- .in. .1 mr 1 li Ktf V, tin' l a efato. wntM J and Beit Dally. J Our A4rcrtiMrt Gtot Tm KflrTHYKAB. No. l.Qgl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1909 PiicbS Cbkts -i,'. ;y? Ik fllLmav JOPOGRAPHIC MAP ARRIVES mi mni!JH nii-.MV ht.ihth ITHriilllCITVCAMIMMl.N' CIIST TO COASI INCLUSIVE takb prudarllir- n( Mm)Ii Heme. h M to the Knllrr. Klamath Cusmtry. TWant sttp In Hi" campaign ttt baHto n'"'11' Klamath umuty ttrta from ru"t " roast ha W"H life f '" "", Hprlngs company, Mill t nature of a loinrojililr )IM? ot lh section lying between II Ami and Crater like ami be lli Ihli cliy urn) Mvdfurd. ll ov irti Itffllory approximately Itu nttr lo "d tiwrly 100 mill wide, llbUurk n( OIIimiii Callclt, the mk artist ot Cortland, mill ro.t lilt. TUisig wu rrcelfrd (liU morning tit Ml been on rihlblllon nt llm nf toiot It company, lirm ll lint been ibsst y Urge number of people. II BI M Iticti In Han Krnnrlini li tit warning by I'rr.lrtrnt N, O. Josmw, whore It will l placed on tiMMtlot. rVirral ilmllar mapi are tWa4t by Mr. Called, and I heir till W Stat throughout I ho United tut Accompanying them bo i psaftklct on tha Klamath country mw total prepared by Ida llol Israel company. ThU publication till hi Ik Onni nrr liiurd by any (antsy or cltr on the Coast, Tt topographical map, which will ktMlsssiag feature In Urn publicity taaia,i rrmsrksbto fur Ha detail 14 stcsrscy, Thoie familiar with U territory lll havo no difficulty In tssaf auny (KilnU of Interest prom '' portrsjed on the canvas, aait fcratti throughout Iho lU.ln will Un Mtlt difficulty In locating their ruesta lad mm! (l( Hid prominent tlMlin. II xlvri ilia homrseeker wafrtstBilve lilca of tho Krratnrn IU Ktlon, at the Mine time tar. i ryliiR with ( ,o Iiiiir-M Hint tin. fu. luro liiiixt liolil In liirn fur ttio Klnin. nlli cimiilry n iltircli.piu.iit Hint mi nil wcnltli for thuau Inklim nj. vniilnm of the irUiiilllt a now of. furiil, III lIUllUalllK llm ir(lM(ir, uilvrr llalliK rmntMlKli Id Imi ioiiiIiuKmI hy III riunpaiiy, Im nalil; "Wu rniiio in Hut tondiiiliiii nonin 1 1 mo ami (lilt Innlomt nf i,IK N, liiiuli talklliK. tlm HiliiK iikuI nmilH wa to Kit tbU coiinir) bvfortt ibu In ilur ami llm luiiii(tx'rkir In a ninii. tier thai Mould brlnx Ibuii hini In In. ttMllKatu, ArronlliiKly, wo rmplo) u. i.vpi miviii uiimiiiniiiii in iiinro lur uo rratlliiR inallir. mam ami ihutiirilia of ll... Klamath country. ami ar now at work ioiiioIIIiik ihla lata Into a pmiihlct of which uiry. in. In-re will ha vn nnxiii In (m proinl Tlm mm ilomlnniliiR fncior In all of the work hai l-.n aictiincc, WlmrntPf nKur.-e nro kUiii I In-) ran lit nbtoliilnly ri'lltil iihiii Tim larl nlioul HiU iiiiinlry nn kimhI cnniiKb, ami no i'iuku. railou l nimlni, 'ThU publlrlly plan of our will lake In all of tlm Klamaih country, ami one irctlon will hn hiumnii'il t wull n annlbcr. I Iwlmri. Hmt ll will ri'iult In bringing- mora in-oo Imn- luring llm coming uiiiiiiit than have nr bwn Imro licforn, ami If Klam Mlh roiinty dm-, not grow It will Ihn fault of thn pioio hiri-. "Wo nru willing in go ahead ami do nil of I hi' hrary work, All , mk U that the .ri.n hrrn put Ihiilr houlilnr to llm whi-cl ami lull the hotiip-itvker ami liimtor what a flue country thl It. Tin ro ihould bo no knocking, fault. nti.tlng or irctlonal. Inn. Tli cm will Ik ampin oiMirlunU llii for all U limy only take athant age of thrm," ATTK.NTIO.V, y.t.KH All i:iki are rr-qui-.trd In mrt at Ihn Antlera club before 3:30 p. m, Humlay, iK-r. tlh, o, before going to Ihn Opera lloute. Thn lmwyorganltel Orangy will hold an 0111 mretlng Tiiriday after noon at Ihn Workmen hall. All tho farnmra and rancher In thl. vicinity nrn Invited, Thern will Im mtII riiu.tr j in! a general good llmo U n--clr. Shoe Facts It ii a ftct that we hare the Beat Shoes made on earth at any price: Hanana, Walk-overa and Nap-a-tans; A. A. Gut ter'i celebrated Logger and Cruller .. If you waiit to do it you can buy clothe! ?ery cheaply. But with wool priced aa high aa it li now, they will be cheap and look it! Oar clothe! arc Mot the cheap, akoddy klad. TlcT art made for you aa an Aaicricaa gcHtlc u with acir-rcapect for his pcraoaal appear aicc. They have fit, dlgalty and stjlc. They are Stein-Bloch't