' i ws J)ii,.im.J. "vu. p 1 F r ..;,w MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY PHONE - - - 303 EAST TERMS KLAMATH GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. 50rERCINT. VIGET ABU MATIIR. AV MHMMmaMMm ? N. 1 ' . It t ' If. s, ."-at. '-" ' r, ;v , THE EVENING HERALD X. a I " ' DlJ,' KPt a" u HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY I . W. O. MTH, Idltor SUBgORtPTION. RATBS: DaRy, kraaiU on. 7r. ... .. ii . . . as?, syatsti, sixssoatasU 1. DaOr, ay nun, tkra moatas. . . v . . . Damyhf Baal), BBS BSSBtB k . T. Mtr.'Mnrtl ir sirrler, eao week.": ' The AdasM.dredge has Salahed the cimI and It now dyking the take shore In front of McCornack's house acrou the lake. b.sssbbsbsss. .. ass. ssssssSsssssss.es . 9 1.11 I KLAMATH FALLsy FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 19. HOi. A UTMUb DMTfXCTION' BlaaostPotter wae.kaown aa qnlta w aaa ouea iook oeugni in turn lac kta humor loose oa hU associates. kat heW! aa lastanea where the Joke, ahaosgh alts ualatestloaal, was a the Meaop. He waa to preach at a esrtaia pariah la tke Weet la tke erst, aad tke congregation waa hot a little amused at tke somewhat aakjeame sanouneemeat of their worthy pastor, who said: ''Reaieaifcer oar apeclat aerrlce meat Saaday atteraoea. The Lord wIH ke frltk as darlag tke morning ereslsg.' aad Blahop fetter la Msgaslae. the trip; but the moat aatbltloua aerrlce waaSthat of writing hla message to the neat sssslon ot Congress. Kagese Deba aaaoaacea with hit usual modesty that he Is a producing vrnrklgman. The trouble la that what ilr. Oeba produces aerer bar any- thtag. "What doe Plachot thlak ot the Qlavle etatemeatT" la the query of aa exchange. Some people caa ask auch simple queetloaa! The more we read about It the BrmeV becomes the conrlctlou that when Coagreaa convenes the Insur gents will laaarge. Judge Osyaor waa Tammany's can dldete. yet he aald that ke had some dlsieuffy la lading hla way to Tam- aasay kail. Now that ke kaa beea elseted we are told that Tammany will hare dlatealty la locatlag the Judge. Well! Well! Thle la a etraage aaeTlaeoastaat old world, after all. tNttttaad Telegraai. M laM asedeaylsg that a eafra gette threw that brick at Preailer AsssJtfcv M mlasad Ma Illustrious : kV aearly forty feet, as ths re- wMeh la erMeaee that wsM 'satisfy say Jury la the world tawssaaa threw H. . I'PPKK LAKE NOTI lit- The Hoaee Apprspristloas tee Is aow oa Ua way to Wkea' Mjretaraa aad Ma report la suk mttlissfto Csagrsss we shall doubt less Bars mors of that dtscusstos that la aH sa the lerel. Newsssper aiea did Praetdeat Taft aaaar a cental tura darlag hla famous The steamer Hornet auak one ot her barges Juat of the mill ahore on Monday and the Masama auak a barge oS Williamson river. Thensls hapa were caused by trying to drlre through the thla, aharp Ice. The Ice la only aa lech or so thick, aad will aeoa disappear If tke weatker Mod erates. Tke steamer Ssgls has beea laid oftWor tks wlater. Captala Wkk etrom kaa doas wall aad ought to take a rest. Tke Losg Lake people are baring a ae lasses built., Ms Is 1 1 feet orer all aad Moot'team; will hare a lC-horaepowsr eaglas aad will ho a rsry fast boat. Touag McDoaald la dolag tks work. Alex Noaler is bulldlsg a llgbtsr for tks aasM eompany. It will ke used to traaaport tke output of tke bos factory to tke railway apur, fori, ath County, Oregon the present st least. Captain Brhrtow ot the Hornet eaya lie la the bualeat man oa the lake, tint whether Captain Parker will atand for auch a claim remains to be aeen. Captain Hantbury came within a close call ot drownlag one day tatt week. A amall boat capatied with