, '"ri " A V I--I U' f',1 f A ! 7-,J Off- V X inttitia Jtefalfc M . ! o 1HLL.1. P.IU' Flrit , '51 & r 1 1 ' '.Our i .Our AdrcrtiMn 0 f..J ,bi Beit DHy. , , J KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1900. V Piuc 6 Cents S W)t KLP . , hi"-"1 ' T" TM Vkah, No. 1,010 DAM ALMOST . COMPLETED MtfXVN r.vrni M.iH IT Wll.li m MV lW VMM'M HUNT SlUWORKIMfONTULCUKC - UM)A Hrlag '' 'Pl H1" K ri irMiln gwirirra for All Winter' Work W. W. Patch, the Klamath 1'tojrtt ittfgttt. rrcmtly r turned (rum a Ir1 o h Our l-ke '1m, ' lit t !kKnibr, tie mM. tho work up ktlaliberiiiplelft. All that Bow nmiiu lo I don U a lldl" Unimex Mtttfea ami alxnil fifty feel of eat otk. festernlnic lli work on tnc Tula Uk outlet, ho .tutiM that I hi guv macat sow bait a J J-fool latittch on tU Uk; which m ImIiik Sited up MJtriblo put un anil a entering nf ttlrsaliol lwl a protection ttalait ice Ibli Inter. A aonu Uk laturh It ready ami In rtiaiml alas, work on Ilia enlargement of the artwil iutli( of thci Iske will bo artlrtly uihcl nail, In all probability MM el lh eusvilhig work will Iw Iom on the additional outlets (ilannl tk tottthrrn end of tin) lakr. Tkr li a an( of men at work tarn at t'fweoi cuttlni wood aid rttltf lb quarter In ahaiw mi that varkraa romlnuv (hero alt wlntr, Jilt ao w ( ImiKMtlbl to toll ft Ue water tlial U liralnlac out of tk Uke It emi.tjIiiK, Ihou'lh It la (trUla that It la hubbllnK up In tfrlH on lbs California iMo of h alll. Blncn work rommentvtt on U aUrtement of (bo outlet thrr Ue aa much water la rntialw out Uta k lata br., anil u atvplntT tkroath ami by unknown channata : Christmas G r i j 1 , y ikflkkV Creiteit UfortMit of hm f Hi glfti for the youig and old ever iiowm In tkli rtty now oa dlaplay and rtady for your iiipectlon. Yon will have no tremble to"., your Chrlttaaa ahofplal at thla atorc and RIMIMIIIR the, grand rUamewtare ioiag to dive away: firet, Choice between Ladlea and Gcnti 23 Tailored lalt. lecoad, Choice between Doll and Carrlaic and Wl and AitoaoMla ' RuR K STORE mil tttitii Km valleya ImiIum. When th nutlet linn hten Inrreaaeit an tlmt Dm at Mam In kiiiii. duty time u liirKn it that now nnwlutt nut, ( Mill prnli. ably Im hmiii in lixntit iln mirlncii hern It mine out mi Ili other aide, nml llifii tin- real work run Ixi mm. I no mum), AMI THIH AT MKIIItIM, Huturitdy iildbt n iihiU, of ioumI. ii a who hail ItubllHol rntber loo freely of lliat iU(.oti i.-i titer ervei at I'alrvluw iiMik In the nhow nt the Merrill neia linune TUvy inmment el In ralber ationt laimuaxe on the lliuilc, lelternllliK that It a rotten. Tin Uaiter of tbit oicbralra lbnr (iMKhlr illtituite.l, fur Ibrni wua a )ouiik laily tl"tittc thi ilaim, anil bit llivltnl tbr boUtrroua rrltlr lo ooinx nut tlilo ami Kile their luthl rrlllcUm of thn nuitlr, Tbla the) rllil, arnl the orrbelra liaiter mt the ilrelilmi un a knmk'out blow, Tb recreant pair eie then lakrn In tharco by the mar hal. When I hey reliirneil (rum alum berlaml ho aakeU If they wlihetl to lake out a warrant for the man lu bad all tick thm. Hailly tboy abook their lieaila, "Nil," they aiuacrtxl, "Ihit liiualc waa fine." IlKMTtCU tint i: ox i:i.ixtiii) !lIMII. UaliiR to a hnw rontrart with the factory un latupa, wblrh reilucea our roal, w will from ami after thla date tr ilubea lit (uliia, 3, i, 10 and Ite.-I'. rarbon clnbrn, JOc erb. SI r,-i, rarlxTri xlnbea, JOc rath, to w. Merlillan Blobr, 10c rach. 100 w, Merlillan ulolx-a, Ige rach. 20 c.