n W j-t '. ,rj.!, t NH 'i I? V , 1. JP Wi '. r e) ! Our AdvartiMn Gwt TbtBMtlUMdM. ;' lrfassfwwaawayav.. ? tunica rfalii. 'JTSHtD.lly. J- , t,'l- ip ft 1 fc YAt No. 1,007 KLAMATH FALL, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1909. Pates 5 Cents mtCTORS TO HOLD MEETING I ,,11.1'UU ptfVJuUC QtlESIION AGAIN .. w. m.i .i aau lir ItaruM lllWP'"". ' . UjgsVr ( IMwrro f "" JjSffctlMI III UOO.WW. nm'MM U i"li weellug u( l' ...II... !!.. ... pAMN iMoiruw, railed primarily j tm seraow of certifying lo the t Ik WrrlllK lit I ho MOCk- kU In IM clly Uil Mas. kf, Hem at llat meeting lhat the i o lncrc the capital atatk tat w tl" "' 'he bre waa ntti, ka the iio tor Increae at tstpr value of id har tii .Maetkereqalrrd majorllr. JU U smllng t the dlrectora to ktkMtsMrro, n a.tl(lon lo cr Hfjtsf ( Ik tmitda of (ho dork fekfert awtlnr. thrro will also be naaiiril Ik matter f calling na ns artist of iho landowners tor n rf ' '" voting on tb asavref tk par value of (bo Muck. 'torn t Ik director rn today 'MMm Mlrat what erllon would tatskss, bat admitted that lb ques ts kl ke up fur roaddoratloa, al Ik probability thai (tape would WUka lo fti lb r lu at S0. Mittotivrilai ( klck tkd l"lMt u lfrtd a cartful . wImUw of lb law baa pre4ttc4 mm Hnlur qupltlont. It aM to W Ik Mtttiuui of milnloa awong IktlHarMM lht If tMilb rrwIutlOM M kwa uo it ouM bar r Mt la a double InrrraM la lb Hal Motk, ililm ih aMorUtloa tntlUUiatloB of f 1.000.000 luttaao1 XH.tH.liO, a dird, and alaclax Hrnof ihoiiock at ISO, It M lot Ibo rate, tbtn It would ' rtalr onlr a majority of Ik ttvrfMAtis) Inttrail of a major' Jtall Ik itock of lbs corporalkaa. at Ik aMtl( tomorrow Iblt natttr 81 k toa Into Iborouablr. with mU, prhi.i, ibal tbroagk Ik ularlna of (lie miinlr of altar en of thft aMotlallon at SOO.ooo lln par value llicrrnt will Ixt nuloitmllinlly InrreaMxt la S0, If tliU can lo iIouk, limn It will rriilm out) a uuortiiii, and bo ally brmiKlil ndout. II I Rnrally ailmlltiM tlmt no Hiallrr what Ilia ilrcliloii may he, I ha niiioii lu Ihtt I'lurluc of t ln par value of Ilia Kk at ISO will bn wllhdrawn, and Ihn rbancn may lm made without a fight. If Dili U donu then It aaaurra for nrtl )rnr i'for dollar of lb tiiuitoy wit aildo for Iblt lirojert, and that tho Klamalh pro. Jvct will be ruibed lo niliiplrlloii with all Mialbl Hon. NKHH NlrTKM AMI MiMMKST HHAIiK THM AM irtlltatM II Hii ana mora than the tnrre (Mika of the tree and ihrubbfry In a town whra tb aircota are iHtntrrrd wltb M(dar( hlrth or other ahade t !. It la the floral aort of an adrvrtlao. mat for the Ihrlfl and abllli) ol the rllliona. If rrery Iravrllnc ! man and luurlat. railroad acrnl and politician who vlilta Iho rlty ran to away bnowlna It to lB onn of the prvtlltat cltlra be liaa cvrf Uiltinl. Kur of a atirrty thom who have mar. vlSl al Ibe brauty of the alrrrla and Ike tine reldt-nr- will tell thrlr trlvndi, and they their frlrnda In turn. Those who have vlaltrd llnd, la Central Orrxon, know that th beat adrertlacmciil that little rlly hai, Ike bae thing thai after everything elae la foriutien atlll remain In tho Memory of all who have vlaltvd Iho Idwn, I tb alrlklna beauty of the bungalow owned by Mr. A, M. Drake. There I nothing that pleaaea Invrat ora la Juat Ibe aame way. They, a you, Ilk lo kbow that lhy are bal ing (iroperly In a wideawake rlty. The beautlfylng.ot the atreela and garden remain aotely with the prop rty owner Ihemaelvra, and thla la a fair sueatlont Do )ou llko to get up la tho morning and look out on n filthy back yard? "JVina," aay a contemporary, "aak pvnalllca of I7C.000.000 from the aulialdlnry rompanlc of Ihn Htun dard Oil " Tciaa, a liaa boon ptovl oualy mitlti-d, I a largo atate, Waahlngton, I). C l'rraldlit Tsft ioiiipl-u-d Ma lour of tho country Wtdni'aday nt 8:30 p, m. After lit arrival In Waahlngton hn wa only nt tho White llouao about ten boun, na bo went to Mlddloton, Conn., to uwl.l In I lm Inauguration of Bliank tin ac prealdcnt of Wcaloyan rolleg'i. I'reildfiit Tatt U aatlafled with hi till", and baa preacnled bla view to Ihv vntlro rountry. Ho baa approve! tho Aldrlrh-I'a)n tariff bill and Iho pit'M'nt bill will probably remain on chatiKMl while Ibo prraldent I In olllre. In hi meaaage to congreaa the prraldent will advocate the poatal aavlng bank, a ahlp aubaldy bill cre