W'Jf :,,. WM m 1 !' .f. .. i "- iv : a 1 1 ,' A , &' -' r , J - . Yf - & tftriil Drnitto tki J; wvjs & Our AdvtctiMn Ost ' Tht IttKw In, ana pcs H a J ilMTM Vmr. No. 1,009 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1909. Fuel 6 ClNTS '' 'vyy Sbi LLIl " FAVORS THE BOND ISSUE gaflaWAMV IIAI.M.W1KH WANTH HMUC TliA.V lU.WW.WMI SCflUiSAREIOPAVPAir iHdMf 4 Inlrrlur'e liana Miaae Ma of Work and Hlgher rrkv for Water la dlspatth from Waahlagtea m ngvtltn It lit followlag Ulr saUeaoalch llt Interact Iho Klaav MkwMir people; Ait mult r hit InvMtlgalloaa In tat Wert dUltPK the l't lWf( iMntorr Malllnger U Mora roar laced tetatwa that congrra should au Aerie tb lame of bond, predicated tt tea reclamation fund, la order that naif rath may I available for the await completion or the aeore or am a( internment Irrigation pn )kM aov la roursa n( construction. 0eta ttiUnt, li believe, demaada aVatteta a bond luo be authorised, tar wc mora money made available ferdttrarlng the rul of construction, tlaaakstr Ibn projerta will be cam aktjd, i4 tb sooner will return Maw Uto the reclamation fund froai tattler acquiring water rlgate froai the aaveroaient. Home of Iba advo Mtai aT a bond luue have damaaded HMtt.oto; other favor aa lam of Ht.IM.t00 a year for a term of !. Imctary lia)llnar haa a nlaa : from both, a plaa whlea hie at Indicate la more practle- Ih woulil have congrvaa aulharlaa tat Itnaara of rrclamatloa boada up la a Iwd minimum far la oitoaa of UMM.Oio, thouih ha hlmatlf la not )H artpatrj lo tay what that aalal is tkouM U. DUrretloaary powar aoald ha bvttowrd upon Iho aacra tary to Imuo thuo tooda from tlma to !, ia turn quantltlra aa may ba JaaMdad, until tha mailmum la 'ataad. In thla mannar, ba ballavaa tkat ataafy c.mlj be obtalaad aa aad (l'atlard oa ragw ti,T,. V 4- ML Ih T fl MHaVaalaaaaaaB aaaaaaaal laaaaaaaaaaaaaal ft alaaH aaaaaaaaaaH t aaValaaB aaaaaaaaaH f Wm HaaaBn .aBBaP i aaaaaaW aaaaaaaft LaaaaaaaV wmamB&i ATTIIKOI'MIA IMIl'MK An excellent llluaraiih dram, "Tim Narklaca," teaches In n modern tlny. let the truth of tliuso familiar word lllttirwl lung hko r llin llclirnw liroaclmr, "Vanllai aiiltatuni ( om nla aiilla." Tim awful wreck th vanity ut n rixillih ami nihty wlfo makM lit livr Ufa ami tlmt of tier lm. Uail. "Ilotura Ilia Mmt" It a tnln of tha dcx-p w dtlirrlct, ami Inrlilrntal ly of ii lovo of a ruimriiiklil for a atvrllua yotina .ullor rdap, "Jll.t Htmpaon'a AllrarllTenou" It oror. halmlna and agnltut lirr wlili, aiior in uf'tka tnatrulltin jrniltr trail her (ram worn till night. Hut why; you ak. Ah, you mint cuia to , "Win. nlai a Trlnrou" auft)) tha rrul tlte amount of fun. HKtll'l.'KU I'llllK o.H KWXTIIIO filUIKM Oalca to a no contract with Hip factory on lampt, which rtiliirc-t our rott, wit will from ami aftrr thla iUtn aall ilobea at followt; 1, 4, 10 anl III c..p, rarhon iliti, 10c each, 3 4 c.p. carbon lohr, 30c rach, CO w, Mrrdllan llnbt-, tOo rach, 100 w. Meridian Klobm, tc lacli. to r.i, Tunatlrn aloora, CSc rach, 33 r,.p. Tuniitrn alotrt, Ttc rach. r.p. Tunctlrn atolim, 11,10. KLAMATH KA 1.1.8 I.IOIIT AND W'ATKIt CO. WOUK IN mcHtltlTrM IN IKMJIttMIMi IIAI'IDI.Y John O. Porter of Mpokane, Wath.. of (ha contracting trm of I'orler Hroa., aatfky charge of the work oa Iba Orgon Trunk Una down the Daathulaa canyon, arrived In fort land Iba other day lo remain a few daya on bualnraa. "Work In the DctkIiuim It pro. greaaJng rapidly," tald Mr. I'orler, "and aa el wo hata not ttruck ntitta. clea uaually encountered In railroad building. About S.