SntartGlothet Ka Ko K. STORE nlaBloch latart Clothci IHrtchtaiTroitfrs CONTRACT LET FOR 12 MILES .IMHICW KIIKKHON TO llt'll.ll TO HI'IIAdl'K 100 MEN ALREADY EMPLOYEO Mill llu.li Work ur ami Ttirrr Mlh-. of tlm Main IJn.i Now 'oiiiirl-4l. Andrew Krlckion, a big Callfornln railroad contractor, ha taken ul- contract lo build tlm at twvlvn mile of thn twenty. nn mile of track to be built fioui llm depot lo Hpraguo river by Krlrkton A Criterion. Huhcoti tractor Crlckion ha already vtab II. bed hla ramp on tlm Indian rtmor Nation and ha, at preirnt, about 100 men employed, nmt Intend to atari a ieam ihovel In llm near future. There nrn now over 300 mini em plori In tlm railroad ramp from brrn to Kiragim river, and thl end nf llm w.irk li being rtlihrd a fait a po.ilhlo. The truck li laid on thn main Htm from tlm depot to Ihn old Hank plan-, a dlitanru of about thrcn mile. Tlm tiiduitrlnl ipur from thn main line In the lake li completed unci the railroad ran now lake the material to be mod In their ronitrurtlon work lo Ihn lake and then by wutcr to tlm different ixilnti along the lake ihoin where tlm men are working. At the waterfront Ilia Southern Pacific li building a large wharf nnd wart'hoiiM', Tbriu waterfront Im provement! will be uicd In connec tion with tho railroad conitructlon work, and when tho work I com pleted will be uicd aa freight houiei, er In connection with ihlpplng on Ihn Upper lake by thn Southern Pa cific In connection with their rail road. It Today, a iiuall tablet con lalnlug itatement of my tagp hu. liewi. I will be very thankful if tho finder will phone inc. Phone 7CI. J. I.. Yaden. HEAVY VOTE IN CONTEST MIHM IMIIIIIH HTIMi LKAIW, WITH MIHH MANTKN CIXNtK HKCX)NI ANOIHER CAN0WA1E ENIEHS I'nuiMl Intemit MaJfrted In Tlm llerald'a llljc Contrst for Trip to Callfomta. Onre nioro tho vote In The Her ald' big popularity conteat have been counted and the mult ihowa a large Increaie for each of the randldatea. Ttio youa ladle who have already entered to try for tho free trip to !o Aiigelei are rejiortlng tho greatest ucceu, beyond even their moit an gulne eiH-cttlon. Tho content, of courie, a yet I but In It beginning, and there la plenty of time for any young lady who do- Irr a iplendld vacation trip abso lutely free thl winter to enter, Kvcry one ha her friend who will be morn than glad lo aid her la her effort to vlilt California. It ii omethln worth driving for. and ttrlvlng hard. It doc not require much time, cither only a llttlo of your apare llmo each day. The candidate who have entered ar reporting themielvea n urprlied at the ease with which they aro enabled to get votea for IIicuimIvp. Ha Id one young lady cnl) yesterday: "Actually It ha aurprUcd me. i rally didn't know 1 had ao many friend until I started out on this contest. Hardly a person .of my ac quaintance whom I have aeea thus far ha refilled to aid me. It cost them io llttlo and means so much to me. Tho experience I havo gained, too, In the few days I have been out Is worth much to me." There are, number M subscribers who have received voting ballots to be toted for some particular candidate they iletlro. They probably have no fatorltn, and are simply waiting for tomo young lady to ask them for their support. Devote aa much of your time a poulblo to the contest and you will And that It la an eauy mailer to secure votes. No ono will know how really anccesiful they can bo until they havo tried. Tbu standing of tho randldatea will be publlihed again neat Monday. If you aro a few votes behind now, work hard for tho next few days and take the lead. Following Is the standing of tho candidates: Helen Harris .'. 98,080 Mora Ma.len ItgWO Ciolda IWn.ru 8,808 Hast'l IJtprmorv 11,000 At tho Opera Houio tonight thcro will bo sovoral now pictures. A charming lllograph comedy 01m, "Tho Valet'a Wife, or Deceiving III Un cle," "Tho Little Father." a aterllng dramatic film, and "The Wealthy lllval," an unuiual comedy of life In tho Kait. "When Woman Hates." a stirring melodrama, and "The Alex andria Quadrille." a clover and In teresting serlea of pictures. An Eastern deaf-mute wife has been glvon dlvorco from her deaf mute husband, who called her names on his Angers. She waa not obllgod to "listen," but possibly curiosity got the better of her. Sho had leas caio than the similarly afflicted man whoso deaf-mute wife kept him awake nights by "talking." If t'hli divorce fad continues, decrees will yet bo glvon for simple suggestion. THE BOYER HAT: Tfce best M.M Hat made. Yes, That's what we aaM The Best f 3 Hat Made The very latest NoveMes tm Hats The Portland Store TRAPPING SEA SON BEGINS l-TI.