The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 13, 1909, Image 1

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nhonbl Ik Itoo to Hrlng
la lb AllrwHe) of th
lUllrtMMl (Mrtol
pwiil the recent derangement or
Ibttnla service duo lu ths cave-In u(
IW titatl nrar liunsraulr, II was
brestit forcibly I" 'ho allentlon of
lbs were unfortunate tough
lesavt been forced to travel la or out
f lid city int the arcomaiodatlona
it Wied ti ut uth character as tu
WafUjrsre to Iho Southern I'aclflc.
Om ol Ike worst of IhtM unfavor
silt cesaltlons was the utter Impoa-
SMtty of ,psengre lo ascertain tho
hear of arrival and departure or
InhM, asd Id eppareelly resolute
titnsitillon o( the ejnloyoe Ic
she H ft untowfortaui possl
Me for Ibt traveler. It u rsccg
land tkftt the railroad company waa
strsatllss with a huge task, aad
every allowance made (or thl.
Ut ta ao wy could lb diaeullle
Mtf Daaiwulr be stretched la la
mil to the employe at Weed to
(Met lo traveler the amount of In
cnmWare and discomfort eiperl
taeed at that lUtlon.
The chief complaint waa Ihe leabtt
Uf to aetetlaln Ihe lime and depart.
r el train. Women and children
ttr forced to remain all night In Ihe
Mil, poorly-ventilated waiting room
without Ore. The nlghla were cold,
14 to many passenger then that
KW wsre evvn forces to wait uut
Me la the told,
Aiothrr matter of complaint, not
air airing the blockade, but nt all
time. I ihe (act that tho pustonger
catch raaalog between Weed ami Ihl
TJiSntf LhBMbbb1b1bIK
HI' HlgaDagBgal
ilty I kept locked until leaving Uim
furring passenw to tvmaln iiu'ilju
until Hint hour, UtirliiK IliU Urn of
year IhU rule should l llainal
wllh, Tho rar alioul'l bu kvt warm
and open, at ii h rrijrialiltlina
boforo dartur. TliU b bn n
iwiurco of complaint (or month, and
bmilil m remorml. It would bn ad.
vUabln (or Ihe director of thn Cham,
tier of Commrrco lo bring thro mat
ten lo I tin proper offltlal, and bara
I firm remttdlvd, It I not tho man
"blghor up" who U lo blamv, but the
ubordlnalo wbu Iimi oflrn ulrctchtii
regulation lo ult hi own ronven
lnr. Thl may not bn thn cum In
tlila Instance, and If It U not, tlion the
rTnrtn,of thn Chambor bould bn d.
rrrtMl toward ircurlnc a rulo that
will relict Ihe employe from I lie
complaint of tho traveling public.
Two Olograph Dim, "The lecep
lion," a very ilrllilitlul llttlo comedy,
and "A Mttlo Child Khali l.rad
Them," a clever dramatic ciimrdy,tak.
en from "Young Mr. Wlnlbrop." The
acting of tho player In thete two
film I mi uprb that you can un
deritand their word when they
apeak. Another comedy, "A llad
Caae," and "VUlont o( Mother." love
ly nnd pathetic, "l.lttle Itcd Hiding
Hood" will Inlereat tho children.
"ISimpell," burled by a volcanic erup
tion of Veauvlu Augut 31, A. 1),
nnd not until 174 waa any cicavat;
Ing done, at which ttmo a eaiant
(nund Mimo valuable relic while dig
ging n well. Kino that time a vait
amount o( work ha been done, and
Ihe city I now practically rcttorrd.
The picture of I'ompell aro Intro,
duced by a eerie taken from an
American man-of-war at tho tlmo of
tho eruption of Mt. I'elre.
A marriage llceno waa luued Fri
day evening from th county clerk'a
ifRIco to Nctoon U Hmllh and Delia
May Molhate, both resident nf thU
county, thrlr home being on tho Mel
rill road.
A Man
Cti ran itorc wlthoit adurtltlmg
.td wlmk tt a girl in tie dark-bit wttt'i Vu
VM7 luM wim clollilii. WltafiUe
m to bay the ordiMry klri wbra yoi caa iet
Smart Clothes
Dutcheu Guaranteed Trouiert
, and
Modern Footwear
at this atore
Irgr Mala. More Hydrant Nearer
TogHbrr JVrrraaarir lo any Hnh
ulaalUI Kednctlon.
