'"'?! -7.' " ,- H LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY PHONI 303 t & i 'Vtfiiw, EAIT T1RMS GREATEST BAJWAINS AT. 925 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. 80.riRCW,,yWTABLl MA1TUL Bbaa A amah geaaBBhaaaB. -r " ii4 JWBBBbHw1 &r- tt f . r. , ' w.w i 'C - T..-VV ia '1-1- J V r h ii i t i THI IVIHING HERA V -J ,1' rfrt nyMiK atitttr- 4 f iwl BaBj BatiH Beady, by Dm HB1ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY : a Yn'W. Q. IMITH, HM - , BaBeaiTIOM. KATII: r ir .atfttVUM 1MkNi rMiifipN y flVtlPt Oatf) WMk a - Lll I I ILAMATM FALIJ.1 TUEtDAY. NOVEMBER IS. VWk Ml CABBPCI, WHAT TOO BAY Pray deal forget year awa; nraWVl iMOTf aaa . fAwni aaver threw' a If wa kin BoOba to to do. ( -aHKtaftaFtWwaeata, " ' "fll bettor WB tMMM 8 kMM. AM ! BtBt W kHIMMlkt to VaaB attlahrt.rtod;' . JBM w at Ma Ms winy, " W;aaw;ehe;wrtd ti wtd. mm bat ! faaHa, aaa who ha fa- n We Mr.-MrtMM, far ulM w km, aaeW'Saby to IMF Mli m KM yeaef a bettor ataa Aad Sad ft werhe felt wR. Ta try Bay owa Inula to nn, atofanjaf ataen toH; All WMM- 1 !! ktH t h WO vMVJEi taMVl INM I n0V Mrm atartoaaatag Md aw tot fMNi t Mn a. totwi.,wwvv. :? .fMI X'f Tl BBM. TJMk HlB v Am 'HhHaH. Mki aft kftm. J t x llfHlft fMMMkW -'-"-- tmmUrn rnmUM "' ZTJ:T :. "TTT I" Wai . Eati aflnt - 1.' '' l"--l. IS ! WMH M " TMJkMUPnoVAM .; Nw Totk OM mMiiK back ton ataa www to aaatotr la tka ealatoa af Oaarta D. Da Caaba of ataatalatr, K. J., a raaaat eawrart to tka Mffractet aaaaa, aa4 la ariar to aravaat fartaar aaaaar to aedaty fiaai taaaa aaarcaa Uw Nv Jataay aua ,Moaataa aaaiaatoary awTffcia by a tottorr aratoau "at arriaaa ia a lottarr', aarwajr," aaya Mr. Da Caaba, "aa 1 aata taar of aaaeUac atata lawa to raaaka tha araaar ataaMaal ofleara to auko oat a ttot oaea a yaar of ail aaaufrtoi aMa la tba com- maattr wao ara SI yaan oM aaa all tba aaaurrtoA woataa wbo ara SI can aM, tbaa to plaaa tbaaa aaaiaa la two testa, frtw tbaai oat, oaa at a tlaw froai aaeh baa. aac raalra tbaaa waoaa aaaiaa mn tbaa Inn to w4 laiaioltotolr." Parto M bm. StotoaaU waa aeaalt to! af taa aiartoraf bar baabaal. It la aatliata tbat SIMH aaaato aar raaaaM tha Palala Jaattoa aa par- ttotoatoi la a lianaattaUi tatoakraaaaaMaaiaaaB. Tba waa ajlvaa to aba Jarjr at 11:11 a. m. Tbat baiyiaHbaralU brlaiy. Waaa toakai aat aa4 tha baa arawi waat mm. vMfTSan PNP Cffw AVMB Oharlaa a4 Mary Lamb; - Cbartoa Uaib, tba tolottd Kit of tba aaaaya, wrata bath tniadtoa aa4 wailaa, bat waaaot a .aaccaaafal alaywrlgbt Wbaa ah farea -Mr. H." waa anawtal at taaDnry taaa tha tar H fallai caaaalcaeaaly, aal tba natal aathar. who waa I m tbafawli- aaca, alawilt Jataad with compaato- ahto vajar la blaatag It. It a, total aa airy War. tao aMfbt la taatorailartba; protaatoahlj atata. hat K hit prortd a cbahalag play for aaaitaan. At a rtctat parferataaca by a eoUatadnaMUc.aocltty.a Httla Hatom'took ptaeatMtwaca two ItdUa ta tha aadlcaca