1,7 tt ' - - ( ff-''.-, ! ,n s ir.T-T.w flit y W f i S ' r V . ( At ' M! SA. W1 ro w FsAV Fktt Daily. r ia-f js tYMlu No. 1,022 (TED FOR .ING BOOZE UT TNK LOCAIi Ol' UXfKrntm.vsY.hM . fmt 10 WVESI rGAI c mm U Arfretci fur NpII'mii jmw sad Swears Oat War kM bfPNt. and ' violator of lha local i to tht cHy la HUM lth irsmellet ovea fulle.- M Hit Individuate who LBM.VNe Muff that aoma ( iiasSBSjWJ-.-J-&asij K under lb mitaomer M la all dss to "IHck" i oae of tke etool pig. ItBBSVBetae " Kill f i- i l-. - L,il I ... . - . ..!.. tl. .. OS in n irwnni ii iu Bt tfcttf mortal, nuking a profit sllasMr-era a bottle, lis ha tMs state ttsry of hta Iniquity, who furolthed the k f l aaa already bea made af Lareea'e etory. f arretted fur eelHsg whit liars hl ewa ahla, awore rijflVfMC fOC itehaafNaal afJaMvMi itftrat far 'risd' 1eauett. add htaVtba'whlf vat arraigned fearer o MHUr. ssd will (Ma afteraoes. seed dow.t Ohm Uraea'asd aqsesbxf, vest dry so s boss, it aid Id latereeted tti4 to bosses so Jaeortia of the grssd i vttt cesveae la thla city ISt tram frlday. Uraaa was by asms' eatbaawsU and I MM la aM be aklaasd allva 1 WV' (Sgf H f aaaaPgagaaVf .KW gaaaLaSggaal I 'ggiBaT CgaaataMgaVgaan raaBBgaBW " if gagaavaavavtr saaai taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' " Jal aVavaavaavgam '"' CL Jgaavaavgaaa, ! vJaf aaaaaaaaaWam. V" I T aaffaffaffaffaaW "A P. galaalalggaaK 1 gavaaHagaB aw aaMaaMaVaan I 'H I a t'raW LH" IlaaaaHVLvMaiiK. Wft If ha did nut mako hlinielf arare- around these parte. Urxtti wtt prof. ly badly acared, and fur fear that hlv faar might havo onio effect on M lega, lha Sheriffs office placed him In jail, where ho will remain until aftor ho hat Riven lilt evidence to Iho grand Jury. Ami It la that gram! Jury nvldenro that It raiting all Iho trouble with a namocr or gentlemen In the city. Larson hat committed hlmaeir auf idently to Insure hit tailing the on- lira atory when ho It called upon to do ao. lie rtallteo that If ho doa at that tbero would he a charge of parjury, aad It It not likely that he wauld rara lo aland beforo Judgo noiana ror aenlenco If ho ihuuld no rttnvlcted on auch a charge. If Ua araad Jury takaa the walt.r up aad return Indlcinienta and thot) Indktrd ahauld bo convicted, It u certain that the county Jail will hare noma new boarder, for Judgo No land haa pronltH auch a prracnl lo lha aet man that comet beforo him on the charge of violation of the lo cal option law. The manner In which ha had handled violation! of thlt law la tho paat leavrt no hope for thoao who may come up for ten teaea. to at would aeeat that notwlth. aUadlai that ao effort hat been Made to gather evidence by the lo cal option forraa, dettlny haa taken a hand aad turalthed tho weapon with which to atnote thoto who havo had tka temerity to traatgreat. Aad lha aaat term of court may be a. lie J with iraalar Inlereet than even lha moat oftlmlttle local optloaltt had ft hoped for. Owlac lo lack of tpaca, Kaglneer Davit', atatetatat la aatwar lo tha caargaa ol graft la lha Klamath project 'had to go over until tomor row. C. N. Morahouaa of Lakevltw It in tha city. Shoe Facts It lit fact that we ht?c the Beit Shoes made on earth at any price: Hanana, Walk-ofers and Napatana; A. A. Gat teri celebrated irOtttfer and Grniaer .V If you want to do it yoa can bay clothes ?ery cheaply. Bat with wool priced ss hiih as It Is now, they will be chetp-aiul looln itl Otir ctiAUi art " " . thtchcapalKxJdyklad: ," TatT art maU for yoa at aa AaMricti tfeaUa- uem wttk Mlf-rtfptct forkliKnpaalapiMV- aact. Thty fit, atlRlty aad tylt. Ifety art Stcln-Bloch'i Smart Clothes K. K. K. SfORE afaaaeraaawoi eaawav w" taaulagaoaai WvaaawwM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNBSDAY, CITY