The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 17, 1909, Image 1

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Our AdtrtrtlMrt Oat
J nd Be DiUr'
trrrTiTr- ire
s-gnjTII YKAK. NO. 1.011
jmm w
im UKT. 10 Bt fMPIIED
'(MM " '"' rr Mrrr,li '"
rrri Vl Fertile Fields
Will lie the Hranlt
T,'ollulng "Hlcl '' "I"
Mind In lb" Ureaonlan U of local
ItMTnl. ItHlnic lulln fully of lite
tliiir1 work on Ilia enlarging of
IWmIIcI Hi Tula lake.
Work tiy the reclamation orvlce
la dwpvn the untlel '""' TmIo lake
Itla I bo Modoc lava bed I lo I"
ttceKUltd at once. Tula lake, whir It
covert in rra nl over 11.000 ,
otciple llio lowrat point In Ilia
KUtiith iln. Hi vlevstlon being
1,414 frrt, J feci lower linn liwer
Klisitth like, which l only a tntle
lid kill dlalent t lha nearest
Tk Ucl Hut Tula lka occuplr
Ik lot point In lha hailn, Hi
drtlftUe preaenlrd to I do rvclama
Ilea Bitnrra, when the Klamath
project mapped out years so,
kit on aotutlon -the elimination of
Mat ilirr, IU only tributary. Thli
mM opn ihn way tor evaporation
o(tb walrra of the like, and waa lo
U scroaptlahfd by Ibe um of l.n
rlfr lo Irrltile Ibe levers) valla)
licit lu rourtc and Iho conveyance
of Ik tclduo of Hi Water, through
a 4nlDin nnal to tba KlaMlth
Clnr like, lha tourra of l.ol rlvtr,
IIm Ore mile rait of Tula lake, anil
it in elevation of 470 feet reter ,(er rnilnallnB Uxt river. At any
tkia Tule lake. The river rum a dli-jrto It may ! Krrally In acrom.
Uit of CO mile on an lrreulr arojp,hnK the mrioe. If only niiij'ti-
from Clrar lake to Tule lake. atmot
Christmas G
Grciteit Mortacnt of uutu gifts for the young and old ever thown In thli
city bow ob display aad rtady for your Inspection. You will aava 10 troabte
doing yoar CailttMaa shopping at this store and R1M1MBM the grand
Prcmliau we are going to give away: First, Choice between Ladlea aad
GU' 935 Tailored Salt, ttcosd, Choice between Doll and Carriage and
Hi ehllrn touriio IhroiiKli nlluvlul
ami fiTtllw land, llio Clear Ink.i
dam, lliu ublrrt of which U lo Im
pound tli Ut rher water nml
make of Clunr liikn n Murine riai-r-Voir
which will ioir nit mm nf np.
liroilniNtvl)' J5.U00 nrm, U marliix
roliiielliin anil probably will Im in.
Ilrt'ly flnlahed In n fow iU)i
Tim itim will linrneaa Ilia olil li.
lorlo iiream fur mrH... of Irilgn.
Hon nml ellniliinle It entirely a n
femlt-r lo Tllle lake, when tlm ptnn
lull li toniilHit)' worki-il out.
Wllblu Um lid (wo )iari a narrow
cliinnvl wm itlirorettit llirouitli
whlrli n miu 1 1 tMmui wm Aiming
Into a rivtlre of tlm lininetiM. Invn
fleM nt the imitli rml of Tulu like,
tlin liltlorlr lita t tl wlirrn the rcntv.
kiiln Mutton umlnr Ciilln Jack i
loui rnUlnl tlm offort of the tro
to dUloilne them In 1 173.73
Till newly illacorrml uutlrt In
been roniMeritily ilrrwiin nml w
enit m an eiiirrltiient, liotli by irl-
rata npllil ami mulir the iirl
ton of the Rorertituent iprlamatloti
eniluit-n, till rontliterabln Irraiu
flow from Hie like Into tlm militrr
ranrnli rbanneli of tlm in DrM, aih
ba ileum wi for morn Hi tin a jmr,
alrliiK proiulia of there belnc a lilil.
in pn.nKo umlrr the volnnle raiiRe
iiiulli of the lita beili troHr. !(
iitiiy to me iourri'1 or nil rivr. a
noilherii trlln;tary of Dm Harniiiiili,
Tbti M' In o (iroinUliiK that the
United Bute rerlimatlon enKlnrt'i
have taken the inatlir In hand niul n
Intro I brlnK ettabllihril them now
to do rartlral work In rnlaritlnc the
I'Ullet. If thli ncbvnie of ilralm4
oroiea itircfuftil Ilia driliuge of the
94,000 arm of alluvial latuli Ir. the
i Tulc like U.ln may bo moro nwdlly
ml mttrh In etpenilroly nrrton
1'IUIied than It mold be by Hie oris
Inal lin of drx-ndliiK on ovatuira.
ua tu tAKo up Ibe water of the lako
'roenu j0 th orllnal plan.
