.fV SH LANDS OREGON-s richest SOIL ABEL ADY "liMHMMMHHMriBMHKnHBKMnHf . PHONE - - - 303 EAST TERMS wAttr'j. .-." dJ ,. I M j... KUtiUTHV GlUtATMT BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. BO 1R CENT. VIOITABLK MATTWt ' .'' ,ir ' IV i THE EVENING HERALD M lit." . . IS - ? DaHr, Kacept Sunday, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY .; . w. a nan, uitor ' SUBSCRIPTION DeMr. fcT saaB, (M raar, INsUXt meV bUUI MX mOSvBS DaHr. fcr Mall. three moatha BaMr,hr mail, oae mU... DaMy. deHrered br carrier, one week RATES: lt.o z.so l.St. 8 10 KLAMATH FALLS. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 10. ISO v i: -Nlti BHue." ( People often ak the meaning of the leawl exprewlou piW itritw." Mtrmlly aterpretedj. H mean -unlet before." Mine give lu tbe Milium f m rmrt tar lb trial nf rlrll -Miie. Judge em rltruh. hmklea trying primmer. bar,' the power to nlv (I.tW.mi in eaaam of complalNlM between private partite aMI when mi acting are called )adfa af -trial print" Formerly. when the rlrcatta were lm frritarat. twe.eberlff waa commanded -by wrtt" I Brian; lb Jary aiaj wltm-ase from lb rowery where the action am to Weetmlnaier. Ulearirater or W wrhester a a eeciak day. bat, wbra the aashwe -.beraaie rmjaeet a 1W rlu- ctaus waa' asserted la the writ maiamlng lata weeds: -Dates before tkat.dar atjr Jaetlcea eheM rome la ynr cuuaty aai HHw f a aaagara there." 'As h bap. peaed Ibat tbe aaahwa always did takr pmee hefere tba date named m iba -writ, tba emmw wa practically aarinw aa4 tatv nnaahM ualjr aa a nan for tbaaa'fWI caawa m wblrb amH t etaMf it nUnf,-Ommir Adronlw. naaar "WaU Navar raU. Altboucb Mira fmu woawli anil ul reta fwjof utljr irtiy Utatruy ibe pat tcra toM. ucb dtaacareawots urr more onm man otbenriae aid to Mealiacatlon. Whcu The antral of Magcr priatt waa lint tatrodacnl at poUc ba4qaartrrs ia New York a Ikataaaat la nae of tbe admltiurtra lira dBartaMU trkd to discredit it. Ha bad aa vsaartawatal priat atad of tba Up ot a later ami a abort time afterward aakad to bare tba aaaw afar rrprlattd. Ua baa aMaatlaie aroaad down tba akta U UU lafcr on a grladatoaa aatH Iba Wood alawat towed. Ncrertbelcaa tba pattern for waa mora accarately dlackaed la tbe arroad priatlas than la tbe ara. Oaca iba record baa baea osade ootklB baa yet been discovered to Invalidate It Obarlea 8rawer la Ueetarr. f l J ) ' r waMaa leibrra nf Iebannii ahn M laaia aai' AbcerU. hoi ibeh- M tba Kabaaoaa nf northern rHa. .la aarlent llmea the Mea of tba wbala aaajaiala weraiwered wltb rbeaj. bat aaw they are fnaad In .ty abaja. Tbeaa are arraretr feaeei la. bat la apMa oT.lbe areat care r ibe arJaaar tba 3" ibat aaw aarTlra will W SR 111 1M pPTlWI Win D9PMB9 Tba. ;,.- Ubarty eaaaat be eatabbsbai .; r w. r V 1.' !( . ie UM-ut. uearae. waat a m hi teve! Craleal Baa Dileai-M'raa.aad ajalrfoar tba alana ctork. IMaatreted -Jla.aar.BJT, eaa aarar be f .daa't waat bar te be mj aVwcb- la tba yaaaw aaaaat -I eabeatawtfa." Ravlaad Upward. Oaa erealac at faatUr prarera tba bead or tbe boaaa read that chapter wbich coacludea wttb. "And tbe wife aeo that abe reverence her hatband." After tbe eierctoei bad Hoard kad tbe eblMrea had too to bed. tbe New Tork Poet aara. be qaoted It. looktat meaBbiclr at hla wife. "Let oa are what