The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 10, 1909, Image 1

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Our A'dvcrtiMn Ott "
Th Beat lUmta.
4 t'ina f
if, i
jfttTH Vkaw. No. 1,006
Puce 5 Cents
y -tir -ni rvT"
ass) Avoid llb-aerlng and Trad In
ijirif INMWHr,N "
rlamalbm rraject
Tkast roiumlll- on Irrigation
it! mlanialbJa'.of arid land lfl
(U, ehf at oerk Tuesday evening,
traTdtas' lo a suiden close the public
iiiga with Hi landowner In order
le etl them lo carry out their
KfcWal. Iirfurv leaving Senator
Crtr stated lo tpteeenlnllve of
"Tat (nmmlllro haa Ik well
slesaad with lis Utt lo tha Klamath
srojwt, an! rerel that lima doe nnl
sratli of a niiito eitendcd namlna
lloa t II. We have a verbatim report
of lk ttalrmrnl made lo the rum-
Ilia al the hearing held hrel Ihla
alUraoon, ami every (art therein aft
forth lll b thoroughly Investigated.
W rtallm thai the reclamation of
Ik ati4 Isads o( Ihe Weet la tin of
the greatest benrfaetlona of the rot
naawat, and we now propo to giro
It Ik attention Ha Importance !
sua. Thai U lh reason for Ihla
ttteaalve luur uf the committee and
all fatli gathered will I prepared
aad lutimhied In our report to lh
"We have been naked In nearly ov
ary project havw MtH for some
thaai lo be ruado In the manner of
avsklag payments, either for an el
(ration uf time beyond Ihe ton-year
Hall or a reduction f Ihe amount
krotldrd fur for lh drsl fw year.
TkU U a matter that will receive Ihe
cartful attention of lh committee In
III rrl lo rongrraa.
MA lo llio payment of lh roil of
Ik project, (be lutpramcnl extHis
aad will demand Ilia raxmm of
Ik tut farlhlns of lh actual mat of
foaatrutllon, aad no othvr protNMr
lloa will bo area tonaldor"! hy I ho
tomnjlttn, or runarr. Any other
polity would aoon wlp out thn rcla.
nation fund, and might rcault la lh
rpl of Hi rrclamatlon art.
"la order to hrlag tka work of tho
omnment lo the hlght drgre of
twrfrctlon, it u necMary that Ihero
k cordial co-oirnllon between llio
rtelamatlon acrlc and tbo nronlo for
wkow the work la bulag ronalrurlvtl.
la thu way the completion of all
dork la hurried to a cloaa, aad much
ffiaavai jrrxaafaaaaaaai
iflsSsTi n I raasssssssl
1 M y-iJJT'f raWaaaaaaf1
unilaaaiit lilckerlng la MVnlittxl, Wo
liavi lieni Krfuil)' aurprlix'il n tlm
inannltiiilo of (In- work ilmin y tln
relaiiiatlnu aerltf, ami hellnxi that
II will, all Ihliiga riifialitxrod, iimtdi
up with umlwrlnkliiKa of iint titnicul.
ludo tarrM on hy prUatu Imllvlduala.
Home inlalakea hao lieen umilc, Imt
I do not Imllevi) lhy liavn t,tiii
greater lliati hoiiIiI Iii i.iriirtiil If
Ihe work waa lielng ilono ,y pthatn
Krolil hero Ihn (niiiiiillli'n ku
lo Itetl liluir, Cat,, ami will thro vl.ll
projwla In Callfnriila, Arlrnna ami
Nw Meilro, after wlilrh lliey will r
turn lo Waahlngtoti,
Ktery pioxrt) owner In. Ihn city
I rapfclc-d In Improte hla realitenrn
property by plantliig Ireo along lila
fronlagi, which will l uniform on
llirt-illlfefenl aire-!, If Im carrlea out
Ihe wlahr of the laitlea of Ihn (Irrater
Meilfnrd club, wio lure atarted a ay
lemallr catnpalan for beauttrylng the
atreela of bn city. Tbla aoumti like a
good plan,' and If Ihla Hr la to hato
beautiful a tilZiatv itltlrlct aa
I'ortlanit, Hxiliane, HI. I'nul, or any
other of the larger rltloa nntnl for
the beauty of Ibelr atreeta, Ibern iniial
l a yatrni to Ihn work done, Tim
ladlr of Ihe tlly are Ihe onea lo lakn
Ihe beautifying of tlm at recta In band.
