The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 11, 1909, Image 1

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bier rtiirtfflhii daft
' The Seat BTsanlf e).
,j ir mrrr;
i'ywr. No. 1,006
yW-.. , f,f
uM. f7D .
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m LLyJ'
i a IMM Church Hrr N4mim,
I Wants l"1 nu" H',n ,w
Credit lo Im CMy
i Mdock, mlMloiuirjr blthop
1,111 BjiKop! tJUirlct or Eastern
Ortjm, tw dlitrlcl eiiendlug eet
(HatkHi"ll of Caerad
to In Hnake river and
i k Columbia lo the Cat
i Km, arrlred un tbe Lakevltw
. Mil Tieteay tvenlug and Wednee
ay tmtoi prrscbed at the Chrlitlan
' itMk. HI sddrrtt w on I lie (!
sisrsaM. The bUhnp baa nl the
nJertsH of bit Hie In Wellington
ml Oiigts. a4 ha mrl and known
net eat eats Riilo lb Northwrel
It ilsritH dUtrlrt Ihm It I. Kor
Mfmn kt bi IIuhI mi or lbo4furtbr
u4 at ono lima atteai!i
I Wkliwtn xiuliiirjr, now
tottnc II IUol In T
mm M tM lima walla Walla waa
A MnjHt dijr in Vlilntott tvrrl
W Hk a ixipiiUtlon of abottt
l.H; Ikta Tamma bad trobbly
TWkMkop la iklr. of lb ell)
Mttat M m Ktfcttlr martrvlona
t tawar of rnldt am aal titul.
likat tir 'oa? 5plnt
Mihat tWt kt. llo further UIh'
ttat at kad watched moat of lb
MkalalWNorlbwni grow, ant that
UUHmt la KUmmh Kalla a Ihor
Mr Ika (Irongnt booalvr, Ibat
b bifd lo tx able to Bod aa RpU
al tawth here torno day. and
(lull on, ami tlmy liellnvn tA (l(,j.
ulll li ramplvlKtl lo tlilx rlly ...foro
long, nml n Dm r'alli lm grown, mi
will Mm iloVi'liiiiiii'iil n( tlin luinrloi
U'.w, ami wlih KIniiinIIi l'p m
cm if llm flili'f ttiliing iHilnti."
ConrornliiR I lie 0nnt fur Imllilliii:
a iliurrh Ihth Iih mid- "Wo hiiii.
ii, niHn iinim ni'jwiy, wniill o
liilM wn waul to lay Mm foiioi'allon
of n good, lrong church, wlilrh lnl
Ih fl uedlt In, Tln iuy
Of Hill city am Inrel-brSi'ml, nnl
l.rn liter gt n itrior llvv wn lo
! nlifr lo pay lilm ihfritt rri-.
Wo wat.l a good man, not n flira.i
man. When wo git lot to Imil.t ort
TO Miml a good lilt Willi FIMI, HA.
fli'ii Tbreforii It iwnu n.orf -nl
ito In wall until ro am W.l-tt
lo do Dili tiling wrll than to ritnti In
liti.l build tomo ooit of i I.bcU
am a grrat bollovrr In lli fiiiuro of
Klanalh Kalla, an I want (In ilimrli
rr hhltll build 1 Imi worth of Ilia
rlty '
about D.OOO;
lla llrrn lnlruim-ntal In
Many of tlir lllnln .Vow Kl
Joyrd by llaral Hrrllona
MOKK n.(llrT-ll.I.I.I.MIKII
Watblnglnn, l, C Tlin opinion U
prtralcnl In Waihtngton lliAt l'rtl
dent Taft will lx rompelM In Ukn
rognltanro of tlio I'lnrbot.
Ilalllnger flgbt, In view of tlio rt
newal of allarka by Olaln, It t
wrll known and wi ilatH by I'lnrlmt'i
friend Ibat I'lnrbot blmwlf urged
Olavla to make the attack! uKin Ilal
llnger, and Ibat one of I'lncbot'a men
waa detailed lo aulit lilm In pie.
paring Ibe accuMllon.
'raiicla J, llenvy may aim flgurn
In Ik affair before It cloace, for II In
bow known thai he, too, gava aid lu
fllaula In prearallon of bla attack on
Ihe member of Ibe cabinet. II U e.
prcted In aoine quarlera lhat aa a re
ult of bla Inlerferencv, lleney will
no longer be employed by Ibe depart
ment of Juillre.
It teemi more aiuirenl than etrer
that the tircaldent will be unabla lo
mn ty ould probably m one amicably adjutt relatlom iMween
fWakaaliaarlrri, ilMncbot and Ilalllnger, and aooner or
"Of Mart," bo tald, "you know ,l,,rr n,ut nake a cbolro between
tatt I as rc,t M,r rJn. them,
f hf Oregon, and lhat after my . -r:
Mt rlw of orer 7Jo mile., I am """ " '
aleaied lo find Ibarall- n.. ..i.M .., ...... ti,..v..i..