tbe Rented Vrr- toe aara oa that aabject. aaM abe. "t will follow tbe new teaching. It yoa pleaae." Tbe Rertoed Venton waa arudaced. and her cbacrta ajajr be laaniaad aa tbe bead banreaalrelr read. "And let Ibe wife are that abe fear her hot head." Aa tbe roana man rareaaeil the cheek ef Ma ladylove abe drew away haatHv. "I tMUir aae aaM laaasaaatly. "yoa naa better are rather "rat." "Why. what do yoa meanr aaked tbe perpleaed lover. "Father." abe replied aa aba naraed her cheek, "to a Urber."-8accem Mai- . AiNsin MvfM fcy PMwy .Wham B. C M, after a heroic etrar wV Ahaa.tbt "CU ut the Violet CMwa,M waa captured by Ijranader there ware aot a anting clauHtruua TOMta to arga Ibat Ibe rlty whoae lint far eaipira bad uroaabt anib woea ou Qreece oujjht to be luM k-vil with the froaad. The Sparta u general at Ural lent n wUHnc ear to hit iwwerful allien, but while the council waa aim dvtmtlax thla taoawatoaa laaac a pltlntlte volco waa. beard front tbe city walla cUaul tec tbote noble llaea from tur "Ktec tra" ot Bariklca, that niutt human of tbe poett of Qreece. In which the heroine contraatt her fallen lot wltb the tplendM eiplollt of ber father, who had dtomautled the towera of Troy. Lyaatxier bent bb) head aud pon dered oa fortaue'a crael reverteo. Tri umphant aa Againemnon, who could tell bat that be might be reserved for a fate at cruel! The lesson of mod eration waa accepted. Athena waa tared. I Mlltou hah Itumonalteed thla dramat-' k event lu one of bit beat known ton-' acta: i The repeated air ' Ot aad Kiectra'a poet had the paver TO tare lb Athenian walls tram ruin bsre. iHB nV Vr9M M9fa It It noawwhat remarkable bow of ten the death of an eminent person hat been marked by the appearance ot a comet A certain writer. Indeed, aft er1 going through a Hat of comets for On years, aaya Ibat It la "aa If UoU and nature Intended by comets" to ring Ibe knell of irlnces. esteeming bells la cbnrcbea upon earth not sacred enoagfa for sack Illustrious and emi nent iierformancee." To meutluu only a few", lotbarlu the Yotfhger. Loulr II.. Charles tbe Bald. Tbeotllloo. blab op of Tours; Henry II. aud Richard I bad their knells thus rung by comets Even lu Shakespeare' time Hie cornel was considered a fitting arroropanl meat to tbe obsequies of kfags: Hunt be Ihe hesttnt with black. rieM dar in nlihl Ceaxts. Imrortlae chihge of lime sixt aisle. Brandish rour crystal tresses In lh sky And with tbtm scourge tlie bad rftoltliw stsrs k That bateneoted unlo Henry's death. 1 .. . ' nnnmn ajetmitian majnsu' rersounlly Newmmli wua mi Mcrvc- ublo coinpaiiroH and n faithful friend. His kikitss win due liiajjty o UU leunclly of purixxc. The ttrlu-r's only pci-snuiil cuutact Willi him utnio thmugb llic Htnmlnnl lUIIiinry. of wuose ueauiiHina in iimsimi silence Nomiimb Imd p-iirml morWulit. On nuo wcnsloii be (Mlue lulu the oOlco sn-dlly dlsslUlIrd -Willi Hie dotliilllmi that wv bad Iminol fot the norxt "mngiiet" n iiMK-vptlou nluumt Iiiiimm slide to drllne lu any logical way, Wo had simply enumerated the proH-rlles of the thing, a course which In tbe ab sence nf uuthorttiithe knowledge ut their causes was the only rational pro cedure. Hut XewciMUliV iiiluil demnuil ed a logkal trentmeut. and. HioiikIi he must hare seeu rr.nu the outset that