him, aad but for the timely aid. of William Wllllts, engineer ot the Hooligan, hs might hare lost hla life, The water la rery cold Just now. Aa additional ateam bolter wilt be laatalled la the mill la a few days. Thla will tire, It la thought, all the ateam required. All the lake ateamera were In port Mouoay. The Maiama cams Insists la the afternoon, the resembled aa arctic whaler, harlag plowed through many mllea ot Ice. Two or three ot the other boata went up the lake Tuesday through ths channel made by, the Manama on her down trip. , Notice Notice is Riven that subscriptions will be received at the office of the unitcrsiKiietl Company, or through the Security Savings & Trust Com pany, Trustee, Portland, Oregon, tor 800.000.00 First Mortgage ii per cent lionds of the Portland Ce ment Company, of Portland. Ore i;on. These bonds arc $500.00 each; will be sold at par or face value, plus accrued interest. A bonus of 100 per cent common stock of the Company will be given with the bonds, to-wtt : $500.00' of stock with each $500.00 of bonds. Subscriptions may also lie ten dered through either of the follow ing named banks of the City of Portland, to-wtt: Dank or California Canadian Hank of Commfjice First National Hank Hirfjinia Swings Bank Hartma.v & Tnoyrso.v,Bankcrs Law & Tilton Hank Merchants National Bank United States National Dank or may be tendered through' FIRST TRUST SAVINGS BANK, Klamath Falta, Oregon. KLAMATH COUNTY BANK. Klam- THERMOMETER! Testing PrsMSMt at the NatUnal Weather Bureau. Each day at tho weather bureau In Washington the thermometer received from various manufacturers through out tho country are put through tho teat of standardising them. The various processes through which ihe liulba pass before they are labeled "accurate" are easy, Inasmuch as there la practically little scleutlflc work at tached ts the test. When a thermom eter Is drat handed to tho man In the testing room It Is dipped Into a vat tiled with a compound far Mow the freetlng point. It Is thrust In at the point where ,lt happens to bo at tho time and worked up aud down until the degree of the coaipouud Is reached. Harlog then recorded the lowest tern peralare, the process of testing for the highest la begun This ts Just as sim ple as testing for the low temperature. The bulb la dipped Into a rat of water, first at 00 degrees. Then It Is worked gradually until 130 degrees Is reached. If tbfc mercury In the bulb will Indi cate 130 degrees further teallng Is un necessary, because that Is a tolerably warm temperature and one seldom If ever reached by natural heat. A .thermometer the bulb of which contains mercury will not register lower than 29 degrees below tero-lhat Is, mercury will freete at that point. In tbl country very little use ts found for thermometers showing more than 29 degrees below aero, but In the far north they are of course ucccssaar. Such Instruments, however, contain spirits In the bulbs Instead of mer cury, but even Ibis fluid becomes slug gish when 40 or W below tern U re cordixl, nod It will seldom show 00 tx--tow.-llarper Weekly. TIIANKtKllVIMI lll.NNCIl Tho Woman's club will sorvo n gen ulna Thanksgiving dinner In tliu basement ot rtho Public Library on Thanksgiving Day, Nut ember SGtli, commencing nt 11:30 n. m. 1'rlco GO cents. Kvenboily como and help tin Public Library. Oct your carpets, rugs, curtains, etc., cleaned by Mongol's vacuum cleaner; rates reasonable. RAMHHV'M KXPHKMM It you want jour stuff moved and moved quick, get Itnmsuy's Kxprcss to do It. OKlco at BUth and Klamath. Phono 123, HOME REALTY GO. thampee. A mld-elgbteeiitli century traveler, who Is the first