&00 men are bo Ing kept at work. Climatic condition! have been favorable, though rontld. antila rain hai fallen. Ilrliorta that rarelty of labor I. delaying the work arc abwlulaly f.l.e." ! Joba Smith of IKirrlt la regltlered nt ... al A Man Can ran a itore witkoit avdTrtltI4j -ad wtMk at a girl In tie dan-tat wkat'a Um lit atomic with clotklBi. Wattl Ue m to by the ordlaary klad when yea cai get Stcin-Bloch's Smart Clothes 9 Dutchcu Guaranteed Trouiert -. ' and Hanan Modern Footwew at this store K K K STORE $50,000 MEAT PACKING PUNT JOHN M. 1111,1, IIKIIK MMIKINU Wit NtlTAIII.K HITK OAKUM) PACKERS 1ACKERS I'n.lMl.ly ('wmmrarr Work at Oac Will HaniMn anil Mtilp All l"rt. ilarp of Thla Hrctla. John H, Hill, avnlor partner of tha lloliotnli Hralty company, la In tha thy looklnK for a pottlblo alta on which dm formor ownura of tha Oak land Mrat Parking rompany, w'ba ra- ., vM , ,Hwlft k Co.. may ernt a S0. 000 cold ttorage and miMt.parklng plant. It la their In leiitlon lo hamllo all thai produce of thla aecllon, and ahlp from here to I'orlland, Oakland, Han Kranclaro and the Kail. Ilntter, eggt and cheeae would lm handled In addition to beef and Hirk, Much a chemo aa thla hat often been tpoken of before, though thla U the first lime any real alept have ben taken toward carrying out the plant laid down. Thla company la iwrfxtl) capable of opening up a new country. They were doing aurb an eitcnilvo butlneaa from their Oakland houto that It wat neceaaary for Hwlft Jt Co. la come to their tcrmt when Ihey wlthed lo buy them out. There It no question but what by the time tho main line la completed from hero to Natron thla city will become Iho main shipping point on the Southern Pacific between Port land and fUcramento. It It tho Intention of thoae who have tho ronttrut'tlon of thla new plant In rhargo lo commence work aa toon at poitlblc, though thla will brobatily not be before spring. A. K. A. M. NOTICK There will bo a special communion- ' Thurad.y evening to confer P c- afW A mhn d Ivltllora coruiauy inviieu o n !- ent. Ily order of Iho . . O. D. OATB8. Sec'y. V.. FIRE AT BONANZA lllfill HCIIOOb AT THAT I'LACK HAH NAMtOW KMCAI'K 0VC TO A WfECTIVE fLtE Heroic Work Haajalred lo Have the Hirartare Kraaa Deotntctkm Itaaaaga Aboert SSM IIONANZA, Kaf. 16. (Special) At 11:30 today two acbool boya dla- covered amok Uaulng from the school rtfbm occaalcd by the laterme- dlale grade aad presided over by Mra. Ijimbert. They aotlfled Mlaa Orace hytle, ono of tba teachers, who, with the aid of the boy uaed all of the water lo be found In the building In a vain effort lo iubdue tha flame, which wero foundt to be burning around the heat readier. When ahe discovered that tba fire waa beyond her control aba raag the ball, but no attention waa paid to tha alarm and r ahe then aent the boya to town for help. Aa soon aa It waa learned that tbo achool waa on re the entire town turned out. Tba chemical engine waa hauled from Ita qaartere, where It ama remained unused" for! over a year.' Oa the way to the Ire lonalderabla time waa lost through taalaabtllty of thoae having hold of the rope to pull tha machine, and a teaaa waa anally et- cured and preaaed lato eervlce. Tha heroic work otlMI Lytle rwalted In keeping tha Are conflaed to the vicinity of Mra. Lambert'a room, aad when tbo engine arrived the flame were eitlngulshed without dlBculty. In addition to tba chemical engine men, women and children and one team carried water from the river, g quarter of a mllo distant, aad thla ntded materially In quickly extin guishing the Are. Investigation showed that the cause of tho flro waa due to a defective flue leading from tho furnace to the reg ister In Iho Intermediate grade room. It waa found that practically no con nection had been mada between the two, rendering It daageroue at all tlmea. Tha attentloa of tha achool board had been called eome time ago to tbo defective condllloa of the heat ing equipment, and they have reaaoa to feel thankful that a great holo caust haa not been the reault of their negligence In thla matter. It will doubUcae be a warning that will re ault In having the defecta permanent ly remedied and remove what haa alwaya been a monace lo tha Uvea of tba puplla attending thla laatltntloa. Tho damage to tho etrncture will amount to perhapa $500, which la ful ly covered by Insurance, tha building being Inaured for 110,009. WALTKK