this waa a forlorn hnie bis leunclly of purtrose kept blm. retKll lu baud, writ ing ami erasing allerunlvly for an hour or more r'lually he roufessnl that he riHikl do no better than Hie follow ing pale of definitions "Magnet, a body capable of exerting magnetic force." ami "magnetic force. Ihe force exerted by a magnet." With a hearty laugh at hla bcawJIful ilrtulus lu drllulrmlo he threw da.u hi teucll. and Ihe Im ierfect and IHogtvul olUce ilrtlnltlon waa accepted. North A merles u Ite-lw, KI.KCTHU! MKTKIIM "" Patrons denlrlng iii"iiim"'elcilr.' riclera may now plnco llielr onion nt inn office ns so will hate l"1' on hnml In r. ry few dnjs. either l" rot.i nt 3S cunta per month or to mil at rott. K. V. l.iailTAWATKIICO. IMMHIIY'N KXI'IIKSS It )ou wnnt jour stuff nioied and moved quick, got Itamsby's Kiir to do It. Offlco at Sixth and Klamath. Phono i:S. PltlN'KKII WH'IKTY MKKTIStl WWOWWwwW Goodrich's Cash Store C. P. (100URICH, Proprktor Dealer in Dry (..mmIs, Clothlnif, Shoe, Htt., Carpcm, Ruks Wall Paper and Groceries ..i .. t-i.i.. lull. Ml iMiunda lor ..,,....... .Ti r-. .....- .-.-. . Sill, iHie-lisir groumi. it .. . . Snap Soap. I"" " ",r tvmv, cr iHiuu.i T... ir iMiund HlNrlohauo, s-r plug London Outlook Heiaad Thaaa Aieaa. "Bare yea given. loper attention to rear cbWhrea'a tertbr asked the health department circular. "I've always provided plenty of good lean for weai to chew on." the fond parent hsarrlbed oa tbe bottom of tbe paper and mailed It bartc-PEUadel- phla Ledger. i Helping the Town - TbaagMlwa Cltrha. Every business has a good will cap. and every sallriod customer la a fealb r In that rap. Trained men at hlg!i salaries are employed In keep tlgatlr M place tbe feat tiers that are alrradi there and In add new fen I ber. It I tbe advertising department lual I moat couaplcaoufly engaged in the feathering process, while ihe adjusting department to most cbarartertatlrall; employed tn keeiilug tbe plums flrml aacbored. Both of these depart meoi art maintained at a large proportion ate expense, wbk-h goes tn show Hi. vahse of feathers. Who. then. In Hk- orgaatoation of a business could l- aslacUevens enoagb to pluck tbe featb era from tbe good will rapT TCbo. In deed Tel all day long ben .and the:" throughout some rtore peck, perk peck, go ruthless lieaks. Impelled ty raven brains In tbe beads of vacuou clerks.- Bookkeeper. Cld Tlna Quacktry. The elghteelitli renlur) ns Ibe gold en harvest time of the quack, against whom sniue of the. Ilerrrsl sbafta of llogartb'a snt Ire acre directed. Tbe quack kited In surround himself with an atmosphere of mystery, which waa calculated to Initios Um Ihe creduli ty of hi victims Ills room was lie. decked with skulls aud skcletous. A brisk trade lu quackery naa carried on by uoiucu. J C Wright In hi book. "The Uwl Old Times." reconl Ibe Met Ibat lu Ihe )eur ITki "a Mrs Joanii.i Stephen tins awarded (3.1IW) by the KuilUh government 'fur a proier dlscorrry nuide by her for the lure of tbe stone.'