wUeh'waahl fcartalaly hara dXfcfcttd Uatb blajatlt wald ha harabaarilt a"Mr.,M,.a,Juc la.tw.acto by Caariia1 UaA, - r rata oaa of tha traai bar ptagnau "Do yoa know, I ha4 aMa fotgattaa that Laaih waa a naMfie'athar.M "' "Oh, ay 4ar.H atcMtoM. bar aalgh bar, wHh a aapartor aaMa, t cmm ha waat tartly yoa aaat raaMBbar that ha aal hla attar collaborate wMh nahaaaaan." -Oaaaboratal with hahaapaanr aaelataial tha flnt aaaakar. atartlai aat of bar aotltaaaaa. HKMkatoaat What caaM hara pat aaeh aa Maa Oh. yoa anat ha talaklac of tha Tatoa mat Ikikiimra.' by Cbartoa aaa Mary Laata.- Than waa aih-th la bar Tcdca, aa tha aaparltt aaraaa. taahtog. parcttrrd that orarhaaty "cnaiBUot" for tha oc- aaatoa had tod bar Itto arror. 8ba .Mai to latrlara bantlf. "I dM aot BHaa coUabontod win ata, af eoarot," aha csplataad loftily. That waa aiertly a alto of tha toagaa. I aataat tnaalatad bla." - Xoath'a wMkiay. hoard aa latitat Mbm. Itatahall af aat falHy aha Waatol tobay Urata, 111 of toad. wttaM aiaatba aaapaaU. Aa- Idraaa J. H. ft. Barald Oatoa. i Hetping the Town iMiini tiyu VJhXh ik ! " 49 4- ..r ,r. v f ... aaaaaaaaaar. aowav aa aV. aaaaaaaa. Jil".-CTk -' " J- '" ..' I M47 -,-'!' 4- 0-. , ya. hakmr mm aw, ni:aM;li.hi aaaa aaaaaaajL mgmjbmmj aaal aaBBaahaaaaaaaJr Btoba titr. at.- f , !Z a vatv L.ataaaai aa aaaaa aaaaa tfiaViaaaaaaaj tWhaainotia; J' -W!1!!!! X :r J1' KjVa aaaiaaah aa '.n to U-iXk'UiWii t. a 'h ai. ft. - first t A .. . friiiim ii juiS-f Siiiri?i?ifatir ..S2. . t;t: . xyiiAit nit'twif Hip ha 7 , At'' Afea-lngf n. '.t aa . taaaiaaBBB' ,ahwjhaiiawiilr ;,, aft aW wfa anarwhaaaa t4aWMfi '-7 ' ' t'J" "v.- 49-l Hi5? Account AN ESKIMO CHUKCH, Tha taatolito.awaathM riaaHy Want ta h Oaaa.. Tha atiaatoaary aaat to tha ftttte for a BMgte kutm aad tha aaeaaaary akwaa. Thkrtaaa awataa latar thay raaehadhla. rarythtoc la Baau Laad datea fraat that arar BMatonbto matte laa toraatbkhMtoa. FrottSOOailtoaaroaad tha laactaat ktoklaiaa caaw la haatod taaaa to partfctoato ta tha araat Tha atatofcto ebarcb to oraraowto.. Tbaaparhv tan wan packed aa etoaaly aa aardlaaa kaa tto. Tha aeaat of aptrat oH aad aad awtat aaabad fan aUa taa air. , Altaaagb tba tbar- iaatarra ao aaajraaa ta panptoattoa poarad la dawataa faeaa af tba aathaaV Aad waaa tbaiatiai- Mataf arctic atptoran who hara at caatberlaad aoaad hara forgattaa tba rtcol- ofnthat, aMfle laattra abow to tba aUada of tba BaklaM Mataucagalta to Oockbara UaaV Bat a fawatoMa totor a aad fat bafal! tba, aaatokia cbarch. It waa aataa ap'by a pack of haagTy Ktklwo daaa, Tbaaa aarata craalarrt, tUrrad alaieat tojdaan, aaida a raid oa tha dart, a blladtof aaowttarau to tat oa top of ta root, ton hatoa ta' tha atatokto earartoc aad. la aptt f ta asarttoaa of tba ailaatoaary aad bta.aatin.ee thay actoaay na away with aaraaa ar aaa traaaa aa. which. tat a aafa dlataaca, thay pn -a ' .. a a a i .. PJ Mlla. ainjIMMjr JaaaafjB 'j i i ' ) '( rraaMto'aaVXwaVMafcM A Itrla coatowporary dealing with tha tor af mat ara for aotaala tlrta aa aaaalag accoaot of .CUtitau artaad aad'bhi aoakty. Whrn brwu aagafad to prtpariag' Pan tanta' work for la prtaa, oa rataratag oaa day ha waa mat by hla aoakty. t'""Ab. yoa rog,a,aaldCbtaabrlaBd, "your abaaafacad took talla of alt cafef." . Tha aonkry waa cbatacd ap, hat na thtoga did aot apprar much dlt trld ChaitaaortoBd thoagbt no taort af tha attttr aatll It waa tlaa to ra aaaa work. Fbotiuta' aaouKripu waro not to ba fonad. At toat Chataaabraad looked loto tba waat paper batket, aad then wen tba iMaaacrlpa. Tba rooakey bad watrbea hla aaalrr. aad aa ha bad ataa hla fold a ahaet of paper aod tear It lato roar, ao a bad dealt wllb roaianea writing. With aucb labor they war pieced, together and after ward pabllaaed. Cbatnabrtaad thoagbt tt adrlaable to aaa what elar the awoke? bad dona. Hla order had dkappnifd fraa a drawer watch waa alwaya kept ctoatd. The arrant aearched arerywben for tbaaa. bat thay wan aot to be found. Nearly a week etapaed before thay wan traced, aad tbaa a doawetlc ao tlced that ta aoakey bad aaapeaded than to the canto la a qoatl-aya-natrkal way. Tb aoakey waa glrea bla coaga, aad CbalbMabrlaad replaced hla by a cat. which waa allowed a plan oa hla taaator. wrklag table, and great waa ta ptoaaan which ba derived la paying with , Poverty Blga eelaa a traD hurrying away from a large tiouta a follow profcd alonal aaked him what luck ho had met with. "It ain't wort atkln' there," waa 'tho reply. "I Juit 'ad a poop through tho winder, It't a poverty ttricken 'oute. mato. Thoro w.ti acthually two -jjr diet pUyln'. on ono planner)" Philadelphia Inquirer. I 0IVINQFM COINS. The Native f Madeira An laaerte at wta uaineea. Aa wa dnw 1 aad ram to anchor wa aaw deaceadlag apoo aa a Beet of aaiu cartooa boau ailed with k aaked aea we.aatpected aow tbat Madeira waa a caaalbal lalaad aad pre pared for ta wont it waa aot quite aa bad.aa that., They, atrreiy waated a to throw colaa orer lato tba Hqald aaar which they nil water la tha) catry. wherrapoa their dlren woaM try to ntarrept the aald colaa aoaa when brtweea the top aad bottoa of thesaa. Wa dldat beHere they coald da K. bat w tried aad. aa aaaal. foaad that ta other fellow kaaw ha owa gaata bettor tbaa w dM. U than aaphtaaa dM ot alwaya get ta otto they aeoenlly did. They ceaM an ttea perfectly, la that aaaa lag water, aad they coaM din Ilka aata aaa f the dlren wen aen CBtMreper, leaa creatana wh toad ap la their beat aad abaated aad laptored aad awaag their ara la a wIM tarKatto to a to Hag oar Bjeecy oTtrboard. , Bat they did aat waat aaall aoaey-ai toaat aot rery aaall atooey. TbeydecHaedtodlnfor paaale. Perhapa they coaM oaly dhv ttoflatob the gleam of the whK aetoL Let a nickel or a dime he tooted over and two or tarn wm after It la a lata, whlto a vehement eatareak of Pertugncoe from all the