Toys and Dolls
i""" " ""a1" ""a"""'
Tlm oiernlloui will lie watched
with Krnil Inlereat throtikiiout tba
roimiry and thv doparturu of a ill
liurtw lentil, convoyliiK a flno Kuvcrn
in ii nt ImihicIi, welithlnK 4,000 imiiioiU,
mid drulgiiod for mu In trnnaporllnR
iippllei fur Hie Koverntnent ramp at
tlm outlet In Iho lava bed, wai ob-
Ki'rtnl by many who nro hopeful of
Kuod riiulla from thl imtcrprUo, Ho
Undo Ham attain Invadei the blatorlc
litva bod, not now with an armed
fiinu to Inveit tlm itroimholdi of a
mott dekriiiliied and relnnili' ene
my, but to promolu a promlilnK
pearcful Invailon In Iho hoo of
evontually brlnRlnit to tbo very por
tal of lha ubMlme tronhold culll
vnted AeliU and happy home.
"I.IvIiir Dull," a fnlntlc terle of
trlrk picture. In which two pretty
innldi'ti, dreiai-d one n l.lltle Jack
llorniT and Hid othor aa a rate doll,
iwrforiii miiio reer trlrk and
danroa, "Hwcrt Dremni Intermingled
with Nightmare" rather worry a
charming young lady a aim dote on
Hie park bonrli one alternoon. There
Ii Mima wonderful trick photograph)
In thl film. "The Champion Heavy
Weight l.lftor" work tlm crowd for
n p.ul of tlirlr good money, but when
an Impove.'lahed wanderer iwlpc the
paraphernalia and trie Iho tame
tout, ha gel In trouble. "Tbo
viaion ot Htcriing Keep" i an ex-
roptlonally dollRbtful tnlo of that
elder da) whon knlghl were bold. A
ilruiig and Intereatlng drama, full of
the action and life o dear to the
Imirt of all American, whether by
birth or adoption, I found In "The
Itlvala Hand." "The Park of Iter
tin" arc thown In a aerie of beautl
fill pbotograph, where )ou will aee
lha pmplr, old and )ounR, wandering
In and fro through Iho delightful
Henry C. Itabbea left tor Medford
tbla morning on bualneu connected
with tbo Home Itcalty company.
llrdraata' Were Itarrd ISO feet
Apart in' the Fire IJaatt Kate
HeJKtlM WowM tkt Hair
Tlm nrefMir In the city of W. A.
Newman of-1 Underwriter' Kqult-
able Itatlnij bureau, baa arouied
tbo Intcrrat of the bulnea men In
iho matter of ocurlnjc lower rate (or
nro Inauranc. It I a well-known
fact that tba rata prevailing here
are In nearly tnery Initance exorbi
tant. Itaied ai they are on the ei-
iwrlence of the Are imurance com-
lnle and regulated according to
Hie nature of itructurei and the pro
tection offered by the water aupply,
lltllo hope In fact, no hope need
In) entertained that a reduction will
bo oecured until there I better
tUaa of building erected on the
ground now occupied by frame itruc
lure, or the dty baa a more eiten
alvo ytcm of Ore hydrant. Belief
through the drat cause I remote, aa It
I not likely that many of the frame
building will be replaced for year.
A to the matter of aecurlng taore hy
drant, there la a chance that-thl
can be brought about.
Mr. Newman ,waa teen today, and
an effort waa made to have him atate
how great the reduction would be
In case more hytraata were tattatled.
In repblng he uld:
"That la something t will not fur-
nlh figures on. They must come from
Mr. Kelly In Portland, and they can
ho secured If the Chamber of Com-
merra of thl city will wire, asking
for them. Then they will be official
and will bo put Into force when the
number of hydrants In the Br limit
I Increased. 1 will, however, state
that It thcro la a hydrant placed at
each corned and one In the middle of
each corner and one la the middle of
1B0 feet apart, tho reduction In rate
would be a substantial one. I am at
work now re-ratlng the city. There
will bo a slight reduction la the pre
vailing rate, but It will be very email.