- This 'proper dis covery,' " add Mr Wright, "consisted of a powder a decoction and pills. Ibe last named taring forum! from calcined snails, wltb carrot seeds. hlM and haws, tbe vomund being burnt tc blackness mid then mixed wltb soap and honey" At the cuurthuute Monday uH'tilnr:. November 8th. at 7:30 u'clock, Ihi' Pioneer Society of Klamath Itailn will haro a butlnrss meeting ami pro- gram, followed by a banquet In ltd Mcn'a hall. Alt members of thl clcly and all eligible to become mem bora arc Invited. Don't forget the dale. For sale, cheap, plann, kitchen cab inet, chiffonier and other houtehold goods. Inquire at Public Library or Stilt's atore. nearer (a BsastaaeJal sfc raanuat la barrow K stto r ,- 'r atssi at aa wars ka ware Hast and aB. The : First National Bank of KkButlt ralla I A Savingji Account Painful. A little story cornea from way bark concerning Korrcsr. tbe tragedian. it was iurlt.g bit last appearance at Nlblo'e tiardea. la New York. At tbe time be was swTrrlog aalold tar. lure from the goat. A tort of ran. war had to lie constructed from th state In the dreaaJaa; room, for ha was quite unable to step ap or down amir. Tba performaace bad beta "Cerio Uaae." and Format waa artsleat craw pahv aad llrrd with bto work. Be stumbled agahmt tbe raawar. caaatai aacfa n iwlaga In bit toe aa to amke blm r rr out with the paw. A y.-uiig actor standing by nafortu uately addressed the tragtdtoa at the wrong time, saying: ' "Dear me. Mr. Forrest, that nrat bare been excredlngly palnfal." -.ot uair to paiarai aa roar act wg.' was ibe cratty reapoaae. A Ludkraet lapeeiattnt. Holmes was one ot Ibe many emi nent men who have attempted tn tolvs tbe riddle of ibe universe. In Ills cast tin? result wn Indkroat Krom Iba sublime thoughts that rame to blm while under tbe Influence of chloro form lie thought be might arrive at some solution. Ptaclug himself In bis armchair, with pen. Ink and paper. at band, be Inhaled I lie- anaesthetic ,s droaralneae stole over blm Ibe nature of things aeemed revealed Ily a vig orous effort be seized bis pen ami wrote be knew not what, for before be had finished be fell barb uncon scious. 'When lie recovered he turned wltb trembling anxiety to Ibe beet nf paper, on which, written In scrawling characters, bat quite legible, be found tbe awful revelation. "A strong smell or terpentine pervades tbe whole!" Lnndnu News, HOME REALTY CO. MIMMMIIll IIMMItl IIIH BBeVmjw line tn . .uiiHim 4BC IIIIIIMIIMll iatttt .lie .4B . .11 .T IL.ru .lll TlllMIIII. M'r plug Npear Mead ToImiciii. per plug . . ... lllie, wr und . 2,5 lb-am N-r pound .....a aaw t'olutul'u ol Ha. I1'"'"' '" iMaawarr la. iii h pa sage " Ybdel Hal, pirkag I lolrt Psmake Hour ."J"' 'iZ Itiillril Osi, In balk, Id pounds lor I.aa) llrird I'ranTs, ISO pouudt for hugar. s-r sack .! LHiRhest I'rlce Paid for Mkles and ProwUce ; Watch this Spice for REAL SNArS" TIIIIKHgood Kovurmncnt homrstriidt touth of Merrill: HO acres; all good tillable land. We ran locate yoa. 110 per month Wc have a couple nf good home for rent: alto a barn. II2& All Ihe furniture In a 3-room house, complete for housekeeping. The renting ot the houso goes with It If yon with. Very desirable, now.jcloio In, wry comfortable. TINIIKK CI.AIMM HOMtMTK.slW TIIK IIKI) HIOVT' Oalce, Main lit. Ilioac Nil saaaaaaaaaaaaaaadtnaa Have You Had Any Trouble With Your Heater? No, of court not, If yoa have oac of ar "CHEEMULS" WITH CAST LINING That don't hive to be replaced every Kaaoa. They bam for yean without repair. We ilfo hive a flue Ue of nedliai and cheap