net entreated aUU farther largraa. It waa really a good ahow. aad.btog ta Irat of Ita ktod. we enjoyed ItAlbert Btoetow Pato la Oattog Magatto. Bare of lllmtcir "I'll give you a poiltlon at clerk to ttart with." aald the merchant, "and pay you what you are worth. It that Mtlifactory?" "Ob, perfectly I" replied the college graduate; "but er do you think the Bra ran afford lit" Catholic Standard Time. dot your carpeta, rugt. eurtatni, etc., cleaned by Mongold'a vacuum claanar; ratea roaaonable. H0M1 REALTY GO. Watch thtilvMCC for "RIAL IN API H $2,100 City rctldenco; modern; choice location; beautiful ground; well built; bath. 13,000 Modern Bungalow; perfectly conttructed; woll located; constant ly Increasing In value; a fine hoir.i-. II, 00 A flne business, with unllra Ited opportunities. A good sioncy maker for a live man. a TIMBKR CLAIMS HOMESTEADS -TUB RED FRONT" Oatoe, Mato St. Paoae atl Goodrich's Cash Store C. F. QOODRICH, ProprktwP n-i..r in nrv (lootla. Clothing. Shoo, MU, I Carpets, Rujr, Wall Paper and (Iroccrlcs i i a t a t t t aaiaeaaaiaaeeeeee t.TS . ..aoel a a t Klr Table Rl. M I"" ,ot Hntp aS lw' " ,r Oiltw, r nand Tra, wr mund . . . . . U,. Y.ihdi'.lt. tttr IlllUt iir'shiH Ttiiiams lr imhb NM-r Head Tobacco, wr plug . . ... t Hire, wr wund "r r J3 limns ver pound ,,.,,,, a tWuml.U (tat Hkr. pice fo thtoawaer ta. rili paikag j Violet tints, ("orhsar J Violet 1'anrjko Hoar .'' .'Ir Itullnl Oats, la bulk, Id pounds for !. IHInl Prunes IW M)und ft Kugar, rr sark .,...... '2 (iold lut " .11 .T Highest Price Paid for Hides an. PrwcHica ; tjHMttlllH'''l'lltMtt1ttttttttttlll )M mil aaa WANT ADS. POB tULK-MtotoBaaooaa. FOR BALE Or will exchange for Klamath county property, email farm a Mendocino, near Uklab; wall Im proved; nice location. For particulars addreaa II. T. HARNETT, Midland. FOR SALE, cheap Piano, kitchen cabinet, chiffonier and other house hold gooda. Inquire public Library or Stllt'a atore. Have You Had Any Trouble With Your Heater? No, of course not, If job have oac of ow "CHEERFULS" WITH CAST LINING ' Tkat wont have to be repliced e? cry eeaata. They f ban for evs wltkost repairs. We also have a flae Uae of RKdliBi aad cheap heaters at prices which ara f mat VAHVDTO tL UaMtTaTC HAIDWAtl IWUUliAkl iUUtMU, aaii MMttttMMMtMXtMMtetlM MMIMtlttlt tOo J. Zeawur, - Abttrictlnl a m. Vto.Praa.adTna i laamath County Abttract Co. Sarvejora aad trrhjatloa EaglaeerB ear B Rmtow, Secntary Klaaiath ralla, Oreaoa MMMMMieMMIMMMMMI aaBMBjafiij bbj vw Vrajaaa) 04Hfll Skaeaatoa of pUctog a green boat a th reef ;of a aewly ballt hoaae I aaal'Mi M MiliMifltJPL m WM , .v .'''-- l.