The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 27, 1909, Image 1

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i '
$fte Pinitta ifefato.
f Kaeawiath Fall Jflrtt J
LTf 12? Beat Dally.
Aimkama 0.
l& ;
YBAR. No. 1,019
noes 6 (torn
i M . i
rMsr.' mmk taiith v.
ga freak iur " Taw.
Ml to Canyon. UtmtUm eo
Ajtojajh ''om UmkNuIm la tke
' . ... .. ......... i.i...
HlfWW lllfl pum m.-,-
I Merwilluti ronrrwli! In
, activity In Control Oregon;
11 Wak track-laying commenced un
ItoHMtlwin load on I ho cut baa1!
at aw Dieebutea csayon, and thv
OHgM Trunk lino contractors work
Mfat stokt on the grada on lk west
leek, a race lu determine what rail
oil WII be the drtl Ip reaek Cea
tnjvivfoa U swarenlly under wajr.
AM day lon blaala toucked (iff on
seiSeeof It, raayon ur Ik otfcer
rmrktnl from aide lo aid and
Mftai Ik Columbia In lh gaunt
kail beyond and back again. Mast
free to Oregon Trunk Una work
IN baud at all houra of tk eight at
laaV (k mouth of ih Drsckule can
lboeialMlnns bar vea7dlsturbed
aawHd gees which In other year
km roasted al night an Millar'
la Ik Columbia opt! Ik
tl Ik Deechat la almost
thousands. Th geeee
ate a transferred tkalr reestiag
I-" arete I Ik far eastera ead.ef Ik
I and have ceased Sylag ap'tke
draw of Ik Deschutes to Ik kt
taaroed transportation of lu owa
awl Ik earlier establishment In Ik
MM of contractors at IhU point km
h aa
given tlm llarrlman lino an silvan
(age In commencing track-laying. I
l.ait Friday a Irack.lnylug nin
chin waa put at work at Ilia material'
rani, uno nilto twal of this point, ami
whom III Deschutes road leaves tin)
main lino of llio O, II. N,
Tho track I now laid for a ills,
laaro of one and ono-nalf iiiIIi-k and
Ih track mtm nay that ten mlliii will
. laid by llio flut of (bo )ar.
In lb material vanli aru rail
now on .band nufflrlvut lu lay ttilrt
for Mllra of Hark, and lira aro ilM
up la auaklvnt nuinbor lu rorrov
(Hiad, wbll kra of iilkr, anal
bar, galvanlird Iron culvorl, bridau
llmbora and other romtrurtlon na
lrial aro Mattered In (die over av
oral acre of ground. The I rack-lay
lag Htaebln dlaned by I.. 0. McCoy,
lb aglaer la chargo of lb t
coaatrucllon, wa built In lb yardi
hre, and Ik woibnien aro now In
ilalllng a bolitlns vnalno on a der
rick raY, lo which will bo added a
derrick for heavy bridge building.
Tb track-laying machine, which It
Ik art of tho McCoy dealgn over
built, a ha been demonstrated al
ready, U a urrrM.
It a much cheaper nf construction
I ban Iko other machine now In un
In vallroad work and require fewer
men la operate It, Wafh a gang of
3& lu 41 men a mil ol track per day
can bo laid, Th Hoberti or llarrl
type, wbll faaler la operation, rr
qulr about 100 men lu work lo their
Tho principal advantage claimed
for lb McCoy machine I tb amall
number of ma rqulrd lo operate
It, In tb oveat Irack-laylag over
lake brldg-blldlag or grading, lb
hwaabtr of ma keld a pay la not m
Tkasjnaterlal yard cnjulpnienl alto
lacladea a mabln for curving rail,
wblcb It operated by a gaaollno mo
Tea mile of track will carry tho
llarrlinau llno'a work lu a point
whuro um of tho heavlor bridge
work begin and will permit tho ablp
ping In of material by rail and pro-
iikiIii faater tomtructlun In that lo
cality, Kor both road tho work near lb
mouin or mo iMacnuie I ugni eora
pared with that farther up tb can
yon. Tho Oregon Trunk Irae,
rounding the bluff Into tho Columbia
Itlver canyon, ha a rock tunnel tu
ronalrurt, on tho approaches of
which work I now under way. Ilt
tween the mouth of tho IHracbutea
and Celllo a great part of lb con
alrucllon I In rock, ,
The llarrlman road I laying rail
of the continuum Joint type, which I
now tint ttaudard tyjHi of rail on Ibo
O. It, A N. main line. The mala line
of the O. II. A N. I built of 7S
pound rail, but for lb heavier traf
fic between Portland and The Dalle
It U ald that the Irack I lo bo re
laid IhU winter with 90-pound teel.