" !, have talked with i ..,. .i...t . .. .... t....
. ., Mlg mriirja wnti cinravii is iiiu riii
Ibo engineer who are u,n u.rkn nnie ihn flnn.i
I two line down tho l)ea.f0-i. handled.
vf I W gU
J aw eaP
Iflnol laBUnBlaH
- Bil
- IH II gal HsgialBaa
K : Km KHH
HbH aftMV
Af amv
Tbu National urengo li now In
Ion nt Don .f)ln', Iowa, Itr mevt
nR l'?glniilci rterday. Tb- rep
rrtitlon li I hit body la mi ) up
cf lliu tarlmii Mntv mantrri and thi-lr
At ihu prmenl lettlon among the
ImiHirtanl meaaurei that will bo tak
en up and paited Upon will lie Ihe
parceli mi( and Ibo Kilal M,Tlng
lank, for errral year advocated by organltallon.
Tho latter tlandt a good rbancn of
being favorably acted uHin by Ibo
tiling congrrtt, tlnco Pronldeui
Taft declnriM lilmtclf In favor of
mirb banka,
Tlin National grange baa proved
lltelf lo bo a Hiwerful force In aecur
Ing belpful legltlatlon for the whole
l.atlon, Ha Influence placed n tee-
relary of agrlculluro In the prel
iten' cabinet, Ibo catabllabment of
Ibo Interatato rommorre eommliulon;
alwi of the rural freo mail do'lvcry
and the law plarng a tai of 10 renU
n pound ukiu colored oleomargarine,
and removed Ihe lag on denatured
clitihol, There la a mevemen: on
fo-ii by certain Interetta In rnduci
the tax on colored oleomargwrlaw.tu
one cent a Niiind, Hhould Ibli ur
rvvii It will trlko a heavy blow at
I lie dairying Induitrr.
With I ho wonderful toaahllUtc-s
thai Klamath county poueaiin for
itah)lng, Iho farmer and dalrmon
would do well lo throw their Influ
ent t" having aoveral tiuni:
rrnnge In Iho county, and Joining
In Iho fight agalntt Iho above reduc
tion and nlto lo tecum tho cruel
tiiet.t of other helpful legltlatlon.
The grango memucrhlp through
out ibo United Htale It, In round
iiiimbera, 1,000,000
York lead, with
Mnluo tome 40,000, Michigan aViut
fio tamo. On tho Paclfle ct.att
Wathlugton load In numaer "of
grange and niomberahlp. Orecou
baa over 130 grange, wllVtatom; member, an average of nawrjy
64 lo each grange. Tho grUfa lu
Oregon aecured our Initiative and ref
erendum taw, and tho law tattiiK cir
poratlon 3 tier cent upon i gron
Hreurliig earning.
Tho Initiative and referendum I
now being asalled by the 'Tactic
Hiate Telephonv company, uWe'la-
l-argo Kiprcaa company a nd other
corioratlon, they refuting to ajr
Ihl lax.
Tho grango won Ibo caae la the
Circuit Court, and also the Oregon
Hupremo f-'ourt, the npiieal to tbu
lI...W Mialthi I tAA a. .ah. ..mJm
...... .....,I1K VIVvu, .pm ,uwvr
Ibo direction of the Brafago, tfV lat
ter contributing &00. Thl cake baa
now gone to Ihe Hupremo Cofert ot
the United Htale, which will tjecldo
Ita ciintlltullonallly. An advert de
cltlon, would, effect dlnattroullV Ibe
many mraijure adopted by thai peo
ple within Ibo laat few year.
Klamath county cannot affi
be a allent ipcctalor. The graaje la
called Ibe Tanner1 High BcajMl
In Ita mecllng-, hold once a
by moil grange, many queattop of
general Interett are dltcuaaed.
The Oregon ttate grange baa
inlttec who mako annual
which are dltcueeed and adeMed
tomellme, iicrbapi, with akht
amendment. Tbean commltteee
on edacatloirragTictittural college, ag
rlcullure, attcttment and taxation.
Iritttlallon (ttalo). pure food, sood
road and lraniorlallon.
Tho rccominvndallona of the 1108
aettlon of tho atato grange were
largely followed In Ihe law providing
for at Irnit tlx montbi of achool In
vrvrr dlitrlcl,
Tho qurttlon I frequently aaked,
"What good la ihu grango doing?"