IIHKVITIKM. C'omfortablo npartmontt or tlngto rootni can now bo had at tho Oregon Home, with or without board. Dollt drcMwl to your order at tho O l'l. NnwMitaallno allk waUlt. K K K Htoro, I'lenly of creamery butter and 'eggt at (loodrlch'a Cath Hloro. William Ulhrop, who hat been (rapping up In Ungell valley, yeater- day brought In JG coyoto hldet and one bobcat and collected the bounty from the County Clerk. I You eat lo live, and aurely with to eat tha bett ao that you may en Joy to tho full thlt life, Tho beat at tho beit prlcea can alwaya bo ob tained at tho Monarch Mercantile company. Tuatday night at tha retldenca of J. C. Braltb In thlt city. William II. jnhna and Mlaa Mltaourl A. Pit. both retldentt of thlt county, were Joined In tho bondt of matrimony by the Itev. M, M. niedioo of the Dap tltt church. The electric tlgn haa arrived an1 J. V. Houtton It getting ready to hang It acrott Main atreet In front of tho Opera Home. The nevcrat Improvementa lately put In there havo greatly added to tho general at- tractlvcnuM of that block. Kay Merrill, Iho Merrill livery man, drove over Tuesday afternoon and brought J. O. Keyeer aad hit ton over with him. They have been over In that country looking at tha farm ing land and thlt morula lest for their hornet at Burliuck, Waaa. Tomorrow night tha nta.ird alt tert, retard , alagara adn- ajalek chaage artltter, 'will preaeat a novel aad vory Interetllag vaudeville act at the Opera llouto. They have been playing I'antagea circuit, aad are now on their way from Portland to San Krancltco. . -. , , I ttenittQ 1 BROMN HERt TO SEE REAMS 1 f COMPI.KTINU I'LANH OK KLKC TRiriCATlON or CRMNK TO START WORK IN SPRING City WHI Have One of thajtoet Mer. We Car NyMeata oa tkoCoaat. W. K. Brown arrived hi tha city laal evening from HollhrtV. Ha la here for tho aaraoaa at aoatultlag with Prealdeat Reaatea aeoat plaat uader way for tho aoararatea of tha afreet car Ilea Into aa electric aye- tern. Mr. Iirowa etated teday: "My vltlt at thtt time hat ao tpe clal tlgnlncaace. I eaaso' oaly for tha purpoee of further, eavealUtloa with our local ataocUtaa. We are going to begin the work of electrify ing our carllne J net aa early neit tprlng at It la poetlble for aa to be gin work. There are. may detalla that mutt neceaaarlly be arraaged In advance, and that la why I am here now. " "It hat been a greater djaapaolat ment to aa than to tho aaeyla of tbto elty)(Ul tha caaaga la moUrn power aaa not eaea audh before, but tack matters Uka a great deal of time. Wbea we get tarofcea with our work Klamath raNa w ee wcJI repeta ror tu aatieaca. Wa appre ciate the good will maairaaM la tka aramltee. aad .we lataaat iatraotara. a. . . . . . x. am . cat arfaetalKM m ayMmalkat will be aaaaad to aoee oa tha Coast. "Bailneea eoadlttoaa are Imktwv Ing all aloag the) line, aad I look for great proaperky la Ihla slty darlag tho coming year. Large caplUlbHa will coma here aad make laveat- menu of auch a nature aa will make the city aa impertaat -factor la the affaire of, Southern Oregon. Some have already been here aad are well tatltfled with what they bars found. Ever) thing polata to Klamath Falli being a large city aad It la thla fact that it golag to brlag moaey her. "1 am greatly latereated la tka proportion advaaced by Judge Bea ton relative to, tha aal of tho take bode when they are reclaimed by the govtrameat. Thla. 