STRAW Walter Btraw died at the raaWenea of -hit mother ycaterday morning, death being duo to paralyela'aad a combination of dlteaaea. Tha do- ceaaed returned to thla city eome time ago, and ever alnco hla arrival hero hla health failed. For oeveral montha prior to hla death he waa conflaed to hla bed, and for woeka hla death haa been momentarily expected. Tbe funeral aervleea will ba held from tho family reatdeaoa aa tha Want Aide' tomorrow aftarioea at a o'clock, and will be condaeted by Rav. O. T. Pratt. Tha latemaat will be la the city cemetery. Cyrua, Kllgora la la tha city from hla ranch at Wllaon'a bridge, loeklag for a aaok, aad ha aaya "graf wMawa arafarrad." ,H ragta taat tha aaa are flylag aretty thick raaad hla raaoh aad there la aoma tea haat lat out tkart saw. FIGtRES ARE EXAGGERATED KKfllNKIt PATCH HAH KKCCIVKU HO Hl'CH IXrOKNATION OTHCt OFfrCIAlS ARC SILENT Hute That flgureo Olvra la Hatar- day'a Herald are Dewete Any Iterclved at Loral OaVe. Thla afternoon when tha local rec lamation officiate wero naked for In formation concerning tbo flgureo printed In Saturday'a laaaa of tha Herald aa thoae given out aa the ten tative allotmenta for the coming year. Ihey replied that they wero greatly exaggerated ao far aa they had re ceived any Information from Waah- Ington. Mr. W. W. Patch, the project en gineer, aald In part: "Bo far aa I have been Informed from headquartera the allotment for the coming year will not exceed half tho amount aa atated In the Herald, and two-thirds of the allotment la en tirely dependoat upon tbe atand taken by tho atockboldera of the Water Caere' association whether they car ry out tbe complete requlremeata of tbo government or aot." The flgurea wero qooted from the 8aa Francleco Chronicle; aad It eeema remarkable that ao competent aa en gineer aa Mr. Patch ahould be left la the dark while tha laformaUon la glvea to tho eorreapoadeata of the preea, who quoted tha flgurea en the authority of eome member of tha aea ate committee oa Irrlgatloa. MILUS McC.UA Mlaa Ruby Illllla and John McCall wero married ycaterday morning at iho residence of Rev. Q. T. Piatt, the officiating clergyman. The wedding waa a great eurpriso to tho many frlenda of thla popular couple, bat It nevertheleaa carrlea with It tha good wlahoa and congratulatloaa of their hosts of acquaintance In thla city. Mra. McCall haa been a realdeat of thla city tor about two year, aad haa ever been one of the popular members of tho younger net. Mr. McCall canoe claaaed aa aa old-timer, though he returned to thla city lea than two year ago. He la one of the efdcleat employee of tha Portland Store, and la poeaeaaed of buntaeaa ability of a high order. Mr. and Mra. McCall left Immedi ately after the ceremony for Brook- aide, where they will apend their honeymoon. WATRR NOTICK There waa 315,000 galloaa of water run to waata laat night oa accouat of peraona leaving fauceta open to pre vont freealng. Wo have placed In- apoctora, and from now on all water found left running will be abut ol at tho curb. KLAMATH FALLS .LIOHT AND WATER CO. You did not have much una for a fan In Klamath county tbla morning, but you might have a mother, alator or beau who Uvea la a land that la far warmor than thla, aad than a fan would bo a dainty aad uaefuj gift. I have a number of Beautiful Preach Importad faaa oa due-lay thla weak. Come la aad ata them. Pleaaar to ahow them to you. McKattaa. la It aaoaaaary to any taat aow, at tar tha vlgaroaa aaoottag at tha away aaatera raatdaat la Uta tart, of taa warld tka dvtcka, gaeaa aad.,aaU ara ooaatdarably taaa aumaroaa taaa they Wtft about Saturday aooa. " AT THK IIAPTUrT CHURCH The revival at the Oaptlat church waa quite a aucceaa ycaterday. Tha pastor preached In the morning on the subject "An Upward Look." la tho afternoon Rer. C. H. McKee preached an uplifting tcrmoa, aad la tho area- lag Mr. Bledsoe preached aa elective sermon oa "How to Be saved." Ono lady accepted Chrltt