The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 07, 1909, Image 1

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ir "T "yt
Xf-vwnn " n r: r
Uftting Ifetiuo.
aa.afaaSSjasjau - W f
J wd Bet Daily.
-illiT 'UMErl '
4.. v
jWMi Ykab. No. 1.027
;:..&io rnrniT
CUT 3 UU-Ui-
m raw a ttTu ih "'J
sd tu Xuar on ih Parlftc
Tt"PPr,l nlin '" Klamath Palls
Ulty u Major Hsndersoa, and U all
la to tbe tucrraa that baa follow!
tk, r-idrttUln "' l10 bonds.
of II lira a period of doubt ami
Mcwulntjr. threatened at times with
ka con(illrtluna ami Hironal con
IftTtftlM. When the representative
ef Morris llrnlhrrs returned here, all
tf lb bid of Kcao a. Co, aa thrown
Ml. b Intimated that hla company
tad l'l rlalm to Iho bond ami
till, anjay, I tin clljf rould never
pts l blil than the tint ha offered.
Wka b Informed by Mayor
aai4ron lhat I do city waa entitled
to and would ret a & per cent Inter
tt M4. the gentleman laughed at thn
Mm. The rorrectnesa ii f tha mayor'
Jio'iBtDt It drmonatratrd In th fart
tbat Ibt rlly it the & per rent hid,
ii4 with It a ilUlit bonus. The rp
rmitatlie of llolllna A Hon rongrat
tel4 lb rlly on securing thla low
bM, M It plsroa Ita credit, In tho At
(bus, making It second to bubo on
tb Out.
Crast a the victory la In thla band
Ish. II (s dwarfed Into Inalg nlflranre
bta It Ii lined alongside of what the
Millie of the bonda mean to the rlly.
II U tbe opening of tha (door on a
M era. one that meant Shat Klam
Mb Palli Ii to uka Ita plac alone
Mt of the irogrvaalv rltlea of th
CoMt. Tlmra art chanting In tha
WmI, aad only tho rltlea lhat ara
oaid of the spirit of progrraa
ar folni to forgo ahead, No onn
Mlag bai beld thla rlly back aa haa
tbe fart lhat It waa without a lower
plea. In addition to thla, tha coa
For the Seaion'i
L shy
gsgsW wJaBagaV
Steln-Bloch Smart Oottteip Hanan Shoei, Dntcheaa Trouien
itllloll of lliu plrw'ta lina linen inch
aa In ilUriiurnRii iniln frimi tunic
lug Inveattneiila lii'to. It lnitiiiMl tlm
rlly a inin-1'HiRri'Mlvi-, nml wlilli. It
waa nut In liUnm fur tlila, rniltllnU
Bnnpt thltiga " llivy.nru and form
thrlr oinlnn nnorilltigly.
Now Hint tlm money liaa been
rurrd for tlm ruiutriictlnti of n aewer
ayatein, It nivana tlm imvliig nf Main
atreet. Tliero nro fow If nny of tlm
irnwrly nwtiera on I til lrcot who
will not In) In fnnr of mlng it, Tlm
ilan tiuw la In follow tlm Installation
of th aower ayatein with llm mlng,
an that at tho rlmo of tln aeaton null
)ar tlm alrret will havn been now.
nrtd and iaih Thla will glut nn
lmetua lo liinlni'M Imrn that will u
nir" lo prnrn tieneflrlal to oery real
dent of lh rlly.
Tlm lltno la not far dlitant when
inorf Irtinda wl hatn tu bo lamed,
Thn Interrat mark haa txtm aet In tlm
aewur bond liaun and meana thai fu.
tore aalre will be baiod on that mr
rentage. The bid nf Itolllna A Hon
baa aared tlm rlly 11,000, which la a
tidy aunt to lay naldit on onn lran
J, Konnp, formerly i'milo)ed by
tho Oily meat market, baa purrhatod
thn l.tidlko market, and beginning to.
morrow will preildo titer I ho dentin,
lea of lhat ratablUbtnent, Mr, Konop
nemla nu InlrtKliirtlon to thn hciilcK
keeper of tlm city, na bo haa eatab
llahed for hlmaelf a reputation aa Ikv
Ing ono of tlm bet meat men that
eer rama to thla rlly. Ho propoaei
In maintain n atrlrtly hlgtcgradn
market, where llm beat In tho mar
krl ran ho proenred and at prlfM
lhat will be tollable lo the purao. He
la to makn a aporlalty of bacon and
bama, aomrlblng for which the City
meat market had more than local
reputation. Mr. Konop la poueeaed
of a pleating personality that la aura
lo win fur blm more than hla aharv
nf the meat and poultry bualnea of
the city,
A. K. Aranl, auperlntendent of tbo
Crater Iko national park, baa pur
rbateil tho new bungalow on Ninth
and Jelteraon atn-rta n-erntly built by
A, I.. Krnna, and will mnro hla family
there within tbe nett fow day.