and It la never loo early to begin III
lag up for the limn when Klamath
fall ahall t a railroad renter and
thirtiirtropolla of Houlhern Oregon,
"Jaxneai Magic" la-all unuauallyl
weird film. In which aplden and
anakva, chlckena, and. iulc do ,tf)
klnda of queer and amualug trick.
"The I'ockvl I'ollcrman" la a
clever Invention which you fold up
and put In your pocket, lake out and
It brcontea a atroiig cop, read)' lo do
fend you from thuga, etc.
An eicvptlnnally clever draina.'The
Hirlkera," tclla of ihn young fore
man who allcka to hla hoaa and Dnall)'
bring the men back to work.
"llulbllng llarrela" la an Intcreat-
In ocupatlon and the,' -aanta of
Mouthern I'rancu are clever and quick
In their work.
A aporly young fellow leavra hla
wlfey dear at home and (ova to diner
with a pretty girl at her flat, ft Key
trail him, and be to afold trouble,
climb Into "The Cupboard,' which
a then taken by rail all over tho
country In Ihe new homo of Ihu own
era. In 'Tlctureaque Canada" wo travel
through Quebec, Montreal and down
Ihe HI. Uwrcmo, through tho moat
beautiful river acencry Imaginable.
The Best "Buy"
in America
For Ike who iceki dothet ftlwi li
gteli-Bloch fmrt OvereMtiant. CrTetl
They, Have style and character that taik
thcai iccond to aone
AU yon ictd to-do ia to try Uicm M-4ook
thca ovcr-awl It yoa mm a coat wt caa
' (Doan fewW "Dwhaaa TroMara ara aaraii-
taai. Iicwaif a aBtwj
Will lk Imratlgalcil lo IIh Ual t,A
and Jnallrr Will IW- lh,nr to Ihe
Uat lrgTre.
The aeaalon of(lbu annate commlltci
on Irrigation wn auuileiiiy urotigiu
to a cloau about 4 o'clock 'Tueaday
afternoon by tho aunouncumeul of
Chairman Carter that they had only
twenty minute mora lo devoto lo Ihe
hearing In order lo let them get away
!n time to makn Ibelr railroad con
nwtlona. Very little waa brought
oul ailde from what baa been nnc'eui
hlvtory for Ihn paal four r Arc years.
It had lost ii heralded for many
week that If the aenale committee
mine here that Ibern would lie an ci-
(loalon that would Jar looe many
rcraona and Iblnga, and bring about a
change In Ihe management of kffalr
In connection with the Klamath pro
ject that would Im ticncnrlal lo erny
one concerned. It wa, therefore
wti considerable aallafactlon that It
na 'learned Tueaday morning that
the aenalo commltteo prfiMe1 to
hold a public aeaalon, and that tho
tnuch-dealred opportunity would Jhj
afforded to make Ihe charge that
had ben bandied alMiut for the past
aevcral yeata.
Thl chance wa welcomed by both
IIium who have honeatly believed that
then! wa Mime foundation for all the
Miotic told, aa well a by lhoe who
bnvt doubted Ihn fact cited. It
tuei.ut that Ihe accuaer would be abl
li. Und their charge (rlght at the
liomv plate and aecuru the Investiga
tion llicy havo been demanding.
The tnlcmentauado by Mesar.