-i- ' !l . -. . ' ' av mmm wwmmrm am i kaa ataa aaakaaaai M waV Hto'lar, U . ! al a waa aa aaa awgj aaa asa. aaa aaaaa to.eaa daaibM;r .no'- it' u rUV ja -YnA t . r a aLKgkffkaaj ggaggajgBaxggftgaBaav , rww a.tocky gaattoaiawigty aa aatoeky ' a ttay aiifit.to, brtog tockr ;raaa aa aifattotabat, to aa Baajttoh paper. Hen wa a poor aoal -for If than to a enann oa th fan r the earth whno, fat oUa farpky tt " gaattowoaaa wh towB kaapaag tat her ponrty aaa of that apiwtKtoa or faith, whatanrtt aay ha called, .which to th oaly thlag tkat keep aaforaaa froa eraaalag th aaaTtrer, If oaly ah coaM gat the right cbara ah aUgat todae fat to toakkladly oa bar! Fpto call thto a praetlcal age bat evMeaca of m pantltto eoattoaa to apaaar. A tow- aatt aat toag agrveatod th fact that aa aetrotoger hpt aaotemr aad had aJae.btaat, tc, n of which aat f th pruiiaa f a aadlaert mm jmxM&u &m i Havtog.glrea hi order tweaty aa ataa brivrt aaaV'ttag a tadtoattoaa that hla' dtoaer waa ready,, the aaa with th aaana weaken bwaaail to waNr, . ', , Myfrtoad,- b mM, Maahapa I ban ad alatak. I thto a pay aa ya aator aataaraatr -No, atr.Tiaaialid the yoaag aaa to'tb wait apna, yawalag. "Thto to a dtaaer eaekad wan yea watt raa- toaraat,! tu ; " Tbraaaa0aarnaaad hi dnaay. cMtaaaktlr attltade, aad the aaa with ta aaaa whtoaan wartod aan.-phlaaga AABaelyt -latotaw- had I a' gntrectoatblo awtoiia,'.,1 MM, aa.Bagttob wrltor, aaa M a. Mr,.wha fanday a V' ill- - H- .-.-- aat coalad to .Ueraaay: bat waa adopted hf ta Preach Oaaadlaae. wh hnaght tt with thea from Brtttaay.' Ta caatea artgtoatod fna th par- prevalent ceatarto ago that trae to tahabRed by a aplrlt; It waa believed tbat ev ery, tie a-are was failed aaataar a. '4 .,,1 jut r A - m Uj " 'Altar. aM.' ha aald. hldtoa inn hAtodaaalaawaataaawlNtt to nan aoa arttorsaa oa hla part agalaat aoclety. Bather taaa rtok bartog than hoaatoaa aid dla graattol aplrtt veal their 111 feeling aaaa th aaaaa dr coeatractte or ,apa th baUdera a braach wa past ed o th blgbett part f tba hoaaa for their oacapaacy. They wen tha aapiaal to be aollllad. aad If they naaiasd aoaatll th roof waa aat oa aay evM dealg coateaptoted weaM pnr hanatoaa. for th apaH weald be bnbta.-Vaa Nora' Magle. Bavena. Th btotory f Saroaa la that of a toag Mraggto with th Ueaeeae. eadad ta auteeath eaatary. wbea; they etotd lb tawa aad rendered ha aa bar aaaleaa by aklng raaatto lltod wkh atoan at the entrance, la 171 It was oaptared by Sardlato. hat was aeoa hack agala wader th eoetrol of Oeaoa. Th aactoat Bar when Mag tared htovbooty la th aecead Paale war, Sanaa wm the blrtbptoe of th pope SUto IV. aad JbIIm II. and tto.bom. of th aareaton of Ctaa baa, who bntowed fu Ma oa oa of in- nrai sMaaoa owcovcrea I IM Wet IsdHMLoadaa Staadard. FOR SALE Toledo range, almost new. Inquire two doom north of Methodlat church. MUCBLLANBOra. ROOMS TO RENT Mr a. Wilton baa I frost rooms, furnlthed and with stove, to rent; cor. tth aad Walnut. WANTED Two or four work horse to winter for their use, on ranch; good feed and care guaranteed, W. P. SOULE, Klaastb Falls. HI rin-ynr-oM Babble waat TtoMtog wtth bla .aether aad. atattadly'r atatotog nralgkt. wm obHged to wear eoaata Rat1 algatgewa