You Ready
SweUett Functions Soon to Take Place7
Herei the Store
Dress Suits
Correct Footwear
and all the trim
ming! in mappy,
up-to-date fur-nlahlngi
t.'iHlteal (TiiM-a Hlmrtly Hundlng of
CunilMali-a Will lie I'uI.II.ImsI
TtiurMlay .Neat.
Tho aperlal totn offer that wo nro
uom lunklug lonteatMiita la meeting
with the aiprovnl of llm randldatna
nml their frlelida, I'atrona who III
leliit lo help either of llm )UUliK la
dle ahould do ao thla week by all
nn ana. Thla la thn critical atago of
tlm routed; thn )oung Indy who guU
a Inrgu reaervo ot thla week will
tnnd nn eicellent rhanrn of wlnnlnit
tlm trip, If you aro n aubucrlber nl
ireent thero la no ailvantagit what
uer In waiting until thn laat tulnufi
before ia)lng your auhirrlpllon; If
j nit are not n aubacrlher, now la thi
ttmn to bet nine one. Thn Herald ro
era llm local field In n thorough man
ner, nnd to know what'a doing In tho
Klniiinlh run lit ry one muit Ii" a aub
trrlber. Hii-oml raymenla
Cnndldalea who have taken sub
arrlpllnna for three or all montha at
the bediming of I lie contest ahould
get these subscriber In pay for tho
teat of tlm year. Thla will count Ihn
same aa If turned In aa a yearly sub
scription. Kor example; A wraou
who paid )ou for threo montha 11.25.
oil received 300 votes! by paying
)ou fS.'lt morn you will get 3,000
votea. leta the 300, or 1,700 for thf
laat pa)lnent. Thla ruling nlso ap
pllea lo any second pa)inent you may
wcure. Tho money will alio count
on the special offer now In vnguo.
When turning In such pnmenta kind
ly mark on your report "aecond pay
ment." liolden Opportunity
Candidates ahould devoto at much
1 1 mo aa possible lo the work thla
week, A fow subscriptions now will
count n groat deal more than during
tbe laat few dnys of tlm contest. Hub
arrlptlona should bo turned In as soon
as rirclved. Acrurnlo account will bo
kept of nil subscriptions turned In by
or for tho candidates during; this of
fer. Tlm offer poaltlvuly cloaos Sat
urday evening at C p. m,
Thn rontustnnts will bo given tho
extra bnllola at tbe cloan of tho offer.
Tbo standing of tbo candidates will
bo published again next Thursday
nml ever) day thereafter until tho
cloao of tho contest.
Head the apeclnl offer carefully.
A great many subscriptions have
been promised thn various candidates
and lo aid them In closing these up
wo bavo made a big aclal offer for
a short tlmo only. This will be the
only special vote offer on old and now
subscribers during tho entire contest.
If you bavo frlnnds who want to help
)ou when their help counts the moat,
now Is tho tlmo for them to do It.
Kxtra voles will be awarded as fol fel fol
eows: Csch candidate turning In not
less than &0 will receive 16,000 ex
tra votes; those turning In not less
than $76 will receive 26,000 extra;
Ibnso turning In not less thai 1100
will receive 40,000 extra votea; and
for every 3& turned over 1100,
16,000 extra votea will be given.
Thus by turning In 1126 you would
receive 66,000 extra votes. .
Offer (liwea In One Week
This offer closes Saturday, Dee. 11,
at C p. m. All of the moneys turned
In after today by or for the young
ladles will apply on this offer. Work
bnrd this week and close up all of
jour promises; tho extra votes you
get during this offer may win the con
test for you. See all of your friendi
and ask them lo get one subscription
for you during this offer. They will
be glad lo do It for you.
Close up all of your promises this
week. If pcoplo ask you to call again,
ask them to sc(a definite date, and
be sure to call on that date.
Itemember thla will be the only
lime during the contest that yon will
lie able to get extra votea on old and
new subscribers. And this offer
holds good for only one week. Work
hard now and pile up a good reserve
ole for the finish.
Nearly the entire day In the Cir
cuit Court was consumed In securing
a Jury to try tho cose of the 8tato of
Oregon vs. O. T. Anderson, accused
of subornation of perjury. Tbo In
dictment Is to tho effect that the
grand Jury bolng In session and hear
ing evidence In the caso agalnat O.
T. Anderson, arcuaed of extorting
flvo head of catllo of the valuo of 175
from one Mack Williams, an Indian,
by threats of prosecution for crime,
and Iho said Mack Williams having
been subpoenaed and being than In
attendance upon said grand Jury aa a
wliuess In said matter, O. T. Ander
son did then and thero unlawfully,
knowingly, willingly and feloniously
Incite, Instigate procure and suborn
Iho said Mack Williams to falsely,
knowingly, unlawfully and felonious
ly swear and testify, when railed aa a
witness, that the said Ave head of
rattlo wero delivered by him to aald
Anderson In payment of a horse.