-p. TunKden gtuUi, tie rach, 33 tvp. Tunttcn Ktobe, "Co each. it r p. Tuncnten itlobra, $1.10. KLAMATH rI.I.H I.ItlllT AMI WATKIt CO. Wm. V. Ilalilwln la rather terlnui. ly III at hit homo. Toys and Dolls MEETING OF CITY DADS iicm'Mit hkmi-montAi.v m.trr. I.XI IIKI.II MHT MOIIT SEVERAL PERMITS GRANTED An llntliiami Itrail Allowing llm Weali-rn I'nlon Teleanili Com ny In Killer I lie City Tlieru wna a ri'Kiilnr mvotlnK of the city council lat tilght. ,-Vtler lertnlu bllla for tho amcnt of tlu lalmr employed on tho rebuild liiK of tho rriMiawalk and a bill for lumber from Moore llroa. had bn npioret nml miImI paid, acveral wtlim fur biilldliiK purmlta wero (ad nml allowed. A petition from the Knnuera' Iniplerirnt rompany waa et nilde, lii It they nikrd to bo al lowed In Iibiik a ilcn In front of tho MihIi link cry ou Man at reel. Tho lounrll wanted more ipeclflc Informn. lion oitKernliiK tho algn, and nl ',hu pMlllon ailde. Tho orillnanro arceptlnR a deed from the Klamath l.ond and Tranc IHirtatlon company for certain land on Conner arenue mid for tho eitcuil- Inn of that nieniie waa adopted. An ordinance KratillnK thn Wtttcrn I'nlon Telegraph romiany tho right to enter the city and erect all necea aar) piilra waa paurd on to In accond reading. It waa voted to refund Certain r. Kinal taiea paid Uy K. C. Wllaon, Tho major and Colonel Wllklna do rldrd to Ro around tho outlying addl tlona Tueaday and fig (Killing place and npHtnt tho Judgrii for the coming etutluti, tho neccaaary thirty da- before the mailer rpn bo put to a vote being now almoit completed, Tho matter of tho bridge at Tenth IS and Canal atreuta wai again referred to tho atreet committee to bo reported on nt the next meeting. Chief of Police Carter was directed to aervo notice on Knglneer Patch that thu nulaanre of the Ankeny ca nal in tut be abatol. A motion to aljourn waa then made and carried. COKNKII TAKKM COXTIMK.NTAI; Korraer HewMeWl of Thla lily Hrrau-e the Hl HoalHry Waller K. Conor, the well known hotel man, la now, manager of the Continental hotel m Dan Franclaco. Tho Continental, formerly known aa the I'aclflc-arand, at located on Ellla, at I'owell atreet, awtr one block from thn. Kmorlum and one-eighth block from tho Flood building, In which aro located all of Ike principal rail road and ateamahlfi1 ticket office. Tho houae I fire, and earthquake proef: haa 300 roogo and 100 pri vate! hatha. I equipped throughout with Maker beta and contain every device known to tbcclenro of mod-' ern hotel keeping. Conducted on tho Kuropcan plan, rate It up. Tho Continental I now recognlted a a home of cohifort. The ownerarrcallihinf the full IB liortanco of the location, together with the general euund for a high- claaa, yet modi'ataVprlced hotel, bavo converted an a44ola)ec atore to tho enlargement of the hotel lobby, writ ing room and 14 je' reception room. with a wide otmaiatlon window. The management coaajMera It opportune In making thceaBouBcaanta, to give aSaorance'f peraoaal efort toward the- convenience and comfort of all, and the .maintenance of the highlit principle, believing Ikat a well atlafled gucat I the beet medi um of aollcltlng patronage. There fore, remember: "The Continental hotel enjoy tho advantageous combi nation of tho mot central location with home comfort and moderate rate," In the heart of the theater and ahopplng dlatrlct. I'KOOKAM AT THK IRUJ "Wright llrothvr' Aeroplane." Thl I tho lateat and best picture over made of this wonderful tnven-i tlon, and shows the oSclal tests mado before President Taft and oth ers of high standing. "Poxy Farmer," "Peddling Shoes" and "Why She Didn't Marry" are all very amusing comedlef. "The Web of Fate" aad "Charity Rewarded" aro both very pleasing and Interesting dramas. '" "Satan' Smithy" I one of the most beautiful hand colored Sims ever shown In Klamath Falls. I AT THK OPKKAHOISK "Before the Mast" Is a tale of love and romance, tho scenes laid In a ash ing lllago and before the mast oa an ocean-going vossel. "Living Dolls" Is a wonderful and fantastic tale of an Intentor who gives his life to mak ing dolls that will walk, talk and think. Ills protty wife, of course but' that's the s(ory. "Bweet Dreams Intermingling With Nightmare,," aa a pretty maiden travels through slum- norland. "Tho Champion Heavy Weigh Utter" uses fake weights, and when the crowd find out oh, my, but you should see. "Miss Simpson" Is very attractive, as you will agree when you seo that clever Sim, "Miss Slrapsoa'a