Hlcvcnaon and Ady, aaalated by oth
era.'wero taken down by tho official
atenegraphcr: tho name and ad
dreaae of everyone mentioned were
ic-curcd, and at tho cloao of the hear
ing Chairman Carter announced that
the tntoment and charge would be
Investigated lo tho lait lota and Jua
llce dono to tho lait degre. ,
It acema to bo tho general opinion
that nothing will como of II, for Iho
renaou there wna a wldo dlacrcpancy
In many of Ihu charge made and
which, when lftcd down by tho clow
rriMn-examlnnllon of Iho chairman,
full lo piece.
.Another fact that will havo a great
deal of weight with tho committee aa
w "yv A
wi-ll aa with Ihn pci1u of the pro
jeet at larxo la Ihf atatvment filed
contalnrng the anaw'ora of the board
lo Ihe queatlon propounded by the
annulora. Thero 'were aVe,ral Im
portant atalemenla aiade therein that
oven tho aupportera of Ihe board
readily admit are.wldu of the real
facta, and It I certain that Iheae will
iMt brought lo thu attention of the
llHrlnar I'aat Week Many llrmartuible
MeHIng Have llreti HeM
The following dfapatch from Port
land lo the Medford Mall-Tribune la
of atato-wld Inter!:
Under the banner of Iho Oregon
Development leaaad Ihn alalo baa
never laken a more decided forward
movement lo community publicity
than now. With Ihe varloua rltlc
thoroughly arouiod and actlrely at
work Id advance their Inlereata, the
outlook I very bright. Never haa
there been a atronger advertising
pulse throughout the alalo. There
I a determination to act forth to tho
world Ihe manifold 'advantage Ore
gon has lo offer to-lhe homeseeker.
During Iho past week, under tho
direction of the Oregon Development
league, remarkable meeting have
been held In varloua aarrta of tho
state. Tremendous Interest haa been
shown everywhere,
Irf-banon raised a publicity fund of
IJ.GOO at an enthusiastic meeting.
Tho people of the city are united In
Ihe determination to eiplolt the re
source of that section, aad are dolnx
apleadld work. '
Corvalll has Just organised a wo
man's autllUry tbjt will aaako tlaelfj
felt In many waya in furthering tke
efforts of the local Commercial Hub
In advertising Cnrvallls. A warm
welcome la given newcomer.
Rllvcrlon people at a meeting dur
ing Ihe pail week raised a fund of
over) $1,000, that will be still further
Increased. A strong commercial club
has been organised, with over forty
members, and It Is promised that this
number will bo raised to ono hundred
Bclo and Jefferson 'are In lino for
their share of publicity, having each
raised 1600 for development work In
their acctlon. All are alive lo the
bcnclita of working together a a
statu league. .
Lnldlaw la active. The development
lc.i-tuo of that place la on Ihu alert
lo advertise that part of Oregon, and
It Is going ahead aa never before.
dlcndalu at a meeting Friday
shewed a splendid get-together spirit,
nr.d tho teople of that placo are thor
oughly wldo awake and enterprising.
ataaaft I isssTJsaaaaaaaaaaai
Lsaal ssssaaaaaaa! '
aaBBsassssto s
Hlevens Male That Contract Have
Hern IM for IM Mile of Con-
' l met Ion Work
Completion of tbo Oregon Trunk
lino In Central Oregon Is to bo hur
ried Just as fatt as men can bo ob
tained lo do tbo work, according to
a statement made In Monday'a Orc
vtonlan by John F. Stevens, president
of Iho mad. Mr. Stevens docs' not
lullcvo that the line will bo built Into1
California, for Ita purpose, he de
clares, Is tho development of a new
Country, awMho resultant Increase
uf commerce with the main Hill lines.