W. A. Newman o( th Underwriter
Kqultablo Haling llureau o( Oregon,
who ha boon In the city for eoreral
da) looking Into ro-rallng tho town,
Mid today that though there would
bo n amall reduction of Ihe fire Inmr-
anro rate, It could not poulbly bo a
Urge a It would If Ihe city were
properly eupptled wllh hydrant and
proper tiro precaution. Tho hydrant
buiild not bo further npart than 160
(ret In tho flro district, which run
1:0 feet deep on either tide of Main
drect. Thero iliould bn greater force
than I now supplied by Iho one
(-Inch main on Main street. If, na la
proposed, there la another nnd larger
main put In on Klamath avenue, with
cross pipe connecting the two on
alt the sldo street, then tho proa
sure would naturally be greatly In
creased, tho chance of a large Ore
getting started would be lessened nnd
Iho rato of Insurance, which Is now
very heavy, could bo very materially
reduced. Tho city owea thl much to
Iho business men whp have helped
build and boost the growth of the
Mr. Nowman said, however, that
mill ibeso ehanac were made no
possible reduction of anjr alio could
bo contemplated. Tho Insurance com
panlea aro willing to reduce tho rata
only when their risk aro leaeened In
la WeM fa Anteaiaj Mm Hag OaM ajf
the Heat Nnuai Harfjr Cona
tttiUm eT tVs)ak.
Word cornea from Ban Francisco
that the tentative allotment for the
Klamath project for 110 la I71
000. Thla la the nun that baa been
set aside by the reclamation service
for use on thl project next year.
and Indicate the determination of
the official to rush to com pi It Ion
Ihcso work. Aa la wall known, con
nected with thla allotlasent I n (trlng
that may bo used In withdrawing n
major portion of thn money. It naa
been announced by the government
that unleaa It la given adequate ae-
curlly by Iho Increaalag of the capital
dock and lha placing of the par value
of the share at 0. only such aaaa
aa will bo accvaeary for the running
ripenae of the Klamath project will
ho' anally net aalde far the earning
year. Thla atatement ban, been ac
copied In aonie quarter na n threat,
but all of the offllcal. from Secretary
Ilalllngcr down, disclaim any Inten
tion of threatening the landowner
under thl project. They almply atate
that they have no desire to take on
band half a thousand law suit, which
might bo tho case unlesa tho by-law
of tho association and the provisions
of tho reclamation law are compiled
Tho tontatlve allottmenta for Ore
gon nnd California projecta for 110
aro as follew:
Klamath, 1716,000; Truckee-Car-son,
SSC0.000; Orland, 1410,000;
Yumn, 11,135,000; aggregating 13,
551,000. It will be -aeon from theee ftgure
that the Klamath project fared well
U the handa of tho reclamation aerv
Ice. Tho expenditure of thla huge
sum will havo the effect of bringing
a greater degree of prosperity to thla
rouuty than has been experienced
tlnce the tlmo tho first contract waa
let, when business condltlona In
thla city were at their icalth.
All that rematna for the eecurlng
of thla money la compliance with the
requests of the government. Theee
have been partially met In the In
creailug of the capital atock of the na
soclatlon to f 1,000,000. The direct
or are In ipeclal aeaalon thla after
noon, conalderlng the matter of plac-
Int the liar valuo of the share nt ISO
(( It la found that thla ens be done
through the placing of the number
of share nt 100,000, then It la poaal
bte that only n resolution of the board
of dlroctora la all that will be neces
sary to accomplish thn desired end.
It It cannot be done by thn director.
then n meeting of the ttoekholdera
can nccompltah the task, when It will
be unnecessary to have a majority of
the atock represented.
At the special meeting- at the di
rectors this afternoon It was deetded
to latue another call for a session of
Us stockholder, nt which ths mattsr
of Us par yalus will again is voted
on. no cat for us meeting waa at-
elded upon, Uat betas left for futur
mjrS)SBfasVm) wsWants
He la Beta Urged to Renal na' m
MeMber. and Majr rolhlr Re-1
CtoRwMfnf IwfaMoR
Col. M. Q. Wilkin, councilman
from tho Flrat ward, I going to ro-
sign. Ill decision to do so la due to
tbo fact that he la dissatisfied with
tho manner la which the city ha pro
eroded In ihe matter of sewering the
city and paving Main street. These
two project have been hobblea of the
Colonel for many year, and when he
went back ag a member of the council
be did ao solely for the reason that ho
thought he would be able to lead hta
assistance la pushing to na early com
pletion the Installation of the sewer
aystem, and thereafter the pa via 4 of
tho main business thoroughfare of
the city.
When Mr. ailmere, thn representa
tive of Morris 4s Co, of PnrUnad. waa
here be and the mayor paaaed some
serero complement to each other
while an Informal meeting 6f tbo
council was In progress, sad the epl
odo resulted la Colonel Wllklna do-'
clarlng that he no longer desired to
bo a member of the council; that ho
wanted results and not talk, nnd that
unless be could a something of that
character In the near future he would
norer again return to tho council
chamber aa n member. After glrtng
iho matter further conalderntton bo
has'decided to resign.
A number of the Colonel' friend
aro urging him to reconsider hu de
termination nnd continue to serve Ihe
city, but to date he haa refused to
recede from tho stand he haa taken
If ho ahould resign the council will
havo to elect hla auccessor, and there
If comlderablo apoculatloa aa to who
that will be. The near future la go
ing to aee a number of question of
vital Importance to the city up tor the
consideration of the council, nnd It la
felt that the atrongeat man- thnt can
bo aecured ahould be elected to 411
the vacancy.