heiters it price which tre s right ROBERTS & HANKS. Stum" adaaoaaaa An Accemmedating Bey. A Newark woman who lives In nn apartment bouse cbiuged her iceman aot long ago. and Ibe next day tbe youth who drove Ibe team for tbe new man pat tbe piece of Ice on Ibe dumb waiter ia tbe basement In In hnUteil ap. She palled away. "fiearena," sbe exclaimed, "iliat new Iceman certainly gives good waigbir After ranch effort she got Ibe dumb waiter ap in tbe kltrben level Tn her amaarmeat. I here was a small boy all. tbuj upon tbe Ice. With what little breath aba had left she demanded: "What la tbe world did you make me pall yoa up here fnrr' Whr," replied ibe jroungster, "I thought maybe tbe rake would be too heavy for you to lift, so I came up to help row off with It "- Upplacott't WANT ADS. FOK :;AI.U Miscellaneous. FOR SALE, cheapPiano, kitchen cabinet, chiffonier and other house hold goods. Inquire Public Library or Slllt'a atore. Don J 7.CMWHT, President Altrictin Maaa, riaae. Mat Prlalg, Btc. K M. Viearraa. Bast Treat Klamath County Abstract Go. Sarveyora aad Irrtgitloa bgdaeera Bant E W muor. Secretary ' Klaauth Falls, Oregoa KOIl SALE Toledo range, almoti new. Inquire two doora north of Methodist church. MlBCKIXAXKOtH. , j'ii . .- , , !? aiaifl, ; '"iH?m'm praMHw. TlwaaiaMfarraltara I &' ! ;,!,w" J-i" etrkaeaai It wBTote, fe, ksa ; ll?,r " ,,, 1ajhaaltbja..ai I t BsssfasssslssC axsasssssW 'asktssafl tbssxaassaa Bs - " - " IT ' f ' ta -v- -' '-'T? . y . wmm " i!.'? ; '$-- r7 SaS!lT '!1 "' S-- aBBssssV aha Bsssmm BBssssssasi asarn tam L.BV a 1 !' ! i"i T.V 'i i? '?' -JM. 4 .vi'rti.if 'X 11 r r ,'??&m;iiAL . t-zTZ'tt'-ic v i aV r -ai J.tJ.. .ViT . T.' . V ' tV& " itr -i.7, .' ITl' -mi E 'BHasT kA? Vjj. oaBm fc-V m j Z ?, ' -JWH aVrsmTH IH HT11UB flUK t T- l3J?S., , &"! "i, AU.77 ' ' WhWafaasWalSilllllllljIMIIIII "Never Tea Lata to Maud." Moat of at aatoctole tba phrate "It's never loo-Mte to meud" wltb Caarlet Beade's ft moat novel, and very like lr tome of at tkmk be larrated it. Be H to reaMy one of tbe meat aa-. of pepaler BbOaaophr. at of Loadoa Notes and Qaerlea hat dlaeorered K a a peTHioii from tba cemmoaalrr le tba amyor aad tldermea of the city la leaf. It aratt bare beta of a reapectabto age area thee, aeeteff that It la quoted at aaa of tba "Brorerba" of Iba period. A "aHare. "There laa't enoagb antlogy In the BafHab laBgatge," proctolmed the bright young ttadeBt. "If we aay 'mala aad female to distinguish aex. wV sot aay Iknj aad felloa' tear "Wouldn't distinguish." replied tba practical profeator, "caatUaruc both are ftHata.M-BaHlaore Aawrk-aa. Her Vary Platura. Be"(rbanaadleallyi- adore every thisg ibat It grand, exquisite, super mtneat. 1 lore the pttrieaa. tbe at reaa, tba Berfcet la Has. ha(Uathwg eejrlri-Oh. Oeoege. how eaa I refate jaa whaaroa pat M aa btaatifallrT Ntviaatset' Otta Liaa. The International date line to an lr. Lregatar Use drawn arbltrarfly-on tbe map or ine pacific ocean near tbe one hundred and eightieth merhttoa of lon gitude, marking tbe place where Bar. Igaiors change ibeb- date oa tbe trans- BacMc voyage. This change la nsces. aary on accouut or Ihe lengtheabig of one hour for every flfttea degreet of trarrt westward. By trartlmg east ward a dar will be gained, westward a dar will