Tho O., II. A N. Is also rushing
Its line up the Descbutc river, and
2,200 men aro at work there. It waa
aald Sunday by J. P. O'Drlen, gen
jrnl manager of tbo Hnrtman lines In
the 'Pnclric Northwest, tfeal by April
the road will probably bo completed
for a dlataace of (0 or 70
miles.- ,HT,B" ""- - --
tho work jirogrcaacs as expected the
3. It." A N. Ilnewlll bo completed to
Itcdmond, which wilt probably be the
terminus of tho road until the line
Is extended south to connect with the
Oregon-California cut-off near Klam
ath Falls.
Concerning the work oa the Oregon
Trunk line. President Stevens said
Suaday night: ""
"If I could go to sleep tonight with
knowledge that wo had at least
3,000 men at work on, the road on tho
Deschutcft river, 1 would be more at
enso than I have been for a long
while, or If I could algn a check la
tho morning paying for tho comple
tion of the road I would be tho bap-
pleat man In tho atate. We havo
only between 1,500 and 1,000 men at
work, and wo are adding about 400
or COO n week, or ns many as can be
obtained. That Is our great need at
present, labor."
"Itow far Is the road projected?"
he was asked.
"We have contracts let for the first
109 miles." he replied, "which Is aa
far a Madras. We shall go at least
SO mllea further, which may ka to
llond or somo other point lu that
Irrigation district. We have several
aurveya Into that locality, but which
wll bo choaen la not determined."
When that la dono will you seek
nu outlet Into California, Idaho, or
will you cross the Cascade and go
to tbo coast" he waa asked.
"Just look at tho thing logically,"
he answered, "aad you will see thu
our object should bo to develop coun
try for ourselves, and not to make
traffic for olhor roads. The system
with which we are connected haa
spent a large amount of money put-,
ting In Ihe North Dank road, and -
aro building Into new territory to de
velop' It, and not make any ottuv
outlet. '
"As for myself, I don't .havo Cal
ifornia on tho brain. Northern Cali
fornia will look like 30 cents com
iwred with the country we are going
Into. I am aomowbat of a booster for
Oregon, anybpw."
More men are wanted also for rail
road construction by the Southern Pa
clflc on the California-Oregon cut-cdl.
It waa aald laat night .eg Mr. O'Brien
that every available man t being put
to" work on the cut-off, which It Is
honed to tush to completion wltlyall
possible peed.
About four moatha aco tka jeovpa-
ay. appropriated money eoaaldered
accessary tor oaa year 'a. work oa tke
t ' - - ' . " r - ". . I
cut-off, aad contracts war w. for
dlatnnco of 25 mile south of Natron '
and 40 mile north of 'Klamath r'nlla.
This work has ben ruahed fantor
than originally contemplated, nnd
noW It la evident that Ihu money ap
propriated for one yenr'n work will
bo spent by spring, and then It I ex
pected that the money necessary for
tho last piece of road, about SO miles
in length, to connect the two piece
of road covered by present contracts,
will bo appropriated.
Tho construction of thu cut-off I
under tho direction of Ihe chief en
gineer of tho Southern Pacific, who
las bis office In San Francisco, and ho
U having mer. shipped to Ihe scene of
work from botn" California and Ore
"Tho Indian Kunncr'a Romance" la
. .. y . . . .
a lalo or tae uiacg lima in lati,
when the Slom-were still, lords, fear
less of man or beast. A dying miner
tells a young Sioux warrior where
an immensely wealthy claim Is locat
ed, then three cowpunchers come up,
but they arc too late, aa the miner la
dead and the secret la known only to
the swarthy redskin, whom they arc'
unable to make tell. Next we ace
the young warrior wooing the girl of
hla choice with his blanket, signify
ing protection. With gifts of hide
liJ .... ItK laalM fWAlU ft)
old cblcrs eyes, and tno youpg In
dian and hla bride go out Into tho
hills together. Later tho cowpuaebcra
kldaap the aquaw aad try to make
her tell the location of the claim, but
the buck cornea home, aad lading hla
yoaag bride gone starts la pursuit
the' rest I told la several beautiful
picture, which you should cosae aad I
see. '
rZa-aw.uaUlaa.aa4 t,a4H. the
iqroat scene aad the ladtaa lrl oa
tho river bank fehing while Ihe run
ner wooa in the manner peculiar to
the Sioux. This aimU Indeed a
marvel of Ihu photographer' art.