person known to have made KnglUb of Ihe word "shampoo," wrote that "shampooing Is .an opera tion not known In Kurope and Is pe culiar to the Chinese, which I had once the curiosity to go through, and for which I paid but a trifle. However, had I not aeen several Chinese mer chants ahampooed before me I should bare been apprehensive of danger, even at the eight of all the different Instruments." The original Sham poo," aa this traveler's detailed ac count and osber allusions for long after his time 'show, waa very much what" we call "massage" now. It was from India that the word really came. aad It represents the Imperative of a verb meaning to knead. Watt this Space for "RIAL SNATS" $2,900 City residence; modern; r choice location; beautiful Rroum'a; tel built; bath. $3,000 Modern Ilungalow; perfect I) constructed; well located; constant ly Increasing In value; n flno hoii.e $1,600 A flno business, with unlim ited opportunities. A good sioi.ej maker for a lite man. TIM1IKU CLAIMH IIOMK.HTKAIM Goodrich's Cash Store C. F. GOODRICH, Proprietor Dealer In Dry (lootl.t, Clothing1. Shoe, Hats, Cornets, Kuri Wall Paper and (lrocerles Vt Table Sail, ft" pound fr f .TS Snap 8.P. ! ';" '" Jsto ii an Toffee. -r Hiimd "J J" " Tea, per Niund .....swciu ,m Hlar 1oli.uo, r plug JjJ i...M...kiiu. iiiu.eii. int iim -" Hpenr Head Tutmitii, er plug Kin-, ier " it..iiiia tur iMtutid . , . i ... .i. .... Lt.l. i.l.rt ttlllllHOM "I" '- I-- Its cai Ii pm tB' "" Violet tal, i kNgi J jj Violet I'amako Hour .In II. ,11.. I llala. In bulk. Ill lulids for I.IW , iii ituiim. no iHiutida for l.ne Hugar, r sat liuM llu.l . ....... ,,......... , ,Ne, I tie anil . . . . . ne anil fu rhliisMMrr In. ,n .11 .07 IMIIMK1 .711 .IM Hlchcst Price Paid for Hklcs and Produce UtswiM I TIIK HKI KIM)XT" OaV. Mate St. Itioao all WANT ADS. ZH FOR CALK MlsrrlUnrusw. 9 i Helping the Town a . SJBaAaHHSjgSjSJlaJ fammam taraaaat tm aVaSSSBaSSaW i SBBtaSkaav ttSMfaaass 4 gssssBgam tsatt 1 BsSBaSSBBSJBSBaaaai aaWtPaaT WeHe iV BSOTIWWJ UfUBJf WPsTV a asVaTW IV r imm m. V jrm. bMfc jtt mmwf tfaf tnm hmm m t tapaMd 9)4W CaWaaWM, aBaaTCaaSMt aVM aaasVAjaWttVIVaV M fmrhmm pMfit Ummf laMiam tt asiW Mn tm jm. PUdtaahMk kasptst UiirfcliwifilWBilial. Hrst National Bank f of KUiiuto Falli " i ,.j v it f j, . ' mmm M. ga MmwmK . V 4 "7 f :-. s t u. :j S"l T.'v4t Y; n I A Saving! Account 'Is a talay Say taai, a Has lasaw WW mfcf)a'."sldl ass SsHsb', m ks.aas fasshastr. ttasl M as U aria tMs kiss srer I It tsr JM ( 'laasljri wasm to asast ast at srSI ass Mas Wr Was wtoa to sass. It Is a sssssls aaelrt jaadl kssa.M.aasV aft g :t lift 7 -.m,-. I ,4mm,U Z if i t The MessuriiM Red. Wbatshlenaine BUkln JaswaC BUklni Hon. Jam c. Dllklns .i Our public splrltrd benefactor, Jamta C. Dllklna (Md Dllklna That old leather hearted hoc. till- klna ..., S.ooo.OQO -Puck. at.oos 10.000 1 00,000 3S0.O0O 1.000.000 A Jfr at: 'ctfflft'J ;. fi ' isflblg Brink .:&? mV .... .-..T- i. l ffco'fwUi "p,Xi,i )3' i iBAWItOriONANSA, Boasaas.prs- ;. ...' ' I Zl . wvzvssiiu sniwnmivwm h iwr," t i . - . . BANK OP BONANZA, Bonania. Ore gon. The following well-known men are the officers and directors and more prominent stockholders of the fortland Cement Cempany: Amah Masai, frtiUtml, IM-Gn. tlgr, Casrsa's FitUmd Ctmnt C.. Dtmr, Cl0. EM-Ctu. Up., Vmn rtlti Ctmtrt C:. Ogitu. Tula B. Wacas. Viu Prttidni. Ptti.. PldmmA Wlmmmimm USIli r, 0m,tl.J I Aus. Nmut, Sttrrtmf, tmTrtt. Crtmdi Kttsearg Pest. kmsi iMmHT ta., rrrf,ttrtg$M. U A. Vt.vnt.AHn ft Lnctt. Ptrttni. C W, Ntaur, rVA. Uaitn tmtUU ' Ctwutt C.. Otin.Ukt. A. U MttXJL rrtiUAtf, twit Sttitttl Bit, rmtUMd. Jos. N. Test, AUwmw, PtrlUuJ. w. P. Bnssu, Praiint, Burrill