On Ibo Denchute road 76-pond ateel
U being laid.
The precldenl of the Tloneer Bo-
clety offer a-raih prlio of On Dol
lar for the mod areplabln motto for
I ho I'lnneer badgi now being made
Thla motto la to contlat of not morn
than no word.
Tho emblem represented on lb-i
badge are a gun, an ai and a log
cabin. '
Ueneral Organlaer P. II. Tlchnor
will be here on Tuesday, Nov. 30th.
All member of Kwauna Camp aro
urged lo be present al Woodmen hall
on evening of that date.
C. K. llKANDKNtlUllU, Oprk.
Left uncalled for al my place will b
sold at a discount on original price.
Call on O. A. Slearn. West tide.
Ijidli' scarf, sweater coat, wrap
par, blmonaa at Uoodrlcb'a Cash
Some of the
Suits, Over,
Top and Rain
Coats you
ever saw, in
Just opened at
Coalewt WIH ITawe Oaw aff Ik Moat
Popailar Kver NaMita
The Herald' coatt la fow oa la
deadly ernt. Tb aaa of tb
young ladle eatr4 ar 'obltokad
today for Ik arat tlm. Probably
no other contest baa bad alck a iwp
ieatallva llrt of caadldU. Tk
young ladle enlr4 arw Mioac tk
most popular la tk Klaniatb eoau-
try. each baa a boat of frfanda wao
are determine taai inear lavoriie
hall have tba honor of reiiraMatlng
this community la the Oregan Booster
OlrU party.
How ta Herat) Vote
The candidal will be furalthed
with receipt book and will hav au
thority to collect for aubacrlptloaa.
Krlenda desiring to help either of tb
cpnlMtant can do to by paying tklr
subscription la Ih oalc r to tka
young lady whom lky wlak) lo blp.
Ily paying a year la aavaac you, are
not only giving your favortu a larg
number of voie. but maklag I Pr
cent Interest oa yoar moay. Vote
are Issued oa old aad new fubacrlp
lion. Candidate will aot epllect ar
tearag la tk city; all arrearage
must be paid' la Ike office. Candidates
may aecure ubecrlptleaa aaywkwe.
Report must be mad to Caateat
Manager twice a week. Work kard
for yearly aabecrlptieaa a taw of
them will glv yoa a larg vet. Tke
name aad sUadlag will be fabllakai
agala oa Meaday. Raaaer, yea
oaly have a abort time to secure
votes; sUrt worklag now.
Not Two Utf ta Bater
If your favorite baaa't beta aoai-
Inated, tall aer ap aad If aha dealrce
lo enter all eat tke aomlaatlag blank
and mall It la at oace. Do It bow; a
few days' delay will make It mack
harder for ber to wla. Tka aomlaat-
In blank la annd far-ass thousand
votea. Only -erne will be conated "Ifor
each candidate.
HUadtog of tke Csaddete
Following la tke list of caadldatea.
The vote of each la Ike earn la tkla
Issue, aa only oa aomtnatlag blank
waa counted. Nest Monday tk vote
will be published agala; put yoar
favorite la tke lead.
OUm ratt !,(
aWaMQ a9CsW4fvOW
wjaaal arVaparaa) wawasaawjll'eal M aaW
HwrVHa) HSaawl ( 1,1
"MaVlaH UTCfaM9ff0 .. .,'
tacMe AaWaaa I.i
natty HetaM, M -, SIJMI. Saw
llaliy HeraM, aaa-, ffaXaw.
DaMjr Herald, t r., MM taw
Dally HeraM, S vr., ,t.iw ,wOD
Owe Tweejaaaff Vetea
Naaae. .
Street aa4 He. . .......
Wnantaate jresjr teverMe teaaf .
sea the iw awaaaeek Kdlaaa
pkoaograpk at IVIaUra'.
Doa't weatvoat your back, braom
aad earpeU wka you aaa sot .the
work doae o atokly, tkoroaakJy aad
ohaaply ky Moagetd'a vacaaai aleaaar.
The Best 93 Hat Made
Tba vary latoat Nevaaaea la'aWtoj Jeat reserve
CUT Btttllllaal.
August Dlehn came la ba tb etag
from Lakevlew hut algkt.
J. T. Alexander earn up from Dor
rls Prlday evening to attend to eomo
business matUra.
R. M. BolUr aupped oa a aall Frl
day evening and I now oaflod to
hi home, aufferlag a good deal.