It any asturanco could be given that
tho number of h)dranta would be In
created Iho work I am now doing
would not nave to be done again, pro
vided tho chango was made at once
or In tho near future. The re-ratlng
of a city mutt necessarily be done at
certain times, and If the rating I am
now making should go Into effect be
fore the hydrant question was nettled
It must of necessity remain la force
until such time as a new one Is made.
How soon that would be cannot be
stated, that depending on the work
In hand at tho time the application
for a new rating was made."
When II. V. dates was here short
tlmo ago ho submitted to the council
a propodtlon relative to the ptaclng
on Klamath avenue of a aU-lach mala
and Increasing the number of hy
drants throughout the city. This
proposition provided for hydrants
ono block apart In the business sec
tion of tho city, and It put Into effect
would bo tho causo of a. great reduc
tion In rate. If the number o'f hy
drant aro further Increased by the
placing of one In the middle ot each
block within the ire limits It would
still lower the Insurance rate. The
ordinance waa hung up oa account of
the refusal ot Mr. dates io consent to
have Incorporated la this ordinance
a provision that It repealed ordl
naaees 45 aad 46,
lo ImperUat la tali matter to the
business Interests ot the etty that or
bring about an amicable adjustment
of the difference between the coun
cil and the water company, In order
that the hydrants needed to reduce
tho Are Insurance rate may be In
stalled In tlmo to have the present
re-ratlng caver the new conditions. It
Is, of course, realised that the coun
cil Is desirous of permanently settling
the differences between the city and
the water company, and bad this In
mind when the question of the repeal
at ordinances 45 aad 48 came np, but
It would seem that none of the rights
of tho city would be sacrlflced oy the
passage of an ordinance with the re
pealing clause out, leaving that to be
settled by future legislation.
The money paid out by the busi
ness men of the city baa for years
been a heavy drain on their resource,
aside from the fact that thetrrlaka
have been lightly Insured, due to the
fsct thst they could not pay the cost
Incident to the carrying of a reason
able amount of Insurance on their
stock. The growth of the city and
the consequent Increase of liability to
fire makes It Imperative that some
thing be done to so far reduce the
rates charged as to enable them to
place larger policies, aad this can
only be done by a re-arrangement of
the hydrants so ns to meet the re
quirements of the Insurance com
panies. ,
Monday moralag la chapel Ret.
Bledsoe of the Baptist chnrch eon-
ducted the eierdse aad Mr. Raaor
sang u two song. Mr. Rasor to
singing for the Baptist ehurcb, aad
If yon would like to hear a la tenor
stager who stage sweet aad clear J
attead these meetings.
The boys thnt play basketball are
putting la some hard practice, pre
paring to defeat the various teams
that they will play. '
Regular convention tonight at
7:30. Nominations tor ofsTce aad
work In Knight rank. The presence
ot every Knight In the city la de
J. C. Dodson aad family have re
turned from Portland, where they
have been making their homejor the
past three months, and will leave for
Surprise valley, where they formerly
lived. It had been Mr. Dodsoa's In
tentlon to take up his. residence per
manently at, the metropolis, but the
health ot his children waa so poor
there that he was forced to return
Our stock ot lumber Is now com
plete. Wo have everything necessary
to build a house Including rustle two-
lap stdlag, celling, pine aad No. 1 vi
Heal grain fir flooring. WHI bave In
a few days slash grain Sr aalshlng
lumber and cheaper grade ot vertical
grain fir flooring.
0. S. ft R. S. MOORE.
The new equipment for the post-
offlc haa arrived and will bo Installed
Immediately. The room will he com
pletely remodeled and arranged la
the most convenient and modern man
ner the whole room being devoted to
the office.
Mrs. J. A. Walker ot San Jose. Cal.,
arrived In the city Tuesday evealng
and left this morning for Merrill.
where she will spend the winter visit
ing her daughter, 'Mr. ParrUh,
W. H. Helleman, la charge of tho
operatloa aad maintenance ot tho
Klamath project, left for Cheyeaae,
Wyo where he waa called la esaaeo-
tlon wltn tho reelamatloa work. Ho
will return la about two weeks.
J. T. Bllllagsbey of Mount Hebroa
to la tk city oa httalaeo. ,
fat Sunday evening Kd Hunter
and" Ml Zella Butasey, the Keno
ichool teacher, wcro taking a buggy
ride. When they were paulng the
McCollum place a singletree broke
and the horses, started to run. Hun
ter inea to noia tnem. by tat lines,
but ono of them broke and t'je horses
turned down the grade, ran through
a barb wire fence, upset tbo buggy
and tore It to pieces. Ml ll'ioy
was thrown Into, tho barb wire, tore
her clothing, cat her upper lip, the
side ot.her face and neck. Hunter
had one hand 'badly cat., Tho horses
were both cut with the wire, and were
not found until Monday moralag.