"Tho Sentinel" and "The Morning that the actloa of tka eky la deetd
Aftcr" nre both good picture. ling to. re-adyrUe Uo-.bead weald'
T.'ioao who like drilling aad man- not aave It from Xeaa Co., aad
nat of arma work will be pleased with would daally' result la tke city not
the "Tennessee Ouards." "The Eter
rta Romance" la a beautiful hand
colored film dart. In which tho set's t
est Frerch actor take part.
Entire ckango of program at the
Iris tomorrow night.
Wanted to buy from owner, on easy
terms, ISO acre of laad. with 80
acre under the ditch: wild or Im
proved; must be good, deep soil. Ad
dress J. II. O.. Herald Office.
Don't wear out your back, broom
and carpet whea you can get the
work done so quickly, thutougbly aad.
cheaply by Moagold's vacuum cleaner.
I "!'
Our Guarantee I
with these:
Ulsea we aay a-aaraatee are
are asatlsaVd yoav namsey vHH
c.aa-Jeav Now tkat to ah anjaraatea we a-lve. :
'Aay Hoaaebold aUmedy aMMtHaw a Red. Star
BHIBLb tekel la snaMlvely a-auu-aateed to give entire aad aksslal
That' fair, haa't MT
ROtl OtlAM
Star Druri
ts -evy M-tet
K '?V v -- ,
ite-AdvrrtUemrtit lYnaya WM He--Aithereci
to, and a Heiler trk
J Mperliil.
Mr: Ollmore, tbesrepreentllvo of
Morrl Brothers of Portlaad, tke
bankers who bid oa the aewer bead.
wa In the city thl week, and had
several conference with the aaayer
aad council. When the cMy rejected
the bid of Keen ft Co., sf errta BrotaW
era shaved their atldaai edte sat?
t(00, Mpcctlng that, they weak' get
the bonds eves at' the, red need fare.
Tho mayor andcoaacll'dld.aot r4s-
tbls cbaage of froat, aad doetdad ie
reject all offer aad re-ad verttoe.TW
waa the last thlac expected or desired
by the Portland 'Arm, aad when, the
advertisement appeared Mr. dlttror i
came here post haste- aad besought
the city official to withdraw the ad-
verltsement and award the boad at'
tho old Scare. While tW waa Mae
better thanth laat offer, the eenaall
felt that ala'ce they had deelded to r
advertise they wold stead by. that ,
dedstoa, feellas that, even a better
offer woald be received thaa that of
MorrbiBrether.. k
For three day Mr. Ollasare pleaded
aad urgsd. aad at ttaea threat
ened, bat to no' avail, aaal he 'had. to
retura to hi aaaertara wKk aa eaVpty .
gasaebaaT.There werw ttoitosvtiv -.
hlaatar here whea tka atmosphere h
the vlclaKy of klasaelt aad tka aaayer "
got pretty warm aad aaaae aatalad re
mark were made by both aaea.
It waa Intimated, by Mr. Ollmore
being able to .Install the system aext
year. These remark, however, have
not, been seriously considered by the
council aor the mayor, both feellag
confldent that' the cHy wlH kave a
modera aewer system, wlthla the aext
k. o p. att;
Regular atated convention toalght.
Conferring rank of Kalght. Fall at
tendance desired.
Try a large, famous K i California
taatale with sauce at the Bast Bad
Kandy Kitchen.
s-aeart a4 wfnat we ' aay.'
at rani
be reraaded at
MAasjusuk -asUsgafajr
WanjanfB jmarasamvff
or DOUI-
. xz
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