"Tho Long Heach" Is a marvelous
trick picture, novel and ao Intensely
Interesting. "Tho Laurel Wreath" Is
n historical aeries, beautifully col
ored. "Tho lloyal Outcast" Is talo
of tho enchanted land of Arcady of
which tho poets dream, "Show Tour
l.lrenso" Is extremely timely when
overyono Is hunting and ono la at a
loss to say who haa tho right and who
has not. "A Visit to lllkra" la an In
teresting travel sorlcs waero, while
staying bore at home, you Journey
through ono of tho charming old
world countries beyond tho aca.
Moro and better presents for less
money at 8tar Drug company's.
The beat BB.M Hat made. Yea, That' what wo said
The Best $3 Hal Made
The very latent NovoWs la Hat Jaat received by express at
The Portland Store
Next Deer to the PeetoBc.
Amends I lie I'emal Code Ho Aa
Cover IJqnor Hhlpmenta
After Janarjr 1st.
Klamath Kails will be unable to get
Us booto under the gulso of gasoline
or other commodity after January 1.
Another phase In the great cam
paign against liquor will come to the
foro the first of next month, when tho
rovlaod penal code of tho United
Btntca Is to become effective. Many
of tho changes made In tbo penal
laws by the Sixtieth rongreaa were of
minor Interest, but tbo acctlon relat
ing to tho shipment of Intoxicating
liquors Into "dry" territory contained
new legislation, Ihe result of which
will be In make tho United States a
factor In prosecuting violators of the
act. In thickly settled communities
Iho local authorities, as a rule, aru
able to deal effectively with offend
ers, but In certain sections of Ihn
south and west, where settlement Is
sparse, tho task Is not so easy, and
the members of congress from those
sections Insisted that the federal gov
ernment should come to tho aid of
the local authorities.
Three sections of the new codifica
tion relato to the liquor traffic. Tho
most Important provision la that on
and after January 1st every shipment
of Intoxicating liquor aball bear the
name of tho consignee, the nature of
tho contents of tbe receptacle and the
quantity contained therein. It Is a
notorious fact, so say persons wbo
tar had azpariatica la atteaiBtiag to
drive out "blind tigers" that practic
ally all the liquor now shipped Into
prohibited territory Is labeled as
sonio other commodity, or not labeled
at all, and frequently addressed to
persons other than the consignee,
Tho federal authorities already
have sent out notice to all manufac
turer of Intoxicants that their wares
must bo labeled on the outside of the
package on and after the first of the
new year, setting forth the nature of
the contents and tho exact amount In
each package, it Is believed that It
Iho local authorities co-operate with
tho federal government In tbe en
forcement of tho law It will bo a com
paratively easy matter to suppress
tho "blind tigers." It Is pointed out
that from now on tbey cannot exist
without violating tho federal atatute,
and tbo assumption of the depart
ment of Justice is that would-be vio
lators will not care to take the chance
of falllug Into tbe clutchea of the fed
eral courts.
It has been alleged from tlmo to
tlmo that In somo of tho statea where
Iho sale of Intoxicating liquor haa
been prohibited in one way or an
other the railroads and express com
panies assisted the violators ot tbe
law by acting as buying and selling
agents, or both. Congress, with the
Idea ot putting stop to this practice,
provided aa follews: "Any railroad
company, express company or other
common carrier, or any other person,
who, In connection with the traus
porlatlon ot any splritous, vinous,
malted, fermented, or other Intoxicat
ing liquor ot any kind, from one
atate, territory or district of the
United States, or from any foreign
country Into any state, territory or
district of the United Statea, shall
collect tho purchase price or any part
thereof, before, on, or after delivery,
or shall In any manner act aa tho
ageut ot tho buyer or seller ot any
such liquor, for tho purpose of buying
or soiling or completing tho salo
thereof, saving only In tho actual
transportation and delivery of tho
same, shall bo fined not more than
Harry Nichols of Ilonanta Is In the
The great lace sale continues at the
Drlck store.
Dressed poultry at the Monarch
Mercantile company.
J. 8. Dawson Is In tbe city from his
ranch at Altamont.
A postcard album would please one
ot your friends. Star Drug Co.
Mrs. Maggie Whltaett left for Bly
this morning on the stage.
Tbo best tea and coffee can be bad
at the Monarch Mercantile company.
A nice pocketbook for the father,
husband or young man. Star Drug Co.
Duck and Qulnn Anderson are
down from Dty attending the county
A chafing dlah given to one ot tho
family will aurely make a bit. Star
Drug Co.