Attractiveness." And then "Winning a Princess" Is really de lightful sport. There are about 4.S00 msa em ployed on the two railroads comlag Into, the Deaohutes river canyon. At the mouth of the rlw both, llasa have coaslderable grading doae aad art laying seme traek. Stiver Laka ( Leader, , SURE OF A MEAT PUNT JOII.f C. HIM. IIKBK IXKIKIW I'P A HiTK LOCAL CAPITAL IS WANTED Ire Itaat, Packlim Hoawe aaaf Creaa. rry la AdaHthiw Bwtay aMrket fur the Pamirr , ' ." ''H John C. Hill, aealor partner of the llolcomb Realty company, riald thl afternoon that the packlf f houae and lo plant to be built herwrtly are a certainty. It I the deaWff'tbW who have the matter In charge; tb.r name are withheld from publication at preeent, to IntereaCtocal capital In tho enterprlae, and ao bring the later- eat of the city strongly Into the mat ter. The plant will coat approximately 150.000. There will be a alaughter- houao where they will kill" their own. beef, aheep and hog. A packing plant where every part of the anlmal-wlll be utlllted the bone.'litlr and. all. Hcce they will manufacture lard, glue and all the other product from the by-product of the alaughter-hooce. Then there will be a cold atorage plant from which they will ship eggt, butter, chicken, turkey, etc. thu making a ready market for all-the produco raised by the farater la this neighborhood. An Ice plant for the manufacture of artlBdal lea will also probably be established aad a cream ery for the making 76f butter, aad cheese, though this la met a yet4 elded upon. Thl plant and daughter-house will em ploy, at least seveaty-lve men aad probably a treat many more. The men who are considering the estab lishment of this Immease coacera'are practical packers and thoroughly un derstand the business from A to Z. They feel certain that when the rail roads are completed there will" he a ready market for all they can produce and they will spare no' expense la making tho whole concern a, complete success, aad ao develop the resources of this country. CKMKNi; INDl'wTRY teterestiM lafsraaatlraa Faralahtd by a Mm Who Kaows. Having had maay laqulrlea regard- lag cement aad concrete, I aaall try and reply tolerably Intelllgably oa these Interesting subject.. Cements are manufactured frosa. limestone, having aa aa associate eith er glacerlal clays or shales of the proper analysis These muat be la close proximity to the Umeatoae to bo profitably manufactured, a"ad the Umeatoae must carry St per cent or 54 per cent calclte, plus carboalo aatd gas, 44 per cent, which would give a chemical analysis of 91 or 8 per cent pure lime, la the maaufacture of cement the word "Portland" seems to be misconstrued. Thla la applica ble to all cements manufactured by the use of limestone, elays or shales, and tho word Is the name of tho la veator. Foreign oements are manufactured oa such a large scale that the Amer ican manufacturers have beea com pelled to meet competition. Forehra cements are dutiable at 30 ceats war barrel. Cements vary la teasUe strength, due to the chemical caaage la the Ingredients used, aad espeelal care must be taken la the amount of magBMlft (M. Q, O.) that nay appear before maaufaeture. Testa caa be mad for aouaaaesa la thf teUewiag wayat j Briquettes, '3 of BBadi of esaaeat, keft'ia water at ldefrae seat, (17t F.) and tcitcd In two and se'ven day. Oauged with 7 per cent of water by weight, It should show a tenal'.-i strength of 300 pounds on an averago of soven days setting. This should bo tho breaking weight of briquettes, Ixl Inch net section with weight run on at tho rate of 100 pounds In 13 sections. For soundness Norms! Portlsnd cement expsads slightly when kept In water at tho ordinary temperature. If not perfectly, sosad test bars Kept at a higher temperature, E-0 ISO deg. P., expanda largely and may evea crack and go to pieces. la purchas ing cemc,Brtsecure a material soumf, well Buret J and prepared from thor oughly mixed raw materials. Me chanical test for ordinary uses caa be made by a aeries of tests, thereby de termining the residue. For aa eam-t pie, a followsu ' . . 