aad cob- fonaod Him aa her Savior. Tbo haad of fellowship waa given to nine new member. The aolo, "The Ninety aad Nine" by Mr. Wlrts waa nrr much appreciated. Mr. Raaor'a alagtag la adding much to tha Interest of tha meeting. Tonight the peetor will preach oa "Why Man Are Loot." Mr. Raaon will alng and Mr. Btrattoa will play the violin. All are Invited. WORK TO START ON ORROON TRl'NK UNK BELOW MADRAS Tho following dlapatch from Mad- raa to the Portland Journal la Inter esting In that It ahowa that the work on tbe Oregon Trunk la aot being held up, but la being puahed to aa early a completion aa poaalble. Construction started oa tho Ore gon Trunk line Saturday moralag at tbe mouth of Willow creek. W. H. Porter, who baa tbe contract for the work from Madraa dowa Willow creek to Trout creek, la la Madraa, and la superintending tha work. Dt vlalon Engineer Hlckmaa, whoa work reachea from Treat creak to Redmoad. la alao hero aad la derot lag hla Urn to harrying coaatrucUoa work oa tha Hill read; Baglaeer McVlcker. who to located at Madraa, yaaterday received, era to divide' hi crow aad ruak aectloa work oa tho Una dowa Willow creek ao that the lla aaay be la raadl aeaa for coaatraetloa ganga. Bridge carpeatera arrived la Madraa laat night and are to bo put at work at once building warehouaee aad other bulldlaga for aa of the Oregoa Traak at thla place. After thla work la com pleted they will ho employed la con structing trestle la thla rlclalty. The Oregon Trunk line haa opeaad Ha commissary department at tkto place, aad auppllea are already ar riving for tho nee of eoetructloa crewa. Omclala of the Oregoa TraaK tra hopeful of raafclag coaatraetloa la thla. rlclalty to the graataat poaalble limit, aad to that ead any they ex pect to have 1,000 mea employed between Trout crook aad Madraa within aUty daya. Jamea J. Hugh, a former realdeat of thla city, where ho waa aagagad la the livery bualaea. whoao home la aow at Eugene, la here oa a baataeaa trip connected with hla latereata la Butte valley. Our Guarantee with these: Wheat w aap w waR orqueatloB. Haw that la aha Aap Hoaaihald MaaaaS SMIKID lahal la amaMHaty aatlasartlian Thafa aalr, laat Mt losi otiAM Star Drug Store ' - TBey S. P. FAILS IN PROMISE NO KPPORT MAM ID IMPHOVB PAMRNOMt cmBJLM PROMISE MADE OCTOtCRIO feWUMM aaMMaMBS MeftJ aMMS dToMavS there I Dacfjadamaiaai a aar The followtag arilela fraaa Uta Portland Tatagraa ha ailf aialaaa tary. aad aaowa tha great talaraat tha outatdo world la takiac la tha awrat- oaaMat.of tMa aectloa of tha i Although fatal awwthar eaVtala bogaa ts aaaare Partlaad baalaaaa latereata of aaatataaia at kav arerlag aaaatsajtr eojaatlotxi at twaea Pertlaad aad KTamath PaR aa loag ago aa tha Srat waah a Jaly, aothlag doaalt haa pllahed.' Tha laat ward f rota tha Harrlaaaa aad ratal red by tha trtaaaartatlaa mlttoo of tha Chambor af Oaav waMp iaR"Jr fjaaHva1, arfwsjaagjr jia frem Otaaral Paaaaagar Agamt WB Uaai MeManaur. U whtah tha ataav A lea waa mad that th wouMbotakaaapwtthl aaactala at tha I All! tarda aaTeothag tha ' thlatRy. Tha Chaaiaor f achedal whorahy Partlaad wtald hare aamethlag I with Saa Praaalaaa la ioa ttrrRory. Ailtr aneh aao taa Saaratary H. D. Taa Hetktrea af tha traaaaartatlaa aaaa mlttae. waa adrlatd hf tha Satjthara PaclSe that tha areata tehodalo, which aaada Partlaad hualaaaa aaaa loaa a whole day aad gare Saa Fraa eJeco direct aad la Uoaa with Khuaatk falla had adopted aa Vriaammaaiatlaa af tha KUauUh Pall Ohaahar af Tha tlataat Otatial 1 N. Scott ta that Portland latoreata had hatter tafea tka matter up dlrettly wHh tha Khua ath aaaala. SecrtUry Taa Heekarea taak tha attar up with tat Kltmtla PaUa (Cwataaaad aa Paflt S) ataaa Jaat what a aap. M paa ha raraadifl at ami tost roK ours Hara K", , i BaaPreav sarrltary aa tjawa. Uaa.am4 lar that aaaaaar tha tawara awathara PaeaS aa Oajajaa aa4 OahV tora4a,jaaaaae fraaa th Bar .flRav j JlfaW 1 1 i - rn s '! t i ?'? ' .r4 w i . i k$& 3. 'i. ' sasr