-IIK.Mt I. tU AMHMM QUITK MMKHOIH IX KMMATH HIDES BRING GOOD PRICES Kevrral Huadrrd Dollars' Wort erf llldrs Already llrottght la TWs Karly In the rWsow. Now that the trapping season has started In carneit, It Is In order to nti that I he variety of fur-bcarlnt; animals to bo found In this section Is extremely large. Otter and mink aro every year trapped around the var- lou lakes In largo numbers, and aa their furs bring good prices, the time and effort expended In catching these little fellows bring excellent returns.' Then through the marshes the trap ret out calch skunk and racoon, both having hides highly valued by tho furrier. Those who hunt In tho mountains bring back as a result of, their win ter's work fishers and marten, silver tipped though these are very rare and cross fox, coyotes, black bear, bobcat, panther and lynx In abun dance. There are still left up on tho higher ridges a few of those timber wolves which formerly hunted In this vicinity In large bands, killing tho deer and cattle. In the fall these old marauders follow the deer across the hills to tho lowlands near the coast, coming back In the aprlng as the deer again turn toward the mountain. On this sldo of the Cascades the deer are mostly blacktall, white east of the mountains the mule deer roam and feed up, through the ravines and In the forks of the rivers. A few moun tain sheep are still left, bnt these are now protected by law, as are the great bands of antelope whleh range across tho plains. These deer are swift of foot, and can outdistance the old cowhorso and leave the swift co)ote hound far behind. Restless and wary, they still have that terrible curiosity peculiar to all deer, and If you happen to be riding on one of the plains where they are feeding, will circle around and around, over getting nearer and nearer In an ef fort to seo what you are and why )"bn came. All hides aro prime at this season of the year, with the perfect prime about February, and as hides of all kinds are bringing a good price, those engaged In the fascinating sport of ensnaring the unwary wood folk And that they are amply repaid for all their work. HKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wm. Rurxoff to J. J. Cole. NW14 8ec 31, Tp. 38 S.. R. IS E.; 110. J. II. Wheeler et ux to Belle Skeen, 300x125 feet in NB cor Sec. 31, Tp. 338., It. 7 4 E.; $150. Ilaxel Rolfe to Martin B. Rolfe, 8ft of NWK. NEK of NWK Sec. 9, SEU of SWU'Sec 4. Tp. 38 8.. R. 15 E.; 10. Wm. 8. Worden et ux to Charlta K. Worden, Fred Melhaso nnd Qua Mclhase, undivided one-half Interest In SWU nnd NW!4 nd NWU of 8WH Sec. 30, Tp. 3 8.. R I 8.; 110. F. J. Booray to J. L. Cunningham, lota 8 and I, block 43, First add. to Klamath Falls; 110. Chas. S. Moore et ux to Chas. E. Meldrum, lot a block 18, Riverside add. to Klamath Falls: 1100. t jast received by express at city loiRvrntx. New crop best dates and nuts. East End Kandy Kitchen. A nobby line of band bags at Stilt Dry Goods company. December Edison records at Mul ler'i. December Edison record at Mut ter's. Lace sale at Brick store on Satur day. 10,000 yards at 2 He per yard, On Saturday laces worth 16c per ;arl will be sold for Cc. Ilricg store. Have you seen our new line of or naments? Stilts Dry Goods com pany. Stilt Dry Goods company nave a Ane line pt ladles' and children's un derwear nnd hose. Don't forget the great redaction sale of coats, suits nnd millinery at Stilts Dry Goods company. Special lace sale at the Brick store. Ten thousand yards will be sold for less than one-half Its rain. HIGH SCHOOL JfOTi The Boys' end Girls' Literary so cieties will hold a Joint meeting In the High School auditorium Decern bar 17th, and a very Interesting pro gram Is expected. The Boys' and Girls' Glee clubs have been practicing regularly and a marked Improremeat Is showa.e- The Freshmen Chorus class