be lostNew York Ameri can. Ht Went Up. "It Mike Clauey berer naked tba visitor at tbe quarry just after lbs premature explosion. "No. aor," replied Patrick: "ha'a gone." "Korgoodr "Well. aor. fee wwt la that direction." -New York Journal. VVANTCO Two or four work horses to winter for tbclr use, on ranch; good feed and care guaranteed, W. P. SOULE, Klamath Falli. XOTICK OK HAIJ OP IIRIt TATK What la amaal by, ear aeigbbor wa aaaaat doabt It It every one with wheat wa art beoagbt lata contact, shajiaaatiB he. wham wa have aar ec aiipaas, ueta waver. Th Ctnsltlvt arete Humeriet "It makea a preat bumorUi mad when be sect oat of hla jekee attrib- toaio "1 Judge ae." "And K doeta't teem ta aa better to are eaa of bhi rfraTa jokta attrlbattd ta hlm."-KaatatCky Joaraal. Hit Awful Mlttaha. Mr.'Bewrlcb-t uBtitasaad Iba er- ekeatra to to alar aae-af Datrkatbt eempeaHloaa tonight Mra. OKatttk- uoaraBOBT uooriaebT Ah. I ran aaM asaasWI-H'Maafa Mrwa. In the County Court of the Rttto of Oregon, for the County of Klamath In the matter of the estate and guar dlansbtp of Charles Hughe and Mary P. Hughes, minora. Notice la hereby given that tbe un denlgned, guardian of the peraom and citatea of Charles Hughes and Mary P. Hughci, will tell at private tale an undivided ono-tlxtb Interest each of said minors In and te: Ita 5, 6, 7 and 8 of section twenty I20JJ 84 of BWV4 and lota ,8. and of section twenty-ono (sji; vii Df S n ol of section twenti. Ibt (28); E ot KM and NWK of NB of section twenti-nlno f 201 all In township thlrty-nlno (36) south -. ua eioven and a half (lift) E. W. M., all in Klamath county, Ore. ion. containing 675 acres, mora ,.r "Jinr uiur TIIK IHMT0K OIlllKII-,' Ik-tlrr Kulpprl Tlua Ktrr WB NBt'BB IBB A BVBwTI. TDTB UNDERWOOD PHARMACY CIIIHMI.KII A MTII.TH III.IKJ. phi-:. HcaiiTin.'.K ACCl'. BATKLY FII.I.KII lint Hen Ice o Castoatera ovn BTOtrB MNBW ABO rawu NOTICE Foil Pl'liUCAliiiv WF .itUUCAIION , tnlc , Mr UlM t Department leaa: Oa or after tbe 8th day of December. , ror casn, pursuant to order of aid court madt aad entered In the above proceeding oa tbo 8th day of November, 1S0. Dated at Klamath Palls. Or. November ith, lto. FRANCES HUOHM, Guardians of the pereoat gBd e. Utat of Cbarlet IIUhM t0(1 M,ry Hagkat, mlaera. Of the Interior If a UndOBce at Ubevlea, Oregon, iooer f, 1909. NOTICE Is b.,,,1,. ,mMD'P'r.y,who.po.,offl"0 addren It Klamath ,.. .. dd on the 23d day of AprllT 0 ' ihu oat, ..., ;m n8"!,NKW-WW of 8E14.ec. '..i,nOWn""P378"""',Un .at, Willamette meridian. .i .... dlent at "" ,,,ercon' u"r the prtwirton, "t the act of Juno J( 187 an. ... l8ht be nxed by .ppraltemont. d ht.pur.uanttoiuchani,n,..i. .. PPralKd. June U. 1909. ih. ,u. e.lued ,t 65.ooo board feet ., reiri: ,pp,,c"t -2 Vi Proof in iupport ot his .nii.... d .worn ttttcment on m. s.u L. ofDeeamb.r,iio,btfoi,.MH,"7 a coutc.t at any lima nine., by niing a corroborated aB. davit in thl. oBce, allegtak facta which would defeat tba entry. ARTHUR W. OKTON, '--"' Rtgleter. I'liono itesldence III. OBka 1111 Dr. J. I. Taylor, iiivHiciAN and avaaaoB. I'oatohVa "tiIIbsh R. C. P. MASON DMtlat American liank aad Triwjk C,'a Bldf. Taurauaa It D.V.lTJTWtW)All AtkNracy at Uw , Dr.Aawtaomaa . , A' " O-Oarra0fATal. Klamath PaHa, Ore, Po.tomconid.fKoa4.BMMHIi a