'to my mlad, la tka moat aeatlble Idea tbat kaa aeea advaaced alaee tha goverameat aa tared thlt Said. I would Ilka to aaa tka people of thla county get the wa ter at a low agar, aad It tha plaa tuggetted by Judge Beaton aaa ho carried Into elect, It will accomplleh tbe object aimed at. It will bo see- vaaary, however, for tka peoplo to get together oa thla quaotloa. If fiey apllt oa thla aa they, have oa w maay other propoaltloat, they will lot everything aad la tha aad have to pay tha actual coat of tha proj ect, ao matter what that coat stay be." Jamaa Moors, a prominent raach er from Oleae, la la tke city today. George Bloomlngcamp aad Jofcn Walla of Bly are la tha city for a few daya' vltlt, :THE BOYER HAT: Tks best BSA Mat The Best f 3 Tho my latest HaraiaW ta Mats The Portland Store ' Hefalo. DECEMBER 1, UOt. IflKNOMKIVAfi aHOWTN ' or thk rtfiarr ntrar Oala of Over roar Hi rerCtni la Owe Year. In thla latue of The Herald ap leare the report of the Pint Trutt :r.d e't-lugt hink of thlt city, an I II It worthy of iruul laaamaek at If ahowt a mtt pbenomeaal growth f thlt Inttltullon alnce tha Ittuaac of tha laat oflclal ttatemeat. Thla teak bad oa November 1, 101, do potlta amounting to I1M0I.I. Oao year from that date, or November If, 1101, the depotlta had reached tha pheaomeaal agure of fll.tfd.ll, making It tka third baaklag laatUo' tloa la polat of awe, aotwltaaUad lag that It It tha youageet of lha taaaelal laatltatloss of tka raaat.L naadtaalag ' daagktor Tkl. akow. a gal. of 400 per coat, tf M At tka time of Ike tataaaco of tkni.. jeM ruU JHe Bf71f4 laat tut. baak asamlaera' report- os Saturday laoaa worth lie sor September 1. ! the deposits k,,. ., , . .. -. amounted to 114,1(1.21. "Tk but tUtemeat, leased November 14. ahowa that the depotlta had la creased to M2.C44.11, or aa lacreate during tbe month of 124 per cent Uader tho provliloat of tha state banking law, baaka doing budaeaa la towaa aad citlea havtag a popula tion of leta than SO.OOO mast have oa haad 16 per coat of Ka demand: liabilities sad 10 per coat of Its time depotlta. At least oae-thlrd of tke reserve perceatagea required as Uer tka act mast be aataal cask oa naad. Tka first TM, hss aa hand sad la reserve beaks esmiasij ky tke auto hank sassafras, eastf't tko amoaat of BS7.t9t.4jt. as' ' t per cost of tke desoslts. Mo dtBareasa WtwH, twt-sfsamase"to per csat wklck la oa kaad and tka 10 aad IS sor eosj issalred ay taw maaaa tkat mask ettrs msrgia af aecurity for tko depoaltera. jr la addltloa to maklag a autsmaat to tko aute baak etamlaer tvo Uasta a year, tka board of dlrectora of aits laatltutloa eisimlae aad aadK airof the books sad papers aad coaat tka cath oa haad quarterly, of jtko 8. O. Joknaoa. prealdeat Hot Springe aad tka Klamath Devel opment compaalea, arrived la tha dty but evealag for tka parseee of looklag over kit latereata kere,Mr. Jokaaoa had aothlag to any for pab- llcatloa. conlnlng klmself to tko tUtemeat that ha waa pstklag wlU all possible rigor his pablktty staaa. aad that they would bo completed la tka sear future. Tkeaa are of a most exteaalra character, aad will at doubt be productive of big retuUa both for Mr. Johnson sad thla dty. Charley DeUp bad several aaxloua momeaU last Wsdaaaday avealag, whea ha fouad ke had loot his marriage llceaae, aid tkoagk ka kaated klgk aad low ao trass of Us mlsatag documeat could, bo feaad; ao Tkurtday meralag ka and to as- cure a saw oas, aad as seals' "Alls wall tkat sbss well." 