIM HKCO.XD TWO DAYS OF SPECIAL 0Ff Habarribe Now a4 AM Year Favor. It, or It Wall He Tee Utte for Hewclal Of er In two more days the big apeclal offer will dote. If you have prom ised to help either of the conteitantt now I tho time to make good. By overlooking this opportunity to se cure eitra vote lubscrlbera who would help their young lady friends In this conteit may Bad at the clove that the extra votea tbey could have given their favorite during thl offer would have won the trip for her. The raco I going to be close, aad a few lubscrlptloni turned In now may wla for your favorite. Remember thla offer positively close Saturday night at C p. m., and will not be repeated during tho conteit. If you have promised your mbscrlptlon to either of the candidates now Is the time to make good. If she doesn't get to see you, drop Into the office aad make, your payment here and the votea will bo credited to whoever you wlb! You wouldn't be without the paper) anyway, to here I for a ten-strike. tttaai trsAatf llftj "" " '4 Voting Will B ataMrjr. t The candidate, too, abould work) hard henceforth. Tba ewatett will close In two week, gad after that Itj won't do any good to say. "I could have won bad I tried!" No one will believe you go la aow and wla. Get every available lubscrlptloa aow and let the end of the contest take caie ot Itself. There 1 one thing that alwa succeed In a conteat ot thla kind, and that I the staying quali ties. Don't give up If you are a few votes behind; go right out with the determination of taking the lead la the next count. People will gladly! give you their support if they eeo that you are out to win. Avail your self of the last two days of, tbo big special offer and pile up a big re serve vote. The vote promises to be extremely heavy the nest few daya, and you will have to get your share to stay In the running. Fwtare SabarripUoaa. Contestant may Bad la tome case friend who would like to subscribe for the Herald, but have paid their tubtcrlptlon tor some other paper, and do not care to receive more than one local dally at the tame time. For the benefit ot theae the conteat de partment baa arraaged to accept aad liaue votea on auch aabacrlptlon. Tbo paper to atart at any fatura date that the subscriber may designate. Following Is the standing ot the candidates. Tho standing will be published every day hereafter until the close of the contest. Caadldatea should poll a few votea every day to let their frlenda know they are still in the race: , Florence Matten 34,300 Helen Harrla 33.100 Qolda Barnes 14,300 There will be an entire change of program at the opera house tonight "The Tragic Love," a glorious Bio graph film, la the especial attraction. Thl Blm alone, with ths splendid acting and wonderful settlsg. Is well worth ths price ot admlsalea, bat there are four other Sims. "Tha Professor's Dllsmma," a gentle com edy; "The Fireman." a thrllllag dra ma; "He Tried oa Handcuffs" aad "Tho Hypnotic Wlfs." . . CITY BRKVITIHft. Chart Woodard I on tbo tick Hat. Some bargain In Piano at Virgil' furniture store. (-13 A. B. Llbby Is in the city from his ranch at Tule lake. W. K. Lemmon of Merrill Is In the city atteadlag court. J. W. Smith la a visitor In the city from hi raacb Bear Midland. II. If. Low aold a tpaa of gray horse this moralng for 1341. F. T. Hlgglnt, who plaaa to build the Meadow Lake saw mill, la la tha city. "Thl I no Joke, remarked tba editor, aa he returned the humorist' manuscript. , Wa pack, label aad arraage for blpplag preaeata with ao cost to yon. Star Draff Co. Tha regular meetlag of the Wo man's dab Friday at 3:30 o'clock at the Public Library- .A Christmas card coats little, yet brlags happlaaas to tbo redpieat. la endless variety. War Drag Co. Get a eertlBcat at the Portlaad Store. It meaaa a Christmas preaeat for your friend or sweetheart Bamber A Pealrs sell wall paper. tanltas, llncrusta, window shades, linoleums aad rags. Pboas 354. Mark L. Bern of Dorrla, formerly a resident of this city, hss rstsraad here to make his borne la tb fatura. Mr. F. R. Olds leaves for Spokare In a few