"This Is too much," murmured tho
old cow-horse as the haystack rolled
over on him.
We pack, label and arrango for
shipping presents with no cost to you.
Star Drug Co.
It Is cheering to note that peti
tions to Congress need not now be
sent to Africa.
Cutglass Is an elegant and reflned
gift. We have the kind that la
"classy." Star Drug Co.
People are crowding to tbe Brick
store, where beauttfal lace la being
sold at a groat redaction.
William Wilson and mother of
Merrill are In tbe city visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Momyer.
A Christmas card costs little, yet
brings happiness to tho recipient. In
endless variety. Star Drag Co.
City Marshal Carter retnraod last
evening from Ashland, what, ho has
bora for tho past few days oa busi
ness. Tbe recent thaw haa well-nigh
mined the skating oa the eaaal, bat
cheer up! It may frees again before
spring. .
Does your payday come on Satur
day? If so, you may be pleased when
you learn that there are S3 Saturdays
In 1910.
Twenty per cent iess than the San
Francisco cost price Is what you will
pay for the lace you get at the Brick
store sale.
Mr. and .Mrs. Mike Ltppord ot tho
Btukel ranch aro rlsltlag la tat attf
vlth Mr. Clark ot the light and wa
ter company.
The hldea of ten coyotes and nix
bobcats were brought Into tbe county
clerk's office Monday aad tho boun
ties thereon collected.
Tbo precipitation at this place for
November waa 3.S8 Inches, tho great
est rainfall on record for that month
In any year. Silver Lake Loader.
Come now to bny presents. Th4
stock Is complete, the clerks not
rushed and altogether you caa shop
In a more satisfactory manner. Star
Drug Co.
Some Things
Clear Case
Cigarette Case
Collar Boxes
Moacy Belts
Maay Others
i Watch this space for SugfleatloM
Star Drug Co. tag
ACCCpC HM aTsTOaWa Ko If iVoangM
Hows With Five Per Oat fo
teres OaJy.
The city fathers met la regalar ss
slon Monday evening aad aftor allow
Ing all bllht for tho talartoo of Um
city officials aad street work, aad eor
tain bills for transfer work aad tha
taking of the hose carts to tho Iro at
the City Laundry, a dlacaasioa oa
which of the bids oa tho bead astaa
should bo accepted waa takoa aa.
Several of tho conacllasea dte
cuased their views ot the aabjoet aad
O. P. Andrews, reprssiatlag B. M.
Rollins A Bona of Boston, CMaasjo.
Portland aad Baa Fraaclaeo, a
plained tho bids mada by hla oasn.
pany and offered to forfeit tho !!,
certified' check seat with tho bid, K
bis company wero not deallag la
faith and could not deliver tha
within a reasonable Um. A aaoUoa
to accept tbo bid of E. H. BolMa A
Sons $40,000 at 6 per eoat latoraat,
with a premium ot IM waa tatro
duced by Coaacllmaa CaatoU aad
Three new bids roesivad aftor tho
tlmo stated la tho ad vert hum lat C
the boads, aaaMly, l:!t o'ssook Da
cember Cth, were thoa eaoaod aad
were fouad to bo laforlor to thaaa
previously roesivod, oroa Jaaaajs at
had bea protloaaly awod.e tho as
Tie of CMy Attorney Draho t
them. Th later bida war aa
A. J. Hood of DotroH. S4.t a Sift '
pr etat. with ICM prsmiam; jftf
Koy Co. ot Chicago, f td.ttff at ft tt
per cent, with a praaUaaa C I4M,
and f lO.eot at ar coat, with a ara
mlnm of l04. Taos Mda wr aat
After aa Informal dtacaasJaa of tha
advisability of pladag th mala aow-
r on Main street or Klamath atwaa.
tbe following letter addressed to th
mayor and council by K. hi. Kelly,
secretary ot tho Uaderwritera' KfatU
able Bureau ot Portlaad, waa read:
The Honorable Mayor aad City Ceea-
ell, Klamath rails, Oroaoa.
Gentlemen: A rcat isaaifay of'
your city showa that yoar property
owners aro entitled to a radneUea tt
about 8 pr coat from th promt
rate of laauraac. W hare te ad
vise yon that It lmprovmat la th
water system, such a w aar
Informed aro contemplated.
bo made, a further ndaettoa at at
least It pr cat will a allowed. Thla
does not mean that all balldlaaa
would recolv a tat redaettea at a
spaclle amount, bat owing to
changed conditions sine the laat
rates wero published, some weald be
(Coattaacd oa Pag d.)
Head Bag
Head Parse
Toilet Beta
Maakare Bets
Oaase Pad
Glove Boxes
Postcard Albas
Treveliag Cases
Maay Others .
Have ir,
'Ml v-T" 7Z
: C .'"'. J
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m m
&V -si'J
i-' ,".
tii t ? "-'