'r Tkoaus Wllsoa cams la from hta homestead thla sftsraoos. He haa engaged Is Us trapplag buslaeaa for the wlater aad la meotlag wlU pret ty good aucceaa. tl A lX 1 t f Yes, That's aaat wo aaat Hat Made Jast rssatrsi hf : V n ' tWUaVMKflTIOll Deetm bar Bdtasa raasrda at Mat lar's. Murray Williams of Mirer Lake la a vltltor la tka dty. December Bdlaoa reeorda at Mai tor's. A.aobby Haa of head baga at Stltta DryOooda eomaaay. December Bdlaoa reeorda at Mat tor's. f Mrs. J. B. Alloa of Boaaaaa Is etosslac at tka LakeoMe. ' Deeember Bdleoa roeoraa at Mai ler'a. r. A. Smttk retaraad li frost Saa rrtaelato. Thla moralac amerif mad tka Davaaaart aaat. U a. wa.. .. w. .. M . jer " oee w-e bwiuj ov awwsjei aaajasajas Have yea aeea oar sow Mm of or- assMatar StIIU Dry Oooda east paay. Mr. aad Mrs. R. M. Sartor esssct to leave for MarskSald la tko soar Mrs. DsHsy of tko Boa Taa gro cery la morlac lato kor saw aottago ballt last fall. It eeema good to see tko saa oat agaJs after Ua asreral daya It k aooBlakldiac - Ckaa. Caltweod to la taa oMy froat Ma raack at Swaa Lake aad to That- lac kls krstkor. BUMs Dry Ossds ssassaay kara a tao Use of taataa' aad eksMraa'a aa- Dao't r-Ai- SUH. Dry,4Jtasssi Tho asw aowUsra aa Ua Cpaer take to letloa aad will ka laaaeaod aaortly. Mr. aad Mrs. Myroa Draaaar tears la tke moralac for Partus. Mrs. Draaaar kaa aeea Irararlaa at Us aasMe Uarary for asreral Tke BoaUera PadSc railroad easy la ersetlac la Ua toeal yards a IS.OOOaalloa'ttssI water Uak to ho assd far storage parpens. -Special taes ssls at Uo Brisk store. Tea tkoaaaad yards srUi be) said for tasa Uaa oao-aalf Ms raise. See oar wlsdow for toss aara&laa for Saturday. seedy kaa eorasrsd Us ssjc kat la Ula sosaty, aad Uo prise af same to ssariag, wttk tko sad ast yst la algkt r W. A, Iotos, whl kss llfa & (U dty for tko past tsa daya' la Ua Is- tsrsst of Uo CosUaesUl Firs laaar- aaee compssy, toarss la Us for Balsas. lataat aaa assaS asas- ej-Ja, Mi e i iiaaaaB4awvn S77jl astaaac laslaiiy at aaaasss. Bigger and Better anasT , ,- , , : t Weasrs i 'to mm ast Cal aai saa oar a yaar ss Sh Star aajBkv ,.v V sTWatlmaf -5' I" l T-iSj; K - dddkaagigagb ... &&ti Ow ,anT Hat ,W f (mm v ' CONTESTANTS VERY BUSY IKCBBAStM NEW CAISMSATU TO ENTSR to thatr tatartta aaaN fsjj tka I f rtpitatallag tato tkeBaaayi thslr Meads ksrs sot tac far Uasa for Us fast lev dkssj M -taaaMr hasa mm m tedasdtetalMUolssd-. Tao . .v.-'1' -as sssss aara- All Basal Arak toil srs i wm toUal aa Baasay SU. at 1:10 a. as. akara. Taa wc m HBpsrtsat- Br srdor at 'V JDD4B WsLUTsV b. b. s-Bsmr. JTOdaB UUTITT. . W.'A. C. O. aastslasf at World, aai B. a a at In i . - - - -- ! i ww wmj oaa sioaaaea a,i af Us taias at taalr asM'asit I Mr. Ttssasr toft tar. MttissjisJhta hat Mr. Sssssta.was'ss. r?v laUasKylarsofojrsi A , ) 't jn i x,fy -.h : aaakwMBn $m Vf ta'sasir sssBsaao r --' m - Tm si a at v -. 'i. - J .A, ,l. t . BJEF t i.. ' m- rXi' V'lS XrL V'saa;'-' f sjBr, ; - sWsv'; - ''VW-fal , M J-1' r- THBCfJBaMHJI T CTtT ?" eaasiaaaa ansssssau J "w eMwoams. ,, - f - - ' V w The sss few days kass fcaea kimsi '- m tar tka rse tadata wtss'ass t trytag for tke free trta wTtssf asl ", -f, galea, aad the rote waaa ejaaahsnt '(sasarrow aasftt wM saoar a'aaassaal ' ?i Hmrnmftjm. im nifwms.' I bo etaso aai hard foosjM la'aa as V eared fsst. Tko frlea4a afa)o sa. J 'j teas aaiatBtlii are tut atast ".'' $ aosseJaltr)a '-! hMnl. , i, ' , hj mral sow sosshsattoas -kaos' ' hsaa rssdrsd. aai wsl so tssssaai to Uo hat tftrraw aaaat wmd'' - K bMssm sssm ss tsssj sW ysassj , i sssy - . J T -. X raffialy as pssrtk"' M"yssrtgl ' ' A MMMi-tassassWSBdsaTa ft asoss4 ,.tksWiaj asVaasslsssBaTnBsa? Be3alit9tasWs7 rZ-" T .?-ffiSfwl aartac W saL 743K9HH ImsSaara I. U. M4w.j , ,, tJTM altXB. -lI-Z-L ' 'tsaal TT lyHBmgasl . - A amiH LBMatABjaV' vs m . -,: rAa1 Ua Wsseaasasa : shaVWisV! n'mJM&m Bassaaatf'-' v 'f tamsaga ,., r r - J. tJti. IBST MZW71 JjI '.yrj.1 fi 'ir-y. WW - J, ' fr?'' tA A , ' ! -t P h i' i ' i ? . .i r j,V) J7.': f " 1 'MTi .t :, W ft r 1 5.'- . jpj .-i . wtV,! .4"?' ' yt i i 7i ; i , i hamay-. .-?q i . Haafi 2 '. - rflfl v ' ; 'it'J" ' i - if "S -IV, fafau 1 it I-sr--tll ". u "A Ji ' Xlt't ' ,t' 1, iii- K . "vr....- oar.A ';;.m akata satti r -Si r- ,