days, where ahe goes to spend the bolksys with her aareata. J. J. Cuaalagbam aad wlfs left for the Hanaoa ranch this moralag, They will camp out there for a week The very best coffee for tho arte la the city la the Moaareh braad for ale at the Moaareh MereaatUe c paay. Tweaty per coat leas taaa tho laa Francisco cost pries Is what yea will pay for tha laes yea get at tha Brisk store sal. A Christmas prsssat far roar friend or sweetheart. Oet a eartlffsate at the Portlaad Store. From ll.St op to $3.00. If you waat to ass tho asset Has ot ladles' and cblldrea's aadsrwear la tba city, examlas thosa at Ua Stilt Dry Ooods Co. Lester Leavttt, who Is employed by the O. K. Transfer company, smashed three ot bis flagers this moratng while unloading some macaiaery. The Odd Fellowa have elected oaV cert for the coming term: W. O. 8mlth. noble grand; F. C. Bamber, vie grand: O. A. Staaras, secretary; P. L. Fountain, treasurer. George Ha worth, the coatractor who built C. 8. Moore' rssldsase oa the West Sid, left this moralag for Ban Diego, where he will saead tha wlater. He expects to retura la the spring aad take several other butljl l.ig contracts. Frank E. Hefferaaa, who formerly rsa the Paael rastaaraat lato the gronnd, Is aow over la Msdfard, aad baa invented aa appliance for ffylag whkh Is considered almost perfect, according to reports. Ths aovel fea ture ot the taventloa Is a paraehuts attachment to be assd la eaas of ac cident or while deeceadlBff. It Is to bo hoped that tho lavsaUoa Is as brilliant as tha laveator. Some Things in Leather Cfgsw Cases Claarett Cassa Bavtoa;S4a ' Cellar 1 CaJfl I Wiftch thto ti KOiX CHAM IW 10UGH HAMWI Star Drug Co, I -- V, "toe fiLifir IT 673 CHILDREN OF SCHOOL AGE SLIGHT INCREASE OVER CTOWltt M TAKEN LAST YEAH wwy mi ttiommwamL Ceeeas Takrrt .Rtptt Are very raw vi at aha Cms Ths school esasas far, tha Fear' lCt for tba Klamath FaHs saatttaf,' has Jest beea tsksa. Thar an f 3 , rbildrea of school aa- Thai Is bai s slight lacrosse over tba bar ffi- , rotted hut year. It la BaaraMyraf I ogi ised that there baa basa a laeretM- la tba aopalaUaa of Falls, aad that there Is as a tloaate lacrosse is the seaaal Is r ccoaatsd for by the fast that, a nuialer ot to-sjs fsmlllsa hava r-,. move from ths city. A ssaaastflaaa ot tho eeasaa rolls for 103 as IMt show Jbat dariag uta past year It familial, repreeectleg la raaad sas beta let school ebltdrea, aara fc moved from Klamath Falls. lar-taking ths esasas It waa faaad that maay of ths paptts ef ashes! age are not atteadlag sehsel. The se rollmsat la the public sea its la 413, while that ot the High Seaaal to ltd. maklag a total ef M t'. Tale toavse about 100 paplla waa are aet ca rolled. Maklac a asarvatra aahV mat eae caa say that there are at least 35 ehlMrea la the the atteatlea ef the The pabUe ssaoeta an Uetr fall cspaetty aad the baUdlas to sorely anted, lt to cuK for the tsaahsra be te tta peseta) work IU ts crowded aa they are at la maklac the saavaa far the a H was a aoUeeable fast taaa are very few vaeaat haaese ha the city, aad that the asaaber ef aagsaaas reprassated oa the roU tar the year 1103 to much larger taaa far the year 1303. The.aehool esasas to sepeessd U lacluds the asm ef all twees the agss of 4 aad St years re siding la the city. The esasas takers fouad It extremely dttkeK U gat many of ths yossg married aeeale to coafeta that they were aet yet beyead tha school ago. The reU shews at least a dosea married wsmea. The total aamber ef beys to aaaat It, la excess of ths aamber at gerto. Came aow to bay Brasses. That stock to coaaalete. the sleraa aet rashed aad aHaaathsr yea aaa aaat la a more sattofactery maaaer. War Dras; Co. Peoffte are erowdtoc to the aMsk store, where heaattfal laee to aatac sold at a great rodacttoa. Cutgbus to aa tlsaaat aad retaed gift. We bare the Wad that to "classy." Star Drug Co. The great lace sale esatlaaeo at the' risk store. c A TeUstSsts TsJmgitEMaTaa BBBBaaaa sWaWjaaajaaBaaajrwji aaaawaaB I 2asA iV wmm lmurw-' VkI ''i 4i i. I he- i t "p. 'l I I i fetlMMatltHM 444 4MMM4 4f4444Mf u-1s.il J l JI.IS