Ta Mit aaaiaa be aald taarnlly. -Maaaa. bafan I'H wear a swl' asjatw agaaa rn aa nw,'-B4t- parwaeiUf. a ii Vwnae4dAgb ;i -Bedaa'a.aaa I tatrty he aaaa to ton vitb etary pnta; girl he toaaaaf, " "Tee, aad after a la thirty a na NOTK7K OF SALE OP ItKAL ESTATE In the County Court of the SUto of Oregoa, for tha County of Klamath In the matter of tba estate and guar dianship of Cbnrlea Hughes and Mary F. Hughes, minora. Notice la hereby given that tba un derlined, guardian of the peraou and estate of Cbarlea Hughe and Mary F. Hughes, will aell at private aala aa undivided one-slith latereat each of aald minor la aad te: Lota 6, 1, 7 and S of section twenty (10); SH of 8WK and lota , I, and of aectloa twenty-one (II); NH of NWK and lot 4 of section twenty. eight (IS); BH of EH and NWU of NB!4 of taction twenty-nine (IS), all in towuhlp tblrty-nlna (31) south of range eleven and a half mui B. W. M., all la Klamath county, Ore gon, containing 175 acre, mora or lea: Oa or after too Ith day of December, 1101, for oath, Pursuant to order of Mid .court aada aad entered la the above proeeedlag oa tba Ith day of Nonaber, m. tot at Klamath rail. Oreaet. Navabr,IU, Hit. war WHAT THE DOCTOIl ORDKRi" Better Kaalppsd Tbaa Brer WB LTBaTli TVTB PRE 8CRIPTIONB ACCV. RATRLY FILLED UNDERWOOD PHARMACT ntl8NIJCH STILTS HUK1. Itoat Service to Caatoaen OVR mcx ISNBW AND PBBBM NOTICE FOR ITULICA1IO 1 PRANCBS TOwBBa, OMrdlaaa of th pertona sad a- Department of tha Interior, U. fl Und Ottce at Lakevlew, Oregon, October , 10. NOTICE It herebr in ,.. James B. Humphrey, whose postofflce addreaa It Klamath Fallt. Oregon, d d, on the 23d day of April, ltOil, m. . . ubico tworn ttatement ..4 application. No. 01827. to purchate tho SH of NBK, WJ4 of SK Mc- non aa, Township 37 South, llange 9 Kant, Willamette meridian, and tho timber thereon, under tha provisions of the act of Juno 3, 187, and acta amendatory, known at tha "Timh., and Stone Uw," at tueh value aa mlfht be Biod by appraisement, and , purtuant to tuch annllcalin- ... . ... . '" - g Mr anu timber thereon have be. PPralted. Juno It, io, the tmttr eatlmatad at 645,000 borj fet f. Per m. and the land tl0.80; 'hat aald applicant auat oi a..( Proof la support of hit aDDn... MiweraaUtaaagtomh,,,,, f Deeaahar, 190, before R. M. Rh. .rdn.,uBlUaguUiC0In at Klamath Falls. n. ' a contest at any time before aateal Issue, by sung a corroborated aaV davit In thlt once, allegtag toat which would defeat tka eaUy. in a A.RT,,UK W. OBTOK. 10-l-. Baajtotor. Phone RMldaae III, OBto lilt Dr. J. K. Taylor, PIIYHICIAN AND SUROBON. PottoaVo BalMag. DtCr.MAiON Deatlat American Dank and Trut Cog Bldf. Tauraoan It . v. lnrtWDAu' Anonbtj at Law Ktota rilb, Df.AgaoaaOtarm OOSTBOTATM. lh 4 la n wao tatoa it Cbartoa Has aad Mary r. Klamath FalU.Oremn. Waath Palto, Ota. lwt tut, dat)Sdm toabaat JSSfnm ' -. m t ' ' -ww egtry, or lalttat j,y '. S. Eft-V rty & vJf'v i