38 p. c leslaSrsoa 300x300 sieve. 35 p. c residue oa 130x130 sieve. 7 p. c residue oa"7-g7 sieve, l.tt p. c. residue on 50x50 sieve. The above would, show the cement to be finely ground aad free from foreign matter, 'which would deter mine the strength aad soundness. Regard mixing of cement for or dinary 'purposes follow the Instruc tion belew: vi.j, . To three parts of good sharp sand and gravel put one of good Portland cement, form a heap of the ballast, throw saad and oa top, then cement Commence'at one aide of the heap and throw It aside until It forms another heap. Do thla four or Sve times be fore wettlag. Repeat thla, addbg water at the saase Uaaa. Va a water pot for wotUag. ,MU. beards If possible. Dirt la tajarkwa ten con crete. ' About oaa cask of cemsar, -two ponds. Is- aBWy.''i'ehuBef :go -te oa cubic yard of gravel or saad. Concrete, except for. foaadatloa, requires faclag. To make thla pias ter use one of eeaaeat to oaa of Sae standard saad ,(aot potato soil ) . The more thoroughly mixed the bettor concrete results. ., . The concrete business has grown 4.000 peaeeatiahMat'elaM'yanr1 l.i Amerhta, aad today Is only In lt lnfaev Z. t-f-e T vrhtit? ate ft& B3af v I """" '. 8uperiateadcnt Hydraulic 8toae and Brick Oomnaay. l(1 t :v it JfaTOI IfOTtCK There was335,000 galloaa of water . rua to waste last altrtU' ea'aeeoaat of persoaa laavlaa;,fauceta to veat freealag. Wa have placed spectora. aad from sow oa all water found left running wilt be shut off a't lae eura. KLAMATH FALLS LIOHT AND WATER CC. 7 SIiSlts)aUfM Our Guarantee .aW with these: t Wfcesi wa aap a wbbbbTbI wwRefl Row ttaataaaba gejaaaatsB wa gra,- Aay Hoasthcld Rimidf awailaff, SHUCU label la iwMatrrely gwaraatstsl to ajtvo t Tkafa fair, 184 Rf 4 . ,, r A- awllaaw SMVJ i rfMissMMMiiiiiiMaiawiliiaelili' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AltltAXORMEXTH MADR FOR KX- HIHIT FOR OMAHA s. p. to runts cah, etc Real KsUte aa4 Basaaeas MeafKMer Into the PUa WRh Alacrity Will Re Ftoe CoMectleau There was a special ateetlag of the Chamber of Commerce Moaday after- boob at 4 o'cloek. la Wilbur Wright's oSlee, which all buadaeas ata war Invited to attead. F. H. Thompeoa. ta local aatn far the Saathera PadSe aaaoaaeel that he bad received word frosa tho head omce saylag that they woaM be glad to furaiah a sixty-foot "ear la waish exhibits are to bo shipped to the arc hlbltloa at Omaha. The ear wiH be furnished at aay tlaae stated by tho Chamber, aad will be take whea tbeV notify tke compaay that taey are ready to have It moved. -.. ' Various committees war appotated " to get exhibit from various parts of the county and to carry oa the asesa - sary cosXespoBdeaee. 1 Needless to say everyone is vary w- thuslastlc. aad that all aro leadtag " their aid la ataktac thla a real saw-' cess, The oahlbHa are hilsg takoa f C. T. Oliver's seed star, where the r will be arraaged amS preaarsd farv shlpmeat j RhTi'. 43. T. PRATT naaawrai sal aaar ai. - r - 1T . WM eftlaerrisjr '' w i ThemeetlaglastaagUatiho byterUa)cbuKheal4eAieaatertle raalgaatloa of Rev. OesswT. Fraat, as)- suted supply, jesltedJtajiaaajail, . moas vote to ask Mr. Pratt to wttfs- dar. Wa. imlsaiitlianTtawlaw-wawi.. seated to do whoa waited ape by a NSI,ortha-aaara.vi-iSv The ladebtedaeea of the eharch was arof Ided far. aad soaalaeaakls addt- UoBswere asade to tho pliagaa at Saaaelal sapaart. The haalBiBS af fairs of 'tho efearek wsra tisrsaghly discussed, aad all aaosaai dsatraaa at"- seelag helaterestot the aharak) aaVt vaacoa. tr TrfWf U V Oae of vtkf greatest dlseaverlea at Ameff& RUCKKR OILLITTR. w-at 4 aw Kmrnath Falls. Ore. r aBssm'jttM'wtaat wa aar. at iwa awawa vmMmmm ma fawgl aTVSjVJBJBtJJaTqsl sTM a ,Rodl, Star lahal or t """ ' v i- a't t i VTaawwaw. . aWIV t t i TaW I K i 1 t J a" Vrl tiA en fcC r. . i i )' , i "s j r vi. a ... A.Ajj,-C-li '