The foregoing I a partial anawer. It
Ihe farmer wvro united and would
co-opcrato alone general line, they
could control tho dotllnlc of tho na
tion for good.
atb batln. Portland commercial or
ganlxatlona can do nothing better
than fight for better service and
doner conectlon with that country,
but wo are certainly getting an awful
ly bad deal at present."
ffod to
Poor lUllroad Connect km Tliowglit
fit MlllUtr Agamat lb Chief
City of the Htate
A Man
Cm ren itore wlthoit advcrUilii
-aad wlik at a girl la the dtf k-bt wkat't tke
mc? " Saac with dotklaj. What'a tkc
im to kiy tkc ordiMry klid wki yoi co fct
Smart Clothes
Dutches Guaranteed Trousera
Modern Footwear ,
at this atore
There I alwaya aomctblng new
under the aun. Step up to the K. K.
K, Hlore'a west window and you will
ice the team of a pair of "Dutchess"
trr.uaera supporting In mid air a keg
of nails weighing 107 pound. Thcso
trousora certainly havu tho staying
qualities you read about, and ai
very alyllah In patterns being made
In peg-top and regular styles. The
K. K. K. Store was very lucky (a get
this Sl-a-rlp-lOc-a-button ,,no f
A very excellent drama, "A Great
Wrong Ulghted,' tells of the 'final
reconciliation through their child ot
a man and tho girl he had deserted
for a wealthy heiress. Tho acting
and handling of this theme by the
l.ubln company Is unusually strong.
Ono of these uproarious farces
which add to tho gayety ot the na
tions wll be shown tonight, "The
New Paluklller."
"Foto-Kootcd Hack thaw" Is the
tale ot a remarkably clever dog.
"The Pocket Policeman" la an ex
ceptionally clever comedy with aa
entirely new and very humorous
"Japanese Magle" Is certainly
weird and .enthralling, The tunny
tricks and stunts performed by' mice
and chickens, snakes and spiders
will surely Interest you.
Klamath's Bxcluslve Shoe store ax.
paeta to be la Ita new quartera, nasi
to the peatatlea the lrtt at aext week,
Vear of losing Ihe great commer
cial trade of the Klamath -country has
alruck terror Into the bearta of the
Portland butlnets men, and a stren
uous effort Is to be made lo secure a
change In Ibe train schedule from tho
north. If the O. It. N. could be
prevailed upon lo carry Klamath
r'alla paasenger on the Shaita Lim
ited all the trouble complained of
would be eliminated, and Ihl city
would then have Ideal connection
with Portland.
The Telegram of thafTcltr says:
Ban Francisco ha exactly 21 hour
and 17 minute the Utt of Portland
In paaeagcr connections with Klam
ath Kails. This Is equivalent to n
whole day. The situation Is serious,
for the reason that the territory trib
utary lo Klamath Palls U capable ot
almost unlimited development and
the keenest sort of competition exists
between the two big market centers
of the coast for controlling that field.
TMeuaaee-le-ee no remedy for
tho unwarranted handicap against
Portland, for the :Southern Pacific
clique at San Francisco controls the
making of lime card, operation of
trains, connections and all such de
tail which affect the Klamath Fall
empire. Portland business men have
complained to Iho local Southern Pa
cific official for relief, but can get
no latlafactlon. becauto the troublo
It beyond local remedying.
Uy manltalnlng the pretcnt sched
ule on both the main lino of the
Southern Pacific and tho Wecd-Klam-.
alh extension the Southern Pacific Is
In a position to divert practical all
of the butlnets originating la nnd
destined for tho Southern Oregon
trade center to San Frauclsoc. This
Is In spHo of tho fact that the busi
ness Interests nnd people who are
pushing Klamath Kails to tho front
aro either former Portlandera or
thoHc whoso natural sympathies are
with tho Oregon metropolis.
Tho scheme by which the San
Francisco Jobbers aro able to
strengthen their prestige In this rap
Idly progressing territory Is that the
Southern Pacific gives the Bay City
trains direct connections with the
Weed-Klamath branch line trains.
Thero Is a wait ot only nineteen min
utes at Weed for pasengers from tho
south. On the other hand, passengers
from the north are forced to stay over
twenty hour nnd forty-five minutes
at Weed, lotlng practically an entire
day at that Junction.
, Tho San Francisco man can go to
Klamath Falls and get back home
again In SH days, while 3M daya
Is the best tho Portlander can do, and
the difference In distance Is only 71
miles In favor of San Francisco.
In other words, It a man leaves
San Francisco at 8:30 p. m. Monday
ho has it hours and B minutes at
Klamath Falls and geta home'early
on Thursday ntoralaa. The Portland
business man leaves homo at 7:46
Monday, and he can't get- back home
until Friday moralag, allowing! the
same length of, time at Klamath rails.