has been singing together, aad It Is known that It will soon appear la public. The High School feels quite proad of the fact that the basketball gaums which was played oa ThaaksgtrlBg afternoon waa won. This encourage ment has no doubt Inspired the beys with fresh enthusiasm, so that they will practice all the more. Amoag the new pupils of the High School aro Misses Ross SUvsa. Maude Martin, Almee Wing aad Pearl Davidson. Miss Myrta Carter Is soon ex pected to be with us agala, aa she Is over her long Illness. ' New magaslaes are belag ordered for the different rooms In ths High School, and the new ones ndded to those that we already have will make an abundance of magaslaes. The monthly grades are being giv en out today and each month Im provement Is noted. This month's Boomer wilt soon bo out, nnd ns there will be cartoons. It will no doubt be more Interesting. The pupils are looking forward to the Christmas vacation with pleasure and say to one aaother that half el the school term Is nearly goae. Va cation thla year will begin oa De comber 17th and school will ceaveao again on Monday, January 3d. The High School has Just received 1 a beautiful and valuable colleetloa of mineral specimens from Mr. Oeo. T. Kline. These, ndded to what we al ready had mounted, will make our collection quite complete. The H. 8. feels very grateful to Mr. Kline for this kindness. Bigger and Better We have recently moved mto tag oa Mala street, nest doer tu are now better neefwrcd taaa ever to eswv yea and arrt- lass yeuds. CaM aad see oar aew e,aarlcrs treated rcsardtem of year nalssem. X " Koix ckiam Star Drug Co. Inc - "!lsmW'gtalw.Wff' They Ha?e ItH DAVIS REPLIES TO CHARGES AXMWKHM Iff IIKTAIL TUB btTATbV MKXTfl MADK TO OTSiaiTlTBs TACTS C0tm"IAlJJNGt-l nVCersTtJaaB NBO n4nCsTtvtT Glres His Insjirstnsrnt f Following la the sUteaseat by Chief Eagtaeer Davis la aaswer to the charges aude before the Catted States senatorial committee aw Irtssja tlea durlag Its sessions here. Tie charges were published la a CMaasjo paper aad were bresght to the attoa tloa of Secretary Balllager, whe, hi submitting Mr. Davis' aaswer, stated: "There are the facts. Facta are aaaade answer to ear aad all eharaea." ' "A Chicago paper la Ma Issaav's November It prints aa article 'Graft Ssepocted by Senate tee.' ln whleh the makes statesfteats that are ealealalad to redect upon the business nnd effldal probity of the late tary Hitchcock, Director Charles D. Waleott aad SsperrMng nTaniasir i.i B. Upplaeott, whe were ressieessMe for the acta called la qnsstlsw. aad bobs ot waoei are bow la tae ssrrtse - or la possissloa ef the meats which would charges. "While I have had aethiac to do with the nartlealar traaaiMUow 'w queotioa, I am lar neasUeai to give tho facts showa by the rsearda whleh sa Urely eaeaerate the reetaaMllea ser vice from the charges Instated by tho correspondent. "Tk - - - - - lk 4ada, of lands tor right eC way. twsssjeaariil,, sites sad water rights BOsesBssT!! is" the coastraetloa ef the sjrajatt. amf , V ' tae contracts for panacea ha' Hon were all approved by the of directors rirssatlng the users, who are required to pay ths) cost of the works. "All these aegeUatleaa ware to progress for a loag time. The nettle ulars were a matter of pabHc sVssea- 7vftv alon at various sssetlaga. They outlined In a pamphlet lasaed by the directors, aad the purchases were Anally recommended by heard ef engineers, coaalstlag of hfsaara. He-; placott, Saaders, Wiener, Jacobs aad Ensign, aad approved by the of the water users' amcriatlni being approved by the secretary ef the iaterlor. "This bub, Abel Ady, aAerwards mads these charges aad the afsrvta Ing engineer, J. B. Llpplasett, de manded aa Ins-sstlgstlsa, The ac cuser was celled before the heart ef directors aad questioned rcsjardtac hla proofs. Wherenpoa. aa shews by n copy ot the mlautss et the heard. Mr. Ady stated that, 'So far aa any (Cesttmeed ea rasje Twe.) ear new store fat tae While the First KnUeaal Bank. We Tm vrMI he eetrtresiilf L I' rot dhxH r 1. ' j- v, fi 4 - V iv ' v t.fl r V. " i-. j ' ( I" vV v- J' 4 u i-' - tW "t Neat Door to the FaatatTke. Sot tha IpiBiala la tar wtsiiiwa far att i - i; f iMltlllllllMIIIIIIMIaMMJifaaMM W uitiitr ', i BBaBla