Jack Cunnlngkam la puttlag tka
finishing touch oa tbe koaa at tke
llannon ranch,
Mr. aad Mr. Patty of tb Model
bakery lft tals "mornlag for Cor
valll. wfcere Mr. Patty will Uke a po
sition. Tke trappHag aeaaor aa aUrted,
and there arc a dosea aaaUra wKk
trap act oat aloag tke border of tka
two lake
Tka daeka aad geeee kara eeai
racaced golag lato tke grata ffelds.
aad Ike rancher are oat la fall fore
Oeorge C. Hill of tk Holcafcb
Realty compear la coaffaed to lis
borne, but eipeeu to be eat aad
around agala before long.
The Presbyter taa ckarck will give
a fair December lOtk. RcfreekmeaU
will be srvd aad yoa are cordially
Invited to be preseat wketker yoa
buy or not.
Ml Rosa 81 v, wko reeeatly re
turned from Portlaad, where afce ha
been atteadlag college, aaa Ukea a
poaltloa aa bookkeeper la Skive
Bros.' grocery atorg.
Do aot forget tke Proakytartta
ckarck fair, wkleb to to ba kM ea
tke evealag of December 10. It wlH
be aa eacelUat opportualty far yoa
lo parcaaae year Xaua prweaU.
Attoraeya Maaalag aad ffealtk are
movlag tkfr oases from the Wkk-
rowMlkaa balldlag lato Ue .' P.
WklU kalldlag. waere tkey wlU kara
larger roeau froatlag ea Mala etreet.
Mtoa Ratk Newtea, wao aaa kern
la tk eky for tke paet tea day wa
der tk eare ef a dectar, wae re
eeatly aet aer arekea am. toft ! far
the raaek tkla oralag wRh I
Tk fair to be gtvea ky tke Preaky-
Urtea ckarck Decemker lath wUI be
aa latereatlac oa. aad yea waa to
vtott It Tkre will be a ffae oppor
tunity for yoa to parcaaae year
Xaua preeeats. i
Tk taylag of Ike aldewalk areiiad
tk Jacob block ha beea completed
la tke early aprlag Mr. Jaeoke will
Uke ap tke woedea aldewalka 'aad
put la cemefft walk. He la aaaale to
do tkla bow oa account of treat.
Tk regular moatkly aodal ef tke
members of tk Presbytrla ckarck
waa keld last vatag at tka kom of
O. B. Qatea aad waa largely atteaded
A moat dellgktfal evealag waa apeat.
games being played aad refreskaaeau
Two aw civil aalU have beea'ated
at tk Couaty Clerk' ealee. 'J. T.
Bradley vs. J. B. Ruteaic Salt for
tke recovery of meay. Joka Irwla,
attoraay for ptalatlff. Joka H. Mat-
ay n. Ollvr Klaaey. Ada Klaaey
2ftW7K" cw
ke havtoc a sswtaH aa
la yoar
Yea, Tbafa what we aaM
M.wiw. wimi.1. B7M 0jaiTiWil-, j
i , r ' ,
kfRhBMPRBtl -' " '! Q '1
'J We have reeeatfc asere lato ear aoai aea la aV Wimw bamaV ; ' v '
CaB ea aa for taraTaer aaistatara. ;
as aa ktaaa acreet, aaat awar to aba Slrat Maaharal skaalu Wa ;
' I ' " v ' '
KLAMATM PALLS LKJMT VJIB ; are aew Imttor atwaata tbaa ever to edtor yea aVil rtiai aarrtoe ; ; ,
WATaMt COafPANY. m- .., ,. .
w , ( WaWS eBBTWaw aaaaaaj gaaaaaaaaa a 'U,
, ! CaB aa aaa aar am aaarlwa Tja aa- Mrirajslf ' f
, l
,, arcato waaiwaai at yoar aatoaVaa.
aad A. Kinney. Suit for tbe recovery
of money. If, W. Keesee, attorney for
New Meaaallae silk walsU. K K K
W. If. Wall of Keao waa la th city
Thanksgiving day,
Newest style, ladle' Ultorcd
waisU. K K K Store.
If yoa want tka mot beautiful
raleader of tb yar, call at K K K
Sead yoar aaggeetloa to tk aec-
reUryvMrs. B. V. Cogswell, Klamath
Palls, at oace. It
Everybody caa fcave a caaace for
tke .00 Salt to be give away ky
K K K Store.
Plftea kaatlag aad aeklag llrsaa'
kav beea graated la tke past week
ty tk Couaty Clerk.
Oet year aarp. rage. eeruJaa,
t. atoaaed by MawsaMw raewaa
etoaacr; rate raaaaaakla.
Bkerlg Barae waa ever la MerrtH
Priday aabpeeaalag Jarera far the
eemlag i loa ef the Oeaaty Ceart
'-Have year aatiklto atrae vat
aaued at tbe Baldwla Meter aad
Swpply cempaay. Pkeaetal.