atlng a merchant marine, a almpll rir.1 form of government, and all oth er Important aubjrcla wlilru ne toiirbed tiKin on hla trip. Onn of our nirhange note that there la a new form of flrelna cooker. A niltadrtpblt cook ha aaked the courta lo enjoin her employer from dlarharglng her. Albany, N. Y. Ueltlng I a crime only when accompanied by a record, rrglalry or the uae of aomo part of Iho paraphernalia of profealonal gam btcr, according to a declalon handed down by the Court of Appeal. In effiH-t, the declalon hold that oral betting doe not conatltuto book mak ing In violation ot tho anti-racetrack gambling taw. Kan Kranclaco' ambition la aald to bo lo becomo Iho "I'arla of America." Itudotpb Sprcckela may reflect that the Gorman ha.o forced I'arla to aurrtnder before now, Kanaa City War. That Ibo Republican party In Ore it on wa tricked at the laat primary election out of the ofBco of a United Htatra aenator mult be acknowledged, for It I nothing elao than the truth. That the aamo ayitem will bo adopted to work tho trick again In 110 no ono of Intelligence doubt. Iloe burg Kvrnlng Now. PLENTY OF LABORERS CONTIIALTOKM I'KNV Kl'MOKM OK HCAKCITir OV MIMUl THE WOMt SltU. CONTINUES Tito OregoN Tnaak M Hrwchatra Umru Are HaMta Hight Aloag, Keepa Ooo4 Me Tho following dUpatck from Port land would Imply that the rumor of Iho acarclty ot hlp along the new railroad are more or Im exaggerat ed, aa both ram have a full comple ment of men. Tho dlapatth aaya: Twoby Dro. contractor for the llarrlman Ue chute line, and I'orter Uro.. build ing the Ueachutc liaa for tho Hill Inlortit, deny current report that the work I being held back becauao of acarclty of labor. 'In mailer of fact," aald ono of Iho Twohy Uro,' Bob-contractor, "we have more men applying for work than wo ran care for, and at lb pres ent llmo are bulled wltb tho proceaa of weeding out tho poorer worker and replacing tbcm with better help." Krora roatractor for Porter Bio, como tbo aame atataaatat. Accord ing lo their declaration tabor I plonllful. No troubw la experienced In gutting all men necessary. Labor for tbo coaatructlon of tb two line up the Deackatea eaayoa la being drawn from all over.Ulie North- weal, gang of men being aent week ly from Spokane and Seattle, aad aa far eait a Dutle, Mont. Construction on neither road I be ing held back, and I proceeding as rapidly a condition will allow. OIIMHi.V UKtn TIIK tt'OKHT Of1 IT Hu Much Ho That Uae Telegram Re fer to It Bdllorially. Don't wear out your back, broom and carpet when you can get tho work dono ao quickly, thoroughly and cheaply by Mongold' vacuum cleaner. Itlcbard Chfiamaa is In the city from Boaaaia. Try a large, faroou K t California lamalo with sauro at the East End Kandy Kitchen. a? 11 I " aaakvW IL-J li mlSKaW 111 fjj fHB-,B' It) taDlalllH attHl !!HallaWaH Br ' H H Ml lal aalVaH " H BamV BaaaaLmV jammV ammmmml MMmT rmmmmmm -- .-.,. "'-BBBSsVaVHHHal A Man Cm rmn itore without MtortlriBi m4 wlik at a girl la the dark-bat waat'a tha M7 la wlta clotatai. What tha aa to twy Ue ordinary kiad whea yaa caa get Stcin-Bloch's Smart Clothes Dutcheaa Guaranteed Trouaert and Han an Modern Footwear at this atore K R R STORE AH IN KVKRYTHlXa KL8K Mlnlag Maw gay Onoga U Wda aa Itrgartka Mineral llesoauveo "Almoat every known metal eilat In Oregon In greater or lea quanti ty," italc Charle Mullen, a Baker Clly mining man, Inventor and pat- onteo ot a black aand (operator which la rovolutlonltlng placer mining, who I (pending a few day In Medford. Mr. Mullen Invention provide a practical method ot utilising tho black deposit and extracting; thora- from tho costly metal It carrlsa. "In addition to gold and Ires, radi um, platinum and other rara metals aro frequently found in U black sand," continued Mr. Mullea, "awl my Invention provides a practical method for tho miner's utlllsatloa of bl-producta." Mr. Mullea I an old-time Colorado prospector, having located tha Irsl silver mine In Colorado In the early sliiles, the. "Ten Forty." Tho Klamath Kails country, natur ally tributary lo Portland, and very cloaoly connected with It'commerclal- ly when no railroad penetrated that region, Is now almost totally separat ed from It when Ibo railroad has made connection with Its chief city. The Southern Pacific baa deliberately arranged a schedule under the