"I don't know whether we can do
aaythlng about the matter," re
marked Judge Henry B. Median, who
has Just returned from a .trip lato
Southern Oregon, "but there te' oae
thing aura, we, should not overlook
that, great eatalre dowa la tke Kleav
"Famine In Ibo Forest or the Trap
per's Gratitude," Is another of those
fine Indian pictures which are so
pleasing. This picture shows n trap
per,' llfo In the forest, his eaptnre
by a tribe of Indians, by wboat be Is
bound and left to die of thirst and
hunger on tbe banks of n river, his
rescue by Ihe Indian maid Wanda
and her father Tall Eagle. Later
the famine come, the old chieftain,
Tall Eagle, goes to the whites for
assistance to save his tribe, how the
trapper recognlies'hls liberator and
orders bread brought for the starv
ing Ildlsns, and packing food for the
tribe they are toon on their way
through Ihe forest. Back la the In
dian village Ibe end of the long strug
gle Is In sight, as only a few of the
strongest are alive. The old chieftain
m9fffCfa VjJffljB la0(M
CeWw RaMrenaw
the following, whkh la artleto 1 ef
baa brought aid at the cost ot his llfeMh declaratien:
and leaving Wanda In tbe care of the
trapper, falls dead across the body
ot his aquaw. Only Wanda remain,
and Sieve remembers bow she oaee
saved bis life, draws her to him, and
rcealres by loving 'care to blot ont
tho sad remembranie of tbe tragic
end of her parents and people.
"Never Again." Being firm be
lievers la tbe old adage that "A little
nonsense now and tbea le rehwhod
by tbofleVt'tr 'n.',we,Heaeat a
short comedy film, teltlag of aa ad
venture that betel Mr. Oayboy, a gid
dy old flirt, and how he was beauti
fully "stung" at the conclusion.
"Out of Work." An exceedingly
Interesting melodrama of aa uaasaal
type, depleting the struggle of n
young man In obtaining permanent
employment. The hero's stopping of
a runaway horse to aartlealarly dar
ing and effective scene.
"An Unexpected Duett." A young
doctor had n love affair with n hos
pital nurse. Through the machina
tions of his father the young doctor
Is made to believe the nurse baa given
him up. lie is engaged to n rich
heiress, but on his wedding day his
own little child appears as aa uaex
pected guest.
Special mutlc tonight.
Tbe following dtopateb frees I
gives some Interesting lafermeltoa
concerning the Oregon Trunk Mae:
The Oregon Trunk Railway
ny, with bead oaUee at Va
Wash., aad with S,ee,ae ef
ital, declared He teteatto ef
business la Oregon by fiHag
papers with Corporation Clerk Tay
lor In tbe secretary of state's offset.
This to tbe Hill Central Oregon pre
lect, audita purposes are est awt ta
To acquire, construct, equip aad
operate railroad.
graph lines from a point la tbe i
of Washington, m tbe Berth beak ef
the Columbia river, rmniillni Been
of tbe Spokane. Ferttoad aad Seattle
company la tbe vtoinety of
Ore., tboaeet
bta river,, aa br i
ta be eetoeted he- tbe boas efi
tenant thai
ramble river te
aad Ita tributaries, aad fax a
southerly direction ta a petat at of
near Klamath mile. In tke state ef
Oregon, with tueh
tensions aa tbe eat
after doeido upon.
Tbe deetaraUea, power of aterney
aad other papers were fifed by Carer
A Kerr of Portland. The efftoora ef
the corporation are given aa follews:
John r. atevoaa president and true
tee. Jackson Smith, vtee protldsat
aad trustee. George A. Kyle, chief
engineer nnd trustee. A. L. Miller aad
J. B. Kerr trustees, LeRoy Park aee
retary aad treasurer.
Don't wear out your back, broom
and carpets whea yoa eaa get the
work done so quickly, thoroughly aad
cheaply by Moagold'a vacuum eleaaer.
Try a large, famous K 3 California
tamale with sauce nt the Bast Bad
Kandy Kltehea.
Portland. Ore. BstsbMshmeat ef a,
direct steamship line between Port
land nnd Antwerp baa been aa
aoaaeed. and tale bow ebaaaet for
commerce to Impertaat to Ue whole
Northwest. Coaeteoaaumsre will be
able to take advnatage af nmmed
itiea brought directly here free the
eld world, aadthe Tunis wlH have
large leading space available for ear
rytag eeaet products back ta Bure-
peaa markets.
Our Guarantee
with these:
Whet) we ear
are mot snthfird year money wffd he
ersjtKetleau New that to the
f 'Any HoaseheW Riasisw
SHIBLD label to posUlvtlj
tatltfartloa. -That's
talr, laat MT
Jen what! are ear. at fast
i A
Star Druri Store
u..K I i tli1
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