Miss Bussey was taken to Mr. Me-
CoJIum'a ptoce and-Or. Wright was
called' to.'dress her wounds The
great wonder la that the partle es
caped with their lives.'
Mla.Buth Doten returned home
Monday evening on-the Canb from
the Falls, where she -has ,ben for
several days.. She was kicked by- a
mule some time ago, aad was taken
to the Falls for treatment - She la
now able to bo around.
Three new suits have been Sled at
the county clerk's oflce, all for the
recovery of money.
C. D. Wllsoa vs. Hoyt ft Wheeler.
B. 8 Origsby vs. H. H. Roberts
aad B. J. Roberts.
B. 8. Grlgtby aa adardaJstrator ot
the estate ot Joha D. Whitman, vs. T.
L. and Hiram H. Roberts.
factory oa lamps, which redness oar
coat, we will from aad after tato date
sell globes aa follews:
S, 4, 10 aad ! c-p. earboa globes,
0c each.
34 c-p. carbon glebes, 10c each. .
SO w. Meridian globes. 40c each.
100 w. Meridian globes, ige each.
20 c-p. Tungsten globes, 45c each.
33 c-p. Tungsten globes, 75e each.
48 c.p. Tungsten globes, $1.10.
We wish to express oar deep grat
Itude to our frleads for the assist
anee and sympathy give during tho
Illness aad after the death ot oar soa
aad brother.
Oae ot tho greatest discoveries ot
Klamath Falls. Ore.
Our Guarantee
with these:
Whew wo say
are not anttoSsi roea
or netstisx. New that to the
fttUELD label to nes4tlvly smaioMssf to five
an tilth ttlTW.
Taat' lair, toot RT
SJar Pnig Store
All FaMta Mast Be la) by
'.a Car WW Leave
Mtovrakaf tor Um
C. T. Oliver, to whoa this eoaatr to ,
Indebted for tho keaatlfal sahfOU M ,
nude' at tho BilHaSi (Moat) Dry 1
Farming exposition tost asewth, to
busy prepariag another exhibit to bo
seat to the Cera Show ntOmahoaad , J
then oa to Chicago. Tho Sonthera
PaeiSe railroad will famish a atoty-
foot baggagVcar'aad trsasfsrt tho
exhibit to tho fair free ot charge. All
eshlbtta swat la to Mr. Oliver from tho
Merrllr-coqatry; will kO carried Irion' r j
ofcharge by T.'L. Tadea oil hie stage.
The local Chamber of Commoreo. who
with Mr. Oliver' aid to getUs-' tho
exhibit together aad ready for ahie
meat la tho ear, desires that all ex
hibits be sent la before Monday, or,.'
at tho very 'latest by Taesday nsera- L
Ing. aa tho ear which Afoot F. M.
Thompson has oWtored hero' i' Sop-
day will bo-take eat Wsdoosday
mnratag. ' t
C. T. Oliver hax take the varleoa .
heaves of grata. Hiatus, siaaah,aad
otkeir)rVMaeta.ef tato eevjaty vatoh
weiea'aWlav la the aaalatt aaata
oa tho'ceorthenss'
m& r
. J' - - V- - . -
loexiac tnem over km
those which aro to ho seat to
The products seat wHI be
probably left at St. Fan! or aee-
er of the big railroad ceatera of tho
Middle Wont aa a pinaaasat dsaptoy
to show what tato ceaatry with prop
er care aad work to ennoble of rais
ing. No other ptaa so worthy ot the
hearty co-operation of tho farmers.
rancher aad other resident of tato
county could possibly ho thought of.
Thl to the beat aad most successful
way that we eaa tell the people of the
outside world what wo aro dotes here.
Every oae who haa any ktont of aa ex
hibit watch will advorttoo the varteoa
Industrie aad product ot thto eeaa
try should send thee to aa aeoa aa
possible to Mr. Oliver, to order that
they may be gotten la ahap lor the
comtag akipmeat to tho fatra to bo
held through tho Middle West thto
W. F. Araat to dowa from hto plaoe
at Crater lake.
Jaet what w any
Bare If
r- tv t
J. A. Cleaoat ot Odessa to la tho
city today,
jery effort ough to t put forth to
v v
-.., 1 4
V, u efl2