provi sions of which tho man from the north who tries to visit Klamath Falls cools his heels for twenty hours and forty-five minute at aa almoat aarnele way atatlon walling for the train that will take him In, while fbe vlatlor from the south has a wall of barely twenty mlnutea. Thing are greased tor tbo southern visitor; ev erything Is arranged so that he may not be delayed In entering, doing bis bualnes and gelling away. The man from Ibe north, on the other hand, I literally forced to waste a whole day. and that under the dreariest of cir cumstances In the meagerest kind of a Utile hamlet. Klamath rail la beginning to at tract a great deal of attention In thla section of the country. It has alti tude, scenery, tUhlng and hunting that appeal lo a great many people. It has Investment opportunities that appeal to a great many more. When the railroad was finished It was taken for granted that the dlmcultles which had before that time preveated maajr from going Into thai favored country would be obviated. But It Is touad that unless you live down la Califor nia It Is quite as hard aa ever to get In. Nothing could well be mora ag graveling than the wait for almost a wholo day at YYecd,a ad notblag more discouraging either to the pleasure seeker or the man who goes oa bul neaa. The Insane schedule works vastly to the detriment ot Klamath Palls, for while very few, except com mercial men, go In there from the south, there would be a very great many people, both Investor and plcaatirc seekers, who would be cob stantly entering from the north. For tbo sake ot the newly opened com munity, and the stale as well, the Southern Pacific should arrange such a lime table as Is calculated to give the most benefit to the community which It Is alleged to serve, aad whose Interests It pretends to foster. Telegram, Itoyal, who was not barred from .uccesalon by her sex, they were still firmly held by old traditions to the desire that a king abould rule over them. King Edward haa thus far Justified the hope that was born la him. As Prince of Wales he was known for over sixty years. He suc ceeded to the throno In January, 1901, and has bean King of Great Britain and Ireland nearly eight years. On account of his physical health, hla chaacea for a long life are small, but long or short, It will be characterised by dignity aad bis pass ing at Its close will be alacerely mourned by the British nation. A BIT OF BKKT HARTK One of those pioneers who lived through the first great rash at Lead- vllle aad other parts of Colorado, whea that state was the frontier, told a story the other night ot Bishop Williams of Nebraska, thea merely a missionary In the cow country, aad ono of Bishop Paddock's beet frleaf"t. It was at Meeker, Colo. The bishop. all dust from the drive across the I ralrles, alighted from the stago one day. There was no place la town for him to go save Into the saloosiu So Into one of the saloons he went. At the bur stood a number of cowpnnrh ora la tbelr cbaparerroa, spun cllak- lag, puns at their hips. They Invited ibe bishop to drlak with them, aad be called for a glass ot lemoaade. They didn't ask him to take whisky. They were pleased that he draak at their lavltaUoa. Several weeka be fore oae el the other charchea had aeat a preacher lato that coaatry. bat he had failed mleerably because he in sisted apoa docryiag their way aad customs, aad yet more than atxty cowboya aad others turaed oat to hear Bishop Williams. It waa merely a difference la the manner la which he approached the men. WITHIN THE NEXT 60 DAYS MR. KCBIK OF THE FLAT ICkt COMl'AXY WILL WCTLD AN ARTinOAL ICE PtANT Asked for Oettraartee ad Tern Tea Be fore BalMlag, as Were CHvm Three-Tea Is football to be abolished because thero Is a death toll connected with It? Obviously not. There la jao form ot athletic alclvlty, outdoor or Indoor, without Its casualty list. If we should try to stop seeking recreation "la forms containing possible daager to life and limb we would not be long la becoming a race of molly-coddles. Even then the casualty column would not remain empty, Moreover, let us look at the other aid ot the equation. Football, like nearly every other torn of human endeavor, hu Ita advantages aa well aa lla disad vantages. The game means tha train ing ot aalada and muecle In a way that makea for