Mto Bdaa Hoaatoa rtaraed freeV
Merrill, where she kaa beea vtattlag
Mrs. Robert Daltoa. wke waa Mtoa
Hasel Barrto.
R. Madasa, tka ptoae taaer. to la
lowa for a sfcort time oaly. Leare or
ders for taalag at VlrgH'a faraRare
atere or rlag ap TSI. St
Mr. Latkrea of Rao, He., to the
gaeat ef tke
kaew la tka early days.
Tke roll keek ef the Pleaaara
ctoty to at th Oeaaty Clerk
wkere all ploaeera whe tart aatgl
ready aigaei R are ruaaaUff fa ja,a
ai taeir sbvinb.
awavessssawa. am WBBBBSta
aad thard awcreaa wM ato he ea-'
ferred. All aseaibera are earaeatly
reaeetad to be prawat. VtotUag
kretkrea eerdtolly lavRed.
Tkr will ke aa eatlre ehaage of
prograaa at the Opera Heaae tealgkt
A atlrrlag draaw, "Liberty far ai
Hear," belag oaa ef tke ektof attrac
tions. Uttle Mtoa Marioa wttl alas a
aew esag aad.atve ea ef her eterar
4acea. After the ahow there wlH
be a daaee gtvea by the Baldwla or
chaetra. Teaaerraw there wttl be
shewa !. feet of eeUrely aew atc
tarea arr before aeaa la Klaau
Palto. Tka orchestra wttl atop av
eral eoaeert eleetleaa ktwa the
- If yea waat yoar otat avated aa
BMved ffatok. sat Biaiabra
teaeK. 0e at Sttth aad
I tl U"""t-
- ' ' m. OB SBBBBk A
-. aBaha a v fJ fJBJa - .m. -1
1 w , i anaaaffa saaaskamgga. arajam ajaaaswaaVB
1 ;:fJj. SjaAv m -fMJA ? '' ftt
I i wBWVBBTgBaWaBBkas BBBBBaBBBBsfjMfjat .sbbbbwX MaflaV asal wjTssaW . l r TL
by oaaraaa at T mr aTTIW MIB IIUl. : .,: '. J
I X : ;'maTlPBjBBwm assB!dlb llaffn V a ap aaiaiai aa ; Y . vi W
imajnajpy to
y TOKllMtoTKnm
laaaCMr la
Jade Oeerg T. awMwta.
deatef th Plrat Treat aad Si
ik ef Ktoautb Fatto, aad aaa af .
the est ftaarea
asiera, saya that the i
elae caa very eaaHy
Klaawth Palto torrRarr. that to, M Ma
waatt. It I
aaeat thraaah a i
ef trala aaaedatoa, watah aew
ptaca Portlaad ataa
B sssBasssBV
aaa wjwwB7ByswxsB"
at Saa Piaaataii. The'
atwhtees to aaa watoh Jaiaa 1
lareega hto ceaeaettoa wth'
Palto Chaatecr of
awre. kaa glvwa a great deal ef
tor the
ef the artose BMwera la
toad to sTtoiaaiB Palto.
aM Sto at Wei
Tha nMaf that bath
Klaaath Palto
Ire la the war at
eeaM he
Two wayaere
to heap the
Iff:!, a. as. (aawlawaajaal);
aa aaaaaaa a aaaamaa aaawa,.
aaaait aa to be too
way. aaa wean aaooaaaawsa.'
Weed at aaay-a Immbm aa ai
ataa, aa aaaiaat. t, aaara aai
laataa aader i
By aaHto.
LtoaRad. Parttoad
hare Jaat aaeat aa
the faHfeiato alt too
Sbaato LlmH-M larae to atop at
Bdgwod. Sre asRea aortk of Woe,
to book ea a helpar.'aad a aalaato er
two at Wee waaM aot amajr the
trala appreetokly. Bat I aaaaaaa tt
woald take asttaa ef re tope to sat
-Aaetaer ataa that weaM ebrtote
that whale day'a lar-arar at Waa
Tree DoLap aad Tto OrlSRh
They aptoda
the lake aad;
tatoa oa tbatr I
ef them ataaa away. Kadataareaa.
aa they ratoa ap to aaa tf by aap
eaaaee they ba Utto taaa. aid. aa
aet tm thea M they i
aleag they ha beea jtoJUas a 1
added raaaea that he haa beea aaa t
haalaeai avea'a iaarUa fraa) ratv
IS Jaasa aMwai sadaay.
WaawHaS MSSwaal WaWal
leeeya. ,.
V. '
The Portland Store
Meat Dear be aba
v. - J r1 Tf. Vi.
""" -- - -- mtiiiiiii in it iriaiT -m
....'' -w "-" .,"' -rrrr " t .. t