Imvtih , mnl C-. rtrtUfi. J. C AiNtwoBTH. rV., VtUii Slttn Nf tit I Base. PtlUud. W. W. CsrtSN, AHtrmtj. rtrfttmJ. Gsa. LatrasMcs, Js. UtmMgtr Lmerentt Hunutt C:. PtrtUmd. Pavl C kUrss, MpfArtM lift - mftmtt Ct Pftttmd Wan Misss, Attmuij, Pwllmi. Cuss. E. Lass, Pro.. UU VitH Ce., PttlUmJ. Aswasw C. Smith, Ptn., IlitrrmU See- if Ml mmmt, PUM4. w. a. uea E.' U TNOMrsss, Hmrtmm k Thtrnftn. '.BmMttrt. PtrtUad. , Teas Bkhssssov, Utugtr, PtrlUii Ceaawrrsss ,, PmUmi, T. W. IvturaJf, CUtl Bag.. FtrtUai .. ., L. ft P. Ce., Orgss Citj. Jshm C Curtam, Mr-Geesrser tilt e; VUk. Sail UU Cilt. Jshm rmeast, Ctikttr, Pint Ntitntl wna.ugHu. Csosea BoMMir, Pit Ptn., Dtitril Sav hfi Best. Sail lakt Cilt. C LaosasT,,JVv, SMkvtUtra Ptrtlaai Ltmtat ce., ta imitw. O. C Buss, Catkin, Zitn'i Saviagi Bank k Tratl C.. Sail lakt Cilt. Taos. B. ClHlia, Pitt., Vlak-Uak Siiim C:, Sak) Lakt Cilf. . A document giving full particu lafi conceraing the Portland Ce ment Company and its bonds will be mailed or may behad upon, applica tion to the PORTLAND CEMENT CO., 6Htj6og Lumbermen Building Portland, Oregon. Taking Ne Risks. Dentist You should bare taken gas. as I suggested, sir. Yon would liavo felt no pain. Vlctlm-Me take gas! ale. wltu KQ In tuj- pocket! No fear. Oet It orer.-IJ5ndoo Tit-Blu. Well "Tnafe a well bred cslkt" "You bet sbe Is. Never corrects VOn 8AI.K $850.00 Htolnway grand piano, practical I)' near, for $700.00; 1100.00 down, balanco easy Install ments at 0 per cent, Inqulro at "The Oregon," Klamath Kails. tf FOR 8AI.B Or will oxchango for Klamath county property, small farm In Mondsclno, near Uklah; well Im proved; nlco location. For particulars address II. T. HAItNKTT, Midland. FOH 8ALB Toledo range, almost now, Inqulro two doora north of Methodist church. assess : Have You Had Any Trouble With Your Heater? No, of course not, If you have one of oar "CHEERFULS" WITH CAST LINING That don't have to be replaced every season. They burn for years without repairs. We also hsve a fine line of medium snd cheap heaters st slices which are right ROBERTS & HANKS. Sii" ses i MMMMl9MiWeH seseeessess DON J. ZCHWALT, fresident Abtlnctlng Mass, ruas. Bis Mala, Sic. K M. Bcaa, Vke-rree, sasl Trees Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors aid IrrlgatloB Ealaecra ItssT E Witiuciw, Secretarr KlanaUi Falls, Oretjoi MKIMIIIMUMSMIMMteeilMIMMMMIHMMMM MIHCKUJtXraiH. FURNI8IIKD room for ront.Nlnth and OUsb streets. J. II. Hamilton. her parents publicly, no matter what imoua To ih."ti v..in i,.. tke ssttsaeles of the esse may be."-, "00,8 TO nhST Mr- 'Nlln ' iruui ruuma, lurnisncu ana Cossom, Prtt., W. A. CttJta C$., A LIBEML OFFER. Hs Kffeet Usen the Custestsr ts Whom It Wss Mass. A business man of Dayton. 0 tells Ibla story of sonic commercial friends efjils: A customer wbo bought In n small way fronr the wholesalers ami whose credit, waa not of tbe sort knon-u as gilt edgd visited the city and pur chased a $2,800 bill of goods, paying $2,000 In cash and giving bis note for tbe remaining $300. After tbe transaction bad been closed and tbe paper and currency bad cbang. ed bands the customer said: "Now, after a deal of tbat slxe It Is stove, to rent; cor. 1th Cth and Walnut WANTED Two or four work horses to winter for their use, on ranch; good feed and caro guaranteed, W. 1'. 