Manly devetoBmeat. Success at It calla tor nerve and eour age and reeirelat aad earnest striv ing. Wong City Journal. ATTHKUUS Mr. Herb Kabik, the owner of the Plato lee Company ot Portland, ran been la thettty leeklag ever the sit uation, aad haa about decided to gat la a plant with a eaeaetty of mean facturlag ten toaa of artificial lee a day. While hero Mr. Kabkk waa the guest of Mr. K. Q. Pierce, aad to gether they have. been looking an the coasamptloa of lee In tbo oRy. The Portlaad maaafactarer aald that If he could he guaranteed a eoaaama tloa of two tons a day ko weald net laapmat. Thla morning ho returned to Portlaad, where Mr. Pleree haa seat him a report, wherein ho atatoa that so far aa he la able to Bad oat, aad hla estimate la coaalderaMy lower thaa the actual sale of lee here every day the year roaad, there la nee for at least three toaa of lee per day. Mr. Kuktk stated before be left. the city that with a gwaraetee of two toaa a day he weald pet la S tea ton lee pleat wRnte sixty days. The plant Is therefore praetteaaTy a eer talaty. Oradaally the oetoMa werhT m-BwahsaOag-tQ'a reaMaatien of the vast peaatbtMUeo of this aeeUeai of the coaatry. aad almost every day some aew rentare la laaaahed whaeh wll be of benefit to the eky aad to those becking the deaL Bo with the completion ot tke main line of the railroads we wilt quietly aaeame the ways of a metropolis, the nsetrepoUa of Ceatral aad aVmtbera Oregon. AT THE OPERA HOV8S There will be two new Blograph pictures tonight. Their leading lady In a charming dramatic comedy, "De ception," la which she tikes tho pait of tho most lovable of little wives. And a Utile Child Shall U-ad Them" la the other, n charmlnglr natural drama fall ot the dvll.'Ue humor a.id pathos for which the Blo graph ln-ople aro ao Justly famous. "Driven From Home" because the clung lo tho oaly nan aho really loved and finally, after years of an I rerlng end but )ou should como vv.r.olf. for the films tell the story much better than It Is powbl to here. A very amusing comedy. "New Painkiller," aad aa unusual detective -wry, "Four-Footed Hawkshar." Special music tonight. 'Famine In the Forest, or the Trapper's Qratltude" Is another of those stirring pictures ot Indian life. full ot Interest aad charm. This shows the lite of a trapper In the for est, bis capture by a tribe ot Indians by whom he Is bound aad left to die of thirst aad hunger on the beaks ot a river, his rescue by the Indian maid Wanda, and her father, Chief Tall Eagle. "Never Agala" Is a abort comedy film, which ahona we are firm believers la the old adage which says that a little nonsense now and thea Is relished by the beet of men. "Out of Work" la aa exceedlagly In torestlag melodrama ot aa uausual type. "The Unexpected Quest" Is a clever drama. Special music toaight. SHOULD HE BE OSIdaWSaWr L, McDeray la here front Mtdjud oa a bnataeat trip. For sal, cheap, piano, kitchen cab inet, chUtoaler aad other household goods. Inquire at PabHc Library or SUlt's store. Owing to beiag overstocked on Cleveland Baking Powder, we quote you tke following prices: H-tb. ana. 15 coats; Mb. onn. It eeata; S-tb. can, a coats, aac a-ib. can at fi.it. Ooodrlch'a Cash Store. A work train went through tunnel No. 1 this morning, aad before leas now tho fifty-odd eara of mereksa due billed for Ktamatk Falls aad held oa tho other aide ot Keaaet wkU start this way. I IMMMM M IIIMI Our Guarantee with these: Klag Edward VII. ot Bag'aad col ebrated Tuesday the I lth aaaireraary of-hla blrtb. It waa oa the lth of November, 1141, that the aewa woat out from Buektaghaua Palate that Victoria, Eaglead'a thea youthful, queen, had given birth to a eon. A daughter had been bora the provieua year, to the great disappointment of the ueea, the nrlaee ooaaott aad the entire naUon; aad sow thla dka poiatBeat waa ihauged to rejoicing,- for. thouah Bieud ot the little Ma New abet la the Any Household SHIELD label lo peeektvoty Tbafe faar, lent tit Whew we soy sTaareatee we aea just wwal we sef. at ! ; are net satlsfiid your answer ao fireedid nt enee alsbial pertsf Beeaedr hearing! a Hod Mac kaal eg BIKa. ' ssjsjswewocol to se oshsto earn aaaweuae toil otiAM roa chaw Star Drug Store ffn "They HaTt i 't(rf ttiuumm$mmmmmmmmmm0mm -k V-7 ( vs mvh ffc4. esf f- $ . ' 'ii' vVJP.T . jw .Vi r.&tl - HI'