The sentiment of n number of busi
ness men who have been seen about
the contemplated action of Council
man Wllklna have expressed them
selves that he ahould not take such a
atop at thla time. He haa been long
enough on the council to thoroughly
familiarise himself with all phase of
the affair of the city, and la la a bet
ter position to servo tie city than
anyone elae would he until they had
been several montha In the harness.
The force of thla argument la strong,
and It to to be hoped thnt It will bnve
aufflclent Influence with Colonel IWI-
klns to keep him la the council.
Services will he held la the ssvsral
churches of Klamath Fall Sunday aa
tuscli sc BMsrssj msajr-
Maaa dally at TOO. Sundays, at
10: SO a. m.
asranonnnfama annftanunanwlafl GanVannVsannrWwa)
Christian Selenee ssrvtoM wUl ho
held la Us parlor of Us BaMwto,
bundlas Sunday aterauc at i
o'clock. All are cordially Invited.
The lesson for this meeting will be
Mortala and Immortal."
Orace N. K. Chnrch
Sunday school. 10 a,
Dr. W. A.
Leonard, auperlntendent
Preaching nt 11 n.m. nnd 7:30 p.m.
Morning theme, "The Forward Move
ment." Evening theme, "RWag with
Epworth League nt :8 p. a.,
leader, Mlaa Olgn Swingle.
Mia Mamie Boyd will mag "Cal
vary" daring the morning amice.
Ml Flora Maeten einga "Called Then
Thus. O Master."
At the evening service Mr. Cyme
Walker will apeak several mlnatea In
the evening on the early pioneer days.
rYrSBpirrlasi Cemrck
10 a. m., Bible nckeel. Thn nMeel
haa been divided I a to two aides and
a contest begin tomorrow ror new
scholars aad for attendance. The
side loosing entertains ths other ld4
on the first Friday evening In Feb
ruary, z.
11 n. m.. Momtng worship. The
discussion In ths morning will be up
on "Bspttom as It to Taaght la the
:10, Christian Bndeaver prayer
meeting, fcli reans: nasal of Us
city are Invited.
?.A n ! ararakla- Bub.
- r- m - 1
Bapttom Historically Oswald-1
Kveryoae la tavHad U attaad alt C
the service of the caarek. Theee
who are Interested la the ssbject of
baptism are especially Invited to these
two services. QBO. T. PRATT.
The Interest In the revival at the
Baptist church to growing with each
meeting. Last night was one of the
best meetings of ths week. Mr.
Bledsoe preached a very effective ser
mon from ths subject, "Jesus, Refegs
of My Soul." There waa a dsep splr
Itusl feeling nil over the coagrefla
tlon. Mr. K. 8. Raaor, ths noted solo
singer, waa present He sang two
beautiful solos last sight "I am on
ths Shining Pathway," aad "Jesus.
Refuge of My Soul." He haa a rich
melodtou voice, nnd these who hsnrd
him pronounced him the best solo
singer they had ever heard la Klam
ath Falls. Mr. Raaor will be present
during the rest of the meetings, nnd
will hnve charge of the music IUv.
C. H. McKee of Medford will alto he
(CostisHsed so Pae 4.)
Our Guarantee
with these:
New Us to has
Any HnasshnK
SrfJKIiP label to
I Tkafa lair, tost UT
noai criamTST
Star Drug Store
- They
TWO Wattm
It has several times
that ell estota la the Klamath
At one time a
toed for the parses aUgj
perlmeats, but aetMac eaata
nutter. la talklac over tie)
tloa of the Klamath eewntry. Mr. t.
A. Smith, who Is tersely Interested
la lands la this basin, aad who has
had a number of yearn' sspsrtssas la
the California oil fields, made ths
statement that he knew sf tws watts.
ess lit asd the ether ! fast seep.
withla saves miles c sTmmats faJta,
that are at ths
gas that ess Its IssHsd
stated that he ha
petroleum la Uto
tore have auk
ths future sf the
ss etl dsstrlet. la
wSs safaSe nTSWVmr esmHsTI
I aaa nsvtsii
seVanm he)
CeTt9K Us aWvvTN
la M I
All that Is s44 to
prise. I will gtodly tsks stssk ha a
company that will,
along Uto Has. Ths aas
from Us wells I aavs mesMased Is
4b to one of two things, sttbsr to
Us presence sf oil sr aaphsstnm, Ths
large pest beds prevslBac hers are
agalaat Us dleeovery sf etl, aad ta
favor of na aaphaHum asd. Hsw
sver, the estotsses sf either would he
n valuable discovery.
"KtomaU haa grand apasrtaaltis
for cheap ana. Ths psat ssnld no util
ised nlong Uto line. Rs nmgiaUliB
to such that aas eaa as manufastnrod
at a very Isw east. I leal
Ue Urns to earning- wham
have eateseive sU fields, sr
aaphaHum beds. la either svsat R
will asena mask to tho asaatry. Too
lB4toatlons are sueh that I hsUsvo tt
to as a mattsr that should ho
oughly lavestlajated."
John Haglsststa la hsrs from Mf
les. s3
v rW'
Have IT
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