80ULB, Klamath Falls. NOTICK OK HAI.K OK IIKAK " K8TATK In the County Court of tho Btato of Oregon, for tho County of Klamath In the matter of tho estate and guar dianship of Charles Ilugla-a and Mary F. Hughes, minors. Notlco Is hereby given that the un. rrac'roTr0- de?,,nea' -rdun "We'll throw In a pair of suspen.lona Charles Hughes and riBJef THSTeV SAViHOS BAKJC KtaauUt ralto, Orsssa. N KfjAafATH.COUNTT BANK, Xlaaai ata. rwis, ortcpa. ders," laughed tbe salesman temnorls lagiy. "A pair of suspenders, eb! Bay, qull fooling. I really mean It. I expect you to do something In acknowledgment of my patronage.'' - The salesman went to the manager with tbe problem, and I bo mnnager said': "Well, if be feels 'tbat way about It we might encourage him a bit. Wo'U do souMtblsg tbat ought to please hint greatly, dive him back bis $300 note, Make bias a present of bis paper, That wil auks blm a cash customer and rales Ms credit aad ears him money Ths salesman went back, pleased to ee us Dearer or such joyrni tidings of iioeraiKy m dsiibiss, "Well sir," be aald, "we've arranged about that present, aU right. Here," wna a soariM, "is roar note. We give H baek.ts you."' Ths customer did set seem eathast sssJc. Instead, wltheat looking at the aota be asked: 'Oa It Isdorssdr "Ns.", aald, tbe mIissmb la sstoaUh- t vl "Thea I gasas yo. better aisasse the ' saw the tisgsf mnted eas- '$. --A' f hf ' Msry F. Hugboa, will sell at private sale sn undivided one-sixth Intcrmt each of Mid minors In and to Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 ot section tweuty (20); Sft ot BWVi and lots 6, 8, and of section twenty-ono (21); Nft of NW and lot 4 of section twenty- eight (28); EK of E14 and NWtf ot NE of section twonty-nlno (29), all In township thlrty-nlno (38) south of raago eleven nnd a half (11 H) BW. M atl In Klamath county, Ore- gon, containing 076 acres, more or less: On or after tbe 8th day'of December, t0, for easb, pursuant to order of said court made and entered In tho above proceeding on tbe 8tb day of November, 1909. Datsd at Klamath Falls. Oreaon. November itb, 1909. FRANCES HOOHBS, Quardlans of tbe persons and os. tats, of Charles Hughes and Marr f. Hsg-aas, misers. "Jt'HT WHAT TIIK doctoi; OIUIKIti" Ih-ltrr lulpml Tliaa Kvrr WK NKVKH INK A Mtiwm- TVTK UNDERWOOD PHARMACY CIIIHMI.KII HTII.TH llf.lHI. I'lIK KfltllTIOXH ACCt. , IIATKI.V HM,KI ni Hrrvlre to Custitmrrs Jal I I OUR BTtM.'K IBNKW AND KHNHIf MOTICi: KOIl la'IILICAIIO.V Dcpartment of tho Interior, U. H Und Offlco at Ukevlew, Oregon, October's, 1909. NOTICK Is hereby irlvnn it,,.. James 11. Hmnphrey, whoso po.tonico address . Klamath Fall., Orcon. did, on tho 23d day of Ai.rin iix.u file In this oiilco sworn statement nn-i hoHl4 of NEW, W 14 of HEW wc- won J3, Township 37 South, lnKo 9 Wit it It'llt........ ... ..iviiu meridian, and tho iimuor thereon, under tho provisions f llo act of Juno 3, 1878', and arts amendatory, known as tho "Tlmbor sndStono Uw, nt such value a. might bo fixed by appraisement, and . pursuant to such amjllwiin,. ... I And meil sl.t .. f - "nwor moroon havn l,n apprataod, Juuo 14, SSOS. tho tlml.o, ostlmatod at G4?,000 board feet t t.. per m, and tho land 1190.80; hat said appucant must offer fln.l Proof la ,pport of . . .,.,. and sworn statement on ti, o.k J. lM8,.:1.9M'b0'0n'M.R.ch. - --. united suta. Commissioner, t Klamath Fan. o r' a rontest at any time before patent Issues, by riling a corroborated affl davit In thla office, alleging farts which would defeat ths entry. AIITIIUR W. ORTON, 10-9-12-I Register. 1'hono Residence III. Omce 1091 Dr. J. 1. Taylor, I'HVNIC'IAN AN1!) nVKOHON. 1'o.iosjce RalMafr DR.C.P.MAIOM DchUH s Amorlcnn Hank and Trust Co. 'a Uldg. I Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person la at in...... .. ""prchM.b;;-xj Tsuraoaa D.V.KUYWUDAU Attorney slUw lea4B rasa. Oregss Dr. Amos a OrtTM ' jA. S. O. OOTaWATH. Ktanwth rails. Ors